Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, May 07, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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    i. rrv
I'uo iitn I )' ' lii'i thu week,
Sunday's exoHpteil.
snrai3 so isr crrrxisro-,
EJItors anil Publishers.
(tutors 1 11 tilt) Post Oilli'u at, Albany
as seittHid-class mail uiatUir.
AililitlKonl Lueiils un 4lh rnxe.
local m;cmu
Tim Ahtikimmiikt. Mnuv of n r citi
zens will rcinc'inlicr l'ruf Chancy, the
astrolog'tnt, wliowiw in Alluuiy m'rvral
tunes, lie is now pulmsliiiig 11 paper
liui k KaHt, ami tliu follow ing ' it in
nliout a h 11 ni' 1 in,' uh anything that over
graced th t'liliiniiiH of 11 paper : "While
at tliu confcHHiimul I uiuy as well own
that (luring the winter and early Hpring
of 1887-8. here ill St Louis, while Saturn
wnH trmiHittiiig in the MMlii'iiven anil
MarH oil tlio AHceudfiit, with IsMiks in
ulediio. which I could not redeem. 1
hired 1.hI'''iiil'H and for luonthH lived on
lunches which I bought ami eurrinl to
inv room : woinuweekH the coat of fooil
wan lens than a dollar, and 1 lived well
when 1 could spare a l.'i'i a week. Kvcr
silled I liegiin the publication of thin
primer I have lieen ho short that I could
nothuy a pound of butter, and ho bought
siiiisngi', using tho gruvy instead. Dur
ing the winter I have worn neither over
coat nor uiiilort'lnlliiiig, liewiuw! every
dollar wax needed tukeep the puhlieatioii
going on."
A Prominent Man. Hon Chas F
Gilllin, Secretary of State of Indiana, and
also Commandtr In chief of the V nlted
States for the Sons of Vetcrans.whois now
making a tour of the l'ucllic Coast hi the
interest of that order, was in the citv yes
terday, accompanied by Ids wife, and were
the (jucst6of R V Price anil family. former
neighbors and Irtenus. 1 hey leu inst
evening for San Francisco, Mr GritTin Is
a young man of fine ability and is now fill
inir the second term as Secretary of State.
He Is prominently mentioned and will
probably be nominated for Governor of
Indiana in T091, by the Republicans. After
driving about tlie'cily Mr Uritlin and wife
expressed themselves as being delighted
with Albany.
The Bitsr Tiikksiiiso Outfit.
Messrs tSurkbart St Cox. of East Albany,
bought of Knapp, Qurrcll & Co the most
complete threshing outfit ever brought
into this county, consisting of one 36 in.
buffalo Pitts Separator, bagger and Back
er, Coffee's automatic swinging stacker
and Andrew's band cutter and self-.feeder,
something new to threshermen in this
countv. liurkhart & Cox are to be con
gratulated' for taking a step in advance of
the o:d and slow way of threshing. They
will add a complete cooking out lit mak
ing the farmer's wives leap for joy. These
eentletnen are known to be tlx -Jest
threshermen in the county, and farmers
who want a good job of threshing done
should not lose any time In engaging
them before It is too late.
A Musical Party1 Mr J II Taylor,
who is termed the wandering niluv.rel
will give on entertainment at the WCT
U Hall on Tuesday evening, April 13th,
under the auspices of the W J T U. Ap .
pcaring in a choice selection of musical
gems. Irish, Dutch, French and negro dia -
lects, with violin and banjo (accompani
ment, ateisted by Mrs Klioua lay lor.
One of the great faetures of the program
Is the mocking bird, with bango accom
ArroixTRo. Dr G W Maston has just
been appointed surgeon to the Oregon Pa
cific Railroad company vice Dr Rich re
signed. The Dr has just made atrip over
the the -road looking into sanitary
conditions. 'I'lie lr Is also local physician
and surgeon to the Southern Pacific com
pany. These roads have made a good se
lection. A Valuable Horse Mayor Cowan
has sold his well known trotting liorsej.
L. C-, bv Oneco, to Mr William Frazlci.of
Portland, for $750. J. I,. C. was five
years old and had shown a remarkably
tine gait,though never having been '.rained
thoroughly, lie was one of Oueco's first
colts, and wac first brought up on bunch
The Monmouhi Scandal is not yet
ended. The parents of the two boys who
made the charges against president Stan
ley have bioughteuitagaiust the members
who hftd had them expelled, for $5000.
