Vol. ji. ALBANY, OR. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1889. NO 81 "j l.-ir a bottle worth nvo dollars of any man's .? tnkH . a Tnnip nr Itlnnd-nuriiKir. .1IUI1UJ. KIIIK-I a n J Ayer's Sarsaparilla has no wiual! 4 Ir. James II. Btoni Taiipan. Mn. iv : i 5 I now .l no alt.-rativ- that rlvraso n u. 'l , f satlslaitloii as AVer's Sarsaiarllla." . Ayer's Sarsaparilla, f Prepared l.y Tlr.1. 0. Avi-r & To.. Lowell, tlua, ' ffil j s.slKtlM.5. Worth !t.lula. K' P. 3d): Prai C i. Snttfinr, i Albany IRONWORKS. Manufacturers nf IE AM ENC1MES GRIST AMI SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS AKD ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS .CASTINGS. -ipecial attention paid o repairing: 'l jiaaa or raaoninor- Patterns Made on Short Notice, A lew Grocery Discovered AT Strong's old corner, opposite Stnwart'A Sjs, FiM5 .ni'., VI i i -. full line of FRESH GROCERIES., CANNED U0003, DRIED FKUITS, ETC "Qutrslc Bals an I mall profits," "Live and lot live," N onr motto. I'lease call od exa-nine our ico 'N and prices. 8 ttisfaclion guaranteed. Produce Taken in Exchange, Very Respectfully, 3ARDUF & ROBERTSON; Go ir.il .tvkvar. PROPKIKT''".t Or? STAP BAKKRY Corner Broaialbin and First Sts., -DKALEB IN- ttoaaed rroils), las)Nware, Dried Frnlt. Tabacaa, ' Satan ' Coft. Kt Caaail Heat, Uaee tinware. Vegetables, Clgara, So'a, Tea. Ktc In faot eroryt'iins: thV. is kept a aeii 1 ral variety aud (rrown- ior. 'Bc'ieM j rket prico paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Big ( haaglvcu uiilver Mil MtljfBciloo ia the cm ret f Uonorrnoca and oievi.I prescribe Uend aalclDxccmnmend Ui It to all sufferers. i, J. HTOltEB, MaD. Daesivr, III. PRICE. 1 1.00. Sold by DragcHtl. Pouilry Wanted. All kinds of poultry, alive or drea-ed, wanted kith. Will uette Picking. Com pany's Store, Albany, Oreg&L. rvLewrlthvr. Pi-nnianahlD. CorresDOndSnee. Busi r una Ugal Forms practically tauclit at the . Pcrtlond Baaln.sa collect. The thorough work don. In .sen of our several -nanments 1ms .wen this Iniiituuon a rrpata- on sncn as but lew schools attain, seen.. kindreds of it.r iradtiates profitable emplov nt hniii mk,hmn ftna .u-nnvraBnera. tnients admitted at any time. Catalogue Ires. a. P. ABMTBOJIfl. rriasltali rertlaae. Or. P.INr3, 0IIi3 ASD BRUSHES AT DEYOE ROBSON'b m j?j.Ty?T,ai f eaaai aarteaw UV I VnuekcBkilOi V MaelnaattJ "iiaakl m The LEADING Wallacc, Thompson & (Vs. K WHAT KEEPS? JHEM IN THE .EAD. rh"ir S tockof GROCERIES and.', PRODUCEy is alwayu Complete. m Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, A marvel of purity, strenuth and . wtaoleaomensM. More eoonamxti than the ordlnarj kinds 4nd oanruit he sold in competitiou with multitude of low teat, abort weicht alum or phosphate powrlera. Sold only in cant Knval Baking Powder Co., in Wall t.. N. Y, D, W. CnoWLEV A Co , Agents, Poitlaiul; OrosTon. WILL BROS, llt.Hli.rs iii ail th wf. imprrive-l. Pun ja OrgaiK, swifiit MftiiniM. tliina Also a full line "f warranto 1 lUzora, ' Butcher and rocket Knivn. Tit. belt kind ol tewing ina'hlne oil, nmullp. and extras, for all iinnnineK ait i';" snd remonablv done. BLACKBUPH & WRIGHT Will pnwtl a i Hi' the Conrtn of the State. Prompt tittmnlon nivexi 1011 bust. uct.3 eiitriileil to our ntr Office OdJ FtjUoWM Ttiiiiple. Albany.Or. R. J. Mrrrnaiji. Prw . II Coot. , Jt. UuURH ft ft 1 FAtiua, Vlw Pri. rheOrecon Land Company OrMnUodfoliepiinv)eotliiyi "d sellini red MUt.. adver.Mn. '.Iio Will Valtoy In ll ot tlM tadlnrnel.irs ! thf Vmu SUIc. Kmpiovins KMteni KOTti u iHrect nrni seeker, lu ih. w iltam MiTilK Mia h .mi tvr.l, hi .11 the prinolctl owiu ol Marion. Polk, Una. tk nirn., Clocasnua aa f wnktU eonnttf. to till in l.tm ,iani,vr.uu. OfflM I. th. Tat. BuiMliif to" r " rl 4 s, S0DSO!I mcKISSOK. Manav. I x5iawIIsAIJ Nsjk P0YME. THItffASE HARD WARE Or ALL RINDS Al cno ' 1 Grocery Store m Alinny 51ark;t. Wheat I lata '.tin. Butter 15o perlD. Pees Wi Hay I'.fit'. rotatot)" m cts par uiuumi Beef on foot. Vi A,iplew 75ont ppr bu. Pork 6Jfo per lb. dressed. tiacooK natai l'Zi, shoulders, 80. sides. lOo. jrd Do per lb. Flour 4.H5 per bbl. ""hickens 3.00 ner do2. Clill Feed bran, 14.00 mr ton snorts, lis. middlinvs, 20. Chop- W. F r m!e hy Villj (Mark,1, dealers In fine wrtehes. Jewelry, etc, City Meat Market. SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. Keep a full llni- of .no! of all kinds, in a cool plic, wiiii (.Intel v pro tented; and ulwaya fresh. Alao have onuaMntlv on haml ilinn and other Hh When JUhj as ,li k, we gave her Caatoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Custurla, When ahe became Mha. she clung to Caatoria, When sli.'liad Children, ti. jave them Castor!. FOR MEN ONLY! 1 POSITIVE jwruLpto bawhoodi nil mr mil "sr"" ei eyaac muta:errau - ' a t arrara or -.iKfm v? a, v mr v uotm d oru r.Ri : awiir. ; Wsailtac NOBS TttTaKaTSojsat, fa, a av. tsilf frsMi i fttav. Tirtj.l, a. rrv-U-a taaairtw. aws, mi latanatlnt. aad am. fa mti4 ' llll HHI6AI Bt)f FA10, K, I, SOPfcKIOR LINES OF r.CRICUUTURAU IM- KEEP l'OSTEII. New goods at W P Read's. F. M. French ken pi railroad time. Bargains in boots and shoes at Read's. J. P. Wallace, Physician and 8nrgeon, Al bany, Or For a Sterling or Rmerson piauo eall on G L Blaokman. 0 L Blackman is scent for tbo Weber piano. None better. B.iy your tickets through tothe Eastjof W I. Jester and save fare to Portland. 1 have reduced prices on all heavy wear in boots and shoes. Call early at W F ueaa s. fhe Western Cottage and Packard are two of the best organs made. O L Black-nan sells tnem. A Hoe line of all kinds of furniture, plain and upholstered, bes stock in this part of Oregon at Fortmiller & Irving's. If yon wsnt a olean and tine smoke ask for J. .ToephV borne made white labor otRars r or saie Dy most cigar dealers and at tin Joseph's factor'. J V Vrjat'nll. area Sinier Mannfaotor ai Jo., ojpoiita Oid Fellows Temple, Al banv, A fino line of bagev dnsters sndlfly nets at Tho-nuson ft Overman's, the leading harness dealeir An elecant line of siik table sureads, in beautiful designs, just received at Fortmiller Irving's. S eans Golden Star torn i toe i for 50 cents at C Meyers, and all otherj canned goods cheap for cash. Dr Wrishtsman's Sovereign Balm of Lite. for diseases peculiar to women, at Deyoe & Komon a snd Hrownell Btaoard s, r J Baltimore, sgent. Our line of choice teas and oorfees is ua equaled in town. 15ROWNILl AC ATANARD, Z.T. Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Or., AGENT FOR The Advanca ThrasMng Machinery The best and fastest thresher in Ameri ca, and a machine that stands without a rival. Toe AOVA.NCK thresher has NEVER been KEPLACED by any other machine on the Coast, but has replaced wveral ithorh that HAVK FAILED to fill WARRANTEE, The ENGINE Is guar xnteed to pull more than any other, ano will out travel all others on the road. Il you bear any loud boasts, please tell the parties the ADVANCE THKEtHER and ENGINE are sold ou their merits entire ly. Aud I am