GRE4T EXCITEMENT I.N ASTOKIA. ' "Behold, how great a matter a little fire klndleth."The citizens of Astoria are highly excited. Not became some great crime has been committed that aroused public indig nation. There has been no great public calamity to disturb the usual equanimity of the people of the city c-y the sea, and yet, fer the last week, they have been een to collect in squads on the stre't corners, in hotels .saloons, sflices, places of business, and, in fact every where where do congregate, and engoge in earnest, In tense discussion. So rivited has public attention In that city been fixed upon the matter that newspapers there have sent out reporters to interview leading citi zens, one by one, in order te place before the people the concensus of public opin on on the su bject that now absorbs the entire attention of the tax payers of Astor ia and Clatsop county. And, pray, what is the cause of all this hubbub. W hy, the gentleman whom the taxpayers of that county, acting in their sovereign capacity, elected assessor, has actually assessed the property in tint county in accordance with the requirements of the statute and the oath of office required of him before he could enter upon the dis charge of his duty. When he came to assess a house and lot he would make inquiry as to how much they could be sold for in the usual course of business and he would assess it at that price and so he did with all other property, strictly obeying the law and his oath, and this is what disturbs so many people. See the result of his obeying the law. Last year the total assessed value of properly in that county was $2,000,000 and now it Is $6, 000.000 nearly. And this noise is made by a class of taxpayerswho, year by year, ' have been escaping taxation. Thissssess' or should be elected by the people, whether nominated by any political party or not. Every assessor in the state should follew his heroic, brave exemple and we hope to see them do it next year. Rumor in political circles says that their is a probable change to be made in the office of U. S. district Judge and that Judge Deady's visit east is very signifi cant of It. Judge Sawyer is nearly seven ty years old and will soon be retired from the Bench, Judge Deady Is looking to that vacancy and hopes to fill It In which event Mr. C. A. Dolph of Portland is to succeed Judge Deady. This accounts for the resignation of Mr. Dolph from the attornyship of the rail-road corporation of the O. R.4.N. a few weeks since. It is whispered around that when the republican "boys" return from the con clave at Washington, they will know which boys they are. And the democrats who are anxious to surrender their places will have the opportunity to do so. For Sumlny liripr. Sweet Potatoes, cranberU' 3, tu-nips, oar'cts, pavsn'ps, cabbage, a fat chicken with crpnben y sr.uce, Cal. figs, cbow chow, German salt pickles,vin. pick'c.,, pii:.-Uily, Pi.-k onions, ppp'es, granes, Unity tea, , cream soda crackers. All of the above to be had fiesh to-morrow at the Willameite Packing Co's. IMKVAKD'S INFLUENCE, Harvard College is the oldest, most amply epdowed, and most influential seat of learning in the United States, The germ seed of this literary fonntain head was planted even before our form of constitutional government was dreamed of, Harvard hap had many bright ininds,in its life of two hundred and fifty years, to preside over its destinies. T hese have kept it in line with the best and most intelligent con census of public opinion, Among the most prominent of these weie Edward Everettjared Sparks, Rev James V alker, but no greater scholar, no stronger logical reasoner, ever oc cupied the chair in Harvard's halls than Presi dent Elliot, the present incumbent, Formerly an earnest republican, he has seen his party, -since the war, drift into a party of extravagant expenditures of public money, as a means of retaining itself in power; he has seen it drift into the hands of the powerful monied corpora tions of the country, which, in return for favor able legislation received, have united their immense influences to keep it in power; he has seen it become the willing instrument in the hinds of the tariff and trust monopolies of the country to promote and increase the power which they wield over the masses ol the peo ple; he has seen it demonetize silver at the . dictation of the money lords of Wall street; he has seen it g. asp the spoils ol office during the last twelve years of its reign with the avidity that characterizes the grasping of the trophies of war hy the victor, and then go be fore the people pledged, not only to carry out ithlully and honestly, but to extend the prin ciples of civil service reform, only to notorious ly violate this pledge when it was restored to filter' Is it any wonder, then, that president Elliot is no longer a republican? Is it any mat ter of surprise, then, that he should stand up in Fanuel Hall anj declare his devotion to t'.ie principles of the democratic party, and his purpose to support the ticket of that party in Massachusetts next month? No surprise at all, It is the only course left him. Kid Gloves I Kid Uloves ! ! I have just received a full line of kid gloves branded Our Own. This is a eenu ine kid glove. I buy direct from lmporte. s In New York and consider thein the best value of any gloye I ever sold for this price. 5 button, 3 rows of st'tching, $1.50 per pair. S. E. Young. NEW ADVERTISED EX IS. Notice. Having disposed of the'Vlbany ditch, water works and other proper ly l a.n proteeuing iu seme up ail mv l.nalnpa. Jind liprphv alvp nnlir tn all ,'. j o- -v - 1 tics knowingthemsetves Indebted to me to can ut uic iii 11 viiicc uuu seme. Jons A Crawford. OEVERAL SMALL TRACTS of land k 7 near town for sale on easy terms. Inquire of H, Bryant. OLD IRON.