NKW STOIiE. Mitchell & Agricultural and Vehicles oar Liaiicb bcntc Cr. 2 ml aal E.U ALBANY, - OR come isrr) SEE'.US, WILLBROS., Dealers la all ihe Leading G s, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos, A full line of sheet n u.V.e, musical merchor.dise. ammaniticn. fishing Urtle, elo. Warranted razrrs, Lutcl er and pocket knives. The best kind ol ss.vini njach lne needle?. Oils and extras for all n-achiues supplied. Repairing of sowing Headlines, musical Instruments, Runs, etc., neatly done ALBANY; THE f AQULNA UOUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. son Development Company's Strain ship Line. 25 MILES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TISelE nan by any other rcite. Virat-olais through pusseii(.-r and 'reltl bnelroiu Portland and all points in lne Willamette Valley to and from San Francisco, Cal. Remember the Oregou l'acilie Popul.tr snramer ni-ioiis to Yaquiim Low Ume TleUi ' non iiu Mlr. t-v.-rt uc4 nn-1 'lr:1 ,l,,:a bauj . 'rval ':iio'.i.th. Boala make clone c..."""-.' '.' H. ' ''J,, Tl M B SO H Bl'VLB- (' '""' iSS. . r. .Arv. Atuny. 11:10 a. O A C. trains oonne at. Albany and rorVSlli. The above trains connect at Yaaui n'j With the O.-eK0.i Development Company'. Une of Steamships between y.ouina and San Francisco. KROM TAttClXA. WilUmmu Valley, 5,"r,-''. A"-f'!' Tueailav, Auvusl l-illt. Tiiurailiiv, Au-'. J-iua-&,-.mU', All.'. 31st HfJM BAS fKANllSiy Willamette Vallcy,Tuelur. July Hh oo Tliunwlay, AUi(. nil, do Uliutay. Auk. llh- ,1 Tutu'. Autf. -.( The Company '.-rve who right to Ihanee sailing dates without notice. N B. Fasseugars from Portlaua and Willamette Valley points can make c ose tonnecti.Mi with ihe trains ot the equina route at Albany or Corvallis. and il des tined to San Francisco should arrange to arrive ai aaquiu iu,"e eraallinit. sa,er aad r.rlalil Bates always We For Information apply to A B C!ipman, Freight an ..... - ail- ...... 4i It Uadta'dll. JP.. It . W ft ?. OrW.n Divelov-meut Co., M SIont)roiner 80. r riicicj, " A.O. F.ar.lp Avren , Corvallii WILL BROS, Dealer Id mlthn utcrtimpniwl Pun ja Organs awim iMaoniuHi, miiu". aibu aii'J focket Kniy. Tba le-t klnrt ol i .A-.l.i..& nil. i.imv.Ip anil ftxtrft!. for all niaflhlne. All Uf tiug neatly and reawnahiv none. I Big (3 ban (flrn nnlTer- I sal aatlsfactloa In tht tiret f Uonorma and I (ileet. I prescribe it and feci aafo In rcco in mend in a to all ftiitTerert. I. J. STO'ER B.P. Decatur, III. rrtlCE. 81.00. Sold by Drugglita. University of Oregon. EUGENE, OREGON Next enn begn on Monday, the 16th of September, 189, Free aciio'arwlilps from every county in the State. Apply to your County Superid tendeut Free tuition after January Is:, 1KV0. Four courses : C!a-sical, Scientific, Lit erarv and a short Kngliih Course In whi'h there is no Latin, Ureek. French r t.erman, The English is pie-eminenlly Business Course, For catalogues o )ther information, address J. -s.JOHS.SON, Presdect. r fiTos dats.B AT OwraatM wni f taaw Swteurt. 1 CI MrdljbytJ V CHiclDnaU.KL S3 Pouiiry Wanted. All kinds of poultry, alive or dresed, wanted at the Willamette P ickina; Com pany's Store, Albany, Oregct.. N'EW GOODS Lewis Co., DEALERS IN' Sinpicmeiits ORECON, OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -.VIA-. Southern Pacific Company's Line. THE MOUTSHASTA ROUTE. rime bciwewi Albany and Saa Frouuscn, 35 houri Ol.IF0R.MA EXPRESS 1LUSS lil'S DAILY Itrtmeu t'urltauil and iau Franclco. kiu-.ti 1 North ,w e. u, 1 1.1' 1AM j UV .40 am I Ar IVrtlaml Ar I 10:45 A u Albuiv Lv A u Sau F.auclra Lv 7:00 P H lo -All PAssitsor.a tkaix daily Except Sunday), Ar 3:45 P M Lv 11:35 A U Lv ; UMAX 1 "i:-' A M PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, Fur A:ruiniuinl.itina of $ccunl-l'la Passen Bcrs, tttlachcil to Lxirc Train. TIil-S. I'.-C'i's Vittv mikioirmect.on with all the eu'ar tmi'i -I'l t:i; Lt ni !'j Liisiun iioui toot oi t S'.rett, " ''fiUn '. A'csl shir L.Tltluu LI (MalMM) AC COlitALLIS. . tu mx hah r Ex?ejit Suinlay,) 7:'i. am I L t'ortlaita Ar i o:'J t u li::- r ii ! Ar cVtviIIh Lv v:m ? u zx.T.Ht ti ais daily (Kxc.-p'. SunJiv. Ar I 3:00 A M Lv 5.45 A a rn.iou.li 'XMcliets Tu all puiiits SOUTH u-XSTX EAST VSA CALIFORNIA. tr till itifonnitio:. re.'arilinsf rate, tawtm, tc. all VnttMiiv Aient at Ai'uny. R. KOhlllLKK. K. P. ROGERS. Marnier Aas't 0. F. al P. Ar Peoria Ferry, 0, EOHLAGEL, Prop., hOt'ND TB1P BATCH Double 10'n, 'Ibn ; n'.rjtcle team. 16c ; hOMas or cattle, 5c, CBOSSINQ ONE WAY '. Double team 25c; single team 15c. Sptwial rat en ou large drovea. Farmers will find the ferrv roaJ In a Une condition, it hav ing been thoroughly reconstructed, grad- el and graveled. FOR MEN ONLY! M rUdl I Iff C General and KERVOT8 DEBILITY! flTTTJT Weakataaof Bodyanel Ki&d:ElTeeta V J MeU of ErroraorEaceaMtia OLdorTounf. bmt. flohr AIHOOD hllr K retard. Rw U Islam 4 airvBcthn tntti.t sMTiLorrn 0Rfit a prts of Body. AIWIUIIV niltM HtIMB THIiI1a,tT-nMfRli atj. leetlry trm 47 BU1e, Trrrltwi, n4 fmrrtg CaMtrif. Ta HlUra- Bi. fill 1 oluaUoa. aod preth mOt4 (MaM fret, Aaarw III HE&ICAI CO., IUFFAL0, . I. FOSKAY & MASON, ttOLI-Ai AND ILSrAUr Drnggistsand Booksellers, Agents for John T!. Aldeu's publications, which wt, sell a', o-jblisher's pmm wna postageaJJad. alba sr. it Revere House: ALBANY, OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFEP, PROPRIETOR. Fitted up in first-class style. Tables supplied with the best In the market. Mce sleeping apartments, sample rooms jot commercial travelers, WFr e CurtM a.) rraa ike del. fa J OO OR 50 ACRES. lliO acros of fine Albany, for only 23 an acre. Wil I a if Amlm.jr VI 1 . . on Cooper Turner on CornUU roa I, DR. J.L.HILL, Physician and Surgeon, OtBoo cor, First and Ferry Str.eU, ALBANY- OREGON OR. C.WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Udice opposite the Democrat. DR. C. U. CHASERLIS., EomeopatMc Physician and Surgeon Special attention to diseases of the eye. arijllice'corner of Third and Lyon St, ALBANY, OREGON. DR. W H. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. aWOfflce tm stairs In Strahan's Block. May be found at his otfice nay and nlgbt. DR, I. W, STARR, Physician a,nd Surgeon, Late of Brownsville, Or. Office at rooms Nos. 33 and 34, Strahan and Pierce's Block, up stairs. Calls promptly attended in city or country. G. L. QLAGKKIAN, Successor to E. W. Landon, Di-ALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES1 SOAPS COMBS ETC. . X.BLAtT.BfIt.V, CEO. W, WR1GUT, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Will practice in all the Courts of the State, Prompt attention given to all busi ness entrusted to our care. Office. Odd Fellows Temple, Albauy, Or. E. J. rcSrJSTLAND, Civil Cngiaosr- Surveyor. DSAUaSTlSG ASD BLUE PRINTS 'Illi-M v.-uii r - i i Lh -.1 C i. Aibiuy, Or, SH er:uo sy.itruis and Water Supplies ' specialty , Estates Subdivided, Mhm ai&iie or Copied on short notice. BROWNSVILLE. . 