Imij gatlg gem omit - , Vol. n. ALBANY, OR. SATURDAY, JULY 13, 19. NO 59 TH2 CHAMPION lniti. Jti vutyuiitt. . 1 m.niMfr vnnr coon rAycrNSur-!-1 W?4 Trv it. fve-ly. rtml mom lnl'n I'imiMi :'l "I"'1' - Aver's Ercaparilla, l,.n :'r.-.l I..-1 'i- -l.C. Am Si I."". F, Sox Pres , H. SrKWAnr, 8 Albany RON WORKS -Manufacturers of- lltAM ENGINES GRIST AND SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS W ALL KINDS OF HEAY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. o roflrnc U maaUl attention psIA I lads of machinery PaUerns Made on Short Notice, The LEADING Grocery Store is- Wallace, Thompson k CVs. Conrad Maver. STAR BAKERY 'Gornor Broadallrin aai First Sts., DEALER IN I Canoed Frails, Cn" w, WHAT KEEPST IHEM IN THE Tli-ir S ocl o GROCERIES PRODUCl is always Complete. TO UOUSBWIPES. Rats and mice have as grtat an aversion to the odor of chloride of lime as humans. It is said a salve of equal parts of tar, tal low and salt will cure the worst case of felon A little flour shaken on your greased cake, pan is a better preventive of sticking than paper. Many a cake and batch of bread are ruined by slamming the open door. To make tins shine wash in hot soapsuds, dip a dampened cloth in fine sifted coal ashes then polish with dry ashes. To extract ink from wood, scour with sand wet with water and ammonia, then rinse with strong saleratus water, To exterminate mollis from trunks and chests wash well with borax water, and after drying use benzine. Air and sun well before using. A London medical man says: "lie careful in your dealings with horse radish. It irritUes the stomach far more than spice, and an over dose will bring on an unpleasant sensation for days." If the face seems constantly dry rub it with a trifle of olive oil every night for a time; il too oily, put a little borax in the water used for bath nS There is nothing better for a cut than pow" DK. UO WAN KO in his new discovery for Consumption, sue oeeded in producing a medicine which i-iao tcnowledged by all to be limply marvelous It is exceedingly pleasant to the taste, per fectlv harmless, and does not sicken. In al cases of cases of Consumption. Coughs, Colds Whooping Courh, Uroup, isronchuis, ana Pains in the Chest, it has given universal satisfaction. Dr lioaanko's Couch and Luna Syrup is sold it ot) cents by Dr Uutai Son. dered resin. Pound it until fine, and put it in an empty, clean pepper box, with perforated top; then )ou can easily sift U out on the cut, and put a soft cloth around the injured member, and wet with cold water once in a while. It will prevent inflammation ar.d soreness. Turpentine mixed with carbolic acid and kept in open vessels about the room will greatly lessen the risk of contagion in, scarlet fever, diphtheria and kindred disease. Alum water w ill restore almost all faded colors, lirush the faded article thoroughly to free it from dust, cover it with a lather of cast ile soap, rinse with cletr water and then alum water, and the color will usually be much brighter than before. Shirt bosoms never blister if starched on the right side, but if they are wrong side out when starched thev are apt to do so. Pour mixed starch into boiling water, instead of pouring boiling water on the starch, in that way never using more starch than is necessary, as the simple starch and water can be saved. The latest educational report issued in Ku.'sia shows that only about one -tenth of the children in the empire attended school, The other nine tenths are growing up in ignorance. KEEP POSTED. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Fire at Walla Walla. Walla Wai.laJuI u This afternoon fire broke out in a vacant Chinese washhouse on Main feit, opposite the Exchange hotel. Shortly thereafter the fire extended to Kirk's livtry stable on the right, and Schwabacher'a lime and coal oil warehouse on the left. In spite of the efforts of the fire department all were con sumed. The old Man.y house, on Seventh, rear of Schwabacher'a warehouse, was, with its con tents, also destroyed. 