Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, April 01, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Inesilaj Evening, April l.iaifl.
Published .very day in the week,
Sunday', excepted.
iTM A NIITTINU, Editors and Pabusaere.
Holered a tuo Pom OlBce at Albany. Oi
aa eeoonn-claae mall matter.
by euriar par wottk
Pr Tr
par mma'M
Additional Loral on 4lh ruse.
A BouMixa An. Tho following, pnb-
i.sneu in the JclfcrHon Review, though
an ail., contains bo much good-natured
boom lor Albany, and withal is so read
able, that we give it one insertion for
"For sale, one block in Albany, Ore
gon, situated at the junction of the S P
and O l railroads. All the trains going
south on the S 1' come to a lull stop on
the property. Kouin for side-track be
tween 8 P and street. Can ship without
timiiiie in cars 10 anv state in tiic Union
or Mexico. Ten outlets to the sea-
aquina Bay and Astoria, Best location
in the city for any public business,
wholesale or retail, for hn-i.v ,..;,.
cellar, for hotel or Union depot. Also
block No 4'J, in the city of Albanv, under
fence seventeen years; no buildings on
place ; two blocks from best water power
... iHc oni-r, .miuny ana i.cnanon canal
na I'l"1 of 8 to 2l) feet I'" ile.
... nL-it imu or un Ol MIOCK
Crook County. During the week 24
sneep owners of the county have been
interviewed regarding their losses during
the winter, and from their statements it
is learned their loss is a little over one
third. Last fall the gentlemen who were
imcrvieweu owucu uft,ziio head of sheep
and they report a loss of 21,"-!0. Though
this is not a iiooil basis on wliii'li tn ....i.
culate the average loss of the county as
some oi uie Heaviest losers have not ye
' Childs returned last Sunday from
" uiamelte val t-v. t w I..,..
V . wl" 00 OI minrt duration.
He and his family contemplate moving
to Brownsville in a short time, where
they will make their future home.
lai Mllltll. oi l.rnlire pr.L- i I...!.-
ably the heaviest loser by the 'winter of
ai vsneep miser m the country. Last
tall he had ILIUM head and he has
hisi an nut aixnu 'jtKKK
Thepeoplc of Portland,"Unclc 'Lishe
names says, are no resnecterli of iwr.
....... .s ma icttih visu mere,
says even the women nn.l .,,,l.
irieu to run over lnm. Kevicv,-.
Over a Corxrv limn 11...... si.. .
per Santiam on unsurveved government
lands, are not Iim tin... Miio ......... i i..
tide settlers who have lawn l..iit..,l
oiue oi mem lor years. To assist these
men this county located and constructed
what is known as the Mint,, ti-,iil ,..!
agon road un the Knnrlm.. i,, i..uinH..
Oregon and have since been at considera-
e expense in Keeping it open for travel,
the Oregon Pacilic railroad company
without a shadow of authority locateil
un ir one oi road over the road and trail
so located and worked by this county and
rendered the same impassable either for
wagon or pack trains, the citizens have
line aim again protested against this aet
of usurpation by the railroad company.
I heir protest has been ignored both by
the railroad and the county nflicinl.
Kirut timo .. Vi . r I , i.'""" "myitis to iook alter the
nart cukr, d d,C: r 1 county-Correspondent Sa-
son, Oregon, or Peter Kilev. Albanv. Or ti .i" , ."rnuciii ell S lb WaS
At Cost. HaviiiL' nurclmsiod .In,..,, permitted by Republican officials, and
mer's samples, consisting of ladies' mid tllouS he and everybody else up there
children's muslin underwear.
TKi.,,, a n.
. . nev -Newman
Hall, in the New York Independent
(condensed from "The Story of the Jubi
lee Singers"), says : "I wish Americans
wno are troubled by color prejudice had
been present yesterday to see Mrs U lad
stone and her daughters, and the noble
lords. and ladies present, taking their
rNegro friends by the hand, placing them
in chairs, sittim? nt ..;. ;.i ..."
nut tli-lr i "l F""nilg
: " '"' v'jiiersing witnt'iem
in a manner utterly free from any ap
nriinr.ii milm .. , .
