faro VOL. II. ALBANY, OR,, SATURDAY, APRIL 5. 1390. SO 274 Your Life Is In danger while your Mood h Impure. Gross food, careless personal habits, and rarious exposures render miners, toppers, hunters, ami most frontiersmen peculiarly subject to eruptive and other blood diseases. The best remedy Is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A powerful alterative, this medicine cleanses the Mood through the natural channels, and speedily effects a cure. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Or. J. O. Aver k Co., Lowell, Uui, frlcc 1, six bottles, $6. Worth (tt a bottle. . Conrad Mver. FROPHlfcriVjl OK STAR HAKKKY CnrnBr Broadaltriu and First Sts., DBAl.KH IN Imuaed rraits, luncl Jlent, JI")fr8, laii!warv, Drlea Frnll. Pegrtiabieii, Tobacco, C'iKara. Onfrar, NVifi, t'oflee. Tea. Etc,, Etc.. .. -ct everything that in kept tr, a Ren It a variety and grocor ore. Ula;et It rka prim raid for Ml, KINDS OF HOOUCE. K.J. So C. H. TKWAitr, Se Albany Manufacturer o' 1EAM ENCIHES CTI1ST AN 3 SAW MILL MACHINERY 1R35 FRONTS AUG ALL KIMS OF HEAVY AND LICI! WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTIN3S. pacta! attBMtnn aii1 o rairina 'l ds of mii'hlnen faWns Made on Short Notict. 'Pbkb. BfGth&rs, ".3re j. . -c John FK. vr out Groeer.'s," Produce, Bakad Goois, Etc. Etc. TLir gooils are tuv best and tht Ir pHtre rtttROuable. 2nd Store. Beat stock of 2nd ;ooaIs n tho Val lef, and the iiixt .me prices, both la buying ad sailing, i have on baud allkindeof FU.1HITU.1E, ) STOVES, TIHWAHE, TRUNKS, B33KS, Plo'TJES, CL3SXS, CHGiQXIRY, ETC., :etc. ,c"o.r woit of 3 E Young's oV store, L. C9TTUi:3. Firat slroev. Albany. Or. we Mcpherson, First Street. Real Estate Broker, la.arence,and money to loac. I have a large list of Improved and unimproved city property, and fruit, garden aod farming land id large and small tracts. As I sell on SWin mission only, if yon want to buy or soli it wili p.yjyou to call said M. me. Bargains at Read's. PEBCHOi STALL10H TITUS, 5934. 1 3! mm Will make tbaaeason ntJflVron Mon days and Tuesdava ; at Alhanv WviIiim. dayaaud Tliursdaya j at CYrrallia, Fri- uaya anu oaturaays. PEscmrnoN and pedigree, Black ; foaed 1884 ; Imported 18S(5 by Murray Brothers, of Polo. Illinois, bred Ly M linilmio.cominr.iie of La Uaurialne, canton of Nogent le-Kolrou, department ot Eure-et-Loir ; pot by Bavard 3555 (687) ; dam Cocotte (5933) by Cheri (4137) out of Kobine. Bayard 8555 (887) i by Narbonne 1334 (777) out of Kaeotte by Bon Coour-d'Am-illy. Narboane 1334 (777) by Brilliant 1899 (756) out of Madolon by Pavorl 1 (7U.)be by Vieuz Chaalin (713) out of L'Amle by Viaux Pierre (894.) ba bv Coco 1712 Brilliint 1899 (758) by Cooo 11 (714) out of Rosette by Mina belonging to the Freno'j government. Cooo II (714) by Vienx Chaa.ln (713)out of La Grisa bv Vleu Pierre fens 1 Vieux Cbaslln (713) by Coco (71:!) out of rou e uy ranoi. Cooo (712) by Million (715) out of Pau line by Vienx Coco. Miirnnn (715) bv Jean le Blano (739. Cheri (4137) by Bijou, belonging to M Fardouel, Of t of Blulie, belouging to M TERM8. To insure Mara in foal $20 For Hewn 15 single aeivice, C O D flu Persons iusurlne thuir mares and not returning In rocular Snaro to the hnrue. will be charged aa eeaannmaiea. Persons dtapos.ng f their LDares before they are known to ba with ft.al.or removing them irom me county will He charge 1 lor in aurance. 1'roperty or Fbeo IV. Bi rMUEno FOSHAY &. MASON, TObltiAI'l AMD KXTAll Ai;ji ufor John B. Aldon's ptiblicafionp, which Wte ell at publisher "v prirn. v-jtl: p (ftlea.lAr' 4I.H4NV, lt f ,.Jfunder'&- IT 18 THE IPgAL MEBTCTN1S. It rouses thr f Aver and Kidneys nd Stomncli, curt" H kIh-. Dvspcii, crivtU'S an Appe tite, Purifies thv Imjiurc Blood, and WVpb The Weak Strong.. Used everywhere 91 a bottlotsixfor$5. llfcst tvak ctti-o in .Mtera. the city at CVnrnd NKW STORE. & U it choi -DEALERS IN Agi'te.iUiual implements AND COME -A. XT FURNITURE, To. want h. beat and moat durable Thomas Brink. OJ5 IwVjOYS