..4 I : VOL. IS. ALUAFY, 05. 3ION)AY, DECEMBER 23, 1889. NO 108 ' "wmrri-nmmc ft' v? ' ODD FELLOVS TEMPLE .v -V 3" 7D ilie Leading Drug-gist, .,QnEGON. iDiiALisu i;: -3 Ti 6lb :.-vi' B. V. Sx, Pros C. II. Stkwakt, Sec Alb an IRONWORKS -Mamiftioiurer i- It AM EHCUTJ CRISi AH 3 SAW yiLLMAGiil.'ISRY FB3STS AHD ALL KI;!3S OF !!Y AMI L!3!1T W0J.X, !N GASTIi'GS. d i.n "V-i? Haltorns Made on Short Notice. THE PL4CE. Parse. Brothers, -.rc:s.n c J. 'An .'Sox, ' m Grocer? s,- Frjduce, SakeA Gasds, Etc. Etc, tlis Ki.i j T a'rc ( 2 , l.l'.i f t- V.XV: Our ( '.frvit l.iio 1 Ar.i -In .. t'er.'t ,i-,.y I ly 0 unpin, id n J i H-1 1 M:l.,l,n! Tl ? un I night. Ellivc nrr'vrd ur"1 wo or I (loo.'i .11 il oi'lcs. ,!Jy in vi'o th9 public to tiall anJ Insp ict our MIK LEADER. G THE LEADER W. SMITH, " Argand," ( arSaiMl" STOVES AND RANGES. KKKlrOSTKI. F. M. I'rtuch keapa railroat time. 15 cout bliavmi; at V .ckV. S tickets fo- ft ?.t Vicrk'i . Hoota aud Laj at cost at Reatl', Siratuy chilis at C K UrownolPH. J. P, Wallace, Physician and Surg6ont Al bany, Or, A lino lino of all kiu la of furniture, plain ami uplioltiterui), ties stock in this part of Oregon fit Fortmilier & Irving's. J A Archi'iiT-l, ajonfc Singer Manufactur in:; '.'., opp v.icj 0.1.1 Fellows l:aplet Al An ehan t Hue of siik tahla ppreatls, in Uirmtiful ikaiiis, ju'it received at Fortmilier i Irvine's. .i e-Mia (i.ihl'jn Star t'imatoei for 50 centH atC M.iyars, and all other! c&aueil gooilu cliuan for cauh. Jnt ivctfiyed now tablu linen at W. F. Rert'a. I WiStarr, physician andsurgeon,, Albany Orejo:i. Good conking stovo ouly SlO at Ilopi: is k Saltmarsh's. 3 fhairs running steady at Viereck'a shav iop; par!or3. I Beat roast coffee in the city at Conrad j Meyern. Kirks Savon Imperial soap, $100 a Jbox at C E RfowneirB Sixty doien vindow ahadeo juttrecciT.d at FurtmiileriS; Irving'e. J W Pentley. best boot and shoe maker in cit, opuoaito Fortmilier & Irving'8 A large and fine line of wii dtrw e l.tt' just received et Fortmilier & Irying's- We have the bebt $1.50 kid clovo ever brought to Albay at W FRoad'a. Now ia the t:.no toaavo money by buyu: boots and shoes at cost of W. F. Read. Go to lUrdue for honest weights, good goods and lowest living prices. Senator hmrn, of Georgia, has not put in an appcr.ranco at islir.gton this session ile.ihh is Oo;, and hi will not be alle to do mm;'u work this season. It i a i open serrct that lti-own would have resinc-l at the begin ning cf the region end given Gov G onion his seal had not G onion superseded the Senator with Henry Gnuly as Trustee of the Georgia State V niver.-i;y last Summer. "Very good." remarl.e:'. S-jnatur Joe; "tioidon can wait un til I liiov.n is now determined to hold on to his seal in si ite of everything but death in order lo keen Gordon out of it. San-t v CXu's He.mhjuakters We have just received an immense stock of holitiav goodonistincf of the following : Walnuts, Filberts, lirail nuts, Pecans, Pcanutf, Oranges, ' Lemons. Vcietablei, Parsnips, Cabbage, Oaulravi, Crrrots. Poultry, TurkevK, Ducks, Gcse, ChKtkcns. All (if the above will be kept on hand during the holidays. Will am et rn Packing Co. Thctiiv:)ii nto tno iMt n.i the lr jn'icff ri."mnnnl.lf 513 9 3 ai wMM4?Jf stylos, mSa'fiftMX 7 The World's b83b. More than hun-di-ed 7 hun dred differ g n t sty leo 'q o k s ami heatsrs Roofing, job W ork, Plambing. ilave Trough. Ran 9:3 Boilers Conductor Pumps. ppl t The Mew Drug Store, .v-ujft IN TIIK liEU.MJUCr.C CLOCK. . H"'5' - ' IIx-i orifin?.! hU now v.'T') with eholro stncV of li.o ,,!. I. . i. v. bi llg5 .