TUB DAILY DMOCRAT. Tinrslay Erjaia'.Miroli 20,1883. nblubtd .sery day ia tbe'wssk, Sunday's eicepted. IU Ml TCI, EiUMra sad PebUskars. aUraJ a the Poai UlBc at Albany, an sauoud-olaaa mail matter. aLOCAJj JIECORD a. Addlttonul Locals on 41b Page. Call ox Him. Mr John Kelley, of Springfield, has cccepted the Gfllce of su perviior of the census for the Western Oregon district, to which he was recently flnrwiliitd. He has received his com mis fusion and will make Eugene his official siring a job will do well to write to Mr fveiiey. fclgni or icn Midi uc iciun ed in Linn county, and the more applica tions the better chance will he have to make proper selections. It Is particularly to be desired that a riut!er be placed at Albanv. ' A Sensiule Move. The city council, at Its last meeting, authorized the commit tee on fire and water to make a contract wsth the Eugene Electric Light company for twenty arc lights for street lighting, i end the company has already commenced arrangements for furnishing the lights, but will be unab'e to have them working before July i. The ligh;s will bt well scattered about town, requiring a seven mile circuit. The wire alone will cost over $000. It will cost In the neighbor hood of $7000 to get the lights in opera tion. Register. Robbery at Independence. Wayne v Williams, the old reliable marshal at In " dependence, Is In the city today looking up the perpretators of a robbery at that city last night. J L Stockcon's store was burglarized of goods to the amount of between $600 and $Soo. Among the things taken were six Prince Albert suits, a lot of silk handkerchiefs, gloves, shoes, etc. Journal. C1UCUIT COURT. j Assignment of Albeitina Kriesel. Con tinued. Toplltz & Co vs Mary Cougill. To recov er money. Continued. C F Cromwell et al vs Daisy A Keener. etal. Partition. Continued. G J Braner vs Mary Cougill. Recovery of money. Continued. E Wills vs F D Leverich and P Haley. Injunction. On trial. Mooney, Valentine & Co vs Mary Cou gill. Recover money. Continued, John GrUham vs II N and A A Derthlck. Suit In equity. Continued. The Giant Powder Co vs Searie Sz Dean. Garnishee, Continued. 1 R Dawson vj Searie & Dean. Garn ishee. Continued. Flcfschner.Mever& Co vs Searie A- Dean. Garnishee. Continued. Louisa Mason vs Joseph Mason. Di vorce, Continued. Luclnda C Stratton vs J S Siratton. Di vorce. Continued. Gotdsmi'h Si Rankle vs Far and Mer Ins Co. Recovery of monev. Continued. Clar- BElley'vsCF Elley. Divorce. Dismissed. Stinson & Heblewhite vs Far & Mer Ins Co. Recover money. Continued. S Shunn vs Mary 13 Phillips. Quiet ti tle. Decree for want of answer. D M Osburn & Co vs R N Morris. Re cover money. Continued. Robinson & We at vs H F Merrill and S E Young, Settle partnership. Continued. Kate M Aiken vs E L Aiken. Divo-ce. Continued. A F Gooch vs Santiam Lumbering Co. Recover money. Continued. John Iscm vs II Lampman. Recover money. Judgment for want of answer. At tached property to be sold. State vs W O Briggs. Continued. State vs Jerry Keeney. Continued. Mate viG C Walker. Continued. State vs Ed Montgomery. Continued. State vs J H Wigle. Continued. TUB TCAl'UEKft INkTlTlTE. 1 Scov.of Teflbraon. thinks that each little boy and am ouicht to Ik? required to brunt A laige concourse gathered at the opera I in pmethinn' interest. The teachers l. i. 1 , . I .uiii 10 want? up io uieir uuiv. mini houce last evening at the opening of the nf iW.m lltlM, ui.,iv Teache V Institute for the Th;rd Judicial pUaed with the discuPsion. Mr South- district, in attendance of teachers Is eriami iniiuweu with a few remarks. Mr large, being full delegations from Linn, Marion. Polk, Yamhill and Benton coun ties. While the large audience was gather ing the orchestra furnished excellent music, which was dulv appreciated. The welcome address by County Superintend ent Curl was pointed and pleasing. Su perintendent Reynolds, of Polk county, did himself credit by a happy, sensible re sponse. Afier which, the lecture of U.e evening, 'Ili.