JJftpq; jtoif jjpemornrt. VOL. J J. ALBANY, OR. MOM DAY, SEPTEMBER 0, 1889. NO 108 -rr;r CHAMPION ,., -' ."in H.-, A vr' Sn"nf.nrlllii ":;;; imlit. :ul l.....-..l..rily. It ' '...' o .. "I.-Ml. lin!ir..M-s tho appetite, t.mc. 1 :'. ' ,,,,1 viiHliwa tl:o tfrrt-',:' ':,;. ..... ;10,.,i. Try it. , , ','.i v.mt trnn.il freely, nml more rau.l I-'"-'- 21:' ' ",. i,rir AVrrK-Vi..l.0W0ll.MH. I'rl'.c ,'! R F. Sox Pro, C H. SrKWAiir, S Albany .-Manufacturers of- 1EAM EMS1ME3 C31ST AND SAW MILL MACHINERY ISOHFRUNTS AHD ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AMO LICHT WOHK, lit IRON AlfO BRASS 2CASTIMGS. 'jpeciil attention paid o reniirine all ds of mwihinory. PaUerns Made on Short Notice, Coaud Maver. STAR BAKERY Bonier BroadaUrin and First Sts., ,-D13ALER IN dinned VraiC, Cuiin'l tcM, Glassware, iUMMinware, Brleil Fruits. VcetHlies. , Tobneco, 'l!;nf, insar, Unlet, S ollee. Tea, I'.ic,, etc.. lnfet everything tha. is kept In a ?,m ml variety and frrocor? ere. Ulfciisfcl 11 rket prlo paid for ftlj, KINDS OF PSGSUGE. Fortmille. k living, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attration-Pirst-olasa Hearse EedCrownMills SOM, LAXXIXG & IU, LSOPR'S KW rROCXSS fLOUR SUPERIOR TOH FAM1MES AND BAKERS CSS. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES, IUi?a33t "Prim ia Cash fo IllfOOD SAWIN'i Wood Mwed on lUsgular prleos. Order Irtfl t Mrowne'li I amuirrt's will beprrmptl? attended lo UI-.J. 11. W AKKRA. Tf7 & ST) i FOT bti",lnr nitt-wi't nt Hie Pnrt'nTld BilfiflCrV folli'Ri. I-ortLiiKl, Orri;oii,orat tlic Capital Urn- viivpe hnlcm, ortgon. lfartn pciioois nr cndei l!'.c niknatrrmetitof A. P. Arnmlrtmj. hr. -'?writine. renmanshio and Enelish Dtim ".tn-., iay oiki evening setwions. niui.ciii 'ii inittcil nt anv time. Fnrioint Catalogue, a-1 !rt oriiiiM Btmnm fttWrzr, AD Caflll Biwi-m mnttf, IS PA.INP3, 0103 AND laRUSHES AT DHYOB ROBSON'b, The LEADING Grocery Store is- CCHa..S23' GOODS K WHAT KEEPS'THEM l THE lEAD. mi- S tockof GROCERlEf? and PKODUCEj always) Complete. is f ROYAL tli'HI Jo Al'naiiy Markrt. Wheat-f.'. Oats ton. Butter 200 per IB. Hay 9,00. iUef on l'..it. :;S' A, ple-r0 cent" pi;r hu. K Oi0 per II uruasru. locti hftins.l2;4c shoulders, 80. sides. 10c. jird 9.? nor lb. 5"our, l.'JS per bbl. Vdckens 3.00 per doz. till Feed bran, li.uuper iuu; sliortn, 1U. middiines, 20. Chorn,20. Absolutely Pure. Tills nowiler never vrle. A niarvel of nnvltif alrofiirlh Rlld U-h(tle6omeneS3, More eoon m e.11 than the ordinarj hiuds and cannot bo pold in c!oiipeiltiu wilb niultnu li of low tot, siiort welkin aiuin or nhrin:-iatn n3W;lar.s Void OHl V lO Cans. Korl r.tiklt.K lVvd-r C i., K Wal. St., N.V. 1), W. CRO'VI-ET M t O, ARBniF, t'oi tlaiuii Oregon Cm I?. 4 .fc St tl.M'r- in P ir i ( d.-.i. ln,' t pnrcli isc wiw logs IM d 1 vi-:l l.) c d! on tlv- no.Wrslncd who Im alxnii 5.o.)j,ooo ft 1 lo,;. on the Cnitinooia above 1 r i ivilU'. H. K. Merrili, Trustee. Albnnv, Or, TINWARE .: ', t,. .