Both tho im;lhocl and results when Syrup of Fig is tuken ; it is pleasant auil refreshing to the taste, and acts pently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to llie lasre anu ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its -!act8, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. GAL, LOlflSVtUe. KY. NEW YORK. tl.Y- Notice to Contractors. KntfaA im herebv ffiven that at the next regular term of the County Court, for Linn county, Oregon, to be held at the Court House in the city 01 aioany.ou wiuwuy, the 9th day of April, 1890, aealed plans, specifications, strains, diagrams and bids will be received for building a bridge across Thomas Creek, known as the Jordan bridge, one span eighty-tive feet, piera or bents to be four feet hihoi than before, approach at one end to be nfceen feet long, aud at the other end forty-five feet long. Also for a bridge across Vraoireo vreeit known as Richardson's bridge, the span ol which must be one hundred and two feet, and seventeen feet high. The approaches at each end are to be thirty feet each. Also for a bridge across uraotree reex, Vnown as the Kelly bridge,the span of which is to be eighty feet and fourteen ieec oign. One of the approaches to said bridge is to he seveuty feet long and the other is to be twenty feet long Also fur abridne across Elder Slough, uAr Boston, sevonty-tive leet long, two t.-tni. heuta three feet hi ah at each end (cc the maiu slough and the approaches to be two hundred feet long each. Also fir a bridge hnown as Hock Cieek bridgo, the ipaii of which is to be one hun dred and forty feet, with abutment ten feet high and cue abutment four feet high. AKo for a bridge at Brownsville with two spans one huudred and evcntyfive feet long each, and to be two feet higher thao the old lri(1ge,commencing on the north side of the creek juet above where the old bridge stood . Also for abridge on Wiley Creek known as the Wiley Creek bridge, with one spau fist -eight feet lung and to be thirty fei-t hiyh on one side, and sixties feet on the other. All Hd3 must be filed with the Con -ity Cletk on or before one o'clock p. m., April 9th, l&l'O, and acoitipAnied with certified ciie"k of five per cent of bid as by law re quired. Tie eouit reserves the rifeht to re ject any and All Litis. I) t.e by order of the court this ISth dav of March. 15J0. E. K. MONTAOfK, ! . C Cli-r. PEW GOODS Lewis Co., 5k Si f Wrrar. iKC 1 r.'. VEHICLES ID SEE TJS fumtnr la manuracturad In the city ( forptt' Department. I have added about two thousand dollars worth of carpets to my stock this spring. Serf styles in 3 I'l.v inyrain tapestry and body Brussels; also hall and stair to match, rugs, cocoa and napier matting, hemp carpet c.dna mat ting, etc. I have also connected with my carpet department, lace curtains and curtain nets, portiers, window shades, wall paper, Hn oleum, and floor oil cloths. I have and am receiving the Inrest and beM. assorted stock in these lines of any house thU side of Portland. "These goods are all on the second door, where I have them arranged so that buyers have very little trouble in select ing what they want. Plenty of room and light. Thos. Montelth has charge of this department and will take pleasure In shuwing the goods at anv time. Samcel E. Young. Albany Marble and Granite Works.Hav iutf lately ourchssod the stnok of S A Ktpgs and G W Harris, we shall be pleased to show deslgus and itive price to all intend ing purchaser. Beet of workmen employed and prices as low ax any for n rat-class work. Visit us before purchasing eisewnere. BO AN X AO III SOW next door to Democrat office) Albany. Or. .leading Photographers Albany Oregon. We have bought all thenegativea made by L W Clark and W H Greenwood np to Nov. 15th, 1889. X)u licates can bo had from hem only of us at reduced rates. We have also nl nut 18.000 ueuativei made by our- selvos, from which duplicitus can bo had at like rates. Wo carry fit) only full line of views of this st.ite and do