THE DAILY D1M0CRAT. II A I) PLIGHT. H S Williams for assessor, E J O'Conner for County surveyor, and Frank Varrellfor Coron er are all worthy and competent for their re. pective offices and should receive every dem ocratic vote in the county. Ed Davis has made a most satisfactory coun ty recorder. Republicans as well as democrats all admit this. Many republicans will vote for "r.d and his majority will be phenomenal, J J iVhitncy made a zealous, industrious prosecuting attorney when he served iu that capacity some years ago, and he has bst none of his old time zeal in prosecuting criminals. G F Kusscll is a regular rustle! and when he takes charge of the office of county school superintendent, which office he will be elect ed by a good round majority, he will devote himself to the building up ol public schools in a practical way. Wm Kumbaugh for county commissioner and V E Curl for county treasurer are bot.i competent and fit for the duties of the offices for wl.ich they are running and we nredict far each a big majority. J K Weatherford and Jeff Myers candidates for the state senate, and F C Hansard C J Shedd and J F Henry for representatives are all men of integrity of purpose and will faith fully represent the people of Linn county. They can not Le captured by the Portland ling. N I l'ayne for county clerk and Matt Scott for sheriff are both competent and honest and will be such careful and scrupulous officials as people delight to have to attend to public affairs. R A Miller was in the legislature when gov ernor Pennoyer vetoed the nc n taxable bond bill, He voted steadily at all its 'stages against the bill and worked like a beavor to secure a vote to sustain the veto. He is en titled to the vote of every democrat for con gress. B B Beekman. republican, will speak in Al bany May 2 1st at J:tc o'clock P M Seymour Condon May 24th at 7:30 I M, and D V Thompson, Phil Metchan and others will be here May 27th at 7:30 P M. Judge Bonham has served as Judge of the Third District and has served aUo on the su preme beach. His personal and judicial integ rity is not qujstioned by any man in the state, repullicanor democrat. Without speaking ought against Judge Bean, his opponent, we have no hesitation in saying that it would be a great credit to the voters of the slate to elect Judge Bonham. The Herald, finding Itself, since the re publican county convention, with nothing to stand on, seeks to vent its spleen on the Democrat by saying that we arc throwing dirt against Dave Thompson in this cam palgn. This effort of that paper to vent its spleen upon the Democrat, as a kind of satisfaction for the very awkward atti" tude which It r.ow occupies, Is unkind. In the vears to come it will learn that such a course only piovokes a scorning sir He even from its own party friends. When the Democrat tells how Da.'C Thompson at tempted to get two salaries out of Holla day's estate as receiver, when lie was en titled to only one, quoting a decision of the supreme court as proof of everything we 6uid, the Jhrald calls that throwing mud. When we tell how Dave Thompson, in the legislature, voted against a propoI tijn to prevent the Chinese from coming into this country the Herald says that is throning mud. When we tell how Dire Thompson pns taxes on only 9171,000 when, in truth and in fact, he is worth nearly a million and a quarter, taking our 'res oi his s,sic3sment from the assess ment roll of Multnomah counly.tlie Herald ca'ls that throwing mud. When we say that Dave Thompson is reported to have said that he would spend a hundred thotis and dollars, if necessary, to secure his election, basing ottr Htatcmen! ttot the v:ord of a prominent republicans the Herald calls 'his throwing mud. The truth is the Her ald is envious of the courage exhibited by the Demobrat In speaking up boldly on public matters while it seems afraid of its own shadow, transparent and thin howev er that shadow may be. If it were no. for the plain, inelastic provi sion of the constitution Mclvinley might at- temp to place free speech cn his tariff list. NEW A D VE R TI S E M !i X i 5. Beta of the Favorites, :L. E. BLAIN: If, If, on lias just received liis Spring stuck of I law Iteen Recln,r2tl Cloth -AT THE- HEAD - IN - HIS LIE Now tho Greatest Attraction is His Largo and Stylish Stock of LIGHT - WEIGHT - SUITS, Straw, Goods, Etc., In Keeping "With tlie Season- Or Embracing a l'n' line of units, which will ho sold S I at hottum prices. I In order to make room for new goods will sell hid B large stock of Notions, etc., at A Great Reduction. The bestjilacejn Albany for bargains. THE LEADER. TJ1E LEADER G. W. SMITH, 'ftnpcriokY' "ArgaiMl," "Garland"' STOVES AND RANGES. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. 