Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 08, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Saturday Kvaoing Kirch 8, 1810
Published (vary day ia the week,
Sunday's excnptd.
XWtHlt HtTTW, EJIUrs d PbUahn.
nler 1 a the Put OiB. at Albany. 1 1
m eeoond-clasa mail matter.
Additional Locals on 4lh rage.
Washed and Reti'uned It. Mr. I. C.
Dickey, of this city, has pone to Port
land to work (or the Oregon Iron Works.
Mr. Dickey is a good workman wid a
square man to boot. He was sheriir of
Linn county one term. He says lie is
one of the first and faithful, ami lived in
the forks of the Santiam when Joab
Powell was pastor of the community,
and that he assisted in running the first
newspaper puhlished in the now town of
Scio, and he solemnly says that they
printed it on a white rajr or canvas
and issued to their readers with the un
derstanding that they were to read,
wash and return, which they invariably
did. We sincerelv rcirret to lose Mr.
Dickey, but henrtily commend him to
the Portland folks and hope he may do
well there. i-ulem Democrat.
Tumbled. People who know the lay of
the land at Corvallis will appreciate the
following from the Gazette : A young
fellow lately from thecast,while standing
with two companions, close to the edge of
the bank of the river at the foot of Setter
eon street on Sunday last, attempted the
mash act on a certain young lady of this
citv. and. in attempting to make a very
polite bow stepped backwards a little too
tar and, before he saw his mistake, was
precipitated to near the water's edge
nearly forty feet straight down. Strange
as it may seem, he received no injuries,
but his Sundav-go-to-meeting clothes
were liberally besmeared with dirt and
his little footsy-tootsiea came in contact
switu the water.
A Send Off. The Rena Marsell's
Dramatic Co., who claim to have played
In Walnut St. Philadelphia, have been
doing all the small places through the
Valley. The Stayton Sun soars In th
following manner, which makes the Dem
ocrats art critic treinble with envy
"Tuesday evening East Lvnde was excel
lently rendered. Miss Rena Marsetl's a6
Lady Isabella of the highest order of ele
vation. Sir Franci Levtson played the
outrageous vlllian hugely. His goat-ee
and mush'tash sand-witched with a smile,
not from ear to ear, but very long th
short way,"
Frank Froman to II Brvant,177.23
acres in tp 11 s, r 3 w s oaio
Geo Wallace to Win Patrick, Se q
sec ai, tp 10 s, r a K low
David A Huvck et ux to Wm Pat-
ri. k.Nensec28.ttilOS. rSK 1UW
Phupp et ux to C K Welwter.Uit
1, bl 35, Hack 2d A to Allwny 1200
Lola S Saltmarsh to Mary Salt-
marsh, all interest in lot 1,
blk 13, K A to Allwiny 1
A Hackleinan tn C B llarniscli,
lnts S & 4. b k. Hack 1 A to
Allianv 700
liweiih A Ames to A L Prclham,-
' . ..... r. -I iA
14 acres in muMir. iuv
Corinthian lxxlge to K Turner, S
h of N h lot 111, lm 4 oi
Tt llarniscli to L B Witzell, lot
B. blk 125. Hack A to Allwny 1800
W C Cassell to Nancy Cnssoll, lota
Jt 7. blk II. Hack 2d A to Al
lianv 2500
11 RiirkhartJet nx to J F Peclilcr
35.25 acres in tn 11 S, r 3 W. . 3150
James U Bovle to W K Hanliuan,
lot 0, blk 5, in Sodaville
O Smith to R E Hibbler. E h
lots 35 & SO. Scio 100
Robert Johns to Mary A 1 Iiifl'inau,
Nfl n blk 34. Hack 2d A to A -
banv 000
Jav W Alain et ux to L A Woodle,
14.25 acres in tp 11,S K S w. . . oiOV
EPGiarv et al to Frank Ciro-
man. the 1) L C of P Adams.. . voiV
L A Woodlu to J C Jlvers.lutB 7, 8,
bl 7. anil lot 5. n hi 8.V'S Riv
erside A to Albany 750
CRKees et al by Sheriff to J W
CusH'k. lilO acres in tn 12. e K
2 w 2310
Articlna nt in,'nr,nrtit inn nf Hrowns-
vi e Bin diim ana 1.0.111 Ass n riieu
Edward Waud was indicted bv the
grand jury, charged with manslaughter
in abetting the death ot his witc, near
Cottage Grove, an account of which was
given last week. He has been arrested
and will be placed on trial this morning.
This is the man who deserted his wife
and children just after child-birth, and
even drank the stimulants left for her.
