Site Stmnmt CH0K1NU. Choking arises from food, or fluid or other substances sticking in the thrsat or passing into the air passages. In bad choking, where the patient suddenly turns dark in the face, Sc., no time is to be lost. Open the mouth and push your forefinger in a determined way over the tongue, right back, and try to hook away or push aside the hindrance. If this docs not suc ceed yu may, by pressing the hinder portion of the tongue, bring on vomiting, and so secure relief. A good plan is sometin es tried with children, viz., that of pressing the chest and stomach agains t something hard, as a table or a chair, then slapping or thumping the back between the shoulder blades. In this way air is driven from the lungs through the wind pipe sc forcibly sa oftento expel tWe ob stacle. When the obstruction consists of a coin, at. often in the case of children, a good plan is at once to 'ake the child up by the heels, and at the same time give it a shake or slap its back. Fish bones can sometimes be got rid of by swallowing a mouthful of bread. If thece remedies fail, medical help should at once be called in. The Department of State is officially in formed that the executive power of the Argentine Republic has laid hefere the congress a draft of a law dividing 750.000,. 000 acres of government land, in the terri tory of Cherbut, into small holdings, of from 500 to 1000 acres each, and offering the same for sale at from $1 to $3 national money per hectare (about 2 yi acres). It i,s proposed to div ide the whole area into ten sections, one alloted to Argentine settlers, and the others, respectively, to the different nationalities of Europe sup plying immigrants to the Argentine Republic. There is a large and growing class of people in our cities and towns who will have fine, freshly made aromatic butter on their tables, regardless f cost. If poor butter was offered at ten cents per pound, they would prefer paying fifty cents for butter suited to their tastes. Every dairy ' man should determine to cater to the tastes of those who demand the best but ter, and who are willing to pay fjr It. There is never any surplus f the choice makes of butter. Mrs. Henrietta Snell of Chicago is to erect in Union park in that city, a fine memorial to her husband, the millionaire, whose death is supposed to have been the work of Burglar Tascott's pistol. At a meeting of the Park board $25,000 was offered by Mrs. Snell and accepted to build a Homanepque structure which will serve as a shelter, a drinking fountain, a clock tower and a support for electric Hght3. The tower is to be constructed of granite and gray sandstone. The electric current used at night fo r lighting a hotel at Samaden ia now put to ue during the day for heating the kitchen range. Resistance coils of German silver are brought to a red heat by the current, and make it possible to perform all the ordinary cooking operations without fire. The electricity is generated by power from a waterfall. The Zoological Society of London has just received a white peacock. This bird pieierves the marking.! which distinguish the species, particulary the -large eye-li ke spots on the tall feathers. The effect o these spots is most remarkable. They are exactly like the pattern on a damask tablecloth. Prof. Hazcn, stationed at the Mt, Wash ington signal station, his made a new and careful enmputation of the htight of the mountain, and finds that It has a height 016300 feet above mean low tide. This Is seven feet higher than previous meas urements made it. W T Burncy of Oregon Ciiy, is said to be a candidate for congress at the hands of the Democratic convention. This Trade Mai k on a stove Xmeans it is the best that ex- 1'crnnce nnu skiii can con trive. Sold only bv G. W. Smith, Notice. Parties Indebted to Mr. E. L. Power, will confer a favor by calling on Mr I F Merrill, with whom his accounts have been left, and settling the same at once. Ailvlrr lo Mother, Mrs. Window's Soothing Svrup for children teething, in the proscription of one ofthe beat female nurses and phvsi clans in the United State, ai.d has been used for forty yesrs with never failing success by millions of mothers for tlieir children. During the process of teething its Mine is tncalcuable. It releaves the onild from pain cures dysentery and diar rhoaa, griping In the b.wels, ami wind colie. Hy giving health to the child it rests the molhir. Price 2Jc. a bottle. The l.ailir, HrliEhtrd, The pleasant ellect and the perfe-t saf ety with which ladies mav use the liquid fruit laxatl?. Syrup of fl mirier Ml condition, make it their favorite remedy Ills pleasing to ihe eye and to the taste gentle, yeteireHnsI In acting on the kid neys, liver and bowels. Says a literary gossip: "I chanced to see a few days ago a letter written by one of our large publishing houses, addressed to Jay Gould, in which the offer was made of $50,000 cash and a royalty of 40 per cent, on all copies that would be sold of the w ork, for a volume of reminiscences to be written by the noted financier. I say 'written' I should have said 'dictated,' for the use of a competent stenog rapher was included in the offer. But a pro. position involving $50,000 is probably a very insignificant matter in MrGould's eyes, and he has not as yet even ventured a reply to the letter." Unity Tea. To those wishing a good uncolored Japan tea we say try our brand of nitv. It is the best tea on the mar ket. Remember ivith each pound of this tea we eive the purchaser a chance to to draw a beautiful pure China tea set. We have just opened the last chest of our first import order and those desiring a chance at the beaQtitul set must call earlv. WIllamktte Packiso C, Kid Woven I Kid titoves ! I I have just rece.ved a full line of kid gloves branded Our Own. This is a genu ine kid glove. I buy direct from importers in New York and consider them the best value of any glove I ever sold for this price. 