VOL. J J. ALBANY, OR. MONDAY, OCTOBER SI, 1889. NO 144 T THE CHAMPJON WiHMl-pnrlJW, Aye-r's r'nrsnparllla lead, nil i.tlii rs in ns nuTit. ami l''l'lnrlty. It times up tin- svsu-m. Improves tlie appetite, strengthens liie ihtvcs. nml vitalizes the 1:1.k1. Jnst what you need. Try It. I am si-lliiiR vrair poods freely, and more .f Av.t'h Saroiparllla llian d '' '''1"'.r, '''""J-tli.-dlcliii-s put t!,ifitli.r."-K. A. McWillialiM, :rnnd l:.ii:ds. Mnli. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rn-Inn-l I.V lr..f f!. Aver & Co., Lowell, Hin fries" l; sis boltlm, i. Wurlh bolllii. Tim II azixwooi. Lld Compact, l(IKTERKIBI,ELOS.SEXPI!RlENC.takaall the numberaoi ticket, sold'and L fd by Seattle in tha lain fim. wna ti.A. iM k v. t. HUohttS U1 rond9f thoUH.nda homalma ihnrr.nc.hln .ml . I.nw hllnrMnlilarl and J. I'lnUent upon tbe charity of the will place lis hand in the box and draw world. Ine immediate Hants were tend- out cue namber, and whoever holda tbe edto,idtbe world at large nobly re- correir.ondiiiir number will be awarded apondfi to tbe call for aid. But at the one house and tbe pair of lota upon wtaioh present time the prospects for a long win- it ia built. Then tbo fifth number drawn ter stares hard iu the face of many nun- shall ba awarded a lot, then the tenth dreds; alckueaa frem exposure are cor- number a lot, and Boon, every thirty tain to occur, and the following plan has fifth number drawn shall be awarded a lot until the two hundred and alxlh nnm ber hall be drawn, which shall entitle the holder to tbe corresponding number wnicn snail be drawn, te tne remaining house and pair of lota. All tbe above property la guaranteed to EF. C. 1. IrKWAKT, Albany IRONWORKS -Manufacturers of- TEAM ENCINES GRIST AMD SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS AHD ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. 'ineolal attention paid o repairing -til ds of machinery Patterns Made on Short Notice, KEEP POSTED. been devised to assist In caring for the uiuoriunsieB wno may need medical as aistance, by giving to the different hospl tala a handsome sum of mjnev. The Rnzelwoad Land foiupany has generously determined to donate the 'be free of any and all leins. mortgages or nmi.aiifl nf Iwnhnu.u -n.l I 1 1 . .. .... .... . proceeds of two bouses and two hundred anything that will impair a title, lotsto the hospitals of the city, ami has l.nntvdxel auringa perfect till A war rinc, o narfutl tillo will II. purchased this property with a v'ow tolmadito every lucky ticket holder who disposing ot it at a small advance over Iwins a priM. The tickets are only placed cost and devoting the net proceeds to the m it 50, and besides a standing show to charities above meniioneil ; and pro ones ' et a be-tulilul home worth 6000 or a lot to issue tickets to be sold for t'l 50 atcb worth t50. You are aiding one of the for tbe purpose of raising money to help uranium charities which baa ever asked urry uu iuo wonc. i uev nave placed oi you aid. Purchaseyour llekflts or ticketson8atetbrcughoutlhecountry,rnd tgeut or traveling canvasser who upon December 81, lK89,a committee con properoredimthtla. Deeds are depos slating of twelve prominent ciu ens will 'with the Puot Sound National Bank. THE HAZELWOOD T. A "NTT") CO. SEATTLE, "WA.sni3sra-Tonsr. A MEW CaMDlDATE- THE LEADER. THE LEADER G, W. SMITH, ALBAH' "Superior," " Argand," "Garland" STOVES AND RANGES. F. M. French keeps railroad time. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or For a Sterling or Emerson piano call on G L Blackman. For sale, cheap, second hand organ,' Mr. iiymana. G L Blackman is agent for tho Weber piano. Itone better. Bnv voar tickets through to the East ot W I. enter and save fare to Portland. The Western Cottage and Paekard are two of the best organs made. O L Blackman sells them. A line line of all kinds of furniture, plain and upholstered, bes: stock in this part of Oregon at Fortmiller ft Irving 'a. If you want a clean and fine smoke ask for J. JoseDh '. home made white labor cigars For sale by most cigar dealera and at his Joseph's factory. J A Archibald, a?ont Singer Manufactur ing Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Al banv, An oiaonnf llnA nf aiifc table sereads, in beiuliful designs, just received at Fortmiller A Irviog's. 5 cans Golden Star tomatoes for 60 cents atC Meyers, and all other; canned goods cheap for cash. Jut received new table linen at W. F. Read's. I W Starr, physician and surgeon, Albany