It is to be hoped the brute gets several
years in tne penitentiary, tiiougn Hang
ing IB too Jguuu itll I11U1.
0. T. Porter. The Democrat lias just
been shown a letter from Mr. 0. T. Por
ter, marshal of Alaska, dated February
15. He reported that lie was getting
along finely in his office. Having
three prisoners to take to San Unentin
Cal.. he will soon leave for that place bv
steamer, at the time of writing awaiting
orders from the government. He will
return by way of Albany and spend sev
eral days here. The lowest the temper
ature had reached there was 2 degrees
above zero.
Total sales
Total for year.
AiniHv lliKTivrnn. Ten vears aco Al
bany bad nearly double the population of
Kugene, nut by me receni scnooi census,
in the two towns itaonears now that the
conntv seat of Lane county has passed its
neiithlior in reirard to population. Here
are the figures as presented at the school
nieetinir in tho two towns last mommy :
Persons between the age of 4 and 20 years
in Eugene district, 1,000 ; Albany, 1,028.
T 1 . : 1?....nA .liatrint 71K in
LiVltl VUll-IB 111 J.llftt.n. uicti ,
Allianv, 677. From the figures given it
will lie readilv seen that the blowing by
the Albany naners about having 5,000 to
0,000 population is all wind. Eugene, a
i . . -l..: o ntn nni,intmn
larger town.oiiiy uiuihib o,iuu pwiu.i.w.
The above is from the Eugene Guard
and as we publish everything we get
about Albany we give the above. The
figures given are for the Bcliool districts
and not for the cities, and hence only in
dicate for the districts, which cover dif
ferent extents of territory. And as we
have stated before Eugene is a university
town, containing people re-siding there
for school purposes.and it is not complete
ly fair to compare it on the school census.
Better wait for the June census. That
will show the cities population alone.
The Man About Town has just read
the following in a county ex : "Albany
will soon follow the example of Browns-
ille and Lelianon and organize a Board
ofT-Tde. Good idea." And the item Is
good idea too. We had one once ; but
is gone, vamoosed the ranch. Allianv
iioiiKi not lie u i hi i'o natterninir al er
couple live neighlxi.-s.
Having no scandals in Albany the Man
Aliout Town is obliged to re'er to one ill
Jalein. Prof Randall is charg?d with
hugging a thirteen year old girl. As both
of the papers there Boein to have a pick at
the Prof, the Man About Town rises to
remark that the Prof, is absolutely inno
cent. A gentleman of irreproachable
lituacter just from there savs it is all
l'ooliehness,and is siniplv a cas- of Salem
spite by a few men. the Man About
Town dues hate to see a uion particularly
a uioral,cxamplary man attacked. Hug a
lamp post, a nariier pole or an Indian to
bacco sis:ii : but don't hue a thirteen year
out girl.
The Man About Town rejoices to see
that all through Linn there is a live
movement forward, not only in Allxtny,
but in Lebanon, Brownsville, Scio, liar-
risburg, Halsey and in every place in the
county. Four of tho places mentioned
will have newspapers. Harrisburg, the
nrst to nave one boinir lett out. It must
hunt up a press. In these places too real
estate is ciouimng m value. In lelianon,
lor instance, tne Man About Town is in
formed that a live former resident of that
city, now residing here, has cleared $15,
000 in real estate transactions during the
past year. Who has done better than
that in Albany property.
The streets of Albany just at the pres
ent moment are in a frightful condition.
Let the truth be told. To ride along any
st reet in the city is like churning butter
by hand. Every crosswalk is another
splash. There are holes and holes, and
just west of the O. P. R. R. track on First
Street is a place that looks like the crater
of a volcano. It takes hardihood to nav
igate it. At crossings there are deep
watery excavations, and mud untold. Our
city has a big iob on hand in the im
provement of our streets, and liecause
Spokane and Tacoma have slathers of
mud and grew is no reason why Albany
ghould also have the element always.
Ooes to Corvallis.
Mr W liter Wiles, who ha been with
Foahay & Mason several years, ha resigned
on account of having accepted the position
nf ea.hier of the Beaton Conntv hank. A
faewell paty wai tendered him Thursday
evening by his brother cleric, ftir liawsoo,
Mr Wiles is a very exemplary young man,
whom Cirvallis is fortunate in receiving as
a resident. The member of the V L ar
ciety ot the Baptist chnroh showed their
appreciation ot Mr wiles dv presenting mm
villi a nesuuiui fioia locnet witn tie si;ua
turei of thirteen original members inscribed.
