THE DAILY DEMOCRAT. DEMOCRATIC kTiTE TM'KCT. Congressman R A Miller, of Jackaon ille. Governor r'ylreiiU' Pennoyer.of Port land. Secretary of State W M Towiinend, of Luke Co. Treasurer tt W Webb.of l'cndleto. Supreme Jmliro 1! F Sam. Bupt. of Public Instruction A Lelioy, f Brownsville State Printer J O'Hrien, of Portland. Prosecuting Attorney 3rd list J J Whitney, of Albany. DEMOCRATIC C'OI '.T TICkET. FOR STATE SEXATOItS-Hon J K Weatherford mod Hou JttT Myer. REPRESENTATIVES t .t. Sliedd, Boo K C liaoArdnd Dr J F Hairy. COUNTY" COM MISSION E R W illiam Ruuibaugli. COUNTY RECORDER E E Pavii. SHERIFF Matt Scott. COUNTY CLERK N P Payne. COUNTY TREASURER W E Curl. ASSESSOR II S Yi liaim. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT O F Rasaell. COUNTY' SURVEYOR E J O'Conner. COUNTY CORONER Frank Farrrll. "TIIK IMIHY (IF THIS KKATII." St Paul, the apostle in writing to the church at Rome bewailed the terrible in fluence of the law of bin, and cried out: tOh wretched man fliat 1 am! who shall deliver ine from the body of this death.'' Learned bible commentators say this re n.arkable expression ws based on a cus tom which existed in the oriental coun tries. When a certain crime was commit ted they did not put the man in a peniten tiary, as we sometimes do; they did not hang him, as we seldom do; they did not turn him loose, as we generally do; but they took the body of his dead victim and lashed it to his back and sent him forth with this burden of death on hi; shoulders. Wherever he day or nlght.he bore the evidence of his guilt and his ow n great punishment until, overcome, he sank down in death, exclaiming: ' Oh! who shall deliver me from the bodv of this death?" The republican party, when it nominated I P Thompson for governor took upon its shoulders a load as offensive In the nostrils of most self-respecting re publicans as was the carcass of his viclim to the criminal in the patriarchal days above referredto. jind the conscientious republicans all over the state are crying out, "who shall deliver us from the bodv' of this dead load of Thompson and his crooked rtcord. And what pray is this record? David is worth more than a cool million, and when the remarkable suffering and distress, caused bv the Juhnstown floods and Seattle fire appealed so loudly for help, and the hearts and purses of generous, kind hearted people all over the country were responding freely, David in his ac customed miserly v.ay gave to the suffer ing of each town the insignificant sum of $10. For his services as receiver of the Holladay estate he charged and was al lowed the sum of f 500 per month. Think Of it farmers, more than many of you can make in a year. Workingmen I'nnk of this. S$oo per month! This ought to have satisfied the avarice of even a miser. But it did not satisfy the graDing. monev getting disposition of DSvid. After get ting that sum he tried to wring out of a manufacturing company in which the 1L1- laday estate had a three-fifths interest 5.-50 per month more, although at that very ti.rte he was getting the $5011 per month. Dave's a generous fellow; he only wanted $750 per month f jr his services. He sued to collect the $250 per month, and the case went to the supreme court where his suit was dismissed. Judge Lord, a republican deciding the case against him. He voted against a proposition to repeal the Burlin- game treaty and then his friends attempt to say that he is the friend of labor peo ple. When the assessor assessed him last year, although he is known bv evcrv cap Itallsts in Portland to be worth a cool mil lljn, yet he swore to his assesment giving in only $171,000 worth of propertv. He voted six tin- fir tlu non-taxable water bond bill, all in the Interest of build ing up his own property in Portland at the expense of the tax payers of the state All his life he has been, as his history hows, grasping and reaching out fur money, money. It has been his G.J at whose shrine he has worshipped de votedly. He has bent every means placed n his hands in the direction of accumula ting money, and if elected governor he cculd n it lay aside the ruling pnssion of life, but would continue to make monev at the expense of the stale itself. He should not be elected