-roUm Modernized," was de liverid bv Rev M Rollins, pastor of the M E church at Salem The lecture bristled at all points with many uood things, uiid ihmigl. delivered in a half nuinorou-i way, u furnished much food for the most Serious reflection. It U nut saying too much when we sav that fw lectures have been delivered in Albany that were o heartily received by a iiiicel laneuus audience. MOKN1SU hE-iSION. Institute was called to order bv Prof McElroy, Jtute Supt. 8u.pt L II Baker, of McMiimville, Supt w j ueynuhlSfOt Jallasupt it v 1 otter, of Salem, Supt L 11 Curl, of Albany, Ex ecutive committee, were present, W A Kobb and Miss Morris were np- puinted enrollmir secretaries. Miss Li I lit! Robertson mid G F Russell were 11 ununited reoortinir secretaries. me siiDjeet ot School ork was openeu by Supt McElroy. His main points were to "iK'irlect no detail : establish habits. Pupils should be required to stand while answering questions." Civil duvernment was openeu oy ur Russell, who gave some excellent ideas. upt J Reynolds, of Polk county, ana Bell, of Rosebunr. snoke at some lencth on the subject. H())1K AND AltliUMl Bargains at Read's. K. M. French kwpa railroad time. Rook o.mly drips at C E Brownell'i, Road Matthew's Washburn's new ad J. P. WalUctt, Phvsioian and SiirL-efo. Al bany, Or Chni -e ci'itibd Mveet potatoes at C E Browiivll's. Prepared untkrtft. 111 lib cans, at C E B rowi. ell's. tIeiilmiaiteiH f ir tardea feeds at C E KrowtieU's. for ttrtiata supplies 00 ta Stanard & CatK'k'. See iljrro Si Seat 1 4 new ad. in another Column. Fresh lUh received daily at Scliultz's mar ket. Delicious canned eranberaies at C Br wuell's. Genuine Iowa toryhuui on draught at C E BrownoU's. Great clearance sale or the npjst 30 day at W r Read's. Good evening Have von ried Hubbards Elegant Loticu Chippitd bef in quautitiss to suit at Geo U Henderson's Don't fail touet your printing done at Phelpi he does the best. 10 oer cent off on all cash ia!es for the next 30 days-at W F Read's. G W Simpson takes orders lor tailor made Ladies or Albany and Vicinity. Ida M Brush having just returned from Portland wishes to announce to her cus tomers that she has received her full stock of spring millinery direct from the East. Will have all the latest styles both eastern and western at prices lower than ever sol 1 before. Opening 3rd nd 4th of April. All are cordially invited to attend. Keep Your Eye on E.G. BEARDSLEY'S Column Agent for New Zealand Ins. Co. Capi tal. $5,oootooo. Fire andMarine lnsuranc written. E. Prof Walker, of Albany public schools, clothing. Call and see samples. Open Temperance Meeting.-A series of public temperance meetings, to be held on the fourth Monday of each month, will commence on Monday evening next, March 24th. Rev M Judy, a temperance speaker and former pastor of the M E church, of this pla'je, will give an address on some phase of the great question, at the WCTU hall. Everybody made welcome. Settled Mr J C Goodale, of Coburg, has settled the trouble over the logs lost from the mouth of the Mohawk bv pur chasing the interests of the othei mill men and loggers. Several million feet of the logs are scattered along the river above Harrisburg. He will send them down the 'river to Ma Friendly's mill at Oorvallis. buger.e Register. Willing to Work. A neatly dressed young man from Boston stepped into the Journal office the other day and asked for work. We referred him to the want column of the paper and he ran his eye over the list, mere was only one job and that was for a farm hand, about four miles in the country. He asked the way and started on foot through mud and m 1 re to get it Ho arrived just alter the farmer had engaged his man. ana iiau to return without