ular"d work at. lowest Mtts for first el work. We thall be pleased to se on at our Studio in Frntnan's block, next door to Mnon:o letnpie. A Finb Assortment of all kinds of Fancy and Staple Groceries. Provisions can always be found at the Willamette Packing Co.'s. Yojr attention is especi ally directed to their special display ad. Kw crni che-ee-o nt tuouived at Courad Mecrs. Spreading Out. -Mr, Julius Gradwohl besides hit large crockery stock will now keep on band a splendid line of groceries of ail Kinds, givini our citizens many ad vantage!, they will be glad to secure. He will make the mices so reasonable that OHr citizens will have an object in calling onbim for first-clans groceries. The regular market nr ce will be iiid tor all Hinds oi produce. Give him a call. Having taken theazencv of Dr Thatch er's magnetic shield, I wi'l be pleased i see ah Rufferlng win. I'-nic die:ie. Kheumatiim a specialty, h.iu.c had by Prof. JSpenr, Mns S. Race. A Nkw n i sco v nit y- Hubbard Head athe Capsule. They ate a positive cure and fill a long felt wai.t. mm TBE KILO'S TOFCB.w Tn Enjrland, two ennturfrs w, popular an perfftftlun cr-dlted tfie " Hoyal Tnueh " with curinir scrofula. These superstitious prao ticee have now become nl-solvtp, and In their Place we have a scientific rem. y In Or. rlrro"a GoldRn Mt-dlaU Discdvery. which eliminates the- Irnpuritiin from tho blood by tho natural channels, thtwby cltiinsinir tho system fitan all taint and impuritif from whatever ca'iw artslmr. It Is tn.Ir a royal rennlr. worl'l-famtd and the only liver, luns; and blood Mm?,' ipui ra n tesA to heneflt or curv In viry cose, or money paid for It will ln rufundM. As a rraulHtir of the Stomach, Liver and I towel i, "(Jolden Medlcol Ulsoov ery " oun nil bt linos attacks, Indwstlon and Dytpepsia, Chronic Diarrhua and klndrrd all menu. As an alterative, or blood-DUiifl?r. tt manffmts Its marvelous properties In the cure of the worst Hkln and fM'-ilp blnnasea, Salt-rhftun, T-tUr, Kwmi, and HcrofulouS Boreeand bweiilnfra, as wi ll as Lung-arrofule, commonly known as Fulmonary Consump tion, ir taarn in Time ana virfn a xair inai. WORLD ff lJlSFEMAARy MXPICAL TIOH, Proprietors, buffalo, N. Y. S300 REWARD - jg ofjfj by the man ufacturers of Dr. 8fs Catarrh ftamawy, for a case of Catarrh In the Head which tber cannot cure, iiy lta mild, soothing, and beat ing propcrtJiMi, Dr. nage Kemody curt tbe worn case. n sane standing. worst caa-. no matter how bad. L 1 W 'a M - ' ' t at iC I i. MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000 to loan at 8 per cent'oa Im proved farm or cltv property. WASXAalt JvaicK, THE NEW THEOLOGY AND IMMORTALITY. W no longer draw any sharp line be tween this world and the other orld. We dismiss as a part of the dualism of the past, the notion of a "long and drearv tdeep," a flashy resurrection, and a gap be tween the dyingandthe rising again. Life Is corUioiKMu; life Is one? and death akes no break In it. The loss of an arm 'eaves the man unchanged; the other arm s lost, he Is still unchanged; hi falls, like John Carter, from a tree, and dislocates his neck, and lives for twenty year with no rower of motion save In his head; but he is still John Carter. Life goes on unin terrupted. The bouy drops Into the grave and disintearates altogether. Life still goes on uninterrupted. The dissolution of the whole body Is no more than the dis solution of any part of It. The dogma that all hope of repentance necessarily ends at the grave, we banish into the lumber room which holds the other fragments of an abandoned dualism. As man goes out of our sight, such is he on the other side of the veil which hides him from us. It Is by no accident that New Theology men, while many of them refuse to accept the Andover hypothesis, everywhere, by an unconsclons agreement, also refuse to ac cept the unscrlptural dogma of the decisive nature of this life's probation for every man; for that dogma belongs to that dual ism which Insists on breaking life Into two dissevered hemispheres, time and eternity this world and the other world. We know no such severance. We are now In eter nlty ; this world and the other world are one. Spring Has Come. The stock of wall naner at Fortmlller Sc Irvine's Is large than ever, being quite Immense and in elude many new and beautiful design, Whereto Get Them. When wanting an .organ or plana call on G L Tllackman where vou ran select irom a first class stock. 