VOL. J J. ALBANY, OR. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1889. NO 109 A.H the '. relies V,-io Ivsvfi rlv-1 .- '- J::r Vigor a trial (tr entMiSfcr-t!? Si !i Sr :! . Mrs J J'.'tr:':!. of. :l!l!"'r. Vnlne, says: " I li iw I'wm V''i r's ''"if VliSr with tmrv'.-l..i:: snivMi. It rusinrcs the original r'l,,r I" rrav l-sir, pr. n:. u s a fresh inwth, rtnl kwiH 1t stri'Mi; ami Wwltliy. As a toilet jrtU-le 1 liavn never J.iml Us equal." Ayer'o Hair Vigor, Prcparnl l.y Ir. .1. C A yor J: On.. Lowell, Mum buM by DrunilLuiuidl'erfuiuere. E' F. Sox. Pro C. H. thwart, 8 Albany IRONWORKS ,-Mauufaoturers of- 1 1EAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS WD ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS 3GASTINCS. weclal attention paid o repairing M ds of machinery- Patterns Made on Short Notice, Conrad Maver. STAR BAKERY CnniGr Broaaalbin and First Sts., -DEALER IN ktaauetl Fraits, Vaautil HeaW, Qucnware, Vegetables, C'llHtu, Hptecn. Tea. Etc., dlassmare, Dried Frails. Tobnoco, Sugar, Coftes?. Etc,, In foot everything that I kept n a Ren ml variety and grocer? ire. Highest u rket prio paid for LL KINDS OF PRODUCE. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. fronipt Attention-First-class HBarse RecLCrownMills POM, LANNIN6 & CO., I'BOPR'S bw rnooras iloub superior fob fam run A1TD BAKERS OSB. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. lS-hoit 'PrJoi in Cash fc Whoat tyoOD 8AWINO. Wood nawed on FPtlar prices, Orders left at Browne II v v "ii .j i k nuLinR.nnvwnrH in inn ' , ' v . jwusras- nromDtlv attended to UEO. a, nAHHKS PftrnttinejMpiirmiUs at the Portland Buslncn-r-Heirv, Portland. Creffon. or at the Caoital Ilu r-nvinirre m.t i cm, urrgon. itoin ncnoui m Faerihe mkintrmnlnr a P. Arrtntronir. hnvt pno course of studies and same rates of tuition. FtuiniiifNM. Mliortlinncl t'rwritinff. Prnmnrln and Rntrllvh DeOrtrt ttfd at snv tim VArininl raialrxriir flrlilrCAh nnHM iMlftt. flu UflUI Msiem iiiqrr, mining. iirpnii. v Siiem. urrvm. PAINT3, Old? AND RUSHES AT DBYOTB Fortmiller giving, ROBSONb, . The LEADING is- LaForest & FjSICB first ClPS GOODS !' WHAT KEEPS' THEM IN THE iEAD. rii'Mx- S toelt of GROCERIES' and. PRODUCE, always Complete. is Absolutely Pure. This powder never vrl. A marvel of purity, strength and whnlesomeness. Mora economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold In competition with multitude or low ten, snort weignt aium or puosohate pewilers. Mold only In cans, RovM Daklnu Powder Co.. 108 Wall St., v, w. iKmui aui Agents, Portland; Oregon. nii V ill S..rk, .InVors In fioi wrtiili, jwiOry, SAW LOGS F03 SilLE, P;iriitf ile.irini to purchase saw logs will do well to call on the undersigned who ha shout 3,000,000 ft of los on the Cnl.ipooin above llrownsville. H. F. Merrill, Trustee, Albany, Or. TINWARE AftDHAHD WARE Of ALL KINDS Al El tST5TI ViJN. Grocery Store Thompson's, 1 Albany Market. Vheat-63a, Oatsi.'Or!. Butter 20c per id. rKgs-23 Hay Potatoe- 7o cts per bushel? Beef on foot. 3J-o Apples 60 cents per bu. Pork 6lAo per lb. Uresaed. BaccuK hams,12I4c shoulders, fee. sides. 10c. -ard 9o per lb. nour-4.25 per bbl. hlckena 3.00 per doz. : Till Feed bran, 14.00 per ton: shorts, 16. middlings, 20. Chor- 90, Oregon Slate Tair Twenty-ninth annntl exhibltloaty Haleui, Oregon. COMMENCING MONDAY, SEPT. 16. Continuing one wank, under the man agement or tne ureiron oiauj Board of Agrioultura. OVER $15000 II GASH i snfrrA.l fr .irrtanltaral. stock, dairy, and meohanloel exhibits, for works of art and fausv work, ana lor trials 01 apeed. Ennning andjjTrotting Eaces E&CH DAY. Important Improvements made injtbe premium list. Rsda w I ratos f ir fares and freights on all transportation lines .to an from the fair. PRICES OF ADMISSION : Men's day ticket - . Women's day ticket M.. Men's season ticket .. Women's season ticket.. ...Wlc ...26c 2 w 1 00 Send to the Secretary at Salem for a premium list. .T.T. APPERS M, President, J. T, GREGG, Secretary. 