Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, May 14, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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.MAY 14, 1800.
t'uli!ii'i!l unr .uyi i the wuuk,
iSuilllay'ri CXIIPptA'l.
3nrm3 so irarrxwa,
Editor ami l'ulilishers. it t;n i . r, ut Albany
a aetxitiil-claM mail uialhtr.
Ailillllun! Lralii4 4'!i lnc.
iuon Nkws. It U a mailer of conM-
iible linp i rtiinco to Albany that Ja. F
bwcll & Co., successors lo Ci 0 llcndcr-
, will keep the largest, freshest aiul best
lick of groceries nnu produce lo be fount!
the valley. 1 hey oroposc to be able to
ply the Albany market v.illi every
ing the heart can desire. When wanting
vthlng it will only be necettsary to cull
tjthclr store, and there the article, w ill be
l4inil. Fresh si ra . bel ricB, and the very
sillest fruit, ami vegetables gcrcrally
be on their staiuU.aix nrcomniodating
LflrkH will be on hand to attenil to ttie
'lllts of the public. This is nil age of
rogres ami Jas. K l'owell ,v. Co , will
Iwiiys be fjutul up to the times.
Suio I'r.usH Sitritis. Tout Conn-!!, How
ie of Albany's liig real estate men, was
thin citv luesiluv.
IK Scifrrt lias inuvcd Iiih gallery from
jhiyton to tliiH city mid in now located
ft lie llilyett brick.
W lurry ( 'liipinnii iH now in charge of the
;' roundhouse nt Albany. Ah Harry in
ili'W married man it just suits him.
Vasli 11 1 1 1 iti in out with a new lmg
V, the only one of it h kind ill llu'se jiaftsj.
IV 11 daisy, you bet.
Mr (ioi'iiH Iiiih established the nileH and
ices to govern the electric light lmsi
hh. They nre furnished clieaper than
I any other town in the Hlute.
Horn, near tins citv, Ainv inn, to me
is wife of Kilcy Calavnn, twins, a law
I1 girl. Mother ami children doing
11 nnil Kiley in Iinp'iy. 1
A Wkstkkx Knrroit has invented an
fernal macliiiie w hich lie plivcH in an
ivelone anil hciuIh to those vlm"refuse" '
paper utter taking it live yearn w illi
pt paving for it. The machine explodes
id kiiih the whole tainiiy aim tnu irug
entn that fall in the yard kill tlie. dog.
The above from an exchange in a sain-
le of tlio course taken by noine news-
Mi pern to frighten ileliniiiieiitnubHcribcrn
into "paying up." There ure men in the
vorlil who will pay their butcher bill but
m't liiiiidute for their newspaper, and
ravage duns only tickle them. '1 he 1km
K iiAr long ago quit dunning through its
gliiniH. Tho nlmve courne, thoiigli,
Mould lie a very jitnt one in some cases.
Hoard op Trade Mkktiku. Mr W F
aver, representing the Saleui Hoard of
p-aile, met n few members of the Albany
iaril 01 mule hint evening. 1110 ineet-
kg was adjourned until Saturday even-
Bg when n committee from Salem will
leet w ith the Hoard in the Council
lamlier and consider the matter of nd-
rtising the A alley. A good ncbeine lor
Be Hoard now would lie to nend a man
i l'ortiaiui, lor at least a lew moiiiiis, to
leet the thousands of immigrants, con-
antly arriving there. 1 here inn hrst
:iss man in Albany for the purpose, one
loroughlv reliable', and it iH tube hoped
Hiniething w ill be done in the matter. f
Uiuiit to tub Point. The council at
IH meeting ordered an ordinance drawn
ovidiug for tho fining of minors) who
jinplv enter a saloon. Thin is taking
u bull directly by the I10111H anil will
Hi more to keep liipmr away from minors
Ban any provision that could he made.
ie move inagood one and the ordinance
ill undoubtedly pass at the next meet-
1. V
, The AVatch Foitno. A few days ngo
he Dkmocrat mentioned the stealing of
: .watch from Mr J K Hisey, at the Jitiss
louse. The matter was placed in the
(nils of detectives, resulting in the lind
Ig of the watch in a l'ortlaml second
ud store. The identity of the thief
fes pretty well established mid it was
Sought hu would be captured within a
iy or two.
f, Kakkr Citv's Turn. Real estate was
4 a fever heat yesterday all day. Fevers
pall kinds sometimes run to a fatal pitch,
.ad then the collapse of the patient is
tarfully rapid. Holders of real estate
ould take warning. Besides the fifty
id deeds to Stewait addition property,
led vesterday in the county clerk's ofllce.
ere were deeds placed on record for 570
res 01 suburban property, of the value
f 00,000; ieeu to eleven and twenty-ore
d k half lots of lneid property, of the
mie cf J86oo. Democrat.
