VOL. Hi. AJJSANV. OR., WEI)NES,)AY, MAY 2S, 18H0. SO 9 ALBANY, Russei k Go's AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS AKD BUGG3E5, LOGGERS BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, IP.QX, STEEL. CHAI.'C, CDAL, PAINTS, OILS.CWAGON MATERIAL, BABY CARRIAGES, GARDEN AND GRASS SEED, GUKS and AMMUNITION. Conrad Mver, f-PIVM'KIK'i'C'A !" STAR ItAKCC-UY Coiaer Broadalbiii snl First Sts., DKAI Kit IN ''nuaed I'rmls. 5rli I'm I It Tobuccn, I'oilev, Kit',, L'r(. JIlt'Ml:WJr''.-. 'eg..:lli'..- 'I'i', tin.. .r ....et ovor.yt'iliiir thy lit yarlotyaml "nicnr n that pric- rnhl tor k.'i 1 ' .. I,. .-. ALLKI3DS GFSQD'JCi.! Mi : .1 " tut IIomi ntfMik ot2t.il f.4V ;o'its hi tllH Val itsy, ti'l tlin nvur. r-'.n' iw prl. hnh in lnivlti( i-hl s-ilhiij; i hivci ihi 1mu1 U k'n;U of Fii.wmi.ti, srjis, Ti:i?.i.H, T.1UMX3. B.1JXS, ETC., ET3. i Cft.r wast OPS K Yotini( qi i-lor, L.- C8TTLt!:3 First strutt, A.ilmuv, Or, THE PLA.C S. Uy ill iihiiui- Bill mi Pais. 810624 Gr Proflace, Baked Goads, Eto. Etc Tl.elr gooiln re tn I mm! . J th Ir ire.' rMonaliln. FOSHAY & MASON, l)rngislsand Booksellers. Air .i tu for John I). Alilnn' (iuV-'"''n!'i blrb we sell pu!(IIhor' prie wits ALH1WY. ! IB W e iBW rmra I P 1W .(ii;.vn Knu .AM) DEALERS IN., m Till TRITIOWI HEALTH f 'ihi- only rcmcily known which will sa-&2 V:a EnlrHIvs Frcsssses cf tS5 I.Ul..ulI 0.ului T-y tl;!s n1!l!'.:,. r.r.'VImp'o mcnnslt quickly rr. l p rmu:it'ii: y riiK8 AH I'orma at 1 y.:ir;:.;.i, t'oii'itKitioti, Jlrntul and N. rvoa-i Tx!i:iiitl(i:i, (it-nor ill Iehiiity, ".I'.'.in !';;; or any c.liuKtcd or weak -li";1 cninJiiioii of the sytttnn, from what v T ftin ho, Skin Kruptinti, ISolIs Itun nt:i P-cjroft, Scrorti!Rf and all Wscasus of t,2 i:lood, atomnrh, lAvev aud Kldueye. 25 1 .CO. SIX BoflLES FOR SS.OO. Pr. Iltllnr'sfil pntro hook, dwfriptive of nv rji;!h:t' llrstor.-itivcaiid ilia oihcr llcmetiici, fcci.t lice ly luuil. KILLra DRUG CO.LSan Francisco, CsL rots y.vLi; in rosHAY et Mim. alsamy, cgh. FRANCIS PFEll'TEll. -pti'i:: :.!. !,iii"-tti:r-r- ! - .'rii- now pu p rf : i 1, ;i!v.ys ft Mi h.ih .Hiii-i :ti 1 i.j:in-t-i Civil, S;m!U:y ui Hyl.uiilin Eii::tsv. C ins'i! i'W nns":ie r ..f ('! and l'y t.n'O'i t!ils-Url v. r Mi'.ne '' Oflic . Street, A't.D : I M-.tlufni'l 1 1.1 Sil "i.ui..EJ Lai "ounsellor At La? NI- otav Public. mV OREGON iVill l- V I Machinerv Mog&cy ! Money ! -TO (u good ,ur and c'ty ptoperty at 1 tmi 8 Per Cent. j 1 nw'.ita- mi' .ivn seeuiitv ; write my 1 OA' 11 i)) r.-.aiid if titln in perfect cau clo&e ' bti-'hss tip ) tt'inrt oftlcr. Call on or write me. N. STEELE. With K. U. lS.ar,li!y.I!. iil f. Allmil, Oregon. tate Agent, Albany M:mifaeturers o" 1 EAf.i EHSK1E3 Gi?l5T AHD SAW SILLMA3KIXEBY IH3M FRONT W ALL KiPrJ3 OF IIEAW LIGHT WOHK, IM IRON MiQ BRASS CASTINGS. l,.c;l.il ll.'in .11 si;l o . fHlrlnu .11 d o' inahir.Hr I'aiirrns Made on Short Notice. City Restaurant. II .viiu lnen rutin ly remodeled, thin old I a ii Lpnl?r re-tturant uiil be mule first- ' . : . ti ki - :u u e!- 111 pvitv r'"i'1 UI" ",," W1" tfivi gi'o-l ipeal- .-if; all hours for only 25 c."iiu. l.vvtj tnimr tiei? ana aitrao'ive. I'riWe bxei. Ovktera in evry style. W. A. McGei. MilklgMUkl! I ptv pnred to delivsr milk to all parts of the city. Cinrante th bt qnality. (avft orders at C K B ownell grrery ator. Wm FLrrcnaii. PouuiY Wanted. all Wln Uof poultry, llr r drMd rMt.n.t tha Wlllmt Picking Com any'. SWi.ro. Allnny, Oregtt. Best rout coffee in' the eity at Uonrad j owcr. ; s 3 , -to . 