THE DAILY DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY APRIL 19, 1890. Fablishsd .very day in the wuak, Sauday's .icsptsd. BTITB3 So NUTTINO, EJItort and PtililUlier. ejnttrvl tlm Pwl 1 )'!! at Alliany. ( an saooihI-cIoms malt matter. Adflltluunl Locals oil -till I'nxe. LOCAL IMXOKI) A Reckption. A lery enjoyable re ceptlon was held it the elegant residence of Ml I) P Mason last evening in honor oi tlicariival home rum her Eastern trip ot Mi Flora Mason. The evening was spent in a variety of amusements of an Interesting nature and refreshments were erved of u vet ir palatable character. The ladies were dressed in ve olden time cos tuines, presenting a display of costumes of an attractive nature, doing credit to the occasion. Such unions of young peo ile tend to knit them together in a closer fel lotvslilp and It Is to he hoped will be mi-re frequent the coming year. The follow ing were present: Misses Maud Hoff man and Carl llitchens.of Corvallis; Helen Crawford, Lie l'rather, Maud and Minnie Van Horn, Tina Monteith, Minnie Cal well, I.illle llackleman, Mamie Cundiff, Mildred Hurmester, Olgie Hewitt, Lena Marshall, Nettle Purvis, liertha Ellis, lxra Vance, lletlie Miller, Mrs Krcd Dawson and Leb lrvl,Messr R W John ion and E C Crystal, of Corvallis; O I! Irvine, fc, G lieardsley, E 1 and C il Cusick, T J Overman, jas K Powell, Ezra M Morton, Phil Goodwin, Kred Kortmlllcr, Lewis E Lee, Claire Vunk, Perry A Young, Carlton E Sox, Henry C Allen, Van tVilson and Kred Dawson, of Albany. A Spicy Article. We learn that Gen L Applegate, government agent at the Klamath Agency, and Col I) II Compson, the principal of the agency school and an ap'poinlee of the Cleveland administration, created a sensation there some days ago. Gen Applegate fired Col Compson as a leacher. Col Comptor. telegraphs the de -partmcnt at Washington, which says he should keep on. Loaded with the au thority of this telegram, Col Compson showed It to Gen Applegate. 1 he gen eral s acquaintances can easily imagine the attitude and vehemence that Lish struck when he replied, "Uy the eternal, I am the governor of this department of Uncle Sams domain. Let compson kept right along teaching. Gen Apple gate organized a company of seven tried and true soldiers, who went to the school house and a pitched battle ensued between the opposing forces. Col Compson is a large, strong man. The forces under com mand of Gen Applegate succeeded Anally in removing Col Compson bodily and In stalling the new appointee, but not, how ever, until the colonel had soundly "thumped" some ot the general's army. An agent was expected out from Wash ington by this time to take notes of the affair. This is the plain story as It came to us from a reliable source. Ashland Record. The New United Shows. Now that the huge pictorials descriptive of the many wonders to be seen in McMahon's Circus ndorn the bulletin boards and dead-walls and the small bills scattered ieverywhere around and alxmt announcing its appearance nt Albany, on eunesuny, April 23rd, quite an interest is being manifested from the fact that it is gener ally understood that among the many in- jStercsting features of this new show will ktlio found the largest animal in the world, ' kluecn Jtimlio, nil elephant, the consort ' ;itnd constant companion of tlio late la ,iantcd Jtiinho.nttlie Zoological Gardens, ( London, for a nuiulier of years. ami now btveighing manv tons more than Jumbo 1 ivcr weighed, mid a much taller elephant. 1 Sri... ....... :.. :it - I ' .iiv lien uieiiie it-.uiui-n mil uotiuui'l in fract the multitude where there is so ; much to be seen and that so unusual and i interesting cannot fail to create intense interest. i Roped In. Even 1 sometimes. The 1 newspapers get taken 'ho T.pxini't.011 Ttildirof. inoiigni it would like a Pout hern letter, and hero is tho result: "We regret to lay that the letters from "Pixie" which 1 we expected to publish have proven to i be part of nil immigration scheme for North Carolina and of no interest to Mor row county." And the linker City Ke veille continues : The Budget has this consolation, however, it was not alone in it little rendition of "love's lnlmr lt " It has not lieen very long since a couple of "talented and enterprising" editors from Denver roped in a representative ( '!) journal of this city for alHiut worth of free advertising (cut