!. . ."1'ii.ieor conaesceiision ;
but exact van ii tl.o.. ...... 1
m.1. ;.. .1. Z . "..r:'r" "e
K., "' ",l,r u rank in life.
then all the party King gathered
...y,,mi , Jnhilce
eMlMt.i;u.l .. .
, : "." " " tneir wn.ideTlul
...ipii. cver slum 1 f.i-....t
; nipt, entlnisiast.c attention. His
rVv'.V.i8, w,m,i M "
, mulled ami soul ot Ids
great nature seemed nnw.! i., i,s.
-..".i-..iiii(c.aim when tiiev had linisli
mi.i saving, -isn't it wonderful! 1
.. uearu auvililmr likt it
- speaKs as nuiowsot
....... luu-. lainment 111 that citv last night :
A solendi.l ii 11. 1
T, -i - meriSK
-..nee .-nigersat theJIaniuam tJrand
Mien nouse last night on the occasion of
the their lirst aimi-arjin.-o ;,. ti,iu ...i
cut away at the close of the clever
nter.ainment highly delighted with
ueir eveninif's3uiiii.....o..t ti.. ..i
ml inimitable harmony of
negro meloilies, sung by negro singers,
ill never lose its charm for lovers of pure
music, and the appreciation of the
ences last evening was evidenced bv en
thusiastic encores of every number 011 the
, coiiipaiiy.wnich is now in
its nineteenth season, has been carefully
ciioscn. and the voices harmonize adinir
amv.whiie every number sung was mark
ed by tne greatest precision. The selec
tions were varied and well chosen, and
were given characteristic vigor." At
ypera nouse Thursday evening ; adinis-
o.u.i ipu aim 10 cents.
P. M. Frenoh keeps railroad time.
Rook oaady drips at C E Brownell'i
R,.l lf-.L-..
..w.uiow aua wuhbuiu i new id
a uo" ""' vrup. t 0 C He.,l.r.n.
hayI'orVmll'":6 Phvioiiul Surgeon, Al
ItroZ n- 1 ,weot P0''"" at C E
Prop-re.l mickrel,
lib cans, at C E
l)llAlt-.-t f .. .1 1.
Brown,!!.. '
rr artinta'
Cuick 1.
uppliea go to Mapard ft
Freeh reooiyi.,! daily .t Schulta't mai-
The I. test nhiwt 1 . . . .
C H"ll,lt ?f uru "t'-r fruits at G
Br. wne!!-..
Sprilli over matin,. t '...I,... c. .
positePo.tuUiee. " op-.
Geuuino fnvv .... , . . .
Uoodeveninp IT..- . ....
ElegautLoti "aooards
The bast child's shoe in Albany f, el
o it Them. When wanting
la orpin mp kUn. ii A
libie Republicans they will vote for Demo- marriageable vouim 'men .l --l
Kauntelrov cans and linnd. !f. cts 11 necessary "lonler to get this great where to seekTjettcr halves K i
ci.iiuren's slips and i resi. ot . 1 ' : . " " " ' i""i"iecu. ine
nti.l rcuictt..- 41. '. ..'
at Burrowa & Searls'.
PrB ""d0aumer woolens juat reoeived
at Zache. ft Soo. oppoaito Po.toUioe.
HabU,d-.?'U(ri3r !'' dh when
Habbard. Capaaloa will mrelj oureyou.
If you want a fins tailor k..i.
on Stanard I- i. n." ' .."
irug OLore . .
n frenimnt -t L Henrleron..'. U- I. " ".' " 'Kn
l. y ul sirangers i . Keepa ine Dest ot everv-
it Pendleton that we can boast of th,n8- y
of t nL"- ,eeI b?wed '"". "Mently
offi" " 8'd8, walt M ownM "
Jor:s ii. critLr.Y.
Jna IT. Cerley. t:ie wall Inn..
tailor, ot IUS Market St.. S. P., wrlie. to the Ed-
, 'V Joy lo" tM ft" J"" he wai afflicted
with dyjrcpjia which nothinc rollorl till k.
coramenci taklnf Jy. Vegetable Sanmparilla.
