E DAILY DEMOCRAT. Evsnins Janaarj 24, 1819 NIlTfUU, Kllur and PublliUtrt. i(fBt;ttIITIONT KATES. r ourUr I4r wo&k H .. r Tuir -.... r h .ow 9 a In Put 0 :o at Albany. Ci x aoco ml -class mall mattor. CL KtiCOIM) r - isLKT. There promises to be a i.irge I to morrow night to witness Banc'- I, In the famous play of Hamlet. It Soften our citizen have an opportnr tr .. ...... - ... WllllCSS BO Ulllllieill 1111 n.tifi i" plav, Shakespeare' masterpiece, In tills plav that Harpers Magazine b if his acting as effective and power Hamlet Is an Intensely interesting it In Itself anil is full of (rood parts. Hamlet alone ; but Horatio, Laertes, ilia, I'ollonlus, the grave diggers, the t,?thi King nil attract an liicieaslng itlon. It is certainly a treat to see list, particularly when 60 well cast as natronp. Jck Rahhit Hunt. Umatilla coun. iqbw storm was a mild aIT.nr as a jack kfcl killer compared to the following ST.tlic I'llnevllle News : "A match ,?li:ctirred on Thursday of this week "Ben Ora Prdndcxter and olin Tem sYon one side, and Perry Poindexter Oave Stewart on the other side. The went together in one vehiclc,l.cslie trpool actintr as wagon master. Ora xter killed o lack rahtms and his r, John Templeton, killed 41. Dav.e t killed cj rabhits,wliilc lus partner, Poindexter, killed 43. The four S it will be seen, killed 191 rabbits. 1 this a masterly day's hunt." .day Night. The Salem Journal as follows about the Russell-cwcll klo be here Monday night : "Those Qid not attend the performance of iiood" last night by the Russell-Jew. nil atlc company will tegrct it exceed. flvvhen they learn to. day that It was. the very best dramatic performances liven before a balcm audience, in f particular was it first class. There (no sticks for actors, every man and n In the caste being so far above the ry as to be teamed fine." f, K Willamette Valley has had snow h this winter for good sleiehlng and igh cold weather to make good ice for Rummer's use. That's about what had here. Pilne.llle News. they had enough snow in Dakota lelghlng and Ice to put up. But there iffcrent degrees of these things, and Ugrec in the valley is very small, so that we didn't catch the ride,nor see put n,. An old Crook county man he never knew a Prlneville paper to th Initial nhniit th U fntl,r ft ... T is Rotten. The members of the m rican Building anJ Loan assodotion Albany, have now abandoned pay HRs in the same. 35 shares of stock held here and 277 was naid to the . The members think they will &175 back. The association lias been m up to be verv rotten and lias been Ion a vlllanlous plan, and there is talk pprcssing it. 1 he truth is the plan ut me same as nil national associa R, and It is not safe to invest In any of 1. ueal only with local associations, 11 are known to be safe. KK.1L esTlTK IEV W E Prlct to Walter A McUhce, lots 1, 2 and 3,bl 1, Price's A to Sodaville S 150 M 1 llogan to Henry anJ Celia Stewart, 50 acres.tp 11, S R 4 w. 1250 M E Earrell to A K Krumrcx, parcel In bl 4.1, It's 2nd A 500 F III Kedfield, guard.to M E Farrell, lots 1, 2, bl 23,11 's 2nd A 1750 Arthur Beard to John M Beard, lots 8, 9, bl 4, Beard's A.Tangent. . . 8o Cynthia Trltes et hi to W C Twee dale, Iv quarter lit 56, Albany . 1 550 W r Read and A A Rhodes ti Al bany Mining and Milling Co, milling claim ivlnany ledge.... 