DAILY DEMOCRAT. TUB MAN ABOUT TOWN. An exchange in another part of tlx county savs ''in response to a kind Inslta tion a large coif re oi friend met at the residence, etc. I hough It watt probabif not Intended In thin case, j et It is a fact that many social gatherings are made up ol corpses ot mentis, vno sir arouna me nails, look sober and never stir from their eats during the evening, ana tne remark, easily made, might be appropriately made in some cases. The Increase in artistic taste in Albany lms been remarkable during the past fe Tears, a fact the Man About Town tvlews with great pleasure, for it indicates refine ment, enjoyment and the higher ideals cf lite. X tie 6ui rounding of handsome p!c tures harmonize sentiment and make life better. Albany now has at least four pro fessional artists, and the citv is full of amateurs displaying talent and with an ambition to do better. Our walls are cor ered with the work of our own families all over the city. Money spent In artistic pursuits is well expended. The following from the Brownsville limes me Alan About 1 own considers a case of turning the tables in good shape, though we know nothing about the Indl- Tiuuai case : hereas I, Mrs Verlinda Etandish and A Y Standish, have dissolved partnership,and whereas the male member of the family has fulled to meet the de mands of his creditors,and said debts have fallen to his wife to pay. Be It under stood that all debts accumulated by him, alter this date, must be tettled by the same, feigned, Mrs Verlinda Standish An Albany man, who has been doing wme nguring, says me loiai cost OI the banners and costumes gotten up for the carnival was doui $1500. ihe net re ceipts were about $400. Some would sue- gestthat the $1500 be given direct. But in that case the carnival would be lost.and It is worth the price as an educator for the city. The M. A. T. is glad to know so much was spent. Every cent was circu lated at home among people deserrine the money, and the fact that a city can get up utn auispiay 01 artistic banners and cos- lumen, as well as present eighty-rive such fine looking young women on a stage at one time, should be worth a fortune to the ty. It is to be hoped another one will e rotten up next year. The Democrat cjoices at being able to spend $5 for a anner for such an orrey of brilliancy nnd in, If you want to speculate and will compare prici-e, yon will buy in Fair Dale. Special attention is called to Mr. 0 W Simpson 'sline line of clothing. Call in time r bargains. Best roast toffee in lieyers. - Bargains at Read's. the oity at Conrad Hotli tlio inoihod niul results when Syrup of Fijjs j taken ; it is pleasant iiml refresbiug to the taste, mid nets Rcntly yet promptly on (he Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers nnd cures haliitunl constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste nnd ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its Tects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in )0o and SI bottles by all leading druggists. MANUFACTUHEO ONLY BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FHANCISZO, CA. JomvniE. r,. nea nsit, n.y Money ! Money ! TO LOAN, Co good farm and oity property at 7 and 8 Per Cent. l examine my own security i write my own papers, a ml if title is perfect tan clone bunausb up id Hhurt order. Call on or write me. S. X. STEELE. With K. G. Buardsley. Real Eatate A leut. Albany! Oroon. FRANCIS PFEIFFJSR. PROPRIETOR OK Albany Soda Winks nd Manufacturers of OHOICE CONFECTIONERY, A'e r.re sow preparer! to nil at whuU , always fresh and pute at Forth, ad j to dealers. We r.'so keep a full . Huts and Tropical Fruits, ;I3J13 AM 3 f J3 O03 : O. BTTBBABD, irnacrliulim DrusaUt. "a r li .