and if goml s;nse prevails he v ill not be. It was noticeable that Thompson in his speech here studiously avoided referring to the charire aeainst him that he would spend $100,000 if necessary to secure his election. He denied it In Eugene but did not in Albany. The reason was plain Tit tnvf tat kr ilid wy il vat tv mar, ut hand wlien he made his Albany speech He was afraid to deny it. As good a re publican, and as truthful, as there is in the stile, says Thompson said it. cm tt navAM. The democratic candidates of Linn county will speak on the political issues of the day at the fol'owing limes and places: Sweet Home. Wednesday. May :Mn. at one o'clock, p in. Waterloo. Thursday. May I'jth, at one o'clock, p m, Lebanon, Friday, May 30th, at one o'clock p m. Albany, Saturday. May 31st, at one o lock p m. Opposing candidates are respectfully in. vited to be present and participate in the llCUSSlt!ll. Geo E Chamberlain. Chairman l)em county TJ Slites Central Com. Secretary. :L. E. BLAIJc linn Hoeii leclnred -AT THE- HEAD HIS LINE The Albany Woolen mill will pav CO cents poiiDtl for wool. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS At Albany Opera House. FriJ.iv, even ing, May 30, Miss Flora ftatson, of Nc-t York, The Greatect Colored Singer in the Wcrld, Support ed by Popular Talent. Tito P,Mrlc Mzzo-Soprnna. w York Sun The Colored Jenny Mini. Now lurk w orhl. A Hiero-;riprana of wonderful r.uitfo.- san r ranriKCvi rxu miner. A rhurinluc and gifted ilpger. San Fran Cisco Chronicle. A sparkling diamond in the golden realm of soin;, - Mm jose .Mercury. HervAcai register has a wonderful swoon. from lowest contralto notes to anprana height -i-ok Aiint'iej. v Mj, evening express. Has earned the tame of belli the greatest colored ilnei In the world, Vicksburg, U., rosi. All hfrnumbern are sunc without effort as the birds stnf Mobile. latly K-jzlster. The sweetest voice that ever charmed a Vir ginia audience. Lynchburg, Va, Daily Ad vance. A highly cultivated niezzo-soprnnn, of (Treat swermess, power, ami com pas?, ami 01 dram atic quality. Charleston, s C. Newsaud Cour ier. The ranee of her voice is such she can en. lly change from the purest xoprana to as tine 1 1 aruone ns any mm singer can prouuee. Columbus, C. Daily Kojrisit-r. Her articulation is no perfect that her rendi tions seem like recitations set to music Kan sas City Dispatch. A better pleas d audience neser filed out of the t neat re than that which listened to her last evening. Los AnelesTribune. Never betore was so selec. socriticnl an nn. dience, more moved, more enchanted, more electrified. than bvthlstrreal colored iiiistro of smitf. The San Diegan.Cal. . no marvelous ewe. tness, purity and com pass of her voice, cov rin In its range neailv three octaves. Is the wonder and Admir-dHnn f musical critics. San Diego, cal, sun. PoftsMng a voice .f rare richness and won rful range, the is undeniably the greatest singers ainng the colored eople in I America, and deserves a high rank nrnomr the ureal slogers of the worid. Her progress , througe the country has been one continuous triumph. Dcurcr Kocfcy Mountain News, Tkkfts Floor ;o cents; Gallery 2; cents; Children 25 cents. Floor seats re served without extra cost at Blackman's drug store, on and after Mav 15th. MONEY. Home cip.t' to loan on Hppmvo-1 swurltv. W K MP' mi. Keal K tat- mi In'.iranc Broker, IdST. 'A dog wearina chain and col A lar, with a tins or whitu e-o He turn to II A Irvine. A lima v, (r Now the Greatest Attraction U His Largo anl Stock of LIGHT - WEIGHT - SUITS, Straw Goods, Etc., .In Keeping "With tlie feeassow If You Would bo Suitably Dressed - Call - at - His - Store. - Jas. F. Powell & Co., Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. -HEALERS IN- The editor of the Mrowtiwille 7V'.. ha been traveling In the ou!hem p.irt uf the countv and ihU is what he savs: There ttaoone verv tinitu-ant (aet that wt noticvd 011 nur trip. We talked with a larye number of repihliean. and demo crats and did not tiud a iiii;ie man who favored 1) 1 Thompson (Hj'vcrnor. All with two exception were foi l'rnnnver. Thee two were, unle. Thoinpion conld prove lhitf he i unalterable oppo-d t non-taxable bond.. t)nr tripwa, a decided, lv ftuccessful one. and we find that 7V Timet is grooms; into favor and popu larity a, "the peoples' friend. en w.imitu the tv at Kmerura in tie maik.t at riaio. a' 1.