Wat M0Ctiit. THE NEW EUECTOKAH'OLLEUE. The adding of our new start to the national flag, representing the lour new tate, Montana, Washington, North Da kota and South Dakota, hai naturally led to much speculation as to the effect on the next presidential election. Some students af politics have been free to say that New York will now cease to be the seat of pol Itical power, and that thesaying that the party which carries New York will elect the president will no longer hare the farce it had in the past. As the electoial college Is at presnt constituted there are 401 votes. Of these, 201 are a constitu tlonal majority and at the last election the votes were divided as follows; Demoras, 16S; Republicans, 233; or a Republican majority of 65. Upon the basis of the recent elections In the new states there shouid be added to the Republican column 10 votes, or a total of 243, and to the Democratic column thrree votes, makin a to'.al of 171. As tiie whole number of votes in the new college will be 414 the party which prevails must abtain 208. Without New York tne Republicans could not secure, under the present condi tion, but 207 votes and the result would be a tie, We cannot see from this position the force of the claim tnat New York is not longer to hold the scepter. Certainly until the reapportionment based on the new census is made the Empire state wtll be an all im-portant factor in national pol itics. If the new states make any marked change, it is swelling the importance of the votes of Indiana. That state, like New York, we believe to be naturally Dem ocratic, and only by the most disreputa ble means was it wrested from us in iSSS by a meager majority of 3 34S. That is no Indication of the vote in 1S92 and the trend is all against the demonstration. Let it appear probable that a t ie would result as indicated above, and the pressure there would be vastly increased overj former years, The "blocks of five" operation will hardly be repeated, and the popular tide makes everything look bright in the Hoosier state. There Is nothing to dis- courage the Democrcy in the present out. look. The young men, the men of opin ions and the men of intellect are comeing up to the support of its standard, and with good candidates and tariff reform to pre sent to the country the result seems assured. The carrier pigeon has just been turned to a curious use in Russia. It is to con vey negatives of photographs taken in a balloon. The first experiment was made from the cupola of the Cathedral of Isaac, nnd the subject photograph was the Win ter Palace. The plate was packed in en velopes inpenetrable to the light, and then tied to the feet of the pigeons, who safely and quickly carried them to the station at Volkovo. It Is mentioned, as an illustration of Bismarck's simplicity of life, that the numbers on the doors of many of the bedrooms in the hotel that was on the estate at Fredericksburg, when it was pre sented to him by the old emperor, are still to be seen, though It is many a year since he had the structure altered for use as his o wn residence. The election of Selh Low to the presi. dency of Columbia college placed another tariff reformer at the head of a great insti tuticn of learning. Mr. Low delivered a Republican speech in Elmira in the course f which he said: "You eannot hope to keep the tariff at its present mark any more than you can hope to keep the ocean at high tide." The ' spared monuments" still continue In office. Cannot something be done to prevent Demscrats from drawing fat sal aries? Republican office seekers cannot exist on wind in cold weather. William Kelly, a Montana man, had always declared that lie wanted to die in his boots, A few days ago he was falally gored by an old lame cow.andwhen dying he felt so chagrined about it that the boys pulled his boots on.fired their pistols in the air, and made his last