hrOL. ii. ALBANY, OR. THURSDAY, JUNE 13, NO 33 l w rr a - i mm asm m . ! A Ar'd (Snrsnnitrllllt 'dol i totlln-wortli live dollars ot any man's lar.i .... ...... t,, ... itifini -unriller. ...r' Knrsap.-irlllu has no equal I 1 1 ! H. H'"""- Tnnpaii Ohio, say. ; .. J,,mv of no ult.Tiitlvn rtint B yes so much satisfaction us Hnrsupiirma. LEADING Grocery Store Aver's Sarsaparilla, ; mix bull let, j. V "P So. Pn C II. Srr.vRr, Albany IRONWORKS. Manufacturers .of- STEAM EMCIMES CRIST AND SAW mLL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS' AMD ALL KINDS OF HEAiY ANO LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. THE PLACE. iy alt means sail on PaiKe. Bfotheis, SuectsKrt to John Fox, or your Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc.p E e, Wallace, Thompson & (Vs. Their goodcare tbe best and Uiclrjprices reasonable. manlal attention paid iiids of machinery- o ronairiiiKl .ill Patterns Made un Short Notice, Coma! Mavar. pnopiiTr;i ok. STAR BAliKlli Coniop Broadaloin and First Sts ,-PEALER IN IS WHAT KEEPS THEM IN THE LEAD. rii-iv StockolGROCERIES1 and I'RODUCi: is always Complete. Vt", A New Grocery Discovered AT Strong's old corner, opposite Stewrt;fe A full line of FRESH GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, 111:) -niM; ETC. "Qniok sales anl nail profits," "Live and let live," Is onr motto. Please call and examine our go ids and ft prices. S tisfaotion euaranteed, ! Produce Taken in Exchange, Very Respectfully, 3ARDUF & ROBERTSON. Pouiirj Wanted. .11 P n,,Hr-V7. llllVA Of drAS'ed. All nmunvi - ... . wanted at the Willamette Picking com pany's Store, Albany, uregta- KKF.Pl'OSTKII. New goods at W F Read's. P. M. French kevps railroad time. Rari sins in boots and shoes at Read's. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, AU banv. Or, fc'nf KtArlinu nr F.merson mano call on 3 L Blackroan. II L Blackmen is scent for the piano. None better. Ray your tickets through to the East of W 1 Jester and save fare to Portland. I have reduced prices on all heavy wear in boots and shoes. Call early at W F Road s. The Western CottsEe and Packard are two of 'he heat organs made. G L B) sells them. A tine line of all kinds of furniture, plain nd upholstered, bes stock in tins part ot nwunn at Fortmillcr & IrviniZS. If you want a clean and fine smoke aak for J. Joseph's home made white labor! cianrs t'n. .al,. hv miMt cii.r dealers- and at his .TnaeDh's factory. .1 V Vrchi'idl, aont Singer Manufactur n.Mito O.l! Fallows Temule. Al K.nv A fine line of buggy dusters andy new at Thnmnson & Overmau's, the leading haruws f4Alprfi. i . r .;.V fa,lM i,reads in hemtiful designs, just received at iortmuler Irvios's. 5 cans Golden Star toraatoei for 5 cents t C Mevors. ond all other canned Roods r;heaD for cash . ll ii 1 111 in u . . - - - for diseases nicuKar to women, at Deyoe ol Rohaon's nd Brownell & Stanard s. 1 Baltimore, agent. I nunecl FrnltH, IsHNis;are, Dried Frnl. Tobacco, Nnsur, Co flee. Klc CMnuo 'eW, laeenwa,e. VeRetabMesi, 'lc;rpi, KDlrCH, Ten. Cie. in fact evarythlnir that U kept n al variety and croonr.7 "tore. Higiet n rkot prlo paid for al1, kinds of produce. HOW TO GO EAST. tli Et via Moaul Shasta Route. Nice .j . An tim nf the vear. See Mount Shasta, Sacramento, Ogden, halt Uke, Denver, finest secon..-u.. -ma-learerun daily. Bav your the .ui save your fare to Portland. I .m the only person in Albany that can sell you a ticket from Albany direct to an oint in the United Statoi, " "' -- - Afcn S. P JULIUS GRADWOHL'S . Goiden Rule Bazaar. His stock has beeu enlarged so that it equals any on the Coaxt, anil couMsts of Roger Bros. Silverware, French Chins and Crys talware, Boys' wagons, dou uai-riage? , Panoy Goods, and a general assortment of Crockiey ancl Toys. . i-niiii . .1 i vl ,n tin housework in a small family In the country. Permanent place, v-ui '" office. 