Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 26, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    PtblUb- trj dt j Id th wk.
lands.! xcpt0.
UlUM SinUffrCat AOARBilk.-A number .1 the
CS T5,77T. . Grand Army boys ol Salem have been
Imposed upon by o Impostor, who hail
initn nfl iin .n.1 .nil. umit-F iiu nam
Bes3aylTanin Hovemher 28,1889 1
ol Taylor, with aliases to ault the occaalon
says the Statesman. Upon hia advent In
Salem he applied to ! W Matthews (or
assistance and that comrade failing to
make a test rendered the desired aid.
Samuel Watkina was also the loser of sev'
eral days board, F J B&bcock of some tools
and J M Martin of a pair of gum boots,
The man pretended to want work, but
when a job was found for him he studi
ously avoided his friends and disappeared
wlien an opportunity was auorded. lie
is tall and wears chin whiskers. His
. badge is ttiat of chaplain. Other lodges
are warneu against nun
SIM 41 NIITriNU, Editors ami Publishers.
inredbye&arlerptr wok
TusU.pM yur....
WtmUi per aioutli. ...... .......
-I .is
. 6.00
. .60
laterdd tiu Pit'' Oilhie at Albany, t)i
as second-class mail matter.
Ah Swill, a Salcin Chinaman was
arrested and fined $5 for beating a horse
: L' i .1.1. 1. u.. 1 . 1. -11 .j
j( I IJ A J J Sk. !KC ,1 ) ft I S I been a white man with a vote, noattention
- V -r I 1 I 1 1 J. . .. U ! . . . I I I I.
nuuiu iiavo uccii jimiu iw iiiiu,ii an fiwu
ability. Silverton Appeal.
The above happened in Albany, initead
ol in Salem, and, if An Swill had been
white man, and as brutal, he would have
been nabbed just as quickly. Twenty
white men are arrested in Albany to one
Celestial, and there has never been 1
Mongolian arretted here who didn't de
serve to be. That's Albany's style. Color
or nationality has hothlng to do with the
Billy. A fair audience greeted Billy
Arlington last evening at the Opera
House. Arlington is one of the oldest
minstrels In the United States,and though
lie has seen his best clay, docs acme good
work yct,and is exceedingly funny on 00
cations. Those who attended were disap
pointed in hearing something much belter
ram Billy than they anticipated. One
newly applied joke run about like this. He
id lost a valuable diamond In the sea, and
thai been swallowed by a whale. Tne
whale was caught.
"What do you suppose was In it ?"
"Why the diamond rlng.of course."
"No, several Albany real estate men
Haying seven-up to see which should pay
lor the Orcgonian ad."
Mr I, t Harrows sang "The Warrior
Bold in fine shaee. and was heartily an
plauded. He has a verv nlea.ant harrow
tone voice .which we hope to hear him on
many other occasions. The drill undir
charge of Sergeant Overman was an in
teresting feature of the entertainment.
Tun Bjll of Fare The following
bill of fare will be served at the W C T U
Hall on Thanksgiving day, by the V L's :
Dinner commencing at it o'clock. Tur
key, chicken, tongue, ham, goose, cran
berry sauce, jelly, salads, potatoes, baked
beans, turnips, corn.pickles.cheese, mince,
pumpkin pie, cake, tea, coffee. All for 25
cents. Ice cream, 15c extra, mere will
be an ice cream aocial in the evening in
the G A R Hall. An intereating program
has been prepared and all are invited.
A Siason For Giving. This haabeen
one of the moat prosperous years in the
history of Albany, a reault.our clti
ens generally are feeling 'in resiarkably
good spirits. It has very properly fit
them for a generous holiday aeaaon. Even
the Democrat has become affected, re
acting in many longing glances Into the
already well stocked stores of the city.