He continues. "J are mil taking it lta mild
Iaiativc enVcta arc ci.-oedinclv aratoful in ts.
i, ii a pieaiant aurprli that awalta
Ju.ccii do tor debility, elugsl.l, Hr ant Im.
,-...v. ...Km., orcani.
Keep Your Eye on
Agent for New Zealand In.. n.i
wrlMt',OOC,OCO- Flre ""IM'ne In.uranc
aim receivimr on the same n roo ,i;
count, I will offer the game to the pub-
iiu ui uieir wnoiesaie price. From 25 to
per cent, can ue saved on all these
gooils. tall early before the stock is
uiuaeii. kj w Mmpson.
xiis itRsT it It Kide. R Cirier, of
Alsea, came to Corvallis on Tuesday last
subject is an interesting one.
Hadley, of Chicago has been appointed
superintendent and assistant manager of
tne Oregon Pacific. Mr. w. II. Petti
bone, Who Was announced na onninlo,!
ill ..a ..-.1 1 " ;V '. "."'
ho ...MiciBiuim, return
It is
uo Msit ren.lleton that we can boast of
uiviiv iririH riin.i An.. .t.-
-Northwest. Mrnnge. isn't it. that. nr
g men always go else-
cr Halves. K. ( .
o, not strange. It simply shows that
there is nothing in the claim of beauty.
A beautiful girl need't go away fora hus
band. Albany rarely allows an outsider
1'i'rmie, though a lew serious case are
"l lITKOHl.
i ou want either tn n I
DroDertv nlao. h -. ZZJ . "".'"UI I
A.lhv 'rr- " -" ' '"e nanaa oIKf
j ,
a .i ... .
eeing Barrow. s" .i. " """
Fashion Note. The tea jacket is
Get your jewelrv at IVill o..i... I
carry a choice atoT,!, , "
iu8tided.r..i"'T..r"',:a iay n
- wvgau ifieon.
A 2:40 horae wanted by Townaend & Wih
These lota are for sale CHEAP on
This property la the best buy on the AI
bany market and lot. are .elnm" r.i.
nouses are be n I...IU .1.. ..,":rrV'
o ...c uuumon.
your lota at once.
;0:;l!L,Sl lnv.ment,.elect
ue 10 a man whose uisposed of in this way. Mr. Hadley is
8 . . 11,0 seventietii notch, " 01 experience, and his family, con
ailli IIA mill ia l.n.l..l...t ... ' I aialinr. . - ! 1 ' .... Jf
..u u.i luo wregon r-acinc I w n ""e aim iour ciuidren, are
ww.o nun nrst, one i i. orvains.
v.t ; . . . - I aw.,i.i .. . . i
reasons that are private the matter was . U8l"on wl,lcu is considerably received at O wT'.?' "Ty. .good 'a,t 'm t:'how ,n" 10 Town" ? Addition to
-.a- .. . mvnrMi ilia n a. mi.-. . .1 i . fvu m, iunni nn
lie ever took on a railroad. He has
lived in Oregon twenty-live years. Ga
will tell Pa. There was an emphat
ic difference of opinion on the street laat
evening between chief of police Barry and
Mr. Ueady, of Portland. Mr. Deady
made some statements relative to what
wouio nappen as oon as his papa returned
from the Sandwich Islands, a ipi nt i
leged affairs concernine which the rhif
enpressea striding doubt. Astoria.!.
favored just now The waist of a tailor- without ZmileT.toouTi
made gown may. be removed at tea time bargain, to offer Co. i
When wanting ...iu: . r. ..
i" " V ' . w w Henderson. Fast aalea
Strawberries. A Benton county gar
dener tells us there will not be more
than half a crop of strawberries thiB
year, and that the damn by
water was considerable to the gardens
u.. sai ume anticipated.
The crop will be late.
The Delivery Business. Dr I N Two Cab LoA"- 1'rice & Robson have
Woodle has opened his livery stable and i,,st Received two car loads of wagons and
DUSineSS. PnrtieB lmvincr mmnlain.
against the latter will please report to
him and he u-ill uji I f .-
and rejilaced with one of these dainty
jackets. Get your tea of Conn Bros.,
the popular grocers, and the fashion will
be complete. Thev Wan - 1, ..:.. i.
as well as the best in the grocery line
vonnrol J
Albany .
keeps hi benches
replenished with freab I
April fools day.
