orrat VOL. Hi. ALU ANY, OR., TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1800. NO G a m m mi Russel a Co s EM AGRICULTURAL IIFLEMENTS, WAGONS AND BUGGU.S, BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, IRON, STEEL. CHAIN, COAL, PAINTS, OILS, WAGON1 MATERIAL, BABY CARRIAGES, GARDEN AND GRASS SEED, GUNS and AMMUNITION. Beat stock or 2nd " ;oodg In the Val ley, and the mo.t rear- mie pricex, both in buying and Mollinj. i have on hand Ukindaof FURNITURE. STOVES, TIJoVASS, TRUNKS, D30XS, PIUTU3E3 CLOCKS, CS3SXCRY, ETC., ETC. .cfoir wast of S 12 Young's ol rt'irn. L. C07 3 123 Firat at mm.. Ailiany, Or. Conrad Mver. -I'K'.'.'.'KI KT'' .1 1)K .. STAR 25 A Ooctier Broadalbin and First Sis., DKAI-KK IS" - ''Uuot'il Fruit, f'wnnrn llnsfvre, itie-iiwitrt-, Urlen Frnlt. VrgrtitMrN, TotntCMM., CiiTHrH, Inear, Kn'ni.. Coflee. Tern. Kc Lie, ' .....ct everything that In kepi n a en "."'tilT'-" n'K',e.' ftLL K1H0S OF A.QDUC!S. THE PLACE. By all mean oull no hiti Brothers, . tor yout Groceries, Proauca, Baked Hoods, Etc. Etc, TLelr goods are the heat aud their price reasonable: RedCrownMills SOU, LANSING & CO., LUOPR'S. iw mocrwi ruitr ivnaiom tor pasimsi AKD BAKIM DSC REST STORAGF FACILITIES. iUehe.t Prio in Caib fo m m in i ALBANY. OHEUON. j i:n ri Fiit- ines and .AMI DEALF.KS IN.... u-j&yr- i..r-r.. i Trn!rsBTw'T'0'11 LfW t.U I HEALTH I 'i'lit" c-i1)- retnoil y known which will fi:&:.-?3 ftj Si-Wllva Processes of the Sfsfca T; !.;.: i . it.T.-! .'.I 'l-'n-.r-'i' r.ransll quickly .:: J- r..: i. . y i''".V.3 All Forms of J;;- f ::stC;ialifn, Mental mid . vf l -"li:t.il(nt C.onornl IlrMHty, iirutu i'-tn, ir i:iy oxh.iiiMfocl or venk-fi.-i ;oiir!iiM-. of the Hystrm, from relict rvvr p i'mv, fil.iit IJmptimi, ISoIIn, liun i:I:ir Si'.t"'."!, ; .rtfnla, fi'id all IM-ranes of the 2tf itl, Stomrwh, Liver end Ilklcy S 1.0.3. S BOTTLES FOB S3.00. TV. lfi; r't r. vn-Jc .took, flcwriptivp of ITy drn it in i rut ivu u:nl his other .eu.eiiic. cut avc by mull. UILUB BftMO C0.,Saa Francisco, Csl. I'ou s,vi.i; jtr FOSHAY & MAn'GN. AI.SAHY. CGM- Wtlty A. ICimHuyt ALBANY. ..KFOO.W ABSTRACTER, tk.. T-iy Complete Set of Abstract D-.iofcs and Maps in Linn County. nni In (he Court Honse,- Simin--. ritfrn-tpd to rn will !ia." "TiptHnd narnful atli'Mtkn. i.K. WEATHEKFORD, aTTOKNEV AT LAW 1 V. OIIKUOV, McNElL & HILL DO ten! Bl&oksmithini AT THEIR SHOP, Cirnrof Sconnd it K.Uworth StrwU. The. re preptml fo Ai anything broojht to thm at re.-onaoii' prion.. FOSHAY & MASON, DrDiicistsand Booksellers, 4r ta for John B. Alden'a puhllratlnna, blrh wt, aell pnfjllaner'a pnoaa wito 4LB41VY, OHCUOI. 1 chinerv illoaaey ! Money I -TO- MAN On k-mmI farm :tn- city pnijwrty at 7 aiitS 8 ficr Cent. I evAiiiiii" mv own spoinity ; wrUo my own t:''r,''l(1' n pt-'i-foct cao close IiU'Ihchh ui in idi.trt orocr, Call on or write me. . S. X. STEELE. With K. ". Ai'd il v. lijul Hjtate Aaent. Albany mom WORKS. MHnnHf'lnrors o TEAM ENSILES CRIST AND GA'V y.!LLf1iACi!i:;.r iron fronts W ALL KIFDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN m m BRASS CASTJHCS. peotnI ttARti iii sitltl o i fmirtiiK t ds o' itM'iitinrx PaVirorns Made on Short Notice Vi t cPHERSON. First Street, Heal Entt4 Broker, liitmrftnce.and money to loar.. I have a large list of lmprnyed ami rmimproveil oity property, ana fruit, gan1o aiui farming laud id larga and mall tracts. A I set I n on-nminsiou onlyttf yon want bny or soli it will pay'yon to oall nd se tiifl. MilkMilkII I am prepared to deliver milk to all part of the oity. Unarantoe the bt quality. ITe orders at C E Rrowoell'i grooery tore. Wl rurnia. Pouiiiy Wanted. All kinds of poultry, alive or d re need ranted at the Willamette Piieklng Oom pauy'a Btore. Ailiany, Or efts lifhest of all in Leavening Tower. T 1 m fTSV f.4 AsoiJLrsrE2.i? puss PltOF. A. I.KItOY. El'UENE. Or., May 9, 1890. Editors Democrat : It i with much pkaiure that I give to your rerclcrs a few facts about the life and career of my old college fricnu, Prof A l.cRoy, your candidite for slate superintendent of public in struction. It has been more than 20 years since we first met in the Halls of Madison, now Colgate University, Hamilton N Y. Be