4y VOL. II. ALBANY, OR., SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1890. NO 253 :ii 'VJJSiify' TIS CHAMPION Rlo-d-m-.T'""!, AvcvV Mmnrmrllli. leads mi i !!! Vs ill ji-c I'wrlt. mill pnpulurity. It towi r. !u:lrovi Hie appetite, stroul' r'.u :'.c ixrvc.i, n'.i'l vital. zes tlia IKoni. ji; ! w'..at y-'H iiiti'.. Try It, I Bin s.-Vin-r y-nr p"-'l trrely. anil mora ii -Wei 'i -ir-.-ip:iri!l:l thaiu'f rill i1..t 1 . 1 , . l- ;rm,.: M!.-u. Avers CsrsapsnMa, lr--i.nr..l 1--. !'..!. C.Avcr&''o.,T.nwell.Mn.il V-i. v l ' ; s. - l.'itlki, tf- Worth i . boul. I 8ml stock of 2i.d ffiS roods lu the Val and the montreast laie prices, both In buying and soiling, i have on band it Kiaaa oi FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCKFRY, ETC., ETC. l door wast of S E Young's olt store, L. COTTLItBJ 123 First street, Albany, Or, mm Has just received his Spring stock of Clothing, Embracing a fine line of suits, which will bo sold at bottom prices. In order to make room for new goods will sell his large stock of Notions, etc., at A Great Reduction: The best place in Albany for bargains. KEEP POSTED. Boots and s'usm at coat at Read's. J. P. Wallace, Physician Mid Surgeon, Al bany, Or Just roeutyoil new ta1I liuen at W, F Read's. Good cooking store only $10 at IIopV: ts & Salttnarsh'a. Best roast coffee in the city at Conrad Meyers. J W Bentley. host boot and shoe maker in city, opposite bnrrmillor & frying s. Alargeand fine line of wiiidowshsd just received at Fort miller k Iryiug's. We have the best $1 50 kid glove ever brought to Aluaoy at W F Read's. Now is the ii jie to save money by buy ins; boots and shoes at cost of W. F. Read. A fine line of all kinds of furniture, plain and upholstered, bes stock iu this part of uregon at fort miner at Irving a. An elegant tine of silk table spreads. beautiful designs, just received at Fortmiller & irviug s. 5 cans Golden Star tomatoes for 50 cents at C IV ayers, and all other, cauned goods cheap or oasn , E.,F. Sox, Pres C.;H. Stbwabt, 8o Albany IRONWORKS Manufacturers of 1EAM ENCINES CRIST AND SAW WILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS AMD ALL KIMS OF HEAVY AND LICI! WORK, IN IRON AND B3ASS CASTINGS. ' Mpeoliil attention jald o (wiring U as o uiaouiner. HaUorns Made on Short Notict. Co arid Maver. STAi AAKEIIY Cnraer Brcalalbin ana First Sts., THE LEADER. THE LEADER G.W.SMITH, Spreading Oux.-Mr. Julius Gradwohl besides hi Urge crockery stock will now keep on hand a splendid line ot groceries of all kinds, giving our citizens many ad vantages they win be giad to secure, tie will make the prices so reasonable that our citizens will have an object in' catling onhlm for first-class groceries. The regular market price will be paid for all kinds of produce, ijive htm a call. ipeiw," "Argand," "Garland" SrOVES AND RANGES.. ,-DEALKB IN ' ai.net t'rnilH, Or!eu Fruit. Toltucco, WtiiCnr, Klc,, Canned .llenlx, fiiieermware, K It'll. Tea. Etc.. ." .ract owrvt'itn that Is kept In a sen 1 1 variety ami ;rrocr,7 "-re. HlnlioM A rkst prin raid for ftlASdlOSQF PRODUCE. THE E lym . mean oz.ll on Partce. Brothers, VNrfrc-! to John FKy for yomt G roeerles, Proliica, Baei Goods, Etc. Etc. TLairRoodc are the best and their prtcea reasonable. Wiley A.Kimsey, ALBANY, OREGON. ABSTBACTEE, Tht Only Complete Set of Abstract Books and Maps in Linn County. pfOtRot In the Court Hoaae,- Btulness 'entruited to me ahall' bar pcmpiand careful attentiun. FOSHAY & MASON, -TfiMii asa ritia Druggists and Booksellers, An ts4or John B. Alden'a pabUeaUooi, rntrn we aell at pubUaher'e prlrae Witt poetagcaiti'' ( ALBA XT. OHCVOt Fire bao'is. Warrant e d for 15 years, All sizes aa styles, The Woild'a best. More than hun dred 7 hun dred