r pally Democrat Monlay Evening, June 10, 18G9 Tt A JHrTrHll. KHUirs ! l'uhllihers. INiMiiiti. every tlsy in therek. Suncltys excepted.) Literal ''' p,,r' '' at Albany, 01 as sooond-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION ItATKS. .oliverral by cuarlor per week roil, I'or ""r - ymiil, ,ur mou'.li . ...I .1 .. 6.00 . M local rkcord. As Ou Pmsi F.U. I'nclc Jacob Spores, ulio has reached the good old nj;e o 05, vras in town Monday, the first time for cv e ral years. '. Ic came to Lane county In the all of iS.6 and settled on the McKcnzie iycr, fix iniics northeast of Eugene.where .,c still resides. At that time there was but ,,nc other settler in the county, that of Elfc iah KrUtow on Pleasant Mill. F.ugene flinnercainc and settled on the site of Eu gene the following spring. The old pion eer relates how he made a treaty with Sam, the chief of the Indians, giving him a horse in exchange for several square miles of land this side of Coburg, and the Indian thought he was getting the best of the trade. At the time he first came there was about 300 bucks In the tribe that lived near the present site of Coburg. They belonged to the Molalla tribe. The old gentleman has been blind for several years and his hearing I failing, but his mind and mem ory are still reasonably bright and clear, lie was in the war of 1S12, and draws a pension from the government. Kugene tuard. Bkotiikri.y I.ovk. Sunday forenoon about eleven o'clock the two Cook boys, half breeds residing near the Calipooia bridge were driving home from this city when they got into a dispute. Near the corner of Calipooia and Seventh streets they stopped the team, arose in the wagon and began fighting it out regardless of London or Queensburv rules. One suc ceeded in knocking the other out on the ground, and then came bacic to have li'in ilrruiKil l,iit f.iiled to ffet a warrant. This vnrainn Ik rtrnhn blv not exactly correct newspaper versions of fights never suit .ill nartics. but it is near enough for the occasion. Drunken- Distiiriiaxcr. I. ant even ing one Schlosser, whose wife obtained a divorce from him about three years ago, became intoxicated and went to the resi dence of County Treasurer Farwell and began to abuse his former wife, who makes her home at Mr Farwell's. That geatle man finally ordered Schlosser to leave when he became very angr.v and cursed and otherwise abused. Mr Farwell called in the police and Schlosser was arrested, but being prevailed upon by some of Schlosser's friends the officer released him. UOMMKNVEXfcNT. IIAC'CAI.ALRKATK. The Commencement exercises of the Albany Collegiate Institute began yester day morning with the baccalaureate ser vices at the Opera House. The body of the house was well filled, with some In the gallery. At 10:30 o'clock Prof Lee execu 'ed a voluntary followed by singing by the Congregation. Rev l'richard offered the opening prayer, and after another song by the congregation Rev Rogers read the 8th chapter of Proverbs. A hymn sung by a choir composed of Mi s. Langdon, Mrs. Chamberlain, Mrs Althouss and Messrs. Sears and Forttnillcr would have done credit to the best metropolitan choirs. Rey Webb offered prayer. After another song by the congregation llcv S G Irvine, I) D delivered the baccalaureate sermon. It was a scholarly effort, appropriate to the times and contained many noble thoughts. The text was from Hcb. XI-2f), and thesuoject was "The Young Scholars Kstitnate of Wealth." The speaker during the course of the sermon referred in apt words to the disasters of Johnstown and Seattle, as il lustrations of the uncertainty of the poss ession of wealth, and the greatness of the human heart in the United States, which responds so quickly to the cries tor assis tance. Moses was taken as an example in illustrating the text. Though surrounded by the wealth of Egypt with marvelous posslblilles Deiorc nun 11c Bii'c up , hit Cod and fallowed his ueople to Israel, leaving an Immortal name behind him as an author, lawgiver and man. A song, and prayer by Itev Trumbull followed, wncn a collection was taken up for the Johnstown sufferers, resulting in $4.15.10 being