THE DAILT DSMOCRAT. COl.TT DEM OtBATIC t05.TE3.TlOX. The democratic county central commit- Emperor William of Germany U a very I tee lui fixed Saluiday, April 5th, at 2 He eu away witn lour 1 o'clock p.m. for holdlnR primary meetings, iorj xue&aav, April 3th, at 10 o'clock a. m. and holding the count v convention. The several precincts are entitled to dele gates as follows : hearty eaer, meals a day In royal style. He eats han and eggs for breakfast, game and salads for luncheon, tuiipe, fish and roasts for dinner and hot sausages and beer for tup I Albsany per. lie has grown very fleshy of late. I e t Albany If the Lodge bill should become a law a condition of affairs would be witnessed in the South similar to that which (pre vailed during the reconstruction period. Labor would be tlUorycn'-zed end business would be partly paralyzed. Every kind of industry would buffer. The marvelous prosperity which the South is now enjoy ing would be checked. Northern capital and northern Immigration would cease to flow southward. Lebanon Orleans Harrlsbure Santinm Rock Creek Crawfordsvllltt Liberty Fox Valley Total 5 East Albany 4 4 Halsey " 3 6 Franklin Butte 5 a Shedd 3 7 Center 2 6 Brownsville 6 4 Sweet Home 3 1 Syracuse 3 3 Brush Creek 2 a Waterloo 3 2 Ten gent 3 Peoria 2 80 Assistant Postmaster General Clark son. having chopped off tne heads of about all , the democratic postmasters who can be reached, now proposes to tender Ms resig nation. Brother Wanamakcr has been splendidly served by Mr. Ctarkson and he All voters without retard to former po litical affiliations who favor an economical administration of public affairs so as to conserve the interests of the masses of the people as against the monopolistic tendency of the day are cordially invited to join in taking part in these conventions. J A HEARD, M A, Chairman. Secretary. Mr. Blaine 16 willing to enter into a re- ought to take htm into partnership in the I ciprocal trading arrangement with the bargain business. X Out of the depths of a tougli experience Senator Allison advocates reducing the tariff taxes as much as possible and plac ing a large number of articles on the free list. This Is Senator Allison's Idea of western republicanism gained through the Iowa elections. But as the eastern repub licans put up most of the monev ior the last election they propose to insist on pay- Argentine Republic. Tht Is to say, he Is in favor of free trade when satisfied that the United States can make something by the process. Cl I.elio of the Sixth lejjlnwnt Saw: Dr K S Holden: By the advice of a I fntwd 1 was induced to u-o your htnerea I Couth Syrup for a severe c.uyh. I found I great relief from the use of only one bottle. fjlfflKNB I.E11K, HtOcktOD, T.nrats size SI. mnall fit) cents. Kor nl inent ot their rewards through high pro- by H C Hubbard, druggist. Uctivc duties. The Last Chance Without More Money. Only thirty m&re lots to be sold In the WassomV addition. A large flour' ing mill has just been located across the rn:lroad and adjoining the Wassom addi tion, and when thirty more lots are sold the balance will be taken oft the market until the first of July, and no one w ill then I get a lot unless they commence building 111 uiiny ciays. W V JJECK. Wyoming Is the feeblest state we have nail yet and its auiu ission the most flagrant piece of party jobbery. New Mex ico has double the claim to statehood that Wyoming has or will haye for years, and yet she cannot even get considered from a committee. Wyoming Is counted upon for two republican ehctoral votes, while New Mexico would probably go demo cratic. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Uoburg Lumber. Sixty-two pfesideutsrepresentirg,coun ty organizations of the Kansas Farmers Alliance, met at Topeka on .Monday night last and by a vote of 43 to 10 adopted resolution declaring that the Alliance ow mould in it, etc. Prices from $5o'22 would not s.mmrr hv v..,. rt- ti..A P?r Uiousaud. Yard at Lowann( on the . - . I arrow uauge ...VI..MWO siuii, ii-yiawuuic wuu el sew tie re. I sell the best lumber in the ceuntv: also ciar posts, shiaifles, laths doors and win Sde me before purchaaiuK favor the re election of John J Ingalls to the United States Senate. The resolution I declares that Ingalls has neve" championed a single measure which was in the interest of the laboring people. W W Crawford. P O address, Tallmao, Or The followiiio. is a partial list of city and One of the most remarkable echoes is that described by Sir John Ilcrschel as produced by the suspension bridge across the Menal straits I frm property for sale by us in wales. The sound of a blow of a hammer I A new cottage with aix'rooms, larqe lot on one of the oiers is returned in succession 1 lw,' from each of the cro. beams -which support 1 ummProved lot on Sth Street. $375.0( the roadwav and from Hie nnnn.ii several tracts of 5and IU acre lot., one and , ,T -.- .o i,otwith tw01t(lry h0UM Water St. this, the ftniinil it tnnnv iniHni U I . . , - ""N'UKU $ I aw. tne roadway, at the rate or lots w'th two storv house. Cbamberlaio the water c in twenty eight times in five seconds, WOJIKN WKIIKKS IN FltANl'K, A Paris corrcsondent lays: The most dis Ciuraijing obstacle the American woman has to contend with in Paris is the great number of English and French writers" employed by the American press, white it is impossible fur ?l.0O, & MoKtun's additieu. $13c0. 1 lot with 5-ruoin house on 1st St. $1500 House with X rooms, two lots. Elkius adiiitiou. vS,U. 1 lot 2d and Main. $9."0. 1 lot with house two slurios on 4th St. $2200. 1 lot on Washington St. $850 . Lots 4 and 5, bloek 10, Bryant's addition. an American writer to be recognized by foreign journals. One of the most rapid anti Ameri cans, in Ins personal feelings, receives thous andi of dollars a year from American niaga zines and journals. No woman can live by her pen who has not a regular salary. To at tempt it is one of the most hazardous and vexa- turns undertakings, Haphazard corresHn- dence is casting bread on the watr that ir nine cases oul of ten brings back the inanu script. Mrs Hooper Ins a stated salary,which enables her to live in cozy apartments and en joy Parisian life with comfort. Her daughter has studied for the stage, and last June created the role in a play which Mrs Hooper has writ ten, called "Helen's Inheritance.' A eooit stock farm. laoo set en. 3 mile from U K station. $8 per acre, A bargaiu. RirmS miles from Shedd. rtrat-clas wheat and fruit laud, 140 acres. I riee,9o000. 825 acres 4 mUesfroin R II. .10 uer acre. tau lie sold in lots o suit purchasers. Iusuranoe Brokers, TOWNSEXD & WILSON, Real EaUts Broken. I ADIKS, ATTENTION I am prepared M woo nross-niaKiufr on snort notice, rer- feot lit and satisfaction guaranteed, Thauks for past favors. (Jive me a call. Mm II lUaxms. Cor 0th and Jefferson. ASA11IM.K STATU. Yesterday the Republican I louse of Repre sentatives voted to admit the Territory of ynning to the sisterhood of Slates. This is a case of o!itics pure and simple. At the last election Wyoming cast iS.olo votes. Of these votes 4.000 weie cast by women. Under the Congressional apjiortion ment we are allowed one Representative in Congress for a population of 151.912. In this Stale it requires an average of from 30.000 to 45.000 votes to elect a member of Congress. Yet when Wyoming hccoints a Stale, .is she certainly will under Republican pressure, 14, 000 males voters w ill be able to send a Kep resentative to Congirss, while they w ill have the same soveieign power in the Senate that I 310.000 voters nf New York