furnished) liesides a good sum 01 money mini our citizens 011 the promise of a write-up, farns GKer iiiy was concerned, never mntcri zed worth a cent. 1 -'"A Ll'xtrny. T -The taking of the eleventh census is going to lie a very expensive luxury for Uncle Sain. Alrendy the sta tionery estimates are enormous. In ad I dition to the population schedules now being printed 10,(KIO,(H0 more will be ordered in n few days. This will require 200 tons of paper, which is now lnuiig delivered at the rate of 30,000 poundB n day. Am Society. The Ladies' Aid Society will meet lit Mrs Dr Kelley's next Mon day atternoon at 2 o clo.k. A Sharp Item The fliest line of cut err and shears in the city at Stewart & So s. Their goods are the very best and will stand the test. A lrge selection ofpnnpmi and cord for trunrreng ninners at tht Ladies lltusr. flnrir.g nnd summer wooVn jn.t received sit C ches opposite l'uetothce. lFIVK TAILORING AT L. F. PLAIN'S. Do Not Kill Tiisjm While we be. lleve that no one would object to the kill ing of the Chinese pheasants In proper season, or ask for the enforcement of the law, we insist that sportsmen and hunters should not kill them at this season of the year or until fall. They are breeding now, and the excuse made uy some mai iney kill only male birds does not excuse them in the bast. I, has been established as a lact that this peculiarly prolilic bird rears two and sometimes three broods uuring the breeding season. After the tirst brood is hatched the cock takes charge of them, and the hen continues laying and bring ing forth another brood, bo if a male bird is killed it limits the pioductlon to one brood. In regard to the law against killing them we car. say they have be come so plentiful throughout Lane county, at least, that their killing in proper season should not be objected to. If let alone they become so numerous as to become a pest. Eugene Guard. IIkki-' Kkom California. The heavy rainfall in California the present season has caused beef cattle to command a very low price and owners are lttcking else where for a market. Wednesday even ing a of 17 cars passed Eugene bound tor I'orl'and loaded with 305 head of bee' cattle. They came from the San Joaquin valley and were a tine lot of cat tle, aveiaglng 1270 the trpln ran through on express time. It is said that the Suuthern Paidlic gives a rate of $100 per car, which would cost the ship per atwut one and one -half cents per pound. Guard. Visiting Schools. Supt. McElroy starts thi evening for Albany and will visit Eugene, Roseburg and Corvallis be fore his return. In the interest of the na tional cducationel convention -IHVe ex pect about 500 teachers here at Salem to the State Teachers' Association July I, ! and 3. We will do some work the 25111, 26th and 27ih of lune to get read lor the National Association at St Paul July 8 to 10. About 5000 copies ot the Kesourccs of Oregon, as well as literature of boards of trade, will be distributed. Salem Journal. One Siiikd. It will afford the resi dents on the Linn county side an easy and convenient means of reaching this city The Linn county farmers should be, and are much pleased at the prospect of so soon having such easy facilities 01 cross. ing the Santiam, thus affording them a good market, in Jefferson, for their pro ducts. The bridge will also increase the value of real estate in Jefferson and ad joining vicinity, and we may expect in the not distant lulere to see jeiierson one among the large and flourishing cities, as there Is every advantage afforded here that goes to make up a large and prosper ous city. Review. The Stanley Case. At Monmouth a petition is being circulated and generally slimed bv the neeolo demanding that the young men who were suspended from the normal school on account 01 me oiauicy affair be reinstated and tnat a thorough investigation be maie of the charges pre fered by them. Kro-n this it would seem that the first investigation was a white wash. And as the suspended scholars hold to their story that they saw the professor in a compromising position with one of the lady teachers, the second investigation may have a different resu't from the first. Salem Statesman, Had Enocgii. Aided by a band and th free advertising of the Democrat, not re ceiving any other worth, the Astoria sale of tide lands wasattended this afternoon by a crowd that quickly thinned. After