differ ent styles co ok s and heaters This Trade Mai k on a stov means It is the best that ex. perUnce and skill can con tnve. Hold only uy u. w bmltli. $ ROME UAItKKT lU Mlini, The repuhllcnn stlte central committee in its call, for a state convention say: "All voters who favor the republican policy of American markets fur the product of American labor," elc, are invited fo act with that party in th; coming election. This home market jibberish is a bigger humbug than Barnum ever imposed upon the American people. Every clttzcn is favor of a home market if it is a better mar ket than a fo-eign market, but be will favor (that is he will trade in,) a foreign market if it be better than a home market. Would the publican committee compel every American buy an.l sell in the American msrkets re gardless of ihe advantages offered him by buying anil selling in foreign markets? 1 hey 'ould not dare say they would, and ll they ould not, then all this sentimental flourish aliout the "home markets" is the sickliest kind o nonsense. The, American farmer has been promised the American markets for his pro-. ducts through the use of a high, protective tariff. Well he has always had it without re gard to the tariff. But what is the American market for wheat, corn. beef, and pork worth to the American farmer if it be not influenced by Ihe loreign market? Where is the market for the farmer's wheat, corn, flour, beef and pork if not foreign? Suppose the farmer had no other market for his wheat, corn, flour, beef and pork but the American markets? The price of these ait cles would fall at once below what they are now, ruinously low as they are. The foreign ma.ket seems to be the best mar ket the farmer has notwithstanding we have had a blessed high tariff for twenty seven years. Roofing-, Job Work, Plam'bing, Eave Trough. Range Boilsrs Conductor Pumps. Matthews & Washburn, Albany, Oregon, Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. Whor i are you going my pretty maid ? I am go ing to buy a Jewel Stove, she said. They give such good satisfaction that they make a home peasant, and with Anti-Rust Tinware all is joy. MATTHEWS A WASHBURN . .leading I'hotognlplif m Albany Oregon. We have bought all thenegativea made by L W CUrk and W II Greenwood op to Nov 15th. 1SS9. Duplicates can be had from hern only of us at reduced rates. We hav .l.n .bout lS OOO negative made by our selves, from which duplicates can be bad at Klin ratm. We earrv the oulv full line of views of this state aud do enlarged work at lowest rites for first class work. We shall be pleased to see yon at our htnrtio in froinan block, next door to Masonio Temple. A Shakp Itkm -The finest line of cut ery and shears In the city at Stewart So s. Their goods are the very best aid will stand the test. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS An Oregon 'yc!oiie. Pendleton, March 7. A special to the Tiibune from Wilbur station says The inhabitants of Wilbur station had the pleasure ol witnessing a regular Dakota vclone, w.-ich passed over about 1 o clock this afternoon, crossing Meacnam creek n a northeastlv direction, an J for a few minutes the heavens were clouds with trees and branches. Mmle Fun at It. Washington, March 7. The recent investigation made by the senate to ascer tain how the newspapers got hold of the secrets of execution sessions, was started by Senator Dolph. of Oregon, who Intro duced the matter and was made (chairman of the "inquisitorial committe." as it was called by the men on Newspaper Row. Of course the investigation has created no end of amusement and amounted to noth ing. The Best In the Country. Dr E S Holder. : The Ethereal Cough Syrup cannot be excelled in the market for the