Some lively court ocenes are looked for.
To-Morrow Seals for Mrs Scott Sld
dons at Will & Links. Hear the most
noted elocutionist in the world. To- mor
row evening. Onr citizens should sup
port firstclass cntcr'ainments.
Drug Storr for Sav'.e. In a growing
town ; also a large list of city and count! y
property. For partio.ilars inquire o
Ouiss Ilcdrick, over Kirat Nat. Bank.
Nkw embroideries, flouncing, lace
flouncing in cotton and silk, black mid
cream. Laces in imitation point, also new
designs in black and while lace, including
Vandyck and Eifel Tower. New ruchlngs.
Samuel E Younu.
For Sale. Seven fresh cows for rale
cheap. Inquire at this office.
Wall Paitr. I have just received
from the east a large invoice of wall pa
per, lxmlers, decorations, etc., including
the plain iugruins which are becoming
Terv popular. These goods nro better
styles and cheaper than ever liefore.
smi el E Yoi-n.i.
I l.svs j lit received a Urrfp invoice of Ince
curtains, ranging in price from one to nine
dollars a piir, scrim, mrtain nets, eto, A'so
a line of curtain pj'ei and fti-iiitiir cove
ing. Sami-kl E Yorxo.
Drild Fri it Wanted. Plums and nl
kin Is of dried fruit wanted immediately
by U W Simpson, First street.
THE HlfiliD Of THlltK.
4 msral Mass Hrrllui- KolbasUsllc
A Urge male audience was present at
the Upera House last evening on the oc
casion of the public meeting of the board
of trade. President Young in the chair.
The Secretary read the minutes of the
previous meeting. The Albany band furn
ished some excellent music for the occa
sion both before and during the meeting.
Mavor Cowan beeun the speech muking
by offering his hearty co -operation in
everything that will tend to build up Al
bany. Mr J 11 Town ;cnd made some solid re
marks un the(KtWL-r of individual effort to
build up a My. referring to A M Cannon,
of SKikane, who spent $3 for every $5 se
cured in advertising lhi.1 county.
U W Wright came to llie trout in goon
style with some sound remarks on the
fo'ree of beautiful homes, good schools,
peaceable couinunilies,as a factor in build
ing up a community. His remarks were
heartily appreciated.
Mr R Nell discussed the nulural gas
nuestlon, stating that he believed we had
it directly beneath us, r.nd referring to Its
advantages, if secured in building up I
city. 1 le Is in favor of judicious adver
tisi'an of a city.
Judge Flinii was in favor of advancing
our mamitacluring and material interests
so that when the laboring man conies here
lie will nave something to do, 1 here is a
rent ileal to do besides getting people
lion Geo K Chamberlain enthused the
audience in the same line of thought, and
spoke with force on the necessity of doing
something ourselves, without depending
too much on outside prospects. Jits I'lill
ionics on the men who oppose public im
provements were entliusiastcly cheered.
C E V.'olvirton was In favor of attack
ing our undeveloped resources and making
something out of tkem.and of a combined
action tor the advancement of Albany
Dr Irvine uave a live account of his
trip among the ovcrboomed cities of the
Sound remarked that Oregon
own Portland after all was'the terminous
of the Northern Pacific, closing with an
appropriate remark on the necessity ol ac-
lin on bridging theWillametteatthis city.
Phil Cohen said it took money to run
boards of trade, and would pay a year
dues in advance. He favored petitioning
the next legislature tor an immigration
board at this citv and the securing ot
large public building. He said talk is
cheap but it takes money to buy cider.
Mr t 11 Norton, the U t' s coal expert,
was called out and gave an encouraging
talk on the remarkable natural advantages
of this country, perhaps unsurpassed any
where in the United States.
(D. It. X. Dlsckburn, Jutlite ; B. W. Coor snd
W I'liilllja, Cumniistioiers.)