complimenting the Democrat the auctioneer, the same fellow who has been here right along began the sale. A strang er bouuht two lots at $8 each, F A Hurk hart one at S7.00: Mr liarrett one at $7, Mr Lange's baker, one at $7; Doc Conn one at $6, and the Democrat man left then. The prices speak for themselves; yet no doubt they are nign enough eise thev would nt be sold. iiow Many. On Wednesday a number of wealthy men were guessing at the number of twenty dollar bills It took to balance a silver dollar, In a Walla Walla bank. Their gupsses ranged from 100 to 10,000, which were about as wild as the cuees usually made on the numoer 01 deans In a jar. The money was weighed and it took just twenty bills to balance a silver dollar. Walla Walla Statesman, The same was tried in Albany recently, and it look twenty-si bills to balance a silver dollar. Perhaps the climate has something to do with it. Fine Stallions The undersigned has just arrived in the city from Illinois, en route to Portland, with twelve fine Im. ported Shire draft stallions, and will re main In the city until next Tuesday, or, perhaps, Monday. All who are Interested In fine breeds of horses should call at the stables of L Senders, where thev may be seen. A T DunlaI-. Was it a Lottery. The Democrat is It goes to press,that charges are liable to be made in the proper shape against th' Astoria auction man for run ning a loiK-ry scheme, inc iiicis arc simply these : A ticket was given each purchaser until ten 101s were som ana men a draw was made for a ticket, the holder getting a lot free. Was that a lottery or not. Stoi.r. Last night a sneak thl. f en tered the porch of County Treasurer Far well and took therefrom a good overcoat and a coat, vest and pants. Best of All Bargains. 24 fine lots In Sthulu's Front addition to South Albany are now In market for sjo days. These lots range In price from $150 to $223 each. They are only mile from the Court House and are cheaper thnp any lots, ac cording to distance from town. We wish to draw the attention of the public to this fact Employ White People. The St. Charles hotel laundry la open for work. Best work at reasonable prices. Rooms adjoining hotel. WITHIN sixty HA VS. The Matter of street Cars, Parks, Ktc, "Within sixty days," said a prominent real estate owner, to a Democrat man, 'street cars will be running to Malln street In (ioltra's Park addition." 'In sixty days ; that is pretty quick." "Yes, but tiiey will be running tnen all the same,"and lie went on to tell the Dem ocrat man how arrangements were al ready being made for rails and other ma terial. The money has all been raised bv Mr Gollra and the adjoining property owners, and the line will be pushed In a maunei that will astonish people. Horse cars will be run at first ; but the construc tion will he of such a u.ture i.s to admit of change to a ir.otor line at any time. We punusninee lacls as a matter ot news ana not as an advertising scheme. Another important matter is that of a City Park. Mr Goltra, 'he Democrat is infonne.l, will soon make a proposition to the citv 1 ouncll, offering to donate High land l ark, consisting of four blocks, valued at io,ooo to the my. provided it will do nale a like amount for Its impiovcment within four years. The city needs a park badlv, and the proposition "is or.c worthv of consideration, and suggests altj that ro doubt there will be liberal nark proposl Hons from other quarters, giving ou r city a neiu 10 seieci irom. 1 here snouiu oe several good parks In the suburbs of Al bany. The motor line to Sunn vslde isalsoan assured fact, and Albany may now look for a rush and stir of an electric order. The Democrat is here to give the news and assist the boom forward. Albany is surrounded by some splendid additions, and the Democrat's advice is to put your money in them rather than In tide lands. VALUABLE ll'UOPKKTY. The Cusick Addition to Albany ha6 just been thrown or. the market and will be sold at such prices and terms as will enable the speculator to make good money. This property lies just this side of Goltra's Park; is high and sightly, overlooking the city and surrounding country. In the language of a First street merchant, "That is destined to be come the llon-ton' residence portion of the city." Wallace & Cusick, the agents for thi6 properly, have their own conveyance and will be glad to show this, the best of all additions, to the intending speculator. 