Searlt08 ' Wind"" Barrow. &
.tthe.0fcrMh001 h" f' h,ld"n
very I them at remarkably low prices, consider-1
i nig tne spienuia quality oi the wagons.
i him and he will see that the
ran as it should be, to the satisfaction of
1-ancy Work. A fine line of fancy
orK just receivetl at G W Simpson's,
nanner rods, India silks, figured and
piain, a large assortment of embroidered
f material and a choice variety of fancy
goods generally. An elegant stock to
Farm Sold. Mr. Otto Serllng has .old
his farm fn the Forks of thr Smik
sisting or 2 so acres, to Mr. Nnr rii,
uuauni, iiiaaa , tor a3(oa A.hbv Al Nell.
Three Stories. Messrs. Maston. Sox.
Young andBlain, ownerB oi the Cannon
corner, have decided to erect a three
story brick on that corner, instead of a
two-story building, as heretofore stated.
It will have a frontage of 78 feet on
Second street, and wort will lioin
the same iust an soon n. nlana an iu I
drawn and tllO nnlrnnt inf Tl..' I
will be a big thing for Second street, as .fnh""Ieb,d Q"kor City white ahiiU
well as Albany generally. ' Brro,s & Searl.. . I
lrlS.,elCt,0,, 'Po?Poni and cord for
a i tne LdKlie. Bazaar.
"r ? ""' for your under-
rni. . n w.
A no J r Dav oki M al ... I
morning liquidaiing. " "n lDU
B.t!."..!"'' i-t received at
I ... HWH,
Leave Orders. Order, left with Arch
Blackbum, of Spencer & Blackburn. tnr
irgm ine marKet ot Halght Bros,,
will be promptly attended to an,i,lllvrH
a. wen as order, left at the .hop.
Art Art Studio. Mis. Mattle Martin.
of Portland. 1. In the citv. and lll
an art studio here. The Democrat haa Wer' j""" tf", Ucea, embroidery. atoT
" "'6"' eit.;"t.wft.0,!'1'?a1 ,i the
do;nth.icd. -""""y ".. from, trip
seen aome of her work and
pleased at the skill displayed.
Will Drili The yonng ladies of the
carnival class.are notified to meet at the
upera Home th . even nv at 8 nMnrl
, i-ELHERY Waooxs. Eiglit delivery
, wagons were congregated at the Demo
crat corner at one time this morning.
. i.. rV" tl,e nelu our citizens
ought to be able to get their meat in time
for dinner.
l wo more Urge hi la of rh..;. nm:-..
itat received at the Mi..ea Kill..
laces, ribbon, and Neapolitan hats! Also a
uice assortment oi cnildren . school hat..
Get a seat for Levy.
luoeroent off on all oh ..... rn. ik.
next ou aays-as w r- Head ..
Farewell Party. Last evening a very
y.ijoyauie .larewell party was tendered
r.i.. .m.e .Uul.88' at houe of her
il V Vu,as' ln anticipation of their
departure for their new iVome at Wood-
WecomEila.f"t.tlme was had by the
r...v ul juuiig people present,
Nearly Everybody Gorxn. SnM
general desire to hm .
as has been expressed in reference to the
i.: ti.; .'y. been known
Ln,i ivi.i.. 8ale .nas een large
iiiouse a rou8'nK
i.r. .... rire lot, in this be.atiful
tract were sold yesterday and order, for
T ".ralD ' Niee home, are being
DUlIt OD this lirnturfa 1. i . .,!'.:?:.,. "" " '
. vl"t ana every ooe
' b,r1,n- ' i" it if ,a w.
i!ETTKR.-Mr Wm Churchill, injured
; ...c ruiian av ot Saturday, is gradually
improving, ami Ins many friends will be
glad to learn he now stands a good
;j T, e ",v "wi'lent all
For Sale. A trool driving hor.. A.k
well .ingle or doable. Residence on Haa
on donation claim. L N Allm .
