VOL. I J. ALBANY. OR., THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1890. NO 2G3 II, 11, in lor a bottle- money SEE THIS! Am' Surf trJIla d( !le worm ur aoimr oi apv mnn Ejtlier as a Tonic or Blooa-purlfler, lrsanarnla hat no equal t Dr. James it. Stone, Timpan, Ohio, says: I Know tit no alterative that rites so niucll eattsfactlou as Azof's BarsaparlUa,' Ayer's Sarsaparllla, frTar. by Pr. .1. C. Ayor JcCo., Low.ll, Ma... PWc. l all ltl!a, &5. Worth ,5 bottls. B..F. Sn C. H. STwARr, 8. Albany IRONWORKS .Manutooturera n' 1EAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS AMD ALL KIMS OF HEAVY AND LICK' WORK, IN ' IRON AND BRASS CASTINCS. special atteation W o : ilrlnt U da of tnaohlner Ptliurns Mads on Short Notice, Has just received his Spring stock of Clothing, Embracing a fine line of suits, which will bo sold at bottom prices. In order to make room for new goods will sell his large stock of Notions, etc., at A Great Reduction. The best place in Albany for bargains. Carpet Impart went. I have added about two thousand dollars worth of carpets to mv stock this spring. Sew styles in 3 ply ingrain tapestry and body Brussels; also hall and stair to match, rugs, cocoa and napler matllng, hemp carpet c.dna mal ting, etc. I have also connected with my carpet department, lace curtains and curtain nets, portiers, window shades, wall paper, Hn oleum, and floor oil cloths. I hare and am receiving the .largest and best assorted stock In these lines of any house this side of Vortland. 'These goods are all on the second floor, where I have them arranged so that buyers have very little trouble In select ing what they want. Plenty of room and light. Thos. Montelth has charge of this department and will take pleasure In showing the goods at anv time. .S am vet. E. Vouse. The number of once conspicuous Amer cans new living abroad is greater than Is supposed, Among the notable American residents at Berlin is the venerable author and historian, Theodore Sedgewick Fay, ho was secretary of Legation and Charge d'Affalres at the Court of Prussia from 1837 to lS53- Subsequently he held the pout of United States Minister to Swltzer lar.d. but resigned at the outbreak of the rebellion. Ai.ba.it Marble and Granite Works. Hav ing lately purchased the stock of S A Ripga and G W Harris, we shall be pleated to show das lira and cive nrioea to all intend ing purchasers. Best ol worn men employed and prices as low as any lor nrst-olass worn, Visit as before purchasing elsewhere. Eqan & Arm rom nut door to Democrat offioe) Albany, Or. Progress and science are knocking all the romance out of the ideals of our younger days. The number of gondoliers Venice has been much diminished since e introduction of steam launches In the canals which form Its thorougnfares. The few gondoliers left in service.howev- er, are not complaining, as they receive better wages, through lack of com petition in their own special line .and their sculling much In demand bv visitors. Conrad Mever, .-PROPBlBTTVl OF.- STAR BAKERY Comer BroadalMn and First ! ,-DEALEH IS I Juoeil Frails, ellaaifwnTe, Si-lea Fruits. Tobacco. ocar, Coder. Etc., Canue Meats, Quecnaware. Vegetables. Cigars, Sp'rxa, Tea. etc.. .nflt everything that is kept In en It. variety and grocery ore. Highest a rittt prim pdd for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. THE PLACE. L , mean 311 no Pane, Brothers. Albany, Oregon, Hardvare,Stoves and Tinware. We hit hard. If you want prices hit hard on builders hardware, carpenter tools, pumps, stoves, ranges, tinware and plumbing. Give us a call in the Tweedale Block, Albany, Or. MATTHEW'S & WASHBURN THE LEADER. THE LEADER G.W.SMITH, aperioir," "Argand," "Gailantl"' STOVES AND RANGES. John 'uk., tor yonf G roeer.'s, Produce, Bakei Goods, Etc. Etc, TLeir KooJd are trie lt and thtr prir-aa rNASOcalue. To All Whoa: It Kay Concern. The German! Fire Insurance Co ot New York, havjnif reinsured Its entire business in the State of Oregon, said com pany (having on deposit with the State Treasurer, $50,000,) hereby give nctice ol its discontinuance of business In Ore- sron, and its intention of withdrawing its deposit now ith the State Treasurer at the expiration