1CE4L t'r,l BALES. Alexander Sumoter to L Fleischner, w half, D 1. c, rso 00 1000 B F Kirk to S V Barr, N IS qr of N E qr sec 34,tp 13, o It 1 w 200 E A Parker et ux to Walter Parker, S half of S w qr blk 111, U s A 1000 M J Ray and hus to R W Newland, JN nan 01 o w qr sec 3o.ip9,a k. 3E 400 Rebecca A Sherer to Francis Knlgh- ten.lots 6, 7,bl e,u s A. langent. 200 Jane A Sti.npson to , 50 acres, tp i'j,s K 2 w 1700 Mary Beard and hus to Charity J "Luper, tract in Tangent 100 $5280 Total for year $487,206 Sunday's Bill of Fare. Soups, Sago, Barley Rice, Maccerronl, Vermicella, Vegetable. A FINE FAT CHICKEN. Fish, Mackcral, Salmon,' Spiced Sardines. Miscellaneous, Rhubarb. Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Beans, Radishes, Honey, Maple Syrup, Cheese, Chipped Leef, Potted ham, Luch tongue, A Fine Fat Chicken. All the above to be found at Mueller & Garrett's. Call early and secure the best Parasols, Parasols. I have just received my spring stock of parasols direct from the manufacturer In New York in all the latest styles and pri ces cheaper thrn ever before." Samuel E Young, Fair Dale. The demand for lots In this beautiful suburb Is still very brisk. More lots were sold to-day. Removal. Will & Link are now In their new store in the Opera House, where they have a large and choice stck of mu sical instruments ready for inspection. Spring Jackets at Cost. I have a small line of spring jack ets in colors I wish to close out, and have reduced the price to cost. They are the latest style and a bargain. I also have a line of Spring Stockinet jackets for $5.50 each, which is the nicest jacket for the price In the market. Sami el E. Youxo. The 1'iaso Sold The favorite Bauer piano, used by 1'rof. Shonert at the re cent Ievy concert in this city, has been ptircnaseu oy nir. frnnn Arnherger, postal agent nt this city nnd a pianist of ability. Will & Link are agents for this celebrated instrument. Sprino and Summer Delicacies. The largest nnd finest line of foreign and do mestic woolens in spring nnd summer novelties just received and is ready for Inspection nt Zaches A Son, Merchant Tailors nnd I Irnpers, Opposite Post Office. n.irains atRrsd'a. On, I'aintino. Mattie K Martin, of Portland, is prepared to give instructions in nil kinds of oil painting at the resi dence of Mr ISentley, corner of Sixth ami lalnpooia sireets. Best roast enfTes in Meyers. the city at Conrad Seeds. A large line of garden end grass seeds at Stewart A Sox's, ch oice va I riely to select ironi. row is me time to buy and get those suited to the climate. HOMB AND AHK04II P. M. French keeps railroad time. Hook osndy drips at C E BrowaeH's. A nice line of Windsor ties at Barrows & Searli. . Wallace, Physician and Surircon. Al bany, Orj Choice canned sweet potatoes at C K Brownoll's. Prepared nuckrel, in lib cans, at C E Browned'. Headquarters for garden seeds at C E Browned'. For mists' supplies go to Htanard. & Cusick'. The latest siie'-t music, g M r flytnau'. Delioiinis eoiiKil CMrilioniui at C. E Br wiiull's. If you want to l:uy eord bread, cake and pl4S go o Lsrgtt's, Bpring ovnr coating at Zaches Si Sod, op-, po-uto PostiiUiue. (iennitia Iowi torghuin on draught at C E Browuell g- Oood evening Have you ried Ilubbardo Elegant Lotitn Ad invoice of new goods iust received at Barrows & Searls. The eelehrat-d Quaker City white shirts at narrows ot aearis. No need to suffer with the headach when Hubbard a Capsules will surcdj euro you. If you want a fine toilet or l ath soap call On Stauard & Cusick, City Drag Store. i eave your orders at Land's for anytliiug you wish for in the bakery line. If vou want either to buy or sell your property place the same in the bauds of R F Aahby & Co. Just received, at FM French', a large in voice of laities' aud gent's gold watches, which will be sold at very close figures for the next thirty days. Cusick 'a addition . Koad Matthews Si Washburn's Dew ad, Anti- swear cuff buttons at Will & Stark's. Do you want a home ! Buy a lot in Fair Dais. Oreat bargains in watches at Will & Stark's. Mrs. D B Monteith has been in Salem, the guest of Mrs Dr D dd. The largest stock of watches in the city at Will Si Stark's. Judge Tnayer and wife are in the city the guests of judge Strahsn. P Centemerie kid gloves in black and eol ored at Samuel E Young's. The