add;d to the fund already started. The exercises closed with a song and benediction. AIMlRKSS BEFORE ASSOCIATIONS. In the evening occurred the address be fare the Christian associations of the Col lege bv Rev E J Thompson, D. D., of Cor vnllis" His text was from Romans VIII 37, "More than Conquerors to those that lnvd us." It was an able etiort grcauy annrcciated by the large audience present. Interspersed through tne exercises weie some excellent singing, scripture reading nd nraver bv the local ministers ot tne To-night will occur the exercises by the undergraduates, at the Opera House, tne program for which has already been given. It promises to be a treat rarely witnessed in Albany. The gvpsy operetta particu larly will" be of marked interest. Composed by ihe talented Mrs Pollock for the occa sion, it will be one of the features of Com mencement week. Admission, 25 cents j ...nrvml cnts at lllackman's. to cents, To-morrow at 2 o'clock will occur the oninr class exercises on the campus. In the evening the eddress by Rev A Brown, D. 1)., of Portland, at the Opera House Damage Si-it. Win P C South has filed a suit in circuit court against Dr Courtney, of Lebanon, for $5000 damages for mal practice. Mr Sou.h some months ago had his leg broken accidentally and Dr Courtney attended him. Mr South al leges mal-practice and that the profession al service was badly done. SUNDAY F.XI.TKNIONS. At the Opera House last evening, the following resolution, after being unani . mously adopted by the Presbyterian Chris tain Endeavor Society, Jhristian Endeavor Society of Congregational Church, the U P Sabbath School, session of church and Christian Endeavor Society, Vlnyard La borers, the M E Church and Sabbath School and Young people's Association, the Young Men's Christian Association, Woman's Christian Temncrance L"nion,Y W C T U, and pa ;lors of city in Associa lion with Revs S (J Irvine, E R Prichard. L J Trumbull, I, (J Rogers, I Ii Fisher and H P Webb present, was also unan imously adopteil by the large audience at the Commencement address to the Chris tian Associations of the College : frsotsfit. That as the Christain Sabbath is a part of the great moral law of the ten commandments anil o' perpetual moral ob. ligation, we deprecate its frequent public desecration, net merely by csmmon labor; but especially by open public Suniay ex cursions, and we regard such excursions as especally injurious to the moral and relig ious interests of any community. The Eaui.e Sails tlicsn. Greenwood is making very fine photos for $2 per doz- He does not sign any nom de plume, such as C & N W Photo Co., but signs his own name in plain English and warrants each and every picture. Now is the time for yuu to get No. 1 pictures cheap. W. 11, OR KEN WOOD. Fioure it Out. The most eastern point of the United States isQuoddy Head Maine; the most northern point is Point Barrow, Alaska; the most western is Attou island, and the most southern. Key West. Working from these four points, many will be surprised when thev locate the geo graphical center of the United States. At.l. at Home. The car wheels and other iron work for the Albany street cars are being built bv the Albany Iron Works, who will do a good job of it. In fact the street cars will he wholly constructed In Albany. No half way business. That is ihe kind of a proceeding that speaks for a city . Some Rust. Mr S M Pennington in forms us that rust has made itsappeaiance on some fields of wheat on Albany prairie; but hopes that no damage will result from it Mr John Gay and others in the city also report some rust; but it is not yet a serious matter generally. Work Broun. The contract for build ing the Masonic Temple was let Saturday to W C Cassell for $7700, and work has al ready been begun by Mr Cassell, who pushes things. To New Comers We would say that we have no baits to give you, but we do guarantee good values for your money, and we kindly solicit your patronage. UROWNEI.I. X STANARO. A splendid stock o vatches, lew. gVflclry .clocks, etc., at Will A: Starka, Vtismanv new things being lust received Also a line line of gold headed canes. Call