10 oer cent off on all cash sales for the next 3U days-at w r Keau s. si A Choice Variety Fine comb hon ev. all kinds of syrups, choice pickles wood and in giass,nicKiea pigs iuei, enow chow, in fact an endless variety of choice irroccriesat Geo C Henderson's. Cive me a call, prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. iTicvs me lowest. Center Tables A large and elegant shipment of center tables, in new designes finest stock in the valley, jusf receive d Fortmiller Irvings. A Sharp Item The finest line of cut -y and shears In tho city at Stewart ox s. Their goods are the very bcsl will stand the test. A Woman's IMncovery. " n ithur w.m lBrfnt d'sB'tvory his hoi m ii nxl ttut ltn iv a U lyin this nUnty. LBoito fin- tom?UUc'iltt:lio harnntl firnnvBti yuar iln u.lt Hn aovnri4t li-nt. hflt llttr Tltnl OfL'fttll WOfO iitiilorminotaii-lilcRth eontvu tminiiivnt, For thrue mut'ttia ittio coulioij .nruivmiitly i.tl c m d nutMct- tv for!..iiHUiiirtlnni antl w.ii ) miK'U ruilewu Liking fir 1 diMt that ulin taul all '.llllt lill'l w .no O dtlu iM'li miUrtnumtnY cm mi. nur iwmr 1m .im l.ituiiT fiiltl. i bu4 wriUl W U UKinriCK 1 W I'.ontlflv. best bihit and shoe maker city, ophite Furtiniller & Irving 'a r.iuklon'A Arnira Salve, Tlic bjrt ;nt e In th j -.rl I f ir C. t.nruii j,S .rj lllrcru, Sdl Itlmuii, fjwr irn. T'ltir, 0111 ImikI. tJhinilun), C .rn, au-1 all Hkln KrniHinii, ftiul jitVHlyuurui nlv"" lfcV rju.iiru i ti n ifirir- unttH.tl Ukivo pertuct iintlilautliiii, or monov rcl.itiil. 1'rlufl tii ceitU tt tmt, rur j rt'vmy aim r. M. II. Klliw, ptiyaivian and w.re.B AHary, Oregon, '"alls made it city m ountrv. Smkn the Celebrated !HaVana tilted ei- ,'arn, manufactured at Jut ur Jo -cpla cigar frctory. Only 5 cents. ?U'.?f 4FIS1. J31 paiNTErs ALBANY. The Yrvdlrt raanlinoaa. W n Hult. Imiir-frlrt. nti'ims. Inrt.. testifies! "I nan reoonimetrit Klectrle Hitters m Ins very best remedy. Every bmt.eiw.'tt nil rn reiiM in evvrjr am), ffn mn tk U botllM, nJ ww eurcl ot rhtumatiitm of lOyw' sUmlinif." Abraham Han, ilrun2i"t, HelUllle.Ohl", aiflrnis : ' The brat Mmiir medicine I have vr h wiled In my Hi years' ex-i-enence. Is Electric hitters," Thoiimml T oer have tMided their testimony, so that the verdict I unanimimathat Klectnc Hitters do cure all dineiiee o he liwr Kidneys or Umod, Only a hall dollar bottle at Fushay and Mason's Orutf SMire, t Albany Market. Wheat-HOWo ata fllHv Riittr Voe pi ID, Pota 20t Hy-,00, VntRtoe 75 eta per bnahol Brfif on foot, c A ,plee-76 cent per bn, Vvrht'Ac per It Uiweo. (Ucom fcatna UV. houldera, 80. aid mi 10c. iAirJ-9n per lb. flonr-4.a6 fwr bbl. 'hlckena B 00 per do. If If Feed bran, 14.00 pwr ton ahortn, lo, . mldditnew, SO. Ctaof TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Van Clere not k Bidder Salen, April 4. In pursuance of a de cree of the United States circuit court for the district of Oregon, made February 6, &yo, tuts afternoon George 11 Durham, master in chancery of the court above en tinned, sold at public auction to tho igbest bidder, for cash or its eoulvalent. the narrow gauge roads, including all the rolling slock, depots, etc. This tale was made under trust deeds, and R Koehler.of the Southern Pacific was the purchaser at 11,000,000. I he first )U1 of $400,000 as made by E C Bruno. This formally Ives the Southern Pacific title to the nar row gauge lines recently purchatted by them. Tw Be Invesl.'safrd. Washington, April 4. J L Taylor, from the committee on the alcoholic liquor traffic, to-day reported to the house a bill agreed ujoa by the committee, providing for the appoint ment of an alcoholic liqdor traffic commission : he report of the cemmittee says that la larce portion of the people have for a long time de sired an honest, impartial and through invest! gation ol tte liquor traffic in all its phases, Kepor a irom domestic sources indicate that the litiour trnflic causes frour tiths of all the crime committed, wastes one half of the taxa- lon, causts an txpenditure of cSo.ooo.ooo a year in drink, incupacitates mentally and phy sically half a million people for labor and busi ness, causes three fourths ol the pauperism of he country, is responsible for the learfnl in crease in insanity and itubeculity, and does no good to anybody. Tbe tinarh Crashers, La Grande, April 4 Steps are now being taken to organize a baseball league, to be composed of teams at Baker City, Walla Walla endleton and L.a Grande. All the points are favorably to it, und are working for it except .endleton. At a meeting held at this place last night, it was deteriincnd to incorporate and prepare onn inclose grounds, and steps are now being taken to raise the money neces sary, which is estimated at $1000, The Ureal Curse. May's Landing, N, J., April 4. The misfortune which has come upon the farm ers of the town of Germanic causes Intense e.clteinent all over Southern New Jersey. Ovei forty families are now homeless. Sheriff Johnson, of Atlantic county, has sold within the last two days 200 farms to aatinfv mortgages which have been foreclosed. A Blower. Boston, April 4. John L Sullivan last night reiterated his willingness to meet Corbett in a four round go for a purse of $1000. "If he is so anxious to have a whack at me, I'll accommodate him," said the champion in u patronizing tone. ' I'll give lum four rounds if some club will put up a ft 000 purse, tt .4 win ner to take all. If I can't knock him out in four rounds he's welcome to the whole purse. If I fuccecd I'll take all. There will ie no splitting purses. I don't care bow big the gloves aic. I guess he will think that they aie 1 bmall enough before four rounds are over, (as Exleklen. Santa Uakrara. April 4. A ipecial loihe Press says; A terrible accident occurred at Adams canyon, near Santa Paula, this morn ing, where Ilanlison & Stewart are boiinga tunnel for oil. An explosion of gas occurred in 'he tunnel, and a sheet of flame shot out, blowing away a building 100 feet horn the mouth of the tunnel. Two men were lenibly burned, one of whom has rince died. Re rltiiis. London, April 4. Advices from St Peters burg reaffirm the reports of die serious condi tion of affairs in Russia. The czar is suffering from nervous fever. The scheme fur the Kusfification of Finland is received with extreme disfavor in that coun -try. Trouble is certain lo fo'low. A New Dei-art.mknt Fortmlller Sc Irving have addeJ another department to their large and elegant furniture store. being one lor carpets, uniting, linoleum and oilcloths. Tbey have a tine stock of these goo Is, "elected for the market, and those detdrtng anything In the line should call and see their well selected stock. Thev will keep the latent patterns in these goods as In everything else and sell at reasonable prices. I O O F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds Its regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to attend. Stock in kt and Jkriky Jacket. Just received anew supply. I think the best ever shown for the money. Sami'Kl E. Young. Kkuvantk.- A large and fine line of remnants at G W Simpson's at vour own rice. Try it. Yen em snye mat-y a dime by trariiog at H C liuhhardi new dmgitoro. Try it. Good cooking stove only $10 at Hop, ; Raltmarsh'a. For Sale. gool riril i hirej work well sinsie or doole. Ki-siiUnmi on Man -noh douatioo clniin L K Ai.LC. , Rpeeial stteotinn is ea'hnl t Mr. 0 W SitT'paon'inne line of clothing. CH in tins) or bargains. A Urge aeleMtioo tf do imoi and 0rd toe trimming hannera at th Ltdies Bsiaar.