ii VOL. JJ. ALBANY, OR. TU ESS) AY, OCTOBER 22, 1889. NO 145 The Hazelwood Lii, Compact. 1(IE TERKIHLELOSSEYPBRlFvn. link., ail tk. k... . it,u,..ij ..j 1. d by Sea.tle la the late fire. wa place them in a box, they will then be Bucb 'i tu render thous.nds homeless tboroiiKhly mixed and a boy blindfolded and d pendent upon the charity of the will place Lis hand in the box and draw WArln . Tha i an tnn.ll! . 1 . . . . '"""."i"" nouu wore isnu- out one numoer, ana wnoever noiaa tne world. ea to, na the world at large nobly re- icorre-Dondinir number will be awarded pod Then the fifth number drawn THE CHAMPION Flooil-pnrinrr, Ayer'a SamapBrllla leads nil others In ace, merit, ami popularity. It tones up tlic system, Improves tlio appetite, etrenRtlicns tlio nerves, and vitalizes the lsiuou. Just what you need. Try It. ' I am selllnu your Roods freely, and more ait Aver's Sarsapurllla than of all other blond. SlnllrliiM put l..iietlier.-it. A. McWIlliania, (Iriinil llapids, Mlell. Aycr's Sarsaparilla, rrej.arr.1 by Dr. .1. 0. Aver ('o., I"".. 1'rlce 91; sis buttles, E'.F. C. H. SrKwAKr, 8 Albany IRONWORKS Manufacturers of. 1EAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS AMD ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LICHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. jpeolal attention paid o repairing 11 da of machinery Patterns Made on Short Notice, on whloh aponut-.i to tus call for aid. But at the ono house and the nair ofloU u present, time the prospects for a lone win- lit is built. Then tho fifth num ter stares hard in the face of many hun- shall be awarded a lot, then the tenth ..ujiu.n irum exposure are uer- numDer a lot, and soon, every tmrty tain to occur, and the following plan has tilth number drawn shall be awarded a u uoviaeu iu assist in oaring lor tne ot until tha two hundred and alxtn nnm- unfertunatea who may need medical as- sisianoe, Dy giving to the different bospi tala a handsome sum of mjuey. The Haielwoad land Company baa generously determined to donate the ber Hball be drawn, which shall entitle the holder to the corresponding: number wmcn shall te drawn, te tne, remaining house and pair of lota. 1 AH the above Dronertv is miaranteed to Itn l'r.nAr.n . ...1 .,11 A-,nB ,nArfai.aa nr rocoeds of iwn hniiAAM Rnii i.i.i ...mi . 1 6 a ... lots to the hospitals oftbecitv. ami has i.i v ,1.,. ,.,.i . wrr., tula M ha purchased this property with a v!ev to W.d-. t i every lucky ticket holder who disposing; of it at a small a.lv cost ana uevoting the net proceeds to the charities above mentioned ; and pro onus to issue tickets to be sold for $2 50 eich for the purpose of raising money to help oarry on the work. They have placed tickets on sale throughouttiieoountry,f.nd upon December 31,1H8, a committee con aisting of twelvo prominent citi. ens will wins a prize. The tickets are only plaoed it a-2 50. and hHiidea a. standing show to M a imiulilul home worth $6000 or a lot worth SliSII. Vim ura aiflinar one OI r.ne Krumie.t charities which has ever asked or ou aid. Purchase your tickets of agent or tr'tvsllng canvasser who uroper creiimitiais. ueeas are aepua witli the Piuat Sound National Bank. THE HAZELWOOD XJJSTTD CO. SEATTLE, WASHINGrTOlT. THE LEADER. THE LEADER G, W. SMITH, THE PLACE. byal .means cell on Painei Brothers, Smxosct, to Jbn Fox, lor yon Groceries, PwcIucb, Baked Gooris, Etc. Etc. Their goods are the best and thctrjpriees reasonable. ire backs. Warran ted for 5 years, All styles. Roofing-, Job Work, Plumbing, Eave Trough. Etvij3 3dU3 Conductor Pumps. vrnnn H & WINU. Wood sawed on W .hnrf nniiA. nnvwhere in the city. t promptly attended td Regular prices. ot btanara'c Conrad Mover. PROPrtHSTTj. OK- STAR BAKERY (Owner Broadalbin and First Sta., DEAL.EK 1M Vanned fruits, llsve, Drlea Frails. Tobncco, statar, Coffer. Etc, Cnnaerf Meals. lneenssrare. Vegetables, Cigars, Kp'cca, ,. Teat. Etc., in fact everything that la kept In a gen ral variety and grocery ore. Highest jo rk9t prloe rid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE Ttoal .wtk rxf QnA CsaT irooda 111 the Yal' ley, and the most reasonaie prices, both In burins and soiling. I have on hand all kinds of FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKFRY, ETC., .ETC. tne door west of S E Young's old store, L. GOTTLIEB. 123 First street, Albany, Or, PATNT3. OIL3 AND BRUSHES AT DEjfOE ROBSON'b,v "Superior," "Argand," "Garland'1 STOVES AND RANGES. KEEP POSTED. P. M. French keeps railroad time. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, A! bany, Or. For a Sterling or Emerson piano eall on G L Blackman. For sale, cheap, second hand organ,' Mrs, nyman s. G L Blackman is agent for tho Weber ptatio. Mane better. Buy your tickets through to the East of W I, (ester and save fare to Portland. The Western Cottage and Packard are two of the best organs made. G L Blackman sens tnem. A fioe line of all kinds of furniture, plain and upholstered, bes-, stock in this part of Oregon at Fortmiller & Irving'a, If yon want a clean and fine smoke ask for J. Joseoh'a home made white labor cigars For sale by most cigar dealers and at his Joseph's factory. J A Archibald, a?ent Singer Manufaotur iai Co., ODDOsite Odd Fellows Temple, Al banv, An eloffsnt linn nf siik table BDresds, beautiful designs, jnst received at Fortmiller a irviag s. 5 cans Golden Star tomatoes for 50 cents at C Meyers, and all other, canned goods cheap tor cash . Just received new table linen at W, F Read's. I W Starr. Dhvsician andsnrseon. Albany uregon. Good cooking stove onlv S10 at Bopa! is & aaitmarsna. Dr Wriuhtsman'a Sovereign Palm of Life. for diseases peculiar to women, at Deyoe & Kooion s and Brownell & otanard a, r Baltimore, agent. Represenative Browne's explanation 0 the sweeping Democratic victory in the r.diana polls election la that "the votes went the wrong way." This Is a habit hey are likely more and more to fall tnto looking at it from the high tariff and monopoly point of view for the next three years. Benjamin Harrison's sue cessor will be a Democrat. 3i an The World's i bast. More than hun dred 7 hun dred differ e n t sty les nooks and heaters Given Away. For the benefit of our customers w will give away on Jan ist, the following : I Dinner set, 120 pieces, $25. I Tea set, 44 pieces, $7.50. 3 Tea sets, each 44 pieces, $iS. These goods are of the best English ware and a credit to any table. Give us a call and get not only the best bargains in pure tresh groceries but secure a chance at one or more of these elegant sets of dishes. LaForest & Thompson. "The Koad To Heaven,' DR. C A- WHITNEY, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of Bellevae Hospital Medical College Now York City. Diseases of woman a specialty. r2rO(Ece, Froman's Brick, Albany, Or. A golden Casket of unique brilliant- and beautiful christian treasures, gath ered from . the richest mines of religion, science, and philosophy; sumptuously illustrated with a magnificent galaxy of royal steel plate engravings. No other book of modern times deals with such a living subject, displays such geuuinc genius, has such a significant, striking and attractive ti'le as this new book pos sesses. It contains the essence of a thou sand tones boiled into on;, and explores every field of human experience, that csn enetere. tascinate ana cnarm ooin me hluhlv cultured and the man of the world. It is issued by the Globe Bible Publishing Co.. of Philadelphia. Pa., and sold by sub- soriotion onlv. Mr. L. McFarland, who is the authorized agent Tor mis section is now canvassing for It. we neartuy rec ommend this book to our readers. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A lllj Suit, San Francisco, Oct. 21. A trial of the action brought by Simeon B Toby to recover from the Oregon Pacific Railway Company ! $115,000 was begun to-dny befoiejudge Finn. ! Co' Hogg and General Manager lloag are in the city in connection with this suit. They state that tne steamer was misrepiesented to them by the lomer owners and the expert delegated to examine her at New York: that when she reached this coast it was found that the steamer's spead wus much less than repres ented, and also that she consumed a much larger supply of coal. All the Same Nai row (ia aztt Los Angf.les, Oct. 21 The employees of the Los Angeles & Pacific railway have been clamoring for their pa ' for some weeks, and now say they will go out tomortow morning and refuse to allow trains to be run, Wants as Defended. Washington, Oct. 21, S-nator Dolph,of Oregon, intends to reintroduce his coast de fense t ill, and thinks it will at this session bring about some sort of legislation for the de fense of the Pacific coast, "We must adopta general plan for defending our coasts," said senator uoipn, "and I think congress is now ready for it. Both the interstate commerce and the civil service laws will be amended, but neither will be repealed, Sennter Blair will bring lorward his educafon bill ogam, but one cannot foretell the action in the house. We must carry out our pledges and rev'se the tariff." educate tor business pursuits at the Portland Business College,' rortland, Oregon, or at the Capital Bus iness College Salem, Oregon. Both schools are undertlie nikiagementofA. P. Armstrong, have ianis. course of studies and same rates of tuition. !