f -fen! B D1TLT DEMOCRAT. One Cur. The ueneral ooinion is that I fcoya are not good (or anything hut t I ear out their father's old clothes. There srenis 10 ne an exception over in Dill Inn : 'Joe Stanley is a liov worth huvins. unit week his niotlier was awav from boino for several day, so Joe tried his band at making pies', and the outcome s soiiietliiiiji mee. lie took some to ma toucher and Ins sweetheart at school. Joe is as longheaded as a mule and knows llie girls are must apt to tall in luve with Kuy no can uu umies uroumi the a......... ti c Consider Tins. r,y callini! at Jas F Powell's you will see a large and fine itoek o( vegetables and fruits just receiv ed hy steamer, consist ingo: fresh oranges cuiuiis, caiiuiige, caiiuiiower, onions, cel ery, ripe cherries, and choice fruits of till We make a specially of Ialle and misses ,,u w.u-i. c also have a rive in a 1- ren. h saline corset at 75 cents .iia guuu value. Samuki. E Yol'NO. New crrain cha just received at Conrad J W llentjey. beat ho.it and hue maker ID "uouhito rorfiniller v jr. nia- a Good dry fir won.) f..r m'.e. Leave nrdera I at ims oroce. Bargains at fiesdV 0?CJ2 It 7-? inv.Q Uoth the im ihoil nn.f results wlicu Syrup of Figs i., taken ; it is Jilenwuit ami r. fVesl:in t tho t.ifte. Riulacts Kemiyyct promptly on the kiihiey?, iivcr ;;n.i jjoweis, cier.iiscs the sys tem el!ec!iiii!lv. iH.1.,1 Is colds l,u,l. n.'liss iiu.l fevers andciireB Imliittiril conssipalion. Syrup of Figs is the mm renietiy 01 ns xnul ever pro- dueeil, ticiiiiiirr to tlm tr.srn nnlA. cejituhle to the stomach, prompt in H action and truly beneficial in its ct3, us many excellent qualities com.iiend it to nil. It is for sale in .r0c and SI bottles by all leading CAUFGSNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FliANCISSO. CU. iMismif. kv. i,r,y ronx, n.y. HENRY IU. STANLEY TOWNSEND k WILSON. IN DARKEST AFRICA lM?15Pt,M ,'.'1rr;' Stanley. rMfnt thrillinir Ii.. S!S-imI.u"' d,lo""r ' Important liri.a" S ? ''J "uir. eiititltll -in Darkrat ii' 1 .c ! 1' li.l.l l.y any o( tlio o- CAUTION 1 i" r to. ' n,I,e,, rint of CHARLES GCRIBNER'S SON? Ami that th ..,....;.. a 1 .... . w .... . uuiin a wrunctu Jin. A. L. BANCROFT & CO. 132 POST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. General Agents for the Pacifio Coast W. . Martin, Sole Agent for Linn Countv, Oregon. pARM FOR AI.E.-Two hnndre.I ,, ;'' 1 Bono .arm innii all m nultl yatlon, iih K,-A two storv house, rood bernard otber oiithou-es. Oood w-aier for fa and Mock. Good p.wr surt ap- f..o. ii ', " n "ln' r HI-US O! farn.s. Siluaif d four milw t,uihwet of n-vriiv. inquire at this oilire. Tk r..ll.u;..n t. l: r ..... j I. - f. ..at. ut auu farm property for sale by U9. I 4 unimDroved lota on r,th Sfr.f pAnk I :-.,, ' "I 1 lot With liniiflA fim trnriu nr. AH. I It . u -.1,11 auu I 1 Jackeon dr. ?rJOO. Home with 5 rooms, 1st St. $1600. 1 lot on Wellington St. $850. 2vauant lota on 3rd St. Kaufa. BSOQ. I r " " ,o -J uiutn Hum l UalseV. .Q.O rwr trru far. I... J r- uc umiiicu uuu i iu maKe two good farm a. A frnml farm if 1 A in-n. 1 : i f m. I -- iioiiuci., 4 lime uuu. iau peut, 5 milea fiom Albany. S40 oer aero. I OrMiil inrmnfUn..r...a O t fi u 1 t a-AA ""'"i1' ,f iruui .iiieuu. A 17fn4l Rtuflf In i tn O ,..:,. f.. . HV..1.1 ICO acrea. $2500. Price, $1C00. Several trut h nf X a,.A in 1.. j I nan D lit irntn AlUny. $300 jer acre. I A 1700(1 trwk fnrm t "i"aA I Iirom u ii luuon. 