DAILY DEMOCRAT. HOWE AND A BEOS II F. M. French keeps railroad time. Rook cDdy drip at C E Browooll'i (Jneap di Read Matthew'e and Washburn's new ad Mr H II Hayea, of Corrallis.Jis in tte city. J. P. Wsllaoe, Physician andSurgeon, Al bany, Ur. Choice canned aweet potatoes at C E Browooll . Prepared mackrel, in lib cam, at C E Brownell a. Headquarters for garden aeeda at 0 E BrowneU'a. For artiite' supplies go to Stanard & Cusick's. See narrows & Searli new ad. in another column. Fresh rieh received daily at Schultz's mar ket. The latest sbe?t musio, 8 dtscount.at Airs Hymsn's. Delicioua csnutd cranberaiea at C. E. Brownell e. Genuine Iowa sorghum on draught at C E Frownell's. Great clearance sale or the next 30 day at WF Head's. Good evening Have you tried llubbards Elegant Lotien Chipped beef in quantities to auit at Geo C Hcnderion's Mr Frank McKnlght left to-day for hia Eastern Uregoo stock ranch. 10 per cent ofT on all cash sales for the neat 30 days-at VV F Head's. The six year son of W T Rigdon as drowned it Salem yesterday. It is March 21 and V.'iggiu's storm bss not arrived. lists on Wigains. G W Simpson takes orders lor tsilor msde clothing. Call and see samples. Daily telegraphio ads. of Port Townsend are appearing in the Oregonian. Yon cin save many a dime by trading at H C Hubbardi new drug store. Try it. No neod to sudor with the headauh when Hubbard's Capsules will surely oure you If yon went a fins toilet or bath aoap call on stansra a iusick, iiiy irug owrc, If vou want either to buy or aell your property place the same in the hands of R F Aaiioy to. ' K ran we & Klein are slaughtering prices or bouts snd shoes for the next SO days. Now is the time to buy. Yon can save from 50c to SI on pair of boots or shoes at Krsuste & Klein's tor the next 20 days. Dr. Pattoo, who has been in Portland will be home to-morrow, and can then be found at hia o$ice. Get your jewelry at Will & Stark's. They carry a choice stock, to which tbey have just added some elegant pieces. Eugene cUims a larger population than Albany. But Albany has two daily news -papeia. Kugene hasn't one. Astorian, As Fransse ft Klein are about to move their entire stock of hoots and shoes, they will sell goods regardleas of cost fcr the next 20 dsjs. Owing to the important change about to be made at Krausse St Klein's they will for the next 20 days sell boots and shoes re gardless of cost. QA larse and fleusnt line of dry goods just received at G W Simpson's. Do not buy without examining his tine stock, as he bas borgsins to offer both in good and pricea. Miss Durtha KitfTer, of Albany, and Miss .Tosie Wetorcr, of Jacksonville, sre visiting friends in this i it v. They are the guests of Miss Nellie Whi .Held. Jefferson Huview. QA woman down in Yamhill county, by the name of Spink, recently married a man by the name of Spunk. How will this 'o, past tense, Snink; present tense. Spunk; futuro tense. Spank . Kx . Adan s ft Wallace opened their grocery store at the comer of Second and Main Streets this morning. They are reliable young mi n snd deserve a good patronage. In a ruilroad cut near Whatcom ereck, 15 feet under liine clay, workmen rooently un earthed the ikelelou of an Indian. A dose cxamimitio.i revealed the fact that he was ileaili anil no i lfort was made ,to rcsuscitato him. Mr K J O'Connor, county surveyor, came mi from Allnnv Mondav ubiht to survey the new