And there la aome satisfaction In feaatlng
onea eyes. The large and elegant atock
of holiday goods at Foshay & Mason's has
particularly astonished us j but it is sug
gestive of the growth of the city and offers
a splendid field for all kinds of pocket
books. It seems much larger and more
complete even than in the past. The
counters are piled higher and lower and
the quality ol goods Is In keeping with the
times. Their stock of albums is simply
elegant, and the prices are astonishingly
low ; their line of toilet cases, dressing
cases, manicure casti.glove and other port
folios surpasses anything ever seen in the
city j their long show case filled with per
fumcry,ln fancy settings, probably Is as
fine as any in the entire state, being com
plete In the choice of the stock ; their line
of fancy articles, Christmas cards, etc., is
well aelected ; their ease of gold pen offers
a desirable present. 1 hei e are Ink stands
in fancy designs, brush holders and
thousand and one articles not even a news-
naner man can reascmber ; but ns contpi
cuous as anything is their splendid stock of
noiiday books, proDaoiy 1110 ocsi 111 u
vallev, piled tier on tier, and consisting of
the latest and most desirable books in lit
erature. You can buy set now about as
cheanlv as vears airo vou could buy a sin-
'j e volume. All to?etner nouuni: nin
ths nresent stock of holidar eoods.both in
aualltv and auantltv hat ever before been
seen in Albany, if in the valley, and our
citizens should by all means inspect ui
goods before buying.
Magnifying glatsas at Frenob'i.
A fine line ofsolidsilvtrwareat Freooh's
Daily Dmiscrat (sr sale evenings at W
F Kuha's.
Compasses, all styks and iriei. at t M
Qulnocs 75 cents per lashel at C E Brow
MoMahan and Farini's eireui ia wintering
at woeauurn.
As Era of R. R. This is
great era for building rallroads.and thougl
tome of the plans on paper sound big they
really are only a forecast of what wll
wme day take place. Our Astoria road if
now an assured fact, and here is an ar
rangement for another one by the Ya
qulna Republican : For months Salem
and Albany have been discussing and
planing a railroad to Astoria says the Ya-
autna Republican The indlcatioa-s now
point to an early construction of a rord
from Albany to A storla. This would give
the people of the latter city direct connec
tion to tht east and south at Albany. To
the east via the Oregon Pacific and to the
south by the Southern Pacific, tt will be
of greater advantage to Astoria than to
.lbany,as Albany now the Oregon
Pacific, a shorter and cheaper route to the
ocean at Yaqulna. Salem his nw direct
line to a seaport except the inland port at
Portland and therefore no competition
The most feasible route for the caplto'
city, shorter, moic easily cons.iucted,and
1 point to San Francisco is to build
a road through King's valley down the
Slletz to Newport, tannine the Astoria &
Albany road and the West Side aystem of
tne aoutnern racihc.
Not Sailed Yet. The storm at the
Bay continues, and tt is generally report
ed the heaviest for many years. On ac
count of the manner in which the waves
beat over the bar, now deeD and In good
condition, the bteamer Willamette valle'
has thought best not to sail yet, and when
she will leave port depends on the condi
tion ot tne storm.
A Brilliant Man. Sllverton has
citizen over fifty years old who has resided
in the city for the last eleven years and
has not been out of town farther than two
mllea in the whole time, says the Appeal.
Doea not know of several cities having
An Editor Waylaid. The editor of
the Salem Journal was waylaid Sunday
night by a tin horn gambler named George
Woods and his wife, on account of an arti
cle that appeared in that paper. The cou
ple were arrcsieo ana auiy nntu. im
editor managed to save a whipping by
using his tongue until some policemen ar
On the River. The Orient was In the
city to day, and loaded with a large cargo
of baled hay at the wharf of the O R & N
Co. The river is now in fine condition tor
boating, and all navigating the river are
doing a live business.
Fill it Ur Albany can't afford to
have an ad. runnning in the Oregonlan
this space is reserved for Albany Oregon-
It does'nt look well. The ciitzena com
mittee should fill it up with something.
Now For Thaksoivino. Our readers
will take notice that Mr Conrad Myer will
be prepared to supply one and all with
cakes and pies of all klnds.and especially,
mince pies of the thiest sinas lor 1 nn.-
g.ving day. j-ion 1 iau 10 icavc ju,
PHKASANTt. The Willamette Packing
Ca received by to days express a fine lot
of notive nheaaants- Call early and ee
cure one ot tnese nne nirus ior yum
Thanksgiving supper.