10 A B Woodin and R Brown to Al bany Min. & Mill Co Mountain Queen Co B M Huston to Albany Mill it Mill Co, Morning Mar cl 11111 10 M Cowan etnl to Albany Min& Mill Co Willie Prince 10 Josle H Trinmerman to llewett A: Ilrvant various lots and tracts in Sclo Gcoo Arthur Heard to John M Beard, halt 01 lot 10 bin 4 tieards ad to tan gent 50 l)J Hayes to (i II l'entland tract in I'nloey c,o W I Vnwter to (jertrude II l'entland tracts In llalsev Same to same, Mountain King Min. ing claim C E Brownell to Albany Miuingand Milling Co, I'lclipse mining claim35,ooo A 15 woodin ct al to.same ns above, Bonanza Min. claim W V Read et al to, same as above, F.venlng Star claim A Rhodes et al to.samc as above, Abe Lincoln Lode John McChcsnev et al to, same as abov?, Monarch Min claim.... 3.vOOO C L lirownell to ohn McChesncy, etal, Queen of the (Julch 35.ooo J Rand II Kirkpatrickto II C Klep per.lots 3, 4,bl 2,K's A.Lebanon 350 Sarah A RibeliiitnCfertrudc II Pent land tracts in HaUev 5 J L Cowan to J M Ralston etal tract tn blka Albtny S010 T II Goodman to John Uebenport 8? acres tn 9 S R I E Mary .Saltmarsh etal to J P Wallace lot 2 blk 2 IS Add to Albany.... 4572 B F Zeiler to Susan Zeiler tot 1 Ac 2 blk 10 In Peoria 300 John Uebenport to T P Goodman 75 acres In In n a K 1 u.. ...... Eva Smith to M A Miller,lot 7,bl 15, Ralston s 2nd A to l.eb Stat-; to Peter M C'arv.N w qr of N WIIOl.KSAI.K HTKAI.INO. Two Dr.iluG Iris lloli their Employers. About three months agj two girls, Hat tie and Kate Mattoon came frein Drain Station to Albany and secured places to work in private familiei, for some reason or other only working a short time in each place. Among other places they worked for Capt Phillips in Benton county, CA Curr.in, F M French and F J Miller. A couple weeks ao Haiti home and did so at once. She was then woiking for Mr Miller and her sifter was then at .ir French'. On hei going home Kate took her place at Mr Millers, kavlng Mr French's for the purpose. Last Satur dav Kate, on short notice, left for lier home al Drain, leaving two trunks at M Millers, one a new one recently purchased and made arrangements for Mr Miller to forward tliein on Monday. Sunday M diller failed to find any of her gloves, and investigation misled several tilings. Suspicion Immediately fell 011 the Mat toon'giils, and the trunks were o.icned IntlJe tlnee complete suits ol Mrs Millers clothe were found, also a beaded 6ack ;old locket, books, gloves, etc, In all of the value of over S150, and a large quantity of thhiL's not belonging to them. Mr French notified. Not suspecting anylhln; wrong lie had notutscovercu any losses.anu hence was surprised to find in the trunks, dresses, crockery ware, jewelry, children's nlav thines. etc. belonging to his wife and children, and still several rings, jewelry, clothes, etc, remaining in ine trims, ine property of others they nau worieu. ior, the two trunks being pacKcu iuii 01 aiuien property. Among the eftccts were sever al letters from Ilatlie to Kate, in which whRn.lvlsed her to steal everything, she could, mentioning different things, anion: others a niece of flannel for their org some b.mks, as the ones she hail at home im.ru inst snlendul. etc. as quite a num ber of additional things bave been missed it is probable Ilatlie took them home with her. As a sample of the brazenness of the ,.irls on irolnir home Ilatlie told Mrs Mil ler that she had five white skirts on, and aske.1 her If they looked hunchv. On being told that they did she tjok off some of them, and they " were nearly all Mrs E qr sec i6,tp 13, R 2 w 50 MHIr. . u acwum m u.c iC.., s- United .States to C C Harmon Patent the gtns 11 wa oeciueo noi .0 .y Hausenian's 2nd A to Brownsville. . Filed they are not.the only ones in Drain privy to the transactions. The case is an unfor tunate one. but the Democrat is here to give the news, and as it gets it from head quarters the tacts can De rcucu on. HOMK A.M) A IlltO A l Hamlet Saturday oiglit. Sea ad of II C Parmer in another column. Ixlies all wnol snarlct uaderweir. 