Tne following claims were allowed:
J F Hyde, aid for poor, $10.00
toward Chandler, a wild cat scalps, 2.00
J B Fitz.vater, aid for poor, 16.00
I L Dickson, gravel for roads, 6 Co
Geo Humphrey, justice fees 2-75
II Karwell, salary as treasurer,
E E Montague, county clerk fees 190.60
L M Curl, salary as county supt. 50 00
Albany Electric Light Co, fj 50
Geo I J Ilarnird&Co, jail locks, 3.50
E T T r islier, surveying, 35 50
Robt Glass, aid for poor, 10.00
IJamilton& Andrews,ald for Or
chard family, 10.00
W W Crawford.lumber. 18.4S
Kobt King, wild cat scalp, 1. 00
I C Goodale. lumber, 20.32
!lam1lion&Andrcws,b wildcat scalps, 0.00
L M Curl, postage,
. 3-oo
Geo D BarnardMCo, bcoss,
44 00
r ees, ,State vs Latnont
Fees, Inqnisition Win Canter.
P W Spink, lumber.
Fees, Inquisition W P Smith,
John Snialliiion,
FortmillerA; Irving,
Win Bilyeu, aid for poor,
OF Crawford, do
(i C Coolcy, do
O P Coshow, do
Ladies Aid Socity, do
C 1) Montogue -de
9 00
Don't Fori;kt. That Col Miller dem
ocratic candidate for congress and Mr A
LcRoy candidate for state superintendent
will address the public at the Court House
in tiiis city Friday, May 9th at I o'clock p
m. Let everybody turn out and hear
thssc gentlemen, as itficy arc said to be
tine speakers.
TiiE Colr Boys i'estciday Angus
Graham.the 15 year old son of J J Graham,
was driving some cattle irom his father's
wheat field, liclonging to the Coles, when
Oscar and Doy Cole attacked him in a
fierce inanner.breakiiiK bis nose and other
wise bruising him. Young Graham Is
said to be a very peaceable boy.
I'ksnvyicii at Leranox. On next Sat
urday at J! o'clock p 111 Gov Pcnnoyer
will address the citizens of J.inn county
on the issues of the campaign. A special
cur will he taken from here jmd a large
niuiiiHT nave uircuur sigmiK it their in
tention to go. The train will be held at
Ijclmnon 5 o'clock in tho eveninir
when it will return to Albany. Let every
democrat go who can get away.
A1.nA.4y Marble and Granite Works, Hav
ing la'elv purchased the stock of S A Kiirgs
and G W Harris, we shall ho pleased 10
show designs and ivo prices to all intend
ing purchasers. Best of wrkim-n emTioyed
snd prices as low as any for first -cinss wiirk.
Visit us licfnre purchniu clfpwi.orr.
I'n (N .V AchisoK
n-jxt door to Democrat otliie) Albany, O-.
Si-iiiNd ami Summer Delicacies. The
largest and finest line of foreign and do
mestic woolens in spring midsummer
novelties just received aim is ready for
Inspection Rt
Z.tcitrs A Son,
Merchant Tailors and Drapers,
Opposite Post Office.
Olr Own. A genuine kid glove,evry
fair warranted,foi $t..coapair. This glove
have handled for five years and have
:rled many others but nevel found any
equal to them for the price.
Samuel E Youno.
Dr. Patton, the specialist on female
and private diseases, In Blumbcrg's Block.
Office hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8.
Consultation free. Residence 3rd and
On what the Brethren who withdrew
from the Conference netting forth an a
renwin in the local press of thin city
for their action.
I. That two niiiilieniitH for the minis
try were retimed examination on their
aciiiiretl uhility, because they affirmed
answer to a (mention, that they imj-
liuved the bishop's suspension to be
Now thin wax nothing more than the
individual c prcHHion of one or two ex-
luinerH, unit nut the voice ol the- con
ference. If it was 1111 unjust t'eatiiient
f tin- iiiiplicuiitM it ehoiil'l have been
brought to the notice of the conference
for correct io 1, ami nut have become a
:aiiHe tor so serious 11 step to disrupt the
corie'cnee, esiie'-uuly s'nee tliev had a
inaiu'-itv in ci n'erenee and could have
H. Another reason in lioenuse the men
who emloi'H'd the bishop rei'iincd to agree
to receive two men wlio were not wnthy
he Ismril of inissioiiH, nto conference
the same as the two men who wee Hent
v the hoard of inissioiiH.
