Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 31, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    iij IniiinsIliDiQiliir 31,1881
Mkliika. evert tr Is lbs k
esf s MMptiil.
NIITriXti. Editors snd Pubtlslisrs.
In ti f'lt OiUnoat Albany . I
iissocoiid-cla8 mail matter.
mi bj irir psr wk
I, I'M J"
psr uj'ii.m -
1 .15
, w
Bovs Are Marching. Tramp,
tramp, the boys are marching, and
:y were this morning In all parts of
,iy. The town Is full of "tramps" and
kvere to be seen going in aM directions
hominy from house to liouse.begglng
incthing to eat. They have reduced
visits to private residences to a sys-
They divide the town into districts
.invass it with ns much particularity
ikill as the ubiquitous book agent.
if the great problem- of the dav is
shall be done with the tramp. They
creasing, alarmingly. If the public
l-aie to feed them this increase will
rgely accelerated. lo refuse them
would drive those who have any
iood lelt to laLvor tor a living.
An old time match hunt was held around
Knox Butte yesterday. The contest was
a hard one, resulting In the record of the
previous year being reversed, A B Custar's
team winning : The following score will
be of Interest to everybody, whether fami
liar with the contestants or not :
A B Custar, Captain, 6 arouse,
pheasant, 1 1 snipe 460
A Miller, 1 grouse, 1 mallard,! snipe,
2; kildee 62 s
Ed Houston, 1 mallard, 3 ducks, iS
sntpe, 22 kildee 875
P B Marshall, average 476
Ed Chambers, 3 ducks, 6 snipe, 13
kildee 535
(i M Knox, 1 mallard. 3 snipe, 15
kudec 300
Homer Miller, 6 snipe, 14 kildee 400
L.eroy Houston, 3 mallard. 1 duck, is
snipe, 32 kildee ' 1105
Ala Marshall, 8 mallard. 6 ducks.10
kildee, I shitcpoke 630
Milt Morris, average 476
Ed Knox, 4 snipe, 4 kildee 160
ks'-ruo It. The following from the
ian j is very sensible. It is a hit at
torn of fabricating In black and whltt
kloesa great injustice to a community,
s not a credit to the partieipents:
re is a fashion In San Francisco, that
.langerof being Introduced in Astoria.
a silly custom, and should not get a
old here. It Is the habit of putting
r$s, or $10, as the consideration in
ng out a warrantee deed. Better stick
ie good old wav of niacin? the exact
received in the deed. It looks more
usiness. Tnere is another fashion
kloesn't look well; and that is to put
k-r amount than Is actually transfcred.
k-xact truth is best and no deed offered
L-cord should have a line in it that Isn't
rozen truth.
4 58 5
Custar's majority 1607
In the contest 30 points were allowed
for grouse, 20 for pheasants, 75 for gees
30 for mallard , 15 for other ducks, 20 for
snipe, 20 for klldees and 40 for shitepokes,
To-morrow night a game cupper will be
given at the Knox Butte Grange Hall, the
better the score the nearer the head of the
table being the scat.
J S Froman.Captain. 1 goose,! mal
lard. 4 ducks. 0 snipe, 13 kildee
Elam Miller, 3 mallard, 5 duck, H
snipe, 14 kildee
Leighton Knox, 6 snipe.S kildee
Smith Knox, 26 snipe, 14 kildee
Anthony i'ropst.2 diicks,i6snlpe,2l
Willie Conn. 16 snipe, 13 kildee
Sam Conn, 1 mallard, 7 snipe,! kil-
Everett Knox, 2 pkeasant,2 kildee
Josh Conn, I mallard, 5 kildee
l,on Cox. 1 wheat duck, 2 duck,o
snipe, 7 kildee
Jas Archibald,! duck, 3 snipe,5 kildee
Monday evening, Dec. 30
?rcsent Mayor, Marshal, Recorder and
Councllmen French, De; oe. Tablcr, Burk
hart, Gradwohl.