willing to prove all 1 claim in my field at any time,. Do not be hum bugged by buying any machine until you see the. ADVANCE. I also handle team fHtlug Roods, Iron pipe, pumps mowers, eeders,l aprlbgtoolh barrows olackamith'a forge., drill., church, farm and school hells, and many other special, ties, Albany Branch House one bluest below Russ House, J AS. E. KNOX, THE PLACE. v ' ' i' ' , ' I,ya1 .means sail on ParKe. Brothels, SutCfSSUI t Join Fox, ' r Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc, Tlxtir eoodc ar tn Itent and thclr.prioea rMMonatt.p. E. J. McCAUSTLAND, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, DRAUGHTING AND BLUE PRINTS (flii-e with Oregoa Lar.d Co. Albany, Or, Mewerase Pysfma and W.ter "npplb. NiMialtv. Ketatea Hilboivlilmt, M.u. made or Copied on hott no.lee. Fine line of Ouns and good stock of Ammiini" Mon at' Deyoa and Rob qn s special bargains ' B. 1 Far tee large a proportion of farmers' diet in Summer is salt pork. Those who work bard out ef doers sen stand such dieting without injury, but it is hard on women ana child.n kept indoors. In the country there shauld of courts b. plenty of fruit and vegetsbles at sny time during Summer and Fall. Wi h these to aid digestion salt perk becomes leu injurious, But with the best of vegetables and fruits thers should be more frb meat than salt. To sccl-re this kssp poultry. If chicken meat is not hearty enough for men who work in the harvest fi -M, give them eggs, snd oatmeal or graham gcas, sll richer in strength giving nu triment than fat pork, which is mostly carbonaceous mstter. The British seem bent 00 accomplishing with money what they failed to accompli. h by arms the subordiaation of American institutions to English commercial interests. Already owners of millions of acres ef soil, they are seeking t. buy up aad coatrol about every leading line cf manufacture in the country. This accomplish ed, America will become a dependency as be fore the revolution. Mr Blaine is having his billiard room in bis Bar Harbor cottage put in order for the enter tainment of President Harrison. A match game of billiards between these two men would interest the whole country. Would Harrison's conservstive, cold and careful manipulation of the cue overcome Blaine's brilliant, bold and Blaineish treatment of the balls? The answer to this question may yet be made. Bocklen'a Arnica Salve. The t64t SiWa In ths world (or Cuts. EraIfm,Sjra, Ulocra, Salt Kheum, fever Sores, Totter, Cbnppfi nana, uniiniaiiia. tjomi. anu an eain a, rum ion. aim prwitlvely Kwm Pitee, or no pay required. It is ruar- nt to (rive pi Baiiaiacnoii, or money reiunn -il. Price 2i euiiU per box. For sale by Foahay anil Uaoon. A Woman's ll.Hcovcry. "Anotht-rwonierl"! d'covery hae Wen otU'ie a d thai t a lady in thin cotuty. U'twate fti lanesl it clutvhefi UDun her and i.iraevrn ye am an. withstood Us aeveret. t teal a, but her vital organ were uiiiiermineil ami death aecn'ea Imminent, For three mn tha ahe couched inceaeatitlv ai.d C"U d nut aleop ..ia hniwltt f ua a nottle f llr Klni'n N-w OtucisT- t-ry (or CHiiiumption anil was bu much relirvvd on tAklnur flrt dote that tha leil all ritht and wit one h title ha btn mitavuloUHly auied Her name iMn Lut1ir Luti." Thus wiitea W O Hannick anil o ..f holbv. N C- Gut a t-ee trial bottle at Vo shay and Uauon's DrUR Store S If yiu have auy job w.rk o A i call on ( V S-uia.li who is urn u. do it wit .cut no-. and distiat. snd as cheap as ai y ue. VV right's Myrrh tooth soap eomcs ol enn it. Dt-Alh to tartar and decay. 