25k Smmt SIGNIKK'aM'E OF OKUAMZED LA BOH. It it a tclf-e-ldent proposition that when labor organirxi to ecure a higner rate i wages, the step U taken because existii conditions are unsatisfactory. As labor n.i. nimtru u assumed to be jealous guarded by a protective tariff devised and maintained for its special tenem,iiiono that when labor organizes to secure an increase of wages it declares the protec tive feature of the tariff to be to that ex tent a failure. This sort of confession of failure is common enough in all sections of the country, but just now it lias a strik ing illustration In action of the employes in the iron and steel works at Steelton, Pennsylvania, who have resolved to unite with the Amalgamated Association of Steel and Iron Workers. This means a strike in the near future, as the manager declares that he cannot Increase the rate of wages in the present state of the mark et. In commenting on this step by the employes and its probable results,the Har risburg Patriot makes several telling points which are worth considering whenever the present high tariff is discussed : Ad mining '.hat the statement of the employes relative to the low rate of wages is correct, as well as the declaration of the manage, that there is no profit in the manufacture of steel rails, It may be asked, why both managers and manager have been so strenuously opposing a reduction of tariff duties ? The action of the emploves In turning to organized labor for the avowed object of obtaining a higher rate of wages k sufficient evidence of their refusal to longer depend upon the protective tariff for "a fair day's pay for a fair Jday's labor." Thht In itself, is a victory over the quack industrial doctors that for years have been robbing the laborer of his just wages by pouring into him the poisonous soporific known as a protect've tariff. Whether their wage will be Increased by joining the Amalgamated association the future alone will determine ; but as the object, that of raising wages, is the same as that for which the present tariff is levied, of course the company that has benefited by this same tariff will not object to having men in its employ who join this wage rais ing association. It is perhaps.uni'ortunate, that the protective tariff should so sudden ly fail in its yrotective qualities ; but as it served the purpose of the grand old party of trusts, monopolies and hypocrites in helping to elect Harrison and Morton, it mak es liitle or no difference what may be come of the poor dupes of workingmen who shouted and voted for "protection, provisions and liberty" now th it they are being treated to a dose of poverty, strikes and shackles. The Patriot continues : "Concerning the profits on steel rails.we profess no greater knowledge than that possessed by the manufacturers themselves ; but this wedo know.that if there is no profit in the indus try, it cannot be said that it is owing to a lack of tariff duties.for there is a tariff tax of 1 17 imposed upon every ton of foreign made rails coming into this country. James M Swank. Joseph D Weeks and Robert P Porter,the three gentlemen who have made a fat thing off the manufactur ers b swamping some of them and adding millions to the fortunes of some others, mav be able to explain whv there is no profit on steel rails and why the employes in this Industry must now seek tnruugn organized labor for a raise in wages." The farmer goes into the city . II sees fine houses, broad avenues, well dressed people laughing.talkingand promenading ; he sees turn outs, brilliant stores, and great churches. He believes the city dwellers are the happiest and most favor ed people in the world. The citizen goes into the country. He sses green fields, pleasant stretches of woodland,beautiful pastoral scenes, homes surrounded with vines, flowers and gardens, orchards of rich and delicious frnits.flocks and herd' and the many delightful shows of countiy life. He believes that farmers enjoy the bes t of God's favors, and are of right the most contented people in the world. Well, thin feeling of ours, that our own occupation Is so greatly lacking of comfort and favor. Is almost universal; and the supposition that others enjoy all the ad vantages Is a sorry comment on our human nature. Looked upon rationally situations are not far from equal as to favor .whether life be In citv or country. But each heart can make hi work and his home a blessing an J a joy wherever It may be ; and In our view no more favorable place can he found than the home on the farm When Mnhone gets all the post offices and things in Virginia distributed among his fnenus he won't hang craie on the door because Virginia goes llemncratic. All Persons. Indebted to the lute firm of Brownell & Stanard arc requested to call and settle at the store of C E Brownell without delay or make some satisfactory arrangements. Wright's Myrrh tco'.h fop oimrs off con queror evry tin you have ' brush" .with it. Death tr. tartar and decay. SuM by r'oshsy At Mason. Belva I.ockwood has been visiting the scenes r .1 . . -1 1 , 1 t 1 t I. 01 me N nilccnapci muiucis 111 i.uuuun, aiici a woman has been through the newspapers of 'he United states as a rrcsiueatm candidate no Jack the Kipper can have any terrors Ior 1. The re-ding of the Bible in the public school of Minneapolis, Minn., has been stopped. The reason given is that there are too many com plimentary allusion to St Taut in the good hook. Tanner, the faster, has been outdone by an octogenarian of Indiana who passed the sixty seventh day of his fast yesterday. The