The following bills v. ere ordered paid :
W fc Kelley, $4.75 ; W Ilughes,$j.oo ;
J N Hoffman, $13400; Fritz Bender,
$32 00 j Iiuston k Co, $35.00 ; N J Hen-
tor., S49 30 ; W Darr, $61 00 ; Santiain
umber Co, $43.75; Cost bills, $io 40 ;
John Jones, $70 oj; W N Milier, $70.00
tiles & Nutting, $5.50; Recorder, EE
Davis, $1.00.
A side walk was, o'l recommendation
ordered on Jackson St., North side of 6ih
The sidewalk on the west line of Jackson
St, leading to woolen mills, was ordered
A crosswalk was ordered on 3rd St
acrors Muin, on sidewalks being built to
its location.
A communication was read from the
committee onthc4,'h of July celebration
of 1SS9 asking that a deficiency of $120.64
due the Caliiornia Fire Works Co. be paid
by the cltv. It was referred to committee
on accounts and current expenses.
Licenses to acll liquor were granted
Peter Schlosser, Cha Klefer, H M Wil
liams and Max Maumeart.
Uids tor building a bridge across the
Santlam Ditch on Broadalbin St, were
read as follows : I F Hadlev, $31. S ; S
W ltcece, $30.00 ; B M bloan,$32.oo ; M
Armstrong, $32.00. On motion the con
tract was let to S W Reece, work to be
completed within thirty days.
t lie bonus tor the new city omcers were
ordered as follows ; Marshal and tax col
lector, $7000 ; Treasurer, $7ooa.
1. lege Matters. A re arranecmen!
seating capacity of the college has
found necessary by reason of the
attendance. The desks have ail
transferred to the chapel, which will
titer be the assembly room for the
knts. Miss Prathcr's department will
atcd in the southwest roo.n down
's, the other rooms below will be con
recitations rooms- this plan en
's the capacity and assures the disci
of the college. The opening ses.
win liiKe niace on 1 nursdav morn.
as neretoiere announsed.
E Ex. The Congressional Record, a
r suspended in Washlngton.D.C. last
mer has been resuscitated and we
Fowiedge the receipt of the same. We
ly ex , though really the paper Is not
well gotten np, is full of trash and
not seem to have any editorial head
ken.s to be published something like a
.1111 opanisn paper. 1 he compositors
uiu me writing, composing whatever
plessed and dumping their matter
the form iust as it was !.,.
ale. The Record, though, contains
e interesting things, and as the regular
t this coming year will be $S we will
Enormous Taxes. A friend says
there is a mm In Albany who threatens to
sell Ml his property here, on account of
high taxes, and move t3 Tacomn. Some
one should 6top him, whoever he Is. That
ould be terrible.though it really Is unfair
fur our citizens to be obliged to pay the
present enormous taxes.. Seven mills,
think of that. In Seattle they are only
thirtv-seven mills and in Tacoma about
thirty-five mills; even in Portland they
are not over twenty-five mills ; but here
In Albany they are seven mills I A man
tells us that In the Eastern city where he
came from, run almost as well as Albany
the taxes were only fifty mills, and he
knew of one cUy where they gat as low as
one hundred mills. Albany people cer
tainly have reason to complain, and th
Democrat particularly feels sorry for the
old resident here who has to see an elec
tric light at his corner slofrly burning out
$12.50 worth of electricity every montn,
lust to light the city, and against his
f?'The masquerade ball to-uight,
Seed'ess oranges for sale at K L Kenton's
Quinces 75 teuts per bushel at C E Brow
Home mule mine meat at C E Brow
ne! Is.
Plenty uf Oregon aiuiles at C E Brow-
Ladies all wool scarltt uaderwesr. 753..
a x s.