on them for bargains. ItOMK AND A l!lt( VII tVhet, 59 cents, 15 cent shaving at Viereck'i. S ticki ti for 1 at Vierk'i . New dress goods at Mcllwaiu'l. Mason fruit jars at F I. Kenton's- New inyttice cf fine grid riDgsat French a Wool it quoted at 20 cents to-dav in Al bany. Fresh cream cluese just received al F L Kenton's. ABOUT THK WATERLOO BRIDGE ROAD. , cheip, &'-c ind h.in't oran, Mrs. Struck Oil At $ 1.25 per 5 gallon can best Standard c oil, at Ihe Willamette Packing Co.'s store. Weather indications. For the aours beginning at 120'cinrk, nor-n. Fair, warmer. This Trade Mark on a stove means it is the best that ex perience and skill can con trive. Sold only bv G. W. Smith. Summer Wraps. Novelties in beaded and stockinet jackets just received. Samuel E. Young. Notice. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be postponed this week on account of the exercises at the College. A meeting will be called for Tuesday of next week to appoint committees for the work on the 4th of July, and to transact ether business. By order of the Pres, Makrieii. On Sunday, June oth, 1SS9, In Albany, by Geo Humphrey, Esq., Mr Crcwse and Mrs Annie Ridgeway of Albany both Cheap Kerries Parties wishing straw berries can et t'lem at ten cents per gal lon at my berry fiald one mile north of Albany, bv picking them. 1 W. If. Warner, Kentish Chexries For canning furn ished in quantities fresh from the trees. Leave orders at Bkownei.i. & Stasaro's. Ice cold L'mootde !.his eveninz at F I. Kenton's. Very appropriate for this kind of weather. The 4TII. Arrangements are being made for a grand excursion to Albany from Portland on July 4th. it having been decided not to celebrate there. The real estate men have it in charge and it no doubt will succeed. Elected. 6000 rolls of wall paper in an Immense number of patterns at Fortmiller & Irvlng's. the finest line in the central Willamette Valley. 1. i an artgallerv to see It all. SOCIAL AMI) I'KKSONAI.. M - D 1 Clark, of Spokane Falls, is in the city. lie has been rusticating at Sodaville with Mrs Clark fnr several days. M- C '5 lltwlinga, O P. & N Agent of this city, returned this noon from an extended tnpthronuh E intern Oregon, and reports having had a good time. Miss Carrie Dalgleiseh, of Portland, is in the cfty, the guest of Miss Lsura Tate. Miss Dalglcisch and father will leave in a short titnn on a trip to Kuropn. Hon J 11 Peery and Mr Raster, of the forks, are ij thecitv. Mr lVerv and Mr. John South hve just returned from a trip by wagon :o llsytou, lamhill county. Mits Esther Cohen, of this city, is to be married to a l'nrtlund gentleman on Wed nesday and a ill immediately leave with her his nrl for Seattle, which it to be their fa tare home. (iOMIF.N RULE IIA.AAIt- Cash Can a Long Ways'at Julius tiradwhol' I have made arrangements lor buying goods direct from the factories in Europe and will tell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Paclllc Coast. The following are tome of my rath retail prices : dozen unhandled teacups and toucan, 3t cts. Yx dozen unnanuieaconcctups mm cerM5 cts J4 dozen nanuieu conee cups n u cers, 50 ctt. dozen sevun Inch dinner plates, 4.t cts. These eood are all Iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of goods. I have also added trood stock of groceries, which I ask people t call and examine and judge lor themselves as 10 quamy anu ni. Iulius Gradwoiil. Sonth Albany A most desirable and beautiful location for suburban residences, owing to its nat ural advantages and nearness to the center of business. Compare the size, location, view and access to and from these lots, and you will be convinced of their merits Call early and secure a home before the advance in price. Apply to TWEKDAJ.K & REDFIEI.D.AgentS. First door south of Post Office. At the baccal&ureste services on Sabbath morning to be preached by Dr Irvine, a col lectiou will be taken for the Johnstown suf ferers. Do not forget your pocket-book. If you have any jib wcrk A call on G W.S mill who is pw.