ALBANY. OIL, THURSDAY, MAY 15, NO 8 Russel A Go's EngieuM fciiinery. 1 !?lM,; ; Jj'n an'' r"T'lis comfort. This is real enjoyment !" r; gW fS? . I W ' By permiaaion of the "Sunday Mercury," Portland, Oregon .J . AORTC PURE AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS AND BuGGIEl?, LOGGERS AVD BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, IRON, STEEL, CHAirv., COAL, PAINTS OILS, WAGON MATERIAL, BABY CARRIAGES, GARDEN AND GRASS SEED, GUNS and AMMUNITION. 1 Bail s'.oek fir ;ooil in llii Val ley, and tlio mint rv mie prices, in .Hiving nnd soiling i have on hand 11 kinds of TRUNKS. B33KS, PmrU.lES CLOCKS, CaiUXFRY, ETC., ET3. do ir wait of S 15 "Kou.1 ,'1 o'.. stum. L. GVTmUZ 123 KirL sttof. Aibanv, Or Conrad Mver. e-PK' ''KI K I''' . ;e STAR iiAEil'MCY Gnvuor Broaditfta and First sis., -IiKAI.KK IN- ''atmeil frutt. :iiiie. 11,:it JtnNtri-, i!i:ifii,rc.. ?rle Frnllw. . rgrtnM.,.. Tobacco. 's. tngtar, Sft'tt . Colic-, Ten. life,, Klc. ." .. .ct everything thai in kopt n a acn ' 11.1 varimy anu groonrj A rkst price paid for ,.V.(,N..,..sT(PCSi JESFBRAflY .7 ft 0 r f Honey I -TO .it 1 ' OjjjlpjD HEALTH 1 :ly r-lr.f -:..- ,;i;,.xvn tthlrh Hill VAi'X r;:s: i .sea S;..!. of I' e "il, SI -. ,i, . ..,, t, ,.;f,i.iy .. s .-.11 rorsu nt ! !lleii!.. R'.id 1 : -.;Ui:, Ilel,I"( V CT.iiiiitslL'tl rr v.r::'i :!! .: lite i.yslfiii, fro-.i t.-.ia!- Knipliott., 'T:rt.::i, (Ml .1 n.ll l:;-.:irs of, T l,r czd Kidiicvs. Jii. SIX BC"fTL.:S FCS S-3.G0. r. T,nir(i hnrtV. rVsrriptivoof Ily- I .j t:w mid hi utiiLT LLErf iliXG CO., Sua Franclsa!. (Oil bAI.K 11 V ALL KINDS OF ADDUCE. i!; THE PLA.CS. By all ranatu o&ll oo PaiKe- Brothers, Oj jncvl fMn mi.) city property at 7 tmti 8 Per Ccsat. 1 Mx,iiii n riv tl J IJtHt .41; 1 J If ' nwn se. nritv ; write my if O.'U' ja perfect can close Call on oru-jiio ljc. WHAT A 1'IIV To see a wnmnn c I.i-pI faat,ir.D red by unsightly pimples and blotches. Younir unmnn l.fn;. o ..i.t 1. . v..,vin, uuumuii IS UlC cause of your blemishes and the sooner tvu iic h laiiiiiui course 01 ur HiJler s rJ ydrastme Restorative the sooner you Will TPflRf trt lu an nKial. V- EMcbB T V I i t " '""Si st.iiiig anu I luwuot. ucaiiii lllitl KH an epoch In the life of the individual. Such a remarkable event is treasured In the mumnrv ami lh. n ..n.... ...I t . agin,.. miivicuy me eood health h&8 been attained is frmtefull.- blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Electric Bitters. So many feel th-y owe their restoration to health to ..... ubv w uicgiciik nuciiiLivtf ana ionic. It vou are trnuhlpH with anv Hie... nt kidneys, liver or stomach, of long or slio sunninir, vou will surelv hnd relief iv e of Electric Bitteis. Scld at 50c and $1 per bottle at Fo'shay & Mason's Drue store. Wii.l, All.-...- K. U. i!, S. X. STEELE. i.'.v.Kjal Kitate Aj,'ent, IRONWORKS. nm cnir.s csisr and c.v." MILLMASHIHZSY EHO.N FRONTS m ALL KlfOS OF HEAVY AKO LIGHT WORK, IN hND BRASS CMTIN3S. Vil.y A. ICimsey, ATj'i.ANY. oHFfJOS. AESTRAHT-RP. TV- Only Complete Set ol Abstract books and Maps in Linn County. fJfomn in the Court Hou,- Uiixiueo nntrlHtml to me will nv- " i-nptun'i eirfiil att-mtlon. for tohi G rocenes, PMluce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc, TLalr (toodn are the Imm and tlx tr price reasonable. RedCrownMills 80M, LANNIXG & CO., lOPR'8. ww ritocns ruira srrcaioR mh rivntn Aim (AHEM ma. . EST STORAGF ACILITJES. Hiffhest 'Prioi In C nl. J.K.EATHERFORD. ATTORNEY AT LAW MoMElL & HILL DO General Blscksmithin? AT THEIR SHOP, Corner of Seeind& Kllswnrhh Streets. They ra prpe 1 t no anyiiiair tiron'ht to them at re i, (iBahla priott. FOSHAY A MASON, Dm ggisfs and Booksellers. t for John R. Alden'a ptihllcatJona, hfeh . ttall nnkll.ha.1. . k poU(tad.1.