3.-1,1 1. Not ont p-tr iu nuy arnvva at tba mu i fortv. who is not tronblcd with kidne u urinary complaints in some form. To thust illictetl with pain in the bscK, uon retniui f urine, nervous debility, painful or pup n ersed menstrUHtion, we can offer a rermt y , that has lieeu in eoustant nse oyer twttntv pars. Orc-tron Kidney Tea. This preparation ias done mure for suffering, humanity that. uiv other medicine in the market. bold b F.hay St Mason. t -- WHhtanomDonnd Svruo of Sarsaparilla 4re. liable mediciite for the renovation of the hlood Ton and builds up the aysteui, cures skin diseases, eto. Sold by Foshay & Mason. The Verdict L'Banlnions. W n Null. Druinrlat. Btno'ia. Ind.. tettlflett "1 can recommend Electric Bitten aa the vary hut remedy. Every bmtle sold Daa gven relief in ovei? iaw, One man took tlx bottle, and waa curod of fhmimttl.111 .( 10 vara' atanilintT." Abraham lltire. dniKiriRt, Hetlvllle, (lhio( antrma : Tlie beat aelltny wsrietiw, li Electric Bitters. Thousand of othora have addetl t'oeir tcatlmnny, so that the verdict I tnaxiiitia niv. evar nanoiea :n mv iu ynira c - unanioioua that Electric Hitter an cure an mneiws o he Liver Kidney or Blood, Only a lull dollar bottk at rmhay and aeon's Dnuj Stoic, 8 A crntleman who had suffered great onnov a nee and pain from barbers itch, and who hail hfio treated by the best physivan, without relief, save Hint two Ix, tiles of Dutflr.IV Snfcilio cur (I hint ami left bis fare perf-ctly smooth, witbout a tear. It nverfsl s inkio diaeaea. Sold by Foshay k Maaor, McMinnville College. TWO FOUR YEAR COOTSE Of STUuf j --io tho Ccllegiate Depaf trotut Fosi r Three Yemr ConrcmoriHIudy in the Academic Department. Aa evidence of the growth of this Cnllte attention is called to the fact that dnriiiff t he Imni cr over olcveo hundred doharr have been ffMiennfi in taoiaiu nooaa tor tne u brary, nn iS(K) piano donated to the co'lege and ovor :,mw addoti in ine pernianvn. en dowment. Special ut tent inn is given to the Academic Department which fits young men and wr- men for Oolleue. for traehins and for bon nes. Fine rooms and boardinif departmert in thLo'leflphuiimnceipoeaea, low. 1 iea-de-nt livea in the building. Kali term opei Sept. 4'b. HnaA for.catahnrue, Addrm. Vm. T. C. BROWNSON, MoMinn.illr, Yamhill CV., Or. SECURE PRICES. SO 1 ROUBLE TO SHOW .'iOODS AT . DEYtus! & .B0BS0N TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Big TTeia Robber7 Dknver. Col., Aug, 7. A special received here ihis afternoon says: The Ri Grande Western train number 3, known as "The Modoc.' was held up near Prevaase last night by train robbers. ( ' Two of them boarded the baggage car at Thompson Spring, They climed over the car to the engine, and pointed their revolvers at the heads of the engineer and firemen and compelled them to stop the train. They forrcd the fireman to attempt to chop through the doors of (he express car. Messenger Willis was ready with a magazine shot gun and two self cocking revolvers. The fireman was made to chop through the boiler iron door, so the roble r fired a dozen shots through. Messen ger Willis lay on the floor and was not hit. he robbers dared not show their heads at the broken windows lest they should get shot. 1 hey gave it up finally, and wined two other robbers back in the other cart. The four went through the train with their revolvers drawn and gather $900 and twenty watches. Wanted Liberty. Walla