Will Double in Value. 25 feet fiont
.Ine two story brick building, on nt St.
Rents paying interest on $iJ,oco,bul!ding
In fine repair and will douule in value in
lohii.n months, for sale ot su roo. oee n. this will co fast. 0.ner bur-
in oHv.riiiM bv us have Not a
..noi. I mi a, ii-i- on record wiere tecula
tuis buying prope.-:y of us have not made
Look at This. 134 fet front on ri",t
S: eel, right on .be line ot improvement,
for $60 per foot. We'll wager
many as seven thousand inhabitants. Does I pony that the propeity will sell for $100
not know where Salem and
large cities are situated.
Tats Ditch. The water was let out Jof
the ditch Saturday, showing a pretty rag
ged beltotn, large mo.tsy lumps filling the
canal. The new company will clean the
ditch the entire length, it is reported, which
will greatly increase its power.
many other I ., 1. 1... than twelve montha in fact
e wi'l fjls-e anv man who mav bu
2$o for a twelve months bond at !
nn not nrociastlnate. To-worn
: . 1, .jo late, becruae you can't buy
eve. yihlne else down that way for thai
- 0 11.... , r.-.irr
Wallace & Cusick.
tsTFor TbanksKtvlnctEa
Cranberry Sauoe,
Sweet potatoet,
Hurre Ridish,
Smyrna figs.
taesn ouves,
Miiico meat, try it; something new;
citron,lemnn pcol, rasiins, curranU,
lomnns, walnuts almonds, peannts,
Brazil nuts, tilbeits pel cans.
Willamette Packino Co.
Kid Glevea I Kid Ulorsa 1 1 I
I have just received a full Una of kid
gloves branded Our Own. This is a genu,
ine kid glove. 1 buy direct from importers
In New York and consider them the best
value of any glove - ever sold for this
price. 5 button, 3 rows of siitcnlng, $1.50
per pair. I also carry a full line of the
celeb; ated Foster Liu glove, five hook, in
DiacK or colors.
' 8. E. YoUNt).
' Bananas,
Fia apples,
Ca.1- Figs,
Hubbard's Elegant Lotion. The fi
nest nrenaration ever discovered, for
rendering the skin smooth, so!t and white
It Is not a face paint in any sense of thn
word. By using Elegant Lotion - morning
and evening, the most Injurious face paint
or powder becomes perfectly harmless.
In order to introduce mis eiegant prepara
tion, we will present to each lady calling
at our store a sample bottle. This offer
remaina good for the week only.
H 0 Hubbard,
Prescription Druggist.
If you want pure, fresh diuxs uatroni:
the new Drug stnra.
Finest fountain pens in the world for oulv
'j.trj as r ai iTeiicii k.
Mr WW McO-e, toll koepor, on the
mountain wagon loud, is in the city.
Arraueements are Leinff mndo to establish
a bank at Nev port by balein capitalists.
Tacksoncotiuty' assessment roll shows a de
preciation of$7CO,4u'7. Whdts tho matter.
ProtrseteJ meetings are heinit held at the
Christian church, and will continue each
nigbtthia wck.
Pigs feet , chestnuts, mackerel, chow chow
and Rovei'M other fins oatabtes just received
at LaForest & Thompson's.
Smoke the celebrated Havana tilled oi-
gare, manufactured at Julius Joseph'u oigar
factory. Only 6 cents.
Mr P A Farrsll, a lenresentative of the
Oregouian ia in the oity gathering informa
tion for use in the holiday editicn of that
New Subscribers to the YoulhiComvanion
lor 1UU will renoive the paper free the re-
maindor ot tins year, f rice 1.75. r. I,.
Kenton, agent.
Have your prescriptions tilled at the new
drug store. Gur new druggist makes a
speciality of prescription work. Aoeuraoy
and puiity guaranteed.
Subscriptions fot all the leading news
papers and magazioes receive' by F L feu
ton, near the Postuflioo. All orders for
warded without delay.
Ladiea shoe, meus shoes, misses shoes
chiidrsas shoes, mens boots, boya boots, it
less tha 1 eost to make room for other gooda
at Kj Xi lirownell s.