cure 01 cougtiR.coias ana oroncniai at fections, W M Boogs, Napa. Large size $1, small 50 cents, ror sale by U 0 Hubbard, druggist. Suitings That Suit. Mi W R Gra- ham, th tailor, has just received the Itrgest and finest lot of suitings ever brought to Albany, to which he wishes the men of Linn connty and vicinity to call and examine them and judge for them- seizes. They consist of an elegant line ot imported coous. ot the best quality, in eluding several new designs never befor brought here. A more popular line 01 fabrics it would be difficult to secure, and those wishing suits, or parts of suits made up in the latest style will do well to give him a call'. A Lire Lone Drmerrnf. North Yakima, March 6. Captain A F Hodges, an old pioneer, died this morning of consumption, at the residence of his son in law B Chapman, lie was born in Ohio Octohct 13,1817. IniS'he immigrated to Iowa, and the following year crossed the plains to Cregon, arriving in Oregon Ci ty in 1844, He worked at the carpenter's trade as contractor with Colonel Nesmith for several years. In 1549 nc returned to the feast by the isthmus, the'ce to New Orleans, where he purchased the machinery for the first line uf steamboats piacc u op ine upper vv'iianiette nver, wtiica he shipped by way of Cape Horn to Oregon. While Hast he was appointed superintendent of Indian affairs for Oregon, and in 1852 re crossed the plains to Oregon, Backlen'a Arnica Salve. The bot SxV t In the worM I'r Cuts.nm'se'.Swrn tMcer, S!t Ithuum, tver s .ro, I tter. Chap, hrnvls Chimin"., C-rn, ami all Ski- Knirrtiun. n,;l n.HiwvelycurcS'l'iln-.or n- iuv riiirl. H U i i aiitctvl to (fivB porlcut natiiUyli n, or money efjn.l mL 1'rica 25 cenv ir box. Fur by Koshnj- aiul Mit-sun. Honest Bargains AND GOOD TREATMENT AT C, E. BROWNELLS. aH lh mm, nftor count ing his ti.h, L have Saved Many Dollars By taking kcIvsmIuko of the low prieeH now being quoted by CE Toe Itelluiilc fc rarer Albany. City Drng Store. Ikmi SGusick Proprietors. Succepsors to Guisa fc Son. Dealers in drug?, medicines and chemicals.fancy andfoilot articles, sponges, brushes, perfumery ,Bchool and ar tistssuppiies. Physician's prescriptions accurately compounded. Unit Tka Drawing. We have just received our second Import order of ten chests of a pure ureolored Japan Ta called Unity, in order to sell these ttn r !" before our third order of tea cheats , in sixty da., we will give a prize -Ai'.n each pound and a number forchance at the capitat prize worth fifteen dollars. Willamette Packing Co. A Choice Variety Fine comb hon ev, all kind of syrups choice picklen in wood and In glass.pickled plirs feet, chow chow, in fact an endless vadutv of choice groceries at Geo C lfendersoi.'s. Give me a call, prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. Trices the lowest. Whbrkto GktThkm. When wanting an organ or ttiana call on G L Blackman where you 'in select from a first class stock. Latest Arrivals We have ju.t re ceived a fine lot of fine comb honey, cab bage, cellerv, orangr:, onions, maccarom, picitU", wuer krut, also candle, nut, cream cheese, Swiss cheese, etc. WlLLAMRTTB 1AC1CiNG Co. Babies. The finest line of baby cair 4gcs in t'ie Valley just n elved at Stewart k Sox's Prices are remarkably cheap con sideric! ;i e superior quality of the carri ges. ' A Wm.llnti Quarrel. Louisville, Ky., March 6, John Willis a man highly respected in McLean county.mar' ried Mrs Elite Pinks'on a couple of days ago. At the weil ding supper a discussion arose be tween them as to religion, and grew very warm things grew unpleasant and the company withdrew one by one, Mrs Willis became furious and refused to retire the bridal chamber Every entreaty failed, and the woman sat