-Fifty tons' of old iroD castings, in Anv wanlml immediately at the Albany Iron Works. TAKE WARNING.-All narfea are notified not to give or sell iry boy, Allffilar. H nff a mln. onn bevenises or oi'Tarel-es, nil will prose uui.B isu ouaueits lor so ao-n .in Ho pp. SAW LOGS FOR SALE, Parties desiring to purchase saw loir will do well to call on the undersigned who has about 300,000 ft of logs on the vuiijivum at. Diuwnsvme. H. r. Merrill, Trustee, Albany, Or. H. S. ELLIS & 00, Importer and Dealers In Flm Cigars and Tobacco, opposite Revere House. San Fran isco and Portland papers always on hand. A awil lalila TT O Ok 1 1 O 1. ooly $37. De Ivereri at your nearest rail- fial. I AT Jfkr Knalna at nrnnnrflnnntnln 'o.vjrioes. Warranted five years. F. C. HOFFMAN Albany, Oregon HKLA QILBSHT. FRANCIS GILBERT, The whirligig of time turns things topsyturvy. It has knocked the bloody shirt into smithereens. Evidence: Testi monials to the prowess of Hilly Mahone, as a con federate brigadier, are being cir culated in Vlrgii.ia to induce voters to vote for Jilm for governor. Billy is the republican candidate. In the estimation of Quay Dudley and Harrison a man's politics covers a multitude of sins. There is a movement on foot to establish a Daily and weekly Democratic paper in Tort land, From all indications it will be done in no distant day. All Persons Indebted to the late firm of Browncll & Stanard are requested to call and settle at the store of C E Urownell without delay or make some satisfactory arrangements. This Trade .Mai k on a stove means it is the best that ex perience and skill can con trive. Sold onlv bv G. W. Smith. Notice. Parties Indebted to Mr. E. L. Power, will confer a favor by calling on Mr '.I F Merrill, with whom his accounts have been left, and settling the same at once. MISSES GILBERT Teachers of Piano, Organ and Harmony. Residence comer Jeffirson and 41 h Sts. MIssHela Gilbert at Lebinon, Touri days and Fridays. DKSCr, NK1TNES8, J. J. DO III? (S, ALBANY, OREGON. ABSTHAOTEB, The Only Complete Set of Abstract Books and Maps in Linn County. "Offlco in the Court Ht)ii,1 Business entrusted to my care shall have prompt and oreful attention. U BEARDSLEY ilaal Ejtaie A9nt, Cimvoyancinffofail ind done in a re liable manner. AM hi'sinew will rate've prompt aiten: ion. C.llleeoti loacU. bin inn mtr r'ifst, I'bio, tr.,ri,, BROWiVSVILLK O.P. COSHOiV & SONS. Real Estate and Insurance Agent?. Real late aeld and Collections and Notarial business attended to, A Philosopher always Thinks. Try it; Think of L E BLAIN whe.n during the wet, coo', autrmn and winter weatheryou need an Overcoat,Rub ber Goods, an Umbrella or COTHINC, FURNISHING GOODtf AND BOOTS AND SHOES GENERALLY, or want a Btylish suit .made by a first-class tailor, THEN CALL ON HIM. UNRIVALLED AMOTIONS. - NOT ONLY IS ALBANY ATTRACTING ATTENTION But as well the ioimonao stock cf eneral Merchandise Heoiiveil ly SMEL G. TOM, For the fall and winter trade, consisting of a large and choice Btook of the latest patterns of An unrivalled line of Cloaks and Jackets, in all styles and sizes, a well selected stock of Men's, Children's and We Are At it. And have s complete line of Ladies' and Gents' Rubber Goods, Rubber Coats, RaglartB Circulars, Newmarkets, and Silfc and Gingham Umbrellas. Prices to suit the trade. Rtibber Boots, Sandals and Men' Rubber Over alls. We sell M. D. Wells & Co's celebrated custom made Boots and Shoes, and carry the Latest Styles. These goods we purohaso direct from the man ufacturers in Chicago. Good Value and Square Dealing. we inviie your patronage. BARROWS & SEARLS. Blumberg Block NEW DRUG STORE, ' On or about Ootober 21st I will oeoupy the west mom of the Bluinere Blook with a NEW AMD COMPLETE 8TOCK of Drugs and Druggists Sundries. The people of Albany are cordlallynvited to keep their ey on the date a ingday and inspect my tock, II. . UUIHIARD, Prescription Drug-gist. MATTHEWS k WASHBURN. Carry a flret-olass stook of Stoves, Tinware,Hardware,Etc Which they are selling at remarkalby low prices, JOB WORK carefully and promptly done at reasonable prices,; BOOTS AND SHOES, A large assortment of CARPETS, And a ohoice selection of GROCERIES. First-cla. goods and reasonable price, always assured. SOME BARGAINS. 118 aores all under cultivation 00 acres . , . rUouw; l00,Me'1 wltnialK miles .JL1.0'!,?? Ysquina Bay. Good water rinir" Prioe P" . O tuer ffZH'fV P' lotl A Rood investment. ln sameeoinmunliy held at $100 per "t1?'8.? wor'h double the price .Thls 18 a rre b'-en and wil 1 Vbe i.Jl6,' for .them- "d w"' U for 1000 i a taken soon, "" less than two years time. 1 1f! ftnron all .Hn ...111 11 7J-hJ? 0 mile8f ci'y- Very "!h. Price ,G?d bo!l ln thriving town for stlo Ido per acre, other land In same commn- at a brg'n- Inquire at this olHee early. " " uu jnjr nuro. 2 lots, good house on each, rentlne for ?20 per month. For sale at $ 2200 orSHOO each. This property is centrallv located, and la a fine bargain. " Wfl hnvA nna Ihnli.snfl n.A 1. .1 . and one jurt such bargains as the above. Anyone desiring to invest in Albany or Linn oounty real estate should by al means call on WALLACE & CnSiCK, Blumoerg Block, - : . Albacv.Or 1, J - PURE DRUGS, : Painls, Oils, Stationary, Etc Hud Prompt attention DR. GUISS.&SON FOR THE BEST FURNITURE CALL ON THE- Albany Furniture Company OPP03ITJJ 8TEWART A SOX'S, BED ROOMJSETS, TABLES, CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED ST IBI SSI BBk A "ww"- PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES1 ETC. ETC..ET V