It is evident from this, had the men
w ho endorsed the bishop agreed to ac
cept thei,' proposition, they would have
recognized the Hence t,ie row
and Withdrawal at t,ie opening 01 cotiicr-
nco does not turn on the suspended
bishop, as claimed, hut because their
proposition waH not accepted, or. iecause
the bishops men would not make an
even trade 01 men. Thev of course with'
lrew ls-fore the mutter could iie b -ouglit
to a tesl on the eonfe'ence floo1. Can so
silly a inntler 1 n cause to so BeiioiiH a
step. Tbev certainly recognized the
bishop p-'ur to conference by making
pointhientH for linn and arranging
c, lurch HeilieiitioiiH.
;!. Still another reason is because of
the npittcd "Publishing house -o'loers,"
when they only demanded payment of
the money appropriated there a year ago
lor service 1M1. mg the year.
the service renuereu bv theso men
during the year, and the money appro
priated was all a legal contract, so recog
nized br all, and not until thev hud
withdrawn did the matter come up for
discussion. Kven then there was no
thought entertained than that they had
been paid every dollar on tlieir appro
priation for services rendered. How this
mutter can lie a cause for this most ser
ious step will invite an answer from the
Following are the appointments of the
anti-isowuinn taction :
Okeoon DisrricT C C I'oi.ixo, P. E.
Independence C C Poling,
Annua J ij J terminer.
East Port'and J M Dick,.
Ml Johns, )
Columhin, II L Pratt,
Clatskanie )
layton J M lienucliamp,
Newberg W L Peaiimont,
Lafayette D V Poling,
Silver C N Plowman,
Kings Vulley () S Haines,
Oorvallis M J nallimtyne,
Ynquina To lie aupnluxl,
Southern Oregon do.,
Washington Distiuct J Rowerkox, P E.
Brooks J Bowcrsox,
fiiilem E S Bollinger,
Albany F S Locke,
Sweet Home T A Yost,
Oregon Citv To lie supplied.
Jiast Portland 1 10 lie Biippueil : mean
! w
i.;i.. .,n.iur Ai.aM. .t
) J Bowcrsox,
be supplied ; mean-
Portland, ) To
hile under charge f J
TTaconia, 1 Bowersox
North Ptigct Sound
Spokane Falls,
A R JolinsaL,
'W&W'!- To be supplied.
To Conn & llend-icson's for your gro
ceries and produce. With a choice -stock
they arc able to meet all demands. They
follow the old adage of "quick tales and
small profits," and are always at hand to
attend to the wants of the public. Keep
your eyes on their store for fresh produce
and groceries and you will nc be disap
Another Assortment 01 fine -Fruits
and Yegetables, just received at Mueller
x Garrett s. Green onions. Cabbage,
Cucunjliers, String beans, Cauliflower,
Celery, Asparagus, Pie plant, Ac.
Faioti in Small Farms. The Oregon
Railway Extension Co recently filed at
OlympU supplementary articles of incor
poration luthorizing it to build 5000 miles
of new lines in the northwest. Thus one
movement complements another. Some
cautious souls have expressed tlie fear that
the extension of the fruit raising industry!
in itiiis region would overstoik the mar
ket, and bore we have facilities to be .pro
vided that will allow 11s to reach out for a
more distant market in all directions. The
Oregon Land Co has faith in its small
fruit farms, and to show its faith by its
works has jmt planted an orchard of 100
acres to retire jo when all the land here,
about k sold.
Diiieo Plcmi. I will give the highest
market price xjr choice dried plums for the
next M days.
SamcelE Yocito
Albany, Or., April lltli, 181IU.
Warm Weather. A fine stock of re
frlgiators and ice cream freezers maybe
seen at Stewart & gox's. Nothing like
them for the house.
Fresh. Fresh sweet potatoes, freah
lemons, fresh oranees, fresh candv. and
evcrvthlrg fresh in choice fancy groceries
at Spencer & Blackburn's.
WANTED A On I to do Donor! boxs
woik. . Call at Dkm c iT office.
Letter List.
f.llotni It the Hit ol letters remaining In the text
Oilloe, AilMiiy, Linn county, Oregon, ApHJ 2.-1, lfcoo.