audition to the town to be luld off Imm tho Calbraith farm, by the llrnwnsville Pmildtng aud . osii association. ri'owus ille Tunes. Nkw Ai.nrrinx. "Wrii:lil'siii!ilitiKii"t Altuinv i now on the iniirkot nml enm- nruiv'lli'i Innn-.li'Vfl nml bountiful build ing lutf. Tlio blinks luivi" t'iglit lutH to tho liWk. cav i lut U'lngtH) ty HHi loot. The xtiwtH lire W d ot wide, with two hu ge iivi'iim'H.niie "f HW foot, the other of !W feet ill wiiltli. There will prolmbly Iki n motor ur eleetrie line to this mMitiim liefure lung. For term of Kilt) npply to nnv real entate ngeiit m tnecity. .1 ooi (l.tUlen Star tm.tui for AO ecnti at0 5ri, au.l all other', cauued rckxU ehtai r cafh. Tli Vrnlict rnanimoa. W D Suit, lrui:t. r-ippu, I"4- ttiflw. "I m iwoniinpii-l K.lertno liuun m th icry brt rcmftlt. Krt-.r lttto M b tfvon rlll In every rkM, 'iMi. miin I.H'k sit hi'ttlw, nd wu rurmt t rhsjsiiiwti!.. if 10 s?' ftMUtl.njr." Ahrhm Hart, dnucii't tU'tUHW. IHii". iU1rtu: 1h lt wHti mtli'inr 1 hiic trt-r liti.lo.l in mr 2W ycf mhsjiw, U Kln-ri.' HittiTn." rh.uml ol otlwr hitTe t-M)i. ir leHaioiiv, wt that lh rt1irt 1 nnli'iii,.mnT Klex-iru- Buitjr .lo cur all tliir Dip Ijvt ntiiitt or ltxl, lnlr a half dollar battle at r Kf '! Vaaon't Priijt 8tora MONEY TO LOAN. $rix3.oxi to loan at S per cent 'on Im- pi.reil l.lrm or cuy rrciperiv. Wl Dissolution Notice, V.vliro I" hereby given that the oopart senhip hereiorofe eilatlng under tbe it vie and rtrin name of Athby Dickin son, is herehv dtasfllvel by mutual eon. sent, K K Ashby rslirlng, having .old hi- Interest ill and to iid firm bna Ineea to Mr tienrge lllskinsou, whe will eon llnuethessm.. . . n ,M Albsnr. Oi.gon, K.b. , A, IV. 1M0. K F ASHBT, anoDicaumoir. DR.J.L. HILL. rnvBioian anu ousi;wa, Otfloo cor. First and Ferry Street., ALBANY- OREGON DR. C.WATSON MAST0N Physician and Surgeoa. Office opposite the Democrat. DR. W H. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. ir-OfnneunHtalrlnNtraiian, Block. Way be found at hia oitice day and ulgbt. DS. C A. WHITNEY, Physician and Surgeon, nrA-!in.te of Bellovae Hospital Medical College Now York City. Diseases of woman a specialty. Office, Fromaot lir.ck, Albany, Or. DR. JAMES KEYDER, Grafluat8 of EtUnhurg, Sod land, Has located In Albany. Pre n hia borough knowledge of bi proieas on anil hia exoerlence of 10 yeara as an offi cer in a Cavalry Regiment, he hopes to merit the patronage of those Interested in horses, cattle, sheep, eto. He would also recommend hia solution or linament for sore .boulders, sore uu, i-iu knees, wounds, sprains. Price, one del FsTOfflce a't JohnSchmeer'.'Iv.ry sta Die. . 3 . K. WEATHEJtFOBD, ITTORNEY AT LAW ALB ANT. OBEQ D. E. K. BLACK11CKN, OEO. W. WBIOHT, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at. Law, Will practice in all the Courta of the State. 1'rompt aneniion giyou ness enti listed to our care. Office Odd Fellowa Temple, Albany, Or W li BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor- in Chancery. as RANT. . OBEGOW nniiitans nromUlT made onallpo'nt Loansnegotlatea on eaaouauin.o.. J. N. DUNCAN, ATTORHET AT LAW AUD BOTARY PUBLIC, g-office lu Strahan'a Block, No's 1 and 2. ALBANY, OREGON. JAMES P- MEAD, Attorney at Law andTitle Examiner, ALBANY OREGON. Will ne.elln in all the codrU of the State. Abstracts of Title lurnisnea short notice- Ten yeara eiuerience. EedCrownMills S0M, LANXISG & CO., IHOPR'S .KW rROCKM fLOHR Sl'PltlllOB SOh rAMFMSS AMD BAKEK8 08S. REST STOUAGF FACILITIES. rtirrhnBt Prif3i in Caab fo W J ri t FJscPKERSON, First Street. Kual Estate llroker, lnsorance.and money to loan. I have a large list of Improved aud unimproved city property, and fruit, Harden and farming laud in large and smsll tracts. As 1 sell on commission only, if you t l, or soil it will pay you to call j - -still see me. FOSHAY & MASON, -ntuuvi Aire OTaUfc Druggists and Booksellers, Airei la for John B. AUIen'a BoWieatlona, ntoh we sell at pnunanw. pmm poaUgeadlsK Albany Nurseries. We ai. permanently located on the ol mi... kr,m.tiiil It mile from Albany n Coryallis road, aud hare on hsnd, a large slock ol Choice Fruit Trees of oor o growing, nhcta wi iell' t the TartiM oon torn plating planting honld un.slft thsir uimnhi BY exBanipiuK our tock Mil pritea befor pnrehMiog. Albany, Oregon. PouJby Wanted. diwsiwdt All kind, of oonltrT. allT. or sails a at in w 'UiafMSisi rash sa Com ly'a IMn. Albany, Orsesv JULIUS Gradwohl's Golden Rule Bazaar. BHU stock baa been enlarged ao that It equals any on tbe Coatt, and oouslete of Roger Bros. Silverware, talvare, Boys' Wagon3 Doll uamagef, Fancy Goods, and a . "aeral assortment of Crockrey and Toys. He niija llre.il and earrles the largest atook In the Willametle Valley, to wbM has been added a couiplote line of FAMILY GROCERIES. (a Agent for Insnranee oompanies with a capital aggrogatlug i 75.00fl,nce . -lol on parle Francais. Hier wird deuteh geproehen.-l FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works. mnd Mansiauturera of IHOICE CONFEUTIOHERY, Ne ere now prepared to Mil at wholt , always fresh and enr at PortU od .ess to dealers. We .1.0 keep a full s.i fluta and Tropical Fruits, IIQAR3 AN 3 T33AOOO J. F. Whiting, Artist. Instruction given, and work exe outedin Landscape, Portrait and De. corativePainting.Lettering.Designing and mechanical Drawing. Rooms 8 and 9, Fo s ter Block, Al. I any.Or S. W. Paisley, Albany, Ossxob. WHOLBSALH DBALEEt IS Tobaccs and Cigars. Orilar lolioibed horn the trtde. Pianos. Those wlshlnir a first olass instrument. the best mado to stand the climate of the Coast, can bi suited by calling at Mrs B E Hymas's, oppo .Ito the Maaonio Tern. file, on First Street. The lateat vocsl and nstrumental musio kept for aale,alao tbe largest aasortineni oi stamping patterns to select from this sids of 'Friseo. Lea sons given In painting and embroidering In her studio over Linn County Bank, dive ber your order and you will be pleased. Ufa hare tho Exclusive Control of o And don't hao to offer a prtz to te Ml rxd$, for its tlwBLSI HADE. Entry Can hold$ ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, ALBAWY. OREGON. City Meat Market. SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. Keep a full line ef meat, of all kinds, In a cool place, oomplatety pro tected; and always Iresli. Also have constantly on hand salmon nd otber nsb. Wiley AsKluwey, ALBANY, iiRKUO.N. ABSTEACTEE, ths Only Complete Set ot Abstract Books and Maps in Linn County. 0-OMe. in the Cart Hoiise,- BmrinsM ,'enrrnted t m. snail eav frrwiptand ssunful attantton. ALBANY OR. WRITSM & HULBERT Real Estate Agents Frmf nd Rnche fur ule. Alto city brwpertjr in Albany aud CvTyallu, J. l. WHITNEY, Motiey And Oonniellor it Lai KD- totrf Public ALBAR IREGON VIII orasUee I .11 of the Court k'.sStat.. All b am Intrusted t tal will be prarapuy HtswaM M. F wo UUmt and Orys- First National Bank OF ALB AMI. sMIECrON. Proslilsnt L-!KN Cashier,,...