She gmorat. Thursday Evening Bctolaer 24,1888 Publiahe.. avsry day In tha wtttk. SuntWys excstsl. TITM it NVTflJU, EUtcira and Publishers. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. 9 ivarwl by eaarior per week .1ft r,nail,l' )' - 6-?? jmiil, per nwiiMl - W t'n lt ();llat Albany. )i aH second-class mail matter. LOCAL JIECOUI) Kk kkdto Death. Wednesday even ing John Hnrrer, known here for years ns Jack Ccok, was found in the coral, at Mr A Hncklcman's, in U12 eastern suburbs ol the city .lying on the ground.wi'.h a fright ful gash in liis head and Ills brains oozing out. He had been breaking a young horse in the coral and the indications were that he was trying to lie the horse up when kicked ; but no one was piesent and the unfortunate man never spoke after found. Urs Hill and Maslon were called, but it was loo lale to do anything. He died at 9HS o'clock. The deceased had lived In Oregon for nbout twenty years, and had woikcd for Mr Hack Ionian eleyen yeais, nl ihntlmii in his Prntik cuuntv ranch, breaking horses. He was about thirty-five years of age and was c, r.tcady, reliable hand. He was buried in the city cemetery. An Example. The following from the Salem Journal ihows what can be done in this glorious Valley in the fruit line : "S A Clark and son shipped two car loads of dried fruits from this place to-day,one car consigned to Helena, Montana, and the other to Butte City, Montana, Mr Clark has shipped in all five car loads of dried fruits thus far this season.all secured from fnrtv acres of fruit trees. Sixty thousand ' pounds have s far been dried from this number of acres. Mr Clark could have fnund a readv market for double the mniint of fruit he will have for sale. His fruit farm Is a success and its fame Is be coming known far and near." At Large. The darkey Gibbs, who killed Jas McDevlit at Portland, has nol been found. It seems a mighty easy thing in this country for a mu-derer to escape. The trouble In Poriland is that the rascally police force has been waiting for bigger le wards. In the name of Justice what are police forces for anyway, in i-oriiunu it. .. .. m hm in collect tolls, and keep hnnrii hnhlnd them for move. It is a burning shame that In a progressive count ry like this crime can repeatedly go un punisneaas u ooes in me i-vmi Did It Baker City has increased about $ioo,soo. In taxable property during the past year. Ax. Such Items lnaicaie nuuuug met under our present miserable system of assessment. With property at the same ralue In ajplace like Baker City an assess- . 1.1 U. in.miw tlmt amount with an ease that would b. astonishing. A u. ...... In HtBumiiht Is nnthinp with a chancre ot assessors, n. man u.s m-ci of Astoria can make things bubble though. A Trade. To-day Mrs. Cheadle sold to A. Klein and J. J . Dubrullle.forty feet front, off the west of her f trst (Street property, she keeping the houses, and col. Utnn. -.. Dlv mnnllis. theV ffet. ling just dirt. They paid for the property oy transferring $5000 worm 01 in the eastern suburbs of the city .Including the three houses just built on East First Street. To be Abamdoxed. It seems pretty certain that Fort Klamath is to be aband oned, after all the talk otherwise. A Bid well a soldier, on his way home Sunday' id that the military telegraph line was idvertlsed to be sold soon, which will end the matter as soon as the corporal s guard (there now Is removed. Lakeview xami- More CoMino. Armond, Crook & Cc re expecting In a few days eight more ar loads of their railroad plant. They are now getting ready for a big move for ward In the spring, and will work several hundred men during the winter as the earner permits. Had Been Rifled. A red leather ralise was found In the alley back of the Blumburg plock this morning, with the bot om cutout. The indications weie that it had been stolen and rifled of its con tents. Who is the loaer The Best. Quarter blocks and some the finest lots In the city are offered for ale cheap by E G Beardsley Real Estate Aaent, Broadalbin St. Also about 30 acres one mile from town at a bargain. farm property of all descriptions. Late Now. It Is reported that trains n the Southern Pacific hare orders not to run over six miles an hour when approach' ng a switch Perhaps that Is the reason uey are late as a rule these days. "ft VIII aiETK, LiHSl nigllL Egging tramps In the city's ' ore part of the raof off and ium and are now bound for some other quar. 