-, ' i;: . WARE OF ALL KINDS A1 KKKIM'OsTKI). F. M. French key pa railroatiime. J. P. Wallace. Physician And Sunreon. Al bany, Or Fur a Sterling or Etneraon piano call on G L Blackman. Foraile. cheip, aocoud hand organ, Mrs, O L B'acknun is aoub for tho Weber piano. Nme better. Buy your tickets thmah tfi the East of W L f utter and save fare to Portland. The Western Cottage and Packard are two of the best organs mado. G L Black nan ells tli em. A Hue line of all kin Is of furniture, plain and upholstered, hes stock in tins part of Oregon at Fortmilicr & Irving's. If yon want a clean and fine amoke ask for J. Joseph's home made white labor curi" For isle by most cigar dealers and at his Joseph's factory. J A ro'ii'nll, a;9;ib Sindr Manufaotur inpcUo., otp.mto O ld FjiIo v? Tempi?, Al bany, A line lui of buLTffv dusters andttly nets at Thomua. n -r Overman's, the leading harness aea--. Aiulegant line of siii table spreads, in beautiful designs, just received at Fortmiller $ Irving's. 5 cans Ojlden Star toraatoei for 50 ceuts atC Meyers, and all otherj canned ROod cheap for cwh. Just recciyed new table line :i at W. F. Bead's. I W Starr, physician and surgeon, Albany uregou. Good cookinff stove onlv 10 at Hoi)': ifl & Saltmarsh's. Sidesaddles and ladicB riJir.s uurcinoles Thompson & Overman's . Thompson ft. Overman, agents for the fireat Dynamite buggy whip. The best watch in tho world for the money, rieth Thomas nukes them, F M French sells them. didies shoos, mens shoeii, misses shoes. cliildreu8Hlio:fl, incus boots, boys boots, st less thn coH to make room for other goods at 4s L lirnwnell g. Dr Wriahtsman Sovereiizn Palm of Lifp. for diseases peculiar to womii, at I-Vyoa Rohson'ssnd Browncll & Staa -Mil's, P J Baltimore, agent. Call and examine Z. T. '''right's stock of lubricating o:!s. Al?o steam coods of all kind?. Keen the celebrated Powell Siyht- feed Lubrict:nr8 and oil cups, constantly on hat:u. Also Tr.ihern. I.iit and rorco pumps, It-oi d ' (M Pcti'lv, Branch House one bl.iek ivvvVlmiv !. mWjrka. When wool was going up ever so little, then 1 the Republicans said "protection did it." Now that wool is going down, what does it? This present administration is like a funeral proces sion, Everybody is standing behind closed doors till it passts. The Cleveland minimis, traiion was a vital one, and all the doon tf prosperity were thrown wide open; but the dirge is heard in mn filed tones from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Gulf to the British possessions, says an exchargc. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Ixst'KF. at Once. Mr. Julius Grad. wohr advice to the people of Albany is to insure at once before it is teo late, for the fire fiend U devastating the cities of the N. W. Mr Gradwohl represents seven solid companies, with an aggregate capi. tal of $76,000,000 and a cash deposit of $350,000 at Salem. As well as business men, farmers should insure their crops, for they will burn, as a number of cases already testify. Thoiijh Mr Gradwohl'. companies lost some In Seattle, Vancou ver, r-Uensburoh and Spokane rails their capital is so great the loss is not felt, and they will continue to place rNks and pay loseea with their usual promptntss, the same as they did after the great Chicago in wu.cn