A (iooi) Snow. A vtv airvt'iiitive
idience nttended the mtniical nt
tie W C T IT hall luft prcnin?, (jivcii liy
rof J 1 1 Tuvlor and wife. 1'rof Tavlor
an adept 011 tho Imnio, thu .Mockm"
ird 8oiii panictiliirly liciii)! lino, lie is
oiii;imi.i comedian anil keep." tho house
1 a (food humor, ns n hrjr troupe"! coin
lians niiglit do.
Hat'O Ktore for Sai.k. In a growing
wn; nlso a large lNt of city and country
property. For particulars Inquire o
ins & Hedrick, over Firat Nat. Ilatik.
New embroideries, flouncings lace
iiiitlng In cotton and silk, bl?.ck and
ream. Laces In Imitation point, also new
"signs in black and white lace, including
(J andyck and Eifcl Tower, New ruchings.
V Kami 1 L E Yovsu.
Dr. Pattos, the specialist on female
M private diseases. In niumheirr's Work.
P-lice hours. 10 to 12. J to 1 and 1 to 8.
Ipnaultation free. Residence 3rd und
ontgomcry .
'i'va" f!"l,leo Str tomatoc! for B0 cents
11 fyers, and all other canned (joods
e"I nroaah.
Raii.roaii Humous. A gentleman ar
rived In thl city yesterday afternoon
having come from Yaiuina City on the
early train, iay the Salem Slates. nan.
lie report It to be the general talk at that
plate concerning the movement on foot
with 1 liu Oregon 1'iicifir and Southern
I'uellic companleH wherein the former's
road will become the property of the lat
ter, lie says that two extra train emne
into that city on Monday night about
midnight having the olhchils of the road
on boaid, and that all hands In Hie shops
were doing extra duty in rcpaiiing and
arranging tiie machinery. Ah to the
above rumor being perfectly correct he
was not prepared to say, it might lie slated
that there ure always plenty of rumors
atloat alMiut the Oregon i'uclfic railway
company many more in fact clian of any
olher line ir, Oivgun. As a general tiling,
however, no reliance can tie placed on is heard about the r. ad unless It
comes direct from the (tliccrs. Col T K
Hogg, preddcnl of the company is a nurd
miiu lo down, mid when he san the com
pany is going to sell out l. to there i.s a
vi hole lot of trutli in it. lie and his broth,
er W M, ure invincible workers when it
tomes lo constructing this line across the
valley and on east lo a connection with
some e;.stcru rond, ami it is not likely that
they will retire from this work nnli'l this
object Ins been accomplished, anil they
can get otj their private car at Yarpiina
and ride clear across Oregon without
having the Oregon Pacific's rails.
Kaii.iioao Itkms Crook county's wool
crop w ill soon commence moving in earn
est toward The Dalles not to Albany
over the Oregon I'acilic rrincville Tscw s.
The Oregonian takes the item and
makes it read better, as follows :
Lrrock countv s wool crop will soon
commerce n.ovin1' in earnest toward The
Malles not to Albany over the Oregon
I aeihe, as it will do in a year from now.
It will be remembered that the promise
w as made last fall that the crop should
come to Albany ; vad it probably would
but for tiie severe winter, and even now
the ground Is hardly ir, a condition for
work at the front. I lie following troin
The Dalles Times Mountaineers should
be a new incentive for the Oregon I'acilic
to push matters : 4,Engineers are out lo
cating a route for The Dalles & Golden
dale railroad, the survey of Tlie Dalles,
I'rineville & Southern will he commenced
next week. An agent of an Eastern syn
dicate Is here to receive propositions for
building both roads."