's. a couple 'get out" iped out, A Musical Rrcitai A Democrat man was favored in being present Wed nesday evening at a musical recital given by the young pupils of Miss Fiances Gil bert at her home at the corner of Fourth and Jefferson Streeels. Nothing Is more interesting than the exercises of children, and when of a musical nature it Is particu larly full of life. The following program was carried out in a manner to show Miss Gilbert's proficiency as a teacher, lome of (he participants only having taken lessons two or three months : Duetto, "O Restless Bea !" Cornet and I'lano, Mr I. Gilbcrtand Miss Frances Gil bert. Piano Solo, "Silver Bell M.izurka,"Miss Mnud Croshv Organ Selecllon,"llirthday WalU,"Miss May Altller. Piano Selection "Reaper's Galop," Miss u:na ".cm. Organ Selection, Waltz.Miss Llllle Wy man. Song, "Utile Footsteps," Miss Maud urohiiy. Piano Selection, "Song of May," Miss Ethel Held. Duettc, "La Corbcllle, Do Roses," Miss Lottie Kctchum and Miss Ora Dubruille, Instrumental Kolo."Sonatinn No i,"Miss iwauu uronby. Song, "When Johnny Came Courtin1 O'Me," Miss Ida Stuart Organ Selection, "Golden Ringlet Walla," Miss hlda Carothcrs. Vocal Solo,"0 Fair Doyc.O Fond Dove," Mrs CO Piano Solo, "Martha," Miss Ida Stuart. Duette, "Ten Pin Galop," Cornet and Piano, Mr L Gilbert and Miss Frances Gilbert. Chock Coi'.ity. O C McFarland, of Klamath agency, formerly of Albany, was here last week looking after stock iuterests. Ed Suiead has gone to Albany to spend the winter. I M Faueht returned the first of the week from Brownsville, whero lie hail been wjth two loads of wool. He sold it for 1GJ ot'nts a pound. Ed Cross, the Salem butcher, rcoeived about 150 head of beef from Wm Allen this week. Mr Cross has driven in the neteh borhood of 300 beef from Crook county to oalem this season. A cent Lackey was over from Warm Springs this week. He says everything on the agency is runningt.moottiiy,and bis po sition is a pleasant one, though the work connected with the agent's otlice is some what arduous. U 3 Inspector Uisney visit. ed the agency rocently,and Mr Luckey says expressed himself well satisfied with the atlairs of the agency. The disappearcnee of George Nutting last May, which is gonoraliy conceded to have been the work of an assassin, is still a mvs tery.and the parties who are most interested in discovering his murderor have abandoned the search cutirely, When such erimes as those mentioned above ean be committed and the closest investigation fails to discov er tho perpetrators it seems tferei. little protection to Jilc or property, Jitview. ALBANY'S BOOM Hear the boy talk. The following Is from the Con-nllls Times and is so replete with eloquence that one can Imagine De mosthenes around with his mouth full of pebbles. Comment Is unnecessary : "Many towns In the vallev me pninvini? a boom, and especially the city of Albany. ,.; vungraiu-aie our neighbors down the creek and hope their city will continue to grow until their corporate limits will en circle the cities of Lebanon, Brownsville and Sclo. ',Ve trust that the day will soon come when you can count your numbers by the tens of thousands and become one of the greatest railway centers In the Wil lamette merld'an. lint while we wish you all this good fortune yau ought not to puc inn ai our moss covered city In your nuuf 01 prosperity. We realize our Inste- nllicance.hut it seems asthouu'h vou ought to treat our lethargy wlih pity and com !assiuii insieau 01 scorn, vou ouglit to remember that only a few years ago you slumbered in the same cradle and that now your new life has been Injected principally uy lorvanis capital. We mav be moss covered and drowsy ,but still we have turn ished you the tit tliut supplied the nourish mtnl to make you feel bigenough to abuse your mother. Look at our bevy of capi talists who have lately invested hundreds