. i " ! First National Bank OF AUUM1, 4KEUON. THE YAQUINA ROUTE, Oregon Pacific Railroad, ' uou Development Company's Steam ship Line. 125 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other re ate. . tumrh nnnAnuirer ana Jigh Tine from Portland and all points Mbe Willamette Valley to and from Ban Francisco, Cal. Remember lUe Oregon racillc Popular Summer Bcnrlon to Yaquina. low Rate Ticket are onaA every Wetl- liun was nesday and Saturday Iron. Al bany, CorvallU and Philomath. fit Cost At Cost TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY LARC5 STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER C000S I WILL SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. resident 'i.INN Vice President a. K. Yul'Nli Palhi.r E. W. LAM1DOS, Collier JAS. F. POWELL THAN SACTS A OENERALbanktng business. ACCOUNTS KEl'T subjoit to sheck. 8I0HT EXC1IANOE and tel rapliio transfer, sol n New York, ban Francisco, ilcago and 1 Ji reon. PIRBCTOKB J, E Yorno, B,W. Lasasus, L B Blaw, L. Kuas, Walirk E Tckbbll Boata make close connection at Alban with trains of the Oregon raoiuu : TIS1E SCHEDULE, (except Sundays.) Lerv. Aloany 1:00 T. M, Leare Cornlltl 1:10 F, a. Arrive Yaquina, 6:30 L.-ave Yaquina. 6:45 A,M. Leave uorvaiiie.iw. , Arrive Albany, 11:10 A. a, o A O trains conneoc at Albany and t&neM between yaquina and San Francisco. q SAILING DATES . AT COST SALE, AND THEYIMUST CO. THIS WILL BEACLOSINC OUT COME EARLY AND CET hm County Bank, Cowan, Ralston & Chamberlain, ALBANY OREGON. from TAacmA. Wmamette Valley. "vttOll BAH A.VCISCO Tuesday, Oct tflh. do v rlohL '1DB vwu"FJ . tnm. .v..nM sailing dates - , rJ,;vTl!v;oinUcan.makeoloSe Uonwi route at Albany or CorTams, to of sailing. F.JUTM Ha.. - - Sa franc"01! AU Corvallis, OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -.VIA-. Southern Pacific Company's Line. THE MOUST SHASTA ROUTE. Tim.botn A.Uany and S . North UUD I1 I y AS.y 0:45 A H VaVUL5 LEBANON BRANCU, TuT AT 1 (I'.SO A a 8:20rLv " U ioOfm Ar .S""0 r 2:45 PS PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, , of Second-Claw Fasscn b Trams Real Bargains. AT THE SAME TIME DO NOT EORCET THAT I HAVE A COMPLETE, STOCK OF DRY GOODS Notions, Furnshing Goods, etc, WOULD ESPECIALLY CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING LINES: Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk, Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie ry, Fancy Goods, etc ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICE RESPECTFULLY, W. F. READ, The Leading Oasis Dry Goods Store TRANSACTS a Rcneral bauktng business. DRAW SIGH! Oil KVVTA on New York. San Fran 103 and Portland, Oregon LOAN MOtfEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposits subject " cbeck. Bank of Oregon. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. 50,009. Present ."uPmN Vice Fresldont J. W. BIjAiN. Cashier H. F. MEP.MLL Sight exchanEo and tolcgranlilo trans fer on New York, San Francisco and Portland, Oregon. Collections made on lavoranie terms. RedCrownMills S0M. LANSING & CO., VIOPR'S. SBW PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR TOR MMIMES AND BAKERS USE. BEST ST0RAGF- FACILITIES, Sis-hest Frici in Casb fo JOLlliS GRADWOHL'S " Golden Rule Bazaar. His stock has been enlarged so that It equals any on the Coast, and ooutiatsor Roger Bros. Silverware, French China and CryJ talware, Boys' wagons, Doll Carriager Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Crockrey and Toys. He bnvs'llre;t and oarriei the Unrest stock In the has been addod a complete line of Willamette Valley, to wj FAMILY GROCERIES. (a Agent for insnranee companies with a oitiUl ai;reij;atlns 975,000 00Q 9"lci on parle Franoats. Ilier wird deutcb gewprocben.