THE DAILY DIMOCRAT. ongreanmiui A Httler, W Jaefcaon- Yflle. Governor NjWeite Pnnf er.ol Port land. Secretary of State XT M Towmend, of Lake Co. Treasurer (1 AT Teblof Pendleto. Supreme JnriKe 15 F 15onhnm,of Sam. Supt. of Public Instruction A LeKoy, W Brownsville. State Printer J O'Brien, of Portland. Prosecuting Attorney 8rd Dial J J Wkitney, of Albany. DEMOCRATIC rOlATT TICKET. FOR STATE SENATORS Hon MTeatherford nd Hon Jiff Myers. REPRESENTATIVES O. .T. Shedd, Hon K C Iiansard'aiul Or J F Henry. COUNTY COMMISSIONER William Rumbauuh. COUNTY RECORDER E E Davis. SHERIFF Matt Scott. COUNTY CLERK N P Payne. COUNTY TREASURER W E Curl. ASSESSOR H S Williams. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT G F Ruasell. COUNTY SURVEYOR E J O'Conoer. COUNTY CORONER Frank Farrell For sutveyor E J O 'Conner. Frank Farrel for coroner. For Assessor 11 S Williams. Vote for Wm M Rumbaugh for county com missioner. The name of G F Kiusell for school supetin. tenileni should be on every ballot cast. In every way he is worthy and competent. Nim Payne is a tine penman, a good scholar a careful man, and withal needs the office and should receive a large majority for county clerk. Vote for J. K. Weatherford ai.d Jeff Myers for Senators. They can be relied upon never to sell out Linn county to the railroad or Portland ring. Be sure to vote for F C Hansard, J F Henry and CJ Shedd for the legislature They are in harmony with the interest of the people of Linn county and not with those who always make war upon our In terests. In looking over your ticket, see that the name of Judge lionham is on it for supreme judge, W M Townsend for secretary of state, A LeRoy for state superintendent, J O'Brien for state printer and J J Whitney for district attorney. Mat Scott is forging far ahead of Pearl for sheriff. Mat says singing does very well to drum up dupes to buy soap on the streets, or run a peanut stanu, but it's of no use in run ning the sheriffs office or running down criminal. Mat's head is level. "Uncle Billy" Curl hat strveil once as treas urer and his service was very acceptably per formed. He is a poor mm, crippled, and needs the office. He will get a big vote for his, op ponent, though a good man, makes a living very easily without the office. We were just on the point of putting in a last good word for E E Davis for county record er when it was plainly discernible th-it he was so far "ahead of the hounds" that our words would be sweetness wasted on the desert air 1 le'U get there by a great big majority. Vote for "Uncle" George Webb for state treasurer. He is an affable pleasant man to do business with. His good natured disposition leads him never to refuse a favor. He is thoroughly competent and scrupulously honest, just the kind of man the people want. CAN THEY DO IT. The republican party of this state (we mean the mass of voters of that party) Is now to be put to the severest crucial test that It has ever been subjected to. I'l laboring men, mechanics, farmers, grang ers, whose whole Interests are adverse to the promotion of the power of boodle In politics, support Thompson the boodle man for an office whose sacredness should be so jealously guarded against the invasions of money Influence? We think, m know, there are many reDublican farmers, and honest, Incorruptible labor people who do not bend the suppliant knee to this boodle Baal whom republican leaders have seen fit to choose as the object of worship and adoration for their followers. No sharper, clear cut, rasping issue could be joined than was raised by the nomination of Thomp son and Pennoyer. These two candidates are essentially antipodean In all their no tions of executive functions and duties The former depends upon the influence and power of money to boost hi'n Into office; the latter depends upon the practi cal sensible rule that