's f , 1 ; '.V.t.'. ! 'J i I U(it.'I'C.ovku' AiT(i.vrniiVit. Sylvester Pennoyer, democratic candi date for governor, will address the citizens of Oregon at the following time, and places: Pendleton.Wednesday, May 28, 8 p m. The Dalles, Thursday, May 29, 3 pm. Independence, Friday, May 30, 1 p m. uanas, Saturday, r.lav 31, 1 p m. Everybody is requested to attend. La dies ate cordially Invited. U Goldsmith. Ch'n Dem. State Central Committee. Mil IT A PI TV To see a woman's lovely feature mar red by unsightly pimples and blotches. Young woman, defective nutrition is the cause of your blemishes and the sooner you take a faithful course of Dr tiller's Hydrastine Restorative the sooner you will cease to be an object of pity. Foi sale at Koshay ' Mason's, druggist;. Epoch, The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life of the Individual Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory and the agency whreby the tood health bus been attained is gratefully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard In praise of Electric liitters. So many feel thy owe their restoration to health tu the use of the great alterative and tonic. It you are troubled with any disease of kidneys, liver or stomach, of long or short stimling, you will surely find relief by use of Electric liitteis. Sold at 50c and per bottle at Fohuy & Mason's Drug store. I fcave just received a larijc invoice of lace curtains, ranging in price trom one to oiue dollarit a pair, Bcrim, urtain nets, etc. Also a line of curtain pile a 1.1 fu-iiiti.ro cover ing. Samuel K lorso. PAISLEY & FISH, J03 PRlNTtTS ALBANY "Wat if tl. cow to pasture. Woodle & Talt BHa-i. The I pit and tbeMuge Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth ren Church, liiue Mound, Kan., savs; feel it tnv duty to Ull what wonders Dr King's New Discovtrv has done ior me. My lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought 1 could live only a few weeks. I look five bottles of Dr King's New Discovery and am sound uud well, gaining 26 lbs in weight.'' Arhur Love, Munnger Love's Funny Folks I'omlination, writes : "After a thorough trhii and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr King's New Discovery lor consumption, beats 'em all. and cures when every thing ele fails. The gtvatet kindness 1 can do mv many thousand friends is to urge them to try it."' Free trial bottles at Foshay & Mason's Drug store. Regular sizes 50c uad .f l.oo. I O 0 K. Albany Lodge No 4 holds its regular meeting '. i-dneday evening ol each v.-ct:k. V 11111.;; brothers are cordially nvilcd 10 utlend- -n or ir.'Tnfi-i'r. or the pvtnklnp of too rfcta Hnii ir-'l. i.'nti.ili fttrit its a common riiilp of d'econ.uii-t aii'l ntTci-in. To inirn".Iiut,lT riieve tbo Gtomndi anJ bowt! fnv.n such overliuvlinjr, u full dnw- of itr. I'tew s I'ur piitivu I'rJIota lh tlio tKst rpinwly. Tlvv op-pratt- (reitly. "ft thort'tijilily ;nJ witliout gTit'iiiir. n:uicfi. or o:h'-r iiiii-NMviT.t r.Tcrt, it' li:' t'K irco irnluivi'iico in sitL-h Intrm-r-at i:'in(C b- (iTHr.''i ilmttnn, cm 1 vif'vsiii :-r;i I iliinjtn fp. nu nil"l ui;h a A n.'i:f ful.ni-fs vc bit mt H Iff RftlT Kitmjr, e.Kiic'l i.vn-iii'', bitt:r or bad twt in inuh Ui t) inrii:i?. on aririnjr, drc,ve',nM after :i't'f-ritnh!o ff-iinir of lrwt, or of r.'liwx ciMtnlty ami hyiMK-hondrt!! then y n wed tn flinw up f hp u."p of tin Pcll'-tji" TPtth ir. Pit n.