Bomb is the Dame of a prohibition paer printed at Miles City, Montana. Mrs Conrad Meyer and son went to Cor- ve His this noon to spend Sunday. The Foster gnuine,hook glove Fosterina, in blask and colored, at Samuel E Young's. Fair Dale lots will soon be all sold. This property will bring S200 per lot before fall Buy a lot in Cusick's addition, the finest suburban addition. Its location speaks for useii. The best Hdos of 5 and 10 cent cigars in the city are te be found at Conn & Hendric son'a. Don't fail toj call on Will & Stark and price their large linetf ladies and gents watches Delore you Day. Mr C E BrowDell has ordered a soda foun tain, which will soon arrive and be plated in position in his store ready lor use. A lot in Cusick's addition is better thsn ten per ceDt, or better than a lot in foreign oities wnere the tide ebs and Hows twice in twenty-four hours. At the meeting of the Building & Loan Association held last evening II5OO was loaned to Major W C Cassell at 65 months interest in advance. . Bickmore LeRoy arrived at Roseburg yes terday on his tramp to the sunny chine of California, tie is getting an experience no doubt tnat win soon satisfy nun. Those wishing screen door and windows should csll en R B Vunk, who will put them in complete on short notice. Shop ?n corner 01 second aad rerry streets. Genuine Martinat kid gloves, in all sizes and colors, at 89c per pair nntil May 1st, Every pair warranted, at O W Simpson's. Ashby fr Neil sold to-dav two lots in Schmeer's addition and two lots in Bryant's addition, also 8u acres of land :n Astoria. They are doiog a rushmg business. Eugene City is to put about $50,000 into its sewers, and the reooider has been author ized to advertise for 30 year bonds for the same. The steamer Salem will pass Albany about noon to-morrow with McMahon's circus, boand for 'Ilarrisburg, where they will exhihiL Washington street is being placed on grade, but the extent of the work merits a larger force. It should be rushed down to the proper grade. The narrow gauge hrt that iiivss three bushels for a peck and is too cowardly to even say a good word for its county candi dates, shouldn't talk about patty disgust. Timely Advick It la alwayt proper In the Spring, as the days begin to grow warm to don a lighter kind of clothing to suit the climate. In L E Wain's tailoring department an elegant line of suitings has been received, unsurpassed for quality and size in li e valley. Men contemplating or dering iiits should not do so without call ing on Mr SchttTter, who Is ready to sho this rplendid line of suitings. Stkamrr Arrivals. Cellery, aspara gus, green peas, oranges, lemons, dried peaches, dried apricos. Cal. cream cheese. fine comb honey, strained honey, etc., at Mueller uarreus. PkPattov treats successful!? all dis eases of wotr.en,and guarantees to cure all .urahie private uiseascs. lie lias a Mire remedy for catarrh of the head. He sleeps In his office and answers city calls day or night. Consultation Is free and everything Is strictly con fidential. )f e can be found In his office tn Blum berg's Block from to to 1 2, 3 to 4 and 7 to S. Hir of Mb, Owing to my superfjr faculties for delivery I desire to say that It will be an object for every person in town to buy his meat of me. If you make an order of me In the morning you will not have to wait until half past nine or ten o'clock for Its delivery. Try my shop and see for yourself. J C Myers. HOMES ARE BEING BUILT IN- THIS BEAUTIFUL Suburb, BUY .2L LOT IN FAIR DALE, THE Lllcst mt Cheapest SUBURBAN P80PEi.TY E O BEARDS LIE Y, General Agenti A Big Assortment. Fortmiller & Ir., ving, who do business on a big scale, have just received a car load of remarkably fine bedroom and parlor furniture, among other things some sixteenth century oak bed room sets, a unique, elegant piece of furn iture never before introduced here. Some thing that will take. They also have iust received one hundred dozen window shades in a large vaiiety of designs, up with the times. Among other new features of their business are some handsome parlor screens and lace curtains. You have to go to Fortmilier & Irving's for the latest in their line. New embroideries, fiouncines. lace flouncing In cotton and silk, black and cream. Laces In imitation point, also new designs in black and white lace, including vandyck and bifel Tower. New