1 ha 'earn ot A D Morris ran away yes
terday forenoon coming toward the city, but
by jndioious management did no damage, Mr
morris staying witn them.
The senate in Montana has failed to orga
nize vet ana two lower bouses have been or
ganized one by the democrats and one by
tne republicans. The latter is a "ramp
every sense of the word.
J P Faull, F F Campbell and E H Mir, of
liak"i City, will be in Albany on tc-nights
train aod will meet our business men at the
office of J K Weatherford to ooafer in refer
ence to the Oregon Pacific going to that
city. 10-aiorrow they will go to Coryallis,
Mr Williams, the Yaonina Bay barber.
was in the city to-day on his way home from
Astoria, .where he had baen investing in
property . He reports the npward tendency
ot the real estate market as being rapid,
and that quite a leeal boom is anticipated.
Kew carnets in the latest colors and do-
sign, oils cloths, iinolinm and window
shadei just reciived at A B MellsraiD s.
Parties wishing goods in tbs house furbish
ing line will do well to call, as he has made
another sweeping reduotion and win save
you at least Un per eent cn all these f seda,
Mrs Eliza Woodin. of'Albany, department
insneotor of the Woman's Relief corns, vis-
i Salem yesterday and conducted an in
spection of the galew oorps, ttnding every
thing in good condition with flattering pros
pects, iter report will say as mucn, asatos'
Thankful I'm not a Chinaman nor a Hot
Thankful I'm not president of these Uni.
leu states.
Thankful that I live in Alb.ny.
Thankful that I do my trading with La
Forest & Thompson.
Thankful I'm smart enough to know a
bargain when 1 see tt.
Thankful I see a bargain every time I go
nuir orcst ot 1 nompson s.
Thankful times are not hard.
Thankful I'm not a hard case.
Thankful I've got some hard cash.
Thankful I'm not hard up.
Thankful I saved money this year by
trading with LaForest & Thompson.
Thankful that I am thankful.
Thankful for LaForest & Thompson's new
Thankful for their low prices.
Thankful LaForest & Thompson's trade is
Thankful that people grow smarter every
Thankful when they are all as smart as I
am and trade with LarornstS inomp
LaForest & Thompson,
Albany, Oregon.
Ups and Downs. Some of the princi
pal ups and downs in business life Is to
keep quality up and prices tfesvij. This is
being done very successfully at LaForest
& 1 homnso l's, and those dinner sets to be
(!ist.iii"led a-nong our customers Jan. 1st
Is creating no lii,le Interest as well as our
A party of ten sorvoyors whe bays been
surveying the Lebanon wagon road on ac
count ot the government salt now pending,
arrived ia Albany on yesterdays 4:S0 trail
from Letutnnn. Thav hail haen oomnelled
to quit work on aesount of snow, which was
a foot deep in places, and on family in
crossing, they reported lost two norses on
acuonnt ot it.
Sojiri Dels. 32 fine lots In YaquI
nu City for sale cheap.
420 acres of fine farming land at $30 Pr
acre, for a few days.
Wallace Cusick.
Larie line of Gents Driving and Dress
Gloyes. Exclusive agenoy m Albany for tfci
esuib.'atea Dent gloves at
Dang. One of the finest lots of guns
and revolvers ever received In Albany
nre now in stock nt Stewart tr. Sox's. Hun
ters should call and see tbe-r. and get
pricct before buying.
All Persons. Indebted to the late
firm of Brownell & Stanard are requested
t. call and settle at the store of C E
Brownell without delay or make some
sntisfactory arrangements.
Harrisburo Photos. I G Crawford,
the artist, will go te Hanlsbu-g the first
of December to remain a number of days for all who may give htm a
call. Mr Crawford is a fine artist, at ail
will say who Inspect his work and 'he
people In that locality would do we't :o
avail themselves of this opye. iuni'y 10 get
nne pictures.
Chjsp House and lot 'n 'he cliy. Is
ren'cd to as to ppy good lute 'eit on 1.1c
moiic r l.ivs-el. Qua er biocks In he
scronu . ill. '0.1, lo 'it tne ti
add-, '.on. B.'rt j'.is 1 1 a'l iviis of t'e c
Adu'l'on lois, st e p-ojerty and fj..ns .0.
