Mmtra tmmmt VOL. II. ALBANY, OR. SATURDAY, JULY G, NO 53 0k n 1 1 . r- , r; c! ! 53 m liav ! " ' '":'Ir V!:!i!-.'i l.'.'il ,lM.II:l! .!::-.;!. :' :".!'. jlrs. .1. .1 '.-;!, : -i": r, ..:t!tin, says : I. live he n l. -'- .A .' I"..;:' VI;' ;' l',:!l ,,nr,-, l, in si li ' IU ''t'il'i'l!-.!.t.i vl!.. i ii :r "' ' 1 vsfcy. ' 1 'Article 1 burn never f.wwl il l iia!." '3 UcAt Vifxar, m m m The LEADING Grocerv Store; Z. T, WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Or., AGENT FOR IKONING S11IKTS. Ayes pn-puM'tl by Ir. .1. f. Ayor M'.,T,.iw.ll, bold by 'ImiKglttUunii l'urfuiiHMM. IS- f; F. Sox l'res C. II. Ptkwaiii1, 8 Albany IRON WORKS. -Manufacturers of- 1EAM ENGINES GRIST AND SAW y ILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS AMD ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. , tpeotal attention paid o ronairinu U .Incls of machlnory Patterns Made on Short Notice, Wallace, Thompson & W 's. Conrad Maver. PROi'JtuiiTra of. STAll BAKERY SGoruor BroadalMn and First Sts., DEALER IN- IS WHAT KEEPS THEM IN THE LEAD. rhi i S lock of GROCERIES' and PRODUCER is always Complete. TIib Advance Threshing Machinery The bent and fastest thresher in Ameri ca, and a machine that stands without a rival. TDe ADVANCE thresher baa NEVER been REPLACED bv anv other machine on the Coast, but has replaced several others that HAVE FAILED to fill v AR RANTEE. The ENGIN E is euar. anteed to pull more than any other, and will out travel all others on the road. If you hear any loud boasts, please tell the parties tue ADVAINUU THKlittlEK una ENGINE are sold on their merits entire ly. And I am willing to prove all I claim in my field at any time, Do not be hum bussed by buvinjr any maohine until you see the ADVANCE. I also handle steam titling goods, iron pipe, pumps mowers, seeders, springtooth harrows blacksmith's forges, drills, church, farm and school bells, and mauy other special, ties, Albany Branch House one block below Buss House, J AS. E.KNOX, Manager. Canned Fruits, iJlltHNWHt-C, Dried FrultH, Tobacco, NaRr, (.'offer. Etc,, t'nune'J Muai"", Queens) ware, VeKtMeN, VlgttCH, Nricc, Tea. Etc., In fitot evoryt'iinn that Is kopt to a en ml varloty and crocer? tloro. Highost jn rkot prlM paid for ALL KINDS 0!F PRODUCE. mm ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 188S, 1889. irt Term Opens September Htli, ISSK. A lull corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ot study arranged to meet tbf need of all grades of students. Special mauccmcnls ojj'r.rcd loMudculs from abroad. I .Tuition ranges from $5.50 to f 13,50. Roard in private families at low rates, Rooms lor Helt'-boircling at small exrense, A rarnfiil urorvi.-inn oxernised over stu- dents away from homa. Fall term opens Matitamhor Ttli. Knr circulars and Mil particulars address the President. ItHV. EMIEKT Jl. OJIIIlT. Albany,,OrflRon JULIUS GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. His stock has boen enlargod so that It equals any on the Coast, and consists of Roger Bros. Silverware, French China and Crys talware, Boys' Wagon3, Doll Carriage? , Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Crockrey and Toys. iyill means oill on PaiKe Brothers, Success-. ; 'c Jnbn Fox, 'or yew Groceries, ProducG, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc, Tbolrtroorie are tut) best and their prices reasonable. After the shirt is washed and dried, take the bosom wrong side out and fold it together in the centre. Moisten a tablespoon ful of starch in a little cold water, then add a pint of boiling water, stir until the whole is perfectly clear. Dip the bosom, wrong side out, into this starch. dip your bands in cold water and wring the bosom while it is still very hot, Rub the starch in thoroughly, taking care not to get the least particle on the right side of the bosom. Rub it in, and if you find all parts are not suffi ciently moistened, dip it the second time. When the shirt is perfectly starched, shake it out and fold both sides of the bosom again together, thus bringing the side seams together also straighten the sleeves. Now fold the sides of the shirt over on the front, and, beginning at the neck, roll it