tneir losses were heavy. A Uruti.l Ifurdrr. I.os Angeles, Sept. 8.John McGuffie ar rived at San Pedro some time this mornini? now I and proceeded to the house of Mrs Crocker wnereius divorced wile has l)een living for some time past. I Ie engaged his ife in con versalion and requested her to come and live with him again, but -he refused, lie then got np and went to the door, apparently with the intention of going out, but turned around and said: "If you can't live with me, you can't live at all," and pulled a revolver and shot at her. She jumped up, when he then fired two more shats and she fell dead. fire, THE FAMOUS Wire jBnckllv Suspender i i 34 MS J Why ? vhy do you not go to Water, oo As a summer reso't it is unexcelled. Good level ground, good 6hadc, excellent soda water, good hotel accommodations. lioard and lodging irom 95.00 to $7 per week to suit customers. Six miles above Lebanon on the Santiam river I will be at Lebanon everv Saturdav at arrival train to convey parties to Waterloo. Good teed stable m connection with hotel. J. G. Gross, Proprietor Waterloo Hotel In tub Leau. Mr. Julius Gradwohl leads In his business and wishes it under- ,tood that he will carry the finest stock o crockery .vare in the Valley, receiving his goods from headquarters, and keeping up withthellmesir.au the latest novelties, lie has received a fine lot of Wedgwood A; Co's Nevacht decorattd ware, called ruby ware, handsomest goods in the mark et. Mr Gradwohl makes crockery a tpec ialty and' will meet the demands of the public in any line. Do not send away for goods but give him a call, An Accident. Salem, Sept. 8. This afternoon an old wooden awning in front of Fishburn & Shoe- maker's pump and patent fence ware house. on Commercial street, fell and caught Irving Uaggett, a warehouseman, ol Independence, breaking his left leg in two places, just below me unee anu at tne instep; also breaking lus nose and otheru isc severely bruising him. Sonndns Tsnal. Taris, Sept. 8. Gladstone, referring to the rapid increase of the population of America, said: "I wish to recognize America's right t be considered, prospectively at least, and even now to some extent, the great organ of the powerful English tongue. I wish also to in dulge in feelings of satisfaction on reflecting that no cause on earth, unless our own folly, now or hereafter, ought to divide us from oue another or revive those causes of honorable contention that have heretofore prevailed among us. A Footpad Bol a Policeman. San Francisco, Sept. 8. Police Officer' Th-mas F Ilcan was knocked down and rob. bed of a watch by a footpad early Sunday morning. Ife shot the thief in the back but the latter ran iml was finally caught by the watchman at the mint. Ilcg-ivethc name of Mike Donovan. tin mi Oregon Slate Pair Twenty-ninth ann-nl dxtiibitlori'aty tialBta, Oregon. COMMENCING MONDAY, SEPT. 18. Cintln ilnaona wak, und?r tha man ajprnnnioi inovre.in oww " Hoard of Agriculture. GTER S15000 IN DISH t,-nr.