of thousands of dollars among you and made promises of ten times morc.andthcn ask yourself if you arc treating us right by saying Corvallis is a dead town. Only last week one company of C'orvallisltes was incorporated with a capital slock ot 33orv 1100 for the Albnny''anal.Water,Transpor tation and Lighting Co.,consisting sf Chas C Ilogue, R A Bensell, I O Wilson and J l. Kipiev, and yet there are otliers Here more able and willing who have contri buted In a like proportion. Yes, we are glad to see you prosper, but for heaven's sake don't call us a scrawny,dried up ham let, when we are starving ourselves to make you grow." Friday. That Friday Is an unlucky a very foolish Idea, and is one thp should be done away wnh by Judges se' iing days promiscuously for hanging pui noses. Besides t'.ie fact that the Weekl Democrat and most weekly naoers are published on I riday, the following are worth considering, and as well would indi cate that it is a lucky day, or rather that days have nothing to do with it. Washington born on Friday. Oueen Victoria married on Friday. Napoleon Bonapart born on Friday. Battle of Bunker Hill fought on Friday. America discovered on Friday. . Mayflower landed on Friday. Joan of Arc bnrned at the stake on Fri day. Battle of Waterloo fought on Friday. Bastile destroyed on Friday. Declaration e'f Indenendence signed on Friday. Battle of Marengo fought on Friday. Julius Ciesar acsasilna'.ed on Friday. Lee surrendered on Friday. Fort Sumter bombarded on Friday. Moscow burned on Friday. Shakespeare born on Friday. King Charles I beheaded on Friday. Richmond evacuated on Friday. Battle of New Orleans fought on Friday Loyal Temperance Legion. Mil meet at the WCT U Hall on Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Children and young folks as well as old temperance workers are invited to attend. Laborers axd Station Men. For work on the O P railroad. Apply to Curran & Montelth. All Persons. Indebted to the late firm of Brownell & Stanard are requested to call and settle at the store of C E Brownell without delay or make seme satisfactory arrangements. A Sharp Item The finest line of cut lery and shears In the city at 8tewart & Sox's. Their goods are the very best and will stand the test. A Ticket Beginning Oct. 19th we will give a ticket with each cash pur chase of $1.00 and every five of these tickets gives a chance at drawing one of hose elegant sets of dishes at, La For est&Thom psons. Fresh Butter. Grape butter, Apple Butttr, Tomato butler, Plum butter, We have just received fresh from our factory a fine lot of the above fruit Butters, Do not fs" to try them. Willamette Packing Co. Money to Loan. At a low rate of In !rest, on good farm property In Linn county, or on best Improved city property ir Albany. Apply to Ularkburn ic Wright, Albany, Or Next New and best place in town Is Gilson's new baiber shop In the Froman Block, next door to Fortmlllcr & Irvine's. Best barber In town. KKAj KST4TK KALES. The following deeds have been filed for record in the County Recorder's office since 3 o'clock p. ji. yesterday : John Garner to Thomas Reardon,N w qr sec 20, tp io,s K 2 fc, iuo acres $ G L Blackman et ux to Piatt B El drekin, lots 6 ando.blk i.B's A. W L Maple ct ux to J F Maple, 236 acres in tp 11 and I2,S R 4 w. . A Pearcc to E and C Howard, lot 5, blk 4C.,H's 2nd A to Albany.. .. E W Langilon, trustee, to A T Peter son, S W qr and W half of SE qr blk 49, H's 2nd A 1250 E L Bryan to A J 01in,i2o acres in tp 12, S R 3 w 5400 Sarah (J Van 1 lorn to Laura U Tyler, lots 1 and 2,bl 129.II S A.Albany 1200 525 35 Prof. M. Hanson A noted hubelft and chiropodist of twenty year's practice, from Chicago, 111., is stopping for a few days at the St Charles Hotel. Now bald headed people and those that suffer with corns and other diseases of the feet have chance to learn what can be done for them Consultation free to all callers received from 4 to 9 p m ; Sunday from to a in to Tailor Made Suits. W. R. Graham has received a large and choice 6tock of suitings, purchased in the East at bottom prices, and Is now located at his old stand, two doors north (if the Democrat