-i-B (iu!:rn Mltciil I)icvrrT, tu tone up the stonmch, inviirornto the liver, r.Ti't w-l all tuo pror c"9 of dietion nt work. VhiliTiirtnir In'liz-i fen. It puri!)' tlw Moud, rlv-an.iTt ih-' py.ittii from all Nuuiora un1 btuo-l-potjoit! no matNT of whiit rrnmn or nntnr. or froni what cnue ariptfiT. Tin -re in o t'l'iiT shnilur t-i ft In cfni:iotition f.r nr I-rfnii i.inp It In results. TlitTffore, rton't tw d.:Hs i.ii'i induol to tko goiiio mil'siittii", snld tn t-o Jimt aa RotHl," that tne nnkr mnv innk? a hirr proit. Kianuiactunt. br Wobt.p'b Disttnsart MkdicaL Jhsciatio, liutTaln, ri. V. V-V W hv the mnnufaetureri nf 11. Ktc's Cufarrh IV-inrdy. for an iorurn-h-e e'jv2 Catiuiu in the Jlc-1. Tip. est of a!l in Leavening S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, iG3j. KM WEIIY" TONUI'i: CACI.IIT. Portland, May 2&ih, 1S90. To the Kditor of the "Ori'oiiiun." "No might nor greatness in mortality, Can censure scape, hack wounding calumny I he whitest virtue strik?s; what king so strong Can tie the gall up in the slanderous oHiwe," Shaks. M. for M. Act 1 Sc 2nd The OrconUn of May 24th contains the following leport of an interview with Mr Ton gue: "Senator 1 nomas II Tongue, or Ilillsboro, was in town yesterdav, and a reiiorter showed him a clipping from the Weekly World the democratic organ, which quoted colonel T K Cornelius, the republican candidate lor Lover nor four years ago as saying that 'both Pennoy- er and I hompson defeated him last election, and now, between the two, he favored ttie man who fought h'm openly and was his op poncnt from principle, and he would therefore give his suffrage to Pennoyer." Replying tins, senator tongue said: 'The democrats begaa industriously to cir culate this report soon after Mr Thompson was nominated. In a conversation wirh Col onel Cornelius, I referred to the rumor. He denied it, saying it was absolutely without foundation. He said he would supfiort Mr 1 hompson, not only liecausa he was a repubii can, and on thc'republican ticket, but his ex perience with Oovetnor 1 ennoycr bad lauglit iiiin that the governor was not a good man, and that duiing the campaign four years fgo. he found Governor l'ennoycr to be u.truthlu. and his word was not 10 he taken in politics. Last Saturday in hisspeech at Hi!l..boro, Gcv-1 ernor Pennoyer referred to Colonel Cutnelius as one ol uod s noblest works, an honest man. After the meeting was over Colonel Cornelius told Governor I'enno.'er that personal comph- n.nlc nnuf uir nnt in arrCiriX U'ilh .lru.nnl misrepresentations made about bint in. the can - vass four Years ago. Now comes E II Flagg, Esq., a respectable citizen of Forest Grove,. Washington County, w':o under oath makes the following affidavit: "I interviewed colonel Cornelius Saturday and he stated that either the reporter or Sena tor Tongue was mistaken. Colonel Cornelius says that in the county convention at Ilillsboro he told the delegates that if he was sent to Ihe State Convention, he would not vote for Dave Thompson, as Mr Thompson was not his kind ol a ma... In rcgird to GoveiLo.- Pennoyer' he said he consulted him a nice man, r n hon -est man, and a man who tried to 03 his duty, but cranky. In regard 10 D P Thompson, he said he was a good business man and a money ..ii..er. 1 hat uc hail made iuorey out 01 .hing he handled, and if he was elected oovei-nor, it would be a strange thing if he did not make money out of 1 hal uiuce. He s-ud Mr Thompson w as an able man anil could nu ke a good governor it he were honest." L II I'LAUG. Slate of Oregon ss County of Washington. I. L 11 FhiL'U. beint lust duly sworn under u.uli say the furnjmug is a :tuc account uf the inl.aview and tonvcisallon set 101111 as 1 eni) believe. 