Special attention i. UmA A f- ti w
Simpson anoe line of clothing. Call in time
Good eooklmr atova oniv tin .a nA..:
o.n l . ' i
w.mii au a.
'ai ,.t
I he L.AST Chance Without More
Money. Only thirty more lot. to be aold
in the Wassom's addition. A In.
I.ig mill has just been located across the
rawroau ana aajoimng the Waasom addi
tion, and when thirty mote Int. ...
the balance will be taken off the market
lTVlZyy' gy for M. ,890,
in thirty day.. Tom "O'ofvation. token at Albany, Linn Co,
k.. K.M .1.- ' ;.T . T"" V
p, died .. the 25 l ;r ,n
hoanital n... ' "
E W Laoadon. mitA -k.u t I
th. mn;n. . Z on
h. n.7i;."'u: " '0'"" to
VnTr , ao tne latter month.
hetvTn a i Kate... . , "mu wnonetor
j uu 1 1 io irons.
At 1
the artiitta Icill i t u ht, w
if c vvnitintT
M.j Johnn and wife,of Peori.,have been
oirc.MHro trip.
The Democrat IB infnrtnaul 4k a, .
mania Alh. ul I".""? certain
Head Quarters for
?th Thomas watch-
W W Beck.
A gentleman who ' f. v ...... u 1
tate. that a ,.o. ,"y-,AmT,um '
Oregon, by John Brigg.,vol. observer for the J")' "jj" ,rom Yaquin. City unearthed I
ain.i o :. it o I vein ot nne eoal . 8Qni.M.iln;.i
vnu. ucrriue, u is. Army.
Highest barometer,2!l 8."i.
and clocks,
best watch
New Arrival A large and complete
stocK ot carpeo.llnoleum.oil cloth.ahade.
etc at the .tore of A B Mrllwain, all of
the latest design., and which will be aold
at irom io to 2o per cert lorver ih.n v..
other hnu.M 3
ioa ai Brush harlng juat returned frot
Portion.! vt,h., in... . .
tw.iii.uui ie in nmr
tomera that she has received her full atock
oi spring millinery direct from the East
V ill have all .he latest styles both eastern
and western at prices lower lhan ereraol)
Vii f- i a V" April
All are cordially invited to attend.
Da Pwtton treat, aucceasfully all di.
eases of women, and guarantees to cure all
curable private diseases. He has a sure
-emedy for catarrh of the head. He
leeps in his olfice and answers city calls
mj ,. wun.uuauon u tree and
jrerythlng I. .trictlr confidential, tie
n be found In hi. orBce tn Blumbem's
ilnlt Imm . . n . , . . , . "
-w... w w .u a anu 7 10 a
KkM.AT..A large and e lne o(
mnantsat G W Simpson at vour own
l ry it.
Millixery. Mr. S A Wavne withes
to ay fo the ladies of Albany that .he Is
on hand with a new and well selected .tm-ii
of millinery, which she assures them can
not be autpaased In stvle and elegance.
She can be found at the St. fli.r... ,.ni
'he can make suitable arrangements for a
more. a. sne wishe. to locate here nerma
largest and finest line of foreign and do
mestic woolens in spring and summer
novelties just received and is ready for
Zaches A-Son,
Merchant Tailors and Drapers,
Opposite Post Offiie.
To Farmers. I will .nay the
higheet market price for oound. ot
neo piums, sovo pound, of dried
Lowest barometer. 90 f.Q
Mean barometer for the month. 29.83.
nigneai oauy aye -age of Ur. ii9 94.
Lowest daily average nf h.p oo ao
Highest temperature on the 2lrt, 60.
Ixwest temperature on the l.t,29.
Mean for the month 45.63.
Highest daily range of ther.on the 13, 2.
Iweatdailv ranirenf tl.Mv nn L. oa i
Mean temperature at 7 a, m. daily 40 9.
Mean temperatnre at 2 p. m. dailv 53.
Mean temperature at 9 p m.d.ily 44
Prevailing direction, of wind,S and X
Max elocity nr lr .
Total rainfall or melted anow, 6 8G.