-- : mm 1 AMD V OIIET ARTICLES MallERLTfW5-CbUGHl "SrPAfRICTfS PILLS 33 J. L. Physician and Surgeon, omeo oor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- OREGON OR. C.WATS03 R1A3T0N Physician and Surgeon. Office opposite the Democrat. DR. W K. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. "OfBoe op stairs In Stratian's Block. May be found at bis oftlce aay and night. E. J. McCAUSTLAND, Civil, Sanitny and Hydraulic Engineer. Consulting engineer for Gold Monntaio and Dry Uulch Consolidated Uold and Sil m Mimas: to. Cffiec, rst Street, Albany, Or. Fortmita k living, DR. C A. WH1TIO, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical Jol.'ege Mow lark uty. Diseases of woman a specialty. aOffio reman's Rrick, Alhany, Or. State Treasurer's 37th Notice. Stateof Oregon.Treasurer's Office. ) Salem, April 7th, 1S90. isouce is nercDy given mat there are sufficient funds on hand to pav all warrants endorsed of the issue of 1SS9 and iSQO,and iney win oe paid on presentation at this office, numbeied as follows : 2231, 22S4, 2260, 2253, 2355. J196 2304, 2607, 2519, 2525, 2485, 2484, 2530, 2440. 245. 237a, 2330, 2509, 2430, 242s, 244". 2439. 2432, 2443, 2435, 2466. 244S, 2440, 2434, 2506, 24S7, 24S6, 244". 2437, 2523, 2535, 2577, 2538, 2539i 2537, 2522, 2533, 2250. 2435, 3J2I. 2470, 247i. 2571, 25S3, 25S6, 2560, 2563, 2477, 2474, 2476, 2444, 5fh 2550, 245S, 2461, 2454, 2447, 559. 2555- 2541, 2599, 25S1, 2534, 2549, 2462, 2592, 2591, 2617, 2639, 26S9, 2642, 2O40, 2709, 2711, 2708, 2704, 2687, 24S2, 2460, 26lfi, 2430, 2675, 2706, 2OS1, 2459, 2568, 2457, 2?79t 2594, 26SS, 2649, 2699, 267, 2615, 2481, 2413, 272S, 2703, 2682, 2451, 269I, 2715, 2716, 2660, 2fl20, 2719, 263S. 2636, 2717, 2-23, 2712, 2738, 2739, 2740, 2511, 2645, 2733, 24, 102S, 2078, 2655, 3f,77. '73. 2J2, 2746, 2212, 2:95, 2672, 2621, 2747, 274S, 2J7. 2734. 4'4. 27. s. 2753. 2512, 276S, 3755, 2614, 2758, 2"93. 2823. 242i. 28 1 3, 247S, 2846, 2814, 27'A 28n, 3& 28V . 939. y, 4975. 7. 994. Interest "ill not date of this notice. 275'J. 2771. 2720, 2732, 2674 2676, 26G5, 2696, 2743, 2403, 27711, 27C.9, 2773, 2777, 2765, 2331, 2743, 2713, 2772, 2774, 2761, 27SJ, 27S2, 2759, ayyS, 27S0. 2779, 2773, 27S1, 2788, 27S7, 2S04, 2Sxi, 2S0J, 2710, '-S17, 2fS4, 2671, 2,j, 27, 2343. 2749, 2745. 2K.VJ, 28o2, 2S39, 265i, 2731, 28J5, 2630, 2700, 2007, asos, 2S43, 2S44, 2S47, 2S50, 2S41, 28 5 -J, 2851, 2776, 2836, 2S10, -Kxjy, 27S4, 278;, 28oi. 2SoS, 27S9, 2794, 2822. 2827, 2S2o, 2S37, 2S19, 2835, 2790, 28 1 2, 2Mc, 282 1, 2849, 28,3, 2fi2S, 2828, 2862, 28411, 2157, 2S(w, 2797 2863, 2860, 2S42, 2867, 2868, 2S69, 2871, 28So, 2S79, 2S78, 2874, 2S91, 2902, 2S32, 2900, 291.3, 2kj, 2910, 294", 2S53, 2922, 2S96, 2913, 2932, 2943. 2'A'i, 2929, 2933. 2796, 2876, 2936, 2-155, 2917, 2947, 2948, 2925, 2999, 2990, 2v23. 2.177. 2')i 1 . 2995. 2997. 29S4, 2986, 3209. 2435. 2445. 246S, 543. 2530, 2582, 2580, 2570, 2573. 2690, 2707. 2656, 2542, 2646, s479. 273". 266S, 2653. 274'. '74. 2752, 264S, 275'"'. 27''. 2625. 2757. 2792, 2775, 2f43, 2SiO, 2744. 2845. 2S54, 2SS5, 2833. 2826, 2kS0 286 1 J86j, 28yo, 273. 2809, 2962, 2974 297", 2912, 2 . E. WEATHERFOED, ATTORNEY AT LAW ALBAXV, OKECOX, D. B. K. BLACRBDRK, OEO. W. WBIOUT, GLACKB'JRM & WRIGHT, Attorneys at, Law, Will practice id all the Courts of the State, Prompt attention given to all busi new eotiusted to our care. Office Odd Fellows lemplo, Albany, Or W U BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor' in Chancery sLBANV, - OREGON Collections promptly made on ali point Loans noi(otiat6d on easonaoin terma. ATTORNEY AT LAW AID NOTARY PUBLIC!, Jlrofflco in Stralian'a Itloe't, No's 1 and 2. ALBANY, 03ECQH. Attorney at Law and Title Examiner, ALBANY OREGON. Will practlco in all trie-courts of the State. Abstracts of Titie furnished on shurt notice. Ten years exvorience. be al'oncd after the G. . Wtiio, State Treasurer. S. W. Paisley, 4Ibjnj Omceli. - ViOl.mLR,DSLKa IS- Tobacco ani Cigars. Onlirt S'llioiUd frssa sas,trad." RedCrownMills SOM, LASXIX & C IIOPR'S. SKW PHOCXHS PLODR SFPEK10R fOR rAMri.ICS AND BAKERS U8X. REST STORAGF FACILITIES. tiiehest Prio.