1 t .1.. r fmifc l.nd. 4 miles westof I'll UIH " " r ,.. , , iihanr fr onlv tr an acre. Wi! 1 ael IfrlosirHl. Nine'.v locste-l Cal on Cooper Turner on vervains rua n : . nt .Via KARt h&esa I'Brmei". ii ' - ,nd mule, call onE.L. Power.uext toiOem crwt office. To lesjen our stock of canned goods we will sell t ing in that line at reaaarkabiy low pritcs. TELEGHAPHIO NEWS Seattle. Seattle, June n. Twoliundred men were put to work by the city to day, upon recoom. mendation of the They were placed under charse of Colonel Weber 1 ", of the First regin.ent.iind will be en. gaged on the streets in cleanine brick, etc. They will be paid $2 per day and will be charged 1 5 cents for every meal taken at the armor)'. The saloon keeDers of th( t tv tVuMint.. ,i.... , j llcj would hold a mass meeting to lay, to srotest against the action of the authorities in shutting up the saloons. They would have held a meet ing, but only five or six were present, and so they decided to postpone it until evening; but only seven could be found who could be pur. suaded to assemble, so the evening mcetino was posponedt until to morrow. The burnt district presents a scene of great activity. Hundreds of men are at work all along the water front rebuilding wharves. The Oregon Improvement Conmanv exnects to have its coal bunkers ready far. the siir ment of coal within three weeks. Joliustown. rilllVTTnH.ll Tuna T. . . .. w,.l,,juiit: ii. vyiacr is coming out of chsos, and the military discipline has shown us enecis at tne end ol the li.-st day. i ne oureau ol registration reported to-day 'hat 1 5,678 survivor ban registered. Many registered twice, and some hall a dozen times, which caused the li3t to run up to 21,000. To-day scarcely twenty names were register ed, showing that the work is approaching com pletion. The number ol bodies recovered here is 1 192, of which 0J3 have been identified. lr fflpl languid. II you ru uri -1. : -i-.i :c ...... I.... .intf hnndache. Bal- tuspiilien. it 11 jvm m. i. ,.i.inr r.r ofTitnaive breatyi.then your livr is out of order and needs rousing. I. Henley's Dandelion Tonio restores tne iiver to healthv action and tones up the entire sys tem. Sold ty Foshay Si Mason. r ti... cnnc, linn nf hahv c jrr - ages in the Valley just ri eclved at "Stewart ii Sox s. l'Nces are rem.riuoi) sidering the superior quality of the carriages. DR. C U. CHftMBERLIN, Homeopathic Pliysician and Surgeon peoihl attention !o diseases of the eye. jom-coraei-ofTh td and I.yonSt, ALBANY, OHtuuN. IS, He buys direot and carries the largast stock in has been adttod a complete line ot the Willamftta 'Valley, to wb!-l FAMILY GROCERIES. 's Agent for insnranoo companl9t with a capital aggregating 75,000,009 . jl-lel on parle Franoais. Uler wird denteh gosprochon.'W BREEDERS, ATTENTION. rt-i : - .1 17mm,. r?naoh Stallion. 1110 im"" Viniilctator, will make the season of 1889 at the following places : Brownsville. Mondays and Tuosi'"iys; nsisey, ,veu nesdays and Thure iy; Lebanon, ri days ana wat-nraavi nf "i'p" tunity forthefarmei of Linn county to set the service of tha only French coach horse ever orouKun l imported from France by Tbo.8klllnian and by him brought to this 8tate. The French coaok horse haa neen Mtracting great attention thronghoot the Eastern States the past few yeara and are being , . ,1 . VnnM In trroat mimhers. impoiiau in"" ' " 1 H llils vinaicmiur . 