- ALBANY, OHCUO -MC1I 'T-.', ,1, ds O'' UM.'UlflHrt Pawns Hade on Short Notice Spring Has Come. The stock of wall paper at Fortmiller & Irvine's is larger - ui.i. iiiniiciinc uiiu in. elude many new and beautiful designs. There is enough enemy expended io the thcol laical enntsBt 8t Aldany to evangelize several coiuurics if well directed. Jouraal. T'lO l.J. linnc R ..A 1 rt ... ..: - .. , mi., ik' w utt citars 111 tho city aro u be f.,un.t i.t Conn k Ile-idric eou's. I O O F. Allianv'l r..l..e o . n. regular mcetine Vedneday evening of eacii week. iitini brotlisra arc corjiallv nvited to attend. COV. fENOVKB'g APPOI.TMKXTIi. Sylvester Pennover. demoeratlr nnji- date for governor, will address the citizens 01 uregon at the following times and Eri6t Portland,Thursday,May 15,7:30 pm. .ii.i..uuviiie, rnoay, May 10,1:30 p m, LaFayette, Friday, May :6, 7:30 p m. Forest Grove, Saturday, May 17, loan, Hillthoro, Saturday, May 17, 3 pm. Ashland, Monday,' May 19, 1 p m; Medford, Monday, May 19, 8 p .n. Jacksonville, Tuesday, May 20, 1 p m. Giants Pass, Tuesday, May 20, 8 p m, Rostburif.Wednesdav.Mav 11. finnn Eugene, "'hursday. May 22, 7:30 p m. Albany, Fridrj, May 23, 1 p m. Corvaflis, Friday, May 23, 8 pm. Salem, Saturday, Mav 24, 8 pm. l.uker City, Monday, May 26,8 p m. l'J T 1 .. . r 11111, i ucMiny, fliay 37, I p m. LaGiandc, Tucday,"May 27, 8 pm. Pendleton.Wednesday, May 28, 8 p m. The Dalles, Thursday, May 29, 2 p in. Independence, Friday, May 30, 1 p m. Dallas, Saturday, May 31, 1 p m. Evervbodv Is rennpsted tn nttenH T ti dies aiecordiallv Invited. It Gut.IISMITl. Ch'11 Dem. State Central Committee. Di led It rur Five l'rars. E S Ilo'deii : 1 IV t r.lcPHERSON, First Street. Ket KtU Broker, Innorance.and money And llimitrov-d Mtv nrnnt ..J nl n anu farming Uad in Urge and RQiatl m hum .hi QiimrniMinii only, if yon nt i t buy or mil it wili ptyyoa to call nd ire nie. toCi if? hll ei-:.l tough Syrup fur the past five years, and have used it in my own family and know it to he the beslceugh syrup I haveever rscd orsnM. Fred M West, (Stockton. Large size, Si .00, small 50 cents. For sale by 11 C Hubbard, druggist. Stw.t-.e the celebrated Havau llliirl 1 1 ffars, m.-tnnfactured at Jul ur Jo.eph'u cl' rreu.r) . vjniy 0 cents. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS The Klver auil Harbor Dill. Washington, May .-Considerable op position is being developed to the river and harbor bill, but there is no probability that it will be put off until the next session, as iue Rtsted in some rerls, but it will nrobably be taken up as soon as the tariff bill is out of the way. The delegation from Washington is not altogether sitished with the bill and will make a strong fight to amend it in the senate, even at the expense of Oregon. The Hnlle taps. Meridian, Miss., May 14. A hand of "white caps" who have been unmercifully beating parties in this neighborhood, visited the house of a negro named Anderson, last Sunday night. Upon the negro's refusal to come out, they fired the honse. Anderson then ran out and fired into the