Walla, Aug. 7. To-day at noon Frank Williams, of Port Townsend, and Charles Emerson, of Tacoma, convicts working in the nenitentiary brickyard, instead of going to work as usual, crawled through the barbed foce surrounding the yard, clim bed on the engine belonging to a clay train, and pulled the throttle wide open, xpecting to mak their escape thereby; but there being too much elay on the track, the cars wouldn't move. Find ing half a dozen Winchesters aimed at them they returned whence they came, and marched to tfceir places in the line somewhat crestfallen. Convention Called. Seattle. W T. Aug. 7. The republican state central committee to-day called a con ventien to nominate a state ticket, to meet at Walla Walla, September 4, The county con ventions will be held August 29. The Dele gates will number 298. Lota of H unhands. Seattle, Augr 7. Joseph Bradovitch has brought suit against his wife, Josephine for a divorce. The complaint sets forth that when 'hey were married, in Senttle, over a year ago, he believed that rhc was a maiden, and had never leen married. He afterwards learned that she had been married to five different men, namely: The Nw J tut If. San Francisco, Aug. 6. A special dis patch to the Exa mi ner from Washington says: "The question of filling tlie vacancy in the supreme court created by the death of the late justice Matthews has been settled. Secretary Noble is th fUTMsM nnn. . We have juatreceived a fine assortment f parlor furniture direct from the East. t have the Intent designs In mahogany frame, marble, silk crunh and stlk plush phoUit-rt'ri, find In walnut suits, assorted pht'iMtrriui; All at prices that command ttrntion 4 c ask tha vou call and ex- mlnefnr vonelf. It ia no trouble to show ooda. W e nlao expect by the la at of the week or firn of next n carload of bed room ults In walnut, oak and antique. . Dining utts, renter tahles, extension tables, seere artea, wnrunihesandevertvthlnz else that a kept In a fii-t clan furniture store. m . ALBAN Y t URNITUKB CO. H. Km err., j.rnc icaf watchmaker and ;t If von uaot a lthk! tilvcrsteel evthe.fiuest 11 th iitkft, u to Stewart & Hox's. An outicu ol Np-'tcution Is better than a onnnd of. cure. Pfnnder's Oregon Blood !a rider expels all impuritie ot the blood mj slmtilt, be ujed 10 all diseases of the iouui!.), Iivr fiud kidneys. Take It.' McIIwain can give you the be 4 fitting uit you ever wore, at prices to suit each ana t'Vtry one. . WriifhtV Arabian Horse Liniment acts quickly and efleetnally, and has no raperior aa a remedy for smmala in sll esses where a inintert ta nnoirni oold by roenay Mason. A dry. hack toe cough keens the bronchial tube in a state of ennntent irritation, which. If not atwedily removed, may lead to broa cliitis. No prompter feme dy can he had tbaa A) era t'hrry Pectoral, which l both so . nodyn! and f expectorant. PoUTi.ANit, Or.,. Ian. 12th. Havint' a tevern hck ache isat pnirmrr, 1 ttied thf Ungon Kidney 'lea, 1 uacd one ear, which cflVctrd a radical cot. 1 would ret;" nmmend it n all who ar r filleted Mtsuic failtnr rettteHy. Jri.u a Am. Sold by FothaytX Mapon- If vott ire; i.ervMiaor irritsl.'e.feel J? nan id. dipiiitei1. or if joo have nick Ifidtchc, sal low eoini-lsxtni'.tir fimnnne l.rtath.then Vmif livr i out of rler and nrers routing. f)r. Ilenlev s l-n'clion Tonic ritnr(a tl e Hver to healthv iction and tones ui the mire ye. ten, rtoirl hy foshay AC Nsam. rORTHENEWHK.il ARV ' VERTICAL-F :-JS ' Si; ', .. CHH nil!! IM J 'm d;'"