As nresident of tbat society, it incressed in
two years from that number to 150, a fine
They QuAiuiEL. In Astoria the Co
lumbian and Astorian both claim to re
ceive the associated press dispatches and
are having a lively quarrel about it. The
fact is neither receives more than a pony
service, as it is called. The Astorian
says : In the closing months of laBt year
a few papers succeeded in raising enough
monev to eet some kind of telegraphic
service,satisfactorv to themselves, but not
what would suit 1 lie Astorian. ine ren
dleton Tribune, the Walla Walla Union.
and one or two other papers of that class
got in, and, probably, the Columbian.
That service is good enough for such pa
pers as can't anord to buy anything bet
ter, but it IB not good enough lor ine As
.' West Back os Him. Arriving home
from Yaquina Bay yesterday we found
the office eeserted and no paper issued
or ready to issue. Having no other
choice we issue a half sheet. Our ar
rangements were perfect for the issuance
of the paper hereafter without our per
sonal supervision, as we supposed, elfi
we would have made diffi-rent arrange
ments. The old quotation "Whereso
ever von think a man be, there he isn't
likewise," caught us out this week, sure.
Scio Press.
Fearful Prediction. A noted phy
sician predicts that all people who have
had the grippe will get the cholera as
soon as hot weather gets in. The Will
amette Packing Co. have this to say :
Drink pure, uncolorcd Japan tea, called
Unity, and you will always be healthy.
A gift given with each can.
The Time. Sow is a good time to have
your picture taken at Crawford & Pax
ton's. Call at our parlors and we will
convince you that we are now making
finer work than ever liefore. You are
cordially invited to come and look over
our hue stock ot views.
Simply Immense. Speaking of big
things, L E Blain has the largest and best
selected stock of clothing in the valley ,his
counters being packed to their utmost
capacity. This is not an advertising
statement but a fact. His new goods
embrace a fine line of suits, among others
some manufactured by the Albany Wool
en Mill Co., which will be sold for $10 a
suit. Wear an Allianv suit. Ilia new
stock of boots and hats is also large and
embraces the latest Btyles. Ihe advan-
tjira of a larze stock to select from
greatly appreciated by Mr Blain's cus
Xew Adoitios. '-'Wright's addition"to
Albany is now on the market and com
prises 165 large.level and beautiful build
ing lots. The blocks have eight lots to
the block, each lot being 80 by 100 feet,
The streets are 60 feet wide, with two
large avenues, one ot loo teet, the other ol
90 feet in width. There will probably be
a motor or electric line to this addition
before long. For terms of sale apply to
any real estate agent in the city.
Stall Fed Beef. Haight Bros.,of this
city, have just purchased thirty-five head
of stall fed beef, twenty-one being secur
ed of Mr Green McDonald, paying 4 cents
gross, or about 8 cents net, the cattle
averaging aliout $50 a head. They will
be cut up in the market, and the public
will lie assured of lieing able to get some
fine meat for several days.
HY is it. a man who has some
wheat stored at Corvallis wishes us to
ask why it is that wheat is 111 cents here
and only 58 there, though they have
liuasted or having as good a market.
1 T
7uno. joj a.ipnl m no.f pun ji
Aax "n A'!!".! '1-mui os us -oj auin-mj
Born. To the wife of llelrokte Izuml
da, In Albany, March 8, 1890, a girl. Mi
Izumlda boasts of being the father of the
first Japa.ieze child ever born in Albany.
. 'j -Remnant.--A large and fine line of
) remnants at G W Simpson's at your own
once. Try it. .
k Fattox treats successfully all dU
eases of women.and guarantees to cure all
curable private diseases. He has a sure
remedy for catarrh of the head. He
bleeps in hU office and answers cltv call
day or nltrht. Consultation is free and
evervthtnz is strictlr confidential. Me
can he found In Blumberg'i
Block from 10 to 1 2, 3 to 4 and 7 to 9.
Alpa.T Ma'ble and Granite Work.Hv
ios-Utly pnrchmsed the stock of S A Kegs
and G W Hrri we shall be pi em-J to
bor tilpf and aive pr.CM to all inrncl
iaff purrhwr. Bent of workmen- employed
and prices s low aa aoy tor hrst-elaaa work,
is) t as before purchasing elsewhere.
Eoa & AcHtsoir
(oeit door to Democrat office) Albany, Or.