"'e. E G i:e.n vicy, Peai E-. a.e a-ent,
Bojda bl 1 alb'iy.
Ksep Yot-t E.-is 0.";n Gutss & S0.1
have icceiveJ a fine line of ho'Vay goo. s
uc!i at plush albums, fancy fee, nlcel
Put uo nt l n.'t a.iJ an elegant s-ock
of a ilstt gooi- li whlci the' e mpl.'.ig
qui.e a regular speciality. T e p.opose
keeping as Hie i assoitutnt fall to be
btalaei in tne city.
CONNtemplate This. While con
templating the approach of the holiday
season do not pass Conn Bros store witnui
calling and examining their fte stock e
doll buggies, picture books, and as wen
their tine assortment 01 lamps i trui.-
ery ware. They propoae keeping some
thing inepusuc will want.
AsToru. Lota In the North add'Oon
to Astoria. Price $55 each on the In
stallment plan or a discount for cash,
These lota are selling rapldiy in Po-ilend
and other clt'rs. I am authorized to sell
bvti few blocks and It will pay you lo
call ei'lv r 'u P.' yur choice. -E ( Bea.
sl ' Real .la.e Agent Broadal'oln St Al-
A SurrRio M vssei.. I have re-Vv-cd
a case of all wo red il-ed flannel
from wuich I i'linic su?e,-...- 10
.1 i. .ilH (or Hie mice. Paitles wl-i
h.gio pu cssew''! dowe'l to ca'! trO
ixa nine it.
Samuel E 1 ouno.
A Verdict That the giamd dici'avef
cat, ornamental basket!, eacn conti'-iing
one pound of choices, tra, at LiForett &
Thompson's, is the finest Importation ever
brought to AILanv. This tea Is htsket
ired, pu-e and of rich flavor. We offer It
t tne as. crash's low price of 40c
Thanksgiving Dinner. -Make your
arrangements to take your Thanksgiving
... ... t.-ll TL. V T
dinner at tne v u 1 u nan.
will rive one of the finest dinners eycr
. 1 1 1 f - Mnll
given in tne cry ana an j
Watch tor bill 01 tare.
Tiiahrsoivino Notice. Ail those de
tiring turkeys, geese, ducks, or chicken t
for Thanksgiving must leave their orders
bv Wednesday noon.
Willamettc Packing C
Now ia the time to bay overooats. ' Win
ter is coming on and It ia already too cool
to be without one. Blain has a large and
line stock to select from, and there ia no
trouble in being smted.
Hotel Arrivals,
St Charles.
J Gay J McNary Fargo
M .Schmidt yaqulna r Lines Albany
O Bear Roseburg
U Lahn S r
J Roberts
E Williams G P
F Rooks Chtcaga
W Lampe Portland
Russ House.
T B Vaughn.Fox V J1I ChapmanJ'ffs'n
Thns Arthurs.fort A Knrtliolomew
W L Medlam.OrCltr W Davenport.Col
Win Etters, " AS Barnes,Ash!and
E .V Medlam, " L E Olmstead
T A Rogers, Wish
Revere House.
F M Daniel.Sclo
f A Croft, "
W W Croft,
J M Taylor, '
E O Hyde,
N Wolf
E M Vantlyck, Port
J r caraner,
N B Swatzer,
I I) Hcrron.S F
J S McCain, Salem
Mist Denny,
Exchange Hotel.
A Beardtley P Bartl-tt
Call tnd see
At Ellis' Cigar Store.
I am now better prepared than I havti
ever been tc ault my customers In the
shoe line, I have just reeeWed it largo
Invoice of the oelebrated Laird Schleber
k Mitchell fin shoes for ladlM.
There Is no manufacturer who clalnui
anything bettor than these ahoea. I In
tend to keep a full assortment of them In
all prices, widths from A to EE and can
cult the most fastidious in fit and price,
I also received another invoice of the
popular shoe E P Reeds In Waukenphaat
and Patent leather tip. These shoes art
well known in Albany as a first class- nice
stylo shoe. Orders from the country fill
ed with care and satisfaction guaranteed
Famuf.l 2 Young.