mo ments as heroic as possible. If the infamous forgery and conspiracy against the Democratic candidate for governor in Ohio shall result in the defeat of the Windy Foraker, all will agree that some good has come out of the great wrong. Kid Gloves 1 Kid (Moves I I I have just rece.ved a full line of kid gloves branded Our Own. This is a genu, ne kid glove. I buy direct from importer. In New York and contldcr them the best value of any glove I ever sold for this price, 5 button, 3 rows of st'tchine, Si.to per pair. 0 J S. E. Young. mom letter Lint. Following it Ih. list of letten remaining In the Port lace, Allan?, Linn count;, Oregon, Oct 15th, 1881 Person! calling tor then Ictlen man gin the data on which they were advertised : B.II.OM A Sooner, Thm.s thrifty Jeaepli ,-l.rk. .!,,. b wll ' V Miller. Mrs M.rfle Monroe, R R Htthkev R 1 WWl"""'''' W.lt.rjt.,,WtH.Oi R. THOMPSON, P.M. Russian officials have recently collected sta tistics concerning the number of beggars in Russian provinces and cities, Russia has about 350,000 beggars, all of whom carry on begging as a business with the indorsements of village, city and church authorities. Upward of 3200 of them are of noble blood, 3491 are of the clerical calling, 20 wt-t one merchants,43,434 hucksters and small traders and lSl.932.peas. ants. t.iven Awny. For the benefit of our customers we will give away on Jan 1st, the following : 1 Dinner set, 120 pieces, $25. 1 Tea set, 44 pieces, $7.50. 3 Tea sets, each 44 pieces, SiS. Xnese goods are ot tne best English ware and a credit to any table. Give us a call and get not cjnty the best bargains in pure fresh groceries but secure a chance at one or more of these elegant sets of dishes. LaForest & Thompson. NEW" ADVERTISEMENTS. STRAYED. From my premises two miles South east of Albany on the night of Ootolier 22nd two bay mares each ftiur years old and each with black mane and tail, Eaoh bad on head stall and short piece of ropo atta"hed to eaoh. Suitable reward to any one who will re turn tfcem to me or give informatron as to ttieir wnereabouts, F 0 Hoi ksiin WASTED.Furnishea rooms, sitting room ana bed room with use of kitehcu. Adress Demqortt oili.-e. 17".OUSD, On Broadalbim and between " fifth end .-ix;h Streets in Albany 00 buuday October 13m a boys overceat. Suitable for a boy of six or sevea years. Owner call aid pay lor this uoike ami get coau LOST A switch ke, with chain at tauhed, marked 0,"P., probably on First or Seoond Street. Finder will coa ler a favor by leaving with J K Abbey it O P depot, or at this office. TO RENT, -Two good furnished rooms In ranK Tnnnlnai kt-nin Notice. Having disposed of the Albany ditch, water works and other proper ty I am proceeding to settle up all mv business, and hereby give notice to all par line LnmvinolhpmBi'lvc !rwlalit! ,n call at the M 11 Office and settle. John A Crawford. SEVERAL SMALL TRACTS of land nnAI town frtr uota n. ..ic. . ... Inquire of H, Bryant. OLD IRON. Fifty tons! of old iron castings. In any quantity, wanted immediately at the Albany Iron Works. SAW LOGS FOB SALE, Parties desiring to purchase saw logs will do well to call on the undersigned who has about 300,000 ft of logs on the Calipooia at Brownsville. H. F. Merrill, Trustee, Albany, Or. H. S. ELLIS & CO. Importers anil Dealer. In Flue cigars and Tobacro, opposite Revere House. San Fran lsco and Portland papers ulwaysou hand, HULA OrLBKIT. F ANCIS GILBERT. HISSES GILBERT Teacher of Piano, Or Jan ana Harmony. Residence corner Jefferson nnd4'h 8ts. Miss Hela Gilbert at Lebtnon, Tnur.'i days and Fridays. v A Philosopher always Thinks. Try it; Think of L E BLAIN when during the wet, coo1, autrran and winter weatheryou need ail Overcoat,Rnb ber Goods, an Umbrella or COTHING, FURNISHING COODi AND BOOTS AND SHOES GENERALLY, or 'want a stylish But; mala by a first-class Uilor, THEN CALL ON HEM. UNRIVALLED