Oregon. Good cooking stove only $10 at HopaX is ft saitmarsh s. Dr Wriffhtsman'a Sovereign Palm of Life, for diseases peculiar to women, at Deyoe & Kotnon and Brownell B otanaru s, r u Baltimore, agent. Mr. Harvey Scott has retired ostcn sibly from the editorship of the Ortgonian, for the purpose, it is generally supposed' of becoming a candidate for the United States Senator next year against Senator Mitchell. Mr. Scott. has fairly "earned" the promotion. principle of a life-time; he "supported' candidates, from President down to con stable, whom he hae denounced as dishon est, incompetent, and dangerous; he has bowed his head and bent his journalistic course abjectly for a year and a half now to the dictates of the Simon-Dolph ring; has forcaken honest and independent journalism and become the sycophantic servant and tool of every scheme of plun der, corruption; he has also'made a great deal of meney; Why should he not be Senator? Eiist Oregonian. 'The Road To Heaven," TELEGRAPHIC NEWS THE iyal .means oatl on Paine. Brothers, St.icus.-n o John Pox, 'or yont Fire backs. Warran ted for 15 years, All 3 3 ai styles, Groceries, Pwfluoe, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc. Their goods are the boat and thf Irprlcei reasonable. The World's bast. More than hun dred 7 hun dred differ e n t sty les nooks and heaters DR, C A. WHITNEY, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College low York City. Diseases of woman a specialty. 13"0(Tice. Froman's Brick, Albany, Or. Geb Itanra Eulogized. WAsiusr.TON, Oct. 20, General Raum.the newly appointed pension commissioner, is con sidered better equipped in every way for the tvmlinn than nnv ftf hit nrmlprrasnrs. f.nral lie has abandoned the ! Kaum a popular, though not a boasting l.rnnil Army man, anil ne is a splendid lawyer familiar not only with the laws, but the rules and practices of the pension office, ile has no hobbies and no prcjnutces,- A Good Idea. Sacramento, Oct. 2o. A number of citi zens held a meeting at the residence of Mayor G'egory to-day, to consider the proposition of holding a I'acihc coast exposition herein 1592, It was decided to lorm a committee ot 100 to formulate plans, issue a prospectus, and to take such other steps as may be necessary lor the success of the undertaking. A golden Casket of unique brilliant and beautiful christian treasures, gath ered from the richest mines of religion, science, and philosophv; sumptuously illustrated with a magnificent galaxy of royal steel plate engravings. No other book of modern times deals with such a living subject, displays such genuine genius, has such a significant, striking and attractive title as this new book pos sesses. It contains the essence of a thou sand tones boiled into oni, and explores everv field of human experience, that csn eneage. fascinate and charm both the highlv cultured and the man of the world It is issued by the Globe Bible Publishing Co., ot rniiaaeipnia, ra., ana soio oy sud sorintion only. Mr. L. McFarland, wno is the authorized agent for this section is now canvassing lor it. we nearuiy rec ommend this book to our readers. Roofing-, Job Work, Plumbing. Eave Trough. ftn?3 3 hilars Conductor Pumps. isrnnn SAWINil. Wood Rawed on If .1, .nvwhnre In tbe city. Regular prices. Ordera left at Browne!; & Btanard'e-:." '-promptly attenuea to Stick a Pin PIANOS. TI10-.B wisblns a first-class Instrument ihould call at Mrs. B. E, Hyman'a rid seo one of tboao Cdleorated Hemme A Longpianoes, excellent riob tone, E nnnlnliv made and adarted to stand the llmate on the Pacific Coast, Erory piano fully guaranteed for 6 years, 'ine if.teat ihect-inualo for sale, Musio and painting lessons given there. Also tbe place to get your new Sewing Machine. Fancy work and dress making done to order. First iloor east of Young's old stand, Albany, Oregon Conrad Mever.! PROPKlrSTTil 0K. STAR BAKERY Corner BroadaMn and First Sts., .DEALER IN- the fact that I am oflViinfe better Urgair.s than any one else in Albany Bought at bankrupt aales I can soil First-Class Goodsi Canoed rraiu, dlMdwavre. Orlea fruit. Tobacco, Sugar, Coflee, Etc, CanneA Meat, Qnoenaware, Vegetaltles), 1'lgars, 8p'ra), Tea. Etc., r beluw COST. FOP in rant everything that ia kept In a gen ml Tarlety and grocery ore. Hlghe jo rk9t price rld for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Ho. - r .rQnr1 vivifla In the Val ley, and the most reasonaie prices, both in buvlnir an 1 soiling. I have on hand all kinds of FURNITUIE, STOVES, TINWARE, mm, 833XS, PICTURES, clocks, crockery, etc., :etc. line door west of S E Young's old store. L. GOTTLIEB. 