-. w. uisuii.ii TRANSACTS A GENERAL sanMnjtinsloess. ACCOUNT8 KEPT subjsct to ehsok. n.nns. nwnr. .ktflD I nl,n tean.fa. Al n N.w York, Ssa rrsnoitc into and Pol reson. . , , COJ.LECTTIOM HADE on Bft.ersDIS win. Biasofosa. J. K Tol-so, E, W, Labsdok L R Blaih, h. Fuss, Edwasp F.Sox. Linn County Bank, Cowan. Ralston & Ihamuerlain, ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a nasrsl bsnklng bnstnsss. DRAW SIOlll DRATTS on Nsw York, 8o Fisa atl ?il .1 oreiron. LOAN HONEY on sppreved sscuritfj RECEIVE deposits subtest te check. Bank of Oregon, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Prosldent H. BRYANT Vina President .- H. F. MERRILL Cashier J. W. BLAIN DIRECTORS. H.Bryant, JWBlain, ueo uumpnreyi v n tiwwui, KJLanuiog, HF Merrill. 8iaht exchange and teleRraphle trai 9- fer on New York, San Franoiaco . id aud all prinolpal point, in Oregon and Washington, Collections made on favorable term.. Fortmiliei & living, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt itf,3iitioa-Fir3t-class Hears Eevere House: ALBANY, . OREGON CIIAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. TMtod no In first -clans style. Tables n Dulled with the bewt in tbe market. Nioe sleeping apartments. Sample rooov '.or commercial travelers, t7fr e Conrlt l &u4 from Iie"HaIcl."t4 Partnership Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the late firm of Z-ichei Bros, composed of Frank L and John B Zaches has been dissolved, Frank L Zuch retirintf. The business in tbe futare will rs condaated nnder the firm name of Zacbes & Son. All parties indebted to the heretofore existing co-partnership will please can ana mane sacmiciorv settlement. John B Zachbs, Fkank L ZaoHift, E. J. McCAUSTLAND, Civil, Saniti.y and Hyiraulic Engineer. Consulting engineer for Gold Mouatain sod Pry Qulch Consolidsted Gold and Sib fsr3 Minias; Cs. Acs, rst!ttrMt, Albaav, Or. fleet .took of 2nd f ,'oods In the Val fi sAtrJ the most reas iaie prieM, both n boytpg and Mlling. i hav. on band stl kinds of FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. a doar west of 8 K Yoang's o( Mora, L. GOTTLIEB 1 rt ttrMl. AJUiy, Or, At TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY LARCE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS WILL SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. AT OOST THIS WILL BE A CLOSING OUT SALE, AND THEYfMUST CO. COME EARLY AND CET Real Bargains AT THE SAME TIME DO NOT EORCET THAT I HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOO S Notions, Furnshing Goods, eto, WOULD ESPECIALLY CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING LINES: Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk, Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie ry, Fancy floods, etc ALLAT LOWEST CASH PRICE RESPECTFULLY, W. F. READ, The LeadiBg ash INSURE IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company, Safe, Sound; Conservative. . Hopkins & Saltmarsh DCALEIJS IN Z STOVES; TIN WARE SHEET IRON, COPPER WARE' ETC. ETC. Aoents fof'On Time" Heating and oeokhss; Mv. job work.'iDln.aVr to, promptly a- rsd to. ' SMOKE THE CIGARS Manufactred by Julius Joseph ALL IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS Mag and MHqg tobAsta, IftwrnimfA An. ri.r pfpss) ta Cost Dry Goods Store.