stock still in her chair until daylight. She then set out for her fcrrr.er home, refusing to be accompanied by anybody. The minister of har church has endeavored to get her to return to her husband, and the latter has offered never to mention religion again in her presence, but she refuses to entertain any proposition looking to reconciliation. Clitciigo Einul la It, Washington, Mure hi, 4,Wehav hud a satisfactory meeting," snid Chabm;n Chandler, of the house world's fair co-it mitlee to-night, after a conference1 be tween the committee and a delet'ittttm of Chlcagoans who arrived here to-day . "They have satisfied the sub committee,' he added "that they have a bona fide sub- ' Hcriplion of $5,250,000 to begin with,every . loiuir as gooj as can. 1 noy niso satis fied their ability to raise the 8 1 0.000,000 guaranteed by tihieago altogether. KidCIlovks. I have jut received an Invoice of the eeieorntcd I. Centemerl id gloves in black and colored. These with lite other brnntU 1 handle, Foster genuine hook and Our Own bnmd.inakes in assort in nt that ativ !al y can be suited in prices and quality. Thcne are all first class goods and warranted is rrpresentcd. & AM IP I. I'j, OUNU. Center Tahi.es. A Lire and elegant shipment of center tables, in new detdgnes finest Htock In the vallev, hint received a Tortmiller Irvins. Next. New and best place In town It Gilson's new barber shop In the Froman Block, next . 1 to Fortmiller & Irvine's. Beat b-r.er ... mwn. IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 holds Us regular meeting Wednesday evening of each wc:k. Visiting brothers are cordially nvHed to attend. New cream chwtm just received at Coirad Meyers. Ir. M. H. Kllis. physician aod nurgetit y I bany, Oregon, (.'alls marie it city 01 rutitr. . smoking is fast TuoOI! Xortl, iitam inirg o ulrity. All I nk is an hnns comparison of my prices with thrme of other driers, 0 K Hkowakll. A New Discovery- Hubbard's Head ache Capsules, They are a positive cure and fill a long felt want. Von want good olesn printing! Ofeonre von do! Then mva Paisley & Fish a Ha'. Satifction co a ran teed. On and rm pies and gis them a call anyhow. di9i- shoes, mens thM, misses ah oat ahildranssh'tes, mens boot, boys boots, at lew thn ooit to mait room for oth- ood at C K Browncll's. RAHY CARRIAGES AT srKWAKT A SOX Banc,- One of the lmeit lots of guns ind revolvers ever received in Albany are now in stock at Stewart A Sox's. Hun ters should call and see thp-r. and get price before buying. A Woman tHwnrery. "Another rn&rf"l A'ncnyery t:mt Iven tnida nd that Vuy Iwlrtn thl .xn tv. D'ataM fs im-mm it mnmw", out dm- vuaj nrvxn wra uixlermnifrl and doth tn to linminrM, For thr mot thi VpiM4h d .pi-cm antl nt.ti c i H niitilno. l.tr H-.twht i.t in lx.u:a ( lr (Un N-w DImoot. r fr (tianniptlon mini tw mi much rrlltnl on Vkhiiitr nr- A"- iiki ejr an 'uhi nl wits oii b-aile h n mil wulo'inly i-uitO. lr nam It $ l,ihr Lnu." TI-iM wilti W C Hxmrkk and Oi ,. .f cfw.il)', l.t tw trial tunic Ko-hi)- and Mu.ii1 Ihjs t-U,Te. a Sn-Ice tha clehrted livvis filled ci- an, rn nu icturd nf Jnhu .loph u cigar r'acr.'irv. Only A cnts. The Vrrdiet faafdmoni. W D nlt, Prn-relrt, Btrti. Intl.. tNtl(1si "1 ".n rvcuuirnend Klectr ItitUrs the rtry mt One man tmik six bnitlee, tH m cured oil rht-DOimium hi i'i ' uiming. ' a hrahani Hare, IrntcriM, Iteltvllle, Ohio, atflniie : Th beet eeaUita: medicine I have eer banslled In mjr W ymn' es wrleuM, la KUrtfie Hitters. ThxuMnd ol other have auMed trdr tealiaiotiy. en that the renh unanimout Oiat Ela-.-tne Bltleea do cure all diaettea a 'he Liver KMnera or BiinnI, Only a half drlhr ImtUa at Puahay and Wason's Driif Store, . 1 PAISl EY & FISH, JOB PRIHTEPS, ALBAJ1Y. ;,' (