of the six months printed notice required by law Germanic Fire InsvraxcbCo or N. Hugh Schumann, Vice President Dec : li 1SS9 Fira bi3'sa. Warran ted for 15 years. A.U sizes an styles, 1 The WoUdV best. More than hun dred 7 hun dred differ ent sty9s co ok s ana heaters Roofing-, Job Work, Plambmg, Eave Trough. Rang Boi.er3 Conductor Pumps, j Delmonica Restaurant, UORXER FIRST AND ELLSWORTH STS. The underii-ned having purehued the old Herman Restaurant aland hat opened under the above na ne a nrst-oiana reataa rant. We are ptepared to furnish meals for parties or dances on short notice. Oya tera served in every styla, eaatern or eeMt all kinds of tl.h knowj in the market. F-rtJiloy only fira-claea relp, and wattla, will be prompt and eonrteoos. Rtajnlar meals 23 eta. Coffee of flret-elaaa finality and a cap of toffee and eake at from ft to 10 ctt. I am well known m thia city and re qotst the tiMna to give me eall. SAM GE19, Proprietor. Zaches & Son, i MERCHANT TAILORS AND DRIPERS, FINE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WOOIENS. leading 1'liotograpliera Albany Oregon. AVe have lwni(ht all thenegativea mado by I, W Clark and W H Greenwood up to Nov 15th, 18S9. Duplicates can be bad from hem only of us at reduced rates. We haye also about 18.000 netativej made by our selves, from which duplicates o.n be had at like rates. We carry the ouly full line of views cf this state aud du enlarged work loweat rtts for tirst class work. We shall pleaal to see yon at our Studio in Frounan1 DIOCK, nexsaoor wj mneimiu irmi. Center Tables A large and elegant shipment of center tables, in new deslgnei finest stock In the valley, jusl receive d Fortmiller Irvinys. A New Discover- Hubbard's Head ache Capsules. They ate a positive cu and nil a long telt want. Spriadiks) Out -Mr. Julius Cradwohl besides his large crockery stock will now keep on hand a splendid line of groceries of all kinds, giving our citizens many ad vantage they win be glad to secure, ne will make the ptices so reasonable that our citizens will have an object in calling onhlin for first-class groceries. The regular market price will be paid for all kinds of produce. Give him a call. Ex Governor rainier, of Illinois, has signi fied his willingness to become a candidate for the United States senate, provided the state democratic convention shall unanimously de cide in his favor. General C Black is a pros pective candidate for the place. Iowa's Gubernatorial chair must be condu cive to longevity. It Is noted that every gov ernor of the state since 1850 is still living. Kthi'rral Uousli Syrup. Persons suffering from the prevailing cold will do well to trv Holden's Ethereal Couih Svrup. It is an excellent remedy and has been used by hundreds of persons in this city who will join in commending it to their xrlcnas. stocxion inuepenueni. Large size $1, small 50 cents. 1-or sale by H C Uubbard, druggist. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS His Successor. Berlin, March 19. General von Caprivi, commander of he Tenth army crops, has been appointed chancellor of the empire, to succeed Bismarck, Bismarck, in his note to the emperor ten dering his resignation, alleged that old age and failing health wi h the reasons for his desiring to withdraw from public life. To day's papers call attention to the fact that while taking lunch yesterday with the delegates to the lalor conference, Bismarck gave a cordial greeting to Jutes Simon, the head of the French delegation, and had a long conversation with him. He has invited all the French delegates to dim with him to-morrow. AUokaa Nitltrr. Washington, March 19. Mr Dclph se cured passage of the bill for ports of entry in Alaska last evening. Building to cost $25,000 are to be erected for the government, U 1 l'urter. United states marshal for Alaska has asked for an appropriation of $3000 for repair of the foundation of government buildings at Sitka, which he says are in a dan gerous condition. 