1 VOL. J J. ALBANY, OR. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, no 6es -l 20r eMbMBW tes Cathartic Pills1 Qgntain, In small compass, tho essential rmues of the best voRotaMo cathartic. They are a sure enro for Costivcm-M, Indl gesttoti, ami Uver Complaints; arc pleasant take ; prompt, but wild. In operation. Mr. James Qulnn, of Middle St., Hartford, Oonn., testifies : "I liavu used Avit's 1111 Air the past thirty year and consider them rji lavaluable family medicine." Ayer's Pills, So'd by all PruggUtt and Dealerw In Medicine. .Conrad Maver, PROPKlrST'i OF-. STAR fiAKUUY Corner BroalalMn and First Sts., DEALER IN- ''auiaetl FriillN, Orlea FrallN. Tobnnco, UKr, Coffee, Etc,, Cnuufxl MoalM, lueenwtsr-. Client, Nr, Tea. Etc., I: fact everything that is kept In a Ren n3 variety and grocery ore. HlgueM a rii9t priM raid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. R,;F. Sax, Pros O. H. Stewabt, See Albany IRONWORKS. MaiiufofltiireiNi IE AM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW y ILL MACHINERY 133M FRONTS W ALL KINDS OF HEAVY ANQ LIGHT WORK, IH IRON AND BRASS .CASTINCS. Vpaolat attention iM 0 ro'Mirlujr i ds of miUtner, Cameras Made on Short Notisi. THE PL ACE. hfii . mean -Jill nn Paine Brothers. Va.reu.vi c '.iA i'ox, tor your G roeeries, Produce, Baked Good?, Etc. Etc. Thoir goods nre trie lies! and Uietfjprlcea reasonable. HeM aock of 2nd fST ;ooda iu the Va' tay, anA the mon reasf inle prieea, both n buying and sailing. L have on hand Ml k'uds or furniture, stoves, tinware, trunks, books, pictures, jclqgks, crocxcry, tc, ;etc. D id.iriWeatol 9 E Voting's oh' store. L. C0TTLI&8 123 First streot. Aibv". Or. Cancers Cured. J. R.Dms'sM A C., Albaiy. Oregon, gent for lanaan, ti Vt Pancnr King, of al.... .r, Kin js. 'ill trat all external eaaoers on the pi.mdple of NO tUREIfOPAV, F.t lurthur infrm. lion, address . . finiii.t. Cor. Ind and Cleveland St , H's.th A , Alhtmy.Or. SECURE PRICES. tfO fUOUBLE TO SHOW 300DS AT H. E WERT Invito, the public to inspect his now ud l..re .took ol HOLIDAY GOODS Which are unsurpassed iu the Valley in theii line, and con.ist of '"''CTWaBri. '14 igy A Nice display of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Headed Canes; ; Gold Headed Silk Umbrel las. Gold and Fountain . Pens; Diamond Birgs, And an endless variety of Jewelry, Coin Silver ware, and genuine Rogers Bros Plated waro only, Clocks, ' Spectacles, etc., etc. 1 N K W STORE. VEW GOODS Mitchell & lewis Co., DEALERS IN Agricultural luipiements AND VEHICLES ALBANY. - ... or COME JTSI JD SEOZ! US, STICK in tho fact thali J"" offeriu, elwt t-urunii.a lliai. any ..no eUo ia Aibonv" Sought at ba'.iriipt h!h I can nv!i First-Glass Goods orjbtlow COST. FOP GnHrl iiiiic!h!hIi of nil Kln.U Odlt The New IN THE! BLUMBEr.O BLOCK. Fuo:.n4 l hi. nev om with eholiM .took, or Drags, Patent Medicine Per fiiinerys Toilet Cases and Druggists Sundries. p0T PrMorlption. promntlv and eiVaH,v eonipeanded. ' Mv.rT new and frxah. av Tbe poNle la Invited to cull and lna.l go6 tmQ al siWm, ' A PIN" on iuo. 4P,r;i.- -Ur '.hi s'iin in bim Drug Store KKRfl'OMBI). F. M. French ke.p. railroad time. IS etot shaving at V eek's. 8 ticket, for at Yiareak '. Boot, and 1-ijn at eoat at Read'., Sratiii chip, at C E Brownell'a. J. P. Wallaoe. Phv.ioian and Surrann. Al bany, Or. A One tin. of all kind, of furnitom, plain and uphc,IU,rd, bu .took in thi. part of Oregon at Fortmiller & Irving'., J A arthihnl I, a.'.nt Sinijer Uannfaotur ing Oo., opposite O.ld Fellow. Temple, Al bauv. An elegant liue of aiik table spread., in beautiful designs, jutt received at Fortmiller 4 Irving'., 5 can. Golden Star toraatoei for 50 cent, at C Meyer., and all otherj canned good, ch.ap for cash. Just received na tnblA linn fc W F Read'.. I W Starr, physieian and surgeon, Albany Oregon. Good eooking stove only $10 at Hopi.: is Saltmarsh's. 3 chairs running steadv at Viereck's ehav- log parlors. Bsst roast coffee in the city at Conrad Meyers. Kirks Savon Imperial soap, glOO a Jboji at 0 E Brown.U'a Sixty dozen window .hade. juttreciv;d at Fortmiller & Irving'.. ) W Bentley. best boot and shoe maker in city, opposite Fortmiller & Irving'.. A large and fine line of wiLdow a hed just received st Fortmiller & Iryiug's. We have the best $1.50 kid glove ever brought to Alhaay at W F Read'.. New is the tf jae to save mnnev by baying boot, and shoe, at coat of W. F. Read. Go to Bardue for honest weights, good goods and lowest living prices. I am now better prepared than I liavo ever been to suit my cnatcmers In the slice Hue, I have Just received a large Invoice o! the celebrated laird Scfa'ebc r it MitvUell fine slices tux ladUs. Tbrru is no matufacturi. irbo claimu apyihlnij bettor limn thuie .ihocs. I in tend to keep a full aeisorlment of them In all prices, widths Trnm A to EE and can sti't the most fastidious in fit and prior, Iaki received auothor Invoice of Ibo pop ilar shoo 13 P Heeds In Wauke-ipliast H' Talent leather tip. These fhra, art) wei. knOivn In Albaily asa Arst cla n!o sty i shoe. O'dors from the country fill ed vlth care and sati' faction guarrntetd PamueL 33 Yooso. Better Wmi Ever lil !nat(Aj of offdrJnff a prizo hat only bcn'flt) tha lucky ouo. cr Rennir out confident!!! ltns t baitH, we rrot.oe to oi'on;.y nntii iiipoiuzona 01 .inany ana vieiDi'v cn'jire S"V7an at nea wvk price, and civ FIVE EK VKST llICO'JNT fr.rcAfiii un each riollars w-jrth rj cooda , iokiii jriii-v mini iui laitii ti aiiutry. an tl bUnr, 'liianklux yon for yoar nas patronAv;e and a')lioitinr your trade fo triH (WMrc, we hoa to remain at vonr nar- J M Bab DTK. V tr aala by Will A JJiark, dtalera In flu wtterifw, fowalry, ff Fne line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion nt'Deyoe and Rob bow 8 f.Tficia1 barpainrV- "AMY TAKIUAGES AT THE AO Hit'. In the march of intelligence and rapid strut 1 of civilization which have so peculiarly cliarac-1 tcrized the human race during the last half century, the minds of philanthropists and the benevolently inclined! generally, have ' been turned in the direction of the organization- of I societies for the amelioration of the condition of the many who are victims of untoward cir cumstances. Societies to care fcr the sick, to educate the orphan, to bury the dead, have sprung up all over the count. y, and they have done excellent work, and done honor to their founders. These societies have made the human family much better by reason of the in fluence they exercise. By no means among the least meritorious of these is the Ancient Order of United Workman which was organized twenty two years ago in the state of Tfcnnsyl ania and which aow has a large membership with lodges in nearly every city, town, village and hamlet in the United Stales, In its special line of beneficiary provisions!. is order out strips all others in the excellent work it is doing iu behalf of bereaved families. Oregon. 1 Washington and British Columbia constitute a Grand Lodge jurisdiction with a membership of about 45o. During the calendar year just closed there have have been fifty deaths upon which the order has paid beneficiaries of $2000 amounting in the aggregate to$ioo.ooo. This $2000 beneficiary payment in nearly every instance has gone to families, who, other wise, would have been left in very straitened circumstances, The exceedingly meritorious work of this order accounts for its rapid growth all over the country. lending I'hotOftrnphpMt Albany Oregon. We have bouRht all thenegativea made by L W Oark aud W H Greenwood up to Nov lath. 1889. Duplicates can be had from them only of ua at reduced rates. We have also about 18,000 uetativea made by our selves, from which duntiuatAS can be had at like rates. We carry the ouly full line "f views of this state and do enlarged work at lowest rites for first clasa work. We hall be pleased to see yon at our Studio in Froman's block, next door to Alaeonio lemplev Trv tho full cream cheese at V E Brou tlVu A Verdict That the grand display of eat, ornamental baskets, each containing one pound of choicest tea, at LaForcst & Thompson's, is the finest Importation ever orought to Albany. This tea Is basket ired. pure and of rich flavor. 'Ve offer it at the ns-.cr.shly low price ot 40c S n ika tha celebrated Havana filled ci ,ar, manufactured at Julius Jojeph'a cigar factory. Unly & cents. 7 O-ks euros rheumatism, neuralgia ni:d toothache. Foahay & Mason Bints, B.miies. The finest line of baby cair jjfcs In the Valley just n ce'ved at Stewart & Sox's. Prices are remarkably erfenp con sidering ti e superior quality of the carrl .RCS. If yen hfito any job wtrtt t- do call i.i ' W. tMhllhwho is ppjr.v ... to do it with neatness niid disnat"' fndas chejp as any one. Annitv's AnniTioN. si lots in this ad dition to Albany, near Hacklcnian's 3rd aiUltion.for tie, at $to to $125 a lot, rt C.urran & Montelth's. Struck Oil At $1.25 per 5 Ballon con 3st Standard r ' oil, n't the' Willamette backing Co. . store. New cream cheene just teceivrd at Com ad .Meyers. S. W. Paisley, Albany. Onaoa. WHOLESALE DEALER IN- Tobacco and Cigars. Orclois solicit d from the trade. ALBANY, OR. WRITSHAH & HULEEBT BEOS., Real Estate Agents. Fartnr and Ranches fr a1e. Also city broerty in Albry and Cory a! J is. MONEY TO LOAN. $200,000 to loan at S per cent on im proved farm or dtv property. Wallace & Ji-sk-k. PAINTS, OILS. AND CRUSHES AT DEfOE "m ROBSON'b TELEGRAPHIC NEWS , 1A Bad Traaap. Salem, Dec. ji. The tramp nuisance "lakes itself felt outside the city, several sleep ins 'n barns along the railroad every night. This afternoon one, meeting a lone girl below the depot, tried to carry her to the woods with him. Her cries for help brought II Urase, a young German who was passing on horseback, to her assistance. He gave the tramp aterri hie heating about the head and face, receiv ing himself a badly bitten finger. In the skir mish the girl, who was abou' 19 and good look ng, ran oft before she could be identified. The Grippe. New YoRK.Dee. 31 The number of deaths during the twenty four hours ended at 'noon to-day was 196, an increase of over 100 per cent. The increase is from pneumonia, hro nchilis, and especially consumption. The grippe is credited with being at the bottom of the increased fatality, Policemen to the num ber of 300 are on the sick list, starved Himself. San Francisco, Dec. 31. Dispatches from Seattle announce that Charles McIIugh, a former resident of this city, committed suicide there on Monday. The man delibtra'.eiy starved himself to death, A Borromeo. his former landlord here, states that McIIugh was of a taciturn, uncommunicative disposition, and never referred to his private affaiis. mciiugn was a religious enthusiast, and would spend all his idle time in poring over theological and devotional works. At the Hibei nia bank it was ascertained that McIIugh has $2100 to his credit. It Works Well. Aubcrn, N V., Dec. 31 The state com mission to-day tested the electric execution machinery in this prison. Reporters were not allowed to witness the tests, but Dr Mc Donald announced that a calf and a horse were put to death with a suddenness that was highly gratifying to the commission. A cur rent of about I00O volts was used. Kol Even byTelepboae. Tacosia, Dec, 31 The practice which some people have of using obscene and profane language through the telephone is likely to be discouraged by the experience of Louis Ladc aux, who has been sentenced by Judge Best to two weeks in the chain gang for the offen (liven Away. For the benefit of our customers we will give away or. Jan 1st, the following : 1 Dinner set, 120 pieces, $25. 1 Tea set, 44 pieces, $7.50. 3 Tea sets, each 44 pieces, $18. These goods are of the best English arc and a credit to any table. Give us a a II and get not only the best bargains in pure fresh groceries but secure a chance at one or more of these elegant sets ot dishes. LaForest & Thompson, 4- H01.111AV Announcement. From new until Jn. I, I will sell my $t.oo Ladles . ufiaCi !ilJ shoes all brands at $3.00 pr pair. I will also make a 10 per cent dis count en all my jlipperj fo.- men, women and children Including felt slippers and feet warmers. My Curacoa kid shoes, are first grade and of the best make, marked In plain figures and will be sold a,i repre sented nnd guaranteed. These goods are net waraea iot me occnsion, but are a genuine reduction sale A bov can buy as cheap as a man. - ' 3amI-e1. fe Vot-itd. NEXT.-Xe- -.best place In town U Gilson's ne w , nhop In the Fromnn Bloc, next . . , to Fortmiller & Irvine's. . Bel b -her I:. (Own. This Trade Mai k on a stove trjenna It I. Ihf. h.f !.. 'perunee and skill can c Irlvc. Gold only by G. con- . W. nmiui. Tn. Old North Stat, poking j. ft gullin g popularity. " '" ldie. nhna .1.. nh. djn..hoer; ., I.t'.'ho".'"'!,", Iej tl,. co,l f, mBk, r,m (r ,. ai . r. I mm .i'. ' ,7" sick, we pre her Cartas, When riieira. a Child, .he cried forCaatorla, Wlien becnw Mtaa, .ho clunj to CaMorla, When ali. had Cl.ll.Iren, she say. them Castori SUPERIOR LINC8 OF AORIOUTORALIM. PLiMENT 4T DE vox a RdBIQN