Daily Democrat A ri'ZZLR. The wool business U a funny business hen measured by the pledges and prom ises of the republicans. The leaders ( that part in the last campaign appeal jd to wool grewers to rote far Harrison so that a republican administration might secure our wool grow ers the home market. The republican politicians were opposed to for eign wool being imported into this coun try and sold in competition with our own. Well, what has taken place since Mr Har rison took the reins of government. The imports for Aril of this year compare with the imports of lat year as follows : "1889. :SSS. Clothing wool, lbs 7,8.51,841 1,816,075 Combing d -3M-' 395-4 1 Carpet do 8.404,703 6,033,7" Thus showing an increase in one month under Harrison of 7,:j.3:6 pounds over the corresponding month last year under Cleveland. The price of wool has been equally a great a puzzle to the poor delud ed wool grower, who was frightraed into supporting Harrison because the Mills bill put wool on the free list, as the puzzle of the large increr.se of the importation Of wocl under Harrison. Last year we were told that woal w as low because of the prop osition te put wool on the free list. If men baught it last year with the idea in view that the tariff would be removed and paid lS to 21 cents per pound, and are buying this year under the most solemn assurances from the republican leaders that the tariff will remain intact, why is it that the price this year is but a shade higher than last year, when removal of the tariff would en able importers to sell foreign wool ten to twelve cents cheaper by the removal of the tariff ? This is a question that fanners would do well ta ponder over now while there is no political excitement to mislead or warp their judgments. NEWSl'APEK CHANGE. M, O. Wimberly who has been connected with the Roseburg licvievi for the last three and h?lf years has sold his interest in that paper oJRN Bell, and will retire from the newspaper business on account of ill-health. Chas II Fisher has sold his interest in the Umpqua Herald to his partner S F Flood, and, as if to crown the climax, Uell of the Review and Flood of the Herald have consolidated the two papers, and will issue the semi weekly Review hereafter. This change must result in great benefit to the proprietors of the Review and Heruld and will be pf great advantage to Roseburg and Douglas county. We wish our aeighbors abundant success. The factious efforts of the republicans of West Virginia to defeat the will of the majority of the voters in that state in their choice for Governor has proved abortive. The courts have constantly pronounced against them, and the investigations going on also tell against them. The legislative committee which is engaged in re-caavas-ting the vote has not discovered enough errors in the count to pay for its labors,and will report in favor of the democratic can didate, Fleming. A coal dealer if Yorkshire, England, has been in the habit of giving overweight in selling, the weighing machine being so constructed as to register about 240a pounds as a ton. He did this out af pure benevolence. But strangely enough his kindness was declared to be illegal by the authorities, who arrested and lined him for falsifying an official weight. Every day that the sun rises upon the Amer ican people its sees an addition of $2,500,000 to the accumutaion of wealth in the United States, which is equal to one thirc the daily ac cumulation of all mankind outside the United States, Carpets and upholstery fade when exposed to the sun, because of the actinic or chemical power of the sun's rays, which decompose the dye stuffs. The process is closely analogous to that which occurs in the taking of photographs. The 7100 mile of new railroads built ir. iSSS ca'.led about 36,000 men into the ser vice.reckoning five employes to the mile, including officers anj men In all capacities. The present railway system of the United States has ar, army of 785,000 men. Secretary Windom's decision in favor of the worsted men is raising a perfect storm among the wool growers, but the latter class are residing in the bed which they made with their own hands and therefore urt not entitled to much sympathy. A lorig time Congressman, one of the oldest in the I louse, who not lung ago had a talk vith the president oil the subject is authority for the statement that an extra session of Congress will be called in October. Jefferson Davis was Si years old on June 3. iS8y. Hut age does not seem to wMier his keen Intellect, and his health is said to be excellent. Hon E J Gay, of Louisiana, who died the other dar.nasthc richest man in the south. He was worth $10,000,000. Mrs George U McClellan and Miss May McClellan are entertaining quite exten sively In their London home. A "HUNGRY AXI) TIIIKSTT" RUT BMCAN A Washington conespondent of the Chicago Times tells of the'mlsfortunes of a republican office hunter as follows : "Henry W Rogers, who is from the west, has been here since March 4th seeking a consular appointment. Getting no en couragement and having been chased out of several hotels because he had no money to pay his bills.he started out on the streets and solicited alms from every person he met. Last night, in the d.u kness of a se cluded corner he accosted a cold and un sympathetic person, and did not discover his unfortunate blunder until an officer had a grip on his coat collar and was drag ging him to the station house, where he was booked as a common vagrant. He had nearly $20 in coppers and five-cent pieces in his pockets, the result of his so licitations on the streets. The pjlice re cognized him as having been arrested the night before for begging, and as having been let go upon promising to leave town at once. Rogers says that lie intended to keep his promise, but concluded to wait a few days longer in hopes of getting a place when the next batch of appointments was announced. Instead of serving the gov ernment abroad, he will probably receive a 60 days' commission to pound rocks. The Texas Wooll Growers' Association met recently at Galveston and adopted resolutions condemning the triff on wool. That is a "black eye'' for protection. 5 SPECIALTIES. CLOTHING Fashionable and Stylish Suits, Business Suits, Light weight Summer Suiti. Boys, youth's and children's Bints. Furnishing Goods For land madeharaess goto E, L. Power NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TOT CE TO CONTRACTORS AND 1 BCILDERS.Notieeis noreby given that the undersigned will receive bi fer the construction of a two story brick building on First Street until 7 o'cloi-k in the afternoon of Monday, June 24th, 18t9. For plans and specifications call at the office of Judge Powell, upstairs in Fotter block. The right to reject any, or all bids is reserved, F, W, Blumrkro. 1889 SPRING AND SUMMER LADIES' DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, The largest Block and g.e est variety in uric . .uu ,.a I have eve, carried, and as BJod value as ever olle,.ltu tuo citttiu of Luo county. Fine line of light weight underwear balbriggan and woolen ; aosiery, shut neckwear, fine wire suspenders, guaranteed for two years, in all the latest novelties. BOOTS AND SHOES. A large line in this department of the best in the market. CONTRACT TO BE LET.Tbe church budding committee at Peoria. Linn county, will receive sealed bids for the building of a church house at that place until 1 o'clock, June29tb. The specifies lions will be found at the store of W W fhosman.in Pona. The lowest respon sible bidder is expected to be awarded the onntran', but we reserve the rich! m - j"ct any and all bids. June 171b, IfcS9 W R GaunnTT, Moss La Mar, W EGithess, Committee. SAND, AC. Persons desiring sand, loam or gravel fr.im the promises of F. L. Such in Benton tickets for the same at my ofli je. Craw- fnrH'ri l.lnnlr All...,., r CHAS. E.nVoLVERTON, FORSALR,.-The undersigned has for sale a horse power aad separa' jt, newand in good running order for sale cheap. Inquire of H, Bryant. Adminis trator of the estate of James Shields, deceased. IOR SALE. The underlined will sell a McCormick twins binder cheap. Inquire at my place one mile south Boast of Albany. To ta is a bargain. F. G. BUBRHART. IISSOLUTION NOTICE. - Notice is J hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between C, A, Chess man and W. W. Chessman, doing busi ness under the firm name of Chessman Bros., has this day been dissolved, C. A, Chessman having sold his interest to P. B Btatty. TLe business will continue under the name of CLoisman Beatty who will collect all accounts and pay all debts of the heretofore existing firm of Chessman Bros. Peoria, Linn Co.. Or.. June Hth, 18S9, W. W. ClIkSSMAN, C. ., Chsssmas. 