ATTRACTIONS. NOT ONLY IS ALBANY ATTRACTING ATTENTION Tint b i !H't i 11 ni 1 13 s5i c Benera ilerciindise Kcci ived 1 v IB E. f 01G, We Are At it. And have a complete line of Ladies' and Gents' Rubber Goods, Rubber Coats, Raglans Circulars, Newmarkets, and Silk and Gingham Umbrellas. Prices to suit the trade. Rubber Boots, Sandals and Hen's Rubber Over alls. We Bell M. D. Wells to Co's celebrated custom mad? Boots and Shoes, and carry the Latest Styles. These giods we purchase direct from the man ufacturers in Chicago. GoodVahe and Square IDealing. We invite your patronage. BARROWS & SEARLS. Blumberg Block For the fuUand winter Irade, consisting cf a liKc-u:ul choice sto. lt the lateit patterns of An unrivalled liue of Cloaks and Jackets, iu all styles und sizes, a well selected slock of Men's, Children's and Ladies' BOOTS AND SHOES, A large assortment of CAR P E T S, And a choice selection of GROCERIES. First-claps goods and reasonable prices always assured. MATTHEWS k WASHBURN. Cany a first-class stock ol I Stoves, Tinware,Hardware,Etc., Which they are tolling at remarkalby low prices. JOB WORK carefully and promptly done at reasonable prioes," by Will A stark, dealers In nne wrtcbes, jewelry, etc, AcCTJBAcr. JJE vTNBtS, J. J. DORRIS, ALBANY, OREGON. ABSTEACTEB, The Only Complete Set of Abstract Books and Maps in Linn County. ronico In the Court House.-s Business entrusted to mv care shall have prompt aid careful attention, Trancis pfeiffer, PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works. And Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFEliTIONERY, We are now prepared to Mil at wholi , always fresh and uie at Forth nd J" dealers. We a's-) keep a tat- Huts and Tropical fruits, HOARS AND T 3 3 3 3 FURNITURE. You want the best and most durable furntnretlist is manufactured In tbeclty go Thomas Brink. Albany Nurseries, VV- it- I a., t pcniiaucuny iuul-ea on 1110 Oil CI 1 tie homestead mile from Albaoy old ' t u, uvo on nan a lama itock of . Choice Fruit Trees of our own growing, wh ich e will fell a lowett living, rates. Parties contemplating planting trees wit consult their interests by examining our stock and prices before purchasing. HTM4K & Browsku, Albany, Oregon. Ga BEARDSLEY Heal B3ta1e Agent, Conveyancing of all lnds done in a re liable ninner, All business will receive prompt attention, oillceon Ilroadalbln treet mr rV, Vlbiny, Orjoa, BROWNSVILLE. 0. P. COSHOW & SONS, Real Estata and Insurance Agents. Real estate sold and Collections and Notarial business attended to, SOME BARGAINS., llftanrMB all nnilai. Anllln.lU a summer fallow, looatei wltniu lJi miles r 2 'P'" on Ya1u,na By- Good 'water v, i lu ,ut, a icoou luveabuieuti 01 tne oily. Price $50 per aore. Oiher " name community neid at SI 00 ner nm. Thl. I. . ....... 1 . 1 ..,,, taken soon, 118 ; acres all under cultivation. Located , . . , , . . wltbln U milnsi nfnliir. v... ..it. r.i. Good hotel ill a triv inz tixn f.ir si e ?35 per acre. Other land in same oommn- at a barBain- Inquire this oillja early, ijr uem i f 00 ana sou per acre. , these lots are worth double the price asked fnr Uiam ami -..II V.. ainnd In ... , ..in nun IUI ejlww .u less than two years time, 2 lots, good house on each, renting for $20 per month. For sale at $2200 orsllOO eacn. This propeity is central!? located, and Is a fine bargain. We have one thousand one hundred and one jurt suoh bargains as the above. Anyone desiringlo invest in Albany or Linn oounty real estate should by al means call on WALLACE & CnSiCK, Blumberg Block, - - - Albany, Or PURE DRUGS, Paints, Oils, Stationary, Etc And Prompt attention DR. GUISS & SON FOR THE BEST FoittilTURE -CALL ON THE- Albany Furniture Company OPPOSITK STEWART SOX'S, BED ROOM1SETS, TABLES, CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED GOODS. WALL PAPRS, BABY CARRIAGES ETC. ETC..ET HAWKIrVS & FAUBELfi