J VOL,. ALBANY, OR. MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1889. NO 203 J J. - tats CaihabhcRlls1 tiOntalll, in smaii cnini'iiJiii, mo nwiiimi Virtues of the best vcpotalile pathartlrs. They are a sure euro for Costivencss, Indl gestion, ami I.lver Complaints; are pleasant t,o take ; prompt, but mild. In operation. Mr. Jamrs Qulnn. o! Middle fit.. HarUnrd, Conn., t'tifl'H : "I liavo used Ayi-r's I'llls iir the i.ast tlilrty vears and n insider thuin n Invaluable fuudly nnUlc., Ayer's Pills, Bold by oil Druggl.t. aocl Dealer In Medicine. Conrad Haver, PROPKihriv; ok. STAR BAKBUY Corner Broadalbin and First Sts,, .-DEALER IN . ' anned Frusta, nrlea FraltN. Tobacco, iagar, Coffee, Canueri Meals), Qneenamrti, feRetalt'ee), Clgara. Hp'.tcm, Tea. Etc., .' '.fact everything that hi leapt ti a Ren li'J variety and grocery ore. Highest n rket prioe rald ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. R. F. Sn, Pres C. H. TRWAJir, 8cc Albany IRONWORKS. alanufaotureM TEAM EHG1HSS C3I3T AND SAW y ILL MACHINERY 1331! FRONTS m ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND GRASS CASTINCS. -.oaal.l atU'ifcuin s.ld o reivirtnu ! 4a or meihlnsi" HaUoras Hade on Short Notiot. THE Uynt .mean call nn Pane. Brothers, Groceries, PNHncs. Bakod Goods. Etc. Etc, Xlioir gpoi dc are tne tst and lbclSpriees 2nd Store. tXamt r OnH S5T ondS 111 the V ftl' ley, and the mni re .aie prices, both in bnvlna and sailing, i have on hand all kinds of FURNITURE, STOVES, TIHWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES. bCLQBXS, CROCKERY, ETC., !ETC. D d.-.ir vastlolS E 'Young's oV atore, L. COTTLltB ;1J3 First t. Alhan-. Or, Cancers Cured. J, R,tnglis 0.., Albair, Or.irnn, rent tor J. R. Dunaan, Mil flmat Canoar King, of Mortlmir. Kiiwai, will trM all external eaaoers on the nrlnrtiJ of NO UDBEHOPAV. Fit further Inform, lion, address 1 J, K. DOt'ClA Oor. 2nd aud Cleveland St , H's4th A.. AlOanv.Or. SECURE PRICES. NO ROUBLE TO SHOW 300DS AT H. EWERT: Invites the public to inspect hi. HOLIDAY Which arc unsurpassed in the Valley A . . w jj.wj, J. Watches, Gold Gold Headed las, Gold and Fountain Pens; DiamondRings; And an endless variety of Jewelry, Coin Silver ware, and genuine Rogers Bros Plated ware only, Clocks, Spectacles, etc., etc. NHW STORE. NTEW GOODS Mitchell & lewis Co., -DEALERS IS Agricultural Isupleincnts AND VEHICLES ALBANY, COME -A-ISTTO SEE XJS, STICK in tho fact that am oirerinfe br.t,!r 1'iti-Kiiir.a ihr, nuy one else in Albay Bought nt ha- xrupt t I chii mI1 First-Glass Goods: beluw COST. FOP OmiT-'l merchan G The New IN THE BLUMBERO BLOCK. XX. Gc HUBBLE Has open id his new store with a ehiloe atnokjof Drags, Patent Medicine Per ffumery Toiict Cases and Druggists Sundries. J0 wrlrtlnn promptly and nanrulty eofni riew and fresh, tjstr Tha pnBMe is Invited new aud large tock at GOODS, in thcii line, and contint o( OILVERHAr i a I Ui WW- Headed Canes; Silk Umbrel OR A PIN" 'l"rKtJ lt ft faHtlla'l W, SIMPSON aIhiiv. Oreijca Drug Store eom pounded. seT" Br - ry- to call and maHrt SJT KKK11'0TK1. F. M. French keeps railroad time, 16 cent sharing at t neck's. 8 tickets for f J at Vieroalt'i .' Boots and UOti at cost at Read's. Satatoga chips at C E Browooll'i. J. P. Wallace. Physician Mid Surgeon. Al bany, Or,; A flue line of all kinds of furniture, plain and uphofetered, hes' stock in this part of Oregon at FortmiUer & Irving't. J A ArihihaLl, a-jciit linger ilanufaotur inn Co., o;ipocite Odd Fellows Temple, Al bauv'i An elegant line of silt table spreads, in bountiful de.igi&t just received at FortmiUer ft imug's. 5 cans Golden Star tomatoes for 50 cents atC Meyers, and all otherj canned goods cheap for cash, Jut receired new tabla linen-at W. F. Read's. I W Starr, physician and surgeon, Albany Oregon. Good cooking stove only $10 at Hop,: is ft aai tularin a. 3 chain running steady at Viereck'a ahav- Bast roast eofiee in the city at Conrad Meyar,. Kirki Savon Imperial oap, 8100 a !box at 3 E Browndl's &ixty dozen window shade justreceiv;d at Forttniller& Irving'a. J W Bentlay. best boot and shoo maker in city, opposite rortimller &: Ir lag a. A large and fine line of window a bed jnst receired at FortmiUer k Irving1!. We bar. the best $1.50 kid glove ever brought to Aiba.y at W F Head's. N.w