1 ij 1 1 f - famous breed ol horses, .tanding 17X nanus luge u" i""n'"5 Iv . has taken premiums over Cleavlanj bays . ' 1 au.i- Elollinn vo-iriiinf Vv ltjlttvor niniiv 11. . " .. i- " , the general purpose now so much needed bsre. He will be allowed marea at 2i', to insure a mare In foal. Keep your eye on his dates. MCK.NIOHT DIW., I'l' W. C. vVkstIjskb, Agent A splendid stock o vatches, Jew. Whclr- .clocks, etc., at Will &. Star KJ-Many new things being just received. AKo a line'line of gold headed caaes. Call or. them for bargains. Calvin S L'ricc. N'tw York, June 121 The corridors uf the Filth Avenue hotel wcr crowded to-day with prominent democrats. The democratic nation al committee meets, at noon to choose asucces. sot to W I I Bamura. On motion ol Judgit McKenny, of Kentucky seconded by Senator Gorman, of Maryland. . Calvin S. Brice was ihen unanimously chosen, chairman. Tcrribta NY rock in Ireland. DuiiLiyJunc ta. An e.cui'siun train from Arniaugh vas wrecked near that place to-day. The Uaiz. ;ontaintd 1200 persons, conpssing a Mcthodisht Suaday sclioci,incUuling scholars, teachers and relatives. Seventy bodies have lieen taken fronv the wreck and otl'rs are buried under the debris. Over .100 were injured. Our line of choice teas and coffees is un equalsd in towo. Bkowsku, A; Si..aho. STQGKMEf,lftNQ mmV. t0r" .r. l.iro.m.1 to rldg- taa, .noSi of W.,.. Ve f h,,, Ra re l'a lon-on, Lol.a.inn : John ' Z' Wolverton. Albany. ; Sam .ail es, Wm. Foster, Pii.ievil I I'ic untry ltiary mediifme in Albany ami uwxj surrounding. Olll -o and ro.ldnro corner Wiand",?'- WOOL't-E, Veterinary Surguon. u ?u MERRILL, F.I.BANV, 1Ti,r. ORC0H. Sun Ki:cl"'.o '" tv a' . siwek. Urre ' irnin... Rc ro.l on H..fl itlwntf PuOland. n Ml-.- .- IlllltV miv noioi, iri i- . (-it.'.l.twwtt. aubloct to clie;K. titnc leifisiui. Cllertlom itl revive iiruaipt a"-' '' rnirewnnilMlc .oHcltwl- ,.,, FimsnlMsrina insuranoo eiir.iu.l". t..n'..rl lnv.,fn...l Lomt-vy U,, niUi irm prjporty. LOOKOUT FOR LOW PRICES. FURNITURE, I am now retailing furni'iire at try factory at cost. . Teople wishing furni lurt cat. do well to look hero for b..'ins,M J am Kain( to sell at coat during the next 30 days. Come and fxsmine nivSc.o brforo ii-cvmhj 0U 6r Factor. v;t thi- rivrr pr,d of I.yn Stn-.t. C. J. DILLON. . CilAS. METM.P,. Estate, fmplojmen and Insurance Agent . A.l commuicatloas ptomptly answered hi Oertaanlor English. CfFICE: ELLSWORTH BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND STREETS ALMtfYOttEWtf. WILL BROS, Dealers In all the itt:it lmprove.1 Pun js Orgar.., Siwini; Maolilnei, Gnus. Also a full lino of wirrautel Uinors, , Ilalolier and rocket Kniyos. The bast kind ol wwing mulilne oil, nueJlos and extras, for all maahmoa. Ail i.r" "o neatly p i roaionatiiv iinns. J. WHITNEY. k.wtiey And Counsellor At Lav . I .. ALBA'.?, ORECON, j iulsState. All b lness intrusted to hi J will o prompnj' wiio"-"" 1 . 7 , BABY I CARRIAGE'S AT STB WAST v':x,,i- ahV.;.., Hnnu Liniment, an iib- valoable remeily for sprains, braises, lame ness and ll .flection of tbe skin, muscles and joints, to which horses ana caiwe aro uu- jest. Sold by Foskay & Mas 00. DK. BO-fsAN-KO in his uew discovery for Cooiumption, sue ceeded in producing a medicine which u ae knowledged by all to be simply msrveloos It is exceedingly pleasant to tho taete. per feotly hariulsw, and doea not sicken. In al cases of eases ot uonsumpiion. vuua, n INQU111K vuuk"i viv-n : , - 1 .l . i . ; mmn nniVACU.I rains in in. ioi:i.fc, satisfaction. Dr Bosanko'. Congh and bung Syrup is soldst ouocnwoy ur vjui.i Wright's Compound syrnp of Sarsaparilla can be relied upon for ail blood diseases, skin 1 111 0-U. A. Ujinn attcotious, eto. 00m uy a ,1 n .knhul anflered ffreatsnnOV i tL IILI1IOII " " " . . o - 1 . and WHO had snce aim paiuiiui" u - ... . been treated by the best physunan, without relief, says that two botlies 01 uuraros -a. 1 J kiaCaeaiyerfctlv llfcinu L vi 1 1 u uiui - " r smooth, witl'out a near. It never fails inskin diieoscs. Sold by iosnay x amson. .1. .. L.ainn Ainnh kfAia the bronchial a u.j, -"'IT.:.: v.ii. tubes in a stsie 01 conssaus irrunu, I. . Hmr.v.l TliaV IC3I1 111 II- 11 llOli Biri,IJ ........