- in Cash fo TV 1 lit -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ftompt Atteatlon-Fipst-Blass Hears Revere House;. ALBANY, . . OREGON GHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted up In first-class style. Table ipplled with the best in tbe market, loe aleeDiriff aDartments. Samrjle room' tor ommercial "travelers. VTWr e Cuaeli to and from Che Hotel. a Delmonica Restaurant, ORHER FIRST AND ELLSWORTH STS. The nnderaitined havins ourchased the old Herman Restaurant stand hss opened under the above nane a first-class restau rant. W are prepared to furnish meals for parties or dances on short notice. Oys ters served in every stvle. eastern or aaant:. all kinds of flih knowu in the market. Employ only firs-class relp. and waitino will be prompt and courteous. Revnlar meals 25 ots. Coffee of first-class quality snd a enp of coffee and cake at from S to 10 etn. I am veil known in this citv and m- quest the tizans to give me a call. 8AMGETS Proprietor Best 8'.ork ol 2l,d Z-9" .ooils In lli Val. !:(, ami the most rtusc tale prlcoH, both in buying, and soiling i have on hand Ml k'vJx of rmnm, stoves, tinware, TMMS. BJ3K3, PIUTU3ES. CLQ2K5, CSaCiCRRY, etc., :etc. fo.ir wast of S E Young's olf. store. L. COTTLItBj j 123 Flrstjstroet. Albany, Or, At Cost TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY LARGE STOCK OF FALL AND WIN TER GOODS WILL SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. AT OOST SALE, AND THEY'MUSTCO. THISWILL EEACLOSINC OUT COME EARLY AND GET First National Bank OF A LB ANI, OBEGOH. President m L. FLtKN I Vice President 8, E, YOl'NCJ I .E, W. LANQUON, I TRANSACTS A O EKERAL tumkint buslaess. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to e heck. 8IQI1T EXCHANGE and tl Tsphlo traneter, sol 11 new lora, oaa rrancisco. ucuro ana rol reiron. COLLECTIONS HADE on fsvurable terms, siaacross. J. E. Toesa E, W, Lakbdos L.1 E Bum, L. Flimk, Edwaiid P. Box. Linn County Bank, Cowan, Ralston & Chamberlain, ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a seneral hanldDg- business. DRAW S1UU1 ORAPrSon New York. San Flao I i! 1 Oregon. LOAN MONET on appierad security) RECEIVE deposits subtect m check. Bank of Oregon. ALBANY, - - - ORECON. sso.ooo, President H. BRYANT Vloe President.......... H. F, MERRILL uaanier j. w. BL.AI N DIRECTORS. H. Bryant. J W Blaln. Geo Humphrey, C H ftewrt, E J Lanning, H F Merrill. Isbt exohanes and telaa-ranhle trai m fer on New York, San SYano isoo a id aud all principal points in Oregon and v asuingwo, Collections made on favorable terms. ALBANY OR. WRITS.M & HULBEB.T BROS., Real Estate Agents Farms And Ranches for Rale, AIho city broperty in Albany and Coryallii. Heal Bargain AT THE SAME TIME DO NOT EORCET THAT I HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GrOO S Notions, Punishing Goods, etc, WOUtD ESPESWlr CAU roUS ATTENTION TO THE FOWWIUli tiNESi Dress Goods, Trimming's, Silk, Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie ry, Fancy floods, etc ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICE RESPECTFULLY, W. F. READ, The Leadiiig Cash Dry Goods Store. MONEY TO LOAN. $soo,ooo to loan at 8 per cent;on im- rored farm or city propertr. ALLACK & wUSICK, City Meat Market. SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. Krepa full line of meals of all kinda. In a, cool piece, completely pro toctedj and always fresh. a1& have constantly. on nd otfcar fluh. band salnioo MAY 6c SENDERS, iealers in Genoral Mbiibandiss. KARRISBURQ - ORECON A POSITIVE '"WSTorPAILTNOHANHOODi si rvSMI gjaeral aad NERVOUS DEBairifi fjTTT? TJ We.lmees of Body.nd Mind: Ilfeets i "jTriofErroriorEiceMetinOiaor