4 I Mr nlur o r fruit Irnd, 4 miles westol Albany, for only 1& an aore. Wij I ae 50 acres if desired, Nioe'.y locstei Ca on Cooper Turner on CorralUs roa 1, 'ABY CAKBIAGES AT srEWAttr sox SUPERIOR LINES OF 'AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE V3S A ROS90N K EBP POSTED. F. M.French keaptrailroadjcime. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or For a Sterling or Emerson piano call on G L Blaokman. For sale, cheap, secood hand organ, Mn. Uy man's. O L B'ackman ia.apent for the Weber piano. None better. Buy your tickots through to the East of W I. Jester and save fare to Portland. The Western Cottage and Packard are two of the best organs made. G L Black nan tells tnetn. A Hoe line of all kinds of furniture, plain and upholstered, bes . stock in this part of Oregon at Fortmiller k Irving'a. If yon waut a clean and fine smoke ask for J. Joseph's home made white laborj cigara For sale by most cigar dealers and at his joaepn a lactory, J A Vrahihal I aeab Siuzer Mannfaotur ingOo., oolite Odd Fallows Temple, Al bany, A fine 1'ud of boffcv dusters andlflv nets at TwKn Overman's, the leading harness An elegant line of siiV table sureads. beautiful designs, just received at Foit miller ft living s. 5 cans Golden Star tomatoes for 50 cents at C Meyers, and all other eanned k goods oneap tor cash. Just received new table linen at W. F. Read's. I W Starr, physician and sure eon. Albanv Oregon. Good oookine stove onlv 10 at Hon'.: s 4. saitmann s. Side saddles and ladies rid inn uuromelee al inompsonoc uverman s. Thompson & Overman, agents for the great L'yuainue buggy whip. The best watch in the world for the money. Seth Thomas makes them. F M French tells them. Ladies shoes, mens choes, misses shoes, ohildrens shoes, mens boots, boys boots, t less than cost to make room for other good at t Ji Browne! I s. Dr Wrightsman'a Sovereign Bulin of Life, for diseases peculiar to women, nt Dcyoe & Robone and Browncll te Stinard'ti, P J Baltimore, agent. Call and examine Z. T. Wright's stock of lubricating oils. XUo steam goods of all kinds. Keep the celebrated Powell Sight feed T..-vrieatora and ml eups. constantly on hand. Also Trahern. Litt and For en pumps. Iron pijiT ew-ioiillr, Branch House one bl ck alii ,, n in v" IinWorki . THE FAMOUS Wire Baclda SaspBailer WARRANTED. For aale only by L. E. BLAIN, THE PLa.CE. lyal .mttu o! n PaiKe. Brofa, SaKxeMTf ft M iTm, ' yon Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc. Their goods are the beat and thf Ir.prie. reaaonaDie. SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW .'iOODS AT A LEAFLET OF 18S8. A correspondent in Pennsylvania sends us one of the Republican campaign cards of iSSS, which he took the precaution to rave. It con. tains these injunctions: Workingmen ! Protect your homes I Free trade reduces wage 1 Free trade will close American manu factories, t rec trade serves the interests of Europe . Protection insures fair wages and regular employment. Protection serves the interests of this country. 1 hese are the issues. These assurances will be recalled with a dw cided disposition to "kick themselves," by many voters who were deceived by them. "Four years more" of high protection wer hardly insured before wages in the protected industries began to fall and mills and manufac tories to close. What do the coerced employees of Andrew Carnegie think of the "fairwages" insured by protection? What dj the cotton mill operatives in Fall River, forced to accept a reduction wages and denied even an interview with the mill owners, think of it? What do the coai miners of Illinois think of the "fair wages and regular employment" insured by ihe triump of protection? How do the glass workers square their reduction of IS per cent., to take effec1 to day, with these ante