Babies Chsmuls mocctsina it Barrows A
the calibooso
ItEAL tvl lli; BALES
Samuel Meek by A A Meek.adinlr,
to Sarah M Meek, the i L C of
TM Weger, tp 15. S R 3 w,
639 acres, and 1 0 acres in tp
1 c. S R 3 w $ 6000
J M Kalston to S w Moore.lot 0,01
10, R's 3rd A to Lebanon S.
I W Starr to Gertrude Lampert, N
w qr bl s2, Albany 32
I (J JJavisandw! to lielvln K rorbes.
144 acres in ip 13, a k. 4 w. . . . 2000
Jemima Ralston to S W Moore, lot
lot c 111k 19 Kalslon's 3rd add to
Lebanon loe
Alonza Bard well to Lewis James,
20 acres In tp 13 & K 2 w
Central Cem As to E E Parrlsh, lot
24, Central Cem grounds
C P Bishop to O P Abrams.lot 4,bl
2, li t A to (rawfordsviiie
lames McMahon to Wm O Bond,
19S acresln tp 14, S K 4 w 3703
: UFricERs.At the annual m-jet -
ol the Congregational S S elected the
fwlng officers: H W Young, Superin
ajtiW R Blaln, Asst superintendent;
iVPhlem. Secretary Mia Anna A I,
'e, Treasurer; O P! Pmncf r
Iierlne Althouse. OrnnnUt- h W
"g, Choister.
dialysis "UmMe Jack" Settle and
II Pettcrson of Lebanon, we are In
ed were both subjects of an attack
Mralytls vi-stcrd.iv Our
ot know how serious the matter was.
win being quite aged It is feared It
wkie Electrifies In Its n-r-m
PCI forward Alh-in. I... I ..j i
-"--j iio iiivcsicu in
Institutions, besides others, that are
rly , cr.dlt to the cltv. and
'n."1.?, tro"K Influence the
;treet railway',
"e weolen mini
"v Not
s.T 7ife' '"Kht.r. son, sister
-I ur iripnt m la 1- .
- ... ... iswiu lor a
. ,,,, roils orniinrl 1 11 .
dn "rt of thc recipieTl o'tr and
- M I nnn u nrn-. 'mm m .
-,finMi!,d"tLF'", Thomp.
"""tin the market.
rV dart Day.-
m for
' A Short Time
- L. Co will mak- a snsclaltv of
Property n Astoria.
West Yet 10,000 rolls of wall ns-
t?st varieties, finest decorations just
! Furtmiller Irvlng's
"Of ersn (HJ . .
New Years Reception. The Young
Men's Christian Association parlor will
kept open from one to six o'clock to-morrow
afternoon, at which time the following named
ladies will receive the accustomed New Year'
call's: Mrs M O Brink, 0 M Thompson, G
Vassalo, Misses N C Conn, Mamie Vaughn,
Mav Mills. Hatlie Chesney, Elsie Georce,
Mildred Burmeister, Mary S Cundiff, Helen
Crawford. lane Morris, Lima Weller, Minni
Van Horn. M Lee Prather. Genevieve H
Georce. Vesta L Mason, Maude Van Horn,
Albie Wright, Lora Vance, Rose & Grace
Trumbull, F Gilbert, Lizzie Starbuck, Clara
Read, A D Bridgeford, Saran neeler, velle
Irving, Ida Brush, Minnie & Augusta Reiner,
May & Lime Kiueout.
Some Advice. Here is some good ad
vice. It is our own, but we stole It and In.
sert the name of Albany Instead of the
name that was used. All papers are doing
this little trick and so we do It. The' last
city that had this item was Astoria, and if
the advice Is oood for Astorians It is for
Albanians: "Albany realty Is Albany
money. Advertis: your city. Put mon
in Albany and you put money In your
own pocket. In assisting the wheels of
Albany progress you ride in your own
carriage. Call the attention of outside
capital to home enterprises."
Ten Dats Only. H, ye business
men, listen to the voice of the most con
servative and successful men of ur town.