is tha Uaie toaave money by buying boots and shoes at cost of W. F. Read. Go to Bardue for honest weights, good goods ana lowest living prices. I am now better prepared than I bavo ever been to suit my customers in the shoe line, I have just received a large invoice ot the celebrated Laird Srbebrr & Mitchell fine sbces .'or ladies. Tbfrd Is no manufacturer wbo claimn anythinir bett?r than these nboos. I in tend 10 keep a full assortment of them In all prices, widths from A to EE and eon su't the most fastidious in fit and price, I bIl 1 received anothor invoice of Iho pop ilnr shoe K r Keeds in vt anlceypuast &ju: Patent leather tip. These shoes am wei". known In Albany asa first class iilcu stv)6lKe. OMers from the country fill el vith care and satiF faction gunrsntetd Kamuel E Yocko. Better Than Ever Uf instead of offering a rizs f-at only beninis the hick one, cr senu.nu nut confldenrtal slips as bait, we propose to openly cffel the oitisens of Albany aud vl.'ln)t ch'ilce smods at bad rok rice. andpiveFlVKt-'EH CENT HI-COUNT for caau on each dollars w.irth 01 goods at rovnl price until the 2tn of January lllfnoxt prlcis am lor cnioKer.s, eye," and r.titie-t . J nattliiDK yon for jour pas rwlroniis? nnd soliciting your tride fo ifio future, we teg to remain rt yntir ser vice.!' . "ft?.: SS353iiisi -'S3? J M Dabdvb. FTr mTnTr'lil'Jf. jiarktjfaaTors In Tine wV!Tiei"iiweTrT?et.iJ" ' F;jio line of Guns and kgood stock of Ammuni- Ition at De Deyoo and "Rob "A KY7 . r i mil !; AT T -. The Republicans of Ohio are slashing awaj at Calvin 5 lirice because he happens to be a millionaire and wants to go to the Senate, They think It is ail right for a rich Republican s to go there, but that rich Democrats have no business to apply. And ill this while they have John Sherman, a millionairs in the Sen ate, who was as poor as a church mouse when he became a Republican statesman, but has since amassed a fortune by the ' opportunitiei f irnished in public life. Vailing I'hntngrnplii'rs Allmny Oregon. We have bought all thenegativea made by L W Clark and W H Greenwood up to Nov 15th, 1SS9. Duplicates can be had from thein only of ua at reduced rates. We havo also abont 18,000 negatives made by our selves, from which duplicates ean be had at like rates. We carry the ouly full line of views of this state and do enlarged work at lowest ratea for first class work. We shall be pleased to ace you at our Studio in Kroman's block, next door to Maaonio Ti'mple A Verdict That the grand display of eat, ornamental baskets, each containing one pound of choicest tea, at LaForest & Thompson's, is the finest Importation ever Drought to Albany. This tea la basket area, pure ana ot ncn navor, -ve oner it at the aslcnishly low price oi 40c Notice. Parties indebted to Mr. E. L. Power, will confer a favor by calling on Mr H F Alerrjll, with whom his accounts have been left, and settling the same at once. S.noke the celebrated Havana filled oi Ean, manufactured at Julius Jojeph'11 cigar factory. Only 0 cents. 7 0ka cures rheamatiam. neuralgia and toothache. Foshay & Maaon Agents. Babies. The finest line of baby coir ages In the Valley just n celved at Stewart &' Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con siderine t're superior quality of the carrl ayes. Tf vnu have anv iob wcrk to do call on G W. Smithwhn is nrenVed to do it with ueatness'and disnat,, and as cheap as any- AnnEY's Addition. 54 lots In this ad' dition to Albany, near Hackleman's 3! audition, for sale, at $:o to $125 a lot, at Curran & Monteith's. Struck Oil At $1.2? per K gallon can et Standard r"1 oil, at the Willamette vacking Co. s store. Yon will be surprised to see- how chpap ou Crin t'tiv ladiuiiand scuta cold watches F M French. An elegant Hue of new denials of chairs just received at r ortmuier at Irving a. Now cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers. Alhnny Market. Whoat-103 lints 20-. Rnti.T per ih. ;S 'ill Ilky -B.00. Uotatop- 75 cts pnr 0illiol B.wf oil foot. VJc Annies 75 oent por bu, ?nrg.flo per ur iireaseo. Pacrnx hams, 12o, shoulders. 