2- IV 1 G H T S -2 If You "Would bo Suitably Dressed Commeii lag Friday Evenh.jr, May Iflth, Call - Rt, HlR - StOPPi - Kussel-JewH JJraniatic Co. CHANCE OF PLAY NIGHTLY, Opening piny, great EnglUh comedy Firo iiaois. Warran ted for 15 years, AH sizes an styles, The World'o best. More than hun dred 7 hun dred differ ent sty les co ok s and heators JIKAK la 1 mini). Remember that Governor rennoyer will ' peak at the court house in this city on Fridny May 23rd at one o'clock in the afternoon, We uuderstand that largn numbers from Scio, Lebanon, Shedd, Tangent, and other locali ties are making arrangements to attend. Every farmer within reasonable distance should at tend and hear the "friend of the people" in their behalf. TUB UlliliKSTMK. The very biggest campaign li: of the season is one being peddl;d out to the public in and around Tangent to the effect that Governor Tennoyer said in his speech at Lebanon, that he was in favor of at cheap labor as he could get, especially on public woils. We could go on and truthfully say about this report that it is one 6f the most brazen and unmitigated cam paign lies ever set afloat in Linn county. Dm It lliere is not an intelligent man in the ecus. ty who is likely to believe the silly falsehood we content ourselves by saying that the story is a plain, patent lalseliood manufactured out 01 whole cloth by some one whose love for truth has been extinguished ' No man ever poke more earnestly and camliJly in behalf of labor people than did the governor in his Lebanon speech. This kind of campaigning will rebound on those who carry it on, as will be seen by the vote polled for the govern.r June 2nd, 1 he writer of this and scores of republicans and democrats who heard the speech stand ready to deny this silly falsehood, It is known also that the renullcan nariv In delegate convention, which is supposed to represent the sentiments of the repub licans of the state, at the state convention placed a plank in their platform (see phink eight) deoaring In favor of taxing all property not now exempt by the consti tution. Upon this platform ther placed iir inonipsop, woo sianus upon this plank ms 111-atnr u.uii liny inner, ne nas ac cepted the nomination, and If elected stands pledged aunlnst exemption of bonds, from taxation. I'laittdealer 1 es, the republicans say they are In favor of taxing all property not now exempt by law. but as the proposed bond have no existence yet, they can not now be exempted by law, so this plank is a mere doublcdealtng for In: purpose of deceiv ing. Dave Thompson voted for the non taxable bond, and if he were elected ' wou'd approvcany such bill passed by the legislature. Hit friends In Portland are appealing to voters to vote for him on the ground that he voted for, and Is still In favor of such bonds. David P Thompson voted against a proposition to prevent the Chinese corn-in to this country. Now In harmonr with the eternal fitness of things the state com mittee that is managing his campaign have a Chinaman hired as janitor while hun (Ircdsof labor people are out of emptor, ment In that city. T'lis shows where Dare Ihompson's heart Is. !.c emptors the Chinaman because he Is the cheapest. "OUR BOYS." POPULAR PRICKS 50, 30, 20 AND 10 CENTS, CaSeata now on sale at . L. BLACK MAN'S. Jas. F. Powell & Co., Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. Roofing, Job Work, Plambing Save Trough. Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. -HEALERS IX- T f'ST. ' A dog wolfing a chain and eol n'.m glass or wiiltn e-e turn to It A Irvine. Albany, Or. Ke-I I keep a full line of the alwve celebrated Glows) in black and colors. Am sole agent for Albany, Or. Samiei, E Yoi xo. MONEY TO LOAN. ?2oo,ooo; to loan at 8 per cent'oR im proved farm .r city property. Wallace Jusick. I ADIES, ATTENTION. -I am prepared to oo dress-makiug on short notice, i" ei fect fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Thanks for past favors. Give me a call. .Mm H Barxeh, Cor 6th and Jeff.rnon. ART STUDIO," Mm. Dr. ration, - Blumlirrs Black. LESSONS Girnn In Draw me. Painting it IM riciuro for sale or paint Choice Groceries Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co JliCC. JHJtC. Low Prices and Prompt Attention. E C. Scarls, D y Goofls, Notion;!, GmtiFiim isliiugt and BOOTS A3Q Our stock of boo's nml thnvK K mv complete in nil Hm s for fpriu trade. We will t;ive wui money .n Inning of ns. l.;idies hmm.s and children' line hiiiK-s a hpccialty. FxcIiimIvc Agency Tor Iho M EMW FI.VK H E. C. SEARLS, Montague & Son, OOEWEB FIEST & IPEBBY STS Iea.lers in Groceries, Produce, Tobacco.. Cigars . iOMcctiOMary. . Etc Fiat-class, goods and H i t!6rU ' r.liiinlmrn'g Now Blor lews & Washburn Albany, Oukoon, Hardware, Stoves andTinwar), ProduM wanted in .mMtn for goodf or prompt attention. TRY US . MONEY, CHEAP MONEY. e nave mauc nrrancements in minni.- money h nil on lone lime at our r.i,... interest .n Improve J l.iims and city prop erty. Tlivc who contemplates iinil.lir, v. uitv UUMnCSS lOUtt-) can get money. See us. ALLACF.J; Cl SICK. Cy Restaurant. II .vine It-en mtiri lv ifiuM.1,.! !,:. aa.l Milr restaurant Kill br nude Hrst elass in every iwj.eet. The .ul l.e . ill l mven g.H.l mrsls at all hours for onlv 2i Private botes. Oysters In evrv tvl ' ' W. A. JIlGek. Harry Jones' RESATURANT AND OYS- i &K MOUSE. Jut ottncd. ni Dnifs ih. I'.,.- it a i ,.. t r - i.ii.-I IILUff. V""MlKmfln. evervthiji; neatnd 0,tn dy n,d niM. Our charges are so light that everyone can stand them. Urntovea, ranges, and huilders hardware, we carry the finest assortment in the Valley, and only ask a fair examination of our stock to convince you. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN A RARE OPPORTUNITY la OITeri-J Kviry Day by the G L. BLACKMAIL. ALBANY he Leading "Druggist, I'KAI.ER IV. .OREGON. L. T. BROCK, PROPRIETOR. To get first Class FURNITURE, Latest Dcsi-ns New Goods will arrive Constantly. at Bot tom Prices. Oregon Land Company, WlT ITS A 7 HOME OFFICE AT SALEM, 0KEG02T, In the Stale Insurance Building. And llranol. Oilier, nt l'orlln,. AMorla nn.l All.. Has for sale a large List of Grainstock and Vr'ult Farm.7' " ,.,, ,., A,s0 t'ltv and Suburban Tronertv M,N : IOR : PIIAMHLET, : MAP : AND : TlUCE : LITS DRUGS, MEDICINES STA1 10HARY.4C. ' r,rl ,n 'r' ' I M i..;tl Intry ,,(, Choice Candy, Knt Frait, etc. MEAR THE PCSTFFCE ALBANY, OR.