VOL. IJ, ALBANY, OR. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1889. NO 204 tes CathabticEiils1 Contain, In small compass, tlio essential virtues ol tlio best voRPtalilo catliartlcs. Thay aroa snro euro fur f'ostlveness, I mil gestlou, ami Liver Complaints; are pleasant tjo take ; prompt, but mild. In operation. Mr. James Qulnn. of Middle st. llartfnril, Omin., testlne : "I liave usrd Ayr's l'illa Kr the pust tlilrty years ami ennaiJur thorn 41 Invaluable family im-tUrlnc." Ayer's Pills, Sold by all Druggists auci Dealer. In Medicine, Conrad Mever, ST v n iiakkuy Corner Broadalbin and First Sts -DEALER IS- ' an lied FrailM, 5rlea FrnllH. Tobacco, infrar, - Collec t'aua( Meals, 4)ueenHware, OgeintiscN, Clgatm, Hp'tXH, Tea. Etc., Etc,, r.tict everything that is kept in a gen Iti variety and grocery ore. Highest b riot price rai(l to ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. r?,;F. Sj, Pre, O. H. TWAar, See Albany IRONWORKS- It AM EKGIrISS GRIST AN 3 SAW MILL MACHINERY HON FRONTS AW ALL KINDS OF HE AW AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Spatial attautaon kld o remlclnic U it of ma.uln.t? Patta-DS Made on Short Notict. THE PLA.C2. . mean e:UI nil PaiKei Brothers, 4e John i?oK, or )? Groceries, PjMducs, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc. eiraoode are the lesl and llic lirprl.ee lonable. Ileal n'.oek of 2nd t& ;ood til the Val ley, an the nvnt ran' iaie prices, both m'baylna and soiling, i have on hand all kinds' of FUiiNITMt, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNK?, B30XS, P1UTURES. iCLOGXS, CHOQXCRY. ETC., ;etc. lirntol8 E Yonnj'a oV store. L. CQTTLlfcB ;S Flrat atraet. Albany. Or. Cancers Cured. J. R,DTJ'a C., Albany, Oregon, lent lor J. R. Donn, Ike lreyt Cancel; King, of stirtlmer. Ksna, will treat all external .aaoera on Ue Brlaniple of NO LURE WO PAY. For farther Informs lion, addres. no sl4, Oor. Jnd and Cleveland St , H's 4th A., Albany, Or. SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW 300DS AT II. EWERT: Invite, the publio to inspect his HOLIDAY Which aro unsurpassed io the Valley A Nice display of Watches, Gold Headed Canes; Gold Headed Silk Umbrel las, Gold and Fountain Pens; DiamohdRings, And an endless variety of Jewelry,. Coin Silver ware, and genuine Rogers Bros Hated ware only, Clocks, " . Spectacles, etc., etc. NKW STORE.. Mitchell & lewis Co., - DEALEUS IN- Agricultural fuipteniciits AND VEHICLES ALBANY, COME .ISI STICK in the fact that atn oll'erini better Bought at bai First-Glass Goods oibelow COST. FOP General nierclinli "I " " oH The New Drug Store IX THE BLUMBKRO BLOCK. H opn )d his nsw slors with a .holes stouk .or Drugs, Patent Medicine Per fuiiicr) Toilet Cases and Druggists Sundries, .aT PaMarlpHoD. promntVy and oarnlly eompnanded. ftsT Rr.ry no and fresh. Tb. pafitle is lnltd to eall and InwMct gonda aad gat pMe. new aud large .lock nf GOODS iu theii line, and ennsist of Silvervwr Gold and Silver SEW GOODS OR ID SjEIE! TJS, A PIN" bargains than any one else in Albany tupt Bales I ean ll oh iuh. .Par'i'- 'lnf IwirHina in am,-i Albany, Orepoa KKEl'l'OVTEI. F. M. Fro d oh kevps railroad time. 15 cent having at V.eck's. 8 tickets for at Vierekt. Boots and tkces at ooat at Read's, Saratoga ehips at C E Brownell'i. J. P. Wallace. Phvsician And Sure-eon. Al bany, Or, A tine line of all kinds of furniture. lain nd unhoritsred. be - stoek in this Dart of Oregon at Fortmiller ft Irving'. J A ArahibaM. a rent Sinner Manufactur tag Co., opp.itits Odd Fallows Temple, Al bnuv, An elegant line of siik table spreads, in boautiful designs, just received at Foitiniller & Irviug's. 5 cans Golden Star tomatoes for 50 cents at C Meyers, and all otherj canned goods cheap for each. Jat received new table linen at V. F. Read's. i W SUrr. uhvsieisn andsurveon. Albanv - a - o Good eookina stove onlv 810 at Hon..: isft 3alt ma rail's. 3 chairs running steady at Viereok's shav ing parlors. Beat roast coffee in the city at Conrad Meyers. Kirks Savon Imperial soap, $100 a Jbox at E Brown ell's Sixty dozen window shades iuatreceiv.d at Fortmiller & Irviug's. 1 W Bentlev. best boot and shoe maker in city, opposite Fortmiller & Irving'a. A large and tine line of window s lisd just received t Fortmiller & Irviug's. We have the best $150 kid glove ever brought to Albvay at W F Head's. New is the Waie to save monev by buying boots and shoes at cost of W. F. Read. Go to Dardue for honest weights, good goods and lowest living price?. 