75o., B&H. Bahifls CainviU mrico isnA at Borrows & Searls. (Jond nvening Havo jou rieil Hu boards Elegant Lotien For ilontristry try Dr Wagenncr over th Linu Coanty Bank. Mr John Wills, of Miliars, has moved on C E ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. Great Dramatic Event! ONE NIGHT ONLY .WoadHf, January 27th, Russell Jewell -Dramatic Co Total $16,741 Great Men Secure". The Salem Journal Is to be run in a metropolitan style. It has just secured an editor in cbicf, Ernst Hofer, who comes with a rec. ommctidation from Senator Allison of Iowa as ne of the leading young men and journalists of lowa,and A F Hofer, jr.,who has the recommendation of the great and only J S Clarkson. Mr Mitchell will be city editor. It is really a strong team, The above reminds the writer that when he came to the Coast several years ago he had six or seven soaring letters of Intro. ductlon from some Eastern Honorables to Stephen J r ield and some of the other boys. The Bsndman Combanv arrived in the citv this noon from Ev.jene, ready for busl nH tn-mnrrnw inline, lu me meantime tliov will view the aiihta in our beautiful oity. Will It Stop The Marshal has very properly ordered the Celestials to quit sel ing lottery tickets to white men, but if anybody thinks that white men will stop buying tickets In Chinese lotteries they will find themselves mistaken. 1 hey have been doing it for years here and elsew here He felt so small beside the recommenda- I and will probably continue to, using more tions that he locked them up and they are I cauton. So far as this goes thoiigh.gamb- " . ' "'""k. u li"g gambllng.whether done in . saloon fiftv vears old he approaches the hub he'll lacing four aces.or in a Chinese den facing publish them. It is a great deal better to I spots, or facing spots on little cubes any go up, even like a snail, than to offer a wnere or putting dollars into Louisiana chance to go the other way. Of course, ... . . , ik Census. The census takers will 11 business June tst. It will require n or eight men In Linn county, nnd al y sevcial are ambitious to be the ones f do the work. It will of course be of importance that thev be men who tliorouirli and reliable. As thpilm I ny here and the census will ho rustic, rill be in order not to iln mii hr,fciin.. hil after its completion, and then some :iimes snoum nave their excuses well pared. 1 ILL HE 1-IIKRK S.lliml.lV l..!,. itlng of the Boan' of Director, nf it,. kVa ""d South Coast Railroad was the t Important tiat has been held yet.and results attained were greater than cvei miu.1 naiiuiur cxpecreo. Jt is now n that the road whl be here br th feontracted .September, 1801. for'WIl. itn Reld has agreed to give bonds for Iti tipletto.l. Transcript. Pll.Proportioned. Patti gets Ss.ooo r.'gtit for singing, and many men thin msclycs fortunate if they can get that pount in ave yenrsand It take many te jirs to earn it. Qne night to ten years umerence Is to.-) great : b.it It ilh.s ) wnat a peculiar world this Is. VND.VTCiiicKiis.i. We have a fin I of dressed chickens f.ir your Su:i'.!.iv hner, Leave your orders eirlv and se Ire the best. Willamette Packinc Co A tr.llT tlitr 1 -..f tA U, ne line of saws and carnenters tool. "Ce .V H r.M. 1V...I.... 1.. 1.... I, , 1 11; u.-i; 111 indiKei I' nnccsthe lowest. ' tmsl yasy s AnniTios. 54 lots In this aJ l 10 ibanr. ne.ir Ih-tlnn,.', ir, i., . - " " ranY'M" ;50tf.$ll5.10t, 'UUICIIII 1. IjOW Tiriees are vlir.t cmiata and Brown sIIj u the j.