- 1 DnCITIVr For LOST or F ATIING MANHOOD A rU5l I lnCnpn.i unri nervous debility 1TTTJ X "Weaknew of Body and Mind: Effect w vvAiof.rrorsort.xoesauinuiaor loony. Rob..l, Kobls H4XH00D fnllr Re.torrd. How bblimul Blrfnic7heB WKiK.UiniKVKLOI'KI) (HUiiVS A IMKTH of BOt. ilnoluulj anfBtltBR 1IOHK THKATJIKST Hnf(lti In dj. Hb tillf from 41 SUt, TrrrltariH, and lorflmifoiintr M. IaafUWrltMB. ItOOst. IUIHipiDiiun, in, nru,i PHura tHIE IfltOlUftL MM., Durrniu, n. i McMinnville College. TWO FOUR YEAR COUPSE OF STUDY in tho Collegiate Department Four Three Venr Coursesof Mtudy in the AcademieDepartment. As evidence of the flrowth of this College attention is called to tho fact that during the latit year over eleven hundred doltarr have been expended in standard books for the li brary, an $800 piano donated to the college and over $3)000 addedjto thepermaneut en dowment, Special attention is given to the Academic Department which fits young men and wo men for College, for teaching and for busi ness. Fine rooms and boarding department in the College building, expenses low. Presi dent lives in the building. Fall term opens oept, 4th. bend tor .catalogue. AddresB, PRES. T. C. BROWNSON, M-sMinnvillc, -Yamhill CoOr. HOW TO G9 EAST. Go East via Mount Shasta Route. Nice climate and scenery at all times nf the year. See Mount Shasta. Sacramento, Odeu, Salt Lake, Denver. Finest scond-class cr made are run daily. Buy your tickets of me and save vour faro to Portland. I am tho only person in Albany that can sell you a ticket to any point in the United statin - van on me for rates. v. . L. JusTFit, Agent 0. 1 . O.JKNNINOS, W.H, MOP ttHUS S, J, B, V, Jennings & Co, Manufacturer and dealers all kind, FIR, MAPLE AND CEDAR H Mill on Iltmiltun, elavenrallea froaMiJ I'rlvesat (he Mill; Clear fir 81 1.00 ; rough lumber, $b50 Bocond dear, $S Pncestof cedar aud matUe on applicitu PRICES AT CO'3 YARD T VEDASUS Clear fir, 315.0(1 ; roojtI oletr rough lumber, 310.00 B7 A nr.niumiMlll,t (era, aHached lo Express t Street, ""rtlan.'.. Vt.stswclslvlslon' .Ev 1...UTLANI. AM OBALM. Ma'h isain Ain(EBSept Sunday.) TaoTTTC rti;i i,?::3orPs lt:!S t s Ar lo" "", ! mprrss A1N DA11.T (EKCjpt Sunday : ,; Ar I 9:00 A a IV. M.Minn 'ill. LV 1 5.45AS t'.'.At F M RiOOrs "THroixirlx Ticttets To all points BOUTH A-ISTD EAST VIA CAUIFORNIA. "For ull Information roianlln? rates, maps, etc. 's?0 KOKHLER A"nl ""Tp. R0OEU8, 0, K. Faint Shop. House and Carriage Painter Decorator and Paper Hanger . Piano Varnishintr. All nrN guaranteed. S B. VASSAL! 0- Successors trt Henry Sueaens. Summons, la the Circuit Court of Slate oj Oregon J 'or Linn County. D K Junkin, Plaintiff. 8. L Kline and John Smallmon, as the Sheriff of said Linn conut y,Oregon, Defendants. To L. Kline, the aboye aamed Defendant: In the name of tho State of Oregon, you are hereby commanded to appear and an swer the complaint of the above Plaintiff in the above entitled uourt, now on iu wivu the Clerk of said Court, ou or before the first day of tbe next regular term of said Court which Baid term of said Court begins on the 28th day of October, 1889, at the Court house in the city of Albany, Oregon, and yon are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, as hereby required, the Plaintiff will take a de oree against you for the relief piayed for in his said complaint filed in said cause, to- (Wren noainst van Demetuallv enjoin ing you from enforcing a certain decree and judgment wntcu you odmideu .i4uiib.w.im O. Junkins, ontho25thday of October, 1880, it fiourt of the State of Oregon for Linn county, for the sum of $1613.26 and oostr, and ordering you to acknowledge nf the same on the record there of within 30 days from the rendering of a decree against yon in this cause and for the co'ta and disbursements of this suit. This summons is served on yon by publi cation by virtue ef an order of the Hon E ..... - . - . . . i i ru- f Kolse, judge OI said vourr, msue a vui- DB; J.L.HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offlco cor, First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- OREGON Wo have the Exclusive Control at o OR.Gr WATSO'rJ TflASTON Physician and Surgeon.. Office opposite the Douiocra',. DR. G. U. CHAM3ERLIN, Homeopathic Physician anl Surgeon Special attention to diseases of the eye. j"OrflcecornerofThird nnd Lyon St, ALBANY, ORECON. Ami don't taut to offer a prtzt to ull ihll Cooda, for If Hit BEST MADE. oery Can kU ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, ALBANY, OREGON. hers in the City of Salem, Oregon, 12th day of September, ISS'J. W. it. Bilyku and C. E. WOLTERTOS, .eyor Plaintff' the W liBIIA EU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Chancery, ALBANY. OBEGOM, Collections promptly made on all po'nt Letnsnetptuueaon easonawetermn, Unwesity of Oregon. EUGENE, OREGON! Next session begins on Monday, the 10th of September, 1888, Free scholarships from every county In Ilia Htate. Apply to vour County Superin tender,!. Free tuition after January 1st, law, Four courses s Classical, Scientific, Lll entry and a short Knglish Course In wbi.