up tightly. Fold it in a towel, and put it in a cold place several hours, or over night. I say a cold place, V ecause the starch would sour if kept in a warm place many hours. Now,for the ironing. Iron first the neck band, then the sleeves, then the back of the shirt, then the front, and last, the bosom. Put under the bosom a rather hard, smooth bosom board; cotton flannel is the best material for covering, and one thickness under a plain muslin cover is quite sufficient, Spread over the bosom wet cloth, and iron it over quickly with a very hot iron; then remove the cloth, and, with perfectly smooth iron, as hot as can be used without scorching, rub the bosom rapidly up and down, not crosswise at the same time hold mgand pulling the bosom into shape. If you have a polishing iron, use the rounded part of the iron, thus putting all the friction on a small part at one time, giving full benefit of the gloss of both starrh and linen, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS The EUciutburg Fire. Ei.LF.NSBLRGii, W T., July 5. The city presented a sad spectacle this morning. Where long blocks of business houses stood yesterday nothing remains but ashes and smnlinn ,.u. I Scores of new brick blocks in process of erection suiicrcu me same late as other buildings. The only four remaining untouched are Moffit's hotel and the Nash.IIowgan and Smith blocks which were saved by being some distance from the conflagration. Two hundred houses were totally destroyed, and the space burnt over is ten blocks.or about fifty acres. The loss, as far as can be ascertained is $2,. 000,000 $750,000 in buildings and $1,250, 000 in goods There is not a restaurant, hotel or boarding house left.and there are about 1 50 peonle desti tute. r. The origin of the fire is supposed to be in. cendiarism. I S Anthonv. in whose builoinm!. the fire started, says he left his store at 10:15. r ni naa used no tire or light excepting the electric light, and thinks the fire was started by an Indian in revenge for a white man beat ing nis squaw. KEKPl'OhTKl). ft flow Grocery Discovered ACADEMY -OF- Onr Ladv of Peristal Help, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Conducted by the Sist, of St. Benedict. This Acadomy isjlncorporated and au thorized bv the State to confer academic honors. The ooursfl of study is comp.eto, Mathotnatlcs, Literature and Musio are specialties, as alsetho Normal Instruction sr aspirants for toachers' certificates, in dustrial drawing, vocal music in class and all kinds of needlnwork form, no extra charge. The nisclpline of the school is Itmtle but firm. oojent being to rorin not only refined young ladies, but nou e nd useful members of society, 1 uplis ulinittod at any timo and charges propor tioned. Pupils of any denomination re ceived. , Tuition In select day school ranges from to to $10. For terms or Boarding Solnol or any nartinrlars apply at the Academy, or au Iress Sister Superioress. He bius'iirect and carries tho largest stock In the has been added a complete line of Willamette Valley, to whirl FAMILY GROCERIES. s Agent for insurance companies with a oapital aggregating 7",000,OCC , "lcl on parte Francals. Hier wird deutch gesprochen."d tin ww. vnni)- WARE OK ALL KINDS A1 HE0 F & ROBS0N Lookout for low Prices. FURNITURE, I am now retailing furniture at try factory at cost. People wialiing furni tnrc can do well to look here for 1 am going to aell at cost during the next 30 days. Canio and examine niygools boforo jmrchsinj else where. Factoiyjnt thn river eud of Lyon Street. G. J. DILLON. A;fT?T7P 11 11 1 ILJIL Real Estate, tmploymenand Insurance Agent . A.l commnicati.,,is promptly ansv.ared In Germany English. ' " (FFICE! ELLSWORTH BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND 5STREETS ALUiYNVORKm AT Strong's old corner, opposite StftwartJA ajjt,, First 1.r,, Vlni.', , A full line oi FRESH GROCERIES CANNED GOODS, DR.EOIJinjETC. "Quick sales and small profits," "Live and let live,'' is our motto. Please call and examine our go is and "t pric8. P -tlsfactlon guaranteed, Produce Taken in Exchange, Very Respeetfully, 3ARDUF. & ROBERTSON, New good? at W JF Read's. P. M. French kespa