Pvramw catHntr for these letters must aire the date on
which thev weadvertised :
Adkins, Ionnrd C Abbott, John A
Arnold, Willie Bonar. D M
Cnssons, F M Caldwell, S L
Clark, Miss PaulannnClark, Mrs N A
Chirk, Mrs K A Chapman. Mrs G A
Ctimiiiings, M P Cox, Lucretia
Kdwnnis, E F Eliott, W F
Keevie, Fred Leslie, Mnrv
Landis, Richie K 2 Mall, Frank'2
iewlitTbaiier, i lerinnn
Casiok's addition .
F. M. French keeps railroad tima.
Rook cjndy drips at C E Brownell'a.
Anti-swear cuff buttons at Will& Stark's.
Do you want a home ? Iiuv a lot in Fair
Great baresias in watches at Will &
Chohe canue.P ipvuut potatoes at C E
Proi)srwl"mckrel. in lib cans, at C E
Iluaduuarters f ir ifanlen seels at C E
JTor artists'
supplies go to Slanatd. &
The Istest sliest nnisio, jdjc; Mrs
Uy man's.
D ni't fail to try the Ifetnaie i Lone uitnos.
ac Airs llytuau s.
Tilt- lurgi-st st,ick of w.vtthos in the city at
v ill Mark s.
Delicious eauued crauLeruies at C. E
Br wnell b.
If yen wnnt to buy eon! bread, cake and
pus go o Lauge's.
Spring over coating at Zaclies & Son, op-.
posite rosiuuice.
Genuine Iowa sorghum on draught at C
ft rtrownell s.
Uood evening Have you ricd Hubbards
1.-1 1
Ijicau, iaiiiuu
P Centcinerie kid gloves iu blaek and col
orcd at Samuel E Young's.
No need to suffer with tho lieadaoh when
Hubbard s Capsules will surely cure you,
If you want a fins toilet or bath soap call
on ataoaia a lusicu, city Drag otore .
. eaye your orders at Lance's for anything
you wisn lor in the bakery line.
I he i outer genuine, hook clove Fosterina.
iu black anu colored, at aamuel b Young
1- air Dale lots will soon be all sold. This
property will bring Sl'00 por lot before fall.
Buy a lot in Cusick's addition, the finest
suburbau audition. Its location speaks for
Don t fail to call on Will k Stark and
price their largo line tf ladies and gents
watches before you Day.
The Hcmme & Long piano is the best
mane piano to stand the climate ot the coast
Don t fail to get one at Mrs liymao a.
Genuine Martinat kid gloves, in all sizes
and colors, at s'Jo per pair until May 1st.
every pair warranted, at U w Simpson a.
A lot in Cusick's addition is better than
ten per cent, or better than a lot in foreign
cities where the tide ebt and Mows twice in
twenty-four boars.
Tnose -viihine screen door and windows
should call on It B Vunk, who will pot them
in complete on short notice. Sbop on corner
01 secoua and i?erry streets.
A new line qf neckties at E C Searl's.
Novelties in parasols at S E Youug's,
Salem has organized a baseball club.
Ludlow's $3 shoes found only at E
Tne vote on the cow question at Corvallis
waa las to iid.
New potatoes, cabbages, etc., at Conn
Qendricaon a.
Wm Hosg and Wallis Nash haye been
the city to-day.
Ztueman's "Diamanta" spectacles aodey
glasses niui reoch a, OU ceuts a pair.
Lawn mowers repaired and sharpened
Matthews & Washburn's.
The best lswa sprinkler in the market
Matthews At Washburn's.
Joseph Peront has been appointed agent
Corvallis for tbe Albany ice works,
A Lewis and family, of Shedd, ha
moveato ciuDsorugn, wash., tore.-nte.
Wallace St Adams, the Third ward gro
cers, have dissolved partnership, Mr Adams
Call at WiH Link's music store for thi
very best pianos and organs, also books and
slices uiusio, Oi.0,
Leiniugec, dentist, Littler, assistant, will
make you a act of teeth and charge you
uubiiiug iur extracting. irmge worK
Miss NetUe Purvis left yesterday for her
eastern home, accompamng .Kev Prichard,
who eoes to the annual couiereuce to mee
at Saratoga.
