DAILY DEMOCRAT. 1'bcttv Lono. An exchange .aya the longeat train ever hauled by one loco motive came into Grafton, W Va, last week. Tliere were ninety-eight freight cars and a cabooac anil the train was a few feet over a mile in length. Let's see ; the distance from Brownsville to the Lebanon junction is miles. Last week a locomotive arrived at the latter lacc, when the pnmiengcr coach at irowiiHville had not vet turned a wheel. Give the N (i credit for 11 miles. Issi feet. KxjireijH. I!ATrx(i. The Statesman boasts of f-alcin'a big cannery, which has the small capacity of onlvalxmt 100,000cases A vi'tir. It. in Imt'a u-1. ....!... :.. " J - - h nimMAtllljK III rillllM'ltv to I )rfiroil (Vltv'a lillim 11 ........ which will have a capacity 7f 51JO cases uiiy, iimu iiuenas 10 put up o,uuu cases of lixli in March and April alone. Ore- gun uy courier. Ku Gloves. I have just received an Invoice of the celebrated P. Centemcrl kid gloves In black and colored. These with the other brands I handle, foster genuine hook and Our Own brand, makes an assortment that any lady can be suited In prices and quality. These are all first class goods and warranted as represented. Samukl li. Young. 5 eaas Gul-lon Star tomatoes for 50 cunts atCA'ayors, and all other eamied goods cheaf 'or cuth . Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby itiveii that the uotlor signed, duly- appointed, uualihul au.l acting executor of the last will aud testament of Lydia Joaes, deceased, late of Linn couu ly Orngoo, has tiled with the Clerk of the Couoty Court, tor said county and state, his tinal ocoouct. mad the eourt baa tixed the 10th day of May, 18110, at tne hour of 10 o'clock a. ni., for hearing objections to said account and to settle said estate. This 3rd day of Apiil, I .SIN). Isaac Mekkeb, Kxecutor of the last will of Lydia Jones, dec 'd. Honey ! Money ! TO LOAN, On guod fatm and city proerty at 7 and 8 Per Cent. 1 eyamiiit my own security ; write my own paperH.aud if till is perfect can clone busiaoss up in short oidur. Call on or write mo. S. X. STEELE. With K. (J. HoAnlh1fy.Rrf.il KUte Agent, Albany, Onm. MILLED B30S., DKALKhH IS Field, Vaotable & Flora Seeds, CAPIARY AND POULTRY SUPPLIES, Garde:. Tools, Fertiliz3's, Trees, Etc. 2119 Second ftm-t, hot. S .linon an.l Taylor, I'ortliiml, Offfron. i-TSi'ud fur C'ttsliu ii,', lye hato tio Exclusive Control of GO And don't hatm to ofrr a prin to tttl tM t Yk, for It Vi 81 ST HAD. wy Cam moid CHE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, ALBANY. OREGON. E. J. McCAUSTLAND, Civil, Sanitny and Hydraulic Engineer. OontitKiiikt ttntnexr for ilaU Mountain ql lry l.ulch C'int.liiUlf.l ii .1.1 aut Sil. ClTicr, t-t Stmt. AtHy. Or. City Ileal Market. 8HULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. Rnep a fill I line of mmta of hn& in a oi pit, roinpktwlr pr twiad; and always frWb. Aim baT0nnatantytnn hanil Mluian nd otbar fih. ALBANY OR. WRITSM1N k EULBSRT EROS.. Real Estate Agents Farms and Ranches fer sale. Al.oiity breuerty i Albany and Oryallak !rrerlpiloa Dragai.1. ; AND rE'tETARTICLrS: DR. J. L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, OIHco cor. First and Ferry Ntraota, ALBANY- OIEGON DR. G.WATSON KflASTGW Physician and Surgeoxi. Offloo opposite the Democrat. DR. W H. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. -Offlce up stairs In Strahan's Block. May be found at bis office- a ay and night. DR. G A. WHITNEY, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of Bellevoe Hospital Medical Jollege Mow xwk -iiy. niu.aaa of woman a specialty. trOKio roman'a Brick, Albany, Or. ) . K. WEATHEEFOED, ATTORNEY AT UW ALBANY. OEEUO. D. H. H. BLACRDOItS, 0E0. W. WBIOUT, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, . . A. 1 Attorneys an uaw, Will practico in all the Courts of the e..... i, nt .Mansion mven to an ousi- jtmw " ness entmsted to our care. Office Odd Fellows lempio, '"!, ' w it. lUTVEU. ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in uuancery. ALBANY. - - OBE0. . i .1 .... u 1 . -ni nt Collections proiupuj Ooans noKotiatod on easonabla terms. J. N. DUNCAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AUD MARY PUBLIC, -Ofl)c In Strahan's Hlook, No's 1 and 2. ALBANY, ORECOH. JAMES P- MEAD, Attorney at Law andTitle Examiner, ALBANY OREGON. Will practice in all the courts of the Stat... Ahstraet. of Title furnished on .hort notice- Ton yeara einenonce. E. A. BERRY, Attorney .A.t 1-in.w. a ttentinii iriYHn to collection o t cla'ma. ofllcewithJJ Whitney. RedCrownMills SOU. LAXNIXfl c:k, I OPR'S. iw raocnu flock scfsrior roh vavimrb AND BAKKKS USK. REST STORACF FACILITIES, iliirhest Pric in Cash fc TV 1i li f Pouilrv Wanted. All kinds of poultry, alive or dteaaed ranted Kt the Willamette ricking una pany'a Store. Albany, Oregot. O. 8ROKRS MAY' ic SENDERS, dealers in General Seiinaniiss. HARRISBURC ORECON Pianos. Thons wUhlnir ftmt Plsintrumfnt. chit rtMt tn(lA tn BlBtiil thft cliaiftta of ihm OoMt, cn bjunitfrJ hr ml II tiff nt Mrs B k liymiw op(Hh tne Ntmnia rem pi. 'on First Ntrt. The latat Tocal and lntrumntl mnio kept for iwl(lw the lrfrit annnrtment of fttamplng patterns to aeleot from this tiiUof 'rriMo. Iea ona Riven in panting and nabrolderlng In her atudio over Utnn Coantj Rank. Qlrbr youroiMar and you will be pleased. J DIM GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. i His stock has been enlarged so that It equals an; on the Coar.t, and oonsists of Roger Bros. Silverware, Pi raut? UUmr. and Crys talware, Boys' Wagons Doll Carriage?, Fancy Goods, and n neral assortment of Crockiey anrt Toys. He tujs llre"t and carrier the lariresc stock In the Willamette Valley, In whl. i has been added a complete line of FAMILY GROCERIES. s Agent for Insnranee companies with a capital anreifatliiif $75.000,ort . B-lcl oa narle Francais. Hier wird deutch geproehen.-4, kmk & living, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Att,3ntion-Fir3t-olass Hears Revere House; ALBANY, - OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted uo in first-class style. Tables supplied with the liest in the market. Rimnla loom' Cor commercial traveler, tTFr e Coach lt anil rritm tne uoiei.TU . Jl. WHITNEY. kmLAj And Counsellor At Lav a KD- .otar Public, ALBA'"" OREGON Will praT.Ds 1 sll of the Courts bU State, illb lness Intrustn to b! U1 be promptly aitended to. FOR MEN ONLY! BnCITIVE For LOST or TAIIIWG KAHHOODi A rUOl list General and NERVOUS DEBILITYf TT T V "WeakneM of Body nd Kind : Effects J U JLVsCi ofErroraorEiceueiin Old or Young. Robmt, Kobl MASHOOli full RMlnrt-d. How In EnUnrr d AbMluUlt amfWIItK HOMK TKKATK.NT-Bt.ll. l dy. Hen ImIKt fm 41 flUtM, TrrttnH. " rorl(rioniitrl. faDrurltlktN. Book. fnll.pliUoo, wd nmifi JUm m Mm Hit MIU6AI C0.,lUHAiQ, N. f. FHACIS PFEIFFER. PBOPRIETOH OF - Albany Soda Works. Aud Maucfat-turers of CHOICE CONFEOTIONERY, A'e r.re now preparer to sell at wholt i, always frh and puio at PortUud jph In dealers. We aVi kep a full fiuts and Tropicl fr'Hts, DR. JAMES KEYDE3, Graiuat3 of Eiiaaurj, Scotland, 11m locrttoil In Albnnv Frt n hU Itor Miti knowrlpilt of his pro.esninri ami bin HTinrintw of 10 ra A a- an cifl our In a Cavl y Knnlniont, he hnpea la merit fie patrnnaw or thone liitroia In liorHMH. caiMe, lipp. etc. M would also recomnipsid lU solution or litmment for Bore ahoiilderM Bre 'aokfl, broken knees, won ml, spraini. Pri e, one tiol lar per bottle. Bdrofflca t JnlinScbmaer'a Ivery Hta ble. State Treasurer's Thirty- Sixth Notice. State of Orwiox. J Sai.km, March SSd(1800 Notice i hvrely (iivea that there ro m fTi cieut funds oa hand to pay tl e following rarrantK, and that thev i ' I he paid on pro secution at this otliee. Virranta of the issue of 1SS0 and an follow ; npmlt- ered l.V.VJ. l.VJI, l.Vtt, l.MS. ItHW. ItWS.'lTlO. 171.., 1722, 1712, 1717.1732. KIS.KW.ntW, 2t7.. 'XW, 2ti. 2 1 40.2H4.2 165.2225. 2750,2704), and 2776 Interest will not be allowed after the date of this notion, li V Webb State Treasurer. State Treasurer's Thirty Fifth Notice, "tits op Okkgo. Trf hi kh'j Orricii ICII, 0. ) Pit s, March 10, lfW, Notice is hereby piven that th r a mflicient funds on hand to pay the fol lowing warrants, and that they will be paid on presentation at this office: War rant, of l!VS and 1890, numbered 97R. lOH. 1117, 11M, 113S. 11. 