1 otal loss, atxut $5000; insurance, $3000. The fire undoubtedly was incendia.y. A 200.000 Fire. Fresno, Cal., July 12. A fire broke out in the bakery of I.c Blanc & Co. on J street, this morning, and destroyed half a block of brick buildings running south to Mariposa street. The loss is $200,000; insurance, $100,000. A Coal Oil Can, Walixla, July 11 This afternoon at 4 o'clock a 12 year old girl of Mr James Ilamblin a carpenter in this town, started a fire in the kitchen stove, pouring coal oil on the burning kindling, lhe oil can exploded, setting lire to the girl's clothing. The house also caught fire and burned to the ground, and the child burned 1 . death in the building. ulaasnare, Dried Frttlta. Tobacco, Sugar, Codec. Eto Q,ncensnrs VestalMe, Tea. Etc.. In faot evarytbinn thtt is kopt In a een jal variety and grocer? itore. HIkIio a rkot prim paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE, Hew Grocery Discovered AT Strong's old corner, oppnute Mtowari a .3X,,L' tri. i.rjj., 1.' ..... - A full line o CANNED GOODS, 311EJ -iJin.tETC. "Quick Rales and small profits." "Uw nd let livo," Is onr motto. Please call nud examine onr o ids and fc-t prices. 8 alsfaction euaranteed, ; Produce Taken in Exchange, Very Repwtrul!y, 3ARDUE & ROBERTSON. Julius gradwohl's Golden Rule Bazaar. His stock has been snlargeJ so that it o iuls any on the Coast, and conslxts of Roger Bros. Silverware, French China and Crys talware, Boys' Wagons, Doll Carriage? , Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Crockrey and Toys. He buj&'llrect and carries the lariwc stick In the Willamette 'Valley, lo whirl lias been auuoa a conipiwn " FAMILY GROCERIES. 's Agent for insnranee companies with a capital aszrejr.tflti (75,000,001'. pS-lci on parte Francals. Hier wild deutnh geprocuon.-S. THE PLiAC bj. l4nll tut! s-il on , PaiKe. Brothers, Success, n 'c '.'!! i'tir, or yeut Groceries, frofliiGB, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc. Tboir ''! am tu bost ami their prices ACADEMY OF tor Ladv of Perpetual Help, ALBANY. - - - OREGON. Pnmliicturf li tlio SisUi-ofSt. Hauedlct, This Academy isn.rporatn.l and ou tborized lv tho SUte to confer academic honors: The curse of tudy is coinp.eto Mathematics, Mteratiire and Music 1 ate upeclalties, as alsethe Norma Instrn ction ..1 aspiranta for teachers' corlillca tes In dMstfial drawing, voca music in class and all kinds of needlework form, no extrs rharge. The niscipline of the hool Is gentle but firm. onjaet beinp ! to form Sot only refined young ladles, but noble .,...1 r.,i moml,rs of sielet'. 1'uplls idmittod at any time and obaritfls propor- tioned. Pupilsofauy denomius""- Timion In select ,!ay school ranges from ' V..r'tor.n, of Bur ling o n Mrtir-rlarsannlv at tho Academy, or a.l- Jrcss Sister Superioress. LOOKOUT FOR LOW PRICES. FURNITURE, FRANCIS PFEI.FFER. PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works. And Manufacturers of CHOICE C0NFEOTI0NEBI, We are now preparo to mil at w?iolt ' ulwayn frmh ana ure at Forth od dph to dealer. We ao keep a full flnta and Tropical Fruits, ilQARS AND TOSACCO New gooilp at W F Read's. K. M. French kewps railroad time. Bu Trains in boots aud shoes at Read's. I. P. Wallace, rhvaician Mid Surgeon, Al bany. Off Kor a Sterliuff or Emerson piano call on G L Ulackman. G L Rlankman is agent tc.r tho Weber piauo., jN one iiettpf. Buy vour twKets tarongh to the Kast 01 W Ii Jeeter and save fare to I'ortlaud. I have rfidiiCtid prices on all heavy wear in boots ulioee. Can early at r Uead'l. The WeaUrn Citttace and Packard arc two of the lat orsaii made. O Ij P-:ack nan sells them. J A tine line uf all kinJs of furniture, plain ind upholstered, bes ntuck iu this purt of Uncoil Vit tortiuil'er & Ir ving s. If you want a clean rnd fine smoke ask fui J. .lont'iih'tf home madu white lalxtr"; For sal bv most cwar dealers and at his Joseph's factory. J V Vrj'n .M, .1 ;a "- Sii-3P Manufactur in 1 !'