-s.i r... ,i.!rviHuril. stook. dair. and mioh-snlcl exhibits, for works of ..,ilf.,, work, and for trla's of apced. . . Hunning audHTrottrng Eacea each day. Important Improvements made In the premium list. Rjl i at ntt, fr faros and freights r.n all transportation lines to an from the fair. PPdQES OF ADM3S3IOri : sec 2 00 1 00 Moii's day ticket. Women's .lay t'rlcwi - Men's season l:ekrt Womon's seayou t 'oltet Send to the Sojre.ary at Silem for a premium lUt, .1. T APPEIIS N, President. J, T, GREGG, Secretary. IOO OH60. ACKKS 1110 acres ol fltir iir iil-n o r fruit lend, 4 milts wostol Aibanv. I r oniv si) an acM. vvi: i ne SOanres i' dnsire i, Nlie'.y lonta i C'a on Cooper Turner on Corvalbs roa 1, CAlKRIAGES AT STEWART & SOX SUPERIOR LINES OF f AQRICUUTU R AL IM PLEMENTS AT OE -Y3S ft R0390N Merit Win-, Wo ilr-ire . any to onrciiizens, that for jcar wc ii.i(-tj"H, I'r Khijr Xcw I.ifo I'iH. l!uckleri'n At i:i"t i-alifa t Electric Hi Urn, mi'l have never Iiaml- uiiivvrMil t.i-f:i'ii"ii. niio not iientstu u M.nr a; teo tlu m ti cry timo, ami we Htaiiil ra'Jv to rt fnnil tlio litirclmhu urn (i. if mitujlnctf'iy rcsiiKii do itol to1- l.v tlit'ir uuo. Them n nicilicH iiivo won their Kunt p,ipulnnty purtiy on tlicir intnttj, ioslmy uuu Jin s .ii, ilrii,'i'i'. A t-"afe Jnvetmriit. J ore rhit-h Ksrnarantecft t hnnif you nalisfnc try tir in (swe ol fsilurea remruof iu;rihac rli-e. On this sufc I'liin y.u can bnv fnm our nd .ortineil I)ruvirt ?Mule of Dr. Kiutr's Ne Ij ctven forOitianti.ption, Jc U v'";irB',tee,l hrinir reiicf in every ismc, wlivii uwi lor any affection I Tliroat, I.unjiK or Chest, mrh na Co isurat'ilon, ln- iiiiniati.ni ft Liinn. Bromliiiin Athnta, Wliooptni Couuh, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant mid arucaNfc ;o tavte, prrfcrtpy e'c, anil enn lavb it ej kjhOcc) 7'Kin. Trial twit Its ttve at Koshay A Macon's, A Tire Iti;r, Lancastkii, Pa Sent. 8. WrirfitsviHe. a small town on the Susquehanna. nnr,nit. Columbia, in thiscoun y, was a sreneof terror last night, the police station and five barns be in? destroyed by incendiary fires. After the first fire a vipilance commitlec patrolled the pb.ee, but failed to prevent other (ires. ' .'Juir.i-sT Vet. 10,000 rolls of wall pa r, lattt variutL's fiiicst decorations just f-jivct' .it Koitmi!Icr Irvine's If von are nervcinsor irrital.le.ferl lnncuid. ilicpiriteil, oril you have t-.ck headache, bI- ttw coin ifximyr oponHve ttrwnin.tiicn vtmr ivir i out of order and needs routing. Dr. Hf-id''s lJandf'iu T'-i.io restores the I;rer to healthy actirn ar.d tonesnulheentiie t- , btIu by toehaj ijaxrn. PATENTtD , Mia. 17, '6 D:c. 22, "85. 1 Julv 20, '86- For sale only by L. F. El AIM, PLACE. i.yi! . mean o-!I on . Paine, Brothers. Sueeaxn c John Fox, Ur o.n Groceries, Frodnce, Baked Hoods, Etc. Etc. Their good, are the best and the Ir.prloe. reasonable. SECURE PRICES. K0 TROUBLE TO SHOW .'lOODSAT TiEYOJi & R0BS0N A crraleinun mho hud tiutiircd yTotnnr,oy- aucu Hid j'uiiitrcni burht-rn jtch.ni d who had ieen treaten Ity the ooz iihyu-'an, upi.nut rclitf, fcan ihut two t'.ttlts id D.itt-r'i p-title ci:rd tint and l' !t his fare erict!.i smooth, will out a rear. It nrvrrfai.s iiikin dist-asts. iu'.d by Foshay & ilon. I'.uokli'U H At'iiira