Buy an acre of land In Albany's addition
to Astoria, which to-day costs you less
than $25 per lot and which will double In
value less than one year. Now don't be a
gump but buy it now. For further Infer,
mation inquire of the
Oreoo Lasd Comfany.
The Place To Set Them. For bar
gains In shets go to A B Mciwalns. He
sells A J Johnson's French kid shaes, (ns
ga-od as made) at $3. 50, Curacoa kid shaes
(same brand) $2.50, Grain leather, and
other brands that defy competition. Also
a large stock of mens beots Jc shoses
which will be sold at prices never knswn
Stall Fed Geese. We have on hand
a fine lot of stall fed geese. Call earlyanJ
oredr one for your New Years d!nner,aIo
our usual as 10-tment of fruits and vegeta
bles. Willamette Packing Co.
Kid Gloves. I have just received an
Invoice of the celebrated P. Centemerl
kid gloves In black and colored. These
with the other brands I handle, Foster
genuine hook and Our Own brand, makes
an asortment that any lady can be suited
in prices and quality. Thsse are all first
class goods and warranted as represented.
Samvfl E. Yocso.
Understood It. A gentleman,now a
resident of Albany, possesses 80 acres of
land in a certain part of Kansas.for which
he paid $2000 a few years ago. Desiring
to secure a loan of $800 on it to invest In
Albany property he had a local agent
write to a General Investment Co. with a
branch office in Portland. The following
letter received explains the situation 60
well, and, is withal, such a good joke, that
we give It :
In replying to vnurs in reference to a
loan of $Soo on $0 acres in Stafford Co.,
Kan., will say that the gentleman applies
to the wrong place to sen nis 00 acres, as
we are pretty well acquaintel in the vl
cinity of his place, and one of my employ
ees has 160 acres not over five miles from
the gentleman's 80 acres and he will take
$900 cash and give a deed tree ot Incum
brance, so you see he evidently wants to
borrow withintention 01 mortgagee taking
the land. We are from Kansas ourselves.
Tsthe Ladies Only. a:n novvpre
pared to do all kinds of stamping, and
have over two thousand designs to choo6e
from. Also keep a nice line of embroid
ery materials, such as arrasenes, crewels,
No. 1 and 2 embroidery chenilles, princess
chenilles, etc., etc., and 4tne finest pom
pons, tassels, crescents, cords plushes, felts
and fancy work materials ever In the cltv
Zephyr Is going at 5 cent an ounce. Mfsi
Minnie Colwell has charge of this depart
ment, and has had several years expert
ence in all kinds of ancy work and stem p
ing. w. SIMPSON,
Albany, Oregon
Postponed, ThcParlor meeting under
charge of the 1VCTU will be held on
Thursday afternoon Jan jnd, instead of
Wednesday at 3 o'clock, at the resldenc
of Mrs A McCoy on Baker St near Fifth.
Eicht tramps were put in
last mine.
TheJilin.S Moilnay trouo olavfat I.cb-
noa to-ml't.
For dootriitry try Dr Warenner over the
Liun County Bank.
An assortment of lihrarv Inmns ore being
offered cheap at C v- Brownells.
Low prices are what counts and C E
Browntlls is the place to get them.
Sauer kraut, pickles, pickled pigs feet
and everything uice at C E Browntlls.
New Eng'snd enndemtd mino meat at F
L Kenton's, at 15 ceots a package.
Ask to soo ourRiilrosd Engineer shoes.
just leoeived at Borrows & Searls.
The decorations in the Opera House for the
ball to-light ale ai tistieally beautiful.
Mr Samuel King has filed his plat to
Kingston, a new town oa the Oregon Pacftic.
The total amount of box rent collected at
tho post office for the last quarter was $1C3.
Bsrrows Sc Secrls have just reeeived ac
invoice ot ladies tine shoes from George W
Ludlow, Lhieago.
The display of holiday goods in the iew-
olry lino 01 win tark s is uneurpassed
The children of Martin Favne who have
been down several days with soarlet feyer
are convalescent.