- . 1 Can c 3T3 O lire d. J.I?,P.1"1 A '. . .S'-l-K', O''if.o. "j'-nilo- 1. .: n ' r-imi Kma. 1 M -V . ;V : ... .' , '. r i i xlorti ' " . . 1 . i ; ';'. No i-V KB N ' . . r.;.uv . it !!; i - . c 1 i . - i . ' :: v , ai.umv. ;r. JORSAT.K. A f,irm of w 1 Milli r: lali'iu u itiiii.a from vlbiny. Ail fa.vml, 20 "T 1m liiiHhv-'.i'in. HP.ir!v (ill JX'IO 1 vhn:'.'.; hirnt. nfv hniire Rllil lurn, w :tor. halt '-r a1-!. Tprnn lon'i.i'i'n. f M'piry of o'.vn prs on the ;tiace. E T Hamok, W W Roitsix 2nd gar- Ste. . l:ol !f.; k n! Jrul ."ln ls ill lb" 'ii' Et Hiii 1 he ;'i r 1 1' i iivs, t ' li i'l bllv;n;( h i I Milium i h-.vo oil hind hUI.'X'Is of rmim. mm, mvixr:, TH!J:HS, 033X3, PliiTdrS, CL1CXS, C33SX-MY, TS., 115. t a., r wp-itjofjfi K Y"ii'K' o'.t slcri. L. CQT?l!HB, 123 First fet. Aibsny, Or. Ftiimt MviMm Pea1 iaiisci-ys Toilet Casts ;t:: .''iv.-p: ir''! !!1 j'l'otni Mv nml e irfiilly coinpouinit-d. new an i JVii. Thp pubiio is itivitbd to c.ili mii-i pociis ir.d pot riiu-s. in the faot tlmt am ofiVitufc Victttr iRrairi ti.uu uuy ,.uk the in Ai''.My Bought Rt bw inipt Siles I can 11 First-Oiass Goods; SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICU' TORAL IM PLEMENTS ftT D2 ) & R.J3 3 -iy or 1. Gent of i 1 FOP 1 CmU fui ire ir in a nam,1! 0, w, mi?m b w:wut,,, Uill1""""'111Iiit npers, 1 t-e ornaments, aner holders, ream cntu'.fes, ibbou mixed candies, lain ,111 cv fiulitlower, Celery, Sweet pntatoc. Beett, I am now betior prepared than I lmv-3 evr boon to wuit my customers in lhe shoe line, Ihae.1ust received a large invoice oi the celebrated I.nlrd S. h(d(r & Mitchell fine obces for ladies Tbrrisno maMifacturer who claiini arylhin.' bettor than there fdicr,B. I in tnu to keep a full r.ssortniciit of 1 hem in all prices', widths from A to KE and can su't iho most faeilfdiona in fit and price, I alt. i received another invoicn of lhe pop.iUr kIioo K V Heeds In Wankeiphat -,n Tutent Ici.tber tip. Theso fhoes am woi knowii in Albany nun lirnt rUxt niiu fiy. hhc.t. Orders from tho ei nntiy 1111 "1 villi cori nml j-ali' a-jli( n (ii.tu: i:t(td f'AMt'KL K Youxo. I'ROI'ki trrr.i opv STAR nAKBIH'S Cnreer Erca;Ull3in and First Sts DEALER IN- mrlftty and growr? linii'.w-Rri-. ' 4, Ton. ore. H llioi' o rkt prist raid tor M'.KSNDSOFPROSUCE. 1 tit a ii .1 uj I'itistcad orofTring a priH !,Ht ben;tlLs tli In-iu ' niu, t;r flPluiiM' rii coijiiden! 'p.l H'!i;im! i!',1-, wo prni f s l -npMilv r.'rci '::i'z' ns 'if Albany '" d viciriT v ch';l-- u- iti- e: h r. n p- . . ind ii ve t V l;, I'P'.fi CKNT IiJ-Cni;.. fi rii"i on en;'b t!itJar w.irih of ri'jf?s t re'til price until the of .'aii'tuiy Hijrli't pr:v-n jai'l 10 r ffiicl Mi', rv an a Li:'lrr. "I lioiijiinp yen U rnrr ji-h pitionr.f K'.d soiicititiir vot:r r r a i i. tn fti'ure, wo tog to mninn x ytvir nv Tico, J M HAiirrE. TINWARE WAF.E Qf ALL KINDS 1 f t!O3S0N New To-Day. Toilet cases, Odor cases, Shaving sets. Work boxes, Cuff baxes, Albums, Scrap albums, Scrap pictures, mas cards, etc., at C'itv Drug Store, Guics Son, Pro'p. 7 ) r : 1 : I. v:k (Xlf - t.in.li .vvir e oared to do all kinds of stamping, and have over two thousand designs to choose from. Also keep a nice line of embroid erv iiialcri.irs, such ns arrasenes, crewels, No. 1 and 2 cnib.ok'.ery chenilles, princess chenilles, etc., etc., and the finest pom pons, tassels, crescents, cords plushes, fells 1,1,1 fanrv work materials ever In the city. Zmiivr Is ooln- at s cent an ounce. Miss Minnie Colwell has'charge of this depart n.ent, and has had several years expen- -n.