55 per aero. A bargaiu. Farm 3 miK s from Stiedd,lirst-clat8 wheat anu iruu una, I4U acres. rice,S5000. 825 acres A m!lA.f. P T oiri Lan be old in Iota o suit Durchaae-s. I Hlocka and in T.r...cn,l'. J i;.: . I I All a.--M,. a -Vi.tl.UI WW I i Aiuany. DR. HILLER'S Special Prescriptions. PM HOME TREATMENT , SELF CURE A Specific Remedy for Each Disease, lJL"-.'-.H'S HYDRASTINE RESTORATIVfT. stimalaic. nutrition. Puria,. tho liWI. l. an-i l.v .iici, twiUiauuii alia Uu.rJ KUl.y . A jwrlcct toaic an.l Bmistli IiuII.Ilt. !?i.K'l-.,-.-NTI-PlllOUS STOMACH Af,i) tiygR C03E. carra n'liroa. in., ou.1 all Uvcr irwiSlTtClla awl -vr, jTIiTuM Wrj, unj tPlS 'p!ioi.l coii.iltio:,!. S'iCWARRUREt. .,t, fOTh, Chit. CatarrV, an ! ,-ltar,l,.,l U'alav.i. toiiKj tucuru tuj uufct uiwa when JtrccUolu arc I.Ua t.l, triumi.- rcrundnl. Bllill.iHi!l!5L "".-.-oSl.Br.Whl,UrU,1r1,r I'iicuiumu. ai.U rtii.vc l.i.n.ju.ut.uii. Containa noOpUtoi. f.ir.j rrci.l.i 1J njuuu-i Ir) it. Pf J.'jj-g?PPHTH!:RIA AND SOBE THROAT CIIE. ivvcn.a .,. li.ihtlitna. Wia iM.iti.vl cum an r -fal in bua 3 to . ItSTiaOT (faiwv In 3 .laj a. PJILJt'illf.V InJ ., In rt arut. .a ,.!.,," ,,ver. 1 iwu.l. a-..; ..! arl( K-v.r, Scarlatina. ai.J M,alea. Hotacra .huuij bat this In niin.l. SiLJ CTiliP?-!IVCUftE. C,TO. So, vn..,, a,,,, at ' if t'.r.um t li:!l.-r lr.i; C', .u ftaaiUio. Cat DR. HILLEiT!? RKFlJMATiC AMD :"' UCIC C'l" ,., .N;.r..,,,a, Oo, UttOMio. l S.i.U,a, l,v u.atr-.uja,- t.- Li.o ttora. ElL!!lIi52J2 ,-roa.h aa UcvcIrlt ,, rhi,.lrin iLl!lRlJSLl PM an,, cure, ,Vho,p,, C $1.00 per Package. Six Packages for $5.00. TIov.h(t..-HaH n .1... a ... a. an. arc .uarantel in car,, . . home txeaoncn, -u-Uatata,, valuable a..,rultil,n,t to'S 'JSl HILLER DRUG COMPANY. SAN FRANiri?rn ri P . losliay & Inson, Agents, Albany. Oregon. Special Announcement -UF- W. F. READ. EC O. BTTBaXcVBD, Precarliiilon DrusKlal. First National Bank OF AI.ItAiW . iiitri.,i, , rreswent , KHEHIESIS; Fortmilief & living, AGENTS FOR Aetna Fire Insurance Co., Total Assets $9,780,751,65, St.-onuest Company doing business In the i'rri:o states. TOWNSEXD & WILSON, Iteal Entate Brokers. CuaLier E. W. LAXUUOX, TRANSACTS A GENERAL banklna bllaineifc ACCOUNTS KEPT .abject to aheek. n NewHvYuXCaHA k0E M r"'"" ' roio" ' rancuco, .leaKo and Pol COI.LECTI0.Vsr DADE on lavorabl, tone,. DtRKCTOhB. L fc BI.A1X, L. I'HM, Eovaan F. S0.1. JJnM County Bank, Cowan, Ealston & nhamhfiplfl.in. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a ireneraj hankiiif. bualneai. DRAW Slum KRAm on New York. San Fian ill r i Orecon. LOAN MOSEY on appiavad aocurity! RECEIVE deposita aublect m chock. My Sjiriii"; Stuck is now ("oMri.ini:, Kniliracing all the Latest Novelties in ress Goods, !oth in WOOLKaV ami WASH FAP.IUCS. D -To The Ladies,- I Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, in Kkh'i Iuiiiiki) and iMlsi.ix. My I'kicks aro tho LOWEST ami my Goons tho ?i:st. Am hoIo agent for tlio Celebrated Y. S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison. : To The Men,: I Pa Call and Look at My values in Furnishing -:- Goods I lmve H Ure Strck t tl,e Low.