5 button, 3 rows of st'tching, $1.50 per pair. S. E. Young. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F OUSD, On Broadalbim and between Fifth and Mxth Mreew in Albany on Sunday uctoDer lata a boys orereeat. Suitsble for a boy of six or seven ysars. Owner call ar.d pay for this notice and get coau T OST. A switch key, with chain at I J taohed, marked O, P., prebably on First or Second Street. Finder will coo ler a favor by leaving with J R Abbey t O P depot, or at this office. REXT. -Two good furnished rooms to rent. Inquire at this office. Notice. Having disposed of the lbany ditch, water works and other proper ty I am proceeding to settle up all my business, and hereby give notice to all par ties knowinethemselves indebted to me to call at the M"ll Office and settle. John- A Crawford. OEVERAL SMALL TRACTS ofland t ; near town tor si Inquire of H, Bryant. OLD IRON. Fifty tons! of old iron castings, In any quantity, wanted mmediately at the Albany Iron Works. TAKE WARNING. All parties are notified not to give or sell my boy, Ang-ist BLoff, a minor, any intoxicating uavoia jr miarBUBS, as I Wltl prCSO uulu an uuuuuers ior so qoing. Hermann Hopf. SAW LOGS FOR SALE, Parties desiring to purchase saw Iocs will do well to call on the undersigned who has about 300,000 ft of logs on the vanpooia at rsrownsvllle. H..F. Merrill, Trustee, Albany, Or. H. S. ELLIS & 00, Importers anil Healer In Fiue Cigars and Tobacco, opposite Revere House. San Fran Isco aim nmiano papers always on bind. A reliable U. S. Standari 3-ton scale, only $37. Delivered at your nearest rail ro id station free of freight on thirty days trial, Larger scales at proportionately lowrrlces. Warranted five years. A(tdrss, p. (V unrrMAM' Albany, Orogon. FIKLA OILnKHT. FRANCIS CIILBERT. MISSES GILBERT Teachers of Piano, Organ and Harmony. Residenci corner Jefferson and 41 h 8ts. Miss Heir? Albert at Lebanon, Toun dnya a no t-rid ays. ORCI, NE4TNE88, J.J. DORRIS, ALRANY, OREGON. ABST3ACTEB, The Only Complete Set of Abstract Books and Maps in Linn County. Ofllco in the Court House,- ttlisinnsn rntru.lnd in mv n.a:1 have prompt and careful attention. . tu BLARDSLEY ileal Estate Asnt, Conveyancing of all mds done in a re liable manner. All business will receive prompt attention. Olllue on llroadalbin' rVst, Mbiu, Omi.i, BROWNSVILLE1. 0. P. C0SH0W & SONS. Real Estate and Insurance Agents. Real estate sain: and Collesttons and Notarial business attended to, A Philosopher always Thinks. Try it; Think of L E BLAIN when duiing the wet, coo', autrmn and winter weutlieryon need an Overcoat,Rnb ber Goods, an Umbrella or COTHINC, FURNISHING COOD AND BOOTS AND SHOES GENERALLY, or want a stylish suit made by a first-c!a9s tailor, THEN CALL ON HIM. UNRIVALLED ATTRACTIONS. NOT ONLY IS ALMOT ATTRACTING ATTENTION B it rs wjll t.i i.-u n nn utoji cf eneral Merchandise Recti veii ly SEL E. 70HG, For the full and winter trade, consisting of a!atKeand choice stock of the latest patterns of 2S3 An unrivalled liue of Cloaks and Jackets, in all styles and sizes, a well seleoted stock of Men', Children's and Ladles' We Are At it. And have a complete line of Ladies' and Gents' Rubber Goods, Rubber Coats, Raglans Circulars, Newmarkets, and Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Prices to suit the trade. Rubber Boots, Sandals and Men' Rubber Over alls. We sell M. D. Wells & Co's celebrated custom made Boots and Shoes, and carry the Latest Styles. These goods we purohaso direct from the man ufacturers in Chicago. Good-Value and Square Dealing. We invite your patronage. BARROWS & SEARLS. Blumberg Block NEW DRUG STORE, On or about October 21st I will occupy the west room of ths Blumerg Block with a NEW AKD COMPLETE STOCK of Drugs and Druggists Sundries. The people of Albany are corjlallynvited to keep their eye on the data a icg day and Inspect my stock, II. . HUBBARD, Prescription Druggist. BOOTS AND SHOES, A large assortment of CARPETS, And a choice selection of GROCERIES. First-olass goods and reasonable prices always assured. SOME BARGAINS. 116 aores all under cultivation 60 acres o i . m,?eufal.'";l00,tBI witnialX miles,,10'" Yanulna Bay. Good water ol the olty,- Price (50 per acre. O ther ,fD'76 per ,ot- A good investment. wonn-aouDle the price asked for them, and will sell for alOUO la less than two years time. I j i v sjus. ojuitli J 1116 land in a rime commnniiv hat a a cinn ThU 18 a rare barin and wil 1 be iV.5.8068!?11 ud?r cultivation. Located ;i Til i j V.- '""' in same commu ty held at $o0 and J60 per acre. n5Iot8' B00(1 bouse on each, renting for ?2 Per month. For sale at 1 2200 orJUOO w.. .ul j.iuutjrvjr is cemranv located, and is a fine bargain. ' Good hotel in a thriving tnu-n r.. ,i at a bargain. Inquire at this olllce early, We have one thousand nn hnml.l and one jurt suoh bargain, as the abeve. nujrune uesiring to invest In Albany or Linn oountv real estato shnnUI w ai means call oa I WALLACE & CflSICK, Blumberg Block, . . . Albany, Or MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. Cany a first-class atock ol Stoves, Tinware,Hardware,Etc.. Which they are selling at remarkalby low prices, JOB WORK carefully and promptly dono at reasonable prices,; PURE DRUGS, Paints, Oils, Stationary, Etc And Prompt attentic OR. GUISS & SON FOR THE BEST FURNITURE -CALL ON THE- Albany Furniture Company OPPOSITE STEWART SOX'S, BED ROOMiSETS, TABLES, CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED GOODS. WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES' ETC ETC..ET