-c in all hinds of ancy work and stamp i,r. G. V. SiMi'sos, Albany, Oregon. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A llnrrl7:!r C'rutir. Nii.es,' O , Her, 22. Tlie community was startled this evening hy the discovery of one ol the most wholesale and Woody Witcheries that has ever occurred in this section of the stale. The vidian, five in number, are Charles Slic'.ar, and vife, nml three children, and the crime is sup oscd to haw taken place at an early hour this morning. When the in human deed w as discovered at e o'clock this evening, all five bodies were stilt and cold in death, w ith their throats cut from ear to ear. Shelarand his wife were lying together across the loot of the bed and the three children were on the floor in different parts of the house .Shelar of late drank heavily, and it is 'rumor ed that he and his wife did not live happily. The theory advanced is, that Shelar, in a fit of madness, cut.the throats of his wife and children and then his own. Shelar purchas ed 0 raorcn Scluiday evening. nnlleton Iin. Apia, Samoa, Dec. 7. King Malietoa has at last been formally "recognized as ruler of Samoa by the consuls of the United States, Great Britain a-d Germany. About a month ago the consuls issued a proclamation declar ing that the Ttcrlin conference had aprced to rccogni.e Malietoa as King, and advising the natives to acknowledge him as sach. Tamas ese replied by raying that his followers were willing that such a course should be taken. Malietoa and Mataafa agtced to thesuggestiort and the nativechiefs of lhe island also signed a document, acknowledging Malietoa a. king. .1 Kmc l ight. Sr. I. oi ls, I'oc. 22. Mcagor reports have been receive,! of a liot in progress nt Toot's Camp, Miss., sixty live miles from Memphis, The trouble was precipitated I y a light be tween a white man and a negro, in which the later was worsted, I le went out from tovn, collected a party of frirnds and returned to clean out the victor. The whiles rallied and a fight ensued, in which half the people were wounded but none killed. The latest advices were that everybody was in arms, and father trouble is expected. Given Aivay. For the benefit of our customers we will give away or. Jan 1st, the following : 1 Dinner set, I -o pieces, J.f. 1 Tea set, 44 pieces, $7.5- 3 Tea sets, each 44 pieces, $lS. These goods are of the best English are and a credit to nnv table. Give us a all mid get not only the best bargains in pure fre.li groceries but secure a chance ai one or more of these elegant sets u! dUhts. LaForbst & Thompson. Ti ellV. .- :,h fulffc.r.iim oiei'sc at; K.Browt Si:-.-:-, vnoNAl It is the duly of n - ,., i i.-,r,k t.rettv and be bappv and she has one of those lo ely luils trimmed in the latest if French felt and highest style "f a mi'.r.m-rs artsoid at cot al the store (' Mrs Merie Davis & Co. he can be beautiful and I! beautiful, "-he will realize a felicity unknown t" mmv but a well dress ed woman. Come and see them. Xriw i the time t" bin eve t, r is --!!!;;,;! "n and if is idr tn hn illu ui-, nne. J'.hiin l.a (il.e li t,i f.