public office Is a pub lie trust and should be administered cour ageously and fearlessly for the benefit of the great body of the people as a means of commanding the respect and support of the people. The republican party, as we have said, is put to a crucial test. Will they decide that money shall determine who shall be governor? That party s lead ers must be short-sighted. Thev tried the money power in the Ben Holladay times and it disrupted the partv. The election of Dave Thompson by the use of money, (and he can not be elected In any other way,) will disrupt it again. Without excusing the existance of the union labor party, it is safe to say that Jno man h; made more personal friend) on the canvass than II W Parker, union lalior candidate for the legislature, I Ie has stood up consistently for his political views including prohibition. Whatever vagaries the party promulgates he has frankly represented them. The friends of the Willamette University have not forgotten that D V Thompson some years ago agreed to give that institution a cen tain sum as a part of the endowment funJ. lie gave his note for the amount and it was placed in the hands of W S I.add as trustee, lie now refuses to pay it ou the ground that he received no consideration for it. Dave wont touch axything that docs not make Mm money. The Chicago Tribune, a Republican news paper in gooj standing, estimates that the McKinley Bill w ill save the people $70,000,000 on sugar and tobacco,and w ill increase the an. nual cost of other domestic articles consumed iii7,2$v,o, he estimate is moderate, 1ml it 1 hows with sufficient clearness what expen sive luxuries are the McKinley Bill and the party which is trying to make it the law. The addition of $167,250,000 to the annual cost of living, however, does not hurt the manufacture ers who take the profit on the increase. How can any farmer w ho hopes to see the legislature control and regulate freights on railroads expect to promote that cause by voting for l. P. Thompson who Is a director In the great monopoly known as thrJL'nlon Pacific Railroad. Drmocratr,cal the attention of your republicans neigh bors to this matter. When wanting the best groceries is the sasrkft at reasonable prises uall cu J F Pow ell A Co. make no mistake. Voters of Linn county, whether demo crats, republicans, union labor, farmers, merchants, mechanics or laboring men shonld make no mistake Monday in voting for governor, J P Thompson it a director and managing f 'resident for Oregon of the Union Pacific railroad company. Do the people of Oregon, do farmers, want a rail road king for governor? Do you want to turn the state of Oregon over to the Union Pacific? If not vote for Pennoyer which Is the only way to prevent it. AT J. F. POWELL A CO' Fine oranges, Onions and onion sets, Early Rose and other potatoes, Seed peas, beans, etc.. Cookies and crackers, Dried fruits. Fresh garden products, All kinds canned goods. Oatmeal, corn meal, flour, etc., pickles, relishes, etc. Everything found anywhere. Warm Weather. A fine stock of re frlglatbrs and Ice cream freezers maybe seen at Stewart & Sox's. Nothing like them for the house. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M ONEY. Home capita' in loan on son. Real K-tate and Insurance Broker, Fronv street, opposite the Han House. TOST. 