A Cool. 1'lai e. There is one place in
Albany that will always be cool, no mat
ter how torrid the weather becomes. The
cold storage room of the Albany Ice Co.
is the place. The temperature is kept at
:iii to -iti degrees above zero, a very nice
temperature to be comfortable ill. The
ilemuud for space is already bevond the
capacity of the room. Albany lias been
made the distributing station for Wine-
hart's beer, and there is continually one
to two ear loads of the beverage stored
there. Fruits, meats and perishable
goods generally will be stored there dur
ing the warm weather. The Albany lee
Co now has stations at Kngcne, Corvullis
and (irnnts l'ass, with others lieing ar
ranged, and will have its hands full the
coming summer meeting the demands of
the trade. One cent is very cheap in
Oregon for ice, being a great reduction
from t he old prices, so that everybody
can afford to keep cool. '
A Wi-ek'.i Business. Postmaster
Thompson Monday furnished a week's
record of the business of the office, some
thing done all over the L'nitcd States. As
it was only n temporary affair he forward
ed 'he record wiihout'keeping a duplica
.' , hence we are unable to give the fig
uics, except on 2 cent Utters. There were
over 36OU of these, weighing 85 pounds,
and the week was a very quiet one. lie
fides these thetc was a good record of
postals, drop letters, etc. In Astoria, which
will get carriers, the number of 2 cent let
ters ns 4930, weight 1 1)8 pounds, being
only a iiltle nliead of Albany. In Corviii
lisitwasonly half as much. )
Dii-terkn't Customs. In Astoria the
papers charge regular lates for giving no
tice of mtetings, such as those of pioneer
and historical societies, etc., so anxious
are they to get wealthy. In Albany all
these things are done free and the editors
are often expected to help foot the inci
dental bills. As a newspapers columns
are its stock it: trade there are somethings
that should he paid for. such as stereotyp
ed memorials, cards of thanks, etc, and
perhaps the Artoria style is all right, hut
it would cause a stir here.
As Indepkniiknt's Ticket. The
Stayton Hun, "The only paper In the up
per Santlam," come dut with the follow
ing ticket, which is any excellent one so
far as govenor, state treasurer and supreme
judge Is concerned:
Uovenor, Sylvester Pennover; Secre
tary of State, Geo AV McBrlde; State
Treasurer, G W Webb; Supt Public In
struction, T C Jory; State Printer, F C
Baker; Judge Supreme court, H F Bon
ham; For Congress, Maj J A Bruce. It
says: "Our ticket, found in this Issue, con
tains several republican names, but you
won't find D P Thompson's.
rnii.iiARMii.vics. Initintory 8tes were
taken yesterday at a meeting in Prof
Palmer's Musical Conservatory for the
formation of a Philharmonic society. At
H o clock Thursday a meeting of men will
Ik- held to not members for the choruses.
oil cents a month will he tho small
that any musician can allurd to belong
I'liKsn Tiiisc.s. Mueller & Garrett, to
ls'gin bottom side up, have just received
a large and fresh supply of vegetables
and Iruits. finest ill tlie market. Hush
around and make your orders early, as
things at their store go fust.
Ai.a.4.T Marble and GrsMtn Wnrk'.II.y
ingla'tlv pnrehascl the sKek of S A Uivgf
and u w II irrl-, e ana:i no piease i 1
.how dl.-na and uive pr-ci-s en all intend
toil purchwers. I'.wtof workrneu rniploid
and prices low aa any hr hi.t-cUss soik
Visit ni btforo purchamj cl-owLei.
tin- & AcinsoTf
next door to Dunoorat ollij,-) Albany, Or.
Where to Gnr Them. When wanting
an organ or oiar.a call on G L Ulackman
where vou i.un saUct from a first oass
Dr. M. ft, Ellis, physician anil itirgcon
Alranv. Oreix n. ' aiia mailti 111 oity 01
on u try.
Tuesday evening, May 12.
l'resent Mayor, Recorder. Marshul,
Street Commissioner, Surveyor, and
Coiineilmen French, Ileyoe, Tabler.Ilurk-
hart, Smith iind (iarrett.
The following bills were ordered naid :
U S Hale, till: W IS 11,.,-r. a7 : Conn &
Cougill, H-U.KO ; (ieo Hughes, f 13; John
Chiswell, 7; John Maxwell, L'l.fWj
l.lins lloiick, IfU; Suntiam Lumber Co.,
H4.74; II K'i'owiisend, t'M; O 1' 1 tan
nins, !.7f; Henry Kast, iji.