1: 11 li.Ai; Subscribed anil sworn lohefoie :e this 2blh day ui .Mav, iciuu. Geo P LUkkkr. Nolary PuUic, In justice u Governor Pennoer and to Col onel Cornelius I wou'.d respecltuliy ask Jou 11 liiserl ll.ls ill tne '(yrri...r.u.. Veiy Respectfully, U Goldsmith, Chairman Dem. State Central Com. The above was h.inded lo the Or.o..f but the Lilnur declined 10 pifblish it. S.iiwi.r) the oUubn.l.-d Havana hlini i : -art., manufactured at Jul .Jo-t pl.'u eig luCt.or(. Only 5 cents. Mi-ring Ha Come. The slock of wall paper at Forttniller .V: Irvlng's is lartei .han ever, being quite immense and in elude many new and beautiful designs. T.ie I t"! li- ll.t? eny Hir-J1 . I 5 and 10 c- nt eig.is b i l,unil at Conn & li.judiic SOU.. Alha.U' Murbleaid tirvnte V nrk.H v iliiiU'flv f.nrelia-.t.l the stock of S A UK'iZ and W Hi.rri", we thsll be pleu'.il ihow d-Uf. and ivo pritvs to oil Intel 11 an purrlm-cr. H t of workmen enq ..d .od price, as iow a- ! f.-r lir.t-cl. ? woik Visit n bl forr plireha-Mlir ehuwhen.. Kins & ArnisoN next door to TVmocrat ollice) Albany, Oi. A Baruaim. Boudoir paper, package, only 10 cents nt Hublvrd liryc drug Albany Jl.rkel. Whont '. iitt-i'. Butter IRe pi 10. Hay-t.00. Potator 75 rt pr basilar Boaf-on ft, ',r-pple-75 cent, per bti. Pi.tk H' PO' itreasf d. fi(jcrn hnms i'4; ahouhlara, 80. Rt.br" lOrt. jird 9crrlh. f!nnr4. VT l,u1-hpteli-S (10 pfr dor.. 'Ill Kood, bran. M.OOpnrton hcri.. III. mhMilnir.. W. t'hni - !. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Itlvi-r 11111I llurlxir mil. Washington, May 27 All the ilems put in 1 he river and harlw hill hy Mr Hermann lor Oicgon, went through to-day without a break or suggestion of amendment. The ap propriations were large and there wer a num iieroftliem, hut no oppo-ition wis ijT'oped, It now only remains for the Oirgnn !..:nators to see that no cut is mailein the "rebate, and Mi Dolph's I'osition on the commerce cummit lec will enable him to keep in the hill beyond .loubt. I'cw states have-fared ts well ns Ore. gon, an.l comcared to populathin, Oregon is lar anrnu ui an timers m ttie tjill. The river anil harbor hill will probably pass the bouse to munow. Home ('emu ItelurnH, Washington, Map 2;. The census office to-day made public the first results of the elev enth census in relation to stute and local finan. It consists of the ore iminarv report nf the indebtedness of 2S09 counties in the United Slates. Reports show the principal of state debts at Ihe present time, g22S.679.917, of mis 194,954,200 is DoilUe.l, and 33,725,610 floating. Tim shows a net decrease in the total debt during the last ter years of 854, 459.484 bonded debt, jiaving been decreased by fc04,oS3,249, and floatinj; debt increased by 89.623.764. The V r. Portland, May 27. The Union Pacific will begin immediately the construction of its branch line to Puget Sound. It will run via, Vancouver, Olyrapia and Tacoma lo Seattle. All is now icaiiy with the exception of a few minor details for terminal facilities at Seattle. Work will be pushed to a completion as fast as men and money will do it. For a Roomer, Tacoma, May 27. Much excitement has hern created here hy the