-!;ice t ct them. Yon cm 8iye many a fliinc by trailing !I C Hnhbarilt v.cv 'inistoro. Try it. .Sauerlirmit, ,i:ltlc?, pickltd pius fet and everythim: nie at C K Urowntils. KrfW England eoadi;n-td minc-i meat at F L Kor.tor. , lit 15 c-ji.ts u package. Atk to s.'fl oar Hnlroi l Kriijinoer tthoe ,','ond Hcc.rn.-hMirl oran f-r silo cheap At iho Art tn-lio oyer Ijinu bounty Itank Tlio!e deirinu di-hes or lamita can tind a bargain at Ja Ktucfat & Tiicmipaona. Choice Sicily lemons, diied Italian pruuea peacr.C'S etc, at L-alorist & Inumpsuntf, A ball in to ba u'wtn at Ibinon tc-uuhr. ana atverai wui auuna trom ttua cny. The WesUin Newsman of Chicaan has picturo of h yamutl.-i. of the Wjestt Shore in IIS laZfi 189 uv. Several iik rabbits, not often seen in Al bany, have been on sale to day &t Wilson & liosijuet market. Mr Aug. Krechter, of Orccon Citv. is in tne city wun view to opening cigir lac tory and stand. Mies Cornelius, of Portland, who has been visum? several flays wsth her neter, Mrs 1. Van Hora, has returned home. A social dance was given at tha arm or V ia3t nint Dy u m Kicharil s dancing class. at wu.cn a very enjoyahto time was had. MrThomra Brink is arrancine'lhe ceeond atory 01 ma diouk ior an uiHltrta.nui; room, and will soon keep a btoclt of goods in that line. An Eastern Star Chaptor lodtje is bics oigfnied here in connection with the Ma Konic lodire. It admits both men and vo men lesreraay aiternoon an o'ercoat was stolen irom tne uregon 1'acHio whart by an unknown tnter, it belonged to Wm Martin ine agent. A fine line of import id and domestic clears and tobacco and tobaccouut goods, t o rirowns exclusive cigar and tobacco store. opposite the Revere House. Call cn him for a ileasant smoke. Miss Susie Fannin 2 late of the East Ore gon ian force, leaves to-morrow for Albany to reside in the tutu re. lier many mends are loin to b.d her a hnal farewell, and hop she may conclude to return to Pendleton ii the not far distant future Pendleton E. U, C M El kins, of Piineville, who was in th city a few weeks aco, caught the mumps ma brother, Collins, and Immediately return. ed home and had in doors to prevent their spread; but they leaked out, ana at least a dozen people were soon numing mumps Mr G M Warren, of Spring Valloy.Minn., a next door neighbor to the parents of tho local editor of the DBMornA'a, and an old time fiiend of Cashier Lanedou of tho First National Bank, i in this city on his way to California. Mr Wat ren came by way of the Canadian Pacific. Koep Your Eye on d. BE ARDSLEY'S Column. In the r,futiful drnir-a In five acta, LYNWOOD" Por liter Mli-rn! 25. SO'snd TS cm!. Seats on sale at Illack man's. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, JLr0fIlc in Strahan's Block, So's 1 and 2. ALBAHY, OREGON. M0NF.Y, CHEAP MONEY, We have made arrangements to supply money to all on long time at low rates of interest on improved f.irms and city prop erty. Thsce who contemplates building brick blocks or good brick business houses can get money. See us. Wallace & CrsicK. JAKES P. MEAD, Attorney at Law and Title Examiner, ALBANY OREGON. Will practice in all the courts of the State. Abstracts of Title furnished on short notice- Ten years experience. of DR. M. J. PATTONy Physician and Surgeon, BLUMBERQ'S BLOCK. Female diseases a spscialty. dm be found in the office day and night. Agent for New Zealand Ins. Co. Capi tal. $5,000,000. Fire andMarlne Insurance written. ALBANY PROPERTY. A good buy. Pusiness property on Sce ond St., in one of the very best blocks '.1. town. This is the same block where tho most extensive improvements are to be made in the spring. This property is the only frontage in the entire block that can be had at any price. This Is the best offer in business property In the city and will soon go at the price I am asking. Call at the office for particulars. Farm property at all prices and in differ, ent localities. Improved lr.mls can sell on easy terms. 160 acres ior $1 ioj. 104 acres for $Soo. 160 acres in the coal belt $7 per acre. 55 acres on Coos Hay, $5 per acre. Cheap lots in Albany. Residence lots both improved and unimproved. Lot 50X 100 in Pipe's addition. This lot faces town and Is a bargain at $iSo. Lots in Hurk hart's and Goltra tark addition. If you are looking for Investment in Albany proper ty come and see me. Two cottages for rent, $S each. ASTORIA PROPERTY. Lots in the RAILWAY ADDITION to Asto rifc. This property is situated just one mile and a quartci from the very center of Astoria and is practically inside proper ty. This addition has been on the market but a very few weeks and is new nearly all sold, parties in Astoria investing to a large amount. The prices for these fine lots is $85 for inside lots and $100 for corn, ers. These prices will positively be raised on February 1st to $100 for inside lots and $115 for corners. Now for sale on the in stallment plan. $20 down and the balance at $5 per month Call quick and select the finest, only a few left. Call and com pare locations. Acre property in Astoria for sale. Am agent for the Astoria Real Estate and Trust Co., of Portland. This compa ny makes a specialty of Astoria property, arid if you desire to Invest in this city by the sea.it will pay you to call and examln my list. though, the (Infers will keep ascending as far as the ladder will permit, jsol many rungs left though. agency here. The history of gambling is interesting. H was done thousands of years ago and has never been stopped yet. and whenever one neaa 01 11 is tui o an other like the fabled monster springs out again. Of course it is wrong : but no one Nf.ver Saw It. The Statesman's dis cussion of the bridiic question has awaken cd Albany and she is already talking of na8 c.er iearned how to stop it. nuuuing a uriuge across 111c uiuuicilc. The Democrat looks longingly at saicms At Tiik Asilum.-Caleb Davis, Dnuire anu pronounces 111c oiaiciiiu 1 c-1 . . . . , ..!.,. ... . . ... . I nmnofr nf c2 otpil nt the Insane asylum on marks on t he subicct as Deinu -ary ana 1 - cvnical" aud says Albany is actually not Jan. 21, at the age of Ooyeais. The de jealous of Salem's magnificent prosperity. I ceased was taken there from Pleasant Hill, p Contents riyi T'iyr. bharles la Crownell. If voa have anv lob wcrk to do call on G V. Smithwho is linn ,d to do it with neatness aud disna.-K tnd as cheap as any. on. ALBANY.'.OR. WRITSMAH & HULBEB.T BROS., Real Estate Agents, Farms and Ranches fur sale. Also city property in Albany and.-Cryallis. Good, The truth is, a free bridge would he a grand thing for Albany. Salem Statesman. As a matter of fact we do not think the correspondent In the Democrat ever saw the States.nan's bridge discussions. That paper s!vmld have its hands full of taking credit for Salem's prosperous movein every idea of progress among Its neighbors You'd better go to work on the railroad subscription before it dies entirely. .'nor. If. I. 1 almkr a conservatory 01 A Queer Incident. Some time ago Music, lwredale s block, f Irst street, Al ive mentioned the fact that about forty or bany, Oregon, opened January joth, 1890, fife nnH hnvs w ere seen throwlnir The course of instruction will consist of "v - - - 1 Lane county about two years ago. Mr Davis resided In Linn county for several years. Ills son J lavis, 01 iiarnsourg. took the body yesterday to that citv for burial. The deceased was at one time a man of considerable means, but he went as security for several of his friends, and thev failed, and