securing em ploy men t. We admire his pluck and on iiiu 111 rv leurueu inui- lie iiuu ueeu em ployed in a clerical capacity in a mill near Boston: had served in a bank in Montreal and had been in an insurance office in rew York. Loams: his health he had come around the Horn in a cheap aniline vessel, restoring his color with a 105 days sea voyage, and landing on the coast with the world before hiin. Salem Journal. followed. Language lessons was opened bv Prof L L ay, F M Mitchell, Supt Baker, of n111mll, Prof Uarland,ot Aortu Browns ville, Supt K B McElroy and Supt Rey nolds, following, all advancimr ood ideas. What Rules ought a Teacher make at the opening ot his school, was uiscussea You cn save many a dime by trading at a V llMbbarus new diug store, lry ix The steamer Willamette Vallsy will sail from Yanuina 15ay on thu 25th id slant, No need to suffer with the headaoh whon Hubbard s Capsules wdl surely oure you. If you want a fine toilet or bath soap oall by Prof Heid.Supt BakertSupt Reynnlds, I on Stanard & Cunck, City Drug Store won- Chow Smith and Vv ill Andrews became a little too friendly Monday and patted each other on the cheeks. Andrews paid $13 forhis fun and Smith $17. The above Is thejrunner In which fights are had at Eugene. That in a gentle kind of a place anyway, though, to be suredt h getting there with both feet(to use a vulgar expression. Will Be Built The attention of the Democrat has been many times called to the necessity of a first class fire escape -w from the gallery ot the upcra Mouse. We are Intormed by the upera Mouse management that one will be built. As It t now It is unsafe business with a nacked gallery, and we are glad to betible to in- lorm me puouc mat a proper one win ue creciea Boom, Booh, Boom. Everybody look, forward to the opening of good spring weather as the time when the most attire operatiohs will open up on the Oregon Pacific extension over the mountains, and the housewife looks forward to Saturday as the day when her li;ge lord will buy one of those fine fat chickens, which may always be found at the Willamette Pack ing L'ji store. Leave your orders once for a Sunday chicken. Mail on the Local. An order has oeen made that a mail clerk be put on the Eugene express Ap.il 1st, This will be welcome new. to alt valley towns. Th move should have been made before this, and would if the fierce cries of the valley papers had been heeded. It will make more work for pottmasters, but the public nave long demanded It Pioneer Dead. Mr John Mlllllron died at his ho.tie in Junction City last Wednesday evening, March n, aged 86 vears. He was a pioneer of Lane county having come to Oregon In iSa and lo , cated on the land that now comprises th lownslte ot junction. A Fine Assortment of all kinds Fancy and Staple Groceries. Provision can always be found at the Willamette racking Co.'s. l our attention is epecl atiy directed to their special display ad. Babv BcoaiES. Undoubtedly the finest line of baby biiegies in the vnllev ir to lie found at Stewart A Pax't. They are at tracting general attention. Seeds. A large line of garden and grnsa seeds at Stewart A Sox'p, choice va riety to select from. Now is the time to buy and get those suited to the climnte A Bright Idea We refer to the large aa t ,ne line of saws and carpenters ta V m P.in. f. ti .1 . I . ,. i rvutisuu. inc dch in mantel and prices the lowest. Supt McKlroy and ninny otheru. turned until atternoon seamon. The following teachers were enrolled : Albany. Mrs Susie Thrall. Miss Ab- bio Wriirht. Miss M P Brink. Miss Isa bella lirav, anss Ju June morns, b a Siinford, John E Love, Lillie M Hobert- W W Beok, aaant of the Wa.som Ad dition to Seattle, will arrive oo the train to-night, If tou want either to buy or sell your property plaee the same in the hands of K F Astiby lo. Krautsa II Klein are slaughtering Dries