private information from Washington becoming public' that the senate had rejected Tort Orchard a, the site for the navy yard, and a point beyond the nar. rows near Tacoma selected instead. This site caneasilv be fortified so that the entrance by an enemy' vessel would be utterly impossible, and is the most practicable and secluded point on the sound.. California rUo.ls. San Fra.iCIsco, May 27. A Chronicle Fresno says: The San Joaquin and King riveri are higher than ever before. Ahout Klk'.iorn ' many thousands of acres are inundated. A larg. area near Reediy is also flooded. Several nun ired acres of the finest wheat land of the Laguna de Tache grant are under water, and what promised 10 be a splendid yield lo the acre will not pay for the harvesting. Below I Iamptonville the San Joaquin has broken its hanks and hunorctis of acres are covered with water. On its Last teen, New Vori:, May 27. If indications are counted for anything, baseball, as a profession has gone to join roller skating. For some lime past Ihe okl time craze has lx en slowly sdpping into innocuous desuetude, but 1 his evening's can-fully obtained ligures would ap parently leave little doubt that the great fad of fads in America is now a thing of the past. c-m G.,I,K, star vmiHiiiei for f.O cent C? ?yiir, and nil i,ib..r fvti.i...l iiv.l. eheac oreash. VAi.rAii:.i: ri:tii'i';.Tv. The Cnsick Aihliiiiu, ;0 Jtlbanr ,haa just Iv pti :ht;oui, or the market unit will oe .old at such prices mid tenrs as will enable the speculator to make good ll.ot.ev. This property Mis jfst this side Goltra's Porkj is hluh and sightly, "r ""kini; the- citv arj s.;i 1 ounding o'li. try. In the hiofiiaye f a Fltst :r-kt n.i'ichai.t, "That is destined to he O' Tethe 'iii'.n-ton' re-idvnee portion of 'be lit v." Wal aco .V Cttsick, the am r.ts for this ;riip.-rl. , r.r.ve their own conveyance and .1 iii be a'.itl tn show tids, the best of nil .'i i:i..r:K. 10 ttie intending spci'ulntor. adlnj: Plintomiilicrt. All sny niveon. We have boukht all thoneRtive. n'a.le by '. ''' C'i.rl aDd W H (.101. .wood up to Nov 10,1., ls;!. I 1 1 1 liiat.s c.n ho hd from li.'iii Oi.li of us : rHdiie.il rnt. We have n o aboot 1S.O0O if fcijiTi. e lnadb l-y our-.-.vms, tr..io hicu dup ij.it. n c.n h. had at l .er 'c-. We cairy tS 1.1 ly tub line .1 . i.-ws f Mti si.tp m d do ..rl.irg.'d work at . w.i 1 .( for rir.t elk., work. V shall be . . as. d lo si e ;.rn t . nr Studio io Kroman'a li es, t exl d....r to Ms. 01. 10 Ten...!. . If von w.i.t elthur to b y or vH jnnr pr ) . itv 1 vr the t.-i,., h, ti l I,. 1 rt. of'K P AS'.v eC ,'0. Two CiB Loaiik. I'rii o A Knbson linva jm.t rvccivt'il tyyo ear liuiils of wnirnns rtml tiULi:io, I'L-lit p.nil licavr. nml will ?ell Jtlii'iii at rvinarknldy low-'pritcH. coii.-i.'f nit me fpieimm quality ol tl.t laLun. In ali ilitcisea rf Ihe .lonmeh, liver and 'ii'llin., is., 'o the xetn-' f .11 n'hrr n.i!-.i:it 9. nstnre-. own .em.d, Pfiii.ilera' Oik', i, PlirMt Pa'itier This Trade Vaik on a slovt r-ans It Is thn best thft ex pe..;ree and skill can con Irive. ..old only by G. YY. Smith. r...kt.ii' Ainlra Rnlvr. Th hj-' rfl - la tY r.-l I f r i'ilt Hm'M.,Sr r. t'ti-ai.. H-li. Kh-'U-n. P.,rer . -f i., T ttar, Caspp d lti.ii.:-., '.hillli!i,Crri, and .11 Sklri Ernptto and -..lio-rlvi-ure IM...,.,r n . mv roqiiireil. it I. irn.r. anU'.-.t I., e'.e tH-rfeet ..tisf-tlon, or money leijnd- rii w iriiir ti w'fc Vie op For Sh.?. by mbj and M-.Vrr.