-ti there Is no Latin, Greek, Frenoh r German, Tbe English Is pie-eminently nusinens uourse, f or catalogues or ther information, address J. '.JOHNSON, Prssdent, FOSHAY & MASON, Mfl 9LBL US ARB RltAlaV roe2ist8and Booksellers. I ... . , . 1 1 Agents for Jonn a. Aiaen iuuiu., which we sell at publisher'. prioswltli postatgeaddad. . ALBAMT. OBEUOH DR. W H. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. fafrOfflce up stairs in Strahan's Block. May be found at his ofnoe nay and night. DR, I. W, STARR, Physician and Surgeon, Late of Brownsville, Or, nm at roams Nos. S3 and 84. Straban and Pierce's Block, up stairs. Calls promptly attended in city or country, City Meat Market 8HULTZ BUUS,, proprietors. Keep a full Hn of meals of all kinds, in a cool plus, completely pro tected; and always fresh. hand salmon Also have oonstantlym nd otksr fish. r- ivn jbn Pannni desiring sand S loam or gravel from the premises of F. L. Such In Benton oounty, can procure tickets for the same at my uiuue, v..f ford', block, Albany, Oregon. i CH, E. WoLVKRTOH. Poultry Wanted. All kinds of poultry, alive or dreed, ranted at the Willamette P icking Com pany'! Store. Albany, Oregct. C. L. BLACKMAN, Successor to B. W. Laitfdon, Di'ALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES1 SO IPS COMBS. : ETC. ALBASY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 1888, 1889. First Term Opens September Ills. 1HK8 A full corps of Instructors. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ot study arranged to meet tb eod of all grades of students. Special inducements offered to students from abroad. Tuition ranges from 5,60 to fl3,M, Board in private families at low rates Rooms lor self-boarding at small exrense, A careful supervision exercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term opens septemoer an. ror circulars aim lui particulars aaaress tuo xresiueni. BE'. CLREKT K. roMIIT. AlbanyOr"gon D. R. M.BLACRBCR.V, OEO. W. WRIGHT, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at, Law, Will practice in all the Ceurta of the Stats. Prompt attention given to all busi ness entrusted toonr care. Office Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or J.K.WEATHERFORD, j iTTORNEY AT LAW, AUAKV. OEICO. ACADEMY OF Our Lady of Perpptaal Help, ALBANY, - - - OREGON, Conducted by the HUti . of St. Benediot, This Academy Hilncorpo rated and on- tborizod by tbe State to confer academic honors. The course of study is complete, Mathematics, Literature and Musio are specialties, as alsethe iNornml Instruction r aspirant, lor leaders' cermicates. in -Sustrtal drawing, vocal music in class and all kinds of necillewoik form, no extra charge. The discipline of tbe school fs gentle but firm, ooject being to form not only refined young ladles, but noble and useful menibers of society. Pupils admitted at any time and charges propor tioned. Pupils of any denomination re- t Ji--ar!iBlUWUaMB,aaa s 1 1 " 'I' LOOKOUT FOR LOW PROS. FURNITURE, People wishing W"! 30 davs Come and examine mygoods before parebnngM f .m nnw retaiiipe turnUure at my factory at cost. rt can do well to look here for bai-fi e next 30 days. Come and exam Faotorv at the'river end of Lyon Street. C. J. DILLON. WILL BROS., Dealer, in all the Leading Guns, Pistols,"Sewing Machines, Organs and Pia" A full line of sheet music, musical mercttsndlssi ammunition. nshln. etc. Warranted razors, butcher and pocket knives. Tbe best kwo" machine needles. Oil. and extras for all machines supplied. Renalrlng of sewing machines, musical Instruments, suns, etc., neatly ALBANY: - ... 0RECCI Smoke the cigars Manufactured by Julius JoseP Tuition in select day school ranges from ft$10. For terms of Boarding School or any prtictlara apply at the Academy, or ad. ideas Sister Superioress, ALSO DEALER IH IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CICAR5 Plug and smoking tobacoos, Meerschaum and briar pip' J"' smokes articles generally. Also alwai has on nan niee line oi California and Tropical Frnite.