son, M M Laugmin, Mituiieu, Kate i on boots and shoes (or tha neis zu days, M Aiken, J K urnucs, liorona lunrsnuu, i Now is tbe time to Day. A Berry, J L Uilbert, J 1J uuiss. Plain-view. Mary Brandon, Bertie Brandon. A Good Horse. The Rural Spirit le ports the sale by, Uilbraith Bros., their imported shire horse, Grove Reynard, registered 7339, to James Elkins, of Al bany. The horse, a Jet black, with white strio on the face, is two-year old past, lti'i hands high, weight 1745 pounds, and bred on the farm of James Men, lorKsnire, f.ngiaim. urove iiey nard is a compactly built horse, with Clyde legs and bone, showing great strength, while his movements are with ease and activity. He is to remain at Albany this season ami is certainly a spieiiuiu auccBBiuu iai me ninny horses now in Linn county. Sr. PaI'L. Ida M Goodnight. Air lie. Mrs Laura Williams. Independence." Eupheinia Crosett. Sweet Home. R W Swiuk, J C Gil bert. firm. Mark M Peerv. H H Queener, fien I. Smithfirland. Mrs Einnift Cyrus, Miss Rosa Peery, Alarslial 'wnaruson, V B Uoin. J H Geddes, S J Taul, U B Cyrus, Jennie Cyrus. Turner;. Miss C A Ferry, J J Hun- saker, O P Riches, H E Hilleary, M R Brown. Munkers. Elsie Martin, Maggie Mc- Knight. Salem. M E Hodson, Gertrude M line Albany Pheasants. Last Sunday party consisting of A L Fox, Ed Wright, W E Warren and Mac Monteith boarded the steamer Occident, en route to Kanini's farm, on the Klaskanine, with three pair of Mongolian pheasants from the Willamette valley, niey were turned loose in the orchard, and if unmolested. will do well. These are the first of these birds in Clatsop county, and will v . .v. ".1 .1 : oe an acquisition io uie ivaiiiereu in habitants. Astonan. The Pacific The Pacific Insurance company held its annual meeting for the election of officers at Portland yester day. L Flinn. F J Miller, Dr G W Gray anil E F Sox were present from Albany. Mr Sox was elected a director from this city. The annual report did not show up very wen. B & L A. The monthly meeting of the Albany Building & Loan Association will be held to-morrow evening, the first meeting of the second year. Unite number are prepared to bid for the money. Already a Battering number of shares for the second series have been taken. A Bank at Scio. I p wlih the times. Srlo is also to have a bank, articles of In corporation for which have been filed, with f U bmttn, A I lonnson, j a worn and J L Miller, as Incorporators, (Japital stock, $20,000, divided in to 200 shares of $ioo each. Dk Pattov treats successfully all dis eases of worr.en.and guarantees to cure all curable private diseases, lie has a sure remedy for catarrh of the head. 11 leeps in his office and answers city cal day or night, consultation is iree evcrvthing Is strlctlv confidential. can be found In his office In Blumberg' lilock from io to n, J to 4 and 7 lo S. also have a fine line Made to CrT When buying an axe zat the best, one that is durable as well harp, and the place to do It Is at t rice Kobson s, w ho wedges, etc. Whereto GtT Them. When wtntln an organ or tiiana call on G L Blackman where tou r.an select from a first clas stock. Get A machine. And wnen gelilni rme let It be either a Domestic or Uav Price & Rohson are agents for these perior sewing machines and invite an spection of what they can do. Townsciicl's GimlcEi Addition Is now ottered for Rale. This is one'of the most desirable locations for residence in or around Albany, being very high and dry, ma sou for garUYn mm Iruit. It was on this ground where Mr Towuseod grow his famous strawlwrrifs for sevoral years for the Albany market. 