ore and since that time his record as teacher and educator has been such as to amply fit him for the high and responsible position of superintendent of public instruction for the state. The medal of bravery which he modest' ly keeps, presented by the Queen of England, as being one of the immortal six hundred the famous charge of BalakUva made classic by the poet Tennison together with his rich educational experience, broad culture, warm sympathies, and intellectual force as a thinker ana an eloquent speaker, comhine to mak him admirably fitted for a position in which nis Icllow citizens and friends would seek to place him. The alwve is the least that an old time college friend could say of a man whose record is as clear as the. sun, and whose chris tian character has never Ixen tarnished by the least breath of suspicion. G I Travis. Pastor, First Ilaptist Church, Eugene. J I W H AT A I'llV To see a woman's lovely feature mar red ty unsightly pimples and blotches Young woman, defective nutrition Is the cause of your blemishes and the sooner you take a faltlitul course ot Ur timer's Hydrastine Kestorative the sooner you will cease to be an object of pity. Vol sale at Foshay & Mason's, druggist. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch In the life of the individual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory and the agency whereby the good health I11.S been attained Is gratefully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Electric Hitters. So many feel th'-y owe their restoration to health tn the use of the great alterative and tonic II you are troubled with any disease ot kidnevs. liver or stomach, of loni; or "Oiort sumlini;, you will fcurelv find relief by use of Electric ISilteis. Sold nt 50c and $1 per bottle nt Foshay & Mason's Drug stole. String Has Comk. The stock of wall paper at Forlmlller & Irving a is larger than ever, being quite immense and in. elude mnnv new and beautiful design. The best lil.es of 5 and 10 cent ei"ars io the eity are t be found at Coun & Hemlric sou a. I O O F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds its gular mectiiii? Wednesday evening ol each week. isiting brothers are coruially nvited to attend. KISSES. ( A la Aomo ana uKft- A prominent physician calls the Irfrs an rlcrrnnt disseminator of disease." He savte f.er is sprrad by It, so aro lung1 disaseo.' Out upon Ilia jrnarkMl and suplss vocational Kvlrtrritlv kissw are not fer uch as ho. and tho ol'l fox says the ffrapc. are .,ur. Lrt him devotw himself to making our inon healtbv and blooming; that kl.no. mny bo klssos. This ran surely b done by the usoof Or. Plow's leal In euiinir dtnpuM oeoollAr ti, fpmnl,. r.ionw rreacnpiion. wnicn 18 minniv ma- Aftor taking It for a reasonable length of tlmo there will be ao more Irrtsrularlty, twea-a.-h, bearing-down ef.nsatlonn. nervous pron tratlnn. gvnrnd drbllitr and kindrrd ailments. It I. the only mndiotne fv.r women, pnid by crruaCnta, emder po.lllve ajnarmntee from the manufactuma. that It will aire ntit laraction In every case, or money refund!. A Book of 180 pafS, on " Woman and Her Dienanea, and their Belf-oure," aent, pnnt-paid, to any aridme, Meurrly tralrA In a plain po eolope, on receipt of ten cento. In etampn. Address, Woaio's Drnnifaaar MxoicAt Assocxanoa, H Main Btrcct, Buffalo, N. V. Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS Psiralr Vegetable and Prfrclly Harm urn. ijnraiiBira as a liirrr Chfiiprst, Kmiost to Take. imlfd as a Liver rill. SmnUnst, !ntiffst to TahA. One Tlnv. Rnsrar ruMm rviifii m uovea urn Hradaclifff Itlllona lleadachnf Co nnt I patio n, lnAIKT'alloii, Billons AU MVKa, and ail drantremnu of thA Stnmaob aad Uowala. m osctta a vii by drucaista. , V,. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1S39. V feeder THOMPSON'S 31ANY BANKS. The Numerous Atvncle. ?,,at Are ,0 "ls Stay In This Campaign. Itelowisa list and the locations of Mr Thompson's banks. These are the ogencit he expects to elect him. . Their money is being poured out like oil upon the troubled waters. He owns a con- trollinc interest in the La Grande National of La Grande. Commercial National, Dayton. Columbia National, Portland. National Bank of Commerce, Tacoma. National Bank of Heppner. National Bank of Spokane. Portland Savings Bank, Portland. Pendleton Savings Bank, Pendleton, l"rst National Bank of Pomeroy. First National Bank of Sprague. First National Bank of Walla Walla. First National Bank of Pendleton. First National Bank of Island City. First National Bank of Union. First National Bank of Baker City. Fint National Bank of Arlington. First National Bank of McMinnvilie. F'irst National Bank of The Dalles. Dave Thompson declares his purpose to be elected ifjt costs $100,000 to secure that re sult. Tae issue thus raised is not a political one. It is not a question whether the next governor shall be a democrat or a republican, but the vital, burning issue is, shall a meie money getter be permitted to bring to shame and disgrace the fair name and fame of our young state? The question remains with the honest voters among the merchants, mechanics farmers and professional men. We feel sure they will not permit $ avid to succeed. GOT. PEaXOYER's aPrOITMENT8. Sylvester Pennoyer, democratic candi date for governor, will address the citizens of Oregon at the following times and places: Astoria, Tuesday, May 13, 7:30 p m. AMilna, Wednesday, May 14,7:30 p m. final PortIand,Thursday,May 15,7:30 prr.. McMinnvilie, Friday, "May 16,1 :3o p m. LaFayette, Friday, May 16, 7:30 p m. Forest Grove, Saturday, May 17, 10 a in. Hlllsboro, Paturdav, May 17, 3 p m. Ashland, Monday, May 19, 1 p m. Medford, Monday. May 19. 8 p ,n. Jacksonville, Tuesday, May 20, 1 p in. Giants Pass, Tuesday, May 20, 8 p m. Rostburg.Wednesday.Kny 21, 7:30pm Enirene, '"'hursd.iv, May 2J, 7:30 p m. Albanv, Frldrj. Mav 23, ' P m. Corvallis, Friday, May 23, 8 pm. Salem, Saturday, Mav 24, 8 pm. Baker City, Monday, May 26,S p in. U. icn, Tuesday, May 27, 1 p m. I.;,G.ande, Tuesday ,Muy 27, 8 p in. I'endleton.WcdncsiUy, May 2S, 8 p m. The Dalles, Thursday, Ma'y 39, 2 p in. Independence, Friday, May 30, 1 p m. Dallas Saturday, May 31, 1 p m. Everybody is requested to attend. La dies are cordiallv Invited. H Gl.LDSMIT". Ch'11 Dem. State Central Committee. The Pnlult and lite Slnae, Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: ! feel It mv duy to tell what wonders Dr King's New Discovery has done for me. Mv luntrs were badly diseased, and mv parishioners thought I could live only a few weeks. I look five bottles of 'Dr Kind's New Discovery and nm sound and well, jtai.iing 26 lb. in weight.'' Arliur .nvc, Manager Love s runny Folks foinLliiation. writes: "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr King's New Discovery for consumption, beats 'em all. and cures when everything else falls. 1 lie greatest kindness lean do mr many thousand friends is to urire them to try It." Free trial bottles at Foshay & Meson's Drug store. Regular sizes 50c a. id $1.00. 10 oer cent off on all cash Isalei for the next 30 daysat W F Read's. Snrina and summer wooVnn lost received at Ziehen A Son, opposite Post iffice. There is enoush energy expended in the thoolneical contest at Albany to evanveliee several countries if well directed. Jouri.l. Rnrklen'a Arnica Salve. The be ! In the vl.l Cat.Brnl...or" tTlciH-s, 8.1c Rtnum. P.w nr. r tUr, Ch.ppd hind, Uhitblftin., Corns, .nd .11 Bkin Krantton .sni pHiliT0lycure Plle.,or no pT rtiin,d It Is easr Mitaed to sire perfert Mtltftcti'in, or monov rel-and- frtM x ceni. DOT oox. r ur oy rosnsy an Muoe Oood cooking stove only $10 at Hopl. at 4 Salttnarsh's. A choice stock of eraokera, snaps, eto,.t O C Henderson's. He keeps the best of every. thing. PAISLEY tt FISH. JOB PRINTKS ALBANY TELEGRAPHIC NEWS bolpb Hlunds. Washington, May 12. Senator Dolpli, of Oregon, is the only member of the Pacific Northwest delegation that is net in favor of free coinage of silver, and he will make a speech against the inflationist ide.i, He says he is in favor of what ue all desire, the enchancement of silver and bringing it to the value of gold, lie has studied the question carefully for the past five years.a-id is fully in accord with those who would bring lite two metals together, and would favor any measure looking lo that end v. Inch would rot endanger the business inter ests of the country some measures which would take caie of the increased silver pioduct without bringing aljoui disaster. An I'nrorluuate DlluatlvU' Independence, May 12. The Evangeli cat church of this city is deeply involved in the Bishop Bowman controversy, which took place at Albany i short lime ao in th? conference there, Th pastor here .asi JJar was relurneif by the Bishop Bowman faction, the "congrega tion having sent a petit on lo that eilect to the corfcrence. 