r V OL. II. ALBANY, OR. FRIDAY, JULY 13, 18 u I i I,,- ,fl M m m m m v? w . -DCflNS: y li NO 58 THE CHAMPION ,.1w,l-..!ir!::-. Ay--; ' " nil tin- rvtt'iii. Iniiirovrs tlx appetite, r.ir.'t'.i' i:-4 the m rvivi, nm! vituli.i-s tliu ,'it. Just what ynii ni'i'il. Try It. I nil st'Mlllir vmir T"oMS in-ny, .inn nun , t ,V',V sarsiip'nrilla tlumot nil "M'er .;.io.l i.li. iiii's I"" liMf.-lli.-r."-K. A. M.-W illtama. Bi.iai.il li:ii'il-. M""- Aver's sarsaparma, I"' - A'. r..rlli4jklHllll. i . I.OWcll, MllnH. f, Sox Pros C. H. STKWABf, 8 Albany RON WORKS . Manufacturer,! of it AM ENGINES GRIST AND SAW JILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS m ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. o renairinir iclnl attention paid. KOi machinery- PaUerns Made on Short Notice, LEADING Grocery Store is- Wallace, Thompson & CVs. Mexico and Japan have signed a treaty of amity and commerce, which goes far to place tneir governments in a position of influence, not only with each other, but with the civilized world, Mexico was for so long the scene of little except anarchy, that it seems difficult to realize the existence of a substantial govern. ment there, and one has to rub his eyes and make certain whether he is awake or dreaming when he reads such a dignified and honorable instrument prepared by the representative of a country that we have been accustomed to con sidet outside the line of ordinary Ircalies. It is tirr.e for use to revise relations with Japan, or we shall be left far in the rzar by our neigh bor . ril ls Conrad Haver. .-PROPKlKTf JL OV- 4 J A AZ A? I! V bar BroadaMn anil First Sts., .-DEALER IN nned FrolU, Canii" lean, tlMNware, Uneeimwure, Dried FrnlH. Vegetables, Tobacco, Clears, Nuxar, Mulcts, Collet?. Tea. Etc,, Etc., n fast everything, tun'. Is kept In a Ren variety and grocer? xlore. Higiiew liket prloi paid for U. KINDS OF PRODUCE. Ifc WHAT KEEPS:,7HEM IN THE lEAO. mi S cli of GROCERIES and' PRODUCEj always Complete. The Governor oi Indiana has issued an appeal to the public for contributions to save the 5,000 miners in Clay County from starvation. The Chicago Tribunt editorially appeals to public charity in behalf of a multitude of starvivgmin ers at Braid'wooil, 111. These miners say they are forced to deal at "pluck-me" stores run by the companies and are thus robbed of what wages they get. Last year those Clay County miners were taken to Indianapolis and marched all over the city carrying banners beseeching voters not to take the bread out of their mouths by electing Cleveland. Clevelana was not elected and he tariff was not touched, but some body had taken the bread out of their mouths, all the same, and they now say it was the em ployers who voted them for Harrison and pro tection last fall. There is a great deal of difference between a light bill and a bill for light. If you don' believe it, ask the Electric light company. v".rA KM: lew Gfoceiy Discovered AT pug's old corner, opposite StewartV aix.'irst l.rtet, .i nr, ' A full line of DCCU ftDHPCDICC CANNED GOODS. ItlEi ?Uin,,ETC. riulok sales and .mall profits," "Live f let live,"' Is onr motto, Please can (wamine our no )ds anil it prices. I "faction guaranteed, "reduce Taken in Exchange, Very Respectfully, 3ARDUF & ROBERTSON. acaiTkmy op- par Lady of EerE&taal Help. f-BANY. - - - OREGON. Mncted by the Sislii-of St. Henedict, I "Is Aeadomy is Incorporated and uu rtzed bv tlm Rtau to confer academic Tho course of study is coinp'.ete, Hematics, Literature and Miisio are I'ialtiea. an hImoM.o Normal Instruction lipirants for teachers' certificates. In- r ini drawing, vocal music in class snci inusofneedlowoik form, no extra The discipline of the school is but 11 mi nnlnul liainir In form "'yroflned youn'ir ladles, Imt noble nil memWs of society, Pupils d at any time and charges propor Pupils of any donomiuation re- itlon In BAlAnl .U,iil,A..1 Mnirnafrnlll ""'oil of n-inrdlnir Nnh vil or snv it " PPly at the Academy, or ad "' superioress. . Julius gradwohl's Golden Rule Bazaar. His stock has been enlarged so that it equals any on the Coast, and consists of Roger Bros. Silverware, French Chine and Crys talware, Boys' Wagons, Doll Carriage? , Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Crockrey and Toys. nh.,r.llrect and carries the largest stock In the Willamette 'Valley, to whirl has been added a complete line of FAMILY GROCERIES. Is Agent for Insnranee companies with a capital abstracting $7.