Mra R A Irvine and her two daughters,
Mrs Tboniust.n sod Mrs Slaussn went to
hugeno to-day to spend the holidays with
Mra L Bil) eu .
Three small boys, one .being a darkey.
have been doing the city, giving concerts in
the business houses of the city aud taklog up
collection .
-New Subscribers to the YoutftACompanion
for 1SU0 will receive the paper free the re
mainder of tliis year. Price 1.75. F. L.
Kenton, agent.
Subscriptions for all the leading news
papers and magazines received by F L ften
ton, near tho i'ostuttice. All orders for
warded without delay.
Tickets for the masque bill ean be had at
Mueller & Garrett's and Kruse & Kline's.
Price far gentlemen, f 1.00, spectators, 25
Dr Bill is attending to the broken arm of
asonofTlios Butler of Mill City. The
arm was set by a local surgeon and was
dene so poony that Dr Hill had to reset it
Go to Paisley & Fish for your job print
ing. i hey ao any ana an Kinas 01 wora in
the patMlshing and job printing line, yuiclt
work and lew prices.
New esrpsts in the latest colors and de
sigus. oils cloths, linolium and window
shades jast received at A B Mellwain's.
Parties wishing goods in the house furnish
ing line will do well to call, as ha hasmade
another sweeping reduction and will save
yon at least ten per cent cn all these goods.
The Willsmette & Calipooia R R Oa has
been duly ineorporared with O P Coshsw.
J M Mover. J W Waters. J H Glass.
Purei'ull, C D Drake, A C Hausman. A 8
McDonald, Jos Harrison, and RN Thomp
son as incorporators. This is the road that
is to run from the Cslipooia mines throngh
Brownsville either to Albany or Cervallis,
we predict the former,
The "Lady of Lyons," a story famous a-
mong liteiary people, was presented last eve
ning by the John S Lindsay Co, to a fair
audieuce. in an artistic manner and to the
entire satisfaction rf people who appreciate a
hign style of drama. No troup has everbeen
in Albany who did such meritorous work
and Mr Liodsay and bia splendid support
made at least some yery warm friends by his
splendid bearing.
At Darrows and Hearls.
Including all men's leather boots ai d
shoes in stock, also a large amount of wc
men's, misses' aud ohildren'a shoes. Sleu's
calf lined mittens at 75c. All ladies cloaks
at cost. They muse go. We mean business.
Bakrows Sc S earls,
Piano Tuning. Parties desiring
pianos tuned should call on Prof. D, Van
Horn, the old and tellable luner. Prof.
Van Horn has tuned pianos in Albany for
many vcars onu iiis work in tins city uni
versally speaks of his skill as a tuner, ac-
quireu nrst by years of experience In a
pianoione factory. He has no equal in
the valley. Leave orders at Will & Link's,
and do r.ol bay a piano or organ without
consulting hiai, thus being sure of secur-
ngoniy mil-class Instruments.
Ups and Downs. Some of the prlnci
pal ups and downs in business life is to
keep quality up and prices dawn. This is
being done very successfully at LaForest
& Thompson's, and those dinner sets to be
distributed among our customers Jan. 1st
is creating no little Interest as well as our
The Oregon Land Co. has all kinds of
Astoria property for sale.
IR 9 ALE. A now itiii-h cow, a
1 lioree, eight years old.and a buggy,
almost new. For particulars vail at this
Keep Your Eyo on
To loan on real estate In sums to suit at
eight (S) percent per annum.
Bio Bargain 160 acres of land for
$1100. The property is partially Improved
having a house and some loose dressed
lumber on the place. The land Is all ca
pable of cultivation and the soil is vcrv
rich. Fine spring of water and plcntv of
pole timber on the place. This must be
sold and is a rare bargain at the above
price. Call for full particulars.
One of the best 40 acre farms In this
section of the country, not a foot of poor
land on the place. Is especially adapted
for fruit and is situated convenient to the
city. Price low and terms easv. This Is
a special bargain for a few days only.