The Street coiniiiissiom r made several
recommendations for new sidewalks, cul
verts, etc., as follow s : A new side walk
on the west side of Tluirstoii stri ct, lot 4,
lock .'.), iiaekli man's 2iul audition. Al
so on Ine cavl side 01 l i 1 rv street mlioin-
lot 1, block 4X. A newer and culvert
011 the cast side of Lafayette across 5tl
street. A new sidewalk 011 grade on
smith hido of iilh street adjoining block
also on tlie side 01 lroadalbin
street, ailioining block 52, also 011 the
south side of 7lh street adioiiiing lots iJ
and 4, block 5:1. Keferred.
Surveyor I'.arr reported in reli rence to
the placing oi streets oil grade.
Chief Kngiiicer Stewart reported the
receipt of suction for 2's engine. Hills
lor same, .fun lor suction and lor
freight, were allowed.
A memorial to Congrc-s.i asking for the
right to erect 11 bridge at this city wan
read and unanimously adopted.
l'etitiou of John Ilrush and ors itsked
that, grade on 4th street between linker
and Railroad streets be changed to n
running grade. Referred with power of
committee to act.
l'etitiou of San AVa&Co asked the
privilege of building an addition to a
building on l t li, blick 7. Referred.
A new sidew alk w as ordered at 2nd and
F.llswortli streets to alley, to be built
within ten days.
Councihuen iarrett. favored an ordi
nance providing for a line against minors
who visit saloons. Referred. It should
be passed a t once
Matter of slop hopper in rear of Stralian
and l'earce blocks w as referred, together
with mutter of cleaning spittous, with
power to act.
tirade ordered established in portion of
city lying south of Sth street and between
Vine and F.llswortli, work to be done
within (it) days from establishment.
Montgomery street was ordered graded,
1st to 3rd; fith Railroad to Main ; 2nd
Jellerson to Thurston. To be done with
in :0 days.
South end of Washington street was
ordered opened by Marshal within live
iiaker Htrect was onlcreil filled and
uraded, lwt to Water streets, within oO
A warrant was ordered draw n in favor
of the Linn County liank for $1105.3:!,
advanced by it in payment of note due
Clapp & Jouch for stcniner.
liills ordered paid : Klectric hight
Co., $.104.50 j cyoe& Hobson, $112.32;
Jas Ewing, ifXi; Hoht lirown, $24; John
ChiHwell, $11; J W Keece, $t; Jesse
Iioiigliteii, $11; John .Maxwell, $74.1tl; K
J llcuton, $200.
A Mariox Co. Matter. T C Shaw
and Commissioner Cornelius went with
the O P ofi'Jals to Gatesville yesterday.
There were present President Wm. lloag,
Wallace Nash and Abraham llackelman.
The object of the meeting was lo examine
the damage done by the building of the
railroad to the cou.i'ty road known as the
Minto trail A trip was made in a private
car over the entire portion, and alter Hilly
examining the whole thing the ollicers
of the railroad promised to repair all injury
done the highway, and where necessary to
build the same anew In such a A-ay as to
make it entirely satisfactary to the people
of Marion county. 1 he court hf appoint
ed Don H Smith, of Gatesville to look
after the county's interets, and the work
will be done within a month. Journal
1!ak;ains in Astoria. The enterprise
of the Astoria people in raising $.100,000
in twenty-four hours to bring the Southern
1'ucitic railroad to that city lias given a
wonderful Impulse to business at that
point. The Columbian says: "I ha real
estate market responded quickly to the
enlivening touch of the railroad subscript
ion;" and the Astoria papers bristle with
the stir and undertakings inprogress there.
Ihe CJieeon Land Company ot Albany
mid Salem has for sale some choice loca
tions in North Pacific addition to Astoria,
and as prices are rapidly advancing, the
earliest investor has the best show. Now is
the time to make money.
Desiramlk Fruit Farms. Those ten
acre fruit farms in Sunnyside, four miles
south of Salem, witl mal;e a good living
for any diligent orchardist. The prolH on
prunes Is $200 an acre, and on ber
ries the return is five fold. The soil and
situation at Sunnyside are peculiarly well
adapted to fruit culfre and the man who
owns a ten acre farm In that tract lias a
food living Ir. his hands. The Oregon
.and Company of Albany and Salem has
a ftw more of those fruit farms for sale.
TiifMB Crusheu. This afternoon a
man hy me name 01 Anderson, v no
works in tlie Red Crown mills, caught
his thumb in the cogs of a w heel and
it was badly crushed the bone Ircing
badlv broken.