1 am now better prepared than I hav j ever been to bult my customers in the shoe line, I have Just receWed a Targe Invoice ot the celebrated Laird Srbebrr & Mitchell fine ebecs for ladies, Tbfrelsno mar nfactuire; Tvho claimn ar.ythlnr; b6ttor lhan these nhocs, I In tend io keep a full assortment of Ihem in all prices, widths from A to EE and oon su't the most fastidious in fit and price, I alt i received another invoice of the pop. liar shoe E P Reeds in Waukenphast snd Patent leather tip. These shoe am weil known In Albany as a first clasi nice sty It shoe. Orders from the Conntry fill el with care and satir faction gnarsnteid PAMUKr. E Yodmo. Better Than Ever I JI instead of" nfforlnff a prize at only Lav fits tlm hinky ono, cr HendiiiR out contltlenitftt slips as baits, w prooe to openly otfei tlx olitzeas of Albany and vtHdil.v h'j(re motin at bad rek i ;e. and (tIvb FIVK r-Ert CENT 1IH'JNT t'(,nanii m each rtoParn w.)rth of froods at re'iil price until the I2.1 f Jannary. HitibpHt prtcts taid lor Phloknna, KK" Niidtntter. TtiaukiUK yon fornur pns mtronaae nnd solieHiiiie your trade fo the f tn tiro, we bg to remain at your ser- J M Bardi'b. ' A RY r.UiRI AOES a r Tnr a.ln by Wilt A Jitrr, dealer. In nn wrt.ha, jewelry, t. Pino line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Degree and Hob sons specia' bargains Iu the table of the increase and total wealth of the States published by the New York Worut, Missouri not only retains fifth place but she shows a ratio of increase greater than that of anv of the States which lead her. Il linois sbowedalmost no increase in ten years, w lite the total valuation of wealth in Missouri almost doubled. .Missouri in the variety and richness of her resources of wealth is excelled by no State in the Union, and at the present rate of development it will not be long b;fore she will puss Illinois and Ohio, Grand old Missouri ! paUinp l'hotoraitliera Albany Oregon. W. have bought al) the negatives made by L W Clark and W H Greenwood np to Nov 15th, 1SS9. Duplicates can be had from them only of us at reduced rates. We have aleo about 18,000 uegative4 made by our selves, from which dupltoatns can be nad ot like rates. .We carry the only full line -f views of this state and do enlarged work at lowest rites for Grst class work. We shall be pleased to see yon at our Studio in Froman's block, next door to Diatonic lempioi A Verbict That the grand display ol reat, ornamental baskets, each containing one pound of choicest tea, at LaForest & Thompson's, is the finest importation ever oroucrht to Albanv. This tea Is basket 5red, pure and ot ricn navor. -ve oner it at the a'.cr.!shly low price ot 40c Kotice. Parties indebted to Mr. E. L. Power, will confer a favor by calling on Mr H F Merrill, with whom his accounts have been left, and settling tne same once. S .mk l.h. .slhrstsd Havana filled ci can, manufactured at Julius Joseph's cigsr factory. Only 5 cents. 7 O-ks cures rheumatism, neuralgia an toothache, Fwhay Mason Agents, Babies. The finest line of baby cajr ages in the Valley just n celved at Stewart & Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con siuering ire superior quality ot tne oge, carri If you havo aby job wefk to do call 6ft 0 W, Smithwho is precal-C to do it with neatneBssnd disnatA, and as cheap as ar one. Abbey's Addiiion. 