1 nere is not a more tieaiin ful location around Albany than is found in this sightly - locatiou, fud sized lots and blocks, street all laid out to correspond with the street runuing through the Uoltra ana Hale tdilitinns. This property is only two blocks irom the proposed street car line. This property will be sold by the block or lots on the iiita11meiit plan or payments to suit the purchaser. W hile this property is second to none around Alb-uy;yet it will be sold at reasonable prices. Umce opposite the rariners & Merchants Insurance Co., 1st Street. Albany. ALBANY Real Estate. Xj tt.EGE LIST. Denyer, Stella J udkins, Eva Bruce, Edith I ing dis illness. You can save from 50e to $1 on a pair of boots or shoes at Kraussa & Klein'a lor th next 20 days. Rctfinninu with Anril. lst.Sthe Albany water worka will require the payment of monthly rents iu adyauce. v An advertisement in th. dally and weakly Dimociat offers one of the but mediums in the vallsy for reaching the publio. As Frsuss. & Klein are about to move their entire stock of boots and shoes, taay will sell koous reuardless ot ooss tor t He nexa 10 days. Owing to the important change about to be male at Erausae k Klein'a they will far the n.it 20 data sell boot and ahoat re gardless of ooat. Marshal Hoffmsn has keen confined to his home sinoe Saturday witb the mumps. ftlr A w MoUJain ia acting maranaiaar- The highest price paid for an Astoria lot yesterdsy at the auction was (24. Tbey were not basioesa lots, and we wonldn t vouch aa to the quality. Cottage Grove, Lane eonnty, haa just voted a new achnol house, to eost (3000, by vote of 39 to 9. The latter figure lepra- Alderson, Mary A Kelly, C O Swintn, M V Anderson, .Laurence nasinussen, W Mcculloch. Brownsville. L L Sav. Jerry Banks Dilla Stonard.Sara Coshow,Jane Arthurs, F C Stanard, C L Knapp, Grant Phegley, A J Garland, Mrs A J uananu, Soda ville. Mrs Nellie Tunison, J A I sents the mossbaoks of the place. Wilson, Mrs WH More. Habrisbubq. Clara McMeekin, Miss Ellen White. Tallman. Laura Farrow- WoonniiBN. Antonictte Pillett, Ma tilda Pillott. Florence Catterlin, J B Leatliernian. Fobest Gbove. S F Adams. Bbooks. Maggie Dunn, Edith Dunn Philomath. J D Wood. Mill City. David F Warner. IIalsey. G F Russell. Miss Anna Warmoth, Anna C Godlev, llarvy Bond, I W Housseau.Frank Taylor.F W Power, Ida Maxwell, Linnie Ramsay. Lebanon. Clara Rilea, Hattie Tillot- son, J C Harrtin, A M Williams, Koe Marks, w s Jackson, J n Marks, t c Marks, L A Wiley, T E Ross, Sadie Wil liams, J E Dow, R M Wright, Verra Kearn, Ida M Kose, Lizzie Keed. J u Hickman. E R Case, Fnnnie Griggs, Maggie Sutton, FE Ross, G II Wilkes, J G Gilison. Watebloo. T L Rice. Gkbvais. J C C Lewis, Ida Esson, Vincent Munning. Shedd. Amanda McBride, (ieo 11 Burtt, Mrs E A Walton, Lillia A Davis, Z T Truelove, W A Kobb. Tamiext. K. r.. Michner, Winnie Nichols. RosKBlBO. J R N Bell. TO tiki BUSINESS PROPERTY, RESIDENCE PROPERTY. CHEAP LOTS IN ALL A.DDIDITIOITS. INSTALLMENT, PLAN. Farm Property In Large or Small Trac On Favorable Terms. If You Are Looking foi Investment Call at THIS OFFICE. In office evenings. Head Quarters for Seth Thomas watch es and clocks, FMFRENCHS, Lest watch in at the the world for the money. E. G. BEARDSLEY, Real Estate and Insurance Broker and Notary Public, Broadalbin St., Albany, Or. MONEY, CHEAP MONEY. We have made arrangements to supply money to all on long time at low rates tf Interest on Improvsd f unis and city prop erty. Thsee who contemplates bulldinc brick blocks or good brick business houses can get money. See us. Wallace & Cnsicx, APTEBNOON SESSION. Institute called to order by Supt Mc Elroy. Remarks on School Discipline. Supt Baker saul, ' Betore the teacher can have list'itdiiie lie must discipline himself." Prof Uolierts said that three-fourths of the U-ai-licr's time is lost by trying to en force a rule against whimpering. Prof Garland thinks he would not make a multiplicity of rules, but would not try to teacli Willi oniv one rule. -Mr rutin and others sokc at some length on the subiect. Several nice selections in vocal music were rendered by girls