Wall Pait.ii. I have just received
from the cast a large invoice of wall pa
per, Imrders, decorations, etcM including
the plain ingrains which are Incoming
tery popular. Theso goods are tatter
style and cheaper than ever Ix'fure.
MMl-F.l. r, lorxii.
Fris!o ami Si mmer Jklicaciki. The
largcpt and finest line of foreign and do
mestic woolens in spring and summer
novelties just received anu is ready for
inspection at
Zaciies fc Pon,
Merchant Tailors and Drnpers,
Opposite Post Ollice.
Asotiikb Aso:tmnt Of fine Fruits
ami Vegctalili.", just received at Mueller
A liarn-tt'fl. (ircen onion", Cabbage,
Cucuiiilierf, String licans. Cauliflower,
Celery, Apparngui!, I'ie plant, ftr.
Two Cab I-oaiw. l'rice & Robson have
just received two car loads of wagons and
buggies, light ami heavy, and will sell
them at remarkably low prices, consider
ing the sjilcniiid ipinlity of the wagons.
fiiirgvns at Read's.
Jaa F I'owtll &Co
Cutiek's addition.
F. M. French keeps railroad tuna.
Ruok oamly drips at C K llrownoll's.
Anti-swear cull' buttons at Vill& Stark's,
Dj you want a lioiim ? Hay a Kit ia Fuir
The- McKanlasa niiustrels arb comiog this
(Jre it baruns in watches at AVill &
Cbci' o e t-jnu k
l'repured ..mckr';l
He.'.iipiftilr4 for
potit.ic.1 at C K
''tlil'.'ii seo '.s at t
I'rowiic'l s.
. l'(ir nilLt
Cusick 's.
suiiplies .l
t 1 htnun!. t
The hi
t silevt misic, rhse 'Ulit.ut .Mrs
iul.'i fij to try tlio lUluaie & pi-nuo
at -Mrd llvi'iuii's.
Tiie Urest f.f Witcitei i:i thu c'ty at
Will & surk'a.
Dt-lieiims oitii!ii.d orauburaii; at C. K
Hr wi:c-!t'u.
If you wnnt tn buy gocd bread, cake and
pi js c,u o l.migc's.
Spring ovur coating at Ziclifcs & Son, ou-.
posite i'ustotlice.
Pennine Iowa lorulium on clraiiiht at C
K Hrowuell s.
Uood eveniiig Have yoa ricd Hubbardu
Elegant Jotieu
1' CeuU-inerie kid tlovcs in black aud col
ored at Samuel K A'ouu's.
No need to suffer with the hcadacti when
Ilubbaid'a Capsules will surely cure yoa.
If ycu want a fina toilet or bath soap eall
OQ auinuru a cusick, city Llrcg Store
- eave your orders at Lanie's for anvtliiiic
you wish for in the bakery line.
The Foster genuine,liook glove FosteriDa,
in black aud colored, at 8amuei K Vouog'a.
Fair Dale lots will pood be all sold. This
property will bring S200 per lot before fall.
Buy a lot in Cusick's addition, the finest
suburban addition . Its location speaks for
Don't fail to call on AVill & Stark and
price their larjja line cf ladies and gents
watches betore yon bay
The Hemme & Long piano is the best
made piano to stand the climate of the coast.
Don't fail to getone at Mrs Hymao's.
Genuine Martinat kid gloves, in all sizes
and colors, at 89c per pair nntil May 1st.
! Evcry pair warranted, at G W Simpson's.
I A lot in Cusick's addition ia better than
ten per cent, or better than a lot in foreign
cities where the tide eba and Hows twice ia
twenty-four hours.
Tnose vrivhioa screen door and windows
should call on K B Vunlt, who will put them
iu eoaiplete on short notice. Shop on corner
ni oi.'cona aua r erry streets.
Jas F Powell & Co.
A new line of neckties at E C Searl'a.
Novelties in parasols at S E Young's,
Head Matt-hawa & Washburn's new ad.
Lndlnw's $3 shoes found only at E
New potatoes, cabbages, ttc., at Conn
Ziucman's "Diamanta" spectacles and eye
glasses at v M t reuch a, 50 cents a pair.
Lawn mowers repaired and sharpened at
oiaunewact wasnDuru a.
The beat lawn spriakler in the market at
Matthews Washburn s.
Call at Will Link's music store for the
very best pianos aud organs, also books and
sneet masic, ate.