S-ilve. T'io bjrt Silvo In the wurtd fur Ctt: KruiSM.8 .re. Ule'-ra, Salt llticum, Fever SnrtM, Teller, (Jhapfn-fl hamlH. Cliiltilaiu. Conn, anil all Skin EruDtloii. m.tl IHsith ely curca I'nen, or no i"y rttUireu, it la vnr aiittfc to irivo ret ftetaatiitfad ton, or mnuy rtfiim) n. I'riie'6 cents par box. t-or i.ile by Fo-ihsy ail Uason. Wriuht's Oonin- und Syrnp of Strsaparilia are.'ifttue nndicij e for the rt-i."i;t on c.f t-li- bhoi Tiim iid hu Idw uii tie hum riireft k:n dneasvr. etc. . JSuhl I y Kohpy V Mason. "Not. tin-; to Kin a I It." liiv.i'iopii 8)ilini; 8tinm"m Idv.ir Rpunlalor Hr tha jmst tlx yenrfl. My ustmiifT ronot;m: It tne ixht t-vt-t ised. Vnn of my customer whont health w in a unlclifd conillt tin from a vrv hid and stni-bnin cw of tlvippala, iim'J fli Kfgu'Btor and was enti.ely cured. 1 n 1 1 r 1 my-i "r urnm nyer, ptl by clo? o ronfinemput, I find rmthir g tn equal r end hiphly ippnniiiitnd Its uce. CP. II iFJti, UriiKKlav, Koinburi?. Vn. Got It Ag.m.v. What ? Why the fin t lot of fresh smoked beef in the market. Chipped to order. Also n. fine supply of our titir.ous roUI medal cream cheese. ; illamettc Tacking t.o. O..Kfl enreo rheumatism, neuralgia lootliHche. K(hay & Mason Amte. and If vru have ni.y job wcrk to call on G V. fcimUnvho U pr-i-., - n di it with neatneea r.i.d di6i.afv nm ts chtap as any one. I'ORTLAND, Or.. Jan, I2th. Mavina a tevtro hack oche hist sunimer, I tried tlin Orfgrni Kidney 'lea, 1 u?td one oar nhieh tfTt-ctid a riidical cm1. I would ret ommei d it to all who are rtfiicted asannn fail'Da remed. Jhlics Aca. Sold by Ioshay& Maaor. Not oue perron in fifty nrrivps nt the ase tjf forty, who is not trctdlud with kidney or urinary complaintH in sonio form. iothoM hllUcted with pain in the hack, pnn retention of urnse, nerve ua debility, painful or fup prtphed mcDstruation, we can offr a remedy that ha leen in eoraiant n oyer twenty yoars, Oregon Kidney Tea. This reparation has done mure for turte.-ing humanity than any other medicine in tho maiket. Sold by Foshsy & Maticn. WrijjSi'n Myrrh toth toap comra rti con queror v-ry ttinp you have a briith" .with it. Death U, tarttirnid decay. Sold by Pophoy & Mmkoii. If yorjnnt a pood filverstf el reylhe.Mnet in tho n ft ket, to Stewart & S:x'a. Wrisbt'n Arabian Uor I.toiuiei acts quickly and rfleetnaliy, ai.d has r.o aurior as a remedv for anin als in M caia wltrp a tninPt is reqnireH. S..W by Fo h. y Si Mason, Pino lino of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoo and Rob sens special bargains Tlte ljulifft OeMcliteil, Tho rdMHnt hd- vt and the perfect saf ety with wtiirh lad ion may "C Hip l iquid Irutt laxniivw. f,VM;p in rv. iii;t.r mi rnndiiion. innkt It tin ir fvritp remedy. It is nlcaolnir lo flip pyo and to the taste. icenlle, yc-tpnVHnal in nutfng on the kid ney a, liVor and bowoip. Vhen Bab j waa alck, we gave her Cattorta, When site was a Child, she cried for Costoria, When ahe became Miss, alie clung to Caatoria, When ilte had Children, she garc them Castor ia DSY07A V"3 iSN7 FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA HINE.BEST MA CHINE IN TDE