crowd, killing Louis Land ami wnttnHinir a . i h ... uuini, iHUCr son escaped. A Beep CM, Chicago, May 14. The Bui lino ton rfnA announced that next Saturday the rate to St. 1 am iron, nicajjo will be redurcd to $3. The present rate is $8. The cut will be cenerallv mei. This afternoon the Milwaukee & St P.iul re tina ted On the Tfltrlinrrrnn U 1.: C :2r "J iiiiMin; acj raie between Chimin an A rai.;i ii..n y-r. -,.,.,. AJiuua, inana and Kansas Cuy, and S5 20 to Sioux City, as ....... imcm 10 at rauu Anxblni fur an Excise. Seattle, May 14. The emnlnve. f Mechanic's Mill Company to the number of 150 went out on a strike at 2 o'clock this after. ' noon. The Mechanics Mill Company runs a saw and plaining mill down on the mud flats and employs about 2no men. Its nay roll amounts to about fiie strike w. brought about b- a question of the - v- . Carlisle Ahead. Frahkfort, Ky May 15. The democrat ic caucus to night took four ballots. Only six names were voted upon, Carlisle, McCrerry, Lindsav. Knntt. frwrj. :.. . .., u,ms. main DUCK ner, Mckenzie and Reeves were left out entire ly. 1 ue rourin oaliot stood: Carlisle 39, a eain of e nver th ... kniiA. c- gain of 2; Lindsay 28, Knott 16, Moore 12, Settle 7. Carlisle is undoubtedly stronger to night, and his men are i.i a mood to push the contest to a close to-morrow. Tlie Proper Thing. San Francisco, May 14. Th4 Southern Pacific company is about to build extensive re pairs on its snowsheds in the mountains, which are made necessary by the damag- done by the heavv snow itrm. nt I-. .. - . t- j - ---.. niuicr. ine sheds will be thoroughly braced and put in ...a. ..uis, cunuuion Deiore tne coming winter. A Big JndgemeBt. New York. Mav is The mm f s. 803 was awarded by the decision nf Wallace, of the United Slates court, ogainst the Chemical National Bank at Cincinnati. 1 he claim was for balance due on collaterals for an unpaid loan. Tills Trade Mm L on a n.,. .rreans It Is the best thet ex- pciunre and skill can con-' trive. .old onlv h. n w Smith. mm Milk I Milk!! I am nrensred trt dtiv mIIL - -tl of the oity. Ontr.ntee the beat nn.lit Iave orders at C E Browoell's irocerv store. ' Wit runiM. Poultry Wanted. .I ii.. 1. . . . niiiunui iiuiirj. .iit. or qreeweq emiltlUl mA Ih. WllUmla D.akU. i 1 eeny'a Store. Alliany.Orefec . KISSES. f A la Aomea and 7tltlf.) A. prominent nhvoicl.m eni). tha lm leirant disseminator of disease." Ho says, "fever Is snreail hr it. n r:i limn. S".j'";n f'.,e Bnrled and r ml i vsja.WI! Evldentlr klssi are not r..r nJ i,,, nni) the olii fox says toe araiM 11-e T.i hin. devote hlrnsHf to maklnir on.- i-nen hee.llhr and bloomlns; that klaaea lunv be kim-j. This can surely be done by the rise of llr. fierr-'s TLla.m,n J'? Peculiar to fennl"s. time there will be no more Irn-irularitv. bni-k-acrie, oearlnirlown aeiwatlnna, nervoiis mil trjtlon. atmenil debility and kindred ailments. It Is the only mediolnn women, mid by dniitirljta, nnder a poaltlye (imraiilee from the manufaeturers. tliut It will (rive s it isrtlon In every ease, or money refunded. tlliJ IS PS"' on " Wonan and Her . . oT-11-wuee, rni, piia.pAlU, to any addresa . Krurrly -d in a plain en- Velone. nn eMeeln nf i i . ij - i . v-.i. piuiiiiib. Addr-ae. World's Dispr.mAHr MaiucAt. AaaociATioM. em Main 8tre.. BulTalo. N. Y. Br. PIERCE'S PELLETS Purely Vegetable and Perfr rtlr Harm. leea. Unequalcd asa Liver FIJI. SinnlUnt, ?.,,'X-.H,"!,,acl, nillone Headache, (-onMlpasloti, Indlareatlon, Itlllooa jstZ "eka, and all dcmnirementa of the Htomaeh and bowels, so oenia a vial by druxaMta. Tiie Pulpit and Hie Mtace. Rev F T.f Slirout. nastor United llreih. ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan , savs: "I feel it my duy to tell what wonders Dr King s New Discovery has done for me. .My lungs were badly diseased, and mv parishioners thought I could live onlv a few weeks. I icok five bottles of ' Dr King's New Discovery and am sound ai:ii well, gaiiiing 26 lbs in weight.'' Ai-hur l.ovc, Manager Love's Funnv Pnlb-- I I 1..-II.... ll. . .iAf... . u.n - ,, n ILL'S ".HILT Jt thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr King's Ne-v Discovery lor consumption, beats 'em all. and cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness I can do my many thousand frienil. 1. tn tirtre them In trv tt i Ti trial bottles at Foshav Si Mason's Drui? store. Regular sizes oc and $1.00. 1 W T1....1I-.. iu- i... nA .1. . ! : oity, ooonslca Fortmiller Si Irving's. 1 n n.. aA-am .11 L t 1 I .... next 30 days-at W F Read's. lending Photngrnpliein Alliuny Oregon. Vi'e have honcht all the negatives made by I. W Clark and W H Greenwood np to Nor loth, 1SS9. Duplicates cn he had from h-.'tn oily of us at rcduoed ratca. We have a'm about 1S.000 negative, made by our "eives, from which dupiiuatiu can be had at 'ixe rates. We carry tlie culy full iit, 8f 1 vicwa ft tins suto aud du enlnrgul oik at j i.'t r ites for lirst oIms work. We shall be ! in to ere ou at our Studio in Froman'a . Mi.i 1, uextdoor to tiifcuuiu Temple. Si-KEAiS-(i Oil--Mr. Julius Gradwohl besides his large crockery stock will now keen on hand a snlenriM'ttn r.f ol ail Kiniis, givinz our citizens i.ianv ad- i .in-.. .-L-i iney win oe giau to secure. He "ill make the pilcis so reasonable that 1 1I1I Citizens Will h.l'H an nl.l . 1- 111 . . V ""rLl i:i Luiiinir onhim for first-class groceries. The regular iiiuiivci putc win ne pnu lorall kinds of produce. Give him a call. 1 ... 1 iH. . ... "I'UU)( .uu wiw.m .wiiim ju.l IC Cll Cl t Zaches A Son. opposite Poti.flice. Bnrklfn's A mil a Salve. 1 no inn n -w i.i .un in-i eir .. 11... nru.S..lireS vtvarw, nil hmuhi. r .itui- ir't.. 1 .ii.r, un.ppn hsnils, Uhllhlalns, 0irn, and all Hkln Erniitten ,an4 .nm.njmna rno-.-ir ii'i e. rmi ..1 run. 1 1. Lruar uiteed tn air. perfect satisfaction, or money ,ef and. eil. Prlva 2& cents per box, F ir M.1. hj Fnofwy and Oood eookina etoye onlv 110 at linn. A Salttnarsh's. If ven watt either U. hnv or sell tone pr.ip.-rty I'lsce the same in the bands of R P Aslihv & Co. T)wi:d Plchs I will viva the highest innrk-t price for choivo ilried plums for the noxt.'iO daw. Sami-ki. E Vorso. A!, Or., April 11th, 1890. Novell! in aid- enmha, back comhn, sil ver j-welry, Oold liead nerkchains and bracele's, at M French a. A ahftiAa .tejeb nt neaelrMea n a 1 . . n . - - .. frf -H,.,VT C Henderson's. He keeps the best of every. thing. PAi.iiFYA risii .inn ddimtcpc ALBANY "fc,w Alliany Market. Whtt-B15io Hnts-3i.. Biuret Ihc pr it. Pgg-20i Hay 9,0w. Potaloea 75 eta wi bushel; Bfiaf on frLOt. Af A pplee 75 cents per hu. . iir per ir .,reaiea. Baccna hams shoulders, K-. SI (lea 1O0. .Arrl Hi imp Ih Flour 4.26 per bbl. ' Mi lrlf ana B DA na. na. Kill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton snorui, jo middling, 90. Chora, 90.1