possess It ts proposed to admit Wyoming solely be cause the Republican parly means to strength en its power in the Senate s? that it may not be dislo Iged fur years. Of all the rotten borough schemes this is the worst and most flagrant. It is proper that Tenilories should be admitted to the I'aion the very moment that they are fit for Statehood, rrgsrdless of Iheii political predilections. Wyoming has no claim at present, anj the Democrats of the House ho protested yesterday deserve commendation. HARM FOR SALB. Two hundred I' aeroa ot irood lanu land all in culti vation, with iicod two atory hnua, sjnori barn and othor outhouses. Good w.tnr for fn.nHyftnd stork. Goil pr and an il, orchard, as well as stn.r lds o' ult. Would make two iroesl atrial! farms. Situated fonr mile, noutbwest of Albany. 11. quire at this otllae. Wiley -t . IClmiaiojr, ALHNY, (iKKUON. -cVI3 STHACTEE, ihe Only Complete Set of Abstract Bucks and Maps In Linn County. roitlfts In the Conrt llouae.-sjV Itiialni'sa entnisted to me ft tvt h jiiptand on re ful attntl.u. Oontractorfc' and Suild- ers' Notice. Sealed proposals will be rceiv.d h II.. whiernf "Rank of Oregon," at Alliany. np 10 12 o'clock, noon, of Saturday. Aonl ih. lor lurnishinK material and labor necessary to erect "Hank of Oregon baildin in Al bany. The buildiuit la a eombmatirn of pressed brick and cut aaud stone. Plans and specifications can be seen at the othreof the architect, C W A) era. Room in First Aauooal Hank tiniiaiog, Albanv, Or. L.E. BLAIM . , JT5 V.'tAKTiiS Conforms to shape Doni BuRts Heio iSssn sjoil your pS Feet with r--m .rtijiss ' vWlWt' ES!iJvtf3'K. wi, iiuj.n,ij, .,,.1 p.. SxT -Ci V V-i Tii t U not . ta bv ymr tmmm a-"J I riMJCKTi.N, MANS. Wear the Durt & Packard "K orred Shape. " i II. IIIHI Has just received his Spring stock of Clothing, Embracing a iino line of suits, which will be sold at bottom prices. In order to make room for new goods will sell his large stock of Notions, etc., at A Great Reduction. The best place in Albany for bargains. Keeps the leading stock of Clothing, Gents Furnishing - CfO, Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Wet Weather Goods and the Leading Tail oring Department, in the CfO, p5 (ksaaaaaHftarf Si Valley George c. Henderson SUCCESSOR TO LA FOREST & THOMPSON Dealer in Choice Groceries Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co ez. Low Prices and Prompt Attention. Montague A Son, COENEE FIRST Sc FEERT. STS Dealers in Gr,ccnes. Produce, Tobacco, Clgara. tonicclionary , Ktc Trmluce wanted in exchaniie for goods or cash. Fist-claws soods and prompt attention. TRY US- G L.BLACKMA&. xhe Leading "Druggist, THE LEADER. THE LEADER G.W.SMITH, ALBANY Vipcrioir," "Argaaid," "Garland'1 STOVES AND RANGES. Fire backs. Warran ted for 15 year3. All sizes an styles, The World's best. More 'than hun dred 7 hun dred differ c; n t sty les co ok s and heaters Roofing, Job Work, Plambing, Eave Trough. Rana Soilars Conductor Pumps. fiN S Matthews & Washburn, L17 & l Albany, Hardware,Stoves and Tinware We liit hard. If you want prices hit hard on builders hardware, carpenter tools, pumps, stoves, ranges, tinware and plumbing. Give us a call in the Tweedale Ulock, Albany, Or. MATTHEWS tfc WASHBURN Barrows & Searis Hi y Goods, Notions, BantsForn ishings and BOOTS AND SHOES ) Our stock of boots and shoes is now complete in all lines for spring trade. We ill save vou money in buving of us. Ladies, misses and children's fine shoes a specialty. t BARROWS & SEARLS, Blumberg'a New B ALBANY nPealer ir- (OREGON. DRUGS, MEDICINES STATIONARY &G. SpeeUltles-FinaTdlet Article 1. Perf'iin.Tr Ml Musical Instraaentt rtHierlpliaae l arrlull o:npsua led ,'y end nlghl. FL.KENTOK DEALER irsr 6RICERIES. Choice Candy, iu.s Fruit, cic. NEARTHE POST OFFICE ALBANY OREGON