-st Pric,.a evr o-JW,,J i tl,0 Vallej. R. K. WJCHSURS, OKI". '.V. WIIUIllT, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at. Lav. V Ii ; ii .- . I uw nKiilluini;, ttc. JVicra from So 0 -virrow daug,:. fcte nte htture purchaeiu luMresH, P O Tailmnn, Or otaut. r.nnipt a:t-nri..pi ivrii t nvsR ciit, nHTctl toour i'.rn. Diiii't 0 U 'ViluH8 Tempio, A'.b.-inv Uoburg Lumber. I flell tho hcbt i umber in the ct untt; &)kc fedar puBTR, shintk'a, laths doom and win (iow numldinc, ttc. JVicm from $.3 o ''li- Pbyaiciaa and Guceoxi. FOR ISO .OBLY! fi PflSITfMF rorLosrorrituxn maniioot): aOP TL" a. I a i J II Sf Jt-j w. BJt.yra mina: l.i:cot linV.t, ?S .M. mJII(hinM!TK.M..rrd, Ito Vnl.ir. i fttwrntr'h.-aHKtK.l Mif V l tlll.,H t KTM of M4)IT. 4M,.!'ii-(ir Rfaltlfic IIUHK T II K iT.1l- !ST-ftrnrlH In da-. tMf rron 41 HI Hi, T-rHu.rIm, acI r.rrlKnffniiHi. ATTJKH2Y AT LAW AND NuTAKY PUBLIC, ronVi In MMlian'a B oc'. No's 1 and i ALtAKY, OSECCH. mc.m:il & hill no General Bl&cksmithing ATTl'.Klll SHOP, Ourrrrof Sicon,l& Klliiriirth Strrott. They ro .r.'parr,l to ilu anytime lirouaht to ..inn a. iv.?iiiaiii7 tr:cea. EedCrownMills SOU. LANXIMi A VX, llOPR'S. Lwr Hin t pmi'R m-ritKioH rnk raam iiw AMD 1AKKM CUR. WEST STORAGF FACILITIES. A New Repair Shop Haa ju.t Ufu opfut.l on Firtt itrcet, op poatta the Hus houae, where yea cao get a kiDilt . Irokto article? neodeil, clocka m and locki repaired, key totted. &o W k tiom the country lumitlj-attended Delmoaiica Kcstauranl, COKNKK F1UT AND ELLSWORTH STS, Tito umicrt iiifd haviot; purunatM-.l ihe U'-iit-r iitf.uiuve na no a iirbl-ciars reuu au. e art-pi(--pj.rt(i iu mrnish uwul for imrtiitip or dnnucd on Ntiert ni.tiro. Otn U rs ecrveii in tvery utvl-, eastern or ccait; ill L.r.l of IKh Lr,..U. ... t. . !.... Ki.,jii.y only titti clatH 1 tip, aiul waitinu ...in i . r i . . nut im t w im com i cutis, uclliir intatu '2o cm, Cole uf firrtt-cias quality i.d a tup of cifff and cike at from 5 to 10 - 1 II I : .i . i a .uu wen ftimv, u ju vn9 euy auu re SAMGKTS Pmprirttor FUXEUAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attaatiaii-Zipst-slassHBan W H lilLYKIT. ATTOKNKY AT UW And solifitor iu lliani-erj-, 1I.RANV. . . OUCKIIII Collectlnna pnim;tly made onaiipnint laminunKiiiinici uu i.qonauin QrillN. To All Whoa! It May ConcernT The ( artnni.i.t K ln.,irn t New York, having rcnuurcil its entire d u mucks m inc oi trcjjon. nalil com- n:in ihiivtmr on ilftint.it u-iili tlaa Vi... r . r I - a. iv kiiitic Tr!la.iirtr m nnA iiirl.i' t.. f is uis-H oiimiuancc ui OUMUCSft ttl Urc- Ron, and Its intention ol withdrawing its 4rtm&it nnir ullli tli Si fit as 'I'-....... i ...... - - iuBBuicr ai tMie cipiration of the six n.ontlu printed Ir.R MANIC KlRE IXSVRANCK Co OF N, Y Hugh Schumann, Vio President. Dac : '.ij 1SS9 County Poor. Notim la herphv irin tk.a -..a ... . . ' . ...c ui;uer iirned clerk ot the (. i.onty L'curt of Lino wU..v, i;vu, win ay viriua 01 an i.nler of aid court, duly made and entered of record on the 8th dav nf Mav liMi t.:.i j , . I u.v. . D 1I.I1S lof w 111. vuun.y poor or 1.IUO coonty. Oregon, for the rariod of one year. Said bida to be tiled with aald clerk by Wednesday. Jun. 4th, ISM, at one o'clock p. m., bidder