-. tJ do it with neatnessgand disnat ' - n4 as cheap as anyone. Don't fi o ex.nnine Mcllwjin' carpets Yoa will ti them from MOiti 15 nor cen ehetpr thm any other plaaejin town, taking in ooosiaera on tne qmlity. Thompson k Overman keen the best harnesses. twine, best Tubb's & Co'a pure Manilla quality, at Stewart & Sox't. Farmer, if you want the best haruest at hand muie, cill onE.L. lVvr.nexn tojDem erst office. 10 lessen our sto2k 01 canned good we will tell - I ing in that line at remarkably low prices. Biiowyrix & Stasaup. New cream ciieese iust received at Co&rad Meveis. For .-.I, Hyman's. 3 chairs rmuiit.ir steady at VierecU'a sha iug parlors. Utt roast coGVe in ti.e city at Conrad Meyers. Good conkina stove nulv S10 at Hopkint Si Saltmarsh'i. 'flie ice woiks me expeuled to begin run ning to-morrow. The best watch in the world for the money at F M French's. Side saddles and ladies riding uurcinglct, at Thompson Ac Overman's. Some of the best bitliard bills unw-a-uait are made cf potatoes. Thompson & Overman, asjents'for the great I'ynatmte buggy whip. For a number one irnaiity of knives folks and spoons call at F M French's. 1 he choicest line of tablo luxuries cau be fouud at Brownell & SUnard's The trial of S P Beardsley for ir.urdervill cein at Salem to morrow. If yoa want a good silver steel scythe,finest la the market, go to Stewart ci Sox a. New York and Pennsylvania propose to send aid to Seattle. That is reciprocity, Mcllwain can give you the belt fitting suit you ever wore, at prices to suit each and every one. Money can't buy better oots and shoea than Mcllwsin is selling, becanso better goods are not manufactured, The Tariety of 25 cent hats are going at 10 percent, discount' at E & C Howard's, as well as their other millinery goods Some fine California cheese, a barrel of co'den drip syrup and some tine comb honey just received at brownel. a Stauaru a. Doc Conn has purchased tho building on Mr Fred itlumberg's Fitrt street lots and has begun moving it to a lot in the 1 hird Ward, Another shipment of rails for the street car line arrived to-day, enough to complete i.yon street, and work will be pushed hence lortn, ltev Dr Brown's address to-morrow even inu at the Oliera House will be free, and those who have heard him say it will be a rare treat. Our iewelrv men must look out as Math ews & Washburn hive the largest and finest line f Jewels lu the town. Ladies go and tee them, Go to Royce & Hibler's for your ioh print ing. They do any and all kinds of work in the publishing and job pribting line. Cjaick work and low prices. lo-day red raspberries and black rasp berries appear in abundance in the Albany market. Strawberries continue to come, but are weakeuiBg slightly. Freight from The Dalles here is only dollar a hundred, and our merchants are taking adyantage of the low rates and get ting in their heavy goods for the coining year. Ochoco mctne. ripA new Grance Hall waa dedicated at Sand Hinge on Saturday in the pretence of a large erowd. It was one ot tne uvest events the history of the P. of II. State Lecturer Hayes and others delivered addresses. The lecture by Col L F Copeland, at th M E Church last evening, waa heartily ap predated by those present. One sad feat of the affair was the small audience present, ?ialem orafema. Alonzo Swartz defends himself for patting catfish in the Padding river. All right Swartzy, old boy. v nat 1 your opinion 01 neighbor of yours on Pudding river, who weuld raise a tine orop of thistles ? Would you be interested ? Atttorian. Tommy Jones has secured the terticeaof Mr W BGilsoD, who it a first-clast barber and they are now prepared to meet all their customers with promptness and dispatch, rirst-eiass work guaranteed at reaaooaDl prices Shaving, 15 centa , hair cotting, 2.) cents ; hatha, 2o cents, or 5 t-.cketa for $1 A prominent real estate dealer,of Portland is authority far the statement that an averrge of twelve passenger eoachea containing iiOO people cross the California line into Oregon on the O & C R It daily, and most of them get off at points along the Southern part of tne otate tne remainder coming to fore land. Our Hue of choice teat and coffees is un equaled in town. Brown ell ti Stanard. lintel Arrivals, Hlee plriire Dr. Flint's