election promises? Object lessons like these are a great help in the campaign of education. New York World- Insure at Once. Mr. Julius Grad wohl's advice to the people of Albany is to insure at once before it Is teo late, for the fire fiend Is devastating the cities of the N. W. Mr Gradwohl represents seven solid companies, with an aggregate cap! tal of $76,000,000 and a cash deposit of $350,000 at Salem. As well as business men, farmers should insure their crops, for they will burn, rr a number of cases already testify. Though Mr Grad wohl's companies lost some in beattle, ancou- ver, iMlensbunjh ana Spokane rails their capital is so great the loss is not felt, and they will continue to place risks and pay losEes with their usual promptness, the same as they did alter the great Chicago hrc, in whicu their losses were neavy. Why ? Why do you not go to Water' oo f As a summer reso't His unexcelled Good level ground, good shade, excellent soda water, good hotel accommodations, JJoard and lodging from $5.00 to $7 per week to suit customers. ix miles abov Lebanon on the Santiam river. I will be at Lebanon everv Saturday at arrival train to convey parties to Waterloo. Good leed stable in connection with hotel. J. G. Gross, w Proprietor Waterloo Hotel. Merit Wins. We desire to My to our citizens, thst for year we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Dr King's New Lite Pills, Bucklen's Ar nica Balve and Kleetrlo Bitters, and bave never hand led remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satUfaction, We do not hesitate to guar antee them every time, and we stand reedr 10 refund the purchase price, If satistactoiy results do not fo low their use. These remedies nave won their great populsiity purely on their merits, Fosbsy and Ma son, druggist. A Pafe Investment. Is on. which Is guaranteed to bring yon satlafs.- tory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from oar .S vertleed Druggist a bottle ot Dr. nine's New DIs oovsry for Consumption, Is Is guaranteed to bring reuei in ever)-case, wnen useu lor any asjecuon 01 Throat, Lungs or Chest, sni-h as Coisuraptlon, In fl.mmatlon of Lungs, Bronchitis Asthma, whoopfng Cough, Croup, etc,, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable 10 taste, perfectly safe, and caa slaysba depsnitsd upon. Trial bottles freest Poehay el Mason's. If vou are nervous or irritable.feel languid. dispirited, or if yon have siek headache, snl- low complex iQn,oroRensiYe urea.n.r-nen ymir livr is out of order and needs roaaiDif. Or. Heuley s Dandelion Tome restores the hr to healthy action and tones op the entue y tem. Sold by Foahaj & Mason. A seutleman whobsd suffered sreatannov an co and paib from bnrbers itch, and who hail been treat en by the Dent pnyaio'.an, without relief, ays tbas tun bottles ot JJutaru Sp-cillo enrtd him and left his face perfvet' smooth, without a scar. It never falls inM.i diseases. Sold by Fothay k VI aeon. Rnrklen's Amiea Htlve. The. heV, SaIvq tn the world for Cut., f!nilse,Sfrcs. Ulcer, Skli Kheum, ttrtr 8srte, Tetter. Chippeii hamlr'.ChilbUliii, Coma, and all 8kln Eruption, and poeiUvely cure Piles, or no pay required. It itriur rueen w fvw pvritmMu-iftcvifiii, or money trund l. Price io cent per box. For sale by Posh)- and Wrifctl .' Compt und Syrup of Sirsspatilla arr.liabi' rrtdicine for the renovation of tne blood Tones and hnilds OP tht aveten cures akio dineasea, etc. Sold ly Fuehay & Masoo. Wrivht's Arsbian Hon Liniment acts quickly and effectually, and has no nfrnr as a remeiy ior eointeje mtt vmr nri" -tniment is reooireH, Suld by Foahny A. Mason. Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob sons special bargains TELEGRAPHIC NEWS The Democratic Ticket, Ellensburo, W T. Sept. 9. Following are the nominees of the Democratic Convention in session here. For Congressman G C Griffin, of Spokane For Governor Eugene Semple, of Pierce. For Lieutenant Governor L II Platter, of Whitman. For Secretary of State W II Vhiltlesev. f Jefferson. for treasurer M Kaurnan, of Pierce. For Auditor J M Murry, of Thurston, For Attorney General H I Snivelr. of Yakima. For Superintendent of Public Instruction J H Morgan, of Kittitas. for commissioner of Public Lands M Z Goodell, of Chehaiis, ror the Supreme Court W II White, of King, B L Sharpstein, of 'Valla Walla, j B Reavis, of Yakima, John P Judson, of Pierce, r ranic uranani, 01 Spokane. O'Conner Lost. . London, Sept. 9 Searle wen the buat race on the Thames with O'Connor for the cham pionship of the world. The race was for 1000 and the championship of the world; distauce, four miles and three furlongs. uaus 01 5 to v were given on O Connor. Searle won the toss for position, and chose the Surrey side, O'Connor had the best of the start by half a length to the boathouse, Searle'a time was 222. In a Critical Condition. Salem, Sept. 9. Mr Claggett, who was severely injured by a falling awning yesterday, is suffering terribly, and the doctors say he is in a very uncertain condition. His internal injuries are most difficult to ascertain, and most to be feared. The Oud Fellows.of whom he is a member, are giving him every atten tion. Relatives from Independence arrived to-day. (Mr Claggett is a nephew of Hon R A Irvine of Albany.) A Million Dollar l ire. Chicago, Sept, 9, A special from Helena, Mont., says: Information has just been receiv ed here of one of the fiercest and most destruc tive forest fires yet reported in Montana. The fire occurred Sunday night in the St Regis district, Missoula county, and the- Cokeley ranch, known to ewy old timer in Western Montana as one of the most fertile and produc tive spots in the mountain region, was made a barren waste in less than thirty minutes. Biggest Yet, 10,009 rolls of wall ra r, latest varieties, finest decorations just eraivi.-l It Krtmi!ler& Irvlng's Got It Again. What ? Why the fin est lot of fresh smoked beef In the market. Chipped to order. Also a fine supply of our futnous gold medal cream cheese. U ILLAMETTE fACKlltG CO. 0ks cures rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache. Foe hay k Mason Agent. If yon have any job wtrk to d" call on G W. Smith who is prep. to do it with neatness and disiurt'. ind as cheap as any one. Portland, Or., Jan. 12th. Havinff a revere back ache last maimer. I tried the Oregon Kidney 'lea, I nsed one ear, which effected s radical cme. I would re ouimend it to all who are afflicted ae an un failing remedy. Julius Aca. sola by fosbsy ' Mason Not one nersoa in fiftv arrive at the. mom of forty, who is not troubled with kidney or unnsry complaints in snmo form. To tboss afflicted with pain in the back, noo retention of urine, nervous debility, painful or sap- pressed menstruation, we can oner a remedy that has been in constant use over twentv years. Oregon Kidney Tea. This preparation has done more for en tiering humanity than any other medicine in the market. Sold by to bay & Mason. WricSts Myrrh ttath sup comes ott con queror every tint yon have ,(s bruth" .with it. Death to lartar aid decay. Srid by Foahay & Mason. If YOuVant a good silver steel pcvlhe.fliteet in tbs n. a rket, go to Stewart & Sox's. The Lsdies Delighted, The pleasant efleet and the perfect saf ety with whleb ladies may ue the liquid fruit laxative. Syrup of Fl, under all condition, make it their fWvorite remedy. It Is pleasing to the eye and to the taate. gentle, yetetrMtual hi acting on the kid neys, liver ana oowqim. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorta, Wlien she was a Child, aha cried for Caetorla. When alie became Miss, the clung to CaatorU, When she bad Children, she gave them Csstsarl DEY08& R)B30)( ARE AGEtf? FOR THE NEW HIGU ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA IHINE.BEST MA THINE IN TBS iv tf :;