r.iilroad timo. Bargains in boots ar.d shoes at Read's. J. P. Wallace, Physician v-od Surizuon. Al bany, OrJ For a Sterling or Emerson piano call on L Black man. G- L Rlackman is atent for the Weber piano. None better. Buy your tickets through to tho East of W I Jester and aavo faro to Portland. I have reduced prices on all heavy war in boots and slices. tall earlv at v b Read 'a. Tho Western Cottage and Packard are two i, of the best orcahs made. G L Black nan sells them. A tine line of all kinds of furniture, plain and upholstered, bea stock in this part of Oregon at I'ortmillcr & livings. If von want a clean and fine smoke aatc for J. Joeph'd home made white laborj ciaars For aula bv tnoit cicar dealers ana at ma Joseph's factory. J A Arahiinl I, :ire'it Sinaer Mauufaciur ins; Co., oju-nite O ld Follow Temple, Al bauy, A tino Ih9 of biicoy dusters nets at Thompson & Overman's, the leading harness dealerr. An elecant line of s1i table spreads, id beautiful designs, just received at Fortmiller Jfc Irviug's. 5 cans Golden Star tomatoo3 for 50 cents at C Meyers, and all other, canned fcOods cheap for cash . Pr Wriiihtsm.Ws Sovereign Balm of Life, for diseases peculiar to women, at Deyoe & Uohon nnnd Brownell htanama.gjj r J Baltimore, agent. BROVNSVILLK 0. P. C03H9W & SONS, Real Estats and Insuranca Agaiits. Heal flsUto sold nni Collest'in nnd Notarial busiDess attended to. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public ALBANY, OS33M. Deadly Kocket Sticks. Helena, July 5, Helena added one to the list of victims of the Fourth of July celebrations and ano her is dangerously wounded, but. may ecov-r. Clancy Veager, 13 years old, was killed and Kinna dangerously wcunded, but may recover, it was at the time of the pyro technic display last night. Yeager was struck by the stick ot a rocket, which pierced his breast . One of them stuck Kinna in the riirht side, penetrating between his ribs. A Curious K E Rumer, T.July 5. It is current. ly reported here that the O R & N and the city of Portland will make a stronc endeavor ro have a clause inserted in the constitution of the new state I miting the right of the counties to issue bonds to aid railroads. It is said to be a movement directed against the Hunt system of roads, and to prevent this county fulfilling its contract with Hunt regarding new roads he proposes to nunu, 1 ne rumor is creatine con siderable feeling. Step3 will be taken at once to counteract the supposed movement. A Safe Investment, Ii or.c which is guaranteed to bring you satisfac tory rehu'rg, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this eaIo plan you can buy from our ad vertised Drujrtfifa a tiottlo of Dr, Kina's New Dis covery for Consumption, It is fEUraiiteed to bring relief in every' ase, when used for any affection oi Throat, Luii(ra or Chert, such as Consumption, In fhnnniation of Lungi, llroncliitis Asthma, Whooping Couuh, Croup, etc,, etc. It is pleasant and ajjreeable to taMc. perfectly sa'a, and can al.,ayi be depended upon. Trial bottles free at Fusbny & Mason '4, Farmer, if yru want the beat harness al hand made, call onE. L, Power,next to Dem ocrnt ffice. Slerit Wins, We dt'iirc to Kiv to our citizens, that for year we have been iwllinnr Dr. Kinir'H New Discoverv for Con- aiimr t ion. Dr Kitur's New' Life Pilia. Bucklen's Ar nica Sivlveanil Electric Hitters, ami have never hand led remedies that sell as well, or that nave given such unncrwi MLtinfact rn. ncdo not hesitate to iruar antee them every lime, and ve stand ready to rfuml the nurc idso ir co. U ai-'is'i'-oi rtv results no not w low their use. T1ieic rMPCiiitiJ hivo won their (jrcat popularity purely on their merits, 1-oshay and Ma son, (irn'iHfi. Ilufkleu's Arnica Sulvr. The twit Silve in the world for Cuts, Eruiflfs,S..r, Ulcers, SnH Hlivutn, t'evcr Sores, Tetter, Chappeii hands, Chilhlaini". Corns, and all Skin Eruption, and positively tAirus I'iiea, or no pay rciuired. It is iuar antei"' to jrive poiicctsBt ipfartloii, or money icfund ed, l'ricc cents Mir bus. Kor s:1e by Foshay and Ma?iin. A dry, hackinc couuh keeps the bronchial t'ibca iu a state of constant irritation, which. if not speedily removed, may lend to bron chitis. No prompter temedy can be had than Ayer s cnerry rcctoral, which is both an nodyue and expectorant. - mm WnKht's Compound Syrup of Sirsapariila reliable medicine for the renovation of tho blood. Tone and builds up the system, cures skin diseases, etc. Sold by Fosbay & Mason . Wrigbt'a Myrrh tcoth soap comes off con queror every time yon have "a brns-h" with it. Death to tartar and decay. Sold by Fofthav & Mason. Wright's Arabian Horse Liniment acta quickly and etleotually, and has no superior as a remedy for animals in all cases where a inimert is required Sold by Foshay & Mason. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cnte. Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier expels all impurities ot the blotd and should be u-ed in all diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys. Take it. C O fit 11 L EM , li' Ircl-.i iv t i,u idiiintr n vnrv disru-tble li-cht'i of tor intr 'worm. This t)i a us well a Blind, Bleeding protnulinif Piles , '.ldat once to the tpniinati Dr. lluaanko sr:a remedy, w.iich acts directly t.hvts 1 -ct;d, abs'irbinjr tho tumors, ana'- Intonso itc ling and effect tiifr a permanent c'u centi. Ad.lrests The Dr Ihwanko WMIcine Co.,' (. Sold by Dr, GMissand Son. Portland, Or., Jan. 12tb. Having a severe back oche last summer, I tried the 0(jrgnn Kiduty l ea, 1 used one cair, which effected 1 "radical cme. I would rec ommend it to allho are afflicted asannn failing remedy. Jn.irs An, Sold by Foshay & Mason. If you ire nervous or irritnblr,feel languid, dispiiited, orif you have sick headache, sal low complexifui.or offensive brnth,tben your livr is out of order and needs rousing. Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic restores the liver to healthy action and tons up the entire sys tem. Hold ny Foshay & Mnsou. nfjmM mi Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob sons special bargains DEYOE & IDBSJN' AilS AGENT FOR THE SEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA milVEJEST MACHINE INtTHE HASEET rvvrwrilinK. Penmanship, Correspondence, iinsi v' :i:ul Legal Vorms practically taimlit al tue Portland Business College. The tliomiitrll work done In each of our re.veral Icnui'lmeliH lias Riven this Institution a leputH l.n such as hut lew schools attain, seeunui! tc ......ira.i. nt nur or.irluates nrolUama einploy- ilf nt. Ixiili as Imok-keepers and stenouraimets. Uiidents iwlinllted at any time. Catalogue free. S 1. P. ARJINTUOXU. 1'rlorlntl, rortlssd. Or. SUPERIOR LINES OF (AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS!: AT DE (r A FCBSON ItK.-.ltO-NAN-HO iiTjiis t"w discovery for Consumption, euc ceeilcd tn produciitK a medicine which iioc Knonledtied liy all to he simply ni.rveloua It is exceedingly pleasant to tho taste, per feetly l anulegii, nd does not sicken. In al esses of cafes of Consumption. Coughs, Colds Whcoping Couch, Croup, Bronchitis, and Pains in the Chest, it has Riven nniversal satisfaction. Dr Kosanlto's Conch and l.linji Syrup is sold at 50 cents by Dr tiuin & Son. CVRB lnriTkHEOAC'IK. Do you want a rfmnly tor H'llousness, Plmplf s on the face, ami a suro cure for sick headache, nuk Dr. (luiM sad S'"i, tho nmiritlsts, for Dr.Uei.nil Live pill., trv ft dns . ssmtilcs free full hex 2.1 cuil, PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE ROBSON'b, A etitlemtn who bail suffered great annoy ance ard pain from baibers itch, and who had been treated by the beat physio'an, without relief, bays tht two Ik tilts f Dutard'a Sptcitic cured him and left his face perfectly smooth, wttront ft near. It nevcrfatls itifkiu diseases. Sold by Foshay k Mascn. Not one ptT'on in fifty arrives at the age of forty, who is rot trout led with kidney or urinary cnmplaims in nne form. To these nlllicud witli uiu in the back, van retention of urine, nervous debility, painful or sup pressed mer.sti m.tion, can oflera reined that has bfen in constant use oyer twenty years. Oregon Kidney Tra. This preparation has done inuie U r in fieri iij: humanity than any other medic no in the market. Sold by Foshay .V Mason. SECURE PRICES. .NO TROUBLE TO SHOW .'ifOODSAT TIEYjj.U & BOB SON