Cheap lots in Hackleman's first, second,
third and fourth additions, in Maston and
Chamberlain's addition, in Fair Dale addi
tion, in Bryant's addition and in the Gol
tra Park addition. Choice resident lots,
both Improved and unlmproved,and some
bargains io business property.
Corner of 2nd und Ferry Sts.. Albany, Oregon
I have sold all the negatives made by
L W Clark and those made by myself up
to a recent date, and all my patrons' of the
past will find me prepared to make them
better work thin before, with new back
grounds, accessories and necv novelties In
photo wcrk that are very odd and artistic
in design. Mothers your babies shall re.
ceive special attention. I do enlarging
work at my studio, (do not send It 10 oan
Francisco or East,) In oil,crnvon, India ink,
etc. I also do Bromide work when order
ed. Orders left for view work will be fill
ed by first-class workmen.
Farm property nt all prices
n any
The Pride of Albany soap
by far the best laundry soap
in the market contains no
rosen. Try it and you will
use no other. For sale only
by "
I have obtained a few more lots in the
North Addition which will be sold at $G5
each on the installment plan. It 'will pay
you to call and see how this addition is
I, cated belore buying a lot three miles further
out. Kxpeuto have some other addition
property to sell in a few days. Astoria
has unquestionably the brightest prospeots
of any town in the north west to day and
buyers in real estate who get in on the ground
floor will reap from the harvest that is surely
in store for the city by the sea.
Real Estate and Insurance Broker
and Notary Public,
Broadalbin St., Albany, Or.
PRICIIARD. On Tuesday morning
Dec 31st, 18S9, at her home In Albany, of
consumption. Clara, wife of Rev E R Prl;h"
ard attheage of iSyears. The deceased was
(he daughter of Rev E J Thompson, D Di
of Corvallis, and was born In Vermont.
With her husband and family she came to
Alnnuy about four years ago. All who
knew her learned to love her, for her wavs
were gentle, her disposition noble, her con-
duct that of a pure christian woman; a
loving mother and wife. The community
loses an exemplary citizen, and the afflicted
faintly have the universal sympathy of our
people In their sad bereavement. '
The following Is a more detailed obitu
ary of the life of the deceased: Borri In
Shoram t on Nor 15th 1861. fhe re
moved with hei parents to Minnesota, re
siding I" the northern portion of the state
Later her parents removed in Minneaplis
where she united with the Andrew Pres
byterian church at the early age of 13. A
year or two later, though really an Invalid,
she began studying in the State university
and persevered In this work until in the, when by the doctors advice,
her parents removed with her to Castlelen
North Dakota, There she married Rev E
R Prlchard on Dec 371h. 1SI1. Afiertrv-
ing this climate for four years, she, h'er
husband and little son George came to Sa
lem Oregon, where they remained until
Mav 1SS6. when Rev Mr Prlchard was
called to the pa;'orate of the First Pres
bitcrkn church.
Cester Tables A large and elegant
shipment of center tables, in new designes,
finest stock in the valley, jusl received at
Fertmlller Irvines.
Don't Sleep
By the fire, but buy an acre in the com
ing great sea port of the Nerth west.
We have made arrangements to supply
monev to all on lone time at low rates of
interest on Improved f.irms and city prop
erty. Three who contemplates building
brick blocks or good brick business houses
can get money. See us.
Wallace& Cusick.
Choice Candy, iTnts Fruit, etc.
Watches, Watches,
Springfield watches,
Hampton watches,
St'th Thomas watches,
Automatic watches,
The Jeweler.
Matthews & Washburn,
Johnny will have to get his gun supplied with
telescope sights and do some tall shooting 'ere he
strikes a better stove for solid comfort than the Jew
el. This stove is a real beauty and is constructed
on the latest improved principles. Sold only by
Too want lbs best and most durable furntaretbtt i( manufactured In theoity ft
Thomas Brink.