54 lots In this ad dition to Albany, near Hackleman's 3l addition, for sale, at $0 to $125 a lot, ct Cur ran & Monteith's. Struck Oil t Standard re At $i.3 per c gallon ca sest Standard r-M oil, at the WHlamSA packing Co.s store. You will be surprised to soe- how chenp ou caq buy ladies aud jjents gold watches F M Krenchs, New cream cheese just received at Cobrd Meyers. Albany Market. Wheat-S0c. Oat!i'i9i. Bfliwr 'J6o por it. rCprs2ir H1iy-,00, .ttotatonM--75 oU per bu.ihol Boef on foot, 3Wn Apples 75 cent" por bu, Pai'k OUc per llr Uressed. Bacons bains shoulders, 8e. 81 de 10c. ItWd 9n per lb. K.oir4.2o per lW. CqMmds 8 00 por dox. ytltl Few) bran, 14.00 per ton vbos-ty, Ifi. middllmrs, 20. Clior "0, S. W. Paisley, Albany, Orsaoa. WHOl.KSALE DKALKr. IN Tobacco and Cigars. Ordois tolioitid from the trade. ALBANY, OR. WE1TSM1H & HULBERT BEOS,. Real Estate Agents. Farmr and IUnches fr .ale. Also city broperty in Albar and C'ortallis. MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000 to loan at 8 per cent on im proved farm or tltr property. Wallace k Ci'.ick. FAINTS, OllrSj AND 8RU8SES AT DBY0B ROBSfJN'b TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Buftlneiit failures la 1889,' New York, Dec. 30. Uradst reel's reports 11,719 failures in the United States for the year 1SS9, with liabilities of $.4,359,49o,and assets of 870,599,769. This is the larRest number of failures, and greater liabilities than for any year in the past five years. The in crease in the nunilwr of failures over 188S is 1 132; increase in liabilities, $20,117,188: in crease in assets, $$,599,858. Randall Very III, r.TTSBL'RG, Dec. 30. A special from Col umbus, O., says; Issac R Hill, of Washington ayi intitimate friend of Samuel J Randal, re ports the latter very low, and the chances are that be will never resume his seat in the house of representatives, Former linn Co Han. Walla Walla, Dec. 30. Riley Koontze, aged 74, a pioneer well known here and in the Willamette valley, died here this afternoon. He came to Oregon in 1850. Illnlncs llro. Salem, Dec. 30, Professor Melville G, Lane (or Blaine,) principal teacher at Cheme wa Indian training school, near Salem, and brother of Secretary of State James G Blaine, died this evening after a brief illness, at the age of 63. He was a man of rare ability, a tine speaker and in able educator. He was tall and spare, resembling the secretary very much as to features. Deceased managed the campaign for Jarne G Blaine in 1S84, and through his influence was recently appointed teacher in the government school. I'p In Arms. Charleston, S C Dec. 30. Prominent colored men of Charleston and vicinffy have issued a call to the people of (South Carolina, reciting the butcnery of eight of their race at Barnwell, nnd calling Jon colored f eople to send representatives to a convention to be held ot Columbia lanuary 2. for the purpose cf con sulting and formulating a plan by which the laws can be enforced Hnj orfler preserved. kiarv "ftfcifc, Seattee, Dec. 30. The strange case of a man starving todeath with securities that rep resented 2500 in his possesion, occurred in Seattle this morning, tl yen A way. r or the benefit of our custotneri we u ill give away op. Jan 1st, the following t 1 Dinner set, 120 pieces, $25. 1 Tea bet, 44 pieces, $7.50. 3 Tea sets, each 44 pieces, $18. Theee goods arc of the best English are and a credit to any table. Give us a a 11 nnd get not only the best bargains In pure fresh groceries but secure a chance at one or more of these elegant sets of dishes. LaForbst & Thompson. Holiday Announcement. From new until Jan. 1, I wMl sell my $ j.oo Ladies Curacoa kid shoes all brands at $3.00 pr pair. I will also make a 10 per cent dis count on all my .slippers for men, women and children including felt slippers and feet warmers. My Cutacoa ki shoes, are first grade and of the best make, marked In plain figures nnd will be sold as repre sented and guaranteed. These goods are net marked for the occasion, but are a j;cnuine reduction sale. A boy can buv as cheap as a man. Samuel E Young. Next Ne '.best place in town is GUsonne 1 rshop !n the Froman Block, netu cito Fortmiller & Irvine's. Best bs -ber !:. town. This Trade Mni k on n e sreans It Is th best thM. eJk pciUnce and kill can ubn irive. o'd only by G. IV. f-Hitth. Thilhest li:ioof kid n'ove at Wp llead'i . Tne Old North State moking is fait guinirg popularity. Trv the full ernam oheete at C E Brown ell's. I adits in is. mens thrift, misis shoes cbi'd eti4hoes. mens boo t buys boots, tt it then coit to make rocm for other goods at C K Hnmneirs. When Baby ras sick, we gre her Oastorta, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When the became MIm, she clung to Castorla, When she bad Children, she gave them Castori fcUPIRIOR LINKS OF RIOU TURALIN PklMSNTS AT OC YOB A R0BS3N