record of Tanner, the surplus eater.stands unsurpass. ed, however. The best line of kid gloves at W. F Read's. NEW ADVERTISEMEXTS. Albany Opera House. -One night only Tuesday Evening, Sapt. 3rd, LEW JOHNSON'S RENOWNED BLACK BABY BOY, KtriNtU UULDRcu MINSTRELS- The grsates aggregation cf talent ever produced here. 15 5 GENUINE COLORED ARTISTS Including the famous Black Baby Boy Quartette, introducing negro melodies and genuine iiuivu .Tiwuiaiues, uon't lau to see the Grand tTntforni Street Parade headed by the World's wreates Drum Major, Lew Bali, Reseived seats for SJleat Blackman's, "VJ OTICE All persons Indebted to the late firm of Bu-due fc Robertson Will nlASBAMl a. Ik- a . I . . " - mo swiu ILU eeiue their accounts without delay .and greatly """6 J. Jtt. JSABDUK, successor to Bardue A Robertson. IKDERGARTEN .Mrs. Wait Mead recently from Now York, will open a Jdlect School and kindapmit.li.n n W.C. T. U.Hall. Mnm'lHv. s'nt. on. 1869. Terms liliAml n.tH.n,na Dniit.A Satisfaction guaranteed. i3 Rs, ait Mead. Albany, Or. IOR SALE CHEiVP.Ihave a good ; work horse five year old and past. WPifrha Ahnilt. IftAn rmin1. ht.l. T --.ll. sail for JtiO. For further Information call at the Democrat offce or at my residence one milo north of Albany in V. H, Waksbr, WAITED. A first-class girl to do general bonsawork. Call at resi lience 01 Ji. s. condit, on 7th Street. t.lOR SALE.-Four yoke and a hair of 1 OWUI Knr IWaii nn-.l.n. 1. 1 1 anil nhfllna oca 1 . -I - . . 1 1 I.i . . . ' " " uiomp came, ana will be sold at a bargain for cash, being a r-. ma esiiue 01 jonii KoDinett, de ceased. AppI' loJohn W. Purh. Admin istrator of tee Estate at Shedd,' Oregon. O AND. AC Pt-.tinno .I,,..!. 1..,. .. 1 C5 loam or Kravel fmin the preuilxesoi u Sl"'n m Ueu,on county, can procure V j. " ttl u,.v oince, craw, ford's block, Albany, Orogon. Cum. IS. Wolverton. OLD IRON. Fifty tons of old iron castings, in any quantity, wanted ....,., ,1 Aioany iron works DR. C A. WHITNEY, Physician and Surgeon. Ilra'tiiafr. nf PJ!. XT Col.'ege Now Yerk City. Diseases of woman a 8je:ialty. .fcFOffice, Froman's Brick, Albany, Of dical 5 SPECIALTIES. CLOTBIPJG Fashionable and Stylish Suiti, Business SuitB, Light weight Summer Suits. Boys, youth's and children's suits. Furnishing Goods Fine lino of light weight underwear balbriggan and voolen ; it osier y, ehiits neckwear, fine wire suspenders, guaranteed for two years all the latest novelties. BOOTS AND SHOES. A large line in this department of the best in the market. HATS Staple and Fashionable lines, among others a fine stock of the John B. Stetson hats. Tailoring Merchant tailoring under expert tailor. Suits made to order under short notice at remarkable low figures. More goods tutned out than ever before. L. E. BLA1 5 Stick a Pin A rnllnltlA TT Q QtanJ..4 e . ,AJ w.u. ...niiuni j o'tmi eunie only S.i7. Delivered at your nearest rail, ro ul station free of freight on tnirty days trial. Larger scales at proportionatelv low rices. Warranted five 1 ears. Address, F. C. HOFFMAN, Albany, Oregon NOTICEOF UI3SOLUTI0X OFPAUT NKRSHIP.Ths nartnenhin lir.t. fore existing under the tirni name of Walla. Thompson & Co., wherein T L Wallace, W 8 Thoir.mon E LaKorest. of th. -itv nf Al . bany. Linn county, Oregon, were general partners, is this the 7th day of August, A. I). ISS'J, dissolved hy mutual content, T L Wallace, retiring. The business will be con ducted at the same place by W 8 Thompson sjd E LaForost, under the firm name, La Forost V Thompson, who will assumoall li abilities and collect all accounta due the tirm. Dated this 7th day of August, 18S0. T. L. Wall4ok, W. Jj. THoMrso, E. LaForkst. in the fact that I am offering better bargains than any one else in Albany Bought at bankrupt sales I can sell First-Class Goods. at or below COST. FOP General merchandise of all kinds call on ire. Particular b.rna,v. : ofehots. 6 "r Cash for Goods or Country prtdifee Gc W. SIMPSON Albany, Oregoa. J.J. DORKIS, Abstractor and Conveyancer, .srom;e at tho Court Mouse, FOR THE BEST FURNITURE -CALL ON THE Albany Furniture Company OPPOSITK STEWART SOX'S, BED ROOM SETS, TABLES, CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED GOODS. WALL PAPERS, 3 A BY CARRIAGES' ETC. ETC..ET IIA.VlIiVS & PAKRELL fllCost AtCost TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY LARGE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER COODr i niLL dr.iL mi tniinc olUUH Ur BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST. THIS WILL BE A CLOSING OUT SALE, AND THEYIMUST CO. COME EARLY AND CET Real Bargains, AT THE SAME TIME DO NOT EORCET THAT I HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOODS Notions, Furnshing Goods, etc, WOULD ESPECIALLP CALL POUR ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING LINES: Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk, Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie ry, Fancy Goods, etc ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICE RESPECTFULLY, W. F. READ The Leading Cash Dry Goods Stor MATTHEWS k WASHBU Carry a first-class stock of Stoves, Tinware,Hardware,Etc, "Which they are telling at remark alby low prices. JOB WORK carefully and promptly done at reasonable prices, HOPKINS. & SALTMARSH -DALEi;S IN- .. a at STOVES; TIN WARE, SHEET IRON. COPPER ETC., ETC. Agents for "On Time" Heating and cooking Stoves. Job work, plumW etc., promptly attended to. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE IN THE CITY PURE DRUGS, Paints, Oils, Statlonaiy. Etc., And Prompt attention -A.T DR. GUISS & SONS