Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 03, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Not democrat! alone are protesting a
giinst the scheme of the majority of Mc
Kilney's committee to Increase the tariff
taxes. The Ttlegrafh of Philadelphia, a
very staunch republican paper.has the fol:
lowing to say:
Among the other industries which are
absolutely controlcd by a close combina
tion or trust, is that of plate and window
glass manufacturers. Last eek this trust
met and advanced the prices of all its
manufacturers jo percent. A day or two
later the committee on ways and means
announced thioughthe newspapers that l
had agreed to advance the duties on plate
and waidow- glass. If the committee had
been a partner with the Plate and
Window glass Trust it could not have done
no more than it did. The present ad va
lorem duty on window-glass is from 66.04
'o 13' 35- on plate-glass it is from 77 to
144. Such a duty would certainlv be
thought oy any reasonable mind high
enough; but the Plate and Window-glass
Trust and ways and means committee are
resolved that,'if possible, it shall be made
prohibitory, 1 thing most dilluult to do,
as the French article is so much superior to
the American as to render its use necessary
to picture and mirror dealers. They must
have the clearest glass, no matter what it
That the present duty is high enough,or
too high, will not; be disputed, we think, by
any one who nits noticed trie suit tor an
injunction heard by Judge McKennan and
Achesoo in tSe United States Circuit
Court at Pittsburg, the other day, to re
strain the Pittsburg Plate Glass Company
from issuing $750,000 capital stock to J It
Ford vV Co. The evidence submitted to
the 1 n.irt showed that at a meeting of the
con ,aiy, held at Creighton on the 29th of
JaiK.ary last past, it was officially an
nounced that the net earnings on the capi
tal of $2,750,000 amounted in 1SS9 to 35
per cent. Regular dividends of 23 per
cent, were paid during the year, and at the
meeting of the 29th ultimo a special divi
dend of iijf per cent, was declared, which
represents a net profit of $962,500. Fur
ther, trie official report stated that the plate
glass industry was exceedingly flourishing,
tile Company's sevetal works being pushed
lo their utmost capacity, and the orders
alriady received for 1890 would make the
profits much larger than those of 1SS9. A
year ago the actual value of stock of this
company was $1,4245,000, and it was then
increased to represent its present value,
namely, $2,750,000, on which dividends
f percent, were paid as the earnings
of a single twelvemonth.
The pie crust of meat or chicken pies
should always be psrforated before baking ,
to allow thd escape of noxious gases gener
ated within.
A retired plumber thus gives a point for
the gratuitous relief of householders:
"Just before retiring at night pour Into
the clogged pipe enough liquid soda lye to
fill the "trap" or bent part of the pipe.
Be sare no water runs in It until the next
morning. During the night the lye will
Convert all the offal into soap, and the first
current of water In the mernlng will wash U
away and clear the pipe clean as new."
Doorplalcs should b: cleaned by rubbing
with a cloth wet in ammonia and water.
If brooms are soaked in strong, hot salt
and water before using, the splints will not
break in sweeping.
Almonds are blanched by pouring water
over them after they are shelled; when
they have remained for a few moments in
the water they on be rubbed In a soft
towel, and the skin will slip off the kernels
leaving them whn and entire.
A resturant-keeper sayt celery wants to
e In cold water an hour before It ts
To brighten carpet wipe them with
warm water In which has been poured a
few drops of a mmonia.
To cure hiccoughs, sit erect and inflate
the lungs fully. Then, retaining the
breath, bend forward slowly until the chest
meets the knees. After slowly rising a
gain to the erect position, slowly exhale the
breath. Repeat this process a second, and the nerves will be found to have
received an excess of energy that will en
able them to perform their natural
If you dip the wicks of lamps In strong,
hot vinegar, and then dry them, It will do
away with most of the disagreeable smell.
If the color has been taken out of silks
by fruit stains, ammonia will usually re
store the color.
An easy method of removing bits of
foreign bodies from the eye Is to place a
grain of flaxseed under the lower lid, and
close the lids. Vhe seed becomes sur
rounded by a thick, adherent mucilage,
which entraps the f 01 clijn body, and toon
carries it out from the angle of the eye,
Grease spots may be taken out with
weak armnonla In water; lay soft white
paper over, and Iron with a hot Iron.
Th Best in the Country.
Dr E 8 Hnlden ! The Ethereal Cough
Syrup cannot be excelled in the market for
the cure of coughs,colds and bronchial af
lections. W M Boons, Napa.
Large ?ize $1, small 50 cents. For sale
bv II C Hubbard, druggist.