1 he oissenting faotion appointed Rev Poling as pastor. On Sunday night Rev Shupp with his family went to the church and fjund it all in darkness and the door locked'. Next Sunday Rev Poling is to preach and the understanding is that the doors will be opened. Every member of the church here wanted Rev Shupp returned, and now all deny him the church. Ilis family is prostrated with grief, Committed suicide, Eugene Or., May 12.J F Smith, weil known thronghout this valley, committed sui cide here last evening. The cause probably was mental disease. In the afternoon he call ed an attorney and made out his will in a rcgu. lar manner. His estate amounts to about $15 000, which he leaves to the executor, George B Dorris. to be used in paying debts, erecting a monument, and removing the bodies of all his brothers and sisters to the burial ground where his mother is interred. After ail these expenses are paid, the balance belongs to the . executor, who is privately instru:ted to distri bute it to friends unnamed. Ahead cfBlxniare. London, May 12. The Morning Post Ber lin's co-respondent says: "By to-day's speech in the riechstag Von Caprivi passed, with Jone Iwunil, to the first rank of European statesmen The opinion universally expressed in Ihe lob bies was that in comparison with his predeces sor he has nothing whatever to fear. His speech was an intellectual treat of the first ord. er. His whole bearing and especially the strength revealed by his concilialory manner toward opponents, showed nobility of nature, high integrity and clearness of purpose. The emperor and Europe are to be congratulated A C oil toy Fight, Oklahoma City, May ti. The report reached here to-night of a battle between two opposing forces of cowboys in the Little River coun'ry, twenty five miles south ol here The difficulty is reported to have arisen over differ ent constructions uf the "herd" law. Five men are reported killed three others fatally injured and four slightly wounded. I'.ril It for Five Years. Dr ES Holden : 1 have sold vour Ethereal Cough Syrup for the past" five years, and have used it in my own family and know it to be the best cough syrup I have ever used or sold. Fred M West, Stockton. Large size, 81.00, small 5.1 cents. For sale by II C Hubbard, druggist. This 1'rade Mai k on-a stove ire.m6 it is the best th?t ex pc.ier.ee and skill can con trive. .3c?ld only bv G. W. Smith. I hve bonubt all the negatives mads by L W Clark and W II Greco wood up to Not 15th, 1SSP. I)it licatt-s can be had from hem Ouly of 119 at reduced ruttis. We haye a) co about 8,(XX) ueativej Route by nur spWoh, from whicit dupdcittos cii be had at HV( ritpt. W'v cairy the oiily full line of . f tlm fetaio and if euUrgwl HU,k at 1' Wt-t.i rites for tiiat ct..- work. We'tial! be Iitvascd to ( oo ttt i-urSrodto in Fromac's blot:kt rttt-doi r to Msouio Truiplu. Spreaihxo OuT.-Mr. Julius GraJwohl besides hU large crockery stock will now keep on hand a splendid line of groceries of ail kinds, giving our citizen many ad vantage they will be glad to secure. He will make the prices so reasonable that our citizens will have an object in calling nnhim for first-class grocerits. The regular market price will he pild for all kinds of produce. Give hin a call. If vou tit either to buy or sell your pri'pertv ptsue the same in the bands of R F Ashhy & o. Albany Hmkrr. Wheat-BlJtfo Onta33.t. Buft?r 16c r ttt. r'mrtwSO' Ha j PotFton- 75 Ha jtr hivd.H A p!f 75 centft per tui, Porkfltf por II .lrsed. Bwon-fcarn fiiculdera, 80. fid I0fl. ward ft lb. Flour 1.2ft p?r bbl. biekem-8.00 per dm. fill Food bran, M.OOpor ton short, 16. tntddllnirfl, 20. Cboi ao.i.