'A dog wearing a chain and col J lar, with a class or whits e- e. Ke turn to ft A Irvine, Albany, Or. CITY TAXES Notloa is hereby eive that Ihe lax roll of the city of Al bany, r,. for the year 1890, has been pi- ced In my bands tor o lleclion, and that I will be at the Council (.ambsrmf said citv to receive and receipt for tii -he taxes charged in said roll, tor to" period of SO day from date of this notic All taxes remaining unpeld at theexpir. nutiu it! kui-ijr unva kuureHlier win re tn.ned - -"l I'ounoii of the city of Albany . t, and costs and expenres lor collecting audi taxei be arnica thereto. JOHN HUFFM AN t'ilv Marshal Paled st Albay, Or., this lO.u day of MONEY TO LOAN. $200,000 t loan at 8 per cent'on Im- prsred farm r city property. Vt ALLACE X U5ICK. City Meat Market. suultk aus Proprietors. Koep a full line of meats of all kinds, tn is cool piece, completely pro tected; and always fresh. At have constantly on hand salmon nd other fish. Vfilfli TO COXTRACroilS AND i.1 nril.DKKM. rluls will be recirnt l,y Mr II II Hewitt, nf Albany, up to 11' o'clock noon, ou Saturday, May 31, (op furnishing the mateilal and Ultor to erect a two-story dwelling house. Plans and can be seen st the office of C W Ayem, arch. ueei, or at .ir llowm a ollice in the same buil.liiiff. The riiht is reserved to rpipet mv all l.i.l,. T "J.ViTi. Tl?. C0.NTR AC TORI AND a 1 iL win ie received V ItlM TrnalaM nf I -1. . u i ... I iiru.iii.ii C-l-llOIII IMS- tru.i. at lhiiion, up to 12 o'clock, noon. on Mntiir-.tav- .aw 41 rn. miiiniiinK ail necessary material and labor to ereet a .i.-.i ...ii.ui.ik. l-iansana specifications can be seen at the store or C C Haekl man, at Lebanon, until Friday, Msr 2.1 and at the ollice of CW Avers," Architect at Albsnv, until Saturday", May 31. The right la reserved to rejt any or all bids. ART STUDIO, llrj.Dr.ral..n, - Blumbrrg Bl or k LK-ssoNs oivenln Prawine, Paint'nr an.t Muse clures salonr ...i..? :L. E. BLAIN Has Deen Declared -AT THE- HEAD IN HI! LINE! Now the Greatest Attraction is His Large and Stylish Stock of LIGHT - WEIGHT - S Straw Goods, Etc., In Keeping AVitli tlie feeason. DOKT FORGET Smith & Senders' JlLliil 1 '"i'l '"Tniii I,,... e stoves r.ND RANGES -teams iwstraue mars The World's Boo- i comfortablti fN.! v and happy than any other bran'l in ex- istnncn. Thriv am nailo in (ill Btjle3 a'l 1 1 1 sues, both for Cooking and Heating, and nr.. sold at prico. to Buit tho putso of the rich P.031' of imitations. t,-,nrO VP. ?raao mart closely, sad sc. V U.1 v , you are not impoLvu -t If You Would bo Suitably Dressed - Call - at - His - Store. Jas. F. Powell & Co., Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. -DEALERS IX- Choice Groceries Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co Etc. Etc. Low Prices and Prompt Attention. E, C. Searls, Diy Goods, Notions, Gents furn ishings and BOOTS AND SHOES Our stock of boots and shoes is not complete in all lines for spring rade. We will save vou mone n buWng of us. Ladies, misses and children's fine shoes a specia v. ExelnslTC Agcnev "- th LCD LOW t(IIO E. C. SEARLS, Successaor to Barrows it. searla ' Plumberg'a New Bloea. Montague & Son, Ien.lerf in CrdcerieSjProdncc, Tobacco, Cigars. Confectionary. Kic, Froduca wanted in exchange for goods or cash. Fist-elasss goods and prompt attention. TRY US- Smoke the giagbs Manufiiotred by Julius Josopii IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS Plug and smr-kiog tobaccos, Meerschaum and briar pipes an 1 mokes artt'iles generally. cc t 4 as a o v in 35 CO & I (?, 1 o cs m a 9 Sb I I H 3 ft o 50 O CO so Garland, - Superior - Argand, - Monitor - and - Gasoline Stoves and Ranges, -AM Fullv Warranted in STYLE, WORE and PRICES. won Has jnt received his Spring stock of Clothing, Embracing a fine line of suits, which will bo sold at bottom prices. In order to make room for new goods will sell his large stock of Notions, etc., at, A Great Reduction. The best place in Albany for bargains. FL.KENTON DEALEE IUST I ES. Choice Candy, Xuts, Fruit, etc. NEAR THE PCS 7 ffCE ALE. fiiafes & Washburn Albany, Oregon Ilardwore.SlovesandTinware. Our charges arc so light that everyone can stand thena. stovfs, ranges, and builders hardware, wc carry th finest assortment in tho Valley, and only ask afair examination of our stock to convince you. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN