THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad ton Development Company', gtoatu aliip Line. ?25 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME llwn by any otter rejte. Firat-olasa through passenger and I l: twnnt Portland and All lUlllllfl Ill die WIUUIIICLIO VftlHy HJ iwiu - francfsoo, Cal. The Oregon ,1'aeiflo steamboat, on tbe Willamette river uivjbiuu win itn 1I Mntilh Imiinil. MfimlnV. W Aft nAAl'llf and Frinay at 6 a. in. Arrive at Corvaliis Ineaday, Thursday and Siit'irday at 3:30 p. id. Leave Corvalli., Notth bound Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a as. Arrive atrorlland Tueaday, Thurs day and Saturday at S:SU p. m. On Mon lay, W'edne.dBy and Friday, both North and South buand boats will be over uight at Salein, leaving here at ti a. in. DR.J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Olttco oor, Firatand Ferry Streets, ALBANY- OREGON Boats make close connection at Alban flth trains of the Oregon Fad Ho Railroad. Arrl TIME SCllBllULE. (except Sundays.) V Aloany 1:00 r. a, j Lnn Yaquma, 6:15 A, a. frrCorrallis lttor, M. Leave Corvallis,10:35 a... i... ,.-... u ImM AlSailV llrlHA. U .'e laquina, o..w w. Jt -, O. 4 C. trains connect at Albany and tA.alllu M'ltn altnv. trnlnft POIinectat WAV OHIO. lv ......... Yaquina with the Oregon Development Company's Line of Steamships between Va'jiiina and San rranrisco, IM4II.I'I DATES . DR. C-WATS0N MASTON Physician and Surgeou. Office opposite tbe Dei"cra'.. DR. W H. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. faVOfflce ud stairs In Strahan's Block. May be found at his office day and night. DR: G A. WHITNEY, Physician, and Surgeon. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College tiov York City. Diseases of woman a specialty. JTOffice, Fromae's Brick, Albany, Or. FROM TAQCISA. Willamette Valley, Tuesday, Oct 1st. do Saturday, Oct 12th. do Wednesday, Oct 23rd: FROM SAM FRANCISCO WTjunette Valley, Monday. Oct th. da Friday, Oct lath, do Tucsdaj ;Oct mh. The Comjauy ireawrves the right to rinnge sailing Mates without notice. N. B. Passengers from Portlana end Willamette Valley points can make close ttjnnectlu with ibe trains of the Yaquina rant, at Albany or Corvallis, and II des iftied to San FranciBCO should arrange to rfjve at Yaquina the evening before date frilling. saenger anil 'eight Kates always Ibe Lowest. Kor lntornull'.n apply to A R Chapnun.Freleht ami Iclfst Aireiit, Alliaiiy, OfWl.ll v. r. AW Ant., ureiron Develoi oi.t Co,, M Mnntt'oraer san r rnivi, . DR. I. W, STARR, Physician and Surgeon, Late of Brownsville, Or, Office at rooms Nob. S3 and 34. Strahan and Pierce's Block, up stairs. Calls promptly attended in oity or country. 1ULIIB GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. His atoek baa been enlarged so that it equals an; on the Coau, and consist, of Roger Bros. Silverware, P and Orys. talware, Boys' Wago ariagef, Fancy Goods, and a, ..' neral assortment of Orockrey and Toys. Ho buja-llreot and oarriei tli largwx took in -he WHUmettH Valley, to whl- una ueeu huuou a oomp:ei line or FAMILY GROCERIES. (. Agent for iusnranee eompauias with a oanital aKffVratinz 75.OOO,0n . i"lcl on parle Francals. Hier wird deutcb geaprochen.'SS, C. V. HOlUL, A.O. F. ardP. Agen , OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -YIA Sontheni Pacific Company's Line. THE MOUSTMUSTA ROUTE. liio, between Albany and 8aa Frwclscr,, 5 hours DR, JAMES KEYDEN, Graduate of Edinonrg, ScoJland, Has located In Albany. Fr a hit thorough knowledge of bis proiession and hia experience of 10 years as an c fila cer in a Cavalry Kegiment, be hopes to merit the patronage of those Interested in horses, cattle, sheep, etc. Me would a I ho recommeud his solution or linaraent for sore shoulders, sore backs, broken Knees, wounas, sprains, irnoe, one aoi lar per bottle. piroflice at JohnScbaieer'sMvory 8ta ble. G. L. 6LACKMAN, Suecnw lo E. V. Lanydon. Ul'ALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES1 SOUPS COMBS' ETC. D. K. N. BLACRBURN, GEO. W. WRIOHT, California mparJia luiln vOAiLt Betweeu furl laud asd Fian traneUco, I oll ,.F.a.Lv Portland ' ,ii, Albany f I . HauFraaclsw Lv 7:00 m aoui.rAMS.NOSR war jEiccpt Sunday). it) a u I Lv tvrtlaud ,Ar,l,,!,''-6f ! Mii f S I Lv Alliany . Lv IV.Sz A M Wm Ar Eu-i. LvflOAM LSBAKOK BRA.NCU, :gtl Ar Lebanon L 1 hBfsI Lv Albany Lv I b'W A II 7PA.ILr Alla.iy Ar Sffl A u 1 Ar Lebllmll L 3.10 P a PULLMAti BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, for Jtvuinuiaaallu ' HeeoniM'lass I'nssen sers, Htlaclieil l txpieas Trains. The S. P. C"' tcrrv makes 0 innscllon with all llio eirular trains mi the 'Bast Side Uhlsion Irolu loot ol t Street, !"rtlau.'.. Aral Utile Ivlvlaltra. .,,. I-OKTLIMU ASO tOBVAltlS, Mail trais uaui (Ex-HptSunaay,) 7:30 a Portiand L'irv .. 1 Arl Lv 0:20 r 1:30. r RXl'RCsn TLA1S OAIUI (Ec Sunday. P .inland McMmnrille Ar Lv 0:00 A M 5.45 A s l:Wlra I I.' HtOOra Ai rrhruiurli 'lMeltets Ti all points south -A.isrr east VIA CALIFORNIA. Km lull lnf-rUliin reranllna rates, maps, I all on romnanv. Avent at Al'iany. B. KDKI1LER E. P. ROGERS Manaiter) Wl - 1 Mouse and Carriage Painte' Decorator and Paper Hanger Piano Varnishine". All ptmrantced. S B. VASSAL! 0- SucttiMsort tt; Menry ISucsfiia,) Revore House: BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at, Law, Will practice in all the Courts of the State, Vfompt attention given to all busi ness entt usted to our care. Oflice Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or W 11 BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor" in Chancery, ALBANY. - - OREGON. Collections promptly made on all po'nt lioan. noKotiatea on oaonai)ie terms. WILL & LINK Dealer in all the Leading Guns, Pistols, "Sewing Machines, Organs and Pians A full line of sheet muiii. musiaal marotiniisa. immnvudnn A.tinn. cte. Warranted razors, butcher and poeket UnWea. Tae best htnd of sawihvc maaiK 1n sr LiAm pAlla. a s rl B.ta iMs all maahlriaiai ai.Mnll.a Repairing of sewing machine-, tnuaisat Inskrumnnta, guns, !.. neatlf done. ALBANY; - - 0REC0N, RedCrownMills SOM, LANNIN6 & CO., IHOPR'S. raw PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR TOK rAMH IEl AKT) BAKKRS ViM. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. tSiphest 'Prioi in Casb fo Wheat .J. WHITNEY. B-iotiey And Counsellor At La? at ND olar Public. ALBA'll: ORECON Will prarti?! i all of tbe Court. I.Qlaa ill h If,... Inf'liBt In hi will be promptly attended to. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works And Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFEOTIONERY, .Ve now prepared to .ell at w'lolt, alwaya fresh and ,iuie at PortU nd .sea to dealer.. Wo a'sn keep a full ef flnts and Tropical Fruits, I OA 7?S AND T03ACC0 PIANOS. Thoo wlahlne a first-class Instrument should oall at Mm, li. E. HvlVian'a .i seo 0110 of those Celeorated Heinme A Ixinx pianoes, excellent rich tone, E oecially made and adanted tn stanH hA elimate on the Pavifle Cotist, Er.rypiano ntiiT Kuatanteea tor a Tparn. T m .iiu. sheeUinuaic for .aie, Music and palntlnir cianunn kivu mere. Aiao tue piaoe to get yonr new Sewlnir Machine. Kancv nrn,b Slid dreaa-rnakillir dnnia tn nnlnr PIm, uiKireaatoi iomig . old stand, Albany. Oreeu MAT vc s ENDERS. Dealers in General Menhandise. HARRISBURC - - ORECON BROWNSVILLE 0. P. coshow a SONS. Real Estate and Insurance Agents. Real estate sold and Collection, and Notarial business attended to. J.K. WEATHERF0HD, iTTOKNEV AT LAW, AIUAW. OBEliO!!. ) FOSHAY & MASON, v.tiauM as a aatAit irnggistsand Booksellers, AKPiii- hjt i una it. Anion's puDitcauona, rhlch w aell a piablisher'a yrioea with E. J. McCAUSTLAND. Civil, Sanitaiy and Hydraulic Engineer. ConsuUinu enrincer fr fi,.l.l li,nl,'n and Dry Gulch Consolidated Gold and Sil. vr Miuiaj Co. OBice, First Streit, Albany, Or. City Meat Market SHULT2 BROS,, Proprietors. fcnep a fill I lne f meats of all kinds, in a cool pkc, completely pfo tected; and always fresb. Also , nave constantly on band salmon nd otter ash. First National Bank OF AIBAN1, OWfiaON. eldat.. 0, 1 les PivKldMt ... iasrrf. a'"''. .......B.VlA'KeDo: IRANtACIS A GENERAL bselriB.ejuslai A.COONTS HePT aubjMt t. saeck. 8 SJBJC!jEa,.ul piiHo transfer, sol XtT tula, San Frlaass urftt sad I'oi OWLEfTTIONf UADEoa lavsrable terms. sawsreisa J. E. Yorae, E, w. Lasodoi B E BtAW, I, JfLtlfn. WALraa E TDaXau. Linn Coanty Bank, Cowan, Ralston & Bhamtierlain, ALBANY - - - OREGON. THA.SSACTS . witJ$!iat biujaess. rjBAWIIOglBRtPTa'on Sw YdHc. 8aa F See and rortland, Oreruft. LOAN UOrJEY on arji.v.4 seauijtj, rlECEITE deposits sabieti lo Bank of Oregon. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CAPITAIi, SO, OOO. President... H. BRYANT Vice President J. W. BLAHS". CMhiet a. f. MERRILL r 8l)bt ejohann. and telcgraplit , vjh 1,01, lers, 3atl T 1 Cortland, Oreiron. Collections mde on favorable term., Into.- noisao and Stockholder's Meeting. Notice is hereby given that tliero will bo a meeting ol tho Stockholders of the Linn Comity Agricultural Association held at the Court House in Albany, O.-ejjOD, on Thurs day, the 2od day of January 1390, for the purpose of hearing reports of otBjera and also for the purpose of electing seyon direo tors to solve for said association the enauiug year and for the transaction of any other business that may come betoro said meeting Dated this 30th doy of Nov, 18S9. C. P. li.RKH.'.RT, Stockholder. THE HOW TOGO EAST. v.u ivasi via iuount Shasta Itoutp. j( jee i.ii-su wiu sriKnery ac an Mme. of tne 0 .Moubt Shi.tA. .S.n....... A . i Lake, DenTer. F IllcArlAnTlH.laiaia, s?4. 'A ar. ,ea, My yoor iicnet, of , a .nv. vftnt- fit-.. fi . i i T T . v 4 . it i"iiiii. i am in Mciron u Aioanr tire to any jloint In Oie t me for rate.. vr. l 1 hlv niteu states. Call J ', Agent S. P. ALBANY, . OH AS. ITEIFFEI OREGON raorniFJoR. F't'pti up In ftrntu'laM ntyle, Tnhlm tiiippllfMl with tbe bp, in the n.nrkt, Kloe lcplmrnpartinpnt. s.miplo room Cor coimiH'ivial lrav Urn, tWfr e Tnarh in a ad frwni Hie - niifl,iti Pouicry Wanted. All kind, of poultry, alive or dressed, autod at the Willamette Picking Com.'a Store. Albany, Oregoc. Fortmiller & living, v -Ham -Tx7 a. m i tm , a -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. , tompt Attention-First-class Hearse J re those nnt m hv D.M.FFRQVA -0 Who are th largest Seedsmen in the worid.1 V. M. I RRRY S Co'i ' Il:uitratF(! IWrint;, ....i ni j for 1800 wi,l be mailed FttEE . -irJT J i .cant. n , I... " ".7T r i . ri. i. K-..-- .C' " "u" "women. rr. every person , v. wi. rtnRT CO. wan nvi 1 1 Ml.M. TINWARE AN0HARD WARE Of ALL KINDS AI OR.tFist ROflkDN 17.?,;5TA .fern' of M3 .ere. fn , """on o milo. from Allisnv All fenced. 2nn i nearly all cood wheat i.J -""on. and barn, Rood water. Will soil half or all. Term, teaaonable. Ioouir of ownl ma j ii iuo pi are. E T ITamoit. W W Raw em.. enTb" .Inr.. piiro'-a at the rort!.mrl R,inc folic Ki. inland. Ornton. oral the Coital Uu Ricssy.IUve talrm. uregrm. lloth n.;hiila are unild .he ilitnaKemeiUol a. P. Aniitron. have C"a "f stuJies anil same rales of tuition II .sine-, Mioi ll.aiiil, F'f.lij a'.""y ","!?' n'"e.a,!,lreiw I'ortlaud, Salem, uregu.. MTOKtV R0B80N IRE AGlIf", FtRTHIIlWffllARif Difl TWTJl'ilrrMIl nWIII Ui uii.Bixr.Av.fnf nr m At Cost TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY LARC5 STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS WILL SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. AT COST THIS WILL BE A CLOSING OUT SALE, AND THEY?MUST CO. COME EARLY AND GET Real Bargains. AT THE SAME TIME DO NOT EORCET THAT I HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOODS Notions, Furnshing Goods, etc, WOULD i ESPECIALLYCALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE F0LL0WIH6 Dress Goods, Trimming's, Silk, laoie Linen, Gloves, Hosie ry, Fancy Goods, etc ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICE. RESPECTFULLY, W. F. READ 4 The Leading Cash Dry Goods StorJ HOPKINS & SALTMABSH' D3ALE,:S IN STOVES; TIN WARE SHEET IRON, COPPER WARE ETC. ETC. AlMatflias IVa. (sa fTi arw , iH... ,, srid if ' Pfannptiy .ttond.d to'. AN 3 BEST PLACE IN THE COY Ji itsFk, plw.iWiia Smoke THE CffiARR Manufactured .tu., t J w IA.O J JB?IJJ' A 1.80 IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CICARS trtll..