1 he attorney general - this morning transmitted the letter, with a request for an appropriation to the house. Too Bad, London, March 19. The St. Tetersburgh correspondent oftheDaily News says: The Russiin government is disagreeably impressed by the meetings held in England and America to denounce outrages committed upon exiles in nioerut. TitR Tijir. Now is a good time to liaro your picture taken at Crawford & Pax tnn'fl. Call at our narlors and we will convince you that we are now inakiiiK nner WOrK inun ever uviure. iu mv onlially invited to come and look over our line stock of views. Kid Gloves. I have just received an invoice ol the celebrated P. Centemeri kid 1? loves in black and colored. These with the other brands I handle, Foster genuine hook and Our Own brand.maken an assortment that any lady can be suited In prices and quality. These are all first class goods and warranted as represented. Samuel E. Young. This Trade Mai k on a stove .means it is th best thpt ex- 'perUnce and skill can ton- irlve. Liota oniy ov w. Smith. A .Sharp Itkm Tht finest line of cut ery and shear in the rlly at Stewart & 2ox s. Their goods are the very best and will Kland the tel. Barklcn'sYVnitcft ".lvi. Tlie but Si1--eln tho -v .rM f-r Cnr,n-u3.jrM Ulcer, Sill tt'Mil ti, Kivtjr X3. V tt-ir, Lu.'l liaA. ClilllUn, 0 mi, ami all .Skin trm-tn-n, ninl IHHilivtjIvtiiiti! ;V ti i- t. i.rs I. Itiifnu. tttitcctl tt'i tfive H!;-fc :t nU.tfajct-ii, or mliPV lol jnd cil. I'riuo '26 C611U ir box, Fur skle by Ftwlwy and A AVomnn'ri filwovory. " V'.Hhcr m itrt il d c-Tery tin hn mtrio anl tint i-sot.v Ulfin tUt ennv. I Itv tnl t itiit.'titi4 ii't wi Iit t rwn vur htt wilbttood in neverwt toil, but Iwr ritl orjC.ni were undenuinolan-lduntb wnu 1'iiuiineiit, Fr lhre itMrXba slie ftoiwbtjd .'lencaiill.v si.d em d lnt sleep. 8.ie fc.mjb. n noitht -if Or Hn ' Nf w licv 617 r..rO.iitiinpthjB ud w.m mufh rellfvwl on I-Matt "rat do rfl8 ut,t wilh jie D Vtle nii nf n iwjMnw-iniy vmesi. imr " iiMra Lutiia-rL ils." Tf'na wrltea W O Hmnrlck mni Co , -,f Mhelby. S C- Oct f-o tnal boKb Fo hajr nd Uosoti't Drujf HtUr V Delayed Woolrns. Zaches & Sm merchant tailors and crapers, opposite Post Office, hae received notice that the two laigb shipments of woolens consigned to them are soon to arrive. It will be to vnur interest and advantage to examine ''Hr stock before pirchasing,as they anti- , .te the largest and fines-t grade of spring ...id a'jtininer goods in foreign and domes c delicacies ever brought to Albany. Drukken i'ml, Chicago, March 29. Lieutenant Frederick Schwatka, of Aictic and Mexican exploration frame, was arrested Monday night on State Street while under the influence of liquor and booked for disorderly conduct. After cooling off in a cdl he was releaed and Justice Brad well imposed a fine of $3. TUentrlkerft. San Francisco, March 19. The striking lion molders gained something of a victory to day when they induced all but four of the forty six molders brought out from the East by the foundries to quit work, The non union molders were taken id charge by representa tives of the Irontnolders Union and escorted to the latter s head quarters, where they will Le taken care ot. I'nfvrlnHate 11 In era Hurley, Wis., March 19. A great fire is raging in the Germania mine. Five miners have perished, and all efforts to stay the flames are unsuccessful. The unfortunate men are James 1 homas, his son, Jol:n Thomas, 1 1 ugh Waller, Jimro) bullivan and Willinm ;;..,, all miners, The loss Hill reach $ioo,uco Jt-KT Akuivkp. A full supply of vege UihK'P, such ns caMmgc, cauliflower, etc, as well as a nice line of dried fruits junt received at the Willamette Packing t'o.'s store. Call early or you will be too lute. I O O F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds iu regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to attend. S n ika ttv oeleVU-il H ivvi tilled ei vjar, innnf cturd at.lulmi Joepli'u cigw factor? 