office, where he is prepared to make suits and do a general tailoring business in a satisfac tory manner, his many years of experi ence in Aioany speaking lor nts workman ship. Call and see his suitings and get nnccs. HOME AND ABKOAO Who is at it ! What are they at ! See ad. in another oolutno. A fine line of solid silvtr ware at Frenoh'i UeiUCeS 75 Cents nar Whl .i n v tw . aeji s. Dr Gilbert.recantlv nf tt-,im 1,.. tA..u in Albany. Dr J C Smith, raaentlu ,,f .luiT.nnn h.. located in Salem. ' Postmaster Dvsnn. nf RmniiL ; the eity recently. ' t mest fountain pens in the world for only $2.00 at F M French's. J W Brasfield. Nawimrt' lira ml lftl ipeeulator, is in the eitv. Mr C E Barrows received a. dian.-if.(,l, frnm Chicago to-day.announciag the death ot one of his two little children. 1 latt i'.lderkie has lnuht fn,n lAia ; Blackmail's addition. MrW U tiilun in lu"i v '.ins iwo ana M K ISnnlc fourteen. Lull Annlepate.nnwlv ,t,n;nuf1 ...f .1 Klamath, justed north this uiorniug, with a v.w.,u omrt sua oollcr ou. lie is huutiog uuiiuBinea. A uaniii of haso ball 11I LT . ' 1 . . ' . "v naiiiBuuru ana Ul-odo nlnr-H nn at i-tarnsburg, resulted iu a victory for the sawucr uy a HUUre OI Id 10 0. Subscriptions for all tho UmAin a novo. papers and magazineB received by F L Ken- ""i "lr me rostouice. All orders for warded without delay. Mr Harrv D.iv ia down fr,.m thn frnn rte is nead waiter at tha oruh unnnn t, the Yaquioa real estate boomer, and reports lively times there. Crawford ft Paxtnn ha.vp innf. rtialtaA . mi ui new ami elegant back grounds and ae oessories. G o ami see them . 'ilmvira hot ter prepared to do fine work now than eyer- A photosraDh ffallerv ia tn Iia nnonmA ;n the Tweedale builJiric inut ontt f tha nn. House, the rooms having been the former quarters 01 w Ulark in theuaine business Mr C C IIOITUC. Of tlm Hraann P.ifi. k.. been in the city to-day, having been over the paying on mtir Hands. Antonelle 4: uoe also liquidated with their tmn mn t. terdsy. r ' ' Warren's wood sawinff outtit vaatArD sawed twenty cords of wood in about eight hours and set ten times,averagtng two uords as a piaoe. i ney consider that pretty fast Jud Ross does the bossing. The candy shoD.idioinins tha Post Offinn started a day or two ago, has closed its doors, having sold out to other dealers, and the candy man, a pleasant looking gentle man, win go 10 oau rraocisco. Miss Mand Hoffman and her mother, of Corvallis, left for New Yoik City this morn' ing. Miss Maud goes to complete her elo. cutionaiy and theatrical education, after which she is under contract for a five years engagement. We have heard a pretty good joke on one nf oar prominent citizens, who, while in Portland visitiog the exposition, gently stroked the cow which yields fifty gallons of milk a day and used plaintiff terms to keep her mild and peaceful. Hereafter he says he will be cer'ui and only pel live eows. 15 cent shaving at VfaTick's. 8 tickets for 1 at Viereck'i . Boots and iLjes at cost at Read's, Saratoga chips at C E Brownell's Try the'full cream oheese at 0 E Brown- Bang. One of the finest lots of guns and revolvers ever received in Albany are now in stock at Stewart A: Sox's. Hun ters should call and see tbm and get pneer leiore ouymg. All Night. Mrlvanrovich keeps an nil night house on First St between Ells worth and Lyon, at which is to be found fresh oysters, porter house steaks, ham ana eggs etc. HAKKIGD. LUPER SMITH. At the residence of Mrs Wcrts in Tangtnt by Rev D C Mo Farland Oct the 23rd, 1S89 Mr Bird Lupcr and Miss Mary Smith, both of Tangent. After the ceremony was performed the guests repaired to the dining room where a bountiful repast was served. A parly in the evening was given the young folks There will be a reception at Mr John Lu pe's to-night. The following Is a list of presents do. nated the happy couple by a few of their many friends. Mrs Frank Moore butter dish, Mrs and Mrs John Luper lace cur tains, Miss Mary gimpson tureen, Miss Dcna BHdgefaamer linen table cloth, L E Blaln silk handkerchief, Jas Collaway per fumeries, Mrs Werts wash stand, Lucinda Smith ornamental bread dish, Ellen Simp son preserve