County Judge Blaokburo, of Liua.u here
to-day to consult with our county court on
the Jefferson bnnge. oalem Jonrntl,
Keep Yopr Eye. It would be well for
farmers and others to keep an eye on the
the large and varied supply of agricul
tural implements which Mitchell & Lewis
keep on hand, and the large number of
new buggies and other spring vehicles
men thev are now receiving at their
place of business, on Second street, near
Schmeer's livery stable. You should by
all means call in and examine their stock.
as they feel safe In saying hat they can
maice you oetter terms man any other
house in the cltv.
New Arrival. A large and complete
stock of carpets, llnoieum,oil cloths,shades,
etc., al the store of A B Mrllwain, all of
the latest designs, and which will be sold
at from 10 to 20 per cent iover than by
oiner nouses.
Bargains at Read's.
Halsey ia to have a newspaper.
F. M, French kevps railroad time.
For artists' supDlies no to titanard A
See Barrow & SaarU new ad. in another
Fiesh tub received daily at Schultz'a mai
The Portland train was several hours late
to day.
Mr Geo 9 Kwmev has been in Portland
in business.
Mr W C Suars returned last evtmiuif from
a trip to S.ilcm.
Great clearntioe sale or ths next 30 dav
at W F Reud's.
Hood evening Have vou tried Hubbards
Eletffipt Loticn
Chipped bnef in ouantitiis to suit at Geo
j iieiiuursou'S
The fl'iod is past and stiil vn em vet the
wilt pnutiDg at roe! pa.
DontUil tocet vour uriutina J ana at
Phelpo be does the best.
lOoereent off on all cash tales for the
next 30 days-at V F Read's.
Wheat has an upward terd jnov and is quo
ted at l)) cants. Oats are 3U cents.
We can and will sell cloak eheauer than
any roniana nouie. w f Kead
Low prices are what counts and C
Brownells is the place to got them.
You cut save manv a dime bv t radio ir at
n Li nuDoarut new drug store. Try it
Sauer kraut, pickles, pickled bins feet
and everything nice at C E Browueils.
Watches, clocks and iewelrv re
pairea aun warranted at r Al r rencn s
No need to suffer with the headauh whon
Hubbard's Capsules will surel cure you.
If you want a fine toilet or hath soap call
on Stanard A Cusick, City Drug Store,
Mrs. M Sternburc and daughter Sarah
went to Corvallis to-day, on a visit with
Geo B Vaasalle and wife returned from
Oakland this morcing. He ia somewhat im
proved in health.
The Seattle Iusuranoe Co has had a re
ceiver appointed. There are one or two
stockholders in Albany,
During the late blockade in California,
newspapers were taken into Lake county on
horseback wd sold for 50 cents apieoe.
One Yaquina Bay man recently suea an
other one for $6 for fighting tire about a
year ago. It created considerable of a atir.
The aubject at the 4 o'clock meetins to
morrow of the Y M C A is: 4,The True
Course cx Intellectual Culture. ' Prov. !
A new town between Monmouth and In
dependence is to be called Tall mad ee.
Probably because it will be sort of a tongue
tor ineae cities.
A petition is being circulated asking the
post office department to establish a mail
route from Yaquina City to Alsea Bay and
a.. i.tii... rr - ,
hj eawoiiau a pose omoe at ceaver vreeE.
G A Hill. who. with hia wife, were called
here sometime ago on account of the serious
uiness ot bis mother, Mrs K (J tfilJ, re
tut ned to hia home in Seattle, his morning.
Sohool election on Mondav. A director
will be elected in the place of Mr. John
Foshay, whose term expires. Mr. C G
Burkhart, the efficient elerk. will undoubt
edly be re-elected.
In a mask ball at Baker Citv the follow
ing former Albany people appear in a long
list of maskers: C H Luderman, Tommy
McGinty, Mrs Luderman. riomine: Misa
Wallace. Girl of the Golden Weat.
Ex-Gov Z F Moody, supposed to be Terr
wealthy, pays taxes eu $10,900 at The
Dalles. French & Co are the heaviest in
dividual taxpayers there, and are assessed
at tbi.raa.
A justice of the peace at Farminirton.
Wash, being disturbed by aoaie hoodlums,
leit nis rostrum ana whip wed the turbulent
fellows in good shape. The court proceeded
with business thereafter with the beat de
Bert Magers is up from Albany, rlsitins
his mother at thia place. He has been
clerking f. r La Foraat & Thompson, but aa
they have sold out he will now be with F.
Cohen, the clothier of Albany. Stayton
The Polk county court yesterday irade an
appropriation of 810,000 toward rebuilding
the Salem bridge in a substantial manner.
They also agree to co-operate with Marion
county in maintenance of the bridge alter it
ia built.