& 1:3 mi 11 ess, Shorthand, .ywwriting, Penmanship and English Depart triftiia iviv and evenim? sessions. Students ad mitted ot any time. Forjoint Catalogue, address fori 1 ami BntiHMs Vrtlrtt, AD UpiUI Knlum loiltgt. 1'oruana, uregon. v . otucni, uicguu. Stick a ID PIANOS. Those wishing a flrst-olass Instrument should call at Mrs, a. E, Hyman'a rid see one of those Caieorated Hemme A Long Dianoes. excellent rich tone, Es- oecially made and adapted to stand the ll mate on the Pacifio Coast, E rery piano fully guaianteed for 5 years. The lctest sheet-music for sale. Muslo and painting lessons given there. Also the place to get your new Sewing Machine. Fancy work and dress making done to order. First door east of Young's old stand, Albany, Oregon the fact tbat I am offering bettor bargains than any one else In Albany Bought at bankrupt sales I can sell First-Class G-oodsi or below COST. FOP General merchandise of all Winds call 00 me. of shoes. 'lnr li argHins in sam, Cash for GmU o"' &intry pndifce G, W. SIMPSON Albany, Oregcs. HOPKINS & Saltmarsh DF.ALEI S IN STOVES; TIN WARS, SHZETIR0N, COPPER WARE ETC., ETC. .!, for ..0n Tims" Hiwling and ooVKlng ftoves. .lob work, plamMn., Airenis ior eo promptly attended to. CHEAPEST AND BEiT PLACE IN THE CITY SECURE PRICES. JST0 TROUBLE TO SHOW 300DS AT DEYori & R013S0N DEYOE& ROBSOtf ARE AGENTS rORTHENEW HIGH ARM DAT1 fSlVriCAL-rEBD SEWING HA tUlMS.BEST MA CHINA ftf tjjj Insure at Once, Mr. Julius Grod wohl's advice to the people of Albany is to insure at once before it is teo late, for the fire fiend is devastating the cities of the N. W. Mr Gradwohl represents seven solid companies, with an aggregate cap! tal of $76,000,000 and a cash deposit of $350,000 at Salem. As well as business men, farmers should insure their crops, for they will burn, as a number of cases already testify. Though Mr Gradwohl's companies lost some in Seattle, Vancou ver, Ellensburgh and Spokane Falls their capital is so great the loss is not ten, ana they will continue to place risks and pay losses with their usual promptness, the same as they did after the great Chicago flrr, in which their losses were neavy, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' . 18S8, 1889. first Terns Opens September lltk, lass. A lull corps of instructors, LASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses 01 study arranged to meet tb' eed of all grades of students. Special inaucemtntx offered to student from abroad. Tuition ranees from 15,80 to $13.50 Board in private fmnlllos at low rates Rooms lor self-boarding at small ezrenss A careful supervision exercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term opens sepiemoer Tin. r or circulars ana tail particulars aojress tne r resident stET. BLUEST R. CONDIT. AlbanyOre(ton Slaughter In Silk Uibbous. In order to close out my Immense stock of silk ribbons In plain and plcot edge I will sell them until my la'.l stock arrives at It. cents on the dollar. All marked in plain figures. OAMUEL I OUKtt. Babies. The finest line of baby ges in the Valley just n celved at Stewart te Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con sideline ti e superior qualitv of the earn ages. Tne best Read's. ACADEMY OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY. - - - OREGON. Conducted by tho HUtv of fcit, Benedict, Thto Asndomv lijtncorpnrftted and au thorized by the State to confer academic honor. The eiurtw of study is Pomp'.ete. MktbeinaUnn, lMtarhture and Music are ipnctAlt ie, analnethe Normal Instruction f aspirant fur teachera' cortificntea. In- 'j st rial drawing, vocal music in iMaaa and ll kinds of need lo work form, no extra charge. Tho discipline of the Hchool Is gentle but firm, ooject being to form not only retined to una ladles, but noble Mid useful mombers f aoe.Hty, Pupils idiniUed at any time and cbartrfes nropor iioned. Punilaof any denomination re- ijetred. Tuition In select day icbool raneoafrom ror ter, nM or Hoarding Sn.n tol or any prt if 1 1ar apply at the Academy, or ad anes ?i isir sn periorewa. superior lines OF AQRICUtTURALIMH PLEMENT8 4T DE-YOEiaiROBSON llf.nlit to Kill, Independence, Oi