Iepth of anow at end of month, 0.
iiumner 01 davs on whmh ni ;i.
, , , . ... 1 . . - " " ....., 111. II c
Hne ooal . Bum. ..i :.i " . I
no.r.?-" .''. 0? th.Pde-
, r.-uounoea nne ooal. O.iette.
Will..!,- .."j r."' " 0' M
rplted and thV followg"'. 7"l
Hackleman, ; J Lnninir Vic.
nJfIjll I, ti, ., . "r 01 lh enter-
iiV7.Va. ' r P""e. to be a street ci
line to the oompan, ', i,nd , lh.
The Timee, at Jaek.onyille, aay. partie.
he train, are once more running through
the canyon on . grade ,m. Lty f?t
alive the old road Iwl ...,l I
, ruo, OI t) tonne.
.... n.wna papers are I
world for th monev.
Barrows & Searis
DiyBoods, Notions, OantsJom-
lsmngs and
Our .lock of boot, and .hoe.
i. now complete in all line, for
prlng trade. We will save ou
money In buying of us. Ladies
mises and children', line shoes a
In office evening..
Real Estate and Insurance Broker
and Nolnry;rubic,
Btoadalbin St., Albany, Or.
City Drng Store.
Sfanaid & Cusick '
Proprietors. Successors to
Guiss tt Son. Dealers in
drugs, medicines and
chernicals.fancy and toilet
articles, sponges, brushes,
ptrfumery,school and ar
tists supplies. Physician's
prescriptions accurately
City Restaurant.
Hiviuo been c-titiri-lu r.n.i.i.j ..
and popular rMu..i'iTTr.-a"?
ol... in every reject. The pZio iuK
given good meal.., , hour, for only M
cent.. Eve,) thing t.e.t .d ittrMUvV
Private Oj.Ur. In .y.rv ...u
W. A. Mi-Gm.
r, ainu.n take, order, lor'tailor made
e lothmg. .,( ,e umv,; mMt
J"' ly. of cloudinea, J persnn.L A p.p.7wl,, often putTt. e.,7n
h. h j k i ff01""" contemporariM f,.r
. , now 11 I. .1 owinn in
a. the rest of the f rater-1
01 n.y. orMervatmn. I .1 .
elonily, 11 lair, 17 nitti 0 h,ZVt 0overoM u
Frost on the morning, -f 1 1 J
Temp. -2 OS o0 average of II year,.
Jtainfall. 2 92 on average of 1 1 year.
4 10. snow on tne Dth
The Verdict I'naninona.
D Suit. Dniyeirt. Klnnu.. Inrf i-,),.
reisd,. r.n to, 3d Tr.Z, '"f,.:er' ..b"'
"I. ".1 t. IX botll; ,nd . iurZ Z
and all the pear, and prune, brought 10 ' at r,. Dmistor ,
. ..c aujTe are wanted at once.
G W Simpso. A BaiciiT IniA-We refer to the large
Von .. J:.T .. . I : . " "'Fenwrs tool.
v ru.ilZS i ""'"It at l-rice 4: Kobson.. The best In market
HCHnbbard. new drug .tore. Try it. and price, the lowest "
a. mn:h mud
nity Couirto t help it, yon know.
- umo now. an or vm ... :.
The I'reshvterv of t. II I r-t.-'. ., .,
North...- w.h con.. IT, ,y. it ..V1.'
to-nigl,t,h.n It.y n, pr,;;
preach. .Seaaion. wdl b. h.1,1 i .... -l" L'
to-morrow, beirinniuo . n ..'.1. 1.
oclock, wnen the miMjon,r- '';" ',,
The following minister, .re pre.
Black, of S.l.m . u. , .
r.,J "i.Wu t,or,(:VV"h' K?T r'raaier.ot Seattle
, .... v,..n,oi uaau ei Key. Wil
son and Irvine, of Ailoy. 1
Blumberg'aNew B:oo.
A PicKiT Fe.vca. Richarda Tn.11
Hp. are manufacturing undoubtedly the
finest and best picket fenre In .
A substantial, yet handwme .tructure ,
will be a lasting ornament to any pl,ce '
Choice Candy, Ants, Fruit, etc.