0. P. C9SH3W & SONS, Eeal.Estats and Insurance Agents. Keal ostite sld an 1 Colle3tin and Notarial business attended to. iSa J. WE.STNEY, Ai-iutjey Anfl Oonnsellor At Lav e KD iotai' Public. ALBA1!", ORECON, Vill p.-ai ' n i all of the Courts .hisState. All b Inoss Intrusted to hi will oe promptly altended to. 3 . K WE ATHERFORD, iTTORNEV AT LAW, A LOAMY. OBEGOX. W R BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor- in Chancery. ALBANY. OBEGOX. Collections promptly made on all po'nt Ljoansnogotuueaon easonawe terms. first National Bank OF 1LR1X1, OBEGOX. - PrcsUcnt U FUNS Vii-e Pmiileut S. E. YOUNG Chier. .E. W. LANODON, An t Culiier JAS. '. POWELL TRANSACTS A GEXERALbaDktng business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to hec. BIOHTEXCHANCE nd tel rsnhie trvwter. sol New York, S&n Fnnciwo, iUgo sn.l Pot reeon. COLLECTION? dADEon ujnble tence. PISICTORS J. E. Torso, E.w. l.iodo. L E Burs, L. Fuss, Waltss E TraasLb, Linn County Dank. Cowan, Ealston & Chamberlain, ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS ft rmeral bankrag bar. neat. DRAW S10H1 DRAFTS on Sew York. San Fran ico ftni Port la ti 4, Orefron. LOAN MO.VEYun appioved Mcuiity RECEIVE dpoaiU mbject ehclu H. F. MERRILL, BANKER. ALBANY, - - - ORECON. Bii txcoanf oj Atw Tort, San FrancLaoo and PbrUand, Bay not, Sta'a, covntr and ctf varranj 1U- wlr dapoaita subject to ctaaca. Inurwt alio wad oa UmtdapofcM. CoUacUont will rtcelra prospt fcttaatiro. Corrfptrdto atllHtd. rVaaivl Hartna Inauraoc ennptalaa, Alftnlocal acnt at IriaM liTMtatnt Cof9f oaot aMd on ana pr p ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 1888, 3.889. first Terra Opces ftplcmler lilt. laaa. A lull corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ot tudy arranged to tneet tb need of all grades of Ktudt-uu, Special tuaucetnents offered to students from abroad. Tuition rangAH from $.50 to .l$,SQ Board in private I'mumM at low rates. Rooms ior eU'-boarding t Huiullex-enss. A careful suiervU)on ezuraUod over stu dents away from home. Fall torm otteiis September 7th. For circulars and full particulars addren t lie President. BKV, i:Liit:tcT X, OMIT. Albany, Or-K'n ACADEMY OF Oar Lady of Psrprtual Salp. ALBANY, - - OREGON. Conducted by the fii-U of St. Benedict. This Academy Isincoj-porated and au thorized bv the Stato to confer academio honors. The ciurso of study is c)mp;ete, Msthemalics, Literature anil Musio are specialties, as also the Normal Instruction et'aspirant8 for toachors' cerlific;itH9. In--J'jstrial drawing, vocal music in class and all kinds of needlework form, no extra charge. The nisclplino of the school is gentle but Arm. ooject being to form net only refined young ladies, but noble nd useful members of swietv. Pupils idmitted at any time, and charges propor- -.imeu. j-upusoi any uenommaiion re ceived. Tuition in select day school ranges from ?5to10. For terms of Boarding Soli ol or any particilars apply at the Academy, or ad- ss aisier uperii.-rfl&s. 9jr 0, K. Pdlai House and Carriage Painte"1' Decorator and Paper Hanger Piano Varnishing-. Ail vnr guaranteed. S S. VASSAL! 0- (Sucrtfliso: to Honry Sv: -lens ) SAM MAY. ;.. S-.KDERS v T' ' '! .1 MAY V v m. tlASniSSUBi. - - C0H Will 6uy Grain, Wool a:: i : J kinds Proluo FOR SALK BY FOSIUY VAS)N RedCrownMill SOM, LANXIXO & n.. : Hi'I'.'S XW I-ROCK88 f LOUR BUTEKLuri j-jk .Ht:tYi AST) BAKKRA I.