- prie eall en J F 1 II ft Co. V. M. H. KUia. phyaieian and ,urr..n All any, Oregon. CaJU made ic city ,., nntry. VOriCE TO COSTKACTOKS AXD i Hl'Il.DKKS. riids trill be recrived by Mr II li Hewitt, of Albanv, up to 1'.' o'clock noon, on Saturday, May 31, lor furnithu.t. the material and labor to erect h tivo-.torc dwelling huu.e. l' and peciticatious can een at the otheeirf t; Ayeri, arch iteet, or t Mr Hewitt's iu the ,ame oiiiriuitt. The ri jht il reserved to reioct auv all hid... 'OTIt'K TO COVrKAlTORl AND niTi i.npn . ' ' .1-, mil receiveo ,y th rru.teeao; l.b.iioii N'bool lie- irm. . ioinon, up to 12 o'eliick, noon, a:. Satnr.l.v. ..av at t. . ., J iMiitiiiinif an neeeMiary material ami inor to erf pi a "cbool buildup. J'iana and pjrirt(;tion ... . mo a.urr u, K l; jia0k . man. at I .hitinn nmil l.1.!.. . and . the otliee of I' W Ay em, Arehitect k miii.v, uinii canirHy, .itav 31. Thertulitia remrHl i.. ". . CITY TAXES.-Notlo. i, hereby ulve tbat tho tix roll of th city of Al ln. ' r.. for tne year 190. has been i red In niv hand tor o li. - ...j that I will be at Ine C nmcil e"amleraof ... ...ri.e wihi renlpl for the the taxe jnarited in i 1 roll, inr tn. lcrird of SO day. from date of thi, notice All tax . rntn.ininr nn it.,.1 i ation of thi'ly days l.ioreafter will b re "'P!?1 " 'neli of Hieeitv .- -- . (.-11.1.111 expenne. lor ea. lectins in h tP, , "mini iiipiriu. illiUfl A ll"Fr MAX , t'v Mkrahal. I'afed -t Alhar. Or . thi. in i. i... M..v ' - " ART STUDIoT l!rs. Dr. fallon, - Blunilirrg Blork. I " 1S0NH OiTeninDrawMiL'. Painting a J and Mn. e ciiim. f.,.k.i. ... no . v. -v... ,. MONEY TOILOAN. la loan at t per cent'. Im proved farm ar city propertv. allack ,v JtlJICIC. City 3IeKoi SHULTZ BROS., Proprietors. Krep a full line of aieai, , mU k . in a owl phc, compleielT pro. teoied; and alwav. fr"Q. Choice Groceries GO1 Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co Etc. Etc. Low Prices and Trompt Attention. E, C. Searls, Di y Goods, Notions, Gaito Furn ishings anl SOOTS AND SHOES Our stock of boots and shots is nov complete in all lines for spring rade. We will save vou mone n buying of us. ladies, missel rtd children's fine shoes a specia v. p- DON'T FORGET Smitli & Senders' ll-ES.VW, OIIIHSO.V -toves J" "iiVPl chm... li aring talis traue m.r. k bid to-ilay inaiiDj more Ths World's Bost. ijonjco. comforta'ble S!- tad liajjpy than any other bnuid in ei- vy utenco. TLev r.:v iiuc in ail sty;e3 as;. 1 1 eL'os, both for Cooking acil Hcatloig, k;1 j ) BDld at price, to tmit tlie parie of tis r. or l'001, of iffiitatioo.. ZxAirine th. 1 .-itrO rP trade raarlc cloiciy, DO W at V lh,,vouaronotimpota I : mm ! 1 J - h ii as Ml r- 7S A s O v as a. Q. O u w Trr-T- r -vif Q S 2 C9 5 jt, I a - i "O - Garland, - Superior - Argand, - Monitor - and - Gasoline Stoves and Ranges, All Fully Warranted In- STYLE, WORK and PRICES. 111)11 E. C. SEARLS, Successor to Barrow. A Koan. ' Successor to Barrowa A ISparla ' Wuniborg's New Blrys. Montague & Son, CORNER FIRST & FERR"S" STS Ion1erM in Groccrics-Producc, Tobacco, Cigars. Confectionary. VAq, Trlaoa wanted in eichwie for gooja or ch. Fiat-c'aua gooda and (irompt atNdtioa. TRY US lias just receivei! his Spring stock of Clothing, Embracing a fine line of suits, which will be sold at bottom in-iccs. In order to make room for new goodi will sell hid large stock of Notions, etc., at A Great Reduction. The best place in Albany for bargains. Matthews & Washburn Albany, Oregon, Ilardware.StovesandTinwart, SMOKE THE GIAGRS ' Al have vnm!r on nd mtti fisu. hand nil Manufjoired by Julius Josepi. IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS Plug and iruokioj? tobacco", ni briar ii:iiiin' mokea arfulia jeneralir. Our cjarges are so light that everyone can stand them stoves, ranges, ami liuildcrs hardware, we carry th finest assortment in the Valley, and only ask a fai examination ot our stock to convince vou. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN fair FL.KENTON DEALER I3ST GROCERIES. Choice Candy, Xnls, Frnit, etc. NEARTHE POST FFCE A L BAY