of the public school under the inrectioii oi Miss ifrmk. School Management, introduced bv M R Brown, of Turner. He said, "I think ever)' child should lie taught to think for himself. The teacher should commence with himself to govern. Methods suited to some would lie wholly unsuited to others." flSchool Aids and bow to y. se Them, ln- ir,tflnnd bv Sunt Reynolds, of Polk Co. He said that anything that tends to ele vate human kind isa help. 1 have known Isivs that have gune to school all their lives ami arc not abletocoinpute the con tent of an apple larrel. I believe tbe teacher ought to use every means to innkc the school rooms pleasant. 1 roi an COL. TAlleaVS NEW DOCK. From the Astoria Columbian, Yesterday asternoon a party consisting of Col Taylor, Judge F J Taylor, City Sur veyor Thlelsen and F. A' Taylor went down to Smith's Point, the terminus of the steam motor railway now In course of construction. The road was found to be progressing rapidly. The wagon road was In excellent " conditlod, the aecent rains having had no perceptinle effect on it. There are at present about twenty men engaged In the work of constructing, and the projectore are confident 'hat the road will be in full working order by July I, as at first reported. "We drove out to Smith's Point." said Judge Taylor last evenlng,"f or the purpose of taking a look along the line, and to se lect the most suitable place to construct a dock and building for housing the engines and cars, and for storing the necessary material and suDnlies that will be used on the road. We found the roadbed to be in rood condltion,and the work is progressing rapidly, i nere is a lorce oi men continu ally employed on the road, and everything looks decidedly encouraging. The matter of selecting a suitable point for a dock was one requiring caretui calculation, anc yes. teiday was the day selected for settling the question. Mr Thlelsen, the engineer of the road, went alone, and we selected place commonly known as the MUld Milk Ranch as a site lor the cock ana ouuuings. It is at the end of Smith's Point, and will make a trood landing place. 'It was Intended to equip tne roau witn Pullman cara nine feet wide.with revolving chairs, o as to give an unobstructed and convenient view of the surrounding coun try, but Mr Pullman informed us that he built cars only tight feet wide. This will allow of a rather small space between the seats. The hrst car will soon be comnlet ed, and will be sent on as soon as finished.'' Having taken Iheairencv of Dr Thatch er's magnetic shield, I wi'l be pleafced to see all suffering win. thronlc diseases Kheumatbtn a specialty, han.e as had by Prof, t-'pear, Miis S. Race. HAKKIKIK ANDREWS PARKINSON. Al the residence of and by Rev. S G Irvine D, l) on Thursdrsi "March ao. l8qo. Mr. jos. E Andrews, of Oakland, Cal. and Mit Allie li Parkinson, of Tangent. This most estimable young couple have the Democrats best wishes for the greatest iovs and successes of life. Mr. Andrews has obtained a rosebud of a wife and T gent lost a good citizen, for the happy couple will make Oakland their future home. GRAND MILLINERY OPENING. AT THE PEOMAN BLOCK; Thursday and Friday, March 27th and 28th, All the latest Spring styles in shapes, shades and novelties. The ladies of Albany and vicinity are cordially invited. N. R. Ladifli who hiv been io the habit of Ku1ii)g away for their hsta. will find it to their adTaotago to einmine my tenant line of millinery. MRS, J- II.SOW12B. Barrows & Searis DiyBoois, Notions, OantiFarn isMiip and BOOTS AND SHOES Our stock of boots and shoes Is now complete In all tines for spring trade. We will save vnu money In buying of us. Ijiiiie, miasesand children's line shoes u f specialty. BARROWS & SEARLS, lihiinbnr'fi Nt.w tt:Ki, FL.KENTON I2ST GROG E R I ES. Choice Camly, XiitSt, Fruit, etc. NEAR THE POST OFFICE ALBANY OHEGON