Remedy ia th tt remedy known for insomnia, or sleeplessness, which afflicts ao many porsoas.aul which loads to ao many serious nervous disease particularly to Insanity Descriptive trealian with men bottle; oi,ad.lron Mack Drug Co., N. Y, The Uilies Delighted. The pleasant eflcot and the perfect saf ety with which ladies may use the I quid fruit laxative. Syrup of Fl.m, undrr nil conditions, make It their fvjrlte remedy, It la pleasing to the eye and to the laste, gentle, yetelfacttial in acting on the kid neys, ilver and bowels, Revere House. A S Kohn, N Volf, G R Reed, W Wilson, E S Hendricks, Santa Barbara; L Larson, Portland; I L Smith, U SSnagboat; C I) Bowles: W II Watkins, II Lang, Then Bernhelm, Meyer Abraham, Portland; J B Hope, Lebanon; A U Smith and wile, Kansas Citv; A R Mattoon, Eugene; J II McKnlglit, N Y; J niaaer, urcgon i-uy; w w Aoams, nriisey Dr Courtney nnd wife, Lebanon; M A Gllley, Pittsburg, Pa; Jno Herrington, 8: Paul; J Meyers. St Charles. W W Pnrrish.Sodaville C Ingalls, H Blom, G A Thomas.S K ; M E Wiley, Junction ; I W Mulnsburch. G I'iwsovlnor.Z FTownsend.H G SahU:rone. L M Marlow, Portland ; C E Meyr, W B Ui.-v, Chicago ; w llclberc, Ueadwood, Da t ; C Goodman and wife.J Goodman. L E G.Tivand family, G Henderson and wife. I city ; K J Bacheldor, Ellsworth, Kan ; M I. Biirlinginc.llarrit ; IJ C Hanson,! argo, Oak ; il 1 Holman, F E Holmnn, Salem ; T Sims, T J Joedou,Mill City. Russ ll'oisR. C Morris, Sweet Home : J Joherle. Chicago : L A Phillips and wife. Slater, Mo ; C W Phillips, Nevada ; J L Sims, Po.-tland ; ( Dcsher, Portland ; J E Sorbin ; S II Gwyer, Salem ;J A Cannon ; F M Orcgan "; ( Lewis, Seattle ; P Madden, city ; .Mrs I!duvc, city ; .) H James ; I. 0 Buck ; C 'll Brown ; T "Nichols, Portland ; ES Hlndecks, Santa Barbara ; W C Crawford, Corvallis ; P Cosgrove, Newoit ; V E Dodge ; I F Baker, Portland ; C Hart, citv ; ",S A Sanford, city ; 1) II Ja.Ties, city ; O C McLagan, Corvallis ; C Paige. "Oakland, Cal ; E T Wilson and ladv, Iowa ; A Whitcfield, S K. Hamilton Creek, June 7, iSSy. I wish to say a fe-v words in your excel lent county paper knowlngthat you always advocate truth and fairness. Some per son writing in the last Albany IltraUl in regard to the Waterloo bridge fays we have no road on the east side of the river at said bridge site, but they do not know ; they arc mistaken. I know who got up the petition, got the review and survey twenty years ago. It was viewed bv S Nickerson, R hecdle and Win Gore, Sr, all of Lebanon surveyor Avenu, ot lirownsvllle, com mencing on Beaver creek in ihe middle the road, leading down said creek to Scio and Lebanon, thence to Waterloo, namir; intermediate points, terminating on Ihe bank of the river at Waterloo. Said road was ordered opened by the court and was opened by (J Bond and J Wood, road sup ervisors of the two toad districts, all the way through in the limits of the statute, and has been traveled ever since more less. It is true it has been fenced up and gate put on the road. I do not think any obstructionists can kill a road, but are tol erated because they are our friends and neighbors, and we have no way to cross the river only to ford it and that is danger ous even In low water times. I am satis fied that many men do not see the want of a bridge at W'aterioo, but here are old set tlers, resident tax payers who have been agitating this bridge for fifteen years or more and it will certainly be of immense advantage to this neighborhood and to the citizens of the county, besides it is our vot ing place for Waterloo precinct, and fre quently at our June election the river is high and dangerous to cross in a little skiff. Waterloo precinct is about equally divided on both sides of the river with its voting population, and if we are not connected bv a bridgeourprecinctmustbedivided You can not expect men to vote at the risk of their lives and this would add additional experience to the county. These are plain tacts wnicn can not be contradicted and we think the county court has acted wise ly in assisting us to build up our ncighbor- uoou anu coun:v. we consider our inter- H. Ewers, practical