Oct, 21. Saturday afternoon A D Robertson was arrested in this city, charged with an assault with a deadly weapon with an attempt to kill. The person making the charge was a Mrs Miller. The particulars are about as follows: Robertson was abusing his wife, when she snt for Mrs Miller to help her. V hen Mrs Miller cam Robertson ordered her home, and went afte. her with a broomstick. He soon dropped the stick, grnpped her by the hair, picked up an ax, ana mreaieneo to Kill tier. She picked up a club and hit him a blow upon the head, causing him to top his ax. A Fishing Conipla't. Salem, Oct, 21, Complnints have been made to Governor Pennoyer from parties re siding on head waters both of the Yaquina and Alsea rivers, that iKs season salmon were prevented from ascewi'ng sjch r'vers by the building ofa dan. without fish wnvs. and 1 the stretching of nets across th; entire rivers, Tanner Kcplics. Washington, Oct. 20. Ex-Commissioner Tanner is out to-night in a long str-tement, re plying to Secretary Noble's letter of Tilly aa. the gist of which was given in these dispatches rnuaynigni, lannerucnies at tne outset that he defied tl'e secretaiv on the subject of rerating, or his nuthority in the administration of the bureau, lie gives out for publication the letter to which Secretary Noble's reply was maue. lias of kil gloves at W F. Biggest Yet 10,000 rolls of wall pa per, latest varieties, finest decorations just . I . . 1.- .,., E- T .... 1 ercivc. mk ruiiiii.j.c. ul A.v.a.g " Herit'Vina. 4 Wa dMlra tnuv to ourdtisens. thst lor year sumption, Ur Kinir's New Lits Pills, Rncklen's Ar. ni,, naivm inn KiArtno itinera, tna nsvo never iianu' ted remedies thst sell as well, or that navs given BUcn imlnnul utl,fa.-tlnn. Wa do not heaiUte to R-UAl nlM thm avan- tlaia. and wa stand readr to refund tha purcliaso nce, II aauaiacioiy reauiw no no iu low their UM. These remedies hsva won their great popularity purely gou their merits, Foabsy and Ma son, uruinriait. All Night. Mr Ivancovich keeps an all night house on First St between Ells worth and Lyon, at which is to be found fresh otsters, porter house . steaks, ham and eggs etc. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physiaian and surgeon ylrany, Oregon. f'lls made in city ot conntrv. Struck Oil At Si.is per c gallon can oest Standard f"' oil, at the. Willamette Packing Co.'s store. Abbey's Addition. 54 lots In this ad dition to Albany, near Hackleman'a 3rd aJJitlon.for sale, at $50 to $125 a lot, ct l.urran & Montetth s. Lace Curtains. Lace Cnrtalas. 7 0ks cures rheumatism, neuralgia toothache. Foshay A Mason Agents. and I have iust received my fall stock ol lace curtains bought direct from importers, the largest stock ever brought tothis mark et, and best value lor tne money Samuel E. It ouno. If vou want a unod tilver steel scvtbe.finei ft in the inai ket, go to atewan ct 001 1. Oo to Hihler A Paisley for your job print iu. They 00 any nn ail inns 01 wora in the puoiishina and job printing line. Quick work and lew prion. Albany Market. Wheat fiSo. Hats '.7Vf. P.tittflr 25c per 10. I'KKS 2i Hv -".. oti.tow--7.i cts (or bushel Bf-on f';ot. f4r ,plt 75 cent per hti. Pork tt'Aa pet it jressed. ttacons liains 12tc, shoulders. He. sides 10c urd 9" per lb. Flour 4.25 per bbl. ihlrkens-S 0(1 per dos. Mill Feed bran, M.OOpsr ton; , shorts. 16. middilno'S, 20. Chor".). TINWARE ANDHARD- WARE Of ALLKIKD3 Al norklrn's Am I pi Milve. The btMt Silvn In the world ffr Cut. Crulw.8ri. tJIcert, 8ll Khemn, t'ever Sore. Tetter, OhappeU hsnclt. Ohllriliiin, Cnrnii, and all Bkln Eruption, and p-nitivrly turne I'lwi, or no ny reulrl, It is tcmr-fttitee- to (five peittrtMitUfai-tlnii, or money retttod- 11. mcezttceiiM iwr ix. tor sale dv rua bar and Maaou. A Hafe invrstiurtit. taore wlilrh lcnarant(i to brinr vnn aat.fatv tory remil-fl. or In cate of failures rtwm of pnrchaM price. On lliie ufe rln you cn bur from our td vertlwd PrnifHlt Ix-tlle of r, Kfnit New Pi cnveryforConaiinifttion, It ts fi-unranteed to nrlne: reiiei tn every csMe, wiicn uh for ant affection n Throat, Lung" or Ch, sorh aa Coniuraptton. In flnmmatlon of Lange, HronthitU Asthma, Whooping Consh. Croup, etc., etc It In ptcanat t end airreeahle iwiatlo, perfectly ea'e, and can al warn be depended ttpos. Trial botUee free at Fonhaj- Matmn'a. For ynnr watchea cl. olin nd jrwMry jtn Frrncli'r Hnuest (tin,", low pricr nd a rt ral i. Pine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob sons special bargains 'i : S