-liet In r!-, ul,' it; 1 eini suit' d c ats w nud tlieri- a t i Xotu-k. --Part lei Indebted lo Power, will confer a favor lie Mr M F .Ierilll, with witoin hi- iiavc been left, and set'.ll -'i-.ce. Mr . K. I.. r.illiu- 01 accniiiits tne same nt Ur. . II. Kill "nvn. f. pnvMiviin Mid turs--CII maiii' in ci:y SiRi-CK Oil At per 5 gallon can its'. Standard r1 oil, at the Willamette "ackinj Co.' store. 1 o () F. Albanv Lodge No 4 holds its , ,-.,ular meeting Wednesday tuning of each w.-k. Visiting brothers are cor.l y d to attend. f. .'.1 , eh. 1 f.tel., Y"ii will hi sntpri.i-d to i em bay la lien ami s!eiit K r' M l'lenehs, Anelei'ant lin nt " d --.'ns '' ' .treceiT'd at FiTtniilli-r k liviill. Krw cnain clues teeeiveil .t Cni.ta .i Mmhs. T v Item1' W I i)V0E& H'HJ'sOX ARK ABENDS MRTilBXEff iliRIl AHM DAVl V K 1 T I C A If F K li D SKWING MA ' i I X R. B T M A f! IH 1 1 IN THB W A Al E ! Tlir 1 1, mils rontliiuc. Cot.fsA.Dec. 22. The river stands twenty five feet above low water mark and is rising fast. It has been raining steadily for twenty four horns an. I stil! continues. This afternoon there was no prospect of clear weather. Near ly all the large lantlowiem on Grand island have sulVere.l losses except A II Rose, one of the head men m the reclamation company. ' The general opinion is that his land S will be Hooded if the high winds now blowing contin ue many more boats. A Kcnlueky Cyclone. I.ot'isvit.i.n, Ky., Dec. 22. lhe town of l'dn;ville, Ky.. was visited ly a destructive s:orm of wind ami rain early this morning. Scve-al drw-cliings and three business houses were swept away by a cyclone hich passed through the ri.".'.utiy tj.vp. Crant and James Noitii, biotlu-is, received smious injuries. These uere 'he uuly ones hurt although sever al pe-'pie Iir'l i-jiracul,, us tsenj es. 'I lie loss is estimated at :i ! tout sco,oou, Uol.n. v v .", n N or M P. m i . From now until Jan. I, 1 wtil -e'l my $f."K UUies C;:racii:t ki I Mines all b:-,itiil, at i.oopr pair. I will nlsa mal.c a 10 per cent (lis- ' Client on . -.11 n:y .- lippers fn.' men, wemen and children including felt slippers and feet warmers. My Curacon kill shoes, are first grade and of the best make, tnarked in plain ii:;ntfs and villi be stld ai repre sented and guarnutfed. These goods are net marked for the occasion, but are a genuine reduction sale A ln.v can buy as cheap a; a man. Sa.mvci. n Vot vt. nvi.Y K Knlii'i C K I i'r:i.vT for i,a!y 1 JS at W .vnil gn'ij't erari'rB at A Siiaiii" 1 1 i:m The linest line of cut U iy and shears in the city r.t Stewart & Snv's. Their goods are the very best and will stand tilt? ted. AiirtiVs A unities. $ U)U i;, this ad. didon to AlLauy, near 1 lackletnan's 3rd to $125 a lot, tt i', Jin in.f-ir sale ( urran a: Monte YvA'f'v'f1.' VUJ.).-:v ' soi. sn t: lib's, s I raili' Mai on stove . it I' tint best thft. ex 'e r.t-.j s'.ill can con .'old only by . W. IMllLI.'lU lit-t b.irl r. - New jind best -!, ,,. :n tnvwi Is s new b.iiber fliop i.i the Fioman .our 10 rormniier ,- Irvine's. r in town. H.M!lKs.Tbe Hei st line of baby cair gcs in the Valley )'. r delved at Stewart V Sox's. Prices are n'm.-rkah'y cheap con sidei lug ti e superior cp:ality of the carrl gcs. SECURE TRICKS. SO nlJULETOSIIOW :;00!)S AT mr'i& v in