he lost all he hud. lie ents without claiming credit for grieved over the matter until his mind be- three times and the father o twelve chil dren, e'even of whom survive him. stones at a wild duck near the depot, that same duck was killed yesterday, one of the boys hitttng him on the head with a stone, and in his craw was found a medal on which was Inscribed the following The sotier krout just received by the Willam ette Packing Co is the best. Don't fai1 to try It classes forplano,organ, harmony and voice culture. There will be a normal class and diplomas furnished to teachers. Students graded to Insure equality In rendition. Prol Palmer's Is the only'recognizfd sue. cessful system known for a thorough musical education. Send for circulars and references. Office hours 1 to 3 . m. Money Paid. This afternoon T J Stitcs Recorder ot Safty Lodge No 13 A O U V of this city turned over to Mis Mary El len llm rls. widow of the late J J Dorris, deceased, a warrant for $2000, being the amount of death loss paid by that order on ine death ol a member. Kid Gloves. I have just received an invoice of the celebrated P. Centemerl kid cloves In black and colored. These with the other brands I handle, Foster genuine hook and Our Own brand, makes an assortment that any lady can be suited in prices and quality. These are all first class goods and warranted as represented. Samvfi. E. Yocso. Makrlr Business. Mr S A Riggs, of Ailem.has been in the city settling up his tomb stone business, which was run here by J A McDonald. Mr Riggs has sold his stock to Eagcn k Achcson, two rust ling young men.wlio will conduct it here, after. Special Meeting. There wll' be a special meeting of Albany Lodge No 4. 1 O O F, on Saturday evening at 7 o'clock sharp. Work in degree of Friendship. Team members b on har.d promptly. Cstled mei-tin at the Opera IIoae a 8 o'cl ck f.r coasi.lerini the Orphans Horn o be bailt by the l.idiea aid Society. A Verdict That the grand display of eat, ornair.cntal baskets, each containing one pMind of choicest tea, at IjiForest .V Thompson's, is the finest Importation ever Drought t3 Albany. This tea Is basket lired, pure and of rich flavor. 'Ve olfer it at the aKtcnlihly low price ot 40c Made to CrT. When buying an axe get the" best, one that is durable as well as sharp, and the F tee to do it Is at Price Sc Robson's.who a'si have a line line of wed ges, etc. Tr t: fi!l e ll'i . lit ohen a. C R Brown- Return Engagement. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. -ONE NIGHT ONLY - Saturday, Jan. 25111, The Great Traglo Actor, DANIEL E. BANDMANN, nd his New York Coanpan-of 18 wall-know, artists in Shakes peare's masterpiece, HAMLET. Reserved sats, 73c, admission, 60 cents. Tickets lor sale at Ulackinau's. AT PRICE & ROBSON'S In office ftvcnlngs. E. G. BEARDSLEY, Real Estate and Insurance Broker f and Notary Public, BroadalbinSt,, Albany, Or. The Pride of Albany soap by far the best laundry soap in the market contains no ro sen. Try it and you will us e no other. For sa.e only by . C. E. BROWNELL. IOUND. Te gold head to an um- brelln. Call at. Dkmoorat offleo and claim property before it becomes cane head; Watches, Watches, FpringficM watches, Hampton watches, . Seth Thomas watches, Automatic watches, at F. M. FRENCH'S, EThe Jeweler. FL.KENTON Choice Candy, Nh!s EYiiH, etc. CIGARS AND TOB40CO WEAR THE FC&T i f If I C t 1 I f-VC PEGCW Matthews k Washburn, . Ai.haxy, Orkoox, I rardwarp.Slovcs and Tinware. Where are youoinp my pretty maid ? I am go ing to buy a Jewel Stove, she said. They gi e such good satisfaction that they make a homo pleasant, and with Anti-Kust Tinware all is joy. MATTHEWS it WASHBURN