15i0. 27M. M, TM, r"0. 2769, J773, 2735. 27M, r&3. 2761 and 27M. Interest will ao bt) allowed alter th. date of thu O. W. Wi.a, gtaas Ttsuutw. First National Bank OF AliUANli OREGON. PresMent M L. PLIN Vice PrestdeDt S. E. YOl Nu i;uaier.H. w. isAuuu TRANSACTS A OENKRAL banking tualoeM. ACCOUNTS KEPT lubject to heck. SIGHT EXCHANGE and Ul raphio tranter, lol o New York, San Francisco, ilcago aod Poi reiron. COfeLEtTTlONV HADE on favorable Unci. DIRBCTORS. J. E. YOlTltO, E,W. L B Blais, L. Flihm, Edward F. Sox. Linn County Bank, Cowan, Ralston & Chamberlain, ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking bualnew. DRAW S1GU1 DRAFTS oa New York. Sao Fian ail ffU I Oregon. LOAN MONEY on appivd tecority RECEIVE deposits tubtect it check. Bank of Oregon. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. OAFITAl, SSO.OOO. President H. BFYANT Vice President .. H. F. MERRILL Cashier J. W. BLAIN DIRECTORS. H. Bryant, J W Blaln, Geo Humphrey, 0 H etewrt, K J LaDning, II F Merrill. Bight exehanes ani telegraphic trai s fer on New York, San Fraaelsoo a id aud all prinelpal points in Oregon and Washington, Collections made on favorahle terms. Dissolution Notice Notice is hereby given that the copart nership heretofore existing under the style aud firm name of Ashby V. Dickin son, Is hereby dissolved by rnutu con sent, R F Ashbv retiring, havinir sold hi- interest in and to taid firm bus lness to Mr George Diekinon, wh nlll con tinue the same. Albany. Oregon, Feb 28. A, D.. 1890. K V ASK BY. GEO DICKINSON. Delmonicsi Restaurant, CORKER FIRST AND ELLSWORTH STS. The underpinned hvin purchased the old Merman Itetitauraut stantl has opened uuder tho above na ne a lirat-ciaM rentau 'ant. We are prepnred to tarnish mals for parties or dances on snort notice. Oys ters srrvcit in every sty la, eastern or eeast; sit kinds of t.h knows) in the market. Kmploy only tirs-clasii lelp, and waiting wilt ho prompt and courteous. Regular meals 25 cts. Coffee of first-class quality and a cup of coffee and cake at ,'rnm 5 to 10 cts. l am well known in this city and r quest the tizens to give me a call. SAMGET3 Proprietor To All Whom It May Concern. The Cermania Fire Insurance Co of New i ork, having reinsured Its entire business in the State of Oregon, said com pany (having on deposit with the State Treasurer, $50,000.) hereby give notice of 'ts dis-ront. nuance of business in Ore gon, and its intention of withdrawing Its deposit now with the State Treasurer at die expiration of the six n.onths printed notice required py law Qkrmanic Firk Ixs-jranceJCo of X. Y Hugh Schumann, Vice President. Dec 2'h 1SS9 J. P. Whiting, Artist. Instruction given, and work exe. cuted in Landscape, Portrait and De. ccrative Painting, Lettering.Designing ana mecnanical Drawing. Rooms 8 and 9, Fo s ter Block, Al. I any.Or S. W. Paisley, 4lba7. WH0L1H1L1I,DR.LER IS Tobacco and Cigars. Unlet. MliM .Vm ta. trU. At TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY LARGE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS WILL SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. AT COST THIS WILL BE A CLOSING OUT SALE, AND THEY'MUST GO. COME EARLY AND CET Real Bargain s AT THE SAME TIME DO NOT EORCET THAT I HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOO S Notions, Furnshing Goods, etc, WOULD ESPECIALLY CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING LINES: Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk. Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie ry, Fancy floods, etc ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICE- RESPECTFULLY, W. F READ, The Leading ash INSURE IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company. Safe, Sound; Conservative HOPKINS & -DSALEIS IS- STOVES, TIN WARE SHEET IRON, COPPER WARE ETC. ETC. YnU foi"On Tim." Heating and tonkins; Str.ros. luo work. plwaVr !.. promptly a"-nd.d to. SMOKE THE CIGARS Manufaotred by IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS Flog ana iMUag loUtaoa, Mt;ama anal kriu ,lMnl Cost Dry Goods Store. SALTMARSH ' Julius Joseph