-,000,OM . TIcl on parle Francals. Hier wird deutcu gesprochen.". THE PLACE. lVall means oill on Pa,Ke Brothers, Sttecessi't . v Jotn "iert for your Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc. Their (roods are tno beat and their prices reasonable. LOOKOUT FiRLWP FURNITURE, I am now retailing furniture at try factory at cost. People wishing furni ttirt can do well to look here for ba.-gains.as 1 am ,;oinK to sell at cost during the next 30 days. Kactoryjat tli river end of Lyon Street. C.)in and examine nij Kinds tnfore pnrcrisin at Ish - f's.ttIUAOES AT STEWAKI' A SOX I"1 line of Guns and M 8'nnlr nf A mnni. it Deyoe and Eob 8 special barnus O. J. DILLON. TT7T7P17D 1 1 1 I lI II X n I I -r I Seal Estate, Fmploymenand Insurance Agent . A 1 commuicallo... p.omptly asv.ire.l in Germany KnKllsh. (FFICE! ELLSWORTh BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND STREETS ALBmr0REm Here are some solid and practical facts in re lation to the commercial growth of America during the past century. The amouut of ship building in 1789 is reckoned at 18,000 tons, and that of 1888 at 2 1 8,000, an increase of 200 000 tons. The Federal revenues for the two years were. 1789. not over $4,000,000; for , $380,000,000; an increase of $376,000,- 000. It is hardly possible for any one to realize the vast amount of money thus represent ed, still we may form some idea from ;h dif ference in figures. There are not wanting statistics in every line to show that we have been advancing at a rate never before approach ed by any other nation, and when it is consid ered that the present resources of our national State and savings banks is more than $i500, 000,000, no one can doubt that our growth has been a healthy one, and that we are on a solid nancial basis. It is by such comparisons as hese that we may judge of the past, and look to the future with encouraged prospects, Recent Australian papers announce thefind ing of a nugget weighing 336 ounces and valued at 1,360. It was found 'ear Wedderburn, Victoria, by a young Austrian named Costa Clovich, who hod only recently arrived in the colony. KEEiM'ObTED. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works. And Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, We are now preparer1 to mil at wholt 1 ), alwayn freab ana pure at Forth ad ess to "dealer- We a'ai keep a full 1 tef flats and Tropical Fruits, IGARS AND TOBACCO New good at W F Read's. 2 F. M. French keeps railroad time. Bargains in boots and shoes at Read's. J. P. Wallace, Physician And Surgeon, Al bany, Ur For Sterling or Emerson piano call on L Black man. G L K lack man is agent frx the Weber piano. IS one better. Buy your tickets through to the East ot W Ii Jester and save fare to Portland. I have reduced prices on all heavy wear in hoots aod shoes. Call early at W Read's. The Western Cottage and Packard are tw of the bent organs made. G L Black nan sells them.) A tine line of all kinds of furniture, plain and upholsterer), bea stock in this part Oregon at Kortmiller & Irviug's. If you want a clean and fine smoke ask for J. JoRophs homemade white labor c.lc For sale by mot cigar dealers and at his Joseph's factory. J Archi'iatd, a (oil Singer Manufactur ing Co., o;pcnite Odd Fellow Temple, "Al bany, A tioo line of buggy dusters and'fly nets at Thnmuson & Overman's, the leading harneat dealers An elegant line of siiV table spreads, beautiful designs, just xeceived at Fortmillet it Irving s. 5 cans Golden Star toraatoei for 50" oen at C Meyers, and all other, canned .ood cheap for cash . Dr Wrightsman's Sovereign Balm of Life, for diseases peculiar to women, at Deyoe & Kohon s and Brownoll Ax Stanard s.Q r J Baltimore, agent. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Boy Aocld.nt Salem, July u. Billy Nicen, a boy 16 years old, who came here from ten miles below Portland three months ago, struck Bertie Olin. ger, aged 8,thU evening with a small rock over the ngnt eye, mulcting a severe but not a dan. gerous wound. Several boys were hauling the tender cart of a fire engine, and Nicean was trying to boss the smaller boys. The little fel lows threw gravel and small pebbles at him for quite a whiie, and finally he picked up a rock ana tnrew at tne crowd, with the above result. icen was arrested and lodced in the citv iail. le is an orphan, His mother was shot at the Dalles six yeais ago, a brother was drowned there, and his father died ai Portland four veara go. He is not considered a ba- iov. and the little lads are blamed as much as he. A Fish Story. FRESNOjuly 1 1. Well borers on the ranch of M A Freitas, nine miles west of this city. pumped up a bucketful of young trout, each an uu;ii in icngm, irom a cieptn 01 sixty leet. The fish had eyes and swam around livelv in a tub of water. It is blieved the workmen tanned an under ground stream from the footnills. K It Bnilitinz. New YoRK.July i i.The'tmtroad Gazef.e of July 12 will published a table showing that 410 miles of new main line track with huilt in the first six months of this year in the United .-Maies,againsi 3930 in the corresponding period 7"". rauo is maintained through, out the year, the total new mileage would be ubout 3500 miles. I he .Southern states have built ac of the total new construction of this year, and the Southwestern states 24 per cent, Snlilvan Arrested. Nashville, Tenn., July 11. John L Sulli van was arrested this morning at the depot here, on requisition from the governor of Mis sissippi. le was hurried to jail, amidst the wildest excitement, He was afterwards dis charged as the State had nojourisdiction in the matter, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 1888, 1889. first Term Opens Heptember lllli, IH89 A full corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIEhTiflC, LITERARY, COMME.tC'AL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ot Mudy arranged to meet tbr need of all g rutins of Htudents. Special inducements offered to students from abroad. Tuition ranAH from $5.50 to $I?,M). Board in private fmni'ies at low rates. Room lor Hoil'-boardinK at small exense A careful suporvUlon exercised over stu dents away from home, Fall term opens September an. tor circulars ana iuii particulars addren the President. REV. ELBEKT N. i'OAIUT. Albany,,Oron II ARE AGE NT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS Vertical-feed sewing ma ( NE.BEST MACHINE IN5TUE ti ? i 1 : ) WARE Of ALL KINDS Al OErOF 5 ' i $0N j The Penalty. Jackson, Miss., July n, The law imiioses a penally not exceeding $1000 nor less than S5-K), and i-prisonment for twelve months, or loth, for prize fighting. The party causing death is guilty of murr.er. Aiders and a bettors are subject to a fine of not less than $1000 or imprisonment in jail for six months or both. Sixty Dervishes killed. Cairo, July 1 1 A dispatch from the scene of hostilities between the Egyptians nnd the Dervishes states that the Egyptains cut off sixty Dervishes from the main body and killed them all in a fight, South A litany A most desirable and beautiful location for suburban residences, owing to its nat ural advantages and nearness to the center oi bus ness. Compare the size, location, view and access to and from these lots,ajid you will be convinced of their merits Call early and secure a home before the advance in price. Apply to TWEED AT-E iV KEDFIftLD, Agents. First door south of Post Office. Jlerlt Winx. We dwlre tn mv to our citizens, that lor ver we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovert' for Con- sumption, ur King's iew Mie rills, uucKien s Ar nica saivu arm r.iecinc uuutrs. ami nave never nana- led remeilieslbat sell as well, or that have given such universal satifactk.'i. We do not hesitate to guarantee- them every time, and we stand ready to refund tho jmrchaHe prieo, if satiiilactoiy renulta do not fo low their use. Those remedies hv won their great popularity purely un their mer its, rotthay and Ala aunt druggist. Itarklen'M Arnica Salve. Tho bot Stive In the wnrKl for Cut. KruisfH,H..rcs, Ulcers, Halt Itheuin, fever Sores, Tetter, Cliopind hand. Chilblniiia. Corns, and all 8k In Kruptlon, and positively turos niw, or no jiay reuirvu, it w vuar antee ti give noiiectHatUfnctloti. ur money lt-fuml fd, I'rico uvnts per box. Kor sale by Futdiuy mid Mason, A ucntlcinau who hid su fit red Bieatannov ance and pam from barbers itch, and who had been treated by the best physuvan. without reliff, my a that two bottles f l)utard's Specilio cured him