Mr. Julius Gradwhol ia going to give a
nauusome gem watcu away. I'all at hu
store and ask htm about it.
Mrs. P E Cheney, of Humbolt, Ca!
fomier resident of Newport, ia iu the city
the guest ot Mr. A. C 1'hulps.
At a recent special -meeting of the city
couucii a tax levy 01 nuns was made. ih
city will need the full limit of '8 nulls.
Tho regular monthly meeting of the Build
ing aud Loan Association will be held next
r riuay evemug, at the tlregon Haiilt rooma
Mr J J Finlavson and wife, of Philomath,
are in tr.e city, the suesta of Judge 1'owelL
Mr Finlayson ia greatly improved in health.
The Uussell-Jwwel Co is a good one and
"Uur 15oya rridiv nutht will be a rare
theatrical treat. There should be fall
Mr. and Mra. 8 Knee left thia noon for
Portage Wis., oa a visit among their former
De:gli-ora, expecting to be gone about aix
A nieetinu- of the V L society will bo held
to-night at the residence of Mr II F Merrill,
when a social will also be held in honor of
Misa Minnie Bozzell, the missionary.
Leimnger, dentist. Littler, assistant, will
make yea a aet of teeth and charge yoa
nothing for extracting. Bridge work a
Mr A Hackleman left to-day for his Crook
eonnty raoch. Before goiug he bought cf
John Schmcer hia tine Clydesdale stallion.
paylug $:o!UU,an4 will aae mm la tnatcoui.-
Our oM time frien M'S Smith, formerly '
i.f tin- )!aoe Lot now a resident of We Moot,
vimtut mends man acqnaiuUocet in Prime -ville
this eet Sim it the tame old 76-
Don't dread to have yonr achii g teeth
extr.ic'.ed, hut go to Or Leimuprr.Dr Littler
arsiKtMOt, and hv the teeth piiates'ly in
moved. Uridce vork sptroialty. Iiotm
13. Twecdale Blocli, AJbany, O.'.
A Gratjt, the Jt (Terion miller! I in the j til
at 8 1 1 tin on nccount of the trouhlv arieiug
nut of the filufB of th mi'l. The tieni
.liHirnnl hat invtuttitUd tiie mutter thor
ouhly my (Jrutit ta innoo tt of any
wrun( nd will not o von beheld by thu
k.runtl jury.
Dried Fkuit YV an n: d. -Flu nia anj
kinds of dried fruit w auled immediately
by . W Simpson, First street.
In all diseases cf the stomach, lirrr and
ki'lrets, ate, to tho exclusion of all other
inedieiees, otiiresa own remedy, 1'funder's
Ureufi UhrfKi t anner.
Have yon seen tho-e pnrlnrsui's that T
Drink has just received t They are nic.
Vou ein a.iye many a diuio hy tiacling at
H C llnlibards iicT drug rtoro. Try it.
New cream cheese jnst received at Coirad
The Cuslck Addition to Albany has
just been thrown or. the market and will
be sold at such prices and terms as will
enable the speculator to make good
money. Tills property lies just tliis side
of (Joltru's l'ark; is high and tightly,
ovc: looking the city and surrounding
country. In the language of a First
street merchant, "That is destined to be
come the 'lion-ton' residence portion of
the city."
Wallace & Cusick, the agents for this
property, have their own conveyance and
will be glad 10 rlmw this, the best of all
additi jr.K, to tiie intending speculator.
at J 1. r. faM nt t lbs.
Kit," oranc.
Or-iutis a::(. oiutin Rets,
Liirly Kue and other potatoes,
.Si'cd pecs, beans, etc.,
C"f)olvtcs and crackers,
Dried fruits.
Kriil. garden products,
AH kinds canned goods,
Oa'mcal, corn meal, r.Ov.r, etc.,
I'tcklcs rdAhes, etc.
Everything found anywhere.
To Conn & i'end'icson's cr your gro
ceries and njcduce. "With a choice stock
they are nble to meet all demand-.. They
follow the old aduge of "quick fr.les and
small profits," and are always nt hand to
attend to the wants of the public. Keep
your eyes on their btore for frevh produce
and groceries and you will not be diap-
I Oil HltC.
My housebold furnUbius at a bargain;
also 60ine real estate, good location in Al
bany. Call at my bouse on Second street
near U f railroad.
Jas F IIaswkll.
