ALBANY, OR. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1889. NO 142 THE CHAMPION i nnrtflpr, AVer's Kiiren'mrllui lonrts "l i n.i'..vrll......l i-ipiili.rlly. It ,,l Just l::it 5 '"i wnl ' Try it. .iine vniir ponds freely, nun more Awn?; ml t!...-ellier."-lt. A. MoWllllaliM, Iyer S oar5apaniiU The Uazemvood Land Company. riVIK TERRIBLE LOSS EXPBR1ENC J. d by Seattle In tb. late lire, wa huohx t to render thousinds homeless and d' pendent upon tbe cbarltv of the world. Tne Immediate Hants were tend ed to, tnd the world at large noblv re spond! I to tbe call for aid. But at the present time tbe proapr oU for a long win ter stares hard in the faee of many hun- itjuiM irom exposure are uer taln to occur, and the following plan ha orau wviatiu iu assist ju caring tor tne unfortunates who may need medical as. alstance, by giving to the different bospl m UBUUWJIUQ BUUI OI Ill.tUGV. The Haielwo.d land Company ban generously determined to donate the fries fl; uix bullies. i- Lowell, Mint. Wutlll 4 a bullla. ixi I'm C II. JrWABr, 8 Albany, ?0N WORKS. -Manufacturers or.- m EMGINES CRIST AND SAW ILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS ACQ ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LICHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINCS. salsl attention paiil o relrlna all .sof manhlnery jtterns Made on Short Notice, take all tbe numbers ol tlokeU sold and place tbein In a box, they will then be thoroughly mixed and a boy blindfolded will place bis band In the box and draw out oue number, and whoever holds the corresponding number will be awarded one house and the pair of lots upon which It is built. Then tho flflh number drawn shall be awarded a lot. then tbe tenth number a lot, and soon, every thirty- niiu nuinDer drawn shall be awarded a lot until the two bundrei and sixth num ber shall be drawn, which shall entitle the bolder to the corresponding number wuicu man se arawn, te tne remaining house and pair or lots. All tbe above nronertv Is fmarantoad to bo free of any and all leina, mortgages or A war- tn - purchased this property with a vmv in ! tn.d to evury lucky tioket holder who (Imposing of it at a small sdvnuce over ;vina pnzn The tickets are only placed V r.V """B nei prorteus , me i an. and besides a standing show to aonve meniionen ; ana fro at ; jot a Uoninf.ii home worth SIMM or a lot to issue iieKeisto be sold f.,r tSSOeiub 'orth 2S0. You are aidtnz one of the ior Me purpose or raising money 10 hlp jrmilesl rharlilss which baa ever asked carry on me worn Ihev bavo placed of you aid. Purchase your lickets of any tickets on sale throughoutthecountry.ind ateut or I ravelin;, canvasser who has upon December 3I,lM89,a coiiiuiHieo con proper creJ-mtials. Deeds are deposited stating of twelvo prominent citi ens will 'with th Hus-jt Sound National Bank. THE HAZELWOOD SEATTLE WASHINGTO IT. proceeds of two houtes and two bundled anything that will Impair a title. A lots to the hospitals of tbe city, nml Iihh l.ninv dne i a-wuring a perfect title w T..A3STD CO., THE LEADER. THE LEADER G, W. SMITH, ALBAJSl'X-- HE PLACE. jy ni . mean e&U oil PaiUi . Brothers. Grroeer.'es, Lues, Baked Goods, Eta. Etc. elr goods are tne boat nml t!i lr..ricos enable. Fire backs. Warran ted for 15 years, All 113 3 3 ai styles, Mt 8A.LK BY POS1IAT A MA.-ON Pound. Marar. -PROPKlKif.l OK JAR BAKERY fur Bnadalbin and First Sta., DEALER IN, ed fruit. Caiiatul Hru. Ila, (inrmiwarv, "'lea FrnlU. Vrrrltlle.. Tobucon, riXK'a Ingar, Sn'ti 'ollr. Tra. Kttt tic. r everything Ilia', la kept n a ten SrletT and Brmwr) t.rm II t.rliAst prlci j-ald for ' KINDS OF PRODUCE. "Superior," "Argand," "Garland91 STOVES AND RANGES. KEEP POSTED. ' F. M- French keeps railroad time. J. F. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or For a Sterling or Emerion piano call on G L Blackman. For sale, cheap, second hand organ,' Mrs, Hyman's. . G L Blackman is agent for tho Weber piano, ione better; Buy your tickets through to the East ol W I faster and save fare to Portland. The Western Cottage and Packard sre two of the best organs made. G L Blackman sells them. a finn line of all kinds of furniture, nlsin and upholstered, bee-, 'stock in this part of Oregon at Fortmillcr t Irving's. If you want a olean and fine smoke ask for J. Joseph's home made white labor cigars For sale by most cigar dealers and at his Joseph s factory, J A Archibald. asent Sinaer Mannfaotur ing Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Al bany, A n alfurant lina nf aiiV table snreads, in beautiful designs, just received at Fortmiller ft Irving's. i nans Oolden Star tomatoel for 50 cents atC Meyers, and all otherj canned goods cheap lor oasn. Just received new table linen at Vr. if. Read's. I W Starr, physician and surgeon, Albany Oregon. Good cooking store only $10 at Hop.: n & Saltmarsh'a. Dr Wrightsmsn's Sovereign Balm of Life, for diseases peculiar to women, at Deyoe & Robson'a and Brownoll fc Stanard's, F J Baltimore, agent. A S4-lnch light roadster, 18S9, for sale heap at Thompson & Overman's. LAND OHIl'P. CHANGE It Is learned on good authority that Henry Rinehart, register, and J. T. Out house, receiver, of the LaQrande land office, will next month be relieved of their fficlal positions, and Lon Cleaver, of Baker City, ar.d A. C. McClelland, of Island City, will occupy their places. Mr, Outhouse has tendered his resignation to thf Secretary of the Interior, to take effect next month, but Mr. Rinehart Is not of the resigning kind, and will hold to his government seat until officially choked off by the appearance of Mr.Clearer with his commission, Union Republic Another of the of proofs tuat may be ad duced to show that the principle of civil servleereform has no place at all in the policy of this administration. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS General Hart ran ft'n Death, Norristown, Pa t Oct, 17, General John II art ran ft died this morning. The deceased was born in Pennsylvania December 1 6, 1830, I was a lawyer by profession, and during the war achieved face as a volunteer soldier, lie has always been prominent in G A R circles, and was mentioned as a possible successor to Corporal Tanner, General Hartranft occupied important civil positions after the war, being successively auditor general and governor of Pennsylvania, postmaster and collector of the port at Philadelphia. At the time of his death he was major general commanding the Nation al Guard of that state, a position which he had held by appointment since 1879, General Hartanft's illness was a combination resulting from a diseased condition of the kid neys, from which he suffered for several months. 4TIie Jtoad To Heaven,' The World's best. More than hundred--? hun dred differ e n t sty les "ooks and heaters A golilen Casket of unique brlil'ant and beautiful christian treasures, gath ered from the richest mines of religion, science, and philosophy! sumptuously Illustrated with a magnificent galaxy of royal steel plate engravings: Xo other book of modern times deals with such a living subject, displays such genuine genius, has such a significant, striking and attractive ti'le as this pew book pos sesses. It contains the essence ot a thou sand tones boiled Into on:, and explores ery field of human experience, that csn engage, lasclnate ana cnarm com me highlv cultured and the man,uf the world. Tt is issued bv the Globe Bible Publishing Co., of Philadelphia, Pa., and sold by sub soriplion only. Mr. L. McFariana, who is the authorized agent for this section is now canvassing tor It. we nenruiy rec. ommend this book to our readers. Roofing", Job Work, Plumbing, Eavo Trough. 31 11 ? 3 3d 11 3.-3 Conductor Pumps. in the fact that I om offerinfe better bargains than any one else in Albany Bought at bankrupt Bales I can sU Pirst-Olass Goods. or below COST. FOP Oeueral mercln-nrtise of H Windii on n,e of shoe". Fartir-'lar bargains in a nam,' AND PAINT 3, 01 LS WISHES AT DBrOB I ROBSON'h, Cash fur Goals o- ftoi.tnr jhi d i e X W. SIMPSON Albany, Oregcs. HOPKINS & SALTMABSB PHALEi'SlS STOVES, WARE, SHEET IROM, COPPER aVARE! ETC., ETC. Aaonts for "On Time" Healing and cooking Stovej. etc. promptly altenoeit to CHEAPEST AND BEST PCEIN THE CITY Cor business pursuits ot the Portland Business Collefn.-, Portland, OreKon, or ot the Capital Bus ImrwColleee Salnn, Oregon, llolh schools ore under the management of A. P. ArmslroiiB, nnve Hams course 01 siuuiw ........ itaiaincHu, Miortiiantl, "voewrltlnif, reumnnsliip and Knglish Depart ments, llay and evening sessions, btiulenlsod Sdntony time. KorjointCota .logue.a ress Miami Bnisras Mlf, flD tsilal Buiiiiesn l.lle, 1-ortlauu, Oregon. Balem, Oregon. PIANOS. Those wishing a first-class instrument should oall at Mrs, a. a, nymsu s no see one of those Celeorated llemme A lent rioh tone. Es pecially made and adapted to stand tbe llmate on the Pacific Coast, Erery piauo fully guatanteed for 5 years. The Iciest sbeet-musio for Bale, Music and painting lessons given there. Also tbe place to get your new Sewing Machine, rancy wora and dress making done to order. First dooreastof Young's old stand, Albany, Oregon I .ace Curtains. Lace Curtains. I have iust received mv fall stock of lace curtains bouiiht direct from importers. the largest stock ever brought to this mark et, nnu oest value tor tne money. SAMUEL 1 OUSC. Go to Hibler & Paisley for your job priut log. ihey oo any sna ait ainasoi wont the paousblug and job printing line, work and low prices. Quick That Trust. San FRASCisco.Oct. 17, Southern Pacific officials are inclined to make sport of the dis patches from the East announcing probable that a gigantic ranroau trust wilt be organized by C P Huntington, including Chicago, Mil waukee, St Paul, the Wabash, Mis3ouri Pact- he, Denver and K10 Grande, estern and the Southern Pacific, in all some 27,000 miles of road, linrklen's Arabia Silvo. The 03flt Salvo In the world lor Cutf , ErulsPS.Sres, Ulcer., Salt Kheum, Fever 8ores, Tetter, Chapped hand., Chilhlains, Corns, and all 8kln Kruption, iiid positively tures Piles, or no pay required. It i. ejjiw sntee't to give perfect satisfaction, or money rertmd ed, PiiceSj cenu (Kirbox. For' sale by Foahay and Mason. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. -PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works. -And Manufacturers of SHQICB CONFECTIONERY, vr are now prepared to sell at whole. always fresh and puts at Portlsod iss to dealers. We n'ei keep a furl ief flats ani Tropical Fruits, :IGARS AND TOBACCO A afe Invetttmeut, lioce which Is Rmrantee. to britifr you istisfac tory renuMf, or in caso of failure return of purchase price. On thli safe plan you can buy from our ad vertitotl DrujrgUt a bottl of Dr. Kimr'a Ner Iii covery for ion, It is truaranteed to brine relief In eyary vhan ued for any affection of Throat, Lunp or Cbfnt, inch an Cxtmuratilion, flnmrnationof Luiik. Bronchitis Asthma, Whooplnv Couh, Croup, etc., etc. It Ib pleasant and azreeable t tasto, irfctly afe, and can always bo deenJed rpon. Trial bottles freat Fosbay & Mason's, ABY . TaURIAGES AT STfiWAlir dt SOX JD J. WHITNEY, hm,w And Counsellor At Lav No tar Public. ALB Alt', OREGON, Will pri;i5 I all of tbe Courts .nls-lt,v.e All t lness Intrnated to bi srlll b. promptly attended to. Wheat 63 !io. tiats UXa Bcitter lioe per in. cests at Hay-.0fl. "otatoe- 7 eta oer busuer Beef-on foo'..Sc Apples75centff per bu. Pork (i'Ao per It jreaei. Bacons bains. ebouldern, en. sides 10o. jard On ner lb. iriour A.'l6 per bbl. ibickens 8 00 per dor. fill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton borta, 1A. mlddiinirs, 20. Chor."0. lob vr rk, pi it n In, SECURE PRICES. NO rROUBLE TO SHOW .'400DS AT DEY0S& ROBSOS ARE AGEN78 FOR TilE NEW IIIGI1 ARM DAV1 f gUTIClL-FEBD SEWINC Ml iaiJfl.BWTHAnil!lfR rNTHI A.?r5BT DH, G A WHITNEY, Physician aud Surgeon. nnjuste of Bellevne Hospital Medical Col'ege Now York City. Diseases of woman a specialty. Office, Froraao's Brick, Albany, Or. Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted up In first -class style. Tables supplied with the lH' In tbe market. Mice sleeping apartment., tempi, rooms !or commercial travelers, esrfr Csmefctaa.4 fVsl tlie 1 SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM-t PLC ME NTS AT OE-YOtli'ROSSON For your wstohes clnckn and jawelry' n French's. Douest goods, low prices and uick sales. A Daring Act. Paris, Oct. 17, The committe sent to Boulanger by Naquet assures the general of the fidelity of the party to htm and his cause, and their confidence in his ultimate success. It is stated that Boulanger will go from the island of Jersey to Brussels, and thence to Geneva, and will then suddenly enter France and demand a new trial. To Succeed Cox. New York, Oct. 17. Amos J Cummings was nominated to-night, by Tammany demo crats to succeed the late S S Cox for congress. For The "Light of Asia." San Francisco Oct. 17. On the steamer Belgic, sailing forChina to-day, were Sir Ed win Arnold, the noted author, twenty Baptist missionaries and ten Presbyterian missionaries. Sir Edwin Arnold is on a trip around the world. Toone of his personal friends who accompa nied him to the steamer. Sir Edwin Arnold said in substance: "I have had the most de lightful time in America you can imagine. I have enjoyed every moment 01 my time, I don't think that ever another foreigner came as 1 did, lor the hrst time, anu had so pleasant an experience as I have." A Shadow. Hiu.sboro, Oct, 17. The Surveyors of he Astoria & South coast railway are busy locating the Hillsboro end of the line. It is impossible, apparently, to please every body, home complaint tsmnde by the subsidy sub scribers that the company has made no promise to supply the town with a depot nearer than the junction with the west side lin-, which as to be located nearly two mites east of town. A I bat, y Market. A large utock of gold and (told filled watches at F M French', at greatly reduced pi ices. Dr. M. H. Ellis, pbyatciau and surgeon yllany, Oregon. Calls made ic city 01 CQuntr, Struck Oil At St. 2 per c gallon can 3et Standard r"- oil, ar the Willamette packing Co.'a store. WOOD 8AWINtf. wood Rawed on abort notice, anywhere In the city. Regular prloea. Orders left at Browne U A Mtanard'c -Ml promptly attended to OKO. H. WAKKM, Itg(3 hMsiren unlver ul Mtlsfftcilon In Ibe I cure f Oonorrnop and I (tleftt. I prcKrlbeltaod f iH-1 safe lu recommend ing It to all ufferert. i.i. 8TOJEB, M.D Desater, III. Pr..CE,tl.OO. Sold by DrufgUtS. Cirtt la f TO DTS. vrMl7-ytJe tVTssiessmleslOa. Tn4.Sa9BsaLral E. J. McCAUSTLANO, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. DRAUGHTING AND BLUE PRINTS Offloa with Oregon Laad Co, Albany, Or, Sewerage Systrms ami W. ter Supplies a SpeclaltT, Kstales Hnbdlvlcled, Msi.s made or Copied on short notice. TINWARE ANDHARD WARE Of ALL KINDS Al Adbey's Addition. 54 lots In this ad dition to Albany, near Hackleman's 3rd a lJitlon.for sale, at $53 to $115 a lot, at Curran & Montelth's. Slanglitrr In Silk Ribbons. In order to close out my Immense stock of silk ribbons In plain and picot edge I will sell them until my fall stock arrives at 75 cents on the dollar. ,AI1 marked In plain figures. &A.MUEL b. YOUNS. Babies. The finest line of baby carr' ges In the Valley just n celved at Stewart ft Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con siderlng ti'e superior quality of the carr! ages. The liest Resd'r. II id at ki I Klnves at W F. Biggest Yet 10,000 roils of wall pa per, latest varieties, finest decorations just eeivec si Furiml?ler& Irving'a MrrltVins. " W. ilctlr. toMvtn Mir citizens, that for Year wa hav. bMn Mliios Hr. Kinir's Ntw DlacoTsrv tor Ton. umrtlon, Or KiliK'a New Lit. Pills, bui-kleii's Ar. sic sair. ana r.irc-.riR utttera, and have never haiui led remeiliee that pell as .ll. or that havn alxmn ,.h umwaal aallrrat !)"!,. We do m.t heaiute t kuj. ante, them every time, anil eland to refond the piirrhaae .rtre, It eetia'actoiy reaulu do n,4 fi. low their one. Tlieremediee rave won their rrrat popularltv purely r " their uerits. Foahay ai:d Us. sun, drug-fist. JIf yon srsnt a Bnod silver steel ecvtht.fineaa in the n atket, bo to Stewart & Son's. Fine line of Guns and good stock of m muni tion at Deyo9 and Rob sons special bnrcains