The Farmer's Alliance of Kansas hat
prepared a great number ot petitions ask'
Ing the governor to call an extra session of
the legislature. Owing to failure of the
crops, the people In the western part of the
state are suffeilnggieativ, and are liable to
lose their all. Most of the farms are mort
gaged to eastern capitalists, and the legis
lature is petitioned to pass stay laws pre
venting the ousting of uccupante of mort
gaged propeity without giving them to
years time to redeem it. Other petitions
ask that railroads be compelled to lower
their transportation rates.
It has been asserted that chewing wood
en toothpicks sometimes produces small
ulcers in the mouth, and that even the
stomach has been slmilary affected by the
action of the small particles of wood de
tached bv chewing.
Made to Cut 'When buying an axe
get the best, one that is durable as well as
sharp, and the place to do it is at Price &
Robson's, who also have a fine line of
wedges, etc.
.1 i k v. l. . . . L . 111
1 uuo ib ueioi'j giv.u nidi lurra will
be a meeting of toe Stockholders of the
uun follows Hall liuiiiling Aoxociatlo
held at tbsir office in ilhanv. Oreiron.on
Monday, the lilth day or March, le'.H), at
the hour of 7 o'olook p m ot said dy, for
the purpose of electing seven directors to
serve the ensuing year.and for any other
business that may come before said
This tho 6th day of February, 1NW
E A. Parker, President.
tice is hereby given that the annual
nesting of the stockholders of the Al
bany Street Railway Company wl'I be
held on Wednesday, March 5th. 1890, at
the hour of 7 o'clock p ui of said day, at
the office of the secretary of said coinpa
ny. the same being at the real estate of
fice ol Burkhart A Keensy on First street,
in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, for the
purpose of electing seven directors to
serve for tbe term of one year neat ensu
ing from said meeting and until their
suocessots are elected nod qua lflsd, and
to transact such other business as may
legally come before-said mee.lug.
Dated February 19tb, 1890.
C Q Burkhart,
ANNUAL MEKTiKO. -Notloe Is here
by ilven that tbe anauai meeting of
the stockholders o the Albany Building
Association will be held at the Opera
House In Albany on Menday.Marou 17th
1890, at 7:N p m, for tbe eleoUkn of i.irec
ton and auah othar business as mar
eome before tbe masting.
Dated Feb. 18th, 1800,
W F Rbad,
W 0 TwaEDiLK, Secretary,
tice is hereby given to the legal vot
ers of School Distriol, No 5, Linn county
Oreiron. that tbe regular aannalacbsol
meeting ofs-ld school dittr ot will be
Del a on Monday, tne 3rd any of Msrcn.
1MH at the hour of 7 o'elock p m of said
aay, at tne uourt nouse, in tne eity 01 ai
ban j, Linn ooun&, Oregon, for toe pur
pose of bearing tne reports of the dlroo
tors and clerk of t aid school district, and
so levy a tax for the support cf th
schools for tbe ensuing year. Also fe
tbe purpose of levyidg a tax for the pu r
pose of paying Interest on the bonds o
said school distr'otand for the transac
tiou of any other business that may te
gaily oome tuf ire said meeting.
By order of the Board of Directors.
Dated February Htn, 1890,
Johh Fosrat, Dist Clerk.
Char, Board Directors,
Bur Albany Prdpisty first and last
and all the time, yet if men must and will
buy Astoria lots and acre property alwajs
buv the best and nearest to water front and
r h N docks and that addition is Klnnev's
addition to Astoria, tbe nearest by one mile.
While we have lots ana acre property In
nearlv all the additions and acre tracts near
Astofia,wlll be pleased to quote prices and
terms on all and each cl tnem.
Ok egos La.od Co.
SCHOOL ELECTION.-Notice ia here
by given that the regular annual
school election in School District No 8,
Linn eounty, Oregon, will be held at the
Central school bu. loins in said school
district, on Monday, tbe lOih day of
oiarsn, low, lor sue purpose or electing
one director to serve three years and one
olerk 10 serve one year. 8-tid election to
negin at z o'ciock p m. ana continue un
UI o'elook p, m. of said day.
ay craer 01 toe Doara or directors,
listed February 14th, 1890.
C G Burkhart,
John FosrtAT, Dist Clerk.
Char Board Directors,
Partnership Dissolution.
Notice Is hereby liven that the lata firm
of Zsches Bros, composed of Frank L and
John B Zacees has been dissolved. Frank L
Caches retiring, rue business in the latere
will be conducted coder the firm name of
Zaoass k Son. All parties indebted to the
heretofore existing eo-partoenhip will plsase
can sna disks satwsetpry settlement.
Joan B ZAcaas,
Fbakk L Zaobbb.
The nndersi lined hereby announces to the
public that he haa sold his grocery business
to Mr Montague & Son. wbo come well
recoin mended. and will oontinae the business
at the old corner. Tooae indebted at the
store will please oaN and settle.
very reapectmuy,
J M Bard.
Albany Nurseries.
We are permanently located on the ol
Cllne homestead I mile from Albany on
Cory al lis road, and hare on band a large
stock or
Choice Fruit Trees
ftf stir n-Ylt ornwintf. tt Ah mm a-lfl .t tk
owest I.tidh rates.
Parties contemplating planting should
rrn.uis .neir interests sy examining o
stock sad prises before pnrchssing.
Htm ah & Brow hull,
Albany, Oregon.
spoil your
Korrec Shape,"
if jroo .u perfection in
til Ir,J:n Irn COmB
M.d tj discomfort
ill alwav-war the
it is a know IcOfe'ed a the sa -at
tstnj'ortssU U) Anl srranay Bud
u ety'iei gvnUoasMa' abiN
QUiIa Id the Her I J,
Tb Burt & Pnckord
shoe ' mvr titan ait)
otuir UnaaLM tietioA '
ftt if ' to, AllasyUaln
latid-iruMtt, Hwtl Well, at..!
Barnwell; ftjao IV) v' tnil
Yen-nTi. If not lold tr jri-ut
eWlet Brad U nam and yum
tWTI (.. hl't st feAlifJ,
Wear the Burt & Packard" Korrect Shape. '
Keeps tho leading stock of
Clothing, Gents Furnishing
Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots
and Shoes, Wet Weather
Goods and the Leading Tail
oringl Department,") in the
Choice Candy, Nuts, Froit, etc.
Dealer in
Choice Groceries
Miphtv Drnwth the last tea vearg into orti of tbe woiM's crest cities it
without a narallel. No 1 eo on now portny bej rmo'.rOH-t or iIih oonkinued
prosperity that the years of the futnr will pur into her
World Renown Harbors
And her Scenic sho.e linra on Likos and Sound 1 Nnvr Iihs the Hand of
Nature bean sj lavish in her gifts to mike the
World's Last Great City.
Koine, on her sevru hills, ws as nolhinir M SEATTLE'S SNOW
CROWNED OLYMPICS on the N,.rtS n.l West; CASCADES on tbe
Enst and South, and from those mighty bulwarks of hi'slih, energy, inspir-tion-gkirg
thereariaes the Mighty MOUNT KAIKIKU. u-w-a-y above
very competitor ca tbe rjciho, rewinding one of
At the base, which, in another soirs of yenrs. will lum in POPOL VTION
every oity on the Paaifie ;he World' oooau.
The Wassom Addition
Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac
co et. ; i
Ixw Prices and Prompt Attention.
Mi of its mmm.
Every lot in foil view of Mount Rainier and Lake 'WashioBtoa; On
railroad; at depot; adjoining Bavenna Park; an electrio railway aa soon as can
be oompleted to it; half dozen fine residence already tinder oontraoton Ad
dition; 25,000 Female College to be opened Snptemosr, 1890.
Ta tbe Plaoe where men and women of Monet and Sense and Refinement
will make their homer and why?
The College, the Mineral Springs, Ravenna Park, the view of Monnt Rainier
I which is grander here than anywhere elsa on Puget Soutd. it for no other
reason , would make it moat desirable.
In Seattle a Mighty city is build iog. Take hold cf the belt while
yen hare a chance at Lowest Prices,
To the Pioneer, a word t
Why did yon oreae the plains? Why did yo take your life and that
of otbore in your hands and come to the Coast? What pen tan write the
hiaiory? YotJ have conqueied this land made the growth cf great cirles im
perative and the amassing of collosssl fortunes, almost in a day, possible.
Now, by the investment of a few thousand, or hundred dollars, you may
reap the harvest that belongs to yen. Will jou do it? Tbe greatest eor
porations, tbe ablest financiers ef Europe and Amerioa are investing thou
sandsnay, millions, in Seattle. Will you not invest? Tour ehanoe ii
NOW. Seize it, I have t 60 aore tract, an 80 and two 40 aora tracts.
Only a few left cheap; ripe for platting, any one of whioh will make yont
fottunetn aihorttime. Buy quick. I can't duplicate them.
Rev. J. R. Kirkpatrick is among J on and the Sole Agent for
In Oregon. Call on him at once.
I will bo in Albany in a few days and wiil remain only a day. I
Would be glad to meet you peraonslly and urge yon to j .in 11 a in tbe mstetia
upbuilding of Seattle, the Queen City of the' Pacific. When in Seattle, be
sure and call at Room 343 Heattle Block, where I will take genuine pleasure
in shewing1 yon tbe city.