Daily Democrat STKUNULY STATtD. The New Ycrk Times puts the case very well when it invites the attention of the farmer to the proposition that the price of what he buys is just as important to him as the price of what lie sells. The Timet restates a familiar law of trade.whlch can lot be too often repeated, in these words : The difference between a comfortable prosperity and a slowly grinding Impover ishment for the farmer maybe mule by the simple fact that he necessarily sells his products in competition with all the world and at the lowest prices that competition can produce,whilc the cost of nearly every tiling that he must buy is enhanced by a system of indirect taxation, the gveatei part of which is intended to strangle com petition and increase the profits of fivarcd interests. When the farmer has worked out this simple problem hp will find that the relief he most needs is in his own hands and that the taxation from hi;h he suffers most is that which he has been llindly helping to fasten upon himself. The competition of the great agricultur al west does lessen the profits of the east ern farmer's corn and wheat, but there is another way in which the western fanner helps his eastern cousin. It is the west which affords a market for the surplus manufactures of the east and by contribut ing ta the growth of manufacturing towns gives the eastern land owner a chance at fruits, vegetables,poultry and other similar products. The western farmer suffers in the end the greater disadvantage because usually he can grow only staple crops or , stock. The manufactures of the country can not grow much more and still live upon our own population. They have been stimulated now much beyond our consum ing capacities. We are paying for a great deal of idle time and spasmodically used capital. The farmer does most of the pay ing. The home market is wurked to death. Manufacturers in Pennsylvania thrive well enough to keep private hikes for their amusement and by their supercilious neg ligence let the water sweep to destruction 4,000 human beings and millions in prop erty. They tlni.'e bylaws which give them power to make artificial prices. Prob ably Kansas and Missouri fanners in buy ing their nails and hardware helped the Pittsburg plutocrats to build the Johnstown dam. Certainly the ability of wealthy Pittsburgcrs to own the lake is due direct ly to the tax laid upon the country by the tariff laws. If the average price of articles a farmer buys is 40 per cent higher than the level of the world's markets and the price of what he sells cannot rise a cent above the level, it is not hard to see how a great part of agricultural depression 'is derived. If his crops sell for $1,000 and he pays for arti cles of consumption $1,300 he must come out $200 in debt each year. If art'cle of consumption cost him but $800 he would be $200 ahead. A republican administration has four years in which its sweet promises to farm ers may be redeemed. So far it has not changed a single law of trad3 and it it so safe to predict that none will be changed Unless the party repudiates Its platform of iSSS and reforms the tariff the farmer will be worse in debt in 1S92 than he is now. Will the western farmer have common sense enough to refuse to follow the blcody shirt orators and vote in a moment of factitious enthusiasm for his own enslave ment ? WATKlt r'Olt EXl'KESS TRAINS. One of the must ingenious of modern railway inventions is that which allows the engine of a fast express to pick up water, without stopping,from water troughs con structed between th rails. The driver lowers the scoop down from the tender be tween the rails ; the fireman stands ready to turn on the tap ln'.o the water tank ; we hear a hollow sound as the Iron of the trough rings beneath our feet, then a uish of water ; ten seconds more the water is splashing up against the top of the tank, the tap is turned of! even more hastily than t was turned on,the scoop is drawn up,and we are speeding on our w ay with the wuter troughs lying far behind us. The fireman does well to be prompt ; rates have been kno,vn where he has neglected or failed to lift up the scoop in time, and the water has overflowed the tank, ficodec1 the tendcr,set pick and shovel and coals all afloat, and surging up against the firebox door, gone near to putting the fire out altogether. At the point where the troughs