8c aides lOe. tiiid 9onerlb, K.'our4.'io per bb). fihWfens 8 (in por dor. Till reoil nran, M.tHiper ton shorts, 1A. middling?, 20. Chof "0. S. W. Paisley, AttMiny. Orsaea. -WH01.KSALE DEALKRIN- Tobacco and Cigars. Ordi.r solicits d from the trade. ALBANY, OR. WRITSMAN & EDLBEBT EROS.. Real Estate Agents Farmr and lUnchea frrule. Also city broperly in Albary and Corallts. MONEY TO LOAN. $200,000 to loan at 8 per cent on lm proved farm or tltr property. Wallace & Ct'sa PAINTS, 0113 AND tRUnniS AT DB fOE m AOBSON'b TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Rlftbljr Veara Old. Lcsnox, Dec. 28 The eightieth anlver tary of Gladstone's birth hat absorbed so much attention, as to make of this quiet Sabbath, a uny 01 national remembrance. Telegrams and letters of congratulation admiration, pour ed into Haw arden from not only all quarters of England, but literally from ail narts of the world. All the members of the Gladstone farrilv branches were gathered at Hawarden t3 meet and greet their eminent kinsman, Horrible. Dktroit, Dec. 29. A Tribune's special Irom Hancock, Mich., says: A calamity not surpassed in the annals of the country, occurr- cd at 3 o'clock this morning, at Ilurontown, A tamily named dross, con sis tine of the par ents tnd eight children, with a visitor, were consumed in a burning drwelung. 1 ncay Lies (he Head. St. Petersburg, Dec. 29, The czar is again reported indisposed, Many army officers suspected of revolutionary sympathies have been arrested. Ocneral V&nnooski, minister of war, proposes that nobles only should be allowed to become army ofticers, but the czar refuses to enteitain the suggestion. Blew It Out. San Francisco, Dec. 29. In the Eureka hotel Oakland, this morning, Mr Jane Erwin and her two daughters, Mary and Bessie, aged 16 and 12 respectively, were found dead in the r bed, having been asphyxiated by gas. 1 be Democrat Haiti So. San Francisco, Dec, 29, The Chronicle says: 1 he fact of the ten round contest at Portland on Saturday night between Tim Cor- bett and Dave Campbell ending in a draw, is considered no est of the merits of either man as it was well known the affair was purely an exhibition to draw gate money, k Peculiar an I tide. San MATEO.Cal,, Dec. 29. James Tagart a well dressed and apparently wealthy man, supposed to be from San Francisco, created great exciiement in the Catholio church here to-night by committing suicide. He arrived on the train from San Jose this afternoon, and rushing to rather Callaghan threw himself on ' his knees, crying: "Save me, save me; I'm going to die Evil spirits arc after me " 1 he lather calmed him and directed him to a hotel. Tngart appeared again at the even ing service and was very devoted At the close he calmly rose, drew a penkinfe and cut his thront three times. He died in five minut es without speaking a word, It is thought hii mind was affected. (iiven Away. For the benefit of our customers we will give away or. Jan ist, the following : 1 Dinner set, 120 pieces, $25. 1 Tea tet, 44 pieces, $7.50. 3 Tea sets, each 44 pieces, $18. Thece goods arc of the best English ore and a credit to any table. Give us a n II and gft not ouly the best bargains in pure fresh groceries but secure a chance at one or more of these elegant sets of dishes. LaForest & Thompson. Holiday Announcement. From new until Ian. I, I wHI b:II my $00 Ladles Curacoa kid shoe1 all brands at $3.00 pr pair. I will also make a 10 per cent dis count on all my jlippers fo. men, womea and children including felt slippers and feet wurmen. My curacoa kid shoes, are first grade and of the best make, marked in plain figures and will be sUd aa repre sented and guaranteed. These goods are not marked for the occasiotv but are a cnuine reduction sale. A bov can buy as cheap as a man. n AM URL K YOUKO. Next. Ne" '.best place in town Is Gllson's ne 1 ihop In the Froman Block, next it. n to FortmiUer & Irvine'. Best b -her !:. town. This Trade Mm k on a stove means It Is the best thpt ek perltnae and skill can con- trive. &ld only by G. W. Smith. Theliest li'ie of Iti l glr.vu W F Ite Tne Old .Sort I. guinirg pulafity. SutB imnking is fat Tr l i- full ntm c'tn.e a, t; E Brown-. ell'r. I alica iht -s. trtns hpr, mi.ses shoes chi'dieiisnliMep, niMit li tf hoys IkmiU. st les than cot to mat,. r-H in for ther oikkIs at C V. Br..i,tl's. .hMt cran hernt.s and swt.et oranges CRBr wi.dli. SUPERIOR LINE8 OF AORICUITURALIM' PLBMENTfi 4T OE Y03AR3o goods sod gat piW,