and If ft hiaface perfectly smooth, without a scar, ft nrverfails in shin dtscasra. !old by Kosbay & Mason. A Hafe InveMtiueiit, Is ore which is (ruarantenl tn hrin-r inn Mtiaf. tory resul's, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our ad vertised Druggist a lwttle of Dr. Klntr's New Dis covery lor Consumption, It is guaranteed to bring ....... ... v.v.j w, muii uneu lor any anectioo of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such an Consumption, In flammation of Luiiks, Bronchitis Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is plcatwnt and agreeable 10 iasic, penectiy sare, and can alavs be depended upon. Trial bottles free at Foshay ft Mason's. If von are nervous or irrit.l.l rl l.nmiirt dispirited, or if you have sick headache, sal low complexion,or offensive breath, then vour iivt is out of order and needs rousing. Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonio t healthy action and tnnpa up the entire aya. t ;tn. Sold by Foahav & Mason. fypowriliTiL-'. Penmnn!nlp, corresponrtenre, i;ui lest aim i."n " i" tv.iiv,.n. j "" v "v Portland Business college. The tlwnuL'h work done in eueh of our Mt-vern! l-D .rlniftits li:is given this Institution a repul:i Ion si ch 1ml few srliools attain, securing lc itniflreds of our graduates profltitble employ- iipnt hoih u itoolt -keepers iitid MenogrplieM. nudjnt!i ;omilted at Hiiy lime. Calalogue free. A. P. AII)!STI10N0. Prinripal, Portlaad. Ur. Wru'tt'a Compound Syrup of S'.rnspariJIa ...iitt. ""dicion for tr.n renovation f the i,,l T ad a ' up the sat(in, i,,,.. kL- '0. s Id hy F shay & Not one person in fifty arrives at the at'' of forty, who ta not troubled with kidney or urinary complaints in some form. To those alltictetl with pain in the back, turn retention 'of urine, nervous debility, pniiiful or iup- pressed menstruation, we can oiler a remedy that has been in constant usr oyer twenty year, Oregon Kidney Tea. This preparation has done more for suffering humanity than any other medicine in the market. Sold by Foshay V Mason. FOIt ItcM ur i' hi i'i 'ii ivi v it i ! 'U bu iri,lni'in' Virv 4!wrwsibl IMiitig aftff iug warm, ThU f r a well a Blind, Kleed'.rg protruding Pile . 4riatonceto tlie applies') Dr. KMtithis e i remedy, w.tlch acU directly thrtrfs t-cted, abs Thing the inmnrn, ana -i IntmiH )te ting mid effrtcting a nenoinent c'1' v.tv Addr'w Th Dr Ikmnko VMldne Co . i m.M w Dr f.-ii-snd 8m. PAIN VI, OIL 3 AMD BRUSHES AT DEYOE v, ROBSON'b, A dry, backinp cough keep, the bronchial tube, in a atata of constant irritation, which, if not tpeedily removed, may lead to bron ohitis. No prompter lempdy can be bad than Ayer'. Cherry Pcotoral, which is both an nodyna and expectorant. Wright'. Myrrh tooth .oap Crimea off oon Huernr every time you have "m brush" with it. Death to tartar and decay. Sold by Fohay & Mason. Wrinht'. Arabian Hone Liniment act. quickly and effectually, and baa no fnperior a. a remedy for animala in all case, where a inimrrt is rt(iiirefl Sold by Foehay & Maaon. An ounce of prevention i. better than a pound of cure, rfumb-i'a Oregon lllood 1'urifiel expfls all iinpuritir. ol the blood and should be iwd in all dl-eme. of tho atoniaeh, liver and kidnevj. 'I'ake it. I'i.ii 1 1. s i. Or., .Ian. lath. Ilavinir a evtrn buck ache last summer, J tried the '.)rf,"in Kidney iea, I used one car. which etTrctr (I a radical clue. I would ret- onmiemi u io all wno are rlllicted asannn failiiie remed. Ji i.u .h Ai H. Sold by Kmhay & Mason. IHt. RU HtS KO in.his uew discovery for Consumption, sue cneded in producing a medicine which iz ae knowleded by all tn be simply marvelona It i. exceed inuly pleasant, to the taste, per feetly harinlt sr, and does not iekn. In al eafes of ca.es nf Consumption. Couthf, Colds Whoopina Cnurh, Croup, Bronchitis, and Pains in the Chest, it has eiven universal satisfaction. Dr Hosnnko's Cnnjrh and Lung Syrup is sold at RMernta by Dr linisi It Son. SUPERIOR LINES OF 'AGRICULTURAL IM' PLEMENTS AT OE YCE & ROBSOM l'KK I'Olt NM K IIF40A4IIK. Do you wsnt rem. ily for ll'lion.nr, pimple, cm the fncf , a,l a sure cure !.r slek heailai he, sale Ur. (Ill's, ami '.. Hi. I riiirci.u, fnr Ur. (lei.ui's Llv. I'lll., tir a ilo. . umpli-N Ire. full Un tf, cent. SECURE PRICES. NO . I ROUBLE TO SHOW ."00DSAT I)EYr.U Si CORSON 1 c ( ' i i