1 Only fict-oO. New crt'HM? ohcfi jtmt f!crved at Coi.rad Moyws. City Store. Stand & Gusick Proprietors. Successors to Guiss & Son. Dealers in drugs, medicines and cliainicals,fancy and toilet articles, sponges, brushes, perftirnerv,sciiool and ar tistsaupplies. Physioian'i prescriptions accurately compounded. Horsemen ! Get Vtitlnf k Fish tn print nor km bills It th coming nwis. Th. hai. th. brat material and more ttyla to selMt l-nm tbn anv olh.r firm. IxiwMt priMt I BmI work I Sn tham aow I Notice to Contractors. Notion i luiebv uivon that at the next rtgu'ur tt-rm nt the (bounty Cmirr, for Linn county, Ore'ru, t. Lo held at tun Cunn Housu m the city of Altny.ou Wb.lnn-slay. the tf:h dy of April, ISiW, sciied pl ut &euitiei.tia', strains, liayrlu mini imU wiil te received iur nunuinrf a urmno uru Tnuuns Creek, known as trio Jurtlau riiUk, uue nuu eiyhtylive fet. piers or bwim u be four feet hijfhei tr.an ouiore, opproacn hi ma euil tn bn tltteou feet IoUl', and ut tne other end forty-five fwt lotiji. Aiao tor a brioye across i.raoiren i. ree k kuown as Hichrdsou's bridge, the epau ot which must he one hundred aiid two fet-t.and iwveutttHn feet high. The appru(.chk ai each end are to he thirty feet each. A I no for a hriil ea aoross Crabtree Cretk, tuowtiM the Kelly br.dge.thflspaii of whicf a to l' eighty fitaud fourteen feet high. Oi;e of the i'L"iociie to sid bridge in to be iMViitv feet louir aud the other is to be twenty feet loDg Afoofor bnil (( across Kldr-r SU nh, uar HiKton, teveaty-rive iCit lng, two spam, heuta three feet high at esch nH over the main nlough and the apprtmelie to be two hondred feet long each. Also for a bridge hnown as Rock Clerk bt id i(et tli ppan of which is to he one hun dred and forty feet, with abutment ten feet high and rne abutment four fmt high. Abo f'r a bridge at Brownsville ith two tpans one handrvd and reventy five feui long each, and to b two feet higher than tht old brirlge.eommenctr.ff on the north side of th creek just aoove where the old bridgi stood. Also fVr a bridge on Wiley Creek known aa the Wiley CreeK bridire, with ore antn ixty-eight feet hnsni tot thirty f-t hinh on one aide, and sixteen feet on the other. All bids niirst he filed with the C- u ty Clerk on or before one o'clock p. m., Aptil 1):h, 1 Hi0, and aocMnpaoied with eertilhd chek of five per cent of hid aa by law ri ff aired. The court reserves the right to rt isct anv and all bidt l.ne hy order of the 'ot rt this 19th d T of March, 1SVU. E. . Mo XT A IK, u f.l l!i uot Ciri Suitings That Suit. Mi W R Ci 1 ham, the tailor, has just received the lirge&t ami finest ht of suitings ever brought to Alhany, a to which he wishes the men of Linn conntv and vicinity to call and examine them and judge for them .eles. They consist of an elegant line of imported goods, of the best quality, In eluding Kcvernl new designs never before brought here. A more popular line of fabrics it would be dilVicutt to secure, and those wishing suits, or parts of suits made up In the Intent style will do well to give him a call. A New Dkpartmknt Fortmiller & Irving have added another department to their large and elegant furniture store,' being one for carpets, iratling, linoleum anil oil sloths. I hey have a line stock 01 these uitois, "elected for the market, and 'hose desiring anything in the line should call and see their well selected stock. They will keep the latent patternsin mese goods as in everything elMt and sell at reasonable prices. To My Patrons and Ladies mi Albany. I shall be In Alhany with a full stock of the latest styles In mill. nary hy the 15th to theistof April. Thanks for past fuvors. Respectfully. Mr. 8 E Waysk. Bavg. One ol the finet lots of guns ind revolvers ever received In Albany aie now in stock at Stewart .V Sox. Hun tern hhould call and aee iT. and get prlcer before buying. A C hoick Variktv Fine comb hon ev, all kinds of syrups, choice pickle In wood and in irlasR.picKica P'l! icet, enow chow, In fact an endless varietv of choice groceries at Geo C Henderson's, f.lve me a call, prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. Trices the lowest. Si'Rixo IIakIosik. The stock of wall paper at rortmlllcr Irving s is larger than ever, being quite Immense and In clude many new and beautiful designs. New Arrival. A large and complete lock of cirpetfl.Iinolcum.nll clot hi,-hades, etc., at the store of A H Mcllwain, all of the latent designs, and which will he sold .it from 10 to so per ccri iover than by other house. Good oookliifl stove only $10 at Hop: ft Balttnarsh'a. 8pecil attention n called t Afr. l W Siffipson'Hne line of clvilmg. t'tll ib time for bureaus. PMl'Er&Fliil, J03 PRINTrS ALBANY. V