to board, lodge and do all laundrv arnrk fnp T. . to be let to the lowaat 1,,4.1. .u. a . - i iii. umit ir " "nt to reject any or all bida. ..ue my nana ana aeel of -aid court affiled thia 2Ut day of May, 1S!0. I1" J h K MosTisi i, Clerk. by R L Korria, Deputy. Pianos. Tbo.se v:sl.ii d i . . KyyinH,.;;;,,:.,; lHrKert "-irtntentoViu ; ";; to wlecl Iroiu tl,is sidj f 'risuo ",..J I ho r ,:'"iitv Hank X,d.r youror,ler - w'" be ; L- HILL, Physiciai and Surgeon, v'iEi:0-TOr, .' nd rry HtrooU, ALBANY- OS2Q0JM S. W. Paisley, .Albany, oraun. -WHOLESALE DEALER IN- Tobacco and Cigars. Onlnra lolioittd from he trade Bank of Oregon. ALBANY, - - - OREGON C3 A-I'XICAn.. ffiSn a-aa-aa PreMilont J,. BHYANT Cshle"- J. W. ULAI N DIRECTOR. II. BrVRiit. T ta rii-i Got Humphroy, C H ctew.rt. a. j unjnmg, HF. Morrill. eHiaZtlt. AXrhlt1ii a n I ..... l ; r 4 (.wtOKrilJlMT ra I M ir on itv y.irk. S.. fc'flll,niuft - 7i Wn;binton;"' P ,U 0reK' " Collections md. on favorable term'. T ciry a full line of the worU.minw,.,i rh i a mr i-1 r. .i. , fur wear and fin.sj,. L..rs stccir of EMimoti.KK.Ka and Klocscwui CI and l. convinced that Albany i, ihn 1Wlt tradinB point in Orogon. ALBANY OR. OTSM & HULBEB.T BSQ3. Real Estate Ag-eits Farm? ami llanchoa fur sale. Also city bmiwrty in Albany and Curvnllia. oa. W H. DAVIS. Physician and Surgeon. -i ifHra ud atnlra In Stmhaii'a Block. w3' be found at his oliic uy and nitflji. OX G. A. WHITNEY. Physicin aniSurjaoa. Graduate of H..IU, IT i i, . v v..i. V.. ""T"' "icuicai ..un .wiik V.lty. Pieeaeee of wornaa a anmialiu rOffio romau'a Rrick, Albauy, Or. J. F. Whiting, Artist. InSTUCtion orivan imJ 7. , 6"v,,i " "wii exe cuted in Landscape, Portrait and De corative Paintintr r eiiAi.ir.rf. nAC;AH: art A Mank.:a..i rt , o KoomsSand Foster Block. AU ujf vr Wiley A. Klmsey, ALBANY, OREOOS. ABSTEAnTTnTj T4 Only Complete Set of Abstract books and Maps in Linn County. erofflc la the Court HoUM,1aa aalneat ;entrattd to ma bT f.-iptan oareful au tlon. Revere House: ALBAnY, . . OREGON ;has. pfeiffek i-jjorniETOR nt'od no In flrst-clam atvle. Tahlr. aiinn ml u- in ii.. t . ... 'nie Nice 9.eepin,Vn;m.UH np.Xin'' fcr coiniuercinl trave!r 1 '""a WTr e Court. l ,! fr.m ,he un,,, A RARE OPPORTUNITY -I OlTend Every Uay by tho- L.T. BROCK, PROPRIETOR. To got first-Clasa FUIiXITURK, Latest De.si-Mis, at bJ torn 1'rices. New Goods will arrive Cmstanty. Oregon Land Company, with its HOME OFFICE AT SALEM, OREGON, In the State Insurance Building. An.l H.,,,,,1, Ofli nt -itlu.l. Astorha .i ,h. IIa for sale a large 1.1st of Grain, Stock and Truit Kami. SEXI, : Vfiii niMMi,, -n Ao fitnd Suburban Property. : .-ivr : ami : I'lUCK : LISTS. J.K.WEATHERFOSD, ATTORNEY AT LAW JAMES P. MEAn Attorney at Law and Title Examiner. MbDtniT OREGON. Will r,.l. 1- ., St.. .'"-:at .' th. , Hw..vs- ICU 1 trSFal aaTTlar.aaU 'vu. BraduatB of Edinourg, Scut land. located In Albany. Fro n hi. in ho.'oiui'.rShVp.'Sto? . . -.-r ' -t"". a-nr, out dal uo.iie, rom c at John Sckmaar', :i, , INSURES IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company. Safe, Sound; OonservativJ G L. BLACKMAJ ALBAi!vhe Leading; Druererist. nmia.. deIlkr;! OREGON. 1 DRUCS, MEDICINES STATIONARY &CI e,J.r 1.7" . T"" Artl0l' P,rf ' n,r' " ' M"" Ira,.nu