Mr Ed Goin is arraaainir to put in th
bdison system of electrio liaht at Scio. M
Geo P Warner having traosifcred to niin his
eleetno light franchise.
There will be preaching at the Evangeli
cal Church on next Sabbath morning and
envening. A cordial inv'tation is extended
to all. I li Fisherpastor.
In all diseases ef the storcseh. liver and
kidneys, use, to tho exclusion of all other
medicines, nstures's own remedy, Plunder's
Oregon Blood Purifier.
All those who have consented to take Dart
in the Old District School, are requested to
meet Wednesday evening, Mav 7th at 8 o'
clock, when the differeut parts will be as
Doa't dreal to have voor achine teeth
extracted, but go to Dr Leininger.Dr Littler
assistant, and -have the teeth paiolessly re
moved. Brkice work a spexalty. Boom
l.i, iweeaale Dioci, Albany, Ur.
Train for Lebanon will leave the depot on
schedule time Saturday andwiil-carrveverv-
iiody to tahauoa who desires to hear Penn-
oyer. It will return at 6 oo-ock in the
evening, A bigrowd is going.
Mr William Morgan, of Seatilf. arrived in
tho city this noon, on a visit of a month or
two with his relatives and friersis. He is
slowly lecovertugxrom his recent serious ill
I'sed II tor Flu Vrars
it r. n noiiient 1 nave sold your
cunnriii v-iiugn syrup ior me past live
years, and hnve used It In my own family
and know It to be tlie best cough syrup I
iiavccvcr vsea or som.
Frkii M West, Stockton
Large size, 81.00, small 50 cents, for
sale by II t; Hubbard, druggist.
SraiNO Jackets at Cost I
have a small line o spring jack
ets in rotors I wish to close out,
and have reduced the price to
cost. They are the latest stvle
nnd a bargain. I also have a line
of Spring Stockinet jackets for
$5.50 each, whic is the nicest
jacket for the price in the market.
Saml'EL E.
Feu col drill m hone: aork
well single or douMe. Kf, I lenco on llan -nun
d-ma'.ion c!airn. LNAm.k.s.
The Cusick Addition to Albany hat
just been thrown or. the market and will
be sold at such prices and terms as will
enable the speculator to make eood
miney. This property lies iust this side
of Goltra't Park; is high and sluhtly.
overlooking the city and surrounding
country. In the language of a First
street merchant, "That is destined to be
come the 'Bon-ton' residence portion of
me cuy.
Wallaces Cusick, the agents for this
property, have their own conveyance and
win oc g:au to snow tuts, the best ot ail
adcliliQns, to the intending speculator.
Wiierr money is being made. In the
Sound country I have for sale four lots
n the Arlington addition to the city of
ijiaiiie. a 111; miu jciiv lavs uuiv one IIIIIC
Ol..lnu -1-1... ... I 1..
from tide water, and is undoubtedly a good
investment at the present prices. Corner
lots only $60. Inside lots $50. Terms
one-half cash, balance in six months. Call
at the office and examine the property.
Bt'Y the Burlington warranted fast black
hosiery has no superior, riold by Bar
rows Si Searts
Two Car Loahs. Price A: Uobson have
just received two car loads of wagons and
Higgles, light and heavy, and will sell
them at remarkably low prices, consider
tug the splendid quality ol the wagons.
Smoke the celebrated Havapa filled ci-
para, iiianufoctured at Jul up Joseph 'u cigar
fuctorj. Only 5 cents.
I O O F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds iu
regular meeting Wednesday evening of
each week. Visiting brothers are cordially
nvited attend.
G od dry fir wuod fur sale. Leave orders
at tbts otiiot.
Where TO' Get Them. When wanting
an organ or plana call on O L Black man
where you can select lrom a hrst class
May 8, Mrs Scott Sidiloii, at the opera
June 2. State nnd County elections.
People who are Easily Deceived. Ho
has Can t Eight so far.
A city drnffgUt stated that he bad bnd eight
calls for Joy's VepeluMc Sarsapnrllla but had
iold his owu cvory time. It did not occur to
him that it might bo a serious matter to give
bis old time mercury aud iotash preparation to
people who do not need syphilitic treatment.