123 First street; Albany, Or, General nierchsndiBe ot all kinds call on me. Par:irlar bargains in .am. of shoes. Cash fur Q.U " CJo'iatry pridif,3 W. SI1US0 Albany, Oregoa. HOPKINS & SAITMARSH DAI.EI I STOVES; TIM WAP.H, SSSTIRON, COPPER WARE! ETC., ETC. Am.nl. for "On Time" Heating and coikina; Stoves. Job work, plam'in. Asemsiur if. promptly a tended to. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE IN THE CITY PATNT3. 0ICi3 AND BRUSHES AT DBJfOB SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW 300DS AT mjYOji & 3 0KS0N iorbininespiirsu'ts at the Portland Business Colkrc, 1'ortlmul, OrcRon, or at the Capital Hus ines Colk'jr'; Snletn, Oregon. Hoth schools are miilti the intnoRcniciitor A. P. Armstrong, Imve .irnc course of btudies and same rates of tuition. ihiaiiienfi, Sliortliand, erriling, Penmanship and English Depart ments. Day and evening sessions, studentsad mittedat any time. KorjointCatalogue.addrcss I'nr) .iiurt llusiuns fnllrw, flR I'upltal BMlim tllfge, l ortland, Oregon. v aaicju, uiegou. Issure at Oxce. Mr. Julius Grad. wohl's advice to the people of Albany is to Insure at once before it is teo late, for the fire fiend Is devastating the cities of the N. W. Mr Gradwohl represents seven solid companies, with an aggregate capi tal of $76,000,000 and a cash deposit of $350,000 at Salem. As well as business men, farmers should Insure their crops, for thev will burn, as a number of cases already testify. Thoueh Mr Gradwohl'i companies lost some in Seattle, Vancou ver, Ellensburgh and Spokane Falls their capital is so great the loss Is not felt, and they will continue to place risks and pay losses with their usual promptness, the same as they did after the great Chicago fire, in wnicn tneir losses-jvere neavy. He TV 111 Die. Losdon, Oct. ao. The Prince of Wales is a sick man. It is stated on the best of author itv that he has been warned by the physicians that he has Bright's disease incurably fastened upon him. 1 here seems to be no ground for immediate apprehension, but the report is that the chances are said to be against his living through the net year. r Stood 1'p. , Port Townsknd, Oct. 20. James Y Stock and a merchant, was waylaid last night by footpads while returning home, and in the attempt t rob him, Stockand was sevesely ,t : 11: : 1 Deaicn anu uruico, tuca u.u-ui u -.in stance and frightened the robbers away. Later two men giving the names of Jim Smith and Ludwig Lunwen, claiming residence in 1 acoma wereanested and identified as Stockand's as sailants. A Heavy Rain, Sacramento, Oct. 20. There was quite a heavy rainfall to-day all over 111. state, At Los Angeles over three inches of rain fell in eight hours, The ground in the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys was well lonKeu. There was a little damage done to fruit in a few places, Slaughter in Silk .millions. In order to close out my Immense stock of silk ribbons in plain and plcot edge I will sell them until my fall stock arrives at 75 cents on the dollar. All marked In nlain fiirurcs. Samuel E. Yocxe. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON-' 1888- 1889. rir.t Term Opens September lit.. lass. A full corps of Instructors, LASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ot study arranged to meet lb end of all grades of students. S fecial iHatuementt offered to undent! from abroad. Tuition ranges from (5.60 to $13,S0 Board in privets families at low rates Rooms tor self-boarding at email expense k. earafnl supervision exercised over stu dents away from home. Fail term opens September Tin. For oircuiara ana iu particulars aaareas tne t-resiuem. BBT. ELBERT n. COJDIT. AlbanyOrgon Babies. The finest line of baby i iges In the Valley just r celved at Stewart b Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con sidering ti e superior quality of the carrl ages. Tha best Read'r. Biggest Yet 10,000 rolls of wall pa per, latest varieties, finest decorations just I erelver 31 rurtmmer & irving s Merit Wins. W. dMlr. to nf to nor citizens, that for years w. D.v. oeen selling ur. King-, new m.covry iw vwi umptlon, Dr King's New Llfs Pill., Bucklen'. Ar. mm u winn r.iMtriG miura. ana n&v never imimi tsd remedies that Mil as wall, or that bava givan such uniT.nal aathfaction. Wa do not hesluta to guar .nta them averv time, and wa atand na-lv 10 refund tn. purchase price, 11 aatinacioiy mans ao no. iu low their uu. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on tbair merits, Foshay and 11a- aon, aruggistiw DEY0E& ROBSON ARE AGEN78 f OR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAT fgUTlCAL-FEED SEWIXG HA (SiHlHS.I.JHAf!HINTl! W TBI ACADEMY OF Our La4y of Perpptnal Help. ALBANY, - - " OREGON. Conducted by the Slsll.a of St, Benedict, This Academy isilncorporatcd and ou- thori-d bv the State to confer, academic Honors. The ourw of study is coinp.ete, Mathematln), Literkiiire and Musio are special' lest, as al.e the Normal Instruction f aspirants for teachers' certificates. In- s'jstrlai urawinir, vocal iuukic in eians and til kinds "f needlework form, no extra cliarite. The oisctnline of the school auntie but firm. onject being to form n.itonlv refined vounir ladles, but noble nd usAful members of noci ity. Pupils tdinitted at any time and charg prnpor- aoned. Pupils of any tleuoininatiort re-eeived. Tuition In .elect day school ranges from ft u (10. For terms of Hoarding Snh vl or any prtloi lar apply at the Aeade.ny, or ad anea rsisior mipennre.. SUPERIOR LINE3 OF AQRICUL-TURALIM't PLEMENT8 AT DE YOSI41RU3SON lins of kid gloves at W F. Uncnlle 1 for Murder, Wheeling, W Va., Oct. 10, This even ing, as Charles Tlatt, aged 15, and a friend were returnidg home in a wagon from gather, inu wal-uts in the country, they were accost ed by James Mulcahy, aged 17, who asked them for a ride. Upon their refusal Mulcahy raised a rifle, which he was carrying and shot Piatt, killing him instantly. Tim ladies of the Presbvtcrian church will civo a Japances Tea on Dec 5th, andfjth of which a more extended notice g'ven. afawsasB A M-inch light roadster, 1SS9, for sale heap at Thompson & Overman's. All Night. Mr Ivancovich keeps an nil night houscon First St between Ells worth and Lyon, at vhlch is to be found fresh oysters porter house Bteaks, ham and eggs etc. A lirca stuck of sold and gold filled watches at F M French's, at greatly reduced ' pi Ices. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physician and surgeon Vlbany, Oregon. Tails made in city ot country. Struck Oil At Jji.it. per t gallon can xst Standard c-' oil, at the Willamette racking Co. a store. AnnFV's Addition. 54 lots in this ad dition to Albany, near Hackleman s 3rd aJdltlon.tor sale, at $53 to $125 a lot, at t;urran ie Montefth's. Lace Curtains. IJ.ce Curtains. 7 0.ks cures rheumatism, neuralgia tbathache. Foahay A Mason Agents. and I have iust received my fall stock of lace curtains bought direct from Importers, the largest stock ever brought to this mark et, and best value for the money. SAMUEL c. 1 uuisu. If von want a good .ilverstecl scvthe.finsit I in the marker, go to atewars et nox s. A fine line of library lamps just received at Conn Bros. Qo to Hihler A Paisley for your job print in.. Thev do any and all kinds of work in the puoKshina. and job printing line, work and cw prices. Quick Albany Market. Wheat 6S a. tiati 1:7 Ho. Bolter 2ac per 10. I tczs iv. Hiv H.OP. Prtntoe 75 eta per bushel-B'ir-f on foot.SVfe A ples 75 ceuts per hu. Pork 6c per H areaaed. Barons hainsjaisV. shoulders, Uo aidea 10c. Lrd 9o per lb. Flour4.M per bbl. ''hir-kens 8 00 per dor. Mill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton; shorts, 16. middilntrs, 20. Chora. SO. Rnrklen's Ar.ilea Silve. The he.. Halve In the wnrld for Cuts. Rnilaes,Sitfvs. t'leer. Salt Kheum, r'ever Sire.. Tetter. Chapped hands, Chllht.in., Corns, and all Skin Kruptinn, and D-mtivelr tnrc. Phra. nr nn pav re-iuired. It is raar- antee-1 to irive neffect sstlsfactinn, ,r money refoji.1 e-i, rt ice jju cents p.. nun. tor sale uy r uanay anu HUM. A Hare Invratini nt. I. ore which Issusrsntecd to hrinj ou Mtlsfec- tory resid's. or In cawnl fsilurea retunio purchaw price, on Ihls s.rv 1 l.in you can hny from nur .d Tertlned Iiniritlst . lioille of Pr. Klnir's New PIs eorery forCon.nmptlon, It la ruvranteed In hiin. relief In .very eve. when uad tor ny affection nf I hroat, Lung-s or Chct, st- n a. I o isurapiioli, in fl.,nimatlon et Lnni:., Ilronrhltl. Asthma, Whoopln. Couvh, Ciwip, etc.. etc It I. pleasant and sirreeahle t Uslc, perfectly se'e, and en al.-. lie depended ;pon. Trial not' le. fr-.-e .t hosliaya jiwdi i, TINWARE ANDHARD WARE Of ALL KINDS Al For Tonr wntchei nlf-cin ind jowt-lry gn PrrnohV H orient eooi.i. low prices and Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob sons special bargains robsons,: