Pemornit. VOL. J J. ALBANY, OR. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1J, 1889. NO 13G tYl nil coil cun It allays InUanima. P5t ii j hi . , -..,., r..1!lovi's rrl- ...... ,,f Hie lliriK'.t ami sjecili!y removes lrrl" I. V I I' Olti'T, 47 iMIrlll iaiiini;iu best tillll latins nut1" 1 Mr.. i . . .. wii.-n was a n'rll'f. piu AY " t'lK-rry IVi'lural ciiri-U w-ai. " ,,;.,., ,ft:,is preparation Aver's Curry Pectoral, ii nr i r Aver&Co.,I.owcll, Maw, KKri;,c';..-.Ai'rii;,.iiui..,i. THE LEADER. THE LEADER G, W. SMITH, AIiBAN" "- "tiperior," "Argand," "Garland" STOVES AND RANGES. Comai M-ver. -PKOPKlrSla OK. STAR BAKERY (Corner Broadalbin and First Sts., , DEALER IN- (lanaed fruits), JlsWs)wMre, Driea Pralts. Tobacco, Snuar, Coflee, Etc, CdoiimI Heists, (lueeuawnre. Vegetable, Vtgmit. Ten. Kto., Fire backs. Warran ted for 15 years, All 3 i s 3 3 an styles, The World's best. More than hun dred 7 nun dred differ ent styles no ok s and heaters Injure at Once. Mr. Juliut Grad. wohl's advice to the people ol Albany to Insure at once before It is teo late, for the Are fiend is devastating the cities of the N. W. Mr Gradwohl represents seven solid companies, with an aggregate capi tal of $76,000,000 and a cash deposit of $350,000 at Salem. As well as business men, farmers should Insure their crops, for they will burn, as a number of cases already testify. Though Mr Gradwohl's companies lost some In Seattle, Vancou ver, fcllensburgh and Spokane Falls their capital is so great the loss is not felt, and they will continue to place risks and pay losses with their usual promptness, the same as they did after the great Chicago fire, in which their losses were heavy. Roofing-, Job Work, Plumbing, Eave Trough. Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. in fast everythlnir Hint Ih kept a en al variety and groooo ore. HIkir4 a rkst price raid for ALL KINDS OF FOR BALK BY FOSUA.Y MASON In the Lead. Mr. Julius Gradwohl leads in his business and wishes it under stood that he wilt carry the finest stock o crockery ware in the Valley, receiving his goods from headquarters, and keeping up with the times In all trie latest novelties. He has received a fine lot of Wedgwood & (Jo's Newyacht decorated ware, called ruby ware, handsomest goods in the mark et. Mr Gradwohl makes crockery a spec ialty and will meet the demands of the public in any line. Do not send away for gooas Dut give mm a can. Struck Oil At $1.2; per c gallon can 3t Standard oil, at the Willamette Packing Co.'s store. Abbey's Addition. 54 lots In this ad dltion to Albany, near Hackleman's 3rd addition, for sale, at $50 to $125 a lot, at Curran & Monteith's. "The Itoad To Heaven." A golden Casket of unique brilliant and beautiful christian treasures, gath ered from the richest mines of religion, science, and philosophy; sumptuously illustrated with a magnificent galaxy of royal steel plate engravings. No other book of modern tlmas deals with such a living subject, displays such genuine genius, has such a significant, striking and attractive ti'le as this pew book pos sesses. It contains the essrnce of a thou sand tones boiled Into on;, and explores every field of human experience, that csn engage, fascinate and charm both the highly cultured and the man of the world. it is issuer? by the Globe liible Publishing Co., of Philadelphia, Pa., and sold by sub- soription only. Mr. L. McFartanu, wuo is the authorized agent lor this section is now canvassing for it. We heartily rec ommend this book to our readers. KEEP POSTED. Tailor Made Suits. VV. R.Graham has received a large and choice stock of suitings, purchased in the East at bottom prices, and is now located at his old stand, two doors north of the Democrat office, where he is prepared to make suits and do a general tailoring business in a satisfac tory manner, his many years ot experi ence In Albany speaking for his workman ship. Call and see his suitings and get prices. All Persons. Indebted to the late firm of Brownell & Stanard are requested to call and settle at the store of C E Brownell without delay or make some satisfactory arrangements. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS The K of P Election, Astoria, Or,, Oct, 10. The following officers were elected at to-day's session of the grand lodge of Knights of Pythias of the Oregon juiuHiituun: urana cnanceuor, o H Irvine, or No 7, Albany; grand vice chancellor,. A A Cleveland, of No 17, Astoria! grand prelate, C E Bayard.of No 9. The Dalles; grand keep er of records and seal, Ward S St.vcns. of No. 2, Portland (this ninth re-election;) grand master at arms, Adm Grossman, of No 27. La Grande; grand inner guard, Gustaf Schulze of No 12, Portland; grand outer guard.Charles Fellows, of No 2, Portland. The installation will probably take place to-niglit. Judi'o Denny. Washington, Oct. 10, It seems there are still those in the official circles of Corea who hold that Oregon's former resident, Judge O N Denny, is the cause of much of the internal ar and strife that has been heard of in Corea by some time past. Dr Allen, foreign secre tary 01 the Corean embassy, expects to start 5oon a business trip to Corea to matters for tne legation. Speaking of Corea he say: As to the new minister and Prince Pak. there is a most cordial friendship existing between mem, more so man the case with lus predeces sor, I think all present discussion springs from the meddlesome ac ivity of a citizen of the 1 nuea states in the employ of theCorean gov eminent. They are just about finding him out, and will no doubt soon dispose of his peculiar in tbe fct that I am offering bpttcr bargains than any one else in Albany Bought at bankrupt sales I can sell First-Glass Goods; ot below COST. FOP General merchandise) of all kinds rail on tin. of shoe?. .Particular bargains in a 8am, B .F. Sox l'r 'f. '!r Albany IRONWORKS. Manufacturer IE AM ENGINES GSISr A!H SAW MILL MACHINERY m .0 ALL KIND? OF HEA.Y AND LICHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. poCil attention paid dsof m vi hi nor v n retiring !I HaUerns Made on Short Notice, THE PLACE. by al . means sail nn PaiKe Brothers. Staascri t John Fox, or your Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc. Their goods are tbe best and thf Irjprioee VWUUBO.i), Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Bob sons special bargains Cash for Gaois or Coaatry nridtfce Gc W. SIMPSON Albany. Orego I F. M. French keeps railroad time. J. P. Wallace, Physician Mid Surgeon, Al' nany, ur For a Sterling or Emerson piano oall on G U niackman, For sale, cheap, second hand organ,' Mrs, Jiyman s. G L Blackman is agent for the Weber piano, si one better. Buy your tickets through to the East of W I. Jester and save fire to Portland. The Western Cottage and Packard are two of the best organs made. G L Blackman sells them. A line line of all kinds of furniture, plain and upholstered, bes; stock in this part of Oregon at Fort miller & Irving's. If you want a elean and fine smoke ask for J. Joseph's home made white labor cigars For Bale by most cigar dealers and at his Joseph's factory. J A. ArchibiM, are nt 13 in nor Manufactur ins; Co., opjmite 0.11 Fjilows Temple, Al bany, An elegant line of silk table spreads, in beautiful designs, juit leeaived at Fortmiller A Irviug's. 5 cans Golden Star tomatoes for 50 cents at C Meyers, and all other, canned goods cheap for cash . Just received new tablo linen at W, F. Head's. I W Starr, physician and surgeon, Albany uregon. Good cooking store only $10 at Hopi: m & Saltmarsh's. Dr Wriuhtsman's Sovereign Palm of Life, for diseases peculiar to women, at Deyoe & Kntwoo samt brownell at otaoards. If J Baltimore, agent. A Sharp Item The finest line ot cut lery and shears in the city at Stewart & Sox's. Their goods are the very best and will stand the test. Biggest Yet 10,000 rolls of wall pa per. latest varieties, finest decorations just eniiivcv ii ruriiiiiiicr at iuugn Not one person in fifty arrives at the age of forty, who is nut troubled with kidney or urinary compiaiots in some lorm. 10 inose afilicted with pain in the back, non retention of urine, nervous debility, painful or sup pressed menstruation, we can offer a remedy that has been in constant use oyer twenty years, Oregon Kidney Tea. This preparation has done more for suffering humanity than any other medicine in the market. Sold by cushay C Mason. ailerii Wins, We desire to sav to onr citizens, that for yuar we hv been seilinif lr. hing'ti new utscoverv ir ion mi)tion. Dr Kinir'B New Life Pitts. Bucklen Ar nica Salt and Electric Hitters, and have never hand led remedies that sell a well, or that have given sued universal tatiefavtinn. We do not hesitate to (nir ants, them everv time, and we stand readr to refund the purchase price, if satisfactoiy results do not fol low their tue. These remedies hive won their great popularity purely on their merits, roshay and Ala- Ull, UIUJt((S3S,, Go to Hibler & Paisley for your job print ins. hey oo auy sna ait Kinue oi worn, in the pduiiahine and job priuting line. Quick work and tow prices. 7 O-ks cures rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache. Foshay tt Mason . Agents. FOR THE BEST FURNITURE CALL ON THE Albany Furniture Company OPPOSITK STEWART & SOX'S, BED ROOM1SETS, TABLES, CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED GOODS. WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES1 ETC. ETC..ET HAWKINS &JPARBELL Wrisht's Arabian Horse Liniment sets quickly and effectually, and has no superior as a remedy for animals in all cases where a immePt is rcquirec. ooid by roan ay ot Mason. Wright's Myrrh tooth soap comes off eon queror eyery time you have " brush" with it. Ueath to tartar and decay. Sold t y roanay 3 Mason. mien Baby was s(ek, we gave her Oostoria, 'When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Oastorla, FURNITURE. Yon want Ibe brat and moni Hurablo fiimturet'.i.t is manufactured In tbe.oliy go Thomas Brink. TAKE WARNING.-Ml turtles are notified ot to sjlveor eeli my "i y, Aasnst Hofl. a min.-, any iiitaxicnti. g beverages or cigarette, as I will prose cute all offender forsodolnn Ubrma,.ii Horr. BROWiYSrfLLt:. 0. P. COSHOW & SONS Real Estata and Insurance Agent;. Real eut mi and Cnllentlnna and ftoMrm tuatiiea attended to, DEY03& R)3m VXi A.iJSN'7 FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS fERTICAL-FEED SEWING 1IA IHIKE.BESTMA CHINE IS TUB J! ACT El SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM-C PLEMENTfi AT DE-YOBIAIROBSON Dr. M. H. Ellis, physisian and surgeon ylbany, Oregon. Calls made in oity oi ooantry, If von want a izood silver stl scythn,fiiie.t io this market, ro to Stewart & Sox's. FRANCIS PFEI.FFER. -PKOPRIETO.H OF - Albany Soda Works - jtnd Manuiauturera of SHOICE CONFEUTIONERY, Ve ar how propsroi to mil at whol ulwnya frHsli and uie at PnrtUivl ,3vis rn dealcrn. we sm koep a lull fints and Tropical Fruits, IGARS AND TOBACCO National Grange. Worcester, Mass., Oct. io. Jas Draper. of Worcester, overseer of the National Grange Patrons of Husbandry, issuer, the itinerary of the visitors from the Eastern states, to the meeting of the National Grange in Sacramento California, in November. The price of tickets to Chicago from Hoston will be 18 from that point, and to San Francisco and return SJioo, ticKets cood for six months. The .itinerary. ' as arranged, gives every desirable opportunity ior sigru seeing along the route. Woolen Jlillu San Francisco, Oct, io. Operations have completely closed at the Pioneer Woolen Mills in this city. For the last five years no profit has been realized, although the product in 1883 amounted to tbe value of 1,000,000, When running at their fullest capacity the mills em ployed 700 hands, If yon have at.y job wirk to ? call on 0 W. Smith who is prets, . to do it with neatness aud disnafw and as cheap as anyone. , Deserved Hanging. llAtLEYtldahoOct ic. Leander Lee was to-day sentenced in the Second district court to life imprisonment in the territorial penitenti ary for the murder of his squaw wife, Sarah Lee, and step daughter Jennie Lee, on Lost river, the 2d of July, 1SS8. The murder was one of the foulest in the history of crimes, but the evidence upon which he was convicted was purely circumstantial, Corner Stone. New York, Oct. 10, The conur stone tof " the Pulitzer building, the new home of the WorMt was laid at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Colonel Cocker ell, on behalf of Mr Pulitzer., made a brief introductory speech, and Chauncey M Depew delivered tbe formal address, Pinal Settlement, Notice is hereby elven that the under signed, Administrator of the estate of Geo. W. Perry, deceased, has tiled In the county court of Lin.i county, Oregon, his final account of said estate and the said court has fixed Saturday November 9th. 1889, at t o clock In the atternoon ot said day for hearing objections to said final account ana tne seuiement 01 nuiu cmiv. This the 9th, day of Oct. 1SS0. T.J. MUNKERB, To Farmers and Horsemen. Gal braith Bros, of Janesvllie, Wis., offer for sale at the Live Stock Exchange, Cor. Fourth and Ash Sts., Portland, Oregon, a choice collection of their celebrated Clyde da4e,Engllsh Shire, ilackr.ey and Cleveland Bay Stallions, at moderate pi Ices, and on terms to suit purchasers. These horses are all of the highest individual merit and most fashionable strains of breeding. Every animal satisfactorily guaranteed. ilnrkleu's Amies Stive. Tbe best Salve in the world for Cats. Erulsn.Sarae. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped . 11 man, jminiaiiii, tumi, ina an ok in eruption, ana positively cures Plies, or no pay required. It Istruaf antee to (five pei fort satisfaction, or money rcfiiml ml. Price 26 conti per box. For sale by Foshay and aiasou. Shnll wo f-mlerT Writ IfAlAP from flhlo. Hrs VllllaP portntil of Mr. U-tri. WIMh ,. of HaUin. Ohl'x, II w riles 1 "Wml work on a f.rni Tut S3HU month ; I now haa an artnr r K. C. Allen A Co alliums anil irtjl.ll- atiun and nB mukatSVU a day. tv. II.OAKHISO.V. William Kllna, Pa- vrilrat I ba-a narar anotrn anjthlna; to aall Ilka jour allium, t'aatarilar I lonk ortlera enuuph to pay ma oTtr W. J. ti nt.. ra, Raniror, Mt., writ: "I laka an orslar for yonr alliamat ol atarj noaaa I neii. rflt lioflfn a muthai P r a alnajla daj- .work." Oihara art doinr quit a well ; nata not tpact to ft i- from ln-lr laitrra. r.vfr lakaa boltl orthlarrai"! buiinaaa ilaa uitrraiiit tf"ll"t. stnrt liu in mm diiiiu, 1 w una and Iwni all about It for y.urtlf. Wa mliifrmanx; will atari ym II you non i o.iar . r aria alifail of Tnu in jour pan r tht country-. If r ., l. -1.1... t..i. .. ..M fast. rK(lll Hi, a. .0u.1l ft a forrrd mannraclarar aala 1 S)A.04I0 trt tK..t.rnssi AlbUina araio sm i Ut )4 rath. lluoJ in K"l Inmaon mm ' V 10O OK 50 ACIIKS. iwO mew if fine fair nlns; o r fruft Irrnl, 4 milf" wmntol A.ltiany,f ronlyAi" ah wr. vvij n6 MatrBS If dlrv; Singly Hhmi C on Cooper Turner on CorvalUs roa U TINWARE ANUHARD WARE Of ALL KINDS Al Arnta aiftit llttN ar w.,t!fl'. Urartt 't. CirratMl bargain known. n.niaJ. I.ibrral lrma. N "l" J i., . n.1 8110 ilalf on atcha 111 l.ik'i.K ns-cnaatT. WhrW ahown. aTarr on want to Jrfjr- cltat. Ars-ntatakathontanJa of ortara wiw raptunj nrrn tfkn-wn. tirrat rvSia await oiy ttorkar. Ar' n.kljirr"ti"it"- Udlaanxtkaaimneh aa man. Yo.raor, mil a anyone, lull InformaiW anil Irtms frt, . tliu wl. orita fir aama, wilb panic u la ra and tarmafurosir Faniily lliblrt Dw.ka and rcrt.-lltoia. Altar yon am iallyn tmci'itt to ""J""""' Addraaa K. V. . PAINTS, OILS. AND URUSBBS 'AT DEYOE ROBSON'b A larce stock of un.d and told filled watches at F M French', at greatly reduced pi Ices. A Hnfe I n vest m ent. ta ore which lieuarenieetl to bring 50a tatlafat tory renuita, or in case of failure a return of puix-baa price. On this aafa plan you can buy from our ad. vartifed Dmiik'Ut a botlle vl Ur. Ktntf's Near Irta- eovery ftirC'oimiimption, It Is cuannteeil to brlnaj rrlief In ever' cat, wnen uxi tor any affection of Throat, I.unia or ClWf, trrh as Cniau rapt Ion, Tn flammstlon f I.unic, DroiMhilii Aathn a, Whmpbis; Couch, Croup, Hi., tto It la plcsnant and airreeaDla otaatc, rriectiy a'e. and ran ai-ratti lie neenile(l ,'pfiri. Tiial bottles froeat Fixbay A llatvon's. For your watches rlr.ckn and jewelry fro Frenoh'n Honest wooris, low pricts and nick )-. The Laities Delighted. Tb pleanant efloet and the rerfert mf. Aty with which ladies mav ue thp I qotrl rruil taxauvsi. nyrup in rv nnr nil ronditlnnn, make It thir fhvoritt remedy. It i p esatntz to inn eye ana 10 tn ts-te. aeiitif, Telfffwftnal In acting on tbe kld rfvm llvaw and howA'ti SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOAV HOODS AT DEYOii & IlOHS ON