-.HH. BEST STORAGE tCU.!TiKS. Highest Pnoo ia Casb fo heat City Meat Market. SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. Keep a full Hop of .neits of il kind. in a oool pli.cr, roiniti-'Hiv pro tected; mitl always fre-i. Also have c-inst4ntr on hau.! HOW TO GQ EAST. ,Go Eut via Muuot Shn.u I:ntr Xjce climate and Jcenry a: !l timen ,.f the vear. See Mount Shasta, Sacramento, 0.-den,"slt Lake, Dearer. Finns sj-nd -el. e-r n.dc sr. ran daily. Bnv i,.nr tii-ket, , ( me ,1 sav. vnnr f.rn )...,). .,.1 T ..... . . ' . :,, - a -"i i:ie enjy person in Albxnv th esti . us 'ichet to any poiot in the fuittd Siat-s. Call on me fer rates. V". L. Jeti i:, A:iit S. P. PIANOS. Those wishinir fint-cla.. In.tMim. ., should call at Mr,. B. E. Ilvmsn's rid see one of those C!eorated' ileinms 4 uoug luuuira, e.m.ifni ricn tone, K neolallT made and adarfed in ianj , i ollm.te on the PaciBc Coast. Errtr piano fully guaranteed for 5 vears. The li lest beet-musie for sale, Muiicand paintlnir leeaoD. liven there. Also Ihe plsre to Ket roar new Sewing Machine. Fane end dress maklnn done to order. First doorea of Young's old ttand. Albany, JULIUS GRADWOHL'S ' Golden Rule Bazaar. His stock has been enlarged so that it equal, any oa the Coast, and consists or Roger Bros. Silverware, French Chinr and Crys. talware, Boys' Wagons, Doll Carriages-, 4 Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Orockiey and Toys. He buyadirect and earrioi the larsast stock In the Willamette Valley, to whM has been addod a complete line of FAMILY GROCERIES. Is Agent for lnsnranee companies with a capital aggregating $75,090,OCO . S"lcl on parle Fraucais. Hier wird deutch gesproehen.- LOOKOUT FOR LOW PRICE! FURNITURE, 1 am now retailing iarni'urnat try factory at cost. Peopl vvishiug Jurni tort can do tfeit to look here for bai-uig,a 1 am going to sull at cost during the next 30 day. Corns and examine 'nygooda before pnrchsin else w h ere. Factcryjat tlin river crul of Lycn Street. O. J. DILLON. CHAS. metgzer. Real Estate, Employment and Insurance Agent . A.1 commuio itious ptomptly a sv.eroJ In Germanjor English. CFFICE : ELLSWORTH BETWEt H FIRST AND SECOND ST5F.ETS ALBANY ORE m 'f- SMOKE THE CIGARS Manufactured by Julius Joseph. -ALSO IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS Ping and smokiog tobacco., Meerichaum un.i briar pipes and smokes articles cenerally. Also always hat on land a nice line of California and Tropical Fruits. McMinnville College. TWO FOUR YEAH COUPSE OF STUDY in tho Collcgiite Department Fonr Three Vear t'onrscsorstnily in the Academic'.Depirtment. As evidence of the growth of this ('nll.n. attention is called to the fact that during the last year over eleveo hundred doliarr have been expended in standard books for the li brary, an S300 piano dooated to the cn'.. and over $3,000 addedto tliejperiuaoeot en dowment. Special attention is given to the AoaH.n,:. Department which fits you no men and wn. men for Collsge, for teaching and lor ocm. ness. Fin, rooms and boarding depsrtment in the College building, expenses, low. Tresi daot lire, in the building. Fall term opens Sept. 4th. Send for .catalogue. Address, PRtS. I. C. BROWNSON, WiVicn wile, Yamhill Co Or. lvi 1 WiWrfOTWM TEALEK IN 0 JENNINGS, W. H. M JPHSRS1N, 3- B. WT Jennings & Co Manufacturers and dealers all kinds or FIR, MAPLE AND CEDAR LUMBER Mill on Hamilton, elevenmlles from Leb '.Prireaat Ihe Mill i Clear 6r 111.00! second clesr. J9 t rough lumber, $6.60; Pricesof cedar and maple on application riticEs at co'sJtaboat i.xru!.'' Clear fir. 115.00 : second clear rough lumber, 910.00.