Yimiiir. J.bq.t, lobl. MASIinon full. Knurrt. , WtUK.IHDmtUII.vi, nni:i i n.u.. !!. .,, UlUtl.i HOBS : THIiTStUT-nnMIU I. i'J. Btm tlliy tnm 41 Sl.tn, TrrHtrii. tad For. In, Cnantvl "rtUSt. Smb. f.lliplan.tlo., ud vrwheiMtl KHIK BIKIIIItAL SU., SUflJ 'FALO, H. T. DR. JAMES KEYDEH', BrafluatB of Edintrarg, Sso land. lias located In Albany. Frc 3X IiIm nnrouirn Knowioilgo of his prmnrsloo and his eirrwrience of 10 yean a an o(li cerln a Cavalry tteglmem, he hopes to pniiiwimrj ui bufine inierester in horans. cat'.le. eheen. etn. irM also recommend Ills solution or llnamnnt mr nun noiittiers, sore naoks, broken "HOOT, WUI1I1US. SDratnS. mtm lar per bottle. psVOiBce at JohnSchmeor's'ivery ma Bxecutov'a Notice. Notice is iierchy (riven that the under Slimed, duly tnuoiitted, qualified audi acting executor of the lant will and teftament f of Lydia Junes, deceased, late of Liun coun- j ty, Oregon, has hied with the Clerk of the I County Court, for said county and state, his I final accnuct. aad the court has fixed the 10th day of May, 1SH0. at tne hour of 10 o clock a. m., for hearing objections to said account ann to settle said estate. This 3rd day of Apiil, lS'JO. Isaac Mehkeh. Executor of the lust will of Lydia June-dcc'd. State Treasurer's Tiiirty- Kixtu JNotice. State of Oruion, j Treasl'rek's Omu. j Salkm, March 22d.l890 Notice is hereby uivon that there are snfB cient funds on hand to pay tie follonring I varntiibs, anu inai rnpy wilt oe pain on pre sentation st this office. Warrants of the issue of 1SS9 snd 1890. as follows : nnmli- orrd 15!)2, 1531, 13(15. 159S. 1002, l(i28'1710. 1713, 1722, 1712, 1717,1732. 1718.1753.1763. Jl)T. 209B, W.VJ, 2140.21(i4.2165.2225. 27u9. 2;i0, and 2770. Interest will not be allowed after the date of tins notice, U W Wkhb. Stato Treasurer. INSURE IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company, Safe, Sound; Conservative I.VUt.M VON NALR Two hundred ' seres ! (rood farm land all in cultl Vkllon, with ki od two atory house, food brrn and ntht'r tithotisee. Onod water for fa.n'lj and Mock. psar and ap ple orchard, as well as etner tlds of fiuit. Would make two goad small arms, rlituaied four miles southwest of Albany. Inquire at Ibis olllee. Pianos. Tbosa wlsblnira first olasslnarrument, the best made to aland the climate of the coast, can b suited by calling at Mrs 11 r. ny inas's, oppoillo the Masonlo Tem ple, on First Street. The Istest vocsl and Instrumental muslo kept for sale.also the largest assortment of stsmplnir patterns to select from this aids of 'Frlxo. Les sons glTen la psmttnirand embroidering in for aiuuiu over Litnn uountr Hank. f Ulvebsr your order and you will bei,aByur J. F. Whiting, Artist. Ins'ruetion eiyen, and work exe cuted in Landscape. Portrait and De corative Paintinrr.LeUerino'.Desioninc and Mechanical Drawlnp;. Rooms 8 and 9, Foster Block, Al. State Treasure Thirty Fifth Notice. State or Oregon. Theahurer's Offtob. Salem, March 10, 1890. Notice is hereby given that there sufficient funds on hand to pay the fol lowing warrants, and that tlipy will be paid on presentation nt this office: War rants ot is! ana iniiu, numltored 875. 1064. 1117,1T2(I, 1138, 14(11. ir,!K). 2753 2763, 275t'., 27(8, 2770. 2769, 2773, 2735, z,t, zim, z,oi ana n ou. interest will not be allowed after the date of this U. w. Webb, f tau Treasurer. Hopkins & saltmarsh DF.ALElS IN STOVES; TIM WARE SHEET IRON, COPPER lVAR(r ETC, ETC. Amenta for"On 11 me" Heating and cooking Vif'e. J-i i work. p'ompuy "nded to. pin- FOSHAY & MASON, vtsuuu ass aaTAit Droggistsand Booksellers, Atrfttifviorsfonn d. Aiaen'i poblloauona. which w sell Dnbllnber's r.rW wins SMOKE THE CIGARS . Manufactred by Julius Joseph IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS Flog and tUng tobaseo litmt tnm an4 kriaf alpe, M1 Mka trtHtn ntnllj. 0