.. o:.i)ico Oil i-iwow remule. Al bauv A tioo line of buguy d us tors andtly r.etfl at Th-imiwon & Overman's, the leading harness dealere. An ploirnnt lino of sii'i table fcnre-id bn mtifnl deein, just received at Fortmiller JZ Irving s. 5 cms (i.dden Star tomitoei for 50 cents at C Meyer, and all other, cauncd oods cheap for cash. Pr WriyhtsmWa Sovereign Palm of Ltfn, for diseases peculiar to women, at Devon & Rohon's und Hrownell tt Staoard'si) P J Baltimore, agent. The O A Kii Will (Jo. Kansas City, July 12. Commander in chief Warner, of the G A R., telccaphs to headquarters here that he will not discourage a large attendance of comrades at the Milwaukee encampment, notwithstands the refusal of the railroads to grant a one cent rate. Forged Them. Centralua, W T., July 12. Last evitn- two tramps ppssing here prseted checks of several merchants, slating they were in need of cash, adding as an excuse that it was aftsr banking hours. 1 he iNew York store took up one check, and the clerk in J C McAllister's new store anotner. Mr l-.rnckson took a third. This morning on going to the bank, the fraud was discovered and to night news has been haid that the forgers Are inChehalis, Suicided. Roseburo, Or., July 12. Clara Hell Tyn cbll, an orphan aged 15. living with her aunt, Mis Nellie Moore, a restaurant keeper, com mitted suicide by strychnine last night, llcr mo, her died the same way lour years ago, and the girl has been shamefully abused, whipped and overworked ever since. ISA BY CARRIAGES AT STB VTA K f kx Pino line of Guns and good stock of Aaimuni tioi tt uayoe aud Rob son 3 joaiiil bargains i am now retailing furnituro at my factory at cost. Penplo wiahintt f''"ii turt can do well to look here for I am KoinRtosll at cost during t.he next 33 dava. where. Kactoryjat the river en.l ot Iaoii Mrp.a. Cimn and rwnine mytjiids hsforo p irchsinj .iUo O, iJ. DILLON. QlAS. METZGER. Real Estate, Fmploymanand Insurance Agent . A.1 piotnptly a"sv.ere.l in Germanjw English. IFFICE! ELLSWORTH BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND STREETS ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 1888, 1880. First Term Opens ariilembrr lllh, lass A lull corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ot tuly arrsnired to meol trr need of all grades of students. Special tna:trniimis ojf 'rrai lo fttttti w. from abroad. Tuition ranges from $5..V1 to $1V,M. Board in private I'ainiMcs at low rates, Rooms lor self-hoarding at small expense. A careful supervision exercised over stu dents away lro:n home. Fall term opens Septeinlier 7th. For circulars anil Cull particulars address the President. BKV. F.L11EBT N. COMIIIT. Albany,. Omsrin South Albany A most desirable and beautiful location for suburban residences, owing to its nat ural advantages and nearness to the center ol bus ness. Compare the size, location, view and access to and from these lots, and you will be convinced of their merits Call early ana secure a nome ociarjine advance in price. Apply to First door south of Post Office. Rule No", i. All parties arc positively forbidden from sprinkling or wetting lawns, gardens or stieets except from 5 to 8 o'clock A. m. and from 5 to 9 o'clock' i. M. sprinkling or wetting f irst street is postively forbidden at nil times, between 150 teet west ot Washington and to Mont gomery streets. The penalty for breaking said rule is the water will be turned off with out notice, and before you can get it again it will cost you two dollars for shutting off and turning on said water. J. A. Crawkord. Merit Win. We dcire to nay to our citizen, tint for year we hae bctiii ituiiinir it. hiiife t new mscoverv nr uin .iimt.doii lir Kinv'a Ntw Life Pills. Uucklen Ar- nicft8aWm1 Klei-tric Hlttnt, snl Imve never lainl led remtiliuH iliat nell an well, or that havo kIvmi witli uuivunuil MtUlai:tion. We do not hes.Ute to jruar antee them every time, aim we stand rea'lv to rviuuo the piircbase price, 11 nmsiacioiy rettuiia 110 um i low tlu'ir um. Thencrvnicdivfl hive won their jrrea popuhrity iturely on their nterits, hhay and Ma sm, di utfUls. l.iirklrii'x Arnica Salve. Tiic het Silvo In tho wirld tor Cut. KruNpw.H .re. I'lcura, Kilt illictmi, r'over Sore. Tcttor, Dupped hand. Chilhhiiun. Curiw, and nil Skin KruptiMii, trnd lttively .urii I1k-, ir n wy rtiiiired. It i irtiar kilted ti srive -vi:ii t Lliffai tiuti, or m-tiiey nduid rd, I'rice etnt mr Tor n:ile by Fonluiy and A ii ntlftnnri wholmd MiUeretl