watchmaker and 7 0ks ourea rheumatism, neuralgia toothache. Foshay & Mason Agents. est the interest of the county and even the g'.ate. 1 can not see now a road becomes dead with a part of it viewed, surveyed and reported favorable on and the supervisors ordered to open said road, and said road opened at the law provides, I am not a laayerbut I can not see why we hive not a roao leading to Waterloo; the coun ty expended a year or so ago $600 on the rock bridge across the Schield s swail, this last fall $300 on a bridge on Hamilton creek, all on this Waterloo road, Now is a part of the road dead? is the question. I nope not it any ot our neighbors arc not satisfied with the present location we will assist them to change the road so as to do as little harm as possible and give us a good road. Hamilton Crei kkr. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EX YOUR TICKET. The tickets for M the excursion to Yaquina Bay. Sun. day, Juiih Mthare being- sold yery rapid ly and as the number cf tickets to be gold are limited. Those who wis;1! to go should purchase their ticketa as soon as possible: This promisee to be one of the largest and best excursions of the season, quite a number of tickets have been sold already it Lebanon, Halsey, Shedd, Tangent and Corvallis. CITY TAXEV-Noltee ia hereby giver that the tax rollol theeitj of Albany. Oregon, for the year 1 V9. has been placed in my hands lor collection, and that I will be at tne Council Chambers of raid city to receivs and leeipt for the lust nharged in said roll, for the period of 30 days from date of tali notice. All taxes remaining unpaid at the expiration of thirty days thereafter will be relarned to the Common Council of the city of Albany as delingquent, and costs and expenses 'or oollecting each taxes be added thereto. Dated at Albany, Or,, this luit. day of June, 1859. John K. Hoffman, City Marshal. THE LEADER. STRAWBERRY PICKERS,-25 want ed. early to-morrow morning at- W II. Waruoi's. one mile north of Albany across the liver. Go tarly. rJIOR SA I.E. The undeislgned will sell ' a McCnrmiek twine binder cheap. Inquire at my place one mile south east of Albany. This is a bargain. F. O, Bl'RK HART. THE LEADER G, W. SMITH, --A.LE.3SI"ir- "Superior," "Argand," "Garland" STOVES AND RANGES. Fire Backs. Warran ted for 15 years, All sizes and styles, The World's best. More than hun dred 7 hun dred differ ent styles co ok s and heaters, Roofing, Job Work, Plumbing, Eave Trough. Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. HOPKINS & SALTMARSH -DEALERS IS- TjlDR RET. piano at only montn. Ull on u. L Ul a Blackman, -H.TOT lf ia herby given that sealed bids will be received by the Brownsville Woolen Manufacturing Company, until the hour f 1 o'clock, p. m. of Friday, the 14th day of June, I8S9, for tho erection and cnra plation of two story brick building 55x120 font, also a or.o story brick build ing 5RxS(l feel, on blrck US, In thi illy of Albany. Linn munly, Oregon acc-.r.ling to the plana and spclfloallon on file in the office of J K. Weaiherfoti!. Esq , in FllnnV block. Albany, Oregon, Rids will be rel wl fir the stone work, brick work, wood work, and corrugated roof ing, each separately, and also as a whole, the contractors to jo their own excavat ing. The riiiht to reioot anv or all bids is hereby res-rved, Bids should be ad (ressed to the undeislgned in cure of J. K. Weatherford, Albany, Oregon Dene hy order of the 'toard of Dlr ctors. J. P. Galaraitii, ' S9erctary, Albany, June oth. 166D. Owong Wa Gee Co. MRS. JIM WESTFALL, ui jtiflt opened, next rinor t. C. II. Spen cerfl, and elegant line of JAPANESE C00DS; of a Urge variety and many designs, superior line of teas. Abo a STOVES, TIN WARE. SHEET IRON, COPPER WARE, ETC., ETC. A'jmits for "On Time" Heal inn and cooking .Stoves. etc., promptly atteuded to. Job work, plumbing, CHEAPEST AND BEiT PLACE IN THE CITY. F. L. KENTON. DSALEB I3ST FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES Choice Candy, IVufs, Fruit, etc. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. NEA- ITHE POST OFFICE, ALBANY, OREGON I 1 1 ( . 1 . i i- : ! ' 1 i 1 ll