begin and terminate the lines rise slightly. By this means both the water is prevented from running out of the troughs, which cannot have ordinary ends lest a scoop should strike against them, and also the scoop is automatically pushed up and the pipe closed, If the driver fails to lift It hefoie the engine reaches the end of the trough. The cat's eye stone Is found in Ceylon. It is also cut in a highly convex form, and has a remarkable play of light in a certain direction, resembling a drop of water or the pupil of an eye miving about Inside of It, or a band of light floating on Its surface, ever shifting, like a restless spirit.from side la side as the stone is turned. The people regard it with aw e and wonder,and,bclicy ing It to he the abode of some genie, dedi -catc It to their gads as a sacred stone. The surplus in the trpasnrv is not as large as the Cleveland administration led the people to believe, and, as a consequence, the pension bureau has to be economically administered, Afouittaineer. So, then, you mean to say that the reason why the pension bureau is to be ad ministered economically is because the money in the treisury is not plenty. Thus the cat is let out of the bag, yet most every one was already prepared to believe that this state of the treasury, (if true which it is not, as every sensible man well knows,) would be the only restraint that could keep Tanner within reason able liounds. The helianthus, or sunflower, of w hich there are thirty-five known species, is a native of America, whence it was fust brought to Kurope in the year 1 597. The common garden veget able, the Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tubeious,) is one of the same genus. Kvery plate of steel which goes to make up the boilei of a steamship has a strip cut from it to be tested in the presence of a representative of I-lyod's if the steamer is to be classed there, and in the presence of a board of trade surveyors if she is to have a p s'enger certificate. There are rumors that Corporal Tanner is already viewed with alarm that he is in danger of being fired. And yet he seemi to be doing his best. Certainly no man could reduce the surplus any faster. Still they come. Russell Harrison's wife' cousin has been appointed law clerk in the postoffice department. This makes nine of the family (so far as heard from)n the government payrolls. NEW ADVERTISEME.VIS. (JEALED BIDS WILL bi KtSOE VKI O by the clerk ofScuooi District No 5 f.inn .rtlintn rioiimn tt ..! . ... , ... ....... unv , v u 1 J UIJ loop, lit III illlNII said District with 60 cords ol (-rub oak wood, said woo to he 4 foot lone and nn MtinU tit ha aua tl.an'l in.l... 1 I v.w u w 1.1.10 vua.i iuv;iici. Ill !llillllMltr also to furulsu said District with 8 cords split tir wood (from large trees) free ot knnta All winil tn 1,a .....1 1. ... .. Cen tr.il School building in Albany, Tin Board reserves Din riirht tn r.w . all bids. By order cf the Board of Directors. C. (jr. BUKKII VKT, C'iorfc. June 21st, ISS9, s AND, AC Persons desiring sand, loam or uravol fr.im the nrmii,a ni F. L. Such in Benton couiltv. nun nropiim tickets tor the same at my ofHoe, Craw ford's block, Al bny, Oregon. UHA9. JS. WOLVE-JTON. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. - Notloe is hereby riven that the co.nartnnrahin heretofore existing between C, A, Chess man and W. W. Chessman, doing busi ness under the Arm name of Chessman Bros., has this day been dissolved, C. A Chessman haying sold hisintereal to P B Beatty. iLe business will continue under the name of Ci...3gman A Beatty who will oolleot all accounts and pav all debts of the heretofore existing firm ol unessman rros. Peoria, Linn Co., Or., June 11th, 1889, W. W. CHKSSMiN, C. , Cat SHU AN. CITY TAXEl,.-Notlce is hereby given that the tax roll of the city of Albany Oregon, for the year IK89, bas been placed In my bauds for collection, and that 1 will be at toe Council Chambers of raid city to receive and iceipt for the taxes charged in said roll, for tbe period or Su days from date of tnls notii-a, All taxei remaining unpaid at tbe expiration cl thirty days thereafter will be returned to the Common Council of the city of A) ban-, as delingquent, and, costs and expense's for collecting bucu taxes be added thereto. Dated at Albany, Or., this 10th day al June, 18-. Job N. IIoFifMiN. City Marshal. FOSHAY & MASON, AND KE7AII Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B, Alden's publications, which we sell at publisher's prions with postageaddrid. ALBANY, OKUtlN. 