AVe make a Bnecialiy of ladies and misses
fine corsets and waists. We also have a
drive in a French satine corset at 75 cents
bxtra good value.
"lAMVRL li xouso,
Ladies Muslin Underwear. I hare
list opened the largest line of muslin un
derwear I have ever carried, and have
marked them to sell at the least possible
per cent titer can be handled lor. infants
dresses from 50 cents to $3.25 each; full
sire, full length; no china make, all white
labor, guaranteu to be equal if not super
ior lo anything in the market for the
price. Also Infants caps and coats.
Samuel b Young.
Where money is being made. In the
Sound country. I have for sale four lots
In the Arlington addition to the city of
Hlatne. The property lays only one mile
from tide water, and is undoubtedly a good
investment at the present prices. Corner
lots only $60. Inside lots $50. Terms
one-half cah, balance in six months. Call
at the ofllce and examine the property.
EG Ueardslev, Agent.
String Jackbts at Cost. I
have a small line of spring jack
ets in colors I wish to close out,
and have reduced the price to
cost. They are the latest style
andabargain. I also have a line
of Spring Stockinet jackets for
$5.50 each, which is the nicest
jacket for the price in the market.
Samuel . Young.
Employ White People. The St
Charles hotel laundry Is open for work.
Best work .'.t reasonable prices. Rooms
adjoining hotel.
WANTED-A Qui to do General bossa
wink. Call at Dkmocut ulllce.
Warranted garden hese at Mafthswa &
Washliur u's.
A New Discovery- Hubbard's Head
ache Capsules. They art a positive cure
and fill a long felt want.
For Sale. Seven fresh cowa for sale
cheap. Inquire at this otllce.
If )cu snt to specula and wiileompar
print, yea will bey iu Fair Dale.
Dried Plums I will give the higheat
market price for choice dried plama for the
next 30 days.
Samuel E Yocko.
Albauy, Or, April 11th, 1890.
Novelties in side ccmhs, back combs, sil
ver jewelry, Uold bead neckehaini and
bracele'a, at F M French s.
Warm Weather. A fine stock of re
frigiators and Ice cream freezers may be
seen at Stewart & Sox's. Nothing like
them for the house.
Tnesdnv eveninL'. Mnv 13. Al. WCT
U Hall, II Taylor's musical party.
Friday, Slav 23. 1 n ni. Governor Ftn-
noyer at tlie court house.
June 2. State and County election;.
drw i:!t of Seventh and Jir.
tTuri), .!: Jrind,
hi it'tr-rto tiie fcilwln W. J'.y t o.. July j.ith.
tAya, Wo bavo no p't'pnrntlon on mr Solvc
MpurtHfl. A tTt'tfiiin r i.f oti. llvfns; on Ninth
St.. telKtf.tIt riljv("l her alno4 immo!l
t;ljr of lir UI:cTia; mi't i..v.hrr rn Jtroi1.
rajr Tt pnrt, tlHt ti""1 A: tsuttry, cnrl
him nf his ronM.nt j,.r,t . j ir wq only
lii?ht R Ptxth i'f a t'msxii V'.'U-t nt t:in. Nnir
wo buy it by l:iu Jt nviHiniuiiu liyeif.'
MONKV TTon'O cnrt tn tfn on
. Mpprnvo-I tM-urily, vy K SlcPor
on. KoAi Ktatd fitui Jn".irnnc RroUvr.
From atret t, iij oklU lhf Kwj Hnupo.
3E3 "CrSsT
Host anil Cheapest
53. . REAKBS'El',
Gencrai. Agext.
Choice Residue Block,
Free C'.:cveyaxce to Property.
Thoee wishing to invest in farm
property should call and see our list
of farm and city property. We have
some of aa good fruit and garden
land as can be found in the State.
Also stock ranches and wheat farms
all near II R. Farms and farm prop
erty a specialty. Call and see ns
before purchasing elsewhere
Office, First Street, Dext door to
Thompson & Overman's Haroeai
Shop, Albany, Or.
Real E'talo Agents.
City Ding Store.
& Gusick
Proprietors. Successors to
Guiss & Son. Dealers in
drugs, medicines and
chemicals,fancy and toilet
articles, sponges, brushes,
perfumery .school and ar
tists supplies. Physician's
prescriptions accurately
Dealer is
I liave the largest stock of
Spectacles and Kve glacses
in the county anil fit them
by Johnston's pet. Dioptic
eye meter.