T dAmiirnnrl bavins? purchased the
wood, yard and wood of P iV Spina de
aires to inform the public that he is pre
ps ron to till all orders lor oaK.asn.mtpie
and fir wood. Ordors left at the office of
Wallaoe fc Cusick will be promptly at
tend 3d to.
ItOR REWT. An excellent location for
1 office or small store. Inquire at this
Just reoelve'd a larg-e involoe of Foreign and Domeatlo woolen in
Overcoatings. Suitings and Trouserings.
We make a apolalty of FULL DRESS for Balls and Partlnc or regular
evening wear A iierfeof fit guaranteed at
Opposite Post Office.
I WILL SELL ladies' Laird, Schober Mitchell, Geo W Ludlow's
HJ Holbrook's, and all other btanda enracoa kids I have for $3.00 per pair.
These are all first clses qnality enracoa kid shoes and the best brands in the mar
HAVE the largest line of ladies' fine slippers in assorted styles, ever
I Ibronght to Albany. Prices ranging from 7So to rz.UU per pair. In men a slip
pers tney win nayejio oeseen to ue upimw--...
H Baur
E James
G Robertson
C McCahan
P Thackard
R Patrick
F Johnson
D Cummlngt
P Swancon
W Brooks
H Johnson
W Shaw
D Pater
C Hall
F Con well
P Hankson
G Gardner
S Hunt
Sheriff's Sale.
Utt Circuit Court 0 the Statt 0 Oregtu
er the County of Linn:
Jane E Ballard, Plaintiff.
Martha McBrlds and A V MeBride, ber
hutotad, Florence K Slater ana Jonn a
Hl.ter. bar hnsband.Canie B Hackleman
and CC Haeklesnan, her husband, Frank
R Ballard, Maud Ballard anaora canara,
Nntlos lis hereby riven that by virtu
of an execution and order of sale issued
out of the above named Oocrt In the
above entitled suit, I will en
Saiartlaj, llic stlhday r Defeat ber, 1SSS,
at the Court H 'ine ,1'ior In lh city of
Ail'iny, Linn county, the hour
of o is o'olot.K p ui. if said day, "Oil at
imlilio aiiRtinn for caih in hand to the
hfiihes-1 Idiier. the real ncoiierty de-
acribnl in said elocution and order of
ale as follows, In-wit 1 Beginnint at the
ncrtbesst corner f the Donation l and
claim of K'ruore Keos and Mary Jr.e
Ket, his wife. Zt tlftration No 2-'.l claim
No 63, in tp 13, south range 1 west of I !e
Willamette aneridlai,, in Linn county,
Oregon, and running thence eat 30
chains, tLeno anutb 47 71-100 ohalns,
thence west 10 chains, thence north 10
chains, tbenre west 20chslm,thenes noith
28 71-100 chains to the plaee of beginning,
containing 1116 seres more or lets. The
prsrwdt arising from the ssle of said
prei mites to be applied : First, to tbe
psj ment of the ensts and disbursements
of.this suit taxed at f :0.70 and aovruing
costs i the payment to the pay.
menl to the plaintiff. Jane E Balla.d, the
sum ef 1216.40 with accrulnt interest
thereon frm the 4th dsy of November,
1810, at tbe rate of 8 per rent per annum ,
and tne funhor sum of 25 Attorney's
feist third, tr.e overplus if any there ha
to be paid to the defendant, Martha Mc-
BIlthla 83rd day ofSovembwr, 19
Jonn Smallmox, Sheriff
By D Smith,
. Deputy.
Wonld roapectfully i.ntoiinte that he Is
continuing the business at tbe old stand
and that be ia better than eyer prepared
to till all orders with accuraoy and de
spatch and at prices
Bawru"vic3xt bbtobs
Offertwl In the town.
Whllo thanking tbe oitlaena of Alba,
ny for their very liberal patronage In the
past I esrnestlbsollolta continuance of
your favors, assuring
a superior quality of good and
C011 rteouslTrentment
Very Respectfully,
Tours for Business,
Archie Blackburn, Salesman.