ruchings. oamvel li Young SEwrxa. Ladies wishing sewing don8 at their homes would do well to call upon Miss McLm. Rooms at Mrs Mc- reron's, 1-ourth Btreet,ncartheEvaiigeIi cal church. Beautiful Millinery. For the next three months I will sell from 25 to 50 per cent cheaper tnan any millinery store in Oregon. Everyti Ing In the latest Eastern styles, all gradts ot goods from the cheap est 25 cent sun nat to the ttnest bonnet. None but hrst-class hands employed. Ida M Brush FIXE TAILORING AT L. E. JiLALN S. If you want ti xpnoulate and will compare pnct-8, you will buy id lair Dale. Special attention is called t Mr. G W Simpson's tine line of clothing. Call in time or bargains. Burnett 6 Haikell, who figured in the Will s---. .na . il: - rtitarnr hasa kannmB nrnminant in f lifl- nia as a land grabl er. s PEKSOXAJL.S. Cart Miller, of Mendocino CItv, paBCfl tbronch 8. F. recently. He says. " Joy's Vegetable Sur sairilla eutirely cured bU liver and kiduey HUUUIC iwu . 1. ierry,AnaiaiantBuppnnienaenx i'uii man 1'aliu e Or Joraiany, while in California last summer, did not biiHit with his usual sick hetviachi'S. He pave Joy's Vtetablc Saruiarilla John M. Cox lives at 735 Turk Ft., P. F. Ha used to be mulcted with si. k hctulfu-he. Ho bad one attack the day lie commenced inking They aru done. Market St.. H. K, suilered with indlKcstiou ami dyejiepsia in its worst furra fur yeun, till Jov's Vt'tietulilo HttmifiHrtlla came t hi relief. Hu now rc-comucuus it to everybody nimilarly af flicted. Mrs. Tr. J. II. Mason, of No. 1053 Ifnrket flt,, 8. K.. W h nn trnnlilrt wnjt aMtrmiis lllninnn saysof Joy's VosetiiMe Karsuiiarilla, 'itsnctimi on the liver aud kidneys Is decided and 1 am Steadily improving. A. W. Bofrart is a whoIewlefhoemanBfartu rer, at 765 Mission ht, 8. K. He nyi," Jov's Vege table Sarnajmrilla has Riven him entire rcilul xruia bis indigestion and dyspepsia." Harry Jones' RESATURANT AND OYS TER HOUSE. Just opened, opposite the Ruts House. I'romut attention, and evurvthi.ii n.t .ml elean. Open day and night. MONF.Y, CHEAP MONEY. We have made arrangements t. sapplv snonev to all on long time at low rata ( Interest on improved t urns and eitr prop erty. Thsee who contemplates buil.llnj brick blocks or good brick business ho an. enn get money. See us. Wallam St CrtnK. City -Drag Store. Staid uGusicfc Proprietors. Successors to Guiss & Son. Dealorj in drugs, . medicines and chemicals,fancy and toilet articles, sponges, brushes, prf:imery,school and ar tists supplies. Physioiau's prescriptions accurately compounded. LOTS 50x100 BLOCKS 200x200. Farms, Farms. Those wishing to invest in farm property should csll and see our list of farm and city property. We have some of as good fruit and pardon land as can be found in the State. Also stock ranches and wheat farms all near R R. Farms and farm prop erty a specialty. Call and see os before purchasine elsewhere Office, First Street, next door to Thompson ft Overman's Harness Shop, Albany, Or. T. B. CORNELL & CO., Real Estate Agents KEEP YOUR EYE -ox THIS LINE. Townsend's Garden Addition la now offered for sale. Thiaia one of the moat desirable loeationa for; residence iu or around Albany, being very high and dry. rich coil for garden and fruit. It was on this ground where Mr Town send grew his famous strawberries for several years for the Albany market. There is not a more health ful location around Albany than is found in this sightly location, fu.l sized lota and blocks, street all laid out to ccrrepond wit the street running through the Goltra an Hale tdditinns. This prnpeity is only tw blocks from the proposed street car line. Tbia property will be sold by the block or lots ou the iuxtallment plan or payments to suit the purchaser. V hile this property is second to none around Albuny:yet it will be sold at reasonable prices. Cilice opposite the Farmers & Merchants Insurance Co., lnt Street. Albany. City Restaurant. Having been entirely remodeled, this old and popular restaurant will be made first class in every respect. The pubKe will b. given good meals at all hears fur only 25 cents. Everything- nest and .attractive. Private boxes. 0)etcrs In every style. . V. A. MtGaa. p. ra. iRnmu Dealer is "WATCHES, Clocks, J . E V E L II Y AND Spectacles. I liave tho largest Bteck of Spectacles and Eye p lasaea in tlie county and fit tliem by Johnston's pat. liioptic eye meter.