It Is safe to sny that not one persou in ten have
a syphilitic trouble. Hence what do they want
with such dangerous minerals as mercury and
potash? What nine-tenths of our people are
troubled with Is Indigestion, dyspepsia, sick
headaches, constipation and face eruptions, all
Of which are the legitimate results of Improper
liver and kidney action, or impaired digestive
organs. Thosedisordersdo not call for syphilltlo
treatment, but for mild vegetable liver, stomach
and bowel alteratives. We are surprised that
intelligent people should be persuaded into tak
ing a mercury and potash sarsaparilla. When
roa ask fox Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla, see that
urn get it
Dealer is
8 clocks,
J E W E L .R Y
I have the largest stock of
Spectacles and Kye glasses
in the county ami fit thein
by Johnston's pat. Dioptic
eye meter.
I (lie CiratH Cpurt of the Slate of Oregon for
ute Kiotuuy 01 l,hm 1
I B Haskell, Plaintiff,
Annie Y Haskell, Itfendant.
In tho name n the state of Oregon you
are hereby niniuioned and required to
appear and answer plali tills complaint
uipu iu sue aoove eiliuieu Milt, in the
above entitled court, on or before
Muiiriay, Ibe t.1rd dnr ot June, ikqo,
that being tbe flnt day of the re t ro.'ii-
lar terra 01 sai.l co'irl, tone bci nn and
held at Albany, I. inn ceuntv,reu'"n.anl
you are hereby notified that if; 1 ou tail so
to appear and answer said uoi'iiplaint as
n.reiu retitiireu. nairillll will apply to
sniu cuhii lur bile rciiei UHlliauuea in SAIU
complaint to wit; Fur a doc.-ea disimlv
ing tbe marriage contract now existing
uomwii ) uu .1111 iiniiiiui, lor costs nnd
disburse .ent; of this suit nnd for surh
oilier re 1 mi as may lie eqtiliahleanJ lust
'j uih siiininons is puuimlied In the Al
bany Dkmocrat for six suoresi ive weeks
by order of Hon K P Hdl.e .hKlce of said
otirt.whi h older was msde at Chambers
ano (jenrsaaf tne nui day of Mav,ltuo.
Dsted Mry 6U1. 18110.
Uto. A. Pokris,
Pltl's Atl'y.
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given thst trie iiml
signed bas bern appointed by lb Countv
Courtof lilnn cnunly, Oreaon. ,.
o. the last will and Kstainont and estate
of Camilla McFarland, dweased, late ol
I,lnn county Uregon. All parsons hsv.
ing ciaiuisagaiiisi sal I estate are hereby
iiotlllel to presfiit Uniiiiniy Termed
at his office In Albany, Oreg p, within
six months from tills dale.
May ;ll, ISW)
r , c ih " ''
T J Stitkii, Execiuor.
4 tt'y for Exoculor.
bil-lj 1
Best and Cheapest
General Aoext.
Choice Residence Blocks,
Free Conveyance to Property,
Those wishing to invest in farm
property shon Id call and see onr list .
of farm and city property. Ve have
some of as good fruit and garden
land as can be found in the State.
Also stock ranches and wheat farms
all near R B. Farms and farm prop
erty a specialty. Call and see us
tiefore purchasing elsewhere
OIHcs, First Street, next door to
Thompson 3c Overman's Harness
Shop, Albany, Or.
Ileal Estate Agents.
City Restaurant.
Having been cctirdy in (deled, this old
and popular restaurant iil be msce first
clata in every reflect, lie tubl.c will be
given good meals at all hi urs for only 2t
cents. Everything neat snd attractive,
Private buxes. Ovtters in every style.
W. A. McGee.
City Drug Store.
Stanard & Gusick
1 roprieiors. fcucceseors to
Guiss it Son. Dealers in
drugs, medicines and
cheinicals.fancy and toilet
articles, sponges, brushes, and ar
tists supplies, Physician's
prescriptions accurately
V ! ,
Harry Jones'
Just ADoneH. otmnsit-A th ir.,-
Vromut attoDtioD. and svurvthi ., nonf
0n !y j.nd nighf.
$3co,ooo to loan at 8 per cent'on Im
proved farm or city properly.