dish, A L Bridgfarmer ret silverspoons, Mrs Barnes desert dishes, Mr and Mrs Owenby fruit dish and desert dishes, Mrs B McFarland water bowl and pitcher and preserve dish. Bride Groom hanging lamp, Maggie McFarlaud boquet 01 nowers, sirs jo'in iuper glass pitcher and tray. ARCHIBALD CIIISWELL On Wednesday evening Oct 23rd, 1S89, at the residence of the brides sister Mrs P C Anderson, by Rev S E Meminger, Mr Orris A Archibald, the popular book keeper n the Linn county Bank, for several years secretary of the Albany Farmers Co., and Miss Annie G Chlswell, one of Albany's most estimable young women. The hap py couple have Ihe best wishes of the en tire community including the Ddmocrat force. SWINK-BARNES-Oct J;ih at the residence of the officiating cegyman, Rev ERPrlchs-d Mrl Q Swlnk and M' s Barnes both of Linn county. ell's. New cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers. 3 chairs running steady at Viereck's .hay ing parlors. Best roast coffee in the eity at Conrad Meyers. Get your sohool books and tablets at Guias il Son's. Kirk. Savon Imperial soap, 8100 a box at V js Brownsir. Try the Old North SUte amok ing tobacco for a delicious smoke. Sixty dozen window shades justreeeirjd at Fortmiller&Irviog'a, Spectacles and eye glasses cheaper than ever at F M French'.. A fine lot of pioture frames just received at Crawford & Paxton's. J W Bentley. best boot and shoe maker in city, opposite Fortmiller & Irving'.. A large and fine line of window s htfl just received at Fortmiller ft Irying's. We have the best $1. SO kid glove ever brought to Albany at W F,Read's. Now is the time to save tnonev by buying boot, and .hoe. at coat of W. F. Read. An elegant line of new design, of chairs just reeeiyed at Fortmiller ft lrving's. Go to Bsrdue for honest weights, good goods and lowest living prices. An elegant stock of watches, .old as low and the lowest, at Will ft Stark's. The best watoh in the world for the money at F M French's. Each one fully warranted. Watebes, watches,' watches for everybody cheap far cash and fully warranted at F M French's. Barrows & Searls, agents for toe celsbra -ted Ludlow tine shoes, in women., miss and ohildrsoa geods. For a genuine Ssth Thoais elock, cheap for onh 0 ill st F VI Frjaotl' the Corner Jewelry Store. If yon have any job wtrk tj it eall on 6 W. Suiithwho is prern to do it with neatness and disnat"1 ind as oheap as any ont'. ladies shoes, men. shoes, misses shoe., ohildreus shoes, men. boots, boys boots, t less than cot to make room for other good, at C E Brownell's. Hay and oU ie quantities to .nit the purchaser at R M Robertson', feed st. re, itnstrd at the foot of Ferry and Water S-reets. Office formerly occupied by Tho. Moutsith ft Son.. How to Advertise Albany. Get some of those elgant view, at Crawford & Paxton's and send to your friends Photographic views will tell more and more truthfully than a pamphlet of print ed matter. Thi best Rrad'r. line of ki t glove, at W F. mm Th's Trade Mai k on a stove X means It I. the best thrt cx- I'cm .cc anu skin can con trive. 8old only by G. V. !n-:th, SAVE IT. P a3 That Dollar of Yours ! You May Have for A B. McILWAIN Open Your Eye. WE OFFER Dregs Goods, Fancy Goods, Domestics, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc., at greatly reduced priest.. CARPETS. Wo are selling and furnishing goods at prices that never fail to please, uary 1st we will simply slaughter things. SQUARE Grroceries. SMALL C E. BROWNELL, Successor to BB0WNELL & PTANAED, Would respectfully unnounce that be Ik Srt'lwl8 ,'"Lbu8iD,ss at old stand fnMbtt,',h6lbttt9r than eyer prepared to fill all orders with accuracy and dV. patch and at prices y a 08 MilVHB BBFORB Offered in the town. While thanking the citizens of Alba ny for their very liberal patronage In the past I earnestlb solicit a continuance of your favors, assuring LOW PRICES a superior quality of goods and Cou rteonslTreatment Very Respectfully, Yours for Business, ' C. E. BROWNELL. Arcbie Blackburn, Salesman, DFALNJ Grocen es PROFITS FL .KENTON -DEAIiEB IUST GROCERIES, Choice Candy, Nuts, Frail, etc. CIGARSAND TOBACCO NEARiTHE POST OFFICE ALBANY, OREGON