5 SPECIALTIES. CLOTHING Fashionable and Stylish Suits, Business Suits, Light weight Summer Suits. Boys, youth's and child 'en's suits. Furnishing Goods Fine line of light weight underwear balbriggan and woolen ; Hosiery, shirts neckwear, fine wire suspenders, guaranteed for two years, in all the latest novelties. BOOTS AND SHOES. A lre line in this department of the best in the market. HATS Staple and Fashionable lines, among others a fine stock of the John B. Stotson hats. Tailoring Merchant tailoung. under expert tailor. Suits made to order undor short otice at remarkable low figures. More goods tinned out than ever before. 1889 SPRING AND SUMMER 1889 LADIES' DRESS GOODS Hi TRIMMINGS, The largest stock and gre est variety in price ana ...a I have eve. county. carried, and as gjod value as ever oucre.. vu ..v.u. . Special Bargains In Cashmeres, Iu colors and blacks, l't &l mo nuvmiuo . L. E. MAIN. 5 SK Ihavoth'tng fu,W to say about tbbse in, f days. EMBROIDERIES, SKIRTINGS Flouncing, and all overs on cambric, Sis and J; have just opened the larest invoice ol novelties iu this line ever hibited in this city, and at greatly reduced prices. Piques, Lawns, India Linens, Nansooks in white, ecru and colors, a" at prices very much cheaper than ever before offered in this city. TABLE LINEN, In brown and bleached. This stock I bought in New York at less than importers' price, and am able to give gocd bargains. 58 inch all linen bleached at 50 cents per yard and others in proportion. Stick a Pin JOHN BRIGGS, FLOEIST, ALBANY 0P.EC Boses a Specialty. i n tiny ;cts ;Itr.nd SDc'atlended to rJOR SALE, The undersized has for sale a horse pjwer and separa' jr. newaud in f?ood running order for sale cheap. Inquire of H, Bryant. Adminis trator of tne estate of James Shields, deceased. J7(JRSALH, The underlined will sell a McUormlok twine binder cheap. Inquire at my plane one mile south east ofAilmny, Tu is Isa bargain. V. Ci. JlUHKHAHT. XTOTI(;K ls hereby Riven that nronertv 11 owners are required by ordinance to cut down and remove all thistles and ob noxious weeds growing upon their premises ami upon the streets adjoining niBitnu, me uny ninas ni Ainsny. Those t'Hillng to do so will bo liable to a tl lie cf5. Albany, June 25.il:, ISM. J, N. JIokksian, City Marshal. University of Oregon. EUGENE, OREGON. Kent sossion begins on Monday, tin 16th of Septeinbor, 18811, Free scholarships from every county In the State. Apply to your County Superln tondenl. Free tuition after January 1st ISIK). Four courses : Classical, Scientific, I II erary and a short English Course in whiJi there Is no I.slin, Greek, French or (lorninn, The Kuglish Is pie-eminently a Business Course, For catalogues ot other information, address J. JOHNSON, President. in the fact that I atn offering better bargains than any one else in Albany Bought at bankrupt sales I can sell First-Class Goods t or below CO&T. FOR General mercbundise of all kinds call on me, Particular bargains'in a eam - f shoes. ' Cash for Goods ov Country prdttfe W. SIMPSON Albany, Oregos. hUh THE REST FURNITURE -CALL ON THE Albany Furniture Company OPPOS1TK STEWART SOX'S, h lib ) I'.ul i i ii l : tie lire if BED ROOM SETS, TABLES, CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED IGOODS. WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., ETC..ET IIAAVlvIiNS & FAHI112LL, OWELINGS, CRASHES, ETC. All these goods I buy direct from importers by the bale, and can sell them much cheaper than if bought oi jobbors towels I buy in quan tities in New York, and am offering tbem at priced that are sure to sell the goods. Y- Ladies Cotton Hose-. Are cheaper this year than ever before. I hava succeeded in set ting some good bargains, all cl which I m offering to mycustomers the same in -Y MISSES AND CHILDREN'S, The above is an outline of the policy I am going to do busines and will endeavor to do my pari towards securing the trace in aa and adjoining cownties to Albany, and to keep up with the PiD of the lively and growing city of Albany. I will have something say about Carpets, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, SAMUEL E. YOUNG FOE Drugs, Paints. Oils, Brushes, AMbas (iius Artists Materials, Etc., CITY DRUG STORE Guiss & Son.