Chilled Plows, Those wishing plows
will make a tnlstake If they do not call on
the Mitchell & Lewis Co. and examine
their large assortment of Gale chilled walk
Ing plows. Some of the superior qualities
of these plows are the adjuttibte handles,1
the dratt Is always direct, the standard
jointer is uwd, which keeps the plow al ¬
ways in line. Hy all means call and ex
amine them.
Keep Your Eye on
Agent (or New Zealand Int. Co. Capi
tal. $5,ooo,cco. Fire ai cMorli c Irunaac
Gardes Addition
la now offered for ale. Thia is one of the
moat desirable locations for residence in or
around Albauy, beiug very high and dry,
rich sou for garden and truit. It was on
thia ground where Mr Townsend crew his
famous strawberries for several years for the
Albauy market. There is not a more health
ful locatiou around Albany than is found in
this sightly locatiou, fuJ sized lots and
blocks, street all laid oat to correspond with
the street running through the Goltra and
II ale additions. This property is only two
blocks from the nronoaed sti-ewt oar Hue.
This property wilt be sold bv tho block or
loison me luntaitineut plan or payments to
suit the purchaser. While this property is
seooud to none around Albny:yet it will be
aoin at reaaonanie prices.
U III co opposite the Farmers & Merchants
insurance Co., Ut o tree c, Albauy.
Real Estate.
Farm Property In Large or Small Tracts
On Favorable Terms.
If You
Are Looking foi Investment Call at
Seth Thomas watch
and clocks,
best watch
world for the money.
In office evenings.
Real Estate and Insurance Broker
and Notary Public,
Broadalbin St., Albany, Or.
We have made arrangements to supply
money to all on long time at low rates of
Interest on improved f.unis and city prop
erty. Thsee who contemplates 'building
brick blocks or good brick business houses
can get money. See us.
WALLare& CltsiCK.
Made to Cut. When buying an axe
get the best, one that is durable as well as
harp, and the place to do It Is at Price &
Kobson a, who also have a hne line of
wedges, etc.
Get a Machine. And wnen setting
one lent De euner a uomesuc or uavi
Price Ac Kobson are agents for these
perior sewing machines and invite an in
spection of what they can do.
Large Immiuhatioh They are com
ing fast, from all quarters, anj are large,
plump fellows, oressed ready for a fine I
Sunday dinner. A large lot of chickens I
can be had at the Willamette Packing
loisiore. iau early.
Darins the recent flood on th. Hln.l.v
the housa belonging to a settler by tho name
of Shultze was washed aw.vjatid with it a
trunk containing a watch and clothing. The
trniik went ont to aea and washed up on tbe
beach but little the worse for the water.
Seattle alreadtr ood tains withia itself a
city of N O's. Tbe Presi saya that there
are fully 800 vagrants in that city. There
are 300 prostitutes, 75 professional gamb
lers and 4O0 people resides havinir Mno
visible oalling or basises to maintain them
Carpet lepartment
I have added about two thousand
dollars worth of carpets tb my
stock this spring. N'erf styles in
3 ply Ingrain tapestry and body
Brussels; also hall and -stair to
match, rugs, cocoa and napler
matllng, Remp carpet dlna mat
ting, etc. I have also connected
with my carpet department, lace
curtains and curtain nets, porlicrs,
window shades, wall paper. Iln
oleum, and Boor oil cloths. I
have and am receiving the largest
and best assorted slock in these
lines of any house this side of
Portland. These goods are all
on the second floor, where I have
them arranged so that buyer,
have very little trouble In select
ing what they want, plenty of
room and light. Thos. Monteith
has charge of this department
and will take pleasure In showing
the goods at anv time.
Smut. E. Youkc.
Opera House.
Monday, March 10th.
Grand Rc-opening of
Return oT tho Favorite Trap;edin.
Supported by an w.!jnt Company, in tha
beatiful romantic drama.
Gtneral admission, SO cjnti. Reserved
sti. o oenU. Soats now on s.lj at Black
Man's Drug btote.
Barrows & Hearts
D: y Boois, Notions, Dents Forn
ishlngsand BOOTS AND SHOES
Our stock of boots and shoes
ia now complete In all lines for
spring trade. We will save vou
money in buying of us. Ladies,
misses and children's fine shoes a
Blumbarg'a New Bloat.
Zaches & Son,
Montague - A Son,
UeaJern In
Groceries, Produce, Tobacco, ( -1ganu
toniccuonary, F.c.
Prodno. in x-h,ni, fr ; 0 , . h
prompt .tUi tion. TRY U8-