--, -. j -- chilis. No promptci icmeily can ne nan insn Avers Cberry fcotorai, wnicn i ni nodyne and expectorant. Vyioh Mvrth tooth .onn. !?ra0rant. cooling and refreshing. Heals sore gums and preserves the tietn. Sold ty,roslii.y s Mason. T.T-& : f. t k : -, ,L. . .. i.u vu tviFon 111 uiiy iniir. 11 iu, v of forty, who ia not troubled with kidney or urinary complaints in some form. To those afflicted with pain in the bactt, non retention 01 urine, nervous utuiuty, pniniui ur auw nrcssed menstruation, we can offer a remedy that has bees in constant use oyer twenty years, Oregon Kidney Tea I his preparation any other medicine in tbrv market. Sold by losliay cc Mason. PoRTLAKih Or., Jan. 12th. IT . ' I 1. .KL. I..I .limn... T XlUVIlti; II BUVCIU IWIil 1,1.11V IMI qiii...ii.i 1 tried the Oregon Kidney-Tea, I used one car, which effected ."radical cure. I would recv ommend it to all who .re afflicted as an un failing remedy . jrursAiu.. sold by t osn&s x aiaio.. FUR PILES. ttchr.i I'ii M i3 V-vt v 1 Ii: n UMM I'1' ion prod lain avc-y i-'irnni'llr ttohiii alwc im-narm. 'ir.Uli aurell as Ulinil, Dlneiuni protruilin. We ' 41 at onoa tn tha ai'nlicati Ur. to ... rrwily, w.ilob sets direallr Ihf parts -,-, tf J, li .rbin tho tumors, aiia intense lleninK anil (tcllnK a poruaiisnt 0 caiita, A&lrcsa The Ur Uuaanko Mi:oinr to.. O. Sold by Ur. Gulfs and Son. If.Kwert, practical watchmaker and cw PAINr3, OIL.3 AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE z ROBSON'S r; IV,."::l!:!1':,:;rnS i I, tiie less illlil l..,i r 1 I' , , Portland Business College. . -n,,. ilmt,v.:.-li wmk ilmie 111 earn n( our i-verai W..vl, j,s yivi-ii ihlrj".",' '0i.,.r, ii'l Ion iih;Ii 11.J ll ' ., il,f ilnDlov- in ..;iit- iidiiillfd i.t ivy tin"-- '-' l'.S 1. P. invamnvn. Pilwiiul. rortlaiul. r. ACADEMY 0F- nnr T.a.rlv of Pernetual Help, ALBANY, - - OREGON. I Conducted by the Slit',. 1 of St, Benedict. ti.i. Anadeniv is i npoi iioratod and 011- tuorixftd bv the Stale to cor.lef academic honors. The course of study is r-omp.ele, Mathematics, Literature and Music aie alsa the Norma Instruction 'f a.pirants fur teachers' cerlillcates. In d'.Htrial drawlnn. voca u.UKic in class a d ! -,11 kinds of needlework form, no extra The Hisclplino of the scno.ii not nmy re, : -:r ------ f , tinned, rnpii"'" "TniJion In select day ranges from $5 to $10. n.,Mnliil or B11V :yI?"'i".r e Academy, or ad- nnnii'i in" tk-j : dm". Sister Superioress Wright's Syrup Tar and Wild Chciry T.u it .n tm, -rill HtA nothing clie- lO. couuiis, colds and all affections of the throat and lungs, awl by roauay -usou. IX'RE roil Nirk"HKOACHE. I).i vou want a rwnr-ty tor li'llwrnitw, Hinrljs thetaV-e, a-i.l a .un. cure St. bead. Ji., -k Dr. U.ii ami S the tmnrebit., lor br-j Pilln, trv Uos . inij.k Irea 'nil TI9IWARE A?I1JHAR3- WARE Of ALL KINDS Al Fino line of Guns and rood stock of A'mmuni- Hon at Devoe and Rob- son 8 special bargains )EV0i& I10BS0S AUR AGENT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS S'EUTICAL-FEEI) SEWJSli MA 'CHINE. BESTMACHlSiSWiiiR I A.KF.T Allmnv Market. Wheat Ml.;. Oatu 1 Butter loc p"r lb. r cgs m". , uolatoo-"Is 1'ior n""1'1. Beef on foot. :t'i" A,ipIos-7Jcoin pur I"'. Pork i!-4! per II .10--..I HacotiK hams l''.i ahnlllder., sides UK'. ..aril ik'perlh. Clour 4.5 per bbl. nui.ifA,iiix lid tier d"-. till Keed luan. M.iHir 1 shorts, lti. mldiUinir', 2 Clior "i. SUPERIOR LINES OF (AGRICULTURAL IM' PLEWIENTS AT OE' YOE & ROBSON SECURE PRICES. WO TROUBLE TO SHOW? .'iOODS AT DEVuM-iO