uuotanpoy. an co and ia;froiii lnrh r itch, and who had been treat mi by tlio bet iiliysio'nn. without relief, my that tun bottle i t Putcrd'i Sp.titii! cnn-d him and Uft his face perfvetly stntMtth, witi'tiut a rear. It nevtrfhils in skin direnf'f. Sold bv Km bay & Mason. A nfe Investment, Ta ore which is iruaraiilefHl tn hrinc tun ttUfo. tory rciiul's, or In caae of failure a return of purchnnu a.i.LD. vii dun mic 1 inn you can ouy irooi our al vertised DrujfKt lxttle of Dr. Kinir's New Iis covery for Consumption, It is (rmranUed to brinjr relief in every ca?, when uod for any affection of Throat, Lung or l'het, stroh as Co lsuraption, In flam mat ion of Lungs, Bronchitis Asthma, Whooping Coiifrh, Croup, etc., etc. It Is pleasant and njfreeablo 'uimw. peneciiy saie, anu can awavftbe uepciulcU Ulion. Trial bottles free at FoBhayol Mason'. If you ire nervous or irritaUe.feid laoifuid. dispititcd, or if yon have sick hesdacbe, sal low, ccmpiexion.or otlenstve breath, then your livr is vat of order and needs rousing. " Or. Henley's Dandelion Tonic restores the liver l-t -''hv nction and tones up the entire ays Sold by l oshay & Mason. . Imrkinff cnujih keeps the bronchial t I st&te of constant irritation, which, i iedily removed, may lead to bron 0 No prompter lemedy can he bad than Aver'a Cherry Tccforsl, wlrich is both an nrwlvDe and t-xpeetornnt Wright's Myrrh tr.oth ioap comH con quernr every time you have a bnh" with it. Death to tartar avd decay. Sold by Fohay S; Mavoii. Wight's Arahinn Horto l.itiiu.eiit acta quickly ai'd tfleciaaliy, nnd hss 1.0 niprrior as a rentrdy for rnimala in all case where a iniment in rfqiiirec' .Sold bv Imhav V Maaim. rviiewrlliiiM. IVnmniishlp, CorrPfpoiidHnre, r.ui ii'w and Uv'd forms practically taupiit at the Portland Business College. The thorough work done (n each or our several 1." urtmflil4 h:n mven IhW ini ttution a reputa 1011 ch us but r-w s('iils altiihi. eeiiriim tc untlieds of our graduates prolilable employ ueui.VMiih :! biMik-ki-nrs i.nd stem,rapnei!, tiid'tits uaiiMili l nt any lime. t.italKue free. A. I. All JIsrr.ONti. Prinripal, I'ortlsod. Or. vnvx. ism.VBS AG3NT FOR THE N EW HIGII ARM DAVIS Vertical-feed sewing ma f Lilt I v .... M.,(,fn VIT I II? IIISE.BESTMAiHitiJJiuii MAAKET 1 Hi!)' WARE Of ALL KINDS Al mi? hum Wright's CtMnpi.ttd Syrup of S irs.tparilU are.Hibi trdirme for trr r-novation -f ttie bloml Tone stid bit np the Byatfin, cures skin diteitv. C?c. .Sdd -y Rhay &l Mason. PAINTS, OI'jI ASD BRUSHES AT DBYOB ROBSON'b, Not oue tirson in lifty arrives at the ace of forty, who is not troubled with kidney or urinal v complaints 10 some form. To those alrlictfd with pain in the back, lion retention of unt e, nervous dtbility, painful or up preaceil menstruation, we cnu oiler a remedy that has !en in constant uso oyer twenty ynarp, Oren Kidney Tea, This preparation has none more tor tunering numamty man any other tnedicine in the market. Sold by Foshay & Mason. ' - FOR IM LIS. fUht y i"'M'iHn V fl'M'i H'ii Hrti ,irolKinsVirv Jsin3ttle iU'liin aft ti invwnmt. Thin it a aswetl a Blind, ltleed:tv iirotniliiur lile4 Jrtat ones U the atlicau br. Binlc s renvdy, w.iteh sets direeily thfp(t vt ctet),a)rhinif the tumors, aua iiitcnxe itciinit and eflflctinjr a wrmjneit c' cents. Andrew Th Ilr Uxiilco il-lldne To . (. hold h lr. (,'dMtnd SUPERIOR LINES OF (AGRICULTURAL IM' PLEPrtENTS AT OE YOE & ROBSON All ounce of i.reveiitinn is better than a pound t-t cii'e. rfurdei'n Ornn Hlocd I'anhei expels all impnntiea t tho blood and should he used in nil dfarrs of tho stomach, liver and kidneys. Take it Pol:il..S!i, Or., Jan. 12th. Unviiu a sever hack ache last cummer. I ttied the 'Jnnn Kidney'ics, I used one car which cutcttri a rail if r! cute. I wonld rec omtnend it n all ho are sfllictrd aannnn faitintr tcmedj. Jrut'M Am. Sold by Kwhay & Mason. (I RK FOR MrtT7iF.rtlA HE, ivtynq want a rrmrdT for R'tlouvneM, rimptcs on thefuff, and a sure mr for nick hesriarhe, ask Dr. Uti'ss and 0-1, the !riiirjfits, for'a Lira Ti'lit, trv a dos , ssniplM" frr n11 no Sfi ctnt. SECURE PRICES. .NO l" ROUBLE TO SHOW.' -MOODS AT DEYiiO itdORSON ( 1 ,