1.10B, REST. A piano at only fi 50 a . month. Call on G. L. Blacknian, c lTYTAXEN'otiee is hereby given iuai meiax ron 01 tnecity or Albany, HATS Staple and Fashionable l:nes, among others a fine stock of the John fi. Stotson hats. Tailoring Merchant tailoring under expert tailor. Suits made to order under short notice at remarkable low figures. More goods tinned out than ever before. L. E. MAIN. 5 Special Bargains In Cashmeres, In colors and blacks. SA days. EMimOlDERIES, SKIRTINGS Fencings, and all overs on cambrbs, S-i. -,! In have just opened the largest invoice of novel.... ihi. Una ever ex hibited in this city,-and at gretly reduced prices. Piques, Lawns, India Linens, Nansooks in white, ecru and colors, all at prices ve.y much che.pei than ever before otl'ered in this city. Stick a Pin Oregon, for the year I8S9, has been placed I will be at toe Council Chambers of grid cily to receive and lceipt tor the taxes charged In said roll, for the period of 30 days from date of tnis notice. Ail taxes remaining unpaid at the expiration of thirty days thereafter will be returned to the Common Council of the city of Albany as delinquent, and costs and expenses 'or nollcctlnir such taxes bs added th Dated at Albany, Or,, this lltir. day of Jons N. IIOKVMAN, City Marshal, N'OTICK TO CONTRACl'OrW. Notice is hereby (riven that at the next reg ular term of the County Commission Court for Linn county State of Oregon, to be held at the Court House in the nit o Alban.. on Wednesday the Srd day o July, A ., I8S9, Sealed plans, specifics tions, straiuh, diagrams and bids will be received for bin ding a bridge across the North fork of the .".tnliain Kiver about 200 leet below the Stayton Kerrv ; said bridge to he 610 feet long and 16 feet wide in the clear. Piers to to of sufilcient height to brlrg the bottom of the floor beams at least Si feet above low water mark. All bids must be Med with the Cle-k on or before one o'clock p. m. of the above mentioned day, and accompan'ed with certified cheek of five per cent ol bid as by law required. The Court re serves tee right to reject any and ali bids Done by order of I ho Court this 6tb day of June, A. D. 1880, i a. E. E. MosTAiifK. County ClerkJ E. J. McCAUSTLAND, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, DRAUGHTING AND BLUE PRINTS. Office with Oregon Laid Co. Albany, Or. Sewerage Systems ami W.lnr a II r.nlfna in tbe fact that I aai offerinfe better bargains than any one elae in Albany Bought at bankrupt sales I can Hell First-Class Goods at or below COST. FOR General merchandise of all kinds call 'on ne. Particular bargains'in a tain, of shoes. Cash for Goods or Country prdifce 0. W. SIMPSON Albany, Oregos. rUh THE REST FURNITURE CALL OS TIIE- Albany Furniture Company OPPOSITE 8TEWART A S0X'j, mo EaTe in Stcck a CcmplEte Line of BED ROOM SETS, TABLES, CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED GOODS. WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., ETC..ET IliVWliliSS &. F'Altlti:! TABLE LINEN, In brown and bleached. This stock I bought in New York at lea than importera' price, and am ablo to give gocd bargains. 68 men all linen bleached at 50 cents per yard and others in proportion. TOWELINGS, CRASHES, ET( All these goods I buy direct from importers by the bale, and can ell them much cheaper than if bought oi jobbers towels I buy in qu titics in New York, and am offering them at iricen ttat are sure w sell the goods. Y Ladies Cotton Hose- Are cheaper this year than ever befoie. I hava succeeded in ftet ting some good bargains, all ci which I m offering to mycustomen. the same in MISSES AND CHILDREN'S, The above is an outline of the f-l'cy I 8dD8 ,?do "'"'l! and will endeavor to do ray pari towards securing the trade in and